Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 11, 1895, Image 7

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If lnvn i n ii lil ruin Urn universal,
lluw rliiihui il would nil Ihliiua lw
lln would remove In luhuuaun turn
All lmr In IiIh ilrrrtiti,
Nh miik I'uulil ever Intervene
sliiy h ITfiMliiii fours.
Twotilil Ihiw Ha Iliad wllli lowly Ililrn
llcfurti III m'til 1 fores.
Tim rnrth would lm so bright.
The raillaitl mill
Would hnl tin warmth and I l(lit
Cor every una.
A kliitf inlulil I lion iirHimiit wed,
An fuiiirrt Invn her paife,
A simllisirnsa Willi a prllli'ima lirtsl
Mlnlil III row Imr winsome ifntf.
Hwnet wiiiiliiirnl would mix the earth,
Willi hniinar IiIkIi unfurled,
Ami liiilllrw ho lliiirti ilrartli.
Could lorn but ruin tin world.
How happy all would U,
An Kdi'ii vale
Aiialu the earth would sea,
I ould love prevail,
Komi (Jnullrr In Hume and Country,
I'MU'VI l.'V'U 111 I n
TImtii nro a IW J'lilluiliil)ilruia )It
liiK wlin "till ri iiii'iiilwr tint "Ktiiirlm ii
Clilmni'V", " 5 iiiitml city liuiilimirlt tint
liiK lutt'k to tliii Revolution. T)i"7 with
riK'uHiil.iil In tliu iilcl dlns'turluM thus:
"Hum. Muy, oyslorinitii, No. A Kntirtoj'ii
Chimin')'." Thi'jr Missl nn tlm wml
lilu nf Fifth Htrni't, nlxivit HiM'n, Mini ex
ti'iidi'il from tlm muithwiwt corner (if
Mulls.rry iilloy south to tlio iirosvut No.
221, How nn Ink furtnry. In flirt, tlm
liiirk Jiiii t tif this i stiilillsliini'iit in tlm
(inly juirlli ii i.f I ho ImilillnK lift, itinl
tills) Wns ii I i if tlm I'.llrlH iiiiiiinIiiii,
iH'lniiKiiiK ton curious fiunlly who owned
tniii'h ii( Ilin html llicrciilsuita nnil notisl
fur mvi'iitrirlliin In dress nnil ipHIiIiiIih.
Thorn Worn III llll citfllt III Kim, Blltl they
liml Ui ii Imilt to lit Ilin I'litiniicvs, u
tin n iiti iiinrli higher I hull Ilin 'wo
Ktory ihvi'llliiKx. 'I'll"'"" hIimkI lnn k from
tint atrii t nnil hml unletis in frmit from
which tlm iii'i'lilHirN went sut)iliii wit Ii
Thn u inripiil industry lure la curly
times) inul liiivn Imi ii luili lii'riiiK. "
liiyi rn of Ihuiom, initio hum unit Ih-ihIk
mo tnrni'il up when tlm stris'l linn h ii
iiM iiril. Iii 1 h I s i. nn of t lm moot re
siss'lid ri'Mili n In if tliu "Kotirtii'ii
Cliliini' vn" wan n Mi fa Hachi'l llarriui,
A driKllt tiMiliitto Who llll'l Isa'ii left ti
h in it 1 1 fiirliiiin hv ii iiii'IiiImt nf tliu Hid
din family, whose sirvunt slw hail Wen
for SO veins.
Mini llarrnii wiw wry cliiiritulihi iitnl
iliil intu it k"1 in niiliiiK th" MHir, who
wi rn plrtity i imnh in Ilin iiniiiKiiiim
courts nud nlh .VHiif thill vlrimty, nml
ilia in Ihla connection thitt imr nti TV
In 1 Hi ill ii man limned ltirlmrd Vnnt)
Townley vim liviiii In I'lillaili'lphlx
lln wait nn Knulihliiiuiii, hiimlMiiiio in
npM iiraiii'i', with siishod luaniiora nml
plum-inn inlilrrM. lln Ii id 1 ninny friends,
an it wiia ri puli'd that lm cninii from nn
fin Unit family nt holm', lint Iheri' wan
a iiiyxl ry iiIhuii hid ini'iiim of living.
Ho nlwaya hail ph nty of money, dreM'il
nml liveil exa'iihively, no it wna aup
pined Hint he hn 'I mi income from prop
erty in laixlaml, luit nil till" wu iUhhI
pitted hv the n purt that he hint In-en
)ji I in-1 i.il in n iliiel nt Saruti);aSpriiiKa;
that (lie iilh km eatiMi wan it ipntiTel nt
the caul lahle, ami thai the iiuirleiitiK,
Hlately lai'lisliman was in cITh I it pro
feahiiimtl amlilrr.
When ihia w.tH Liiiiwn, it nlTectcd
Mr. Tiiwnlry 'h pn-itimi in Kneiety ml
verwly, luit ennl playing wan ii ree'i'
ln.i"l iiiiIii-i i v in tie times ami earrii il
no pupnlai' iHiiiini w ith it, nml that K'""
tleman hlill M eineil to priaper.
When he (nine to riiiluilelphiii, his
oompnniiiii wiim it Imy uliuiit 15, who
wiih his only ehihl, the mother lieiiiK'
(leail. .Tames was it ilelieiile lad, luit
Kent In, nml lie was put in n private
HehiNil nml iiiui'l) likeil hy his aswiclates,
hut his f4il hi t', itiinilful of tliu Tieissi
tiuhs nf his priifeMtiun, In mini Jr.iiu s to
1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Juiies, nt the Hottthenst eoint r
of Seeoiul nml Cheslmit Htreeta, In leurn
eiiKraviiiK', nml this hu iliil, la'cuiniiiK a
K'hhI workman. His father, however,
supplied him willi tis) miioli niniiey,
nnd ho eeitseil to work, lHx-umu uimteitdy
nml dually dissipated. When left with
out resources hy the deitth of the elder
Townley, hti wiih forix'd to K tn Work
nt his trade.
Hichard Townley left liothiiiK to IiIk
(on, hut before living ho conilded to u
well known mem her of tho old luir cer
tain piipem mid told thut Kcntlenum tho
Htory of his witsted lif.
In the latter part of thn eighteenth
coiitury Apley l'ui k, in tiliropshire, now
olio of the nIiow jilueeH of KiikIiiihI, wiui
owned hy Sir Kdiiiund Foster. It hud
oneu heloliKed to tho Lucys of Chai'li
Cotn nnd cmiie to the Postern hy tiiar
rinxa Hir Kdiitttnd had two sisters.
One married it Devonshire roetor limned
Childs, thn ol In r Philip Muley Town
ley of Hhrewsliiiiy. Hoth Mr. mid MrH.
Tow nley (lied curly, leaving nn only son
Hichard Vitmi Townley.
Hicliard was adopted hy Ii is hacholor
nncle, Sir Kdiiiiiml, mid witx sum to
enter on mi inheritance nf i'l 2,1)1111 per
annum, hut he was wild nnd reckless
mid wiih Kent itwiiy nun Oxford in dis
Krueo, nml for n time forbidden to ap
pear ut Apley I'ark. Kir Kdmiiiiil was l
KettiliR qinle iiifii iu mid much ivintroll
cd Uild ililliieneed hy his housektHiper,
Mm. Ditrhy, who hud Unu in thn fam
ily from H'l'lhuod. .She. interceded for
Hichard, mid he was lliinlly restored to
favor nml ciinie hack to thn )mrk, only
to Kt into it fresh Hornpo. Mrs. Dnrhy
hud n nieiMt Mlayinn with her, a very
beautiful and good Rii'li nd with her
Kii'hard fell madly in love, mid failing
to gt her on less honorable tenim per
suaded her to elope mid get married.
Thn mint hud been nwny on a visit
mid returned to find her niooe ko.
HtiHpeotino; the worst, she nt ouoo in
formed Sir Edmund of Ilin uophow'g
now dtdiiuiueiicy and hud him wind for
hit) lawyer. A new will was made nml
no mention therein of Hichard Townley.
Shortly ufterward Mrs. Darby learned i
tho truth mid found that site had sue-
needed in disinheriting her son-in-law,
but was tiK) shrewd to let tho muster
know tliu real facts, ns hu won intense
ly proud uud would regard the migalli- i
mice lis more HaKltlotiH than tho ntip
poscil Hcdiicllim,
Mr. Moropii of Slirewsluiry wim the
family solicitor, mi upright "dloiuun,
who hint known 'I'ownlcy'a father, mid
lie persuaded the harouet lo make his
will us follows: .Mrs. Childs, his niece,
had the property for life; then her chil
dren by sonority inherited, mid then
helm mule, mid falling them or issue
thn Hon of Hichard Townley to inherit
In fee. As thorn were nine of tho Child
children, James Townloy'a nlimioo of
KainliiK the Inheritance his father had
forfeited Noeuiod very remote.
Hlr Edmund died, leaving n lurK
sToiial esluln lu addition to Apley
I'ark, nod tint Child entered Into poa
H'ssloll. Jami B Townley hud no form of char
acter mid wits, moreover, Improvident
nml careless, nnd hu ndded to hi re
ijioiislbilltle by miirryiiiK a very iretty
youiiK Woiuaii, mimed Cray, who wax a
neiuiiHtriwH In one of those one atorled
hop on EIkIiOi atrisit, below Hansom.
Knell did their heat to iniikn a HviiiK,
but tlm husband ' health fuihtd, nml
then jHiverty eiimii. Mm. Townley wim
delirittn nnd could do little to support
thn houaeliold, now increased by thn
birth of n niekly Isiy.
Haehel ltarron had known thn elder
Townley nnd nursed hi son when ill
with a fever, nnd she cninu forward,
tiMik thn stricken family to her own
homo nt the "Fourteen Chimney" mid
cured fur them. The husband wim then
living from ipib k eoiisiiniptiun mid the
wife failing in health, uud both Were in
j elfis't paiis r.
I lu tlio month of March, IK','7, n small.
Ihin man, evidently Eiik'lih nnd bs.k
I IliK Very much like it ferret, came to ace
I James Townley. lie wit, be said, n
I friend of hi father' and hud but re-
contly beard of the son's iifllleliiui. He
Hulked syiii)mllietieHlly, left several dol
I htm and promised to call itk'aiii, and
thin he did several times, ulwny RivliiK
I Mnt. Townley money,
Hachi I w atched him closely mid Is--;ciiiue
very distrustful. Mrs. Town ley
had told In r sonicihiiiKof her husband
history, mid after many Injunction to
do nollilllK llHtil she rettirmsl Iheri wi
, lute Haehel paid n visit to the lain Hicli
i ard Met "iill.
He heard her story Indifferently, but
ndvlscd that Mr. Townley shoiihl siun
no iaT without loltinc him know of
it. The woman hurried home, and en-
: Ii riliK the house heard some one talk
iliK up stairs. She went ut once In I lie
Townley' risun uud ps d in. Two
mill Were ut Ihe bed-ide. James, prop
ped up by pillows, hud Is'foro him on it
. piece of board a p:iper, mid hi w ife had
Just placed it pen in hi feeble hand.
(Ill the table wa it pile of notes and
i With a rush the mulatto Krublssl thn
'pnper, alinoxt upsetting Ixith men, who
I turned on her fleicely.
I "Il citreftil what you're doinit, worn
1 nn. That is a leal dis'iimciit that Mr.
Townley hit n-eeivod moiiey toexivute,
I and I'll hold you rcxuisibln for ditni-
"All rik'ht! 'i'his ycr is my house.
! You et out mid take ycr money with
: you. We ain't siuniiiK niiythiiiK tislity. "
And the men were resolutely hustled
down stairs, lu an hour after Mr. Mc-
Cull nnd hi clerk came walking in mid
i heard the story.
1 "Let inn see the pu-r. Ah, yes, a
ihri'wd iwhi ine to p't Townley to eoti-
i vey hi rijht to a miiKiiitlcenl estate for
f 'J'iO. We are jn-t in time, it seems. "
I Tow nley was almost unconscious, but
! he lived linj ciioiikIi to know that he
wa the owner of Apley I'ark. This
freak of fortune eaiue nlsiut in this
Mr. Childs' husband died la fore thn
I baronet, mid she wa the head of the
family. Shortly nfter coming to Apley
j I'ark the eldest son broke his neck in
I the hunting Held and was brought home
j dead. Hi elder sister was in (fcrmuny,
nud her mother received it letter telling
i of her sudden illness, mid with several
i children, tt maid and n man attendant
! Martod nt once to crofw thn channel,
, pouted throuKti Franen nud got snftdy to
; Uerinaiiy, and with two cnrriii,'e wiih
driving along tlm lihine.when the bunk
1 gnvu way nud nil were precipitated into
the river, and tlio maid mid postilion
nloun escaped. Tliu thn Child family
wan extinguished.
Tho nttorney for tho hnir lout no time
in onniinuuicnting with Mr. McCall, ap
prising him that one of their clerks
hail sailed for America, nnd thnt hi er
rand w it to make some arrangement for
hid own benefit with tho new heir nnd
to warn that gentleman nt once.
Thmiks to Haehel Darren, no warn
ing wiih needed. James Townley died
two months nfter hearing of his giKxl
fortune, nnd bin wife, attended hy Ha
ehel, started for England. Inside of
two yearn both the widow nnd sou died.
Haehel married B Very res)Hsitable white
man in tho iioiglihorluxxl, moved to
Brighton nnd kept a hotel there, much
frequented by Hhropshiro people. Her
proM'ity hero wiih hsiked after hy Hich
ard Vanx, who was also n patron of her
hotel ut lli ighton. Shu died in lHoo,
quite wealthy.
Thn Foster family again citmn into
ownership of Apley Purk, and it is now
nun of tho most beautiful places in Eng
land. Philadelphia Times.
The Riiawaeiiiciit Wu Kecent,
lie I wonder if there Is another girl
iu the whole wide world so sweet as
my little sweetheart.
She What's thai? How dare you
think of another girl? I shan't speak to
you for a week. Indianapolis Journal.
Why It Is.
Maud (a talkative maiden ) Do men
require more sleep than women?
Ilarry (who has four Bisters) Of
course, since women talk the most, nieu
require the most rest Philadelphia
Every Time.
Don't fool with a wasp because you
think he looks weak aud tired. You
Will find out he's all right iu the cud.
Lowell Courier.
Itmn.AHii, Jan. ft.-'l'o tiik Kiiitoh: A
your eiihiiinii urn mill open lo il iscossioo on
tin- ever prenent ronil ipnislion, 1 ciinuot hut
ht'lp iJilp lu a word nr two, It I no'dlesa
to talk wliiitlii'r ti wml roml or not, for
lluil ipii'nlion la already ttlllnd. Hut how
tn gel It nnil of w hHt innlerlnl I tho iUe
linii. First, I would prnsisH thai the county
court iiipoiiil a coiupcti'iit Diigiiii-er and
Iiiihi nil roaila lomteil in the right place
wllli ri-gunl lo draliiitgi'miil grnib-s.
Hecomlly, lm vf tbla same engineer apKilut
lori'ineii lliut ar lit In Is- mieh for raeh dla
Irli t to aiiprrinteiid the work under order
ul miKini-rr. Knulneer lo make reisirta of
all work done by him.
I think by lining away wllli no many mi
ierviaor ami paying I hi- engiuerr the price
uf onii iiiperviaor will give ua ipille a Utile
more money for roiida.
Thirdly, I am not in faver of limply
scraping up the resits ami not doing any
thing else with llieni lik (he work (lone on
our road wln-re iliu lia were drawn that the
water mav run down Ihe ci-nler of the road
limleud of pulling In culvert.
I think the proper way would be to lint
clear out Ihe roods to their lull wldlli before
there la any grading dune whatever. Then
j ai In mnleriiil II w ill depend largely on com
; venleiicr ol gi'tllii); it. I would advise that
J on ull road li-aillnu Into town ut len-t for
one or two Inileaout lln-y lie iiiaciiduuil.ed, j
at least so fur a (here in heavy Irultlc. I
am ol Hie opinion that a plunk road should
' I' ilmcd wherever there la no gravel to lie
hud hiimly. I notice thai one ol your wril
riN guca li(iiie on inaadum ami lank
i rends. In in v (.i n i n it iii money thrown
jawny In making n plunk roiid mere limn
eiglit li ft wide which would cut this llgure
jilnwu in alum! $cki per inlle lor plank,
i while I Ihink to miike a gissl tiiHi adam
I road would Is' neiirh deiililc that unioiint.
1 A lo the llnaociiil part I think our gov
: eriiiueiit allogelher tK eitravagaut from
I Ihe highest lo Ihe lowest olhre, especially
I when it comes to salaries. These roinU are
In IsMielll Ihe Inruier mostly, hut if il is go
ing lo mite our real estate H-vssinciit I
Ihink we hud lu-lter lint Imilil roads, lor il
' In km atsiut all a mini inn nne at present
prices In clolhe aod leed hit f innly ui,d ,ay
j taxes. I ioli'iid lo uoike my home in Ore
gon, lint if we are lo have more taxes I
think it majority of Oregon farmers will
: have tn enngiiie lu fnre there is a special
levy made nr road work. I would like In
re a lediiciinii el sulury lor all of our nlli-
cits mi mi - 1 1 1 ii i looiing null I he fur r.
Ily Unu I ilnn'l loeiiu lloil ediiculmii sliiiuhl
he l aid (he Mime us ik'iiiiriiut laborer ure,
liul Hml a Mii cesslid Inruier bus learned as
, g'Mid a trade as a lamer, stiilesnuin, or any
oilier pcron Hull has edui aled himsell, and
bus paid as hiu a price lor it.
I llo'l;ig lint to encroach eu your pBstr, I
remain as ever yours lor good roads nml re
' Inriiis, hni'ia FfKK.
l KKOQ POM) niitw. ,
! (iraage OWcen Klected-(ireat Delsiten
! New Year Kesthllie. .
I Ktiixi I'omi, Jim. L' The Tualatin
linui.'e held their uiiiiiihI election lust
Sutunluv. KotloninK are the officer
elected for llieeiisnin' year: Muster, J.
I.. Cruse; Secretin', Fred Klligsen;
treanirer, T. I.. Turner; overseer, Osciir
; .I.trseii ; slow ard, Albert Turner; assist
nut stewurd, (). Ii, Slmrp: I.. A. S.,
IJiish Wiiirner; (i. K , F. 1!. Liirsen;
lecturer, Mrs Kiln Seedling; cluipliiin,
John K ruse; Flora, Snie Turner ; Ceres,
Mrs. Kate Hose; I'omotia, Mrs. A M.
! There is some talk of starting an A. P.
; A. s iciety heie.
' School is prnyiessini; smoothly with
j II A. Hull at the helm.
j The Fro". Pond literary society held its
regular iiiecliiiK last Saturday evening,
ami fiom the number of peoplein attend
' unco il w ould m em lo he a very popular
'thing. The program was excellent. Tlm
I young member especially distinguished
i themselves. The question for next nieet-
ing is, Hesolved, That w hisky has caused
1 more misery than war. The sinkers
I on the affirmative are, Clviio F.vana, B,
F. Hurstow, J. Ij. (luge, Miss 0. C. (itigo
nml T. L. Turner. On tho negative, John
Turner, Mrs. Ella Seedling, Minnie
Joehnke, .lame Caldwell and O. P.
Sharp. Next meeting will he held on
Saturday, January 12 Everybody in
vited. Prof. Homer A. Ki use, of Salem, is
visiting relatives and friends in this vi
cinity. j A dance was given at tho grange hull
Monday night, and a good time was hud
j hy all who participated until about :o0,
when all went home to get an early start
on the new ear.
Wllsonvllle Notei.
Wilsonville, Jan 7. The snow has
come and gone. We do not know how
soon it iiiny return however.
Owing to the heavy rain and melting
of the snow raising tho river so much,
the ferry hasn't been crossing any but
foot passengers for tho past week.
Ono ol our assistant ferrymen so Ihuno
Humor says, is going East to take unto
himself a "Ix-tter half." We think this
a decided slight for the Oregon girls.
Henry Mi ley hns a crew of, grubbers
clea'ing land for him. also Mr, Fanch
inann has let a job of grubbing and
Mr. Hose has sold his hop yard to Air.
Prown, who will run it hereafter.
August (tyhard recently purchased of
Mr. (leorge a forty acre tract of land in
Washington county.
Mr. 8ilvey rented a piece of land from
Mr. Crisell and is going into the onion
Frank Kruse was in our town today
and informed us that the A. P. A's
have organizeed a society in his neigh
Mr. Brohst has lieen confined to the
bouse on account of p'sir heKlth hut
wo are glad to learn that ho i improv
ing again.
Our m.'lioo! coimnoncnd Iat Wcdneii
(lay with nn enrollment of M pttpilH and
Mis llickenbotlien nn teaelmr. Tho
enrollment improve.
Mr, slchiel is resirti!(l being very Hick.
Wo hot U) hear of bin Hpoedy recovery.
Viola Voice..
Vioi.a, Jun. f. Ailolph Miller, who went
tii Kunsa hist iprlng lo remain a year or
two, returned last week. It wan too cold
mid wage too low to tult liltit and he
tli in k Oregon will do for him awhile yet.
Mn. MatUMin'i Imhy In quite nick.
.Mr. and Mr. Dobbins, of I'orlland, apent
the holiday wiih her parent, Mr, and Mn.
J. M. Ilayden.
John Ollleit, of Woodburn, made Ida
parent a short viiit.
Missea Clara and (ierty Kevera gave their
little friends a pleasant party last Tuesday
evening. Those present were Misses Lizzie
and Delia (iillett, Tina and May Hamilton.
Can Ward and Kva Mattoon. Master.
Carroll and Maurice Ward, Alfred Gillett,
Jolmy Mattoon and Charlie Tateraon,
Our mall carrier had quite a time gelling
in last Wednesday through the storm. He
hal lo leave his hack soon after he left
Oregon (.'Ily, and came a horse back, but
was In on tunc after all. Ilcsv ISkf.
I'reicent Newi.
CkKHCKNr, Jan. 8. J. H. JtnM, who
i teaching tho Heaver Creek school,
spent lust Saturday and .Sund.iy at home.
HoU'rt SI iock Icy, of Highland, apent
Inst Sunday with friend here.
Mr. HogerM who set I led here a few
days iv' ban moved to Clackamas hIu
tion. Mr. Waldron intend to build a fine
residence in the near future
There hai been good fishing in the Ab
eruethy for the last lew day.
New Era ,ewi.
:w Eha, Jan. 6. George Ilrown has
bought him u set uf new I, aniens.
Michael StatiU-r shipped some pota
toes to San Francisco, and has received
return stating that thev were sold for
HO cents -r suck. 1 he spud crop don't
seem to pay very well. We think some
until could make a fortune if he could in
tiodtice some new product that Ihe peo
ple could make a living out of.
Kichurd lltimla went to Canhy one
day last week to see how Lis daughter
was getting along, she being sick wiih
the whooping cough. She is stopping
with her grandparents, Norton, attending
the Canhy school.
A new enterprise has been going on in
New Kra fur some time, w ith what suc
cess your correspondent is unpiepared to
say. Il is the taxidermy business, car
ried on hy Messrs. Hall and Pendleton.
Win. Huitman has been doing consid
erable clearing on his farm here this win
ter. Clyde Waldron, of Abernelhv, spent a
few days last week visiting relatives in
New Fra.
There has been ruin enough within
the last Week to (ill Wells and creeks to
ovc rllowing. This hapis-ns two or three
times a year in our locality during Hie
rainy season.
C It Foster has been laid up fut the
hist month w Uli chilblains on his feet.
He is new able to be about again.
Kev. Curlier preached a very able ser
mon at the Central Point M. E. church
last Sunday.
(.Juarterly meeting will he held at the
M . E. church at Central Point on the Dili
and 10th of February. Kev. Camer and
other ministers will Ire in attendance.
You will soon wish to repaper your
house or several of the rooms. R. L.
lloliuan I i.is just put in a line assortment
of ntw st vies.
SHILOH'S CUKE is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption.
It is the best Cough cure. Only one
cent a dose. 25 cU., 50 cts. and fl.OO.
For sale by G. A. Harding
V Your V
g Heart's Blood g
Is the most important part of
tf your organism. Three-fourths of tf
the complaints to which the sys-
V tern is subject are due to impuri- w
ties in the blood. You can, there-
If fore, realize how vital it is to
Keen It Pnr V
Keep It Pure
For which purpose nothing can
equal (SSf It effectually re-1
moves A.rr.n a 1 1 iniDtinties.
' moves" sa, ii .nan impurities, '
y cleanses the blood thoroughly W
Vana Duiiilsup tne general health.
Our TmtlM cn RIivmI an.t Skin diteaiea mailed r
Notice la hereby (riven that I have filed my
report for final settlement as administrator t
the estate of James Wise, deceased, with the
criinty court of Clackamas coumy Rud slate of
Oregon, and that said court hss set Monday, the
4th day ol March, INM, nt the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, aa the time for hearing ob
jections to aald report If any there be, at which
time all who are interested are hereby notified
lo be present and make objections to said re
port il stiy they have. JOHN ISK. Adin'r
1-11:4- of tliuestate of James Wise, dee'd.
Dated this 10th day of Jautiary, A. I). Is.
r 8. DKAKE,
Nitrous Oxide ftai for the painless extraction
of teeth
All work warranted and prices reasonable.
Rooms 7, 8 and 9, southwest corner First and
Taylor itreets, Glenn A Cox'a old ataud,
Portland. Oregon.
i flu ,T
yrm gives
Moore's Iteve.ilcd
Astounding in ita Effect in the cure of
Hbeumatisin, Asthma, Malaria, lil i
liousnes or any other diseaso arising
from deranged Liver, Stomach or Kid
neysIt drive all impurities from the
Blood .
Mn C'hai A. Ruasel, who Ii favorably known
throiigaoiit the Northwest iayi:
"For (I Iteen jreara I w a constant mfferer
with aithma without any relief, except that oh
taliKHl by eoimtaiit change ol lofialltr, Two
years K 1 tried Mooaa'a Kviald Kxmkdv
and the benefits received (mm It were the most
gratifying. It gave me relief Irom the Brit anil
prevented the terrible dutresi peculiar to the
disease that made life almost unbearable. Auv
one who has ever had asthma can understand
Ihe gratitude I feel toward thli remedy. Be
lieving It ha added pleasant year to mr life
I have not hesitated to recommend It to all like
mrTerera, ami alwaya with the tame happy re
sults." lJt.To be had of all drufglnta, or seal to
niss T llol.aas liauo Co . dcallle. Wash.
Of the
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
Hoii.h I i North.
6:isr. at. I Lr Portland XT H 'Xa.u.
7 lde.il. I Lv Oreiront'lty Lr 7:19a.m.
IOa.m Ar H. Krsnelseo I.T 7 DO r.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second-Class Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through trains.
:v)a. a i Lv Portland- Ar " 4 M rTi
t:lA.M. Lv Oregon City Lv AS)r.M
J.'Slp. M. I Ar Koaeburg Lv !7:O0a.
West Side Division.
Mail Tralii. Dully (Except Suudav.l
7 Ma.m. ( Lv Portland Ar 5:35 r.M
U l'ir M. Ar Corvallls Lv 1 .( pu
At Albany and Pnrvallls connect with tralni
olOrcgou aud Pacific Railroad.
Express Train Dailv (Except Sunday)
4-r."iiri Li Portland Ar i7&kTi
l.lbr. M. I Ar McMinnville Lt I5:S0a.m
Can be obtained at lowest ratei (rom L B
Moore, Agent, Oregon City.
As.'t G. E. and Pasi. Agent
I. B. k I CD.
E. McNeill. Receiver.
Gives the choice of
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on or ad
dress, W. II. IIl'RLBURT,
Gon. Passenger Agent,
Tortland, Or.
Portland-Oregon City and
Yamhill River Route.
Down Leave Pnyton 5 A. M.,
Mission 5,30, Newberg 6, Butte
ville G:4", Oregon City 9:30,
arriving in Portland 10:30 A.M.
Ur-Leave Tortland 2:30 P. M.,
Oregon City 4 P. M.
Stage runs between McMinnville
and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con
nection with the boat. The stage
will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn
ville, every morning at 3:30 a. m.,
returning, leave Dayton every
evening, except Sunday, on arrival
of the boat.
Best of accommodations for pas
sengers and fast ti me made. Foi
freight rateB apply at dock or on
Everybody shoud patronize the
Toledo and thus sustain a daily
Joel P. Geer, Owner.
Aarchie Geer, Captain.
Sunday Services.
HT. FA1L H ( III HCH - r.piseopal - Ker.
Isaac fiswwiti, Hector. Hervlees ntl I o'eUiek a.
m. and 1:MI p. m, i'rayer service very Wed
nesday evening.
Hev. J. W.Cowau Castor, wervices at 10 m a bj.
and s (HI r. u. e'lrnlay Hchonl after mornluc
service. Pmyer ne-i'llnr Wednesday evening at
(lOo.eUiek. Prayer meeting of Voung People,!
Hoelety of Curl-Usu Endeavor every Sunday
evening at 7:U prempu
KIK4T HAPiMT ( III M(.'H.-kv. niLUifl
Psaxaa Pastor Morning Hervlce at II Hiindsy
School at I'M.'i; Kvenlng Service Ml; Regular
prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding the first Sunday lu the mouth. A
cornlal Invitation to all.
Illl.l.tssisn, Pastor. On Sunday mass at and
10 W a. at. Every second and fourth Sunday
Oerrnsn aermoo after the X o'clock inase
At all other masses Knglish sermons. Sunday
School at I 'M r. M. Vespers, apologetlcal
luhiecti, and Hentdlctioo at 7 .30 km.
0. Svags, Pastor. Morning service al 11;
Sunday School at 10 il. I as meeting after
morning service. Evening service at 7:30.
Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at
'Ml; Prayer Meeting I hurxlay evening at 6 110.
trangen cordlallv Invl'ed.
W. Montgomery. Pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and
7:0 r. M. Sabhath School at 10 a. M. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor meeta
every Sunday evening at 6 30. Wednesday
evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Beau free.
Mvr.as, Pastor. Preaching servlcea every
Sunday at II A. M and 7:.'0 P. ti.
Sahhath ackisil every Sunday at 10 A. M (Rev.
P. Hott. Hiitit.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Wednesday evening
every aeeond and fourth euuday of each
month, at II uu a m. and 7 .to p. m.- H. (si -Lain,
Psstor Sunday sehrsd at 10 a. m. at
Oregon City First sundry at Siimson chn,l
house. Molnlla: 'I hlrd Sunday. Mountain Home
11 a. m.: limber (trove, i p. m - Mln l'e!!
(treen. Su(ierhiiende;it Snnoay schrtol. Prayer
meelingeverv Wednesday evening.
Okkv. Psstor fe-rmsn servlcea every Sued y
at 11 o chwk A M. hnglish services at 7 at f.
M Sunday schisil at 10 o'clock A. M. Jn-s-tlon:
Store rtsim next drsir to bakery in Shlve-R-y's
building, corner ol Seventh and Madiaou
Sctentifio American
Agency for
I 1ft-ti J CAVEATS.
uiaiua roraajT.
For Information and free Hand boo writ to
Ml .VN to- V BKiniwiT. New Vosr.
Oldeat bareaa for aecurtiui putenta lo America
Kvery paunt taasti out t,r un la bronffht tisfnrc
tlx public b j uooca giiitntneot cbarg in Ui
ritntific JlmcriraK
LarrMt dmlatlon of any arlratlflc pspsr tn th
vurlii. ,leuuidlr llluatntusl. No Inrellivsjiit
man should be without It. Waellr , l.0(
eart llJusli mootha. Aildress ut NN A CX
JLbUiutJia, 3KI itroadwaj. N Y'irl Otr.
Livery, Feed and Jale Stable
Double and Single Rig?, and sad
dle horses, always: nn hand at the
lowest price. A corrall connected
with the burn for loose i-tock.
Information regarding any kind or
slock promptly attended to by person uf
letter. ' '
horses Bought and Sold.
Hornes Boarded and Fed on reason
n'jle terms.
Laud otBc-e at Ores-no Citv. Oreron, f
iH'Cenibvr'JO. rfM. I
Notice is he'eby a-iveii that the fulluwtnT
nameil settler has'filed iiotire of his iiitptitiiin
to make tiual orisif iu support of biscluini. sud
t'ust saul pnsii M ill lie mule lefre ihecmiiity
jmlite of Coin inM ei iiuty, st .St. Helens, Oregon
on February II, lsW, viz:
II. E. No. ?ri9, fur the s e sec JO. t 7 n. r 3 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hu continues residence upon and cultivation
of, said laud, viz: Alford K. Morgan, of I'eleua,
Columbia county, Oregon, I- Mslcom. Kyser,
Columbia county, Oregon. William Holssppla,
lelena. Columbia County, Oil-sou. and George
W. Kichardsou, ol Helena. Columbii county,
Oregon. KoiikitTA .Miller,
li:J-l Kegister.
The photogpaphei1
Is prepared to make photographs
of all kinds promptly
and in
Babies' and Children's Pictures
a Specialty.
Call and examine his work
I the Old New York Gallery
Received a gold medal and diploma
at St. Louis Convention of
Photograpers, 1894.
Third and Morrison Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
Duffy & Ueckart
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable chargesn
Leave orders at
vjvile;ii rr u I
It Tn Art Sot SatUflel Tour Mast j Sack
Closor k Drraiu. Portland, Or.