Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 11, 1895, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
" i K. S. liramhrtll, well known man
OKEOON CITY OFFIOKK8 ylm j,, lMs oi,v TumiUv,
ll!rnm Stntlsht j
,t " !: '.'."r"'r ' Honry Milov, pot muster Ht Viloiv
K t'niift ; vui, w in nnon l ily mMiitiMiiiy.
K. U llnlm.n
CniKfnl Police
liity Attorney,
Blntt CnmmlNiinnf r.
Bup'l. ol Whin Works,
("Ity Knirinrrr.
(Jou.inlnifn H, C. Stovfn.., OtM. llrmwhton.
J.J. Cixikiv BoiiJ .Is8r. Muck Howell. 1.
L Porter, Henry MrMrum, J. V. Mortmt.
twtinrll metftsflml tVeUioiUy o(oh month
In city hull.
('. Hittxwk. Jr. 1
W. 11. K'1I
Tlio iiiHUllntion dhik. iiliicti on Inn
Tluirinliiy ovoninu of ullW'oni (or Momlo
PohI lV, li, A. K., till' tWIMIUlllit'H lll'lllg
t-ontliu-totl ly l'tl. J. I'. Mmw, Tlio
of V.tigt rorlliunl were in tlio ritv TIiuib-
IV Kliinntrvl Juv,
l.t'KHl AilvrrtUinir.
Herviifter no Wal nilwrtisemont
lie insorttsl in tht Fntkkphisic unless
PhvidimiI for the ojimu is mailt" t the
tiint the mliilavit of (mhlii-ation is ren
iierel. This rule will he imperative and
1eHI-heat litigants, who make it a prac
tice of working the courts, lawyers ami
newspapers will have to look to some
other pier toiret their notices published.
Wood wanted at once this otiice.
County court meets next Wednesday.
County and city warrants wanted by
the Commercial bank.
I-aJies' hair dressing at the Queen
shaving parlors, opp. t'haruian drug store
Frevtair's aprti7.inK pickles can be had
at the Corner grocery. IVst in the
The party who left a pocket knife at
the Enteri-risk office can have it by
calling at this ohVe.
The boy that wants some spending
money can secure it by bringing clean
cotton rags to the Enterpise office.
How about lounges and couches?
Bf lore you buy in Portland just drop in
and look at Bellomv A Bush's new stock.
on i
in this city Wednesday, the guest of
Miss .Mary Cliarman.
Loren K. Adams, an attorney
Hillshoro, was in town 'Thursday
business at the court house.
Prof. J . A. Fieemiin left Monday for
Freeport, Wash., where he will make a
visit with a brother residing there.
of Myrtle
plui'O last
W hall.
.Mrs. J.
Oysters, wholesale or retail, to families
irrtd parties. Also served in any style,
freh and palatable at the Portland res
taurant. The Enterprise is the only news
paier in Oregon that gives a cash pre
mium to those paying their subscription
in advance.
Do you travel? Are you a shipper?
The "Rand McNally Railwav Guide and
Hand-Book" contains all pertinent in
formation. Ask vour newsdealer.
Drs. Hickey & Mickey will be here
Fridav and Saturday of each week at
Room 6, Electric hotel. Home office
117 and 118. Dekum block, Portland.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal.says: "Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy
19 the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good" Price 50c.
For sale by Geo. A. Harding
House and three lots for sale in Falls
View addition to Oregon Citv. Fruit
trees, well, barn. etc. ; nice house. Will
be sold cheap. Marr A Robertson, 7th
and Center streets. tf
Sensible HccUeluii,
Wednesday Justice Dixon's court was
of I iwmiiti.l In hnurinir A curiii frnm l'urli
Place wherein Fiauk Drown charged
tieo. Hamilton with assault. The slate j o'llivra aw aa follows: Com., J. I.
waa represented by sxvial lixtriit Apnorfon, S. V. C, .1. Poroiiius; J. V,
l ...... 1 l i i. ..n.... I m i, IV I' llitm (1 M .likuiul. lni'fiti.
C.S. llum.niin and Justice Bullock ! 1 v " ",m . ,." Z '
j nioii y air. i iye. n.e tacts as shown "J1-' v "; fin., i. .i.
in the evidence vete that on lust Friday Andrews; Chap. Win. Russell;!). I ,
IC. II. Dauchv; !. li.. J. !1. Confer: S.
Mrs. Robert Caullcld, of this city is lwy o( vi(UUvn m ,vk n M M. ,. Ml,ore; IJ. M. S , J.A. Stuart ;
visilmg her nalor, Mrs. K K. Hodgk.n, L,,w l( ttllit.h Mr ii,imiUoii was a ltll t Meetings of Ihe IW will he hold here
"ifraloni. owner, the linn at the time being en-! 1,11 11,1 Wednesday of each
) He:::y Phillips, of Albany, is vtsiling ! i tMk iiitf an invoice prepai itlorv ,mmll A- 0 l'- w- I"1'1-
I nil- K.sirr, ,ui.. v lia.ics n. V Bll.icui, Ol t0 a 8a,, 0f ,), ,,rii,.rtv and not car lllf
J this city. 1 for hi presence, as he waa known to U
.... I S. II. Hardest)' and daughter Fdilh, ; light-lingered and having no time to
will ... . i i, .,. . . ..
. oi .M-eoy, were cauers tu uie i-.i kri-kisk w atcn mm, Hamilton onicred mm out
! ollice Wednesday. ; ol the store. Young Htow n re(usd,
j Miss Nellie Lambert, of Portland, was'1'0" Mr- Hamilton ejtvted him out on
the sidewalk where brown hit him a
couple of blows with his lists. In de
fense of himself Mr. Hamilton knocked!
tliti volllLr niun ilnun ainl Jntv, him itV'
the premises. The case was tried with-
' out a jurv and the justice after hearing
I a number of w itnesses on each side de
I cided that Mr. Hamilton had a right to
defend his store and acouiiitcd him. The
John Dixon, formerly of Maple. Lane, verdict meet with the approval of the
but who moved to Calilornia some time j better class of people at Park Place as
since, has returned tally satisfied that j ,,t, boodluin element has almost run the
Oregon City is the best place. j towll for ,,,,,
W. W. Austin, one of the rising voung
teachers of PlsrliAimis ronntv un.1 uluii
I lie adjourned session ol (lie circuit
court convened Monday with T. A. Mc
bride on the bench, with the following
officers of the tvurt present: Goo. F.
Horton clerk, E C. MaddK-k sheriir, W.
T. Uarrett district attorney, C. E
Runvau court reinirtor.T. W. Fouta court
bail ill', ami Thos. Miller jurv baililf.
The greater part of Monday was taken
up in setting cases for trial and hearing
motions, etc. An order of ejectment was
issued in the case of Mary E. Winston
vs. Mrs. L. J. Fletcher An order of
sale under attachment was made in the
case of J. T. Apperson vs. Thos. M.
Miller, Mary E. Harlow and Margaret
S. Pillsbury.
The state vs Powers and Garthorne
was continued for the term .
An order of sale under attachment was
made in the case of Cole vs. Chas.
Stewart et al.
Tuesday morning the case of the Stale
of Oregon vs. Dr. Win Wallens, charged
with practicing dentistry without a
license was called up for trial The
complaint was sw orn to by Dr. Welch
of Portland. The jury brought in a
verdict of guilty, bin as yet the court
has not rtassed sentence.
office Wednesday. Mr. Armstrong is a Wednesdav waa taken up in motions
believer in good roads and expressed ! anJ demllrre'r8. The preliminaries btMng
his appreciation of the efforts ot ihe'.i.,.,,, ,.. t.i , m..d,;.i.. :ii
Circuit t'onrt
For footwear you can get babys' shoes
at 25 cts ; ladies coarse shoes at 89 cts ;
men 's boots at $1 75, or you can get the
best grade of Bonds mails at bottom
prices at the Red Front.
A. W. Schwan, of Schwan 4 Putrow,
hardware dealers, lias moved his family
to Willamette Falls, where he has com
pleted one ol the largest and best ap
pointed residences in the place.
John Eienke, of the Chop House res
taurant, was brought before Recorder
Fonts Monday on a charge of assault
against Nellie Newsome, he having
slaojied her in the fare, and was given a
fine of 10 as a reminder to hold his
temper and his hand.
Sidney Smyth, Oreuon City's well
known civil engineer, has been retained
to do the engineering work for the new
gravity water works to be put in by the
town of Xewberg. Mr. Smyth is an able
civil engineer and the town of Xewberg
has made no mistake in their selection
of an engineer
J. X. Muney, who has re-opened the
cigar and confectionary store next to H.
K. Cross's office, wishes to extend a
heartv invitation to all the old patrons of
the place, and also to all his friends and
acquaintances, to continue their favors.
He has a ir.-tclass stock of confectionary,
cigars and tobacco, and w ill treat every
one well who calls on him.
Lost, on the road between Clackamas
Heights and Oregon City or on the streets
of Oregon City, an iron sriaft belonging
to a road grader. On onu end is a cog
wheel and on the other a hand wheel
similar to a railroad brake. Paity find
ing it will be rewarded by notifying W.
S. Rider, Oregon City.
Carlton Cornwell, foreman of the Ga
zette, Middletown, X. J., believes that
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy should
be in every home. He used it for a cold
and it effected a speedy cure. He says :
"It is indeed a grand remedy, I can rec
ommend to all. I have also seen it used
for whooping cough, with the best re
sults " 50-cent bottles for sale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist.
Died, at Clackamas Heights, on Satur
day, January 5, 1895. Z. Simmons, aged
82 years, 6 months and 7 days, from a
paralytic stroke. The funeral took place
Monday and the interment was made
in the city cemetery. Mr. Simmons has
lived in this city about five years and
leaves several grown children and an
aged wife to mourn his death.
now has charge of the Colton school,
was in Oregon City last Saturday.
Miss Jean White, Miss Bessie McMil
lan and Master Wilfred White returned
last Monday from Vancouver where they
visited the family of E. M . Rands.
Miss Annie M Merrill, formerly of
this city, where she served as deputy
postmaster for two years, is seriously ill
at the Portland hospital at Sunnyside.
Mrs. II. S. Strange, who is visiting
relatives in Corvallis, is expected back
the first of next week. In the mean
time Mr. Strange makes the best of a
bachelor's life.
Xello and Merle Johnson, stu tents at
Stanford University, who speut the hol
idys with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C.Johnson, in this city, returned to I
California Saturday. I
Miss Mamie Welsh, who is making j
her home with M. and Mrs. W. L.Sni-
dow while attending school in this citv, j
returned Monday from Oswego, where
she had been to sjend ttie holidays with I
her parents. j
Geo. C. Armstrong and daughter Miss j
Elizabeth, were among (he caller at this
r.3TEttPRisE in arousing a gteater m- crowd tl.e cases along with the expecta
terest among tl e people of the country tion of cearimr tlle docket this ten...
The installation of ollicois
Lodge, No. '.'I. D. of 11., took
Friday evening in A. l). I'.
The lollowing ate the officers
Pierce, chief of honor; Mis. M, E. Har
low, ladv of honor; Mrs. M. Caulleld,
chiel of ceremonies. Mrs S. A. tiillott,
leootdor; Mrs S, Miller, llnaiuior; Mrs.
S. Goodfollow, receiver; Mrs. A. Sehul
pius, lady usher ; Mrs. A. Spriiguo, in
side watch; Joseph Froniong, outside
Hon. tieo J. Currin, of Currinsville,
was in Oregon Citv Wednesdav for the
purpose ot tiiking home his sou Edward
w ho has been at the Oregon City hos-
pilal for some time undergoing treatment
j for a hip disease. The little fellow was
i gret.tly benefited and bin recovery was
so far advanced thai it is expected that
w ith care and tune he w ill txt fully
All insane man who gave his name as
Chax. Sturgia was picked up on the
streets Monday evening by Nigl-.twatch
Shaw and Tuesday morning was brought
tH'fore Judge Hayes (or examination.
He imagined that he was a wealthy man
and that parties were trying to kill him.
He wasj adjudged iin.inc and tint even
ing Sheriff Maddock and Deputy Moody
took him to the asylum at Salem.
The case ol Thos Smilh against Willis
1 1 lit. ion for Jl.Ml, balance claimed due
for digging a well on Hutsou's place on
the West Side, injustice Dixon's court
Thursday, the verdict was fot Smith but
the jurv only allowed him I0.7.Y Driggs
t!t Griffith represented Mr. Smilh and
Goo. C. llmwnell Mr. Ilntson
The Red Front Stores...
Christinas Goods about
All alow HI'lliTr! lit Ollt U'ilVH.
Fine Lot Warranted Shoes Just in.
New Dress Goods, New Shoes, New Prices!
New dress pimlH, llunncld, undciwrnr iiinl corst'ls; IK yd, ciilmt w $1;
good uiililciu'lioil muslin .V; kid lining corsets, cxtni iiiiiteriul timl
iiiiiko, fiOo. up; lug; lot of hosiery, now wo have New York piii'i'H.
Liulios line donpolti nlmes, put lip, good wcuivrs, !fl..r0; Indies unnd
Ciilirso hIiiich tl.lH); hoys plow hIiimh wiimillteil lf1.--r; IlieilM Willi"
I ..'!.'; loons hoot il.T.'i up; 10 lbs. pure lard .f I. (H); dry suit pork 10c;
I'd lbs. iiiiierioiin dry urnn. sugar, .f I .(Hi; sewing niucliiiituiil I huiici'm fur
.Vts., bring hottlo; leiiuui mid viinillu in bulk, .Vis. tin oz.(linlf uhiiuI
price. ) viisclino .V.
HAMILTON HU()S Oregon City and Park Place.
McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth.
McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth.
McKittrick's styles are always the latest.
McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth-
on this all important question.
Wm. Barlow, one of Oregon's honored
pioneers, was in Oregon City Monday
and renewed his annual subscription to
the Enrehpkise for the twenty-eighth
time, he having been a reeular patron
of this paper since its founding in 18j0.
He was also a regular subscriber to the
predecessors of the Entkki'Hisk, the
Argus and the Spectator, the latter being
the first new spaper published in Oregon.
Mr. Barlow commended the Estkb
I'RIsb for leading in the good roads move
ment and hoiied that the agitation
would be kept up until the people of
Clackamas county became a unit in
heir support of the county court in Its
work of giving good roads to the county .
He is one of the Heaviest taxpayers in
the county, yet strongly favors a five
mill tax for this vear.
I Willamette Kails Camp, No. H8,Wood-
men of the World, installed the follow
! ing officers for the ensuing term at their
meeting held Tuesday evening : Consul,
Otto Olsen; advisor, I. I). Taylor;
banker, Wm. Maple, clerk, K. E. Mar
tin; escort, W. J. Kidd; managers, Jas.
Gau It, and A. R. Doolittle; watchman.
Joseph lie Lafountane; sentry, James
Brunner; physician, Dr. D. L. I'aine.
The ceremonies were public and were
conducted by C. V. Cooper, head advisor
and F. J. McIIenry, organizer for the
Pacific jurisdiction. The hall was well
filled with members and friends of the
order and the exercises were well ap
preciated. Late Wednesday afternoon Coroner
Holman received a telegram from Justice
J. E. Jack, of Marquam, saving that J.
M, Brown, of that district, had been
murdered, and asking the coroner to
come there immediately. The coroner,
accompanied by Slier. If Maddock and
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Campbell,
left on the evening train for the scene of
the murder. Mr. Brown, was a bache
lor, and resided near Molalla. He was
an old soldier and recentlo received some
The testimony was taken last Friday
before!.. E. Kunyaii, referee, in the
case of T. K N. Sellwood against P. J.
Henneman, invoking some real estate ,
and to untangle a faulty deed. A. S i
Dresser repiesonled Mr. Sellwood, and
C. M. Idlenmn Mr Henneman
( )wiriir lo an itiiavniiliililM ilelnv in ntulr. I
ing out the grand lodge report, the in
stallation of ullicera of Kails City Lodge
Xo. fill, A. O. V. W , did nt lake place
last Saturday, but will be held on Satur- ;
day of this week. I
Cou ity court met Wednesday noon j
and has la-en engaged in routine Imsi-1
ness. The making of the road lax lew
and apiHiintmetit of siiHrvisors or en- j
gineer will be attended lo either Friday
or Saturday.
Lrttrr Lilt.
The following j tlir Hit of letters remain
nil! in the )t otllce nt Oregon City, I Iregon,
1'. M., January I). 16:
OCSTI.m KM 1. 1 HT.
Achslz. Anton
Bergman, On
Camp, J B
Constaiile, S
Kvenscn, K I.
Foster, T W
llankins, Kreil
Jonliin, Allen
Martin, I'Iihs K
M.iore, S
liiley. II
llii kanl, K A
Storl. N
Sylvaliiu, Prof J C
Prsl.iite Matters.
In probate matters Judge Hayes con
sidered about the usual number of cases
this week:
In the estate of Frederick Deem, de
ceased, the administrator, David Zim
merman, made his final report, and all
matters pertaining to the property being
settled, an order was made for his dis-1 back pension money for which it is sup-
W. F. Kirk was appointed adminis
trator of the estate ol David Wilson, de
ceased, with bonds fixed at $'.K)00. J. K.
Graham, C. F. Vonderahe and W. W.
May were appointed to make an ap
praisement of the estate.
The estate of Catherine Bagley was
admitted to probate and John K. Evans
appointed administrator with bonds fixed
at $14,000.
.Honey to Loan.
$10,000 in sums from $'J00 to loan on
inside city property. Fasy terms.
Apply to Arnt Ivarson, with Thomas F.
Kyan. 2t
Capt. J. W. Ganong left with his
family for Portland Tuesday where he
will hereafter make his home, his resi
dence being on Fifth and Belmont
streets. Capt. Ganong has for the past
three years been superintendent for the
Portland F'louring Mills company of
their mills in this city and bis removal
to Portland was occasioned by being
promoted by the company to a more re
sponsible position in their Portland
ollice. F"or nearly the same length of
time he has been captain of Company F,
and his resignation is deeply regretted by
the boys, as he has proved to be a com
mander of more than ordinary tact and
ability and has brought the company up
to a proficiency equal to any in the state.
Both Capt. and Mrs. Ganong have a
host of friends in Oregon City, who,
while regretting their removal, wish
them prosperity and happiness in their
new home.
posed he was murdered. He was a dele
gate to the republican county convention
two years ago. No further particulars
have been obtained at this writing.
School commenced Monday after the
holiday vacation. Prof. McAdams, the
new principal of the Eastham school,
assumed charge and o far has proved
himself an able teacher. In the Bar
clay school the board for some cause de
cided to dispense witli the services of
Prof. Freeman, the vice-principal, and
have secured Prof. Waddell, now of
Pennsylvania, who taunlit in Oregon
City a couple of years ago, for the Hjsi
tion, and he is expected here in a few
days. In the interim, Miss Monroe has
charge of the Seventh grade.
The law caid of O'N'eil, Hedges A
Thompson appears in this edition of the
Entehciuhk. The firm is one if the
strongest in Portland and since opei ing
an office in this city have fecured a
liberal patronage. The Oregon City
office is in charge of Mr. J. K. Hedges,
whose well-known ability, honesty and
integrity is known to our piople, be
being a native of this city.
Persons who lead a life of exposure are
subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and
lumbago and will find a valuable remedy
in Dr. J. H. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Lin
iment; it will banish pain and subdue
inflammation. For sale by C. G. Hunt
ley, druggist.
SHILOirS Cl'KE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is in great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 25c. Children love it. For sale by
G. A. Harding.
Clements, l rs K
Collins, .Mrs 3 I)
Fletcliall, Mrs S
Oihson, Miss Kva
Hull. Mrs M A
Mnitoon, Kilna
Price, A hi e
If called nr stale l
S. II.
K. . I.hii, , Mrs N A
Tale, Jennie
Tlinuisiin, A nnie
Water, Mrs Geo If
Williiiins, Mrs Henry
Younger. M rs J G
Zeigler, Mrs Nancy
invert ised.
I.lci'll le to Weil.
Miss Ora F. Wilmott and Win, J.
Best, Ethel Wyland and E. II. Yoder,
Mary Piatt and Kicburd Aldenstadt,
Malinda Clinton und B. Taylor.
Ili lnii nliig
Dehorning of catile succes-fully done
at Fastern prices bv I!. II. Taber, Mt
Pleasunt, or P. O. box l.'W, Oregon City
l'revtag's line home m ule pickles are
on sale ut E E Williams's, Marr A Koli-
ertson's, und F. T. Barlow's grocery
Wedding stationery, tli latest styles
and finest assortment ever bronirht to
Oregon City at the Fntkki'Hisk ollice.
F'ive acres of grubbing wanted done.
Ii quire of J. E. Wil.ig. cure of Julius
Puseh, Logan, Or.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
Where Value is
Given for-ezz
Your Money.
A trial will convince you
that your coin
Is Saved.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Next Door to l'oMtofflce.
We will sell goods at
Prices that Defy Competition.
We are Closing out our piece oods at cost and less.
I'erit bruiulH of oiilico Tm;. yard; best liningH Tic. yaril; uiiioHkeiig; ging
hiun best "m:. yard; ilreHH HiiitinnH 7 c. yard; lilmikctH $1.00 pair; lxyn
suits $1.!!."); boyH iHintis o.rK:; iiKtn'H ;Uonadon H.rc. pair; ladicn kIioi-h
1.00 and upwards; umkrww for nmn dionptT than tlio clioaprst.
We keep tins Capon hIioo Urn host in tlio market. If you want dry fml
without Ixiing bothered with rubljorn cull and K't u pair.
Don't Fail to Examine Our Prices and Goods.
D. B. REES & CO.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets.
The Chinese Suffered....
....Another Defeat I
pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frei
iom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
The Oregon City Steam Laundry
Clean Work, Neat Work, mid Cheaper Work
Than can he had of the Chinew! or any other plaeo in tho city.
Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called
for and delivered.