Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY ME ester wise fORKEsrOSH. EXTS SHEEP THE I1KI.I). A IYtspenma Workman Lodge Debat. Uf Society Dlsctissliiir Deep Sub jects General Sotes. Mouai.i a, Jan. 21. Mini, winter, ami no now a yet carpeting our part of old mother art h. Oar school Is preparing for an exhibition at its close, w hich will he in February. Molalla Ixxlge, No. 40 A. V. V., has moved into more comfortable quarters than the school house, and Is Using up to lire homelike. F. C. Terry of the drug store, has recently purchased a cash register, the first machine of the kind for the counting of shekels at Molalla. Mrs. Oswalt, mother of Jacob Oswalt of this place, who died near Oregon City last week, was buried at the Adams cemetery yesterday. Miss I'la Sawtelle, who has been tinder the doctor's cure for some lime, is still quite low with lung trouble. Mrs. Murphy, T. A. McFadden'a mother, of Idaho, who has been paying her son a visit, will take the train at Canby today for liome. She had not seen her son for seven teen years prior to this visit. Molalla literary society last Friday even ing debated the question, " Kesolved, That the people of the Vnited States one more gratitude to l.a Fayette than to ashing ton." O. W. Kohbins, tieo. Og'e and J. W. Thomas discussed the affirmative, and 0, V. Eby. H. A. Hovis and J aeon Harliss the j negative. The judges, Misses Bobbins and j Hungate and Mr. P. Encle, gave their de-1 cision in favor of the affirmative. Xext Fri-; day evening the society will debate the fol- j lowing question: " Kesolved, That social! democracy is a better lorm of government j thin a republic." ' The recent election for Vnited States sen-1 ator scores another point in favor of that! office being supplied by the direct vote of ; the people. We can now sav, " Oh, Lord ! ' as thou gavest Pennoyer a rest, wilt thou j graciously grease the bow of our yoke?" j It looks as though the " good roads" ques-1 tion bad come to stay until it can be mate- j rially realized. Indeed, it is time, when a load of hay mires out of sight without a j bubble under our " new system" of road I work. gram reflected great credit on -those Inter ested in arranging tt. The door receipts were satisfactory and w 111 he applied toward paying the last note on the organ. We no ticed at the entertainment the faces of W, J.l'urrin, W. II. Wade, K. Hates and oth ers from Currinsville, Adolph Miller, Fred Walker and others from Viola, and other parlies from Klwood and Ugan. In the afternoon of the P.MIi Hie grange held an open door meeting at which their officers were installed in a very Impressive manner by Mr. Miller from Portland, after which he gave a nice talk on the benellta ami workings of the order. James Ilayden, the mad boss, has made the necessary repairs on the Clear creek bridge. Mrs. Maggie Stout has returned home after teaching a term of three months in the George district. The school here is pro gressing nicely under the care of Professor llargreaves. Services are held at the church as follows: Treadling the first and third Sundays ol the month at .1 P. M. Sunday school at 2 P. M. Christian Endeavor the second and fourth Sunday at 3. P. M. ltKlI,AM NKWS. An Iftlcleut Mall Contractor-Money In Hog Halting Successful lieballng Club. EAU1.K CRKKK NKWS. Child Hunted to IVatli-Mterary Society Klects Officers anil Hat a Lively Meeting. K.u;i I Ckkck, Jan. i The little child of James Smith which was so badlv burned I lived only two days. The funeral was largely attended by sympathizing friends of the ! family. Grandpa Smith is now confined to his bed with bronchitis. We all hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Epperson, an aged farmer of Sandy Kidge, died on Saturday of heart failure. He leaves a large family to mourn his loss. The young folks of this burg, chaperoned by Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Stafford and Mrs. C.ith ens, met at Wilncru's hull one night last Kkiu.ani", Jan. 21. W. It. Mai loon, the contractor for carrying the mail between Oregon City and liedland, Logan and Viola, was in liedland last week looking after the mail route. Mr. Mat toon Is earnest and untiring In his ellorta to malulain efficient and faithful service on this route. 11. W, llibson closed a successful term of school at the Linn school house, district No. 21, last week. Monday he and his hrlde moved to their old home at Eagla Creek w here Mr. (iibson Is engaged lo teach, Our school, No. 7.1, under the afficleut management of Miss Helen Taylor, is pro gressing in a satisfactory manner. It will close in four weeks. Mr. Kritchevsky, who lost several hun dred dollars worth of clothing sometime ago, got out a search warrant last Monday, and accompanied by a deputy constable went lo search several houses. They did not succeed in finding any of the lost arti cles except a tine necktie. The man in whose possession it was found claimed he bought it of a young man who has since dis. anpeared. A tramp, with whom the latter had been associating, has also disappeared since the robbery. j KcV. (iillett and wife of Viola, were visit ing here last week Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Courlright spent sev eral days with friends in Sprlnirwater re-1 icently. i Win. Johnson recently sold a drove ol hit hogs to John llarrclt. Mr. Johnson Is well satisfied w ith his experiment In this line,! having doubled the money Invested in the pigs and feed. Half of I lie hogs acre penned ' up and fed two months and a hulf, the bal- ' ance one mouth. ! The literary society had a pleasant meet ing lust Saturday, and was more like the Week, anil indtlleetl In ilimriokr ami ,'mihIv making. The whola a.n.osihere ... mil ..7 ! n"rti,,w of H of eicel fun and tally. All went home sticky and SEW EKANKWS. A Xan Burned to Death Schools I'losed Katertainment to be Given. New Era, Jan. 20. A sad accident hap pened in the neighborhood about one-half mile east of New Era. resulting in the death of Fred Scheer. Mr. Scheer was ol German birth, aged about fifty-sit years. He was a soldier in tbe French and German war. Im mediately after the close of tbe war became to America, and lived in Nebraska previous to coming to Oregon two years ago, settling , near N'ew Era with his family consisting of wife, live sons and two daughters. Here j be commenced clearing and making a borne I in which to spend his declining years. He j was subject to fits, and while out burning I logs last Tuesday one of his spells came on t him, and he fell in the Are burning to death. Life was quite extinct when found although he had rolled about ten leet from the fire. He was buried last Wednesday in the Can by cemetery. Louise Bauman has been quite sick for the last few days, but last report says she L get ting better. Henry Rich ter is giving his tie' house a coat of fresh paint. The young folks of school district No. IS are preparing to give an entertainment at Brown's school house about theSlth of Feb ruary. Admission fees will be charged, the proceeds to go to the M. E. minister of this circuit. Charles Mattocks gave a party at tbe resi dence of his uncle, J. I.. Mattocks, last Fri day evening. A number of his friends were present and spent an enjoyable evening dancing, playing pedro and other games, until midnight, when refreshments were served. Miss Kit tie Olds closed a successful term of school at New Era last Friday. Mrs. Newbury and Miss Katie made a liv ing trip to Oregon City on Tuesday last. P. H. Naurtz, of Macksburg, was the guest of Peter Engle a few days last week. We approve of Mr. Andrews's way of auaking wagon roads tor Clackamas county. Dr. J. Casto Las a horse sick with the ataggers. happy. Bert Station! made a Hy ing trip to Lents ! ami tireshani on Friday and returned home j Saturday covered with mud. The Mads are I bad but Pert "gets there all the same," I having made the trip five times since Christ- j mas with l'"C. Smith s pair of fly ers. ; The literary society of this place held a ! meeting last Saturday night. The follow- j ing officers were elected: (i. W. Jndd. pres- j ident; John liracketl, vice president; Chas. j I liallou, secretary; llert Station!, assistant I I secretary ; l . A. Simpson, treasurer; Noah Stingley, sergeant at arms. The question ; was, Kesolved, That water is a more power An fol element than lire The u,lr u,.r Noah Stingley on the affirmative and Chas. Ballou on the negative. After a lively talk the judges decided in favor of the affirma tive. The question for the next debate is, Kesolved, That pride causes more unhappi ness than poverty. Kemernber, we hold meetings every Saturday night. Mr. Wilbern is kept busy measuring su gar, and weighing calves, etc., as his clerk, G.A.Weber, is off on a trip up the valley. Speculation is rife as to the object of his trip, some even darkly hinting at the possi bility of his returning with a bride. Miss .Maud Jaques is home on a visit. C. E. Foster came home on a visit to his many frijnds in this burg on Saturday. Job Loth. lence and attendance than any previous one this winter. The program consisted of n well rendered dialogue, plealng songs by several little girls and many good recita tions. The debate was decided in favor ol the affirmative, W. I. Ilerky leader. The question debated was, " Kesolved, That a good wagon road is of more benefit lo a county than a railroad. " The next siihje.t for debate is the old ot.e: " l!e- solved, That more can he learned by travel than by studv and meditation," with juve nile leaders, Claude Stone affirmative, and Hiram Johnson negative. Kach hid has a j half dozen colleagues composed of the older ! debaters, us well as ladies and hoys. .Mr. olney, of Portland, is visiting at W. J. Johnson's. Prof. I. F. Warner, of Currinsville, anil I'.ev. J. lieiiard Huist, of Portland, passed through this city on Tuesday. There w ill tie a free lecture on the Civil War at the hull on Friday evening, Febru ary 1, by Kev. lir. G. W. Gue, of Portland. An oyster supper w ill be served after the lecture. Tickets for supper, adults 2.1 cents, children 10 cents. Every body invited. The quarterly meeting of the M. E. con ference will be held at Ml. Zion on Satur day, February 2, ut 2 o'clock, P. M.. by Key. G. W. fine. Preaching at 7 P. M. l-ove feast at lo A. M. Sunday, also preaching at 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Ki htic. Bargainsl BargainsI Odds and Endsl Wo have finished stock taking and find we have a number of ODDS & ENDS In various departments and for the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell them Regardless of Cost. We have a large stock of Hoods ordered for the Spring and Summer trade and need all the available space. Call in and secure a genuine CASH bargain. Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. IlAlSKillOIiST & COMPANY, Ml Front Street. I HARDWARE I IWIuml, Oregon, Peiter- - IMamoud. Nnrtliwrilcril AKctlls fur ATKI1VS SATTCTS l.iir Ocr'drul Timlcliintli . Pester l-mier HI', cr steel 4S 1 I UVtft. mod ANOTtlFK COKKFsroMlKNr. Btuinyaide Sayings. 8CSNY8IDE, Jan. 15. (Too late for last week) The late sleet did some damage to trees, but not as much, as has been reported in other places. Tlie wind of Saturday night blew down many fences but no other - damage has been reported. Tbe health of this community is very good, tbe only sick ones being Mr. Becker, who has been ill since Thanksgiving, and Mrs. Foss, who is still suffering greatly from can cer, although her physician gives her hope of recovery. The young people of Sniwlyside enjoyed themselves on last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, it being the loth birthday of their son Perry. The hours were pleasantly passed in dancing and sing ing, and at midnight all heartily enjoyed an .- oyster supper. Another enjoyable affair was on New Years eve, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deardorff celebrating, witb the help of their many friends ami relatives, tbeir tin wedding. A good supper was enjoyed, followed by dtuic - ing. Tbe shining tinware which was pre sented to the happy pair made quite a dia- play, and all wished them many more happy .anniversaries of the day. IlHrmnny Notes. Hakmi'Ny. Jan. P.-About twelve inches of snow fell here on the 2d inst. with a j heavy north east wind. In the evening it j began raining ntul the rain froze to every ; thing so that the trees were loaded with ire. j Where the wind blew on the following day the fruit tries were damaged cnnidera I bly by the limbs breaking. Tfie snow was about gone by the following Sunday. I About 1 :.To o'clock last Sunday morning a heavy south wind broke over us, blowing down a few trees and alarming a few of our residents sufficiently to cause them to arise until the w ind bail abated. Your corres pondent, however, only covered up a little warmer and was soon asleep again. i.ast naiuriiay nignt some one made a midnight trip through Harmony, visiting a few of the barns in fox-like fashion and car rying off such articles as were handy. John Wise lost an entire set of double harness. He followed the track of the thieves quite a distance Sunday, but lost it in Multnomah county where the road bad been traveled during the morning. The Evangelical Association purchased the church here of Mr. Dannals last Thurs day for $.VjO. Key. P. Hitner, of tbe Evangelical Asso ciation, preached at the church Thursday evening. Vera, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wise, has been quite sick during tbe past week. It would probably be a good law if tbe present legislature would provide so that a county superintendent of roads could be elected by the people. However, it is possi ble to have a new slate constitution anil the initiative and referendum method of mak ing and repealing laws, and this may put an entirely dillerent aspect on the whole mut ter. A slight snow fell here Wednesday and again last night. Tbe electric saw, with James lieid's en gine behind it, is now at work on Mr. Freid entliaw's land. We notice a mistake in our last commu nication. The name " Martha Korme" should have been Matilda Kanne. A school meeting has been called lo lew a tax for school expenses for the ensuing Crescent Wedges (warranted.) 15 Si S Proof Chains. Arcade Files Loggers ami Wood Choppers specialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... Rope. Crescent Meo WILSON A COOK NEEDY NOTES. Klaas fur the School limine Pleasant Hoclal Uallirriiif-i hurrh hervlres to be Held. bad been treed by dogs, feel four luces In length. J. T. Mcnt re lost a ki by its getting entangled It measured sit rk horse recently In the baiter rn IIkI'I.anu, Jan. Thanks to the Estkii ' im:i-k the rmid question has at last stiirted out In a way whereby the problem will he : solved in a few years if people will just give ! this plan a trial before they begin to kli k it will make it ea-ier for both court and engi ' Iieer. Mr. H. Colin had quite a rough time git- ; ting to tow n lat week with a load of apples on account of high water. When be gut to the brick y aril at the corner of the Aher I nethy mad tbe water was in his wagon hot, j the horses got in amongst some drift woimI and he bad considerable trouble to get through. Notices are out announcing a special school meeting lor Jan. :'S fur the purpose of voting a tax to pay the indebtedness of the dislrict. Miss Minnie Evans gave a birthday party to some of her young ludy friends on the 2-'d. They report a very enjoyable time. I am glint to report a little Improvement in the condition of T. E. Hprague, who has been quite ill. His brother, Alfred, is still very low. Nrrnv, Jan. 'JTI.-The Liberty Council No. 14 held their regular meeting last Sat urday evening as usual and transacted the usual amount of business. The part given to the public as a matter of Interest was a j resolution passed requesting that a new flag ! Powe1 be. placed on the Needy school hnn-e mid ! are mote or b-.s alb i led w II h stag- one on the No. !U school houe. The coin- j Kers in tin ighborl I. Mr. (' Italy has inlttee (or carrying out the request for the I1"' ""e, and Mr. Moore, and Mr. Lawrence Needy district were Jas. Ogle, S. W. Hard- j ''avc one sick. esty and K. Harde-tv : lor ilistrict No. !d. (i. A .Mr. Hull an I Mr. Trll.e ni have been and thrown In (be incht with Its he doubled nmler. Alfreil L- nobis an I n friend were up for a short visit to .Mr. Welch s at I'pperSal- l liey went hm k lo their home In s Valley today. 1 1 fTJT-H ir-ui I la i X. I ! 1 SJS Rpripgwater Spray. Spribowatkb, Jan. 22. The temperance entertainment, entitled "The Last Loaf,' given niider the auspices of the grange at this place on the evening of tbe 18th inst., was a success in every respect. The pro gram was neat and clean, and did not seem Jacking in any reapect to please and enter tain the large crowd which was present. Tbe Jiiusic was first-class and the general pro- i like it may be occupied ere long, year. Stafford Notes. Stafford, Jan. 22.-Mias Mry Weissen born has returned home alter spending a pleasant month in Washington county, Geo. Baum has quite a rush of orders for both rough and dressed lumber. Some young men are patting in bills for bouse materials looks suspicious, eh? Ham Moses and Minnie Bcbroeder went to galem to spend a few days. Three of Philip Uaker's children are very ill. The book-keeping school under the man agement of Prof. A. M. Holton is progress ing finely and many new scholars were en rolled Monday. The parsonage has been cleaned up and the surroundings put in ship-xhape. Looks Logan Locals. Loo an, Jan. 20. Hon. James Tracey bad pork butchering on an extensive scale last Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Wilson was thrown from her horse again this week. A mud bath was the only injury. Wednesday was a day to be remembered. The principal event was the marriage at tbe home of the bride's parents of Miss Josle Smith and Mr. Clement Clark. Tbe young couple went immediately to their own borne and were given to a free concert lie fore midnight, consisting principally of bo vine bells and a vocal accompaniment. A protracted meeting has been In iiroL'ress at the Logan church over a week. Last Wednesday nighta strangergave a deserved rebuke to users of tbe filthy weed. Kvcry man has a right to bis own opinion. Home seem to be of the opinion that they huve a right to defile churches and other public places as well as tbeir own homes and the temple of the soul with any degrading and filthy habit. Thursday evening there was a masculine meeting; the members were "locoed" when they left. rrlilay evening there was an entertain ment at Hpringwater which engaged the at tention of only a few I,oganltes on account of stronger attractions nearer home. Saturday night 1jgun provided entertain merit for all classes. There was the regular meeting of the A. P. A., tbe gathering of neckties at Sbumway'a dance, and revival services of Itev. Teal and Kev. Hale. We omitted to mention in our last letter that the debating society did not bold lis regular meeting last Saturday on accountof inclement weather. They expect to carry out the postponed program next Saturday. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Casper More is quite sick. Horn, to the wife of N. W, Baker a daugh ter, weight nine pounds. Peahl. Kinz'T and F. J. Kaiilliuau. Mrs. Jumes Ogle entertained her friends last Tueoilay tbe loth by giving a social party, (lames were the principal amuse ments ofthe evening. After a nice lunch all left for tbeir homes declaring the party the red letterevenl ol the season. Among those present were Misses Mertin Thomi son, Nannie Haley, F.mtna llemz, lllanche Karstetter and Knith Hardest)', Messrs. K Hardesty, H. Wolfer, F. OslerhollTt, (i Heinz and Wm. Htuwe. I tie improvement iicing miule tiy our honorable county clerk, (ien. F. llorton, Is worthy ol note. He has had three hands working all winter clearing his tract of hind near this place. We understand he intends to make Needy his future home. His many friends will welcome his return. Services will be held by Itev. Gardner at the Hock Creek M. E. church at .1 o'clock P. M. Sunday tbe 27lh. He is a very enter taining and eloquent pulpit orator, and ca pable of doing much good. There will tie services also at the Smyrna Congregational church at 11 A. M. Sunday, by Kev. Hughes. Canby News. Caniiv, Jan. 2.'!. Tbo dance given by the Canby dancing club on January 11th in Knight s ball was well attended. Over fifty numbers were sidd. The supper was given by the City Hotel. The club will give an other dance February 1 1th in the same hall. The I. 0. 0. T. will give an entertainment in Knight's hall on February 22d. The A. 0. I'. W. will meet hi Knight's hall on Saturday evening, January 2iith, All the meinliers are requested to lie pres ent. Sol Garrison is getting out a large lot of hoops for a llrm in Los Angeles, California. F. A. and A. A. Rosenkrans returned yes terday from a trip to the Nchalem valley where they have been for a week on busi ness. Kev. I'. II, Williams, of Philomath, will conduct a series of religions meetings in the M. E. church, or in Knight' hall, commenc ing Monday evening, February 4th, Peter Susbauer, our postmaster, took a Hying trip to Washington county, returning yesterday. Geo. Lleser had charge of the ofllce In Susbauer'a absence. Mr. Evans is fixing up a room above his hall to be occupied by the city council. out here looking for uow-riiiucnl laud with a (lew to settling in Mils ncighlxirl I. I'lO'l.KI Ladies, do ymi know lr. Mury II. Stanton's Feinalini-, tin Famous Female SM-cilic, will ruin nil those actios and paina peculiar to you, ami will cost you only 1 1 (or one lunntli'streatiiii'iit? I will aenil any linly a trial Imx, Iron, who will send in the names ami addrcHHi-H of ten ladies w ho tire in delicate health. Agen's wanted every where. Write for full par ticular tu Mra. I,. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, l'elrna, Ore gon. Ntrajred or Stolen, From Oregon City, about November 10, a light aorrel horae, aged six years, weight about KoO to IKK) poiiihIh, hikI rather slim built. Ilranded on left hip with letter " P." One while Mm! foot. When ridden will single-foot or rack in gait. A liheral reward given for inform ution a to hia whereabouts. Noiii.irr & Co. It la i"Ul on a jrusmnteo by all drot--irlst. It euros Incipient, Conaumptkia udiatho bcit Cough and Croup Cur. I or . lie by I i A Harding, druggist. "FOTOGRAFER" Cloiiily weather preferred for luiiim Artistic Work ' Salmon Tips. Hai.mok, Jan, 19. The old anow was about gone, but new snow has fallen to the depth of about four inches at this place. IJorn, to the wife of 1, T. Weckert, a son. All doing well. E. Kaiser killed a panther a few hundred yards from bit house last Wednesday. It lint klen's A mien Salve. The beat salve in tho world for Cuts. IlrulHea, Sores, L'lcera, Halt Kheiitn, Fever Korea, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corna, anil all Skin Erup tions, ami positively cures Pile or no pay required. It is gtiuiiinteeil to give perfect sat infliction or money refunded. For huIu by Chaiman A Co., Chariiian Itroa iiiock. Hard llinea Prices. H. F. Scripture has reduced the price of borne Hhoeing to $ 1 .50 per linran until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many veara exierienco iiiHiirea firat-claNR work. For Sule or Trade. For improved Oregon City properly, 01,,' acres 2 miles east of New Era, 6,'-g miles south of Oregon City. For tmrtic ulurM ami price inquire of or address, J. M. Findlky, New Eru, Oregon. The quality of blood denemla much upon good or bad digestion and assimila tion : to make the blood rich in lifo ami strength giving conatituenta. tian Dr. J. ". Mclz-an'R Strenirtlieninir Cnrdinl and Wood Purifier: it will nourish the nron- erties of the blood from which the ele ments of yitalitj are drawn. For Bulo by CO. Huntley, druggist. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder worm fair Mlghsst AUdal and Dlpli MorrlMDH, O.r. oil,, I orllntiil, Or. pAKMISKS . . . Vour team will lnivctlio liont of cure ami Full Measure of Feed At 11m City Stnblen. Kldd & Williams. Pronn.. av ' - - . . , r"-v-...r-j.. w, H Cooke I.ivory ItifH on Slmrt Notion. Tlie Independent. NEW YORK. A KcIIkIoiin l.llerur) iiii.I ltantI j .H-Wkiier. flliileiiomlnatloiiiil, iiiiMsscd mid Imimrllnl A paper fur eleriiymeii, scholars, tend,,,' business i i ami fnmlUc. ,11. ' ciishi s every tuple nf the, lay-re-IIkIoiin, theoloKleal. political, lltf-rnt y , n, 1, artint K) nnl scientific li., ennirlle ute.l srllcles are hy the most eminent writers of the, K 11 k 1 1 s li Uniiuaifo. It employ speelall.i, ,.tlni,,h,r ::,;:;1rr,r;"t"r" "' ,u 1 "'- Literature, Helnnco, Miule Kins Arts, Hiinltsry, Missions, Hellpdons liitclll.Tuce. Illl. Ileal llesearrli, Hcbool ami Culiexe, i'erNoiialii, Charities, Kdltorlal, News of the week, HuiMbiy-sli'hool, Minister) Register, Financial, lusiirsiien. Old anil yoiiiut, I'ebhle, Krin mill Uarduu. Odd Knots. u,C5!I,,,?,hV': !'" doe- whonwiUnd think fr themselves women Flnalicrutt paper for Hunilay-Helil Works, those who hve a K.rm, harden or House Plarita A ppcr for the family, ol, n.l you,'1(f Its yearly subscription Is :i.ot), or at that rm for any part of a year. 1 m Clubs of Ave, Z00,etch. apecliueut Copies Kree.