Inn a 06 Oregon City liN lEKrKJfSili. VOL 2U. NO. II. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1805. ESTABLISHED 1860 (llt'lt'l. tMrcult marl iiiiiivKiixi Mrl Monilny In Sit Tomlwr ami tlilnl Miunlay In A.rll. I'rtml I'uiirl III apa.lnu flint Mmiilar In iach Dliinlli. !iimiiil.lntir piiiirt nici'K ft rat Wvilneailair (lor Ural Mi'inlay nl imili mniilh. M " Mril I,. J, K. IIKiiKa, H. W. TIKNrciN. N Kil l, II 1. 1 (i Kht A THOUI'HON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. (IriKou rii) llmik It ii 1 11 lnw. Or-itnii l ite, mid A 0 I'. W. Villi. In, I'lirlUiiil, llu Uoiinral IIii.Iiii'm, l.uau M111117, fruit I'nlllH'llnllR, II T HI.APKN. NOIAHY; ami I'ONVK VANi'KK. Iirn'a mill iiilinr paper. ifinnill)f mnl awn. raiely tmtniti'it Ileal piIiiid liaintlnl In.iimiirn wrlllrii In (lln sin iink. ruin (iHllI iih iln'lia Imi.Iiii'm Offlrv with liU'luluim rival Km Mi' l:ilti.liy, (ItKH'ill ( ' It v . I jk mom II.At'K AMAH AllHTIIAl T A TKIViCO. Attract, el t'lai'kar.ia. rmttit y iroMrty a prrt lally. liimil wink, ri-a.tiunliln rlniri(iB. Wnra Kiiaratili-ril 01 in un a trial II i; I miiiiipiln. K K I i ii lil !! , J . K, ( lurk, ito Inn. OKHlnH I IT, .... CIHKIHIN . H M JnlllaoN It W KISIUtHII J INNAIItli ,t JollNWI.N, I I VII. KMilNKKIlH ASP Ht'kVKYOIt. Hallway Ivralluti mnl rnii.triii'tliiii, tirlitiia. plan. mil oBtlmmri lnr wmrr miiiily Iirlnn mnl tlrrfl lniinvi'iiipiit of tiwn, N.ri-Il mti'iillim at r f li in c.riilitlti( mnl blur I'rllilllK I'A ItK.Y JOII.NHdN, I.AWYKIl. Cnriinr F.ljhl mnl Main tn-rU, Ori'gun City, Ori'Mnti' KKAI. KNTATK TOHKI.I. AM) M( INKY TO LOAN. I., I'OKTKIl, ATriHtN K V AT LAW innaii-Ti or m.n-miTV ri KNOoinn. Oftlr lint o llri'il'ill City Unk on utii ttrrrl. f O. T. WII.I.IAMH, HKA1, F.HTATK AND LOAN AtiKNT. ikk1 line ol liiulnraa, rt''iirf mi.l ulniftmn rruiiTiy. Farm rruprrty lu trai-ta to anil on naiy lormi. CorniHiiiiuilPiiMi tirmniitly anawrri1. Ornrv, vitiliMir lo t'aiilleltl A lliinUvy't 1 run atom. Q H.111.C UATot' it K.n i, A'lTOKN KYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIS HTHKKTi OHKIION I ITT, OMKIION. Furnlih Al"trarta iilTttln. loan Moaoy, rnr cloa MiTtaaapa. ami Iraimai?! lirurral Ijiw Uiialnnai. J J K fltl'H. ATFOHNKY AT LAW. WlU l'l TH IK Al.L t'OI'HTi Of THK HTATt Krai Kilalf anil Iniuranra. OHIid .in Main HI r ct livt. Hlitli ami Hvvenlti, UltkUIIN CITY, OR. c "1 II. DYR. ATTOUNKY ANP COUNSELOR AT LAW omen or t)ri'inu City Hank. ORXIilK CITY. llHkllON lilil. C. HKOWNK1.I,. A. a liKKaiKR. (IIOW.NKl.l. A DIIKHHKK ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ORIIO! I'lTY. ORRilllN. Will practice lu all llu rniirta of tin' aiate'. 01 (Ice. in-nl iliMir to Caiifliilil A lliinllpy'a ilrii tiirt. F. f. WIIITK. W. a.WIIITK WHITE BROTHERS l'ructir.dl Architect ft Jhtifdnrs- Will iM-ar iilaii, vlevHtliiim. wnrklim 1 t 11m. ami iMiclflcRllona lnr all kliula ol Imilil Inita Hii'ciI atteniliiii itlven to moilprn cut tanitea. Katlmatoa liirnlhoil on application Callonoraililri'Ki WIIITK flltttS . Orpiioti City, Out) rpilK ('(IMMKHCIAI, HANK, OK OltK.tiON CITY Capltnl, $1110,1100 TR A NKAITa A IIRNKIUI, IIANKINII IICalNRaa. liaua ininlii. Illlli illfcountril. Mnkpa col livtiom. Ituya anil ii'll" oxclinniii' on all poltita In Hip t'ultiid Hlnli', Kilnipe ami IIiiiir Koiik. liepoiilta ri'iol-'cil aiilijci t lo check Intcreal at imiml rale alloweil on time ilcpimlla. Hank open from V A. N. to 4 r. M. Hntunlny eveiiinni (nun 11 to 7 P. M. I) C. LATlllIKETTK, I'ri'unleiit. K IMINAI.PHON. ChnIiIit J JASK OF OKKUCN CITY, Oldest Banking Hsr.ce la me Clip. l'alil up Capltnl, fMl.tXK). raxfttiiRNT, VII I rRKHIIiRNT, CANIIIKR. MANAOKH. Tlloa. CIIAKMAN Ultll. A. IU Bill Nil. R. (1 CAt'riKI.I) in a at En a. CAuriKi.ii. A loncritl liaukltiK liiillicaa trniiaactnl. Depoalta rpi'clvnl auliject to chuck. Approvcil lillla ami notoa illacminteil. Count anil city warrant bounht. Ixiaua mvle on avllahl acctirtty. Kiohauet hoiiKlit and told. Colloclloiii mailo promptly, Dralta aohl jvnllaiile In any part of tho world Tolccraphlo smlintiKiia anld on Portland, Ban Franclaoo, nhlcaico and New York. Intercut palj on time (lopimlta. Sub Areutaof THK LONDON OlIKQl'K BANK. r.lnllllicl I MAS. PIONEER Transfer1 and Exjfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. I. limmiffl. ' I ' ) 1 v i''t' .'.-xv il'lfi'','- A """mJ ff I V'''1"!1''! j - Wi,r M' t ' -, a Xv'.lC s7 '" '' 'KT r "iC' v ' J 1 'J- IT . cluili'H ingrain 2 ami 3 ply cotton ami wool, llrussel tapestry and IhhIv Brussels Jupan ami C'liiiiMfu limiting etc. Price lower than ever. Dollomy & DuSCh. OREGON CITY, OR. Pure Drugs In u ircH(rriiti(in nri! of ax much value in Hit'kllCKH HI I rkilll'd Illl'llicul Htti'llilaill'C. 7th. St. I)rn Store. MukcH a Hpt.'cialty of tarrying a ntuck of jmro tlrii(.'H mid nil rvnrrijtioiiH are curvfully coiniMiiindctl. Dr. L. M. Andrews- QREG0N CITY IRON WORKS. New and Enlarged Slion with all adianceH for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho bent inanner jKisihle. rroiiijitneHS guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - -A. - SPECIALT Y. PrioeH the lowent to o 'md in I'ortland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. r. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or etoniach and Ixiwel regulator, huv BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty done" for twenty-rive cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to bo pre pared for an emergency, get a lwttle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup. The best in the market. Price 2.') cents. For pale at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. J. JONES & SON, I'KAI.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. rui'i:N TI1K i ohiini. jU"S!hi corner Fourth Hint Water streeta, hack of l'ope it Co's, Oregon City The Oregon City Sash & Door Co. CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, IN OREGON CITr. Special sizes of doors and windows Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders is not of tho best, and our prices sent on application. Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City. Do You Need a Lejral Blank? Tho ENTERPRISE has tho only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POTSAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address. CAUCHT ON. 'I'll tit dog Iihh lici'ii lln tailed to Stop' There's nothing III Hregon (!ily so t e i ( Ing hh our exhibition of new rarctH. I; vit yoiit fciJa compelled Ik Mlop ami I .I. .1 . .1! . I. . . I i l I. over him uiniiiy. riiirii airiumpo "f riowin-HH, 1-Ktin', vnrioly, anl init- I','''''"t''1' values in enough to create wtntatiiin. Wn rim carpet the town with figures ntnl at figure that ni t n ply cannot b duplicated elsewhere. When we call our cnrHtt roll thorn an1 no absentee on IIih list, Evcrv pattern ami material ireHciiheil liv fashion ami correct taste in liere to answer, ami cliiitn i t m place upon tint floor of Hi" house. Our exhibit in- - Mouldings, Etc., made to order. Turning of all kinds. givo ub a call and f?eo if our work as low as tho lowest. Trico CHURCH DEDICATED Oregon City CliureheH (Iron .Vlth the Town. NOME HISTORICAL SKETCH KS The Ihipllat I'eople Open Their en Iloime of Vnrhlilt r'rrp of Debt Financial Slntcmcut. "T' VT T' , watt dedicated Sunday under the moat auHinciotm circuniatance,. In Hpite of bad weather and delayH i flniahing the I II H...u I ... il .. I i: wt. . If... i .. i . i .i .... , iivuno it um.iich Vij ma uumiiu Bj""" " .iviio c.kir mo; Wan fully appreciated pre-arranged. j serve aonie day to nhow the future (tener- j f ' The Congregational and Muthodiat ' tion the advancement Oregon City has teachkrh' ahsociatiom. brellireu had omiiled their morning made between 1871 and 18115. j Below is given the program prepared service out of kindly feeling for their The decorations were beautiful and ,or tlie n,"t meeting of the Teachers' 'liuptmt liiendii and at an narly hour appropriate, being mostly taatful drap-, Association, at Park Place, the last 8at pcoplo Ugan to wend their wy to the 'in United States flags and were de- "flay 'n January. The pUce of meetinic i new edillce which was to lie that morn- j 'tfnel and arranged by Mrs. Email C. , ' ea"y ' access, and it is expected thai Ing dedicated to the service of God, and j Oroom. 'ull attendance of teachers will be had : by the time the ervice hud commenced Elmer E. Charman attended a church ; Music, Pupils at Park Place standing room was at p'eniium, tiiere : dedication for the second time in his Current Events S. W. Hoi men i being between 60) and tiOO jieople in tie life last Sunday, a coincidence being Drawing J.W.Gray . auditorium. The dedicatory sermon , U"1 l',e other time it was the dedication j''How to Keep Otir Boys in School," i was preached by Hev. Roland I). Grant, ol the old Baptist church in 1871. T. J. Gary : I). I), of Portland, his text Iming .loehua Of the former pastors Messrs. Teal and ; Recitation Bertha Doering '1:1S. his theme, "Peniistant Ellbrt." Parker were the only ones precent. I Vertical Writing, J. A. Freeman We have no right or title to anv privi- The music of tho occasion was fur- j Latest Geographical Discoveres, lege except as we strive for it and if we nished bv the 'ull choir of the church. A. j H. 8. Strange seek to rise or advance we must put fortii effort. We must also put forth .r..-t i l.. .1.1 - :.:.. i 11. Fl. IV (Mill! nl 1nllVII DO IIKItl already attained, even if we do not seek to advance, and this chinch can only grow by increased effort and after having advanced to the postion which demands the increased facilities and room, it must still make effort or it will die. "To him that hath (and uses it) more shall be given." After the services Mr. D. C. Lalourette made a brief financial statement. The improvements on the church cost in round figures fil-DO. There had been donated 1400 in work, $1300 in cash, foOO by the Indies Aid Society and there wss aliout (300 in unpaid pledges. Besides the immediate itnprovemrnts there was an indebtedness uf about f 500 already on the church, making $1100 which ought to be raised tl, on to dedicate the church free of debt . Dr. Grant then male an earnest ap peal to the people to raise the money, and when the taking of subscriptions was over there was $1,135 pledged and a basket collection taken which netted $22 more. Dr. Grant was then asked to re turn thanks to God for his goodness, which he did in the most heart-touching and soul inspiring prayer it has ever been t lie privilege of the writer lo hear. At the afternoon citizen's meeting there were stirring addresses made by the Revs. Sykes, Montgomery and Cowan of this city and Rugg of Sulein, short congratulatory bv Revs Teal. Sims, and Holcroftof Portland. At 6 P. M. there was a rousing Union Young People's meeting. A. S. Dresser presi dent of the city union being the leader and Miss Ana Baird presiding at the organ. The house was full of bright, earnest young people, and in some re spects this was the best meeting of the day. At7:30P M. Rev. M L. Rugg, of Salem, preached an eloquent and sound sermon from Eph. 4:11, 12 and 13, on "Development of Christian Character and the Unity of the Faith." How de-j nominutal unity will be brought about "Not bv giving up or teceeding from any truth we may have got hold of, hut by clinging faithfully to all the truth we have, and honestly, with unpiejudiced minds, striving to get all tite moie truth we may be able to attain." After the sermon Hon. W, C. Johnson, L. L. D. gave a brief history of the church. Mr. Johnson's father, Rev. Hesekiah Johnson and Rev. Ezra Fisher came overland in 1845, with wagons and were seven months on the way, arriving here on December 7th of that year On July 4, 1847, seven people organized the first Baptist church, and a little later built the first Baptist meeting house in Oregon (this building still stands on the corner of Main and Thirteenth Btreets) Deacon Hatch, a member of the Congregational church gave tlie use of b'S house to the Baptists on that oc cassion, so the unity and friendship ex isting at this day between these two churches of our city, is only the con tinuance of a feeling which had its origin at the birth of the Baptist church. The first pastors of the church were in part supiwted by the Home Missionary society. They were Eiders Johnson, Fisher, Chandler and JaB. Read. After a time the little church became too small for the growing society so it was sold and the property at present occupied was purchased and tho house which the present one displaces was built. It waB dedicated on Sept. 3, 1871. Rev. E. Fisher preaching the dedicatory sermon. There was raised on that oc cassion $2,057. Since then there has been a steady, gradual erowth. The pastors since have been: Revs. J. T. Huff, J. A. Worth, J. II. Teste, J. C. Rem, C. C. RaUman ml Oilman I'arker, Every one of which the church ha parted with, with a foel lnu of regret. Rey. Oilman Parker, wan moderator of Hi-) day, ami directed the exercinea an 1 Hf rvicea. The Hi.; of the main audience room is 4L'x'(l) and liana neat iritf capacity of 401). There ix a Sunday rchool room of the fcame dimemtionH, parlor, claa.a room a. cliiBela etc.. tnakinir a very convenient fioune for the purponea to which it ha j '. I.....n,l " ; " , . . , . I Contractor Miller, placed a box in the apex of tne belfry tower, ; a copy of the c.iy paper, etc. Th.a wl.ila tir.l a ni.rnu. ol .... a awu.ll.. n. n j Parker, leader, Mesdames D. C. Lat - onrette, A. F. Parker, A. S. Dresser. O. 'p Ill.Uun fl T Will;...,.- ,! T V j ' ""'" V. V. .. HtlHIIID, B.1UW.AI..I Groom, Messrs. W. C. Johnson, U. F. Howard, E. A. Smith and G C. Watson, Rev. M. L. Rugg comtoaed a hymn for the occasion, tut by some means the printing of it was neglected so there were no copies of it and it could not be sung. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All notes for this column should be sent to Mrs. H. S. Gibson, editor, Oregon City, Oregon . SCHOOL REPORTS School report of Dist. No. 32, Clarkes, for the two last months of the fall term. First month ; pupils that were neither absent nor tardy during this month wete, Bert, Frank, Cora and Hattie Ringo, George Clarke, Henry Kleinsmith Roy Grace, Edna and Esfie Gard, Nan nie and Bertha Smathers, David and Arthur Bottenmiller. No. of davs taught, 20; No. days attendance, 708; No. of pupils tardy, 22; time lost by tar diness, 3 hours; nunmher of absentees, 05; average attendance, 38; visitors, Mrs. Grace and Miss Calls Myers. Wi'h the ending of the second month the fall term closed. Those that were nei'her absent nor tardy were, Frank, Cora and Hattie Ringo, Minnie Glick, Henry and Emma Kleinsmith, tleorge and Ella Hainan, Ella Walker, Willie and John Marshall, Essie and Edna Gard and Arthur Bottenmiller. No. days attendance, 987; No. pupils tardy, 30, time lost by tardiness, 5 hours; ab sentees, -n . ....... a .nr.J.n. jn .! , it); average attendance 40; total . L lent 43; visitors, Messrs. C. N. enrollment Larkins and 11. Lee, Misses I. Gard, I. Lee and L. Botienmiller. On the last afternoon was rendeied a program which consisted of speeches, recitations, songs, dialogues, etc. The teacher wishes to express liis sincere thanks to the pupils fur their kindness, to tho visitors for encouragements, to the board of directors for their fidelity and kindness, and to the parents for their co-operation with me in my work, w hich they have shown to me in various ways. A. D. E. Elmer, Teacher. Report of joint district No. 10 for the month ending January 4, 1S(.5 : Number of days taught, 111; number of pupils en rolled, 2D ; number of days attendance, 483; number of days absence, 38; num ber of cases tardiness, 3 ; average number of pupils belonging, 27 ; average daily at tendance, 25, The following named pupils were neither absent nor tardy during the month : Aura, Ruby and Roy Thompson, Henry, Lydia, Anna and Ellen Aden, George, Henry and Emma Peters, F'rnest and Lorena Kruse, Charlie and Smith Turner. II. A. Ball, Teacher. School closed in district No. 22 on December 14. Number of days taught, 5!) ; days attendance, 028 ; days absence, 00; times tardy, 10; total enrollment, 10; number of visitors, 13; names of pupils present every day during the last month : Roselynn Robbins, Anna Nelson, Nora and Stella Chriswell, Bertha Schneider. Hubert, Clyde and Otis Engle. A. B. Hibbakd, Teacher. Report of Pleasant Hill school for the third month ending December 28, 1894 : No. of days taught, 19; No. enrolled, 29; average attendance, 26V ; those neither absent nor tardy during the month: Lillie McConnell, Alpha and Lulu Wes ton, Susie Kleger, Melville, Elva and Audry Templeman, Rosa Willis, Ervin Yeager; average attendance during the three months, 25 ; pupils neither absent nor tardy, 6; number of visitors, 30. BkllJonks, Teacher. School report for district No. 63 : Fol lowing are the names of pupils who were preaent every day without being tardy during the atcond month ending Dccem tjer29: Ida OreiwiliaW, Thomas Pen man, Terrel Foster, Melvin FoHter, Elmer Frank and Itohert ilcArthur. Viaitors during tlie month were: Meanm Chas. Fouler, It. J. Brown, J. Findley and O. T. McArthor; MiHw:a lhaliel McArthur, Agne McArthur, Ada Randall, Lizzie F)ngleand Laura F.nifle; Meadames J. Iilanchard, M. Randall and M. Stanlier. Ciias. Rctiikkkoro, Teacher. SCHOOL MOT Kg. D.F.Warner, who ..teaching in din- tr,c, hg tWnk h(j me rf the flnMt m , hj ., B ChriHt,a8 treat, which ' j Biography, selected,. ...Jennie Rowen I Music, Selected I "au,Da k"nd, Jn- 7.-Snow, rain, slush, j mu1' !ot8 ol il- That snowstorm of last I Wednesday was a bad one. It began h. t 7 A f 1 : I ami f n i i"m v. I a. i. mil iviiuiiueu uil o t M. when it commenced to rain and froze on the trees as it fell till tbey were loaded with ice. All day Thursday it sounded like musketry in the woods; limbs breaking and trees tailing blocking roads with small trees. It did consider able damage to the old apple trees. Some it upset, others it split all the limbs off and left them mere stumps. In some orchards nearly every tree waa injured. In spite of the bad weather our literary had a good attendance on Saturday even ing and a general good time. The ques tion discussed, "Resolved, That the Free Coinage of Stiver Would be a Benefit to the United States," was decided in favor of the affirmative. It was well fought on both sides and caused considerable amusement. The owners of some of the useless cars) around here had better be sure where they are at night or they will have a mutton bill to pay one of these days. Saby Gaep. To Good Templars. Do you know that Moore's Revealed Remedy is the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing it is known only to its diieover; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nineteenth "mij i pruurieiun oner Ul i,,:, rv j forfeit $ 1,000 for any case of dyspepsia ! it will not cure? Are You Interested in Electricity At last we are to Lave an electrical magazine. The science of electricity has developed so rapidly that the publishers of Electric Power have decided to change their journal into the form of a monthly magazine after January 1st, 1895. This is an important move and will give the public the opportunity of keeping abreast of the times in matters electrical. They have already secured for the coming year a number of the best known writers in electrical literature and propose to be in the tront rank on all points connected with electricity. There are numerous trade paper, and journals devoted to electricity , but as yet no one has bad the courage to publish a magazine de voted to that science, and Electric Power will have the field to itaelf, and undoubt edly is making a wise move. The sub scription price will remain the same, $2. 00 per year, 20 cents per copy. The November issue is devoted to the papers, reports and general news of the Street Railway Convention m Atlanta, and contains quite a number of excellent portraits. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25cts.,50 cts. and $1.00. For sale by G. A. Harding Home-made bread is recognized as the very best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Shively building baker assert that they can not tell the difference between his bread and that made at home unless it be that his is just a little the better. But don't tell your wife that. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars -earned. Pay up your subscription to the Enterprise and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Enterprise of fice. Portland prices. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award.