Oregon City hntcrprisc. KltlDAY. JANHAKY 4, lmii. Ilncknmns Co. Diroctory. COI'NTV OKKK'KIIH. Ill Ian, '! til Cumin, Miii.rllT, l(-iur,tr, Tt'eoiiier, - A itnor, M"1mhiI Hiiiierlnlttinli'iil, H'lrvrynr, I'-irttuur, dtinitilii.tiitte-r.. (Itirilun K. tlttv.e Htm. H. Ilnriini K I'. MniHni'k H M. Itntu.lty M I. M,,. J, (.'. Ilrmtlny II. N illii li W Kliiiiiilnl II I.. Iliiiiiimi llli'hnril Mfiill j rtnlik .liitfiiMr To Jtfi'l I In- I'lmrn. Tim mlMrrliliin print fur IIik Kntkm viiihk Iiiih hi'i'ii ti'ilnri'il u .fill per v"iir ; frviMilytlvw i'i'IiIh lor nix iiiontlia. '1'lilB lnw i' ii n In tnil'lii ill tinier lt Ki t tin' IihI dm n i'iihIi lniiM mill linlurn nil tiulini'i iIm'Im tn cy u, uml imperially to prevent ili'iiil lii'iilN (nun Inking the paper it in I nut paying lor it liy reamm u llieir Ih'imk lnw .ri m i . 'I'll t h illxriiiinl Ih tiimlii mily in iIhihii iuyiiiK In 'lviirii. Tlmau iuivIHK lu'lnrn lln' cliu ol tlii'ir year I if enlilleil to thi' ilUi'iniiit fur till' 1 1 IIIK illlll i H'lvilllll'. 1 1 i h nniki'H I III' I'lNIKhl'flhK 1 1 it' ilieue nt ( iii i ii-r in ' tin k it 1 1 1 it t'lmiily fixlil I'liKi'" nil Iioniii print uml lull of livit ilMal llfHU. CHAT AHOUT TOWN. I'rlifn tlitt limi'Ki Hfil Krtiiit Ktorea Fir Hinl limb wimhI Mitnti'il ut tlilh Ollil-f. tl Money lii 1 1 ut ii mi K'h real entitle, erurity by A. S I remter. ltii.'im pin In llritl t'liiNit orili'r ut Hlo lrr'a Imilifr almp for ".'i renin, IliKliml ptiiti paiil liy tint Ciiinliiert'iul tank lur I'litiniy uml city warrant. Tim latent In vlnitintf h r I h it tint Fn TkMt'HtHK Okpilk. I'rii rn In milt yuu. i Wliy pnv I2 ihtIuii (or liny when yon tun tit't tlm lx't Intv for 47 ( l.oiiin I-link, Uetllaiul. Mortuii'x lomih on iinpruv'! farm l'oM-rty ut low ralo of interent, Apply to ('. () T. William. Tim ) ml ii'n ill (1ml Slnper'a Imrlter nliop th plum to liavn tlittii lutir trim inmt in the Intent nlylea. Onler left at llit' ('iiniini'ri'iitl citfiir tore, ('omiiiir"inl Hunk lit m k , (nr 4 f"t or lil imli wimnI, promptly lllleil. Kor khIk, oiit wimhI kukiiii uml rm k in K'xxl rniiililion cheap for rh. Murr A Kuliertanii, Till mul Cwnter Htrt't'in, tf. Tint Yhiiiik I'rtiln'n lnnriiin iltlli w ill pint llm fuiirili of tlii'ir aeriea of tUtu-en mt tlir Armory Ttientluy evening, Jttn Uitry hilt. How in Tutu? 10 ihiiiiiiU pnto Iitnl, $1 ; 1 pmintl pure) Imkinir Miwiler il.'if ; l'.l pome! American dry (iran. ntiijar, f 1 at tlitt I! i'l Front Owing lo tlm linnli'il alli'inlittii'P liy leanon of tlm Htoim, tin' Miiniml htininena tni'i'tlliK of llni ltnptint t liiiri li ttH hinI jKMifil to U'filni'niluy, .lantmry III, Loitl, Ix'lwi'iii Mrn. A. WiirlH-r'n Mini tin' font of Fifth Ktnt'l, n miiMin mil with mimic iiiHiiln iiutrki'il "Cumillu Alllmnlt." Flinli'r pleitHo Ii'hvo nt tlim tillirc. It Mr. nml Mrn, John ('Hrrotliim of 'annmili linl the nori Rlllrtiuii to low tiiclr inlitnt chili! hy tlcalh on Momlnv. Tlm burial t xik iilnru TliiintiUy in tlm I'ant'iiutli fi'iiii'li-ry. !.hiiih! Iiiiiiih! ImnpH! l'ri'tlii'r tlnin vor, ch('Mxr than i-vcr. I.iunj'H ant favoritt holliliiy prcwiitM with a larpt portion of all riiinmiinitit'N Ilt'llnmy St lltiNch liavn an t'li'nunt UNHortiniMit ut tin' loweMt poNHihln prit, tf I .out, lii'lvti'i-ii tint Ciitluilii' I'liurt'li ami poHiolliic on S ii milt v I)ff. 'Jll, a K"l'l cnir liulton. A hinl with iit'ftt ami t'Kifit lire in riiiNt'tl llitnrt'N on fm r. Party llnilin ami it'tnrniiiK it will he rt'iimmtily rt wannli'il V.. J. McKiTTiticK, Next tloor to Ort'i.iiti City Hunk, At tlm Mcllioiliitt rliim li on TucHilay 'VL'liiiiK of next Week llii'ri' will I'f H niiliim ''cxpiiricnrK iiu'cliim" In which hont thirty pcrHoim will tell how they i-ucli h ii vn I'limt'il a tlolliir for tlieclinrcli. A litmiiry irinnim of merit will lie ifivcn. TIioho iiltciiiliiiK urn rt'tii'Htt'tl to givo ii nickel ut the door, To ho hhIiI nt a aiu'rillcc practically yi vim away "DO yunlH of carpet, kihxI hh new, hriiHKelh ami Iniiruin. 40 cliamher HtitH ami all the IioiihcIioM fiirniturit lined in I he Flectrio hotel. Apply nt once ami exiiininn iiimhIm at Htoi v roomii four loom helow ('Illinium & Son's Htoro nt tlm ninn of I lie F.lectric hotel. A quiet home wedding look pluco at (he rcHidcnt'D of Mr. and Mm. Win. llowem in Caneniali on Thumiluy limt when their daughter, Minn 1 hit lie wan tiniled in marriage with Chan W. Ileaver. The ccrcmany mih perfoimcd by liuv. Oahrial Sykea, The groom in employed in the iinier uiilla anil ia un energetit: young man well worthy of the young ludy who uniliiH her life willi'liia. The im'uiburH to the nuinlier of over a hundred of the Presbyterian church, mniln their pantor, Kev. A J. Montgom ry and his wife u emprise visit on Mon day evening. Kach brought a New Year'a present as an eviilenco of their appreciation of their pitHtor and his good wife. The evening wan pleasantly passed in a social manner, (ho host ami IiosIcsh (piickly recovering from their surprise made all present feel nt easo ami gave each one a kindly greeting;. At a late hour the party dispersed, wish ing liev. and Mm. Montgomery a happy New Year, (iiiiK ii imnvri ion. Tlm Flrf lupH ( Imrcli Hill Im I'lii iif I'lly Opt imil Tlm Pniitruiii. On Hiimliiy next tint new JSuptIt Icliiiicli will hit ili'illnilcil. Tint itooil K'iipii of Mm chiirrh Imvn (liken it Ifreat ilcul ol luiiiiM lo make tlm tiny mi mijoy ahlii uml Inlcri'MllnK one for all their friciitlH ami iiciuhhoiH who may woritliip w'lh I In-ill. Thi) IicmI tiilent I he ntu It it lion In Iiiih hccti Ncciiretl ami a number of (ho other clilirtlm will omit their morning Nervicen Tlm foliowlii)( In the program: MOIININtl HKIIVII K. tiruiin Voluiilury. lloxolnKy. InviH'iition Hymn- I III Hi t i it tirtt Iteutlii'K. I'rayi'i. Anlliein, Kennon Itev. Itolunil I), (irant, D. D. Miiicincnl of HuililiiiK Coniiiiillei'. I'eilii attiry Vr)fr. Ilyimi MM,, lleiieilictinn At :i I', M a citizen -i-tinn, ail- iIicnhciI l.y all tlm city pantnm uml othera from uhroail. TIiim will he a Npecially liilen-HtuiK N'.mIi.ii, an all the aihlruHHca will ht ohorl mnl crinp. kvkmmi milium. Organ Voluiitury. Hymn Ji;:i. Scriittiirn llfniliiiif. Hymn. I'ruvrr. Hermoii Key. M. I.. Kiiitir, of Salem Itit-Htatement of Ituililing C'oiiiinitttT lioxoli.gy. HiHtorical nki'lch of tlm church V. C, Johmtoii, Ii. !.. I) llviim ( 'tjiiijMntt-il fur the ocramun I liev. M. I.. HniriC. Ilt'iieilittitin. PERSONAL NOTES. Mr. II. T. Hunker, ol Clmhalin, Watli ingtoii, viiU'tl rvlativen in thia city lunt week. .Mi Kilith, Sally ami Annie Trnm hull, of Portland, were tlm guenta of Minn Tillin tianong for New Year. .Mr. ami Mm F K. DmialilHon were tlm gm-HtN of Mr. ami Mm. J. 1-:, Pierce uf Park Place, for New Yearn iluim-r. Judge T. A. Mcltritln ami lamily, ol tlim city, rt'turneil TueH.lay from St lleleliN, w here thvv ait-nt thu liulidaya Willi relativen. Minn (iertrililn Steplmnn, ilaughter of .liitlgn Stcpht-mi, of Portland, n-nt Sun day anil Mondtty in tow n, the giienta of Willnril V. (,'lmney. Mrn. Sitlney Sinvlli and rhiltlren, ol thin city, w ho have been viniting frieniln in KiiiiBiin I'ilv, Mo,, for the pant two inonlliH, returned home lattt SaturJay Mayor Jom-ph Smith ami wife ami F C, It ti r k ami wife, of Kulaina, Wanli. npenl a few dayn lant Week in thin city the gut-Ma at thu home of Sheriff K. C Matltlock. Mr. John Wine, of Clat kuinan, wan in Oregon City Monday on huinehM belore Judge II ayen K'rtaniii to the ettutu ol JiiHcph Wine, deteuHetl, for which he in adiniiiiHtralor. F. C. Pery, thu entei prising proprietor of the Molallu drug More and livery tlahlu, pithw il through Oregon C'ltv Wed nt'Hilay on hin way to St. Heleiin, where he gui'R lor a brief vinit w ilh hia mother, who rt'HidcK there. Mim llliini he II. McCord received an a ('hiintniaa gift from Archtiinhop (ironn Inn uutograph ami photograeli in canon leu I ro(iei. 1 1 ih grace, who wum ho pli'UHcd w ith Minn McCortPn violin play ing lunt June, tlnin expreitnetl hiiiiHflf hy thin kindly attention. Mr. mnl Mm. 1,. M. Koyt, of Forent (iruve arrivetl in thin city Monday morn iug to Hpeml New Year's with Mrn. llnyt'8 purentH, Mr. ami Mrn. K. II. TaUir, ol Mt. Pleunant. Mm. Iloytmnl Imliy K. Kcnnelti intend making an ex- tendeil vinit at her piirental home Swear off buying Kjor allocs uml buy from McKttrick, Important. An the word at the head of the column conveys it in most important information wu wish to give our readers, especially to those wishing anything in the line of line staple and fancy groceries. It is here desired to cull the attention of the people of Oregon City uml vacin ity, lo the well known grocery store, ol Marr A Robertson, whose neatly ami at tractively lilted up establishment is lo cated on the corner of Center ami Seveu tili streets. It is well stocked with the choicest of staple articles, fine teas, cof fees, spices, etc. a specialty being made of the choicest butter antl cheese. A delivery wagon is run in conjunction wilh the business, and orders a. o called for and delivered. The store has been established for tho past three years, anil the rapidly increasing trade attests tho success of the gentlemen, in their en deavor to furnish, only the purest and best articles for the least money. In fact they guarantee tho quality of goods, and corectness of weights and measures. No imitation goods or articles with counterfeit labels, are kept in stock or or oll'urcd for sale. You will Boon wish to repnpor your house or several of tho rooms. II. L. Holman has just put in a fine assortment of new styles. The ( liy Fiilhcrn. The regular mectlngof tlm city council (or Jitnuury was held Wedimmlay even ing lit thu council chamber. Mayor Straight, Marshal I'unm, Hecorder Fouls uml Coiinciliimn P.roughlon, Howell and Stiivciin weie piohcnt, together with J . H.Cooke, re-elected, and J, W. Moffittt and Henry Meldnim, new ly elected, who were nworn in an comic ilmen. I. Porter, courcllmun elecl, wus not pres ent owing to slrknesn Flection of cily recorder coming up, J. I!. Campbell received three voles, T. W. Fouls Iwovotenaml T. F. Hyan one vote. There being no election, on motion ol Councilman Meldrnm tint election of re corder wan MislMiiied until the next reg ulur meeting. I'mler the rules governing the council, udnptcd at tlm annual meeting In Janu ary of lat year, the selection of the vari ous committees wan made hy the coun cil. After numerous hullotings the fol lowing ftiinittiTH were chosen : Finance J. J. Cooke, II. Juggar and Henry Mcldruiii. Fire ami Water L. L. Porter, J. J. Cooke, .Min k Howell. Streets anil Piiplio ProH-rty Henry Meldrum, J. W. Mollatt ami (ieorge Ilroiighton. Health and Police I. W. MofTutt, II. C. Stevens ami Mack Howell. Ordered, That committee on health and police have a cage constructed in the city jail for haisterous drunks. j A uloon license was granted to John Trembath for a tenn of six tnouthi. Ordinance introduced by Council man SU-venn providing that the tax levy be five mills for the current year. Ordered published. Iti'Mirtn i,f city olllcers and bills read ami laid over to be acted on at a special meeting to be held next Monday evening. Motion introduced by Councilman Meldrum and carried, that ti e question of revising the city charter be taki n up at the special meeting next Monday evening. Council a Ijourneil, Ioyoii travel? Are you a shipper? The "Hand Mc.N'ally Railway Guide and Hand-Hook" contains all srtinent in formation. Ask your newsdealer. A horse well nhtxl and a wagon well repaired is money saved to tli.i farmer, (iive Maple, the blackamith. a trial. Main ntreet, opposite corner from City stables. New goods at MrKittrii Vs. In the decline ol life, infirmities beset ui to which our youth and maturity were strangers, our kidneys and liver are subject lo derangement, but nothing equals lr. J. H. Mclean's I.iver and Kidney Halm as a regulator of these or gans. For sale by C. Huntley, druggist A FAKMKU'S KICK. St'in.iYniiin, It'c. 21. To thi KruToR: Hat ing iniiiceil thnl t lie mail question in a topic uf gi'iicrnl iliKCiifnion, and that you tit-fire to ptililiili tlm various view con crmilig il, I hnre concluded to have a wonl or two. 1 cannot agree willi all who have rrrrittlv written lo the F.NTKHfltlSK oh the titiji-ct, nml perhaps uul with any of them entirely, although mime good things have hern Mtul. llul it neriitn to me that every Inter e get into the sume big iiiudliole nml all the cubing and iI'M'UxMi'g don't get un mil till summer comes and dry father and general trallic repairs the roads. Then some people acctit-a us of kicking, Well, who wouldn't kick? Hut still thai is , not the a ay out of it. I agree w ith most all who have been writmg on the subject that llm old road law was not siitlicirnt to make good roads for the simple reason that the men would not work lmn called out on the road by the atiervisor (I mean a g'eat majority of them), ami the new or present law is just a little better, but not what the people need nor what tbey are entitled to. Some persons call our attention to what they think is a strong argument In favor of the new law, shoving us pieces of good road that have been built within the last year, hut we don't hear much of thut argu ment since I lie rainv season began. Hut true enough, there is noticeable improve ment in some localities. Hut taking the country generally it latin lar short of what is required. Hut 1 believe there could be a great improvement made by having the money come direct to the road instead of having so much paid out for supervision anil other useless ceremony. Hut we must not entirely condemn a thing until we have something better to oiler in its stead. And I think there surely is a way, for I know there is a will. Hut 1 would say right here, let all the farmers ami land owners of Clackamas county cry out to gether against the plan set forth hy one writer of bonding the county for money to irculute through the various channels it would have to puss to build roads, for the young men of this county wohM be gray haired long before the debt would be paid And good farmers, you know, are not hunt ing lor a plan to get In debt, and Clackamas county has some good farmers yet, although the writer doesn't seem to think so, and 1 tintl them far more liberal than the writer seems to have heard they were. Hut the farmers of Clackamas couHty are imposed upon In various ways. He has too much to pay lor from which he receives no benefit, and no country nor part thereof can pros per when it is heavily taxed and never re ceives the least benelit from such tax. Hut whether he Is imposed upon or not he evidently thinks he is, and has become dis gusted more by people telling him that he don't know how to attend to bis own busi ness than anything else. People, who through ignorance or something worse, do the Clackamas county farmer great injus tice; tor the farmer in thin county are com posed of a great variety of people from the various states of the I'nion, anil in fact most all countries of the world. There are men among them who can successfully manage the alhtirs of the state. Then imagine how disgusting it must be to them when those with little or no riperli-rtcs will dictate to thmn how they mutt sjiend their own money or run their own slf'ulrn. Then larnmrn are a ne -inlty , an it It also iiecen nary for tlm growth ol llm coiintry thai the iaittl he utilized ami hrouht ii.to a ciule ol proiltictlvenesn wl.ilf those Mis dlclalors are only a w iirt ui'iui the no-c of heltrr uml more iieeenar.v stslflv, anil could willingly he illnn:i wllh by llm fiinnfrs at lea-t. Now a recent writer lo the KsTrnemsR sc. i iiti'n our farmers uf Ix-ii.g reltii tnnt in pay ing for wlint they gel. That is very iinj-inl, and I think the fartni-rs will join with me In a fiiricliiilon thnl It is falte; for I know thert' is no class of opl who pay more for what the) get nor pny It more willingly than the people uf thin county. Hat it would take volumes lo state the ililllcultit-n or ths way out of tl.eoi. Itrturning to our mail law I will say that nny law Is worthless that don't give the country the firtt henelil, an tlm improve ment ol the agricultural districts in the only way whereby the country will ever gain any wealth or see any proxTity, ami the towns to all thinking minds should lie a secondary or Inst consideration, lor I tie hnoming and building of hungry towns is llm greatest curse that agriculture has known in the Northwest, for as a rule they art- filled w ith o,le who contribute noth ing towurd the building up of any country. Hut give tlm farmer a chance to snd his money uliere be sees the Iwm-llt antl knows where It goes and you will h surprised to see the amount of money he can raise for ! roans alone. It is worse than absurd to tell him ciiiilinually that he needs roads, for no one known that no well an himself. Hut how Is his money to rent h the road? Simply hv innking a law lo put It there. And I will suggest a plan. Home will no doubt denounce it, but nut more flatly I linn I de nounce the bonding plan. It Is lo make a slate road law similar to the school law, Miike it as complicated in every respect. It Mould com urine as large a volume an Ibe school law and of course we have not room to ihnert it here; but have the road districts llteaiie of the is hool districts. It each district elect Its own road directors without a salury. I-et tlm stale law provide expli citly the kind of mad to be built. Have it optional with land tinners or voters as to when they shall ralf money for road pur poses. It them determine at annual meet ings how much tax they shall inqione Uion themselves. a I there be a small r cent, of the general tax reserved as a sn-clal road fund to meet accidents ami emergencies of various kinds, and also to pay one county mail sus-rnileiideiit which should be a good man at a small salury; not a worthies man at a hlg salary. Let the coumy court have no jurisdiction whatever over any part thereof. 11 the county own no mad-making apparatus w hatever. I-t private indi viduals own and use all implements for mad-making, stone crushers, etc. Let the directors elected in each district have con trol of their district and its money, subject lo the examination ami approval of the gen eral county suiterihteiuleitt whose duty it should be to visit all roads in lite county where work is being done and receive the same. It can be plainly seen by this the idea 1 Intend to convey. It brings within reach of the farmer a chance for which he is longing, (or lie knows that building roads through the county is the biggest paying investment to bitu, fur they (thefarmer) can make the same amount of money reach farther than any other eople. Just look at the use they make of their school money and then dispute that fact if you can. I say that the farmers can and would furnish material, crushed stone, etc., cheaer than it can come through any other source by operating stone crushers as well as threshing machines, Let such iwonu the law and I will guarantee that in live yearn Irom now the county will be in i better condition ami its roads will be a credit to it or any civil ized country. For the people have become comiiletelv disKiisted with that old sonirof county court ami bosses, ami to most eo ple it seems to be a bad case of dry rot, and a revival is surely necessary. J. 0. Woiric. Frevtau's line home made pickles are on sale at K. E. 'WilliHiiis's, Marr it Rob ertson's, and F, T. Harlow's grocery stores. Money to Loan. C. O. T. Williams can now make loans on good farms. Ollice next door to Huntley's drug store. Notice of Application for a Saloon License. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed will apply to the City Council ol Ore gon City, Oregon, at the regular meeting in January for the continuation of a liccense for saloon at I he corner of Main and Fourth streets in said city. Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. I, 1S!IS. Sunset Grocery, .West Side. Complete stock of Crockery Tinware and Notions. First class goods ....Low Prices .. ....Prompt delivery. Satisfaction-:- Guaranteed. C. A. McMILLAN, Prop. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE' DJTJGS 00 TO Q A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED rise Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. AUo a full itock of ZP-A-IZSTTfeS- OILS ETC. VsS Sad His Life fortunate din - C -or. covery in tiie nick of time. Hundreds of person suffcriiur from consumption have bad the pro grcna of the disease stopped, and have been brought back to life and health by the "Golden Medical "Sir Discovery" of Dr. ! 1'u-rce. Years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, now chief ! consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel j ana Mirgtim institute of liuffalo, N. Y., rt-coKniin? the fact that consumption was essentially a germ disease, and that a rem edy which would drive the germs and their poisons from tin- blood would cure consump tion, at last found a medicine which cured ft per cent, of all canes, if taken in the earlier alages of the disease. Tim tissue of the lungs bcinif irritated by .in; n iuii an., intimn in inc niooo circular Thin is the time to take rr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery; it drive the germs and poison from the blood, and ha a sooth ing eff'-ct upon the dry cough. In case of bronchitis the '"Discovery" is invaluable. "Golden Medical Discovery" increase the amount and quality of the blood, thu invig orating and fortifying the system againstdi ease and build up wholesome flesh and strength after wasting diseases, as fever pneumonia, grip and other debilitating af It-Cliuns. Jo. M. llrrs. of Au dubon , A uiiuhont'o., a., nvs : " 1 look a severe cold whirhsrttlrdon my lungs and chrt. and I Bitfrred inteiwly with it. I tried several of our best phynician here and thi-y (rave up all bone 01 my recovery, and thotiKiit I would have to die. I would cough and spit blood fur hour. and I was pale and weak. Iwisirreatiy ditcouraged when I be- ''-- f fan tne uteot the liv j yf jIrrt belm?' it"ha. fSn fvl year .inc i took it an) i b..h.dPorrtun,of,h..,roub1e..nc "" j " " I The New Year always brings a lot of extra work in a store, the annual stock taking must be done to find out In order to lighten this work as much as jiossible we will make Great Reductions In Prices in all lines especially in clothing and heavy underwear. Glass & Smyth. Caufield Block. pEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE Watc&Mer Next Door to star and JeWelEr Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. 1 I ng inronyii timm, the germ find lodgnrnt ftronnn Claim ru Unt-to there, and the lungs begin to break down. UregOfl O tedlT) Uy6 WOrKS, ltf?J!!rrrn7ail l"'aUh br"in,,! fc'jl.and Kendall & Slaughter, Proprietors. the person feel languid, weak, faint, drowsy r l i . i t i I . L .i and confused utw7 or tight and Hurnsule Ms., Portland "Where we are SOHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in Stoves PLUMBING, TINNING, AND GENERAL JOBBING. CAUFIELD BLOCK, Main Street. The "Commercial. The best brands of Cigars and Fine Tobac cos. SMOKER'S SUPPLIES. No. 3, Commercial Bank New Goods 1 Modem PHceH. -. - orner urocerv. W J Comp;te utock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-cs2S Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. Oregon. Clothing cleaned, colored and repaired. Ladies' shawls and dress goods a spec ialty. Failed clothing restored to its original color, to look like new. Satis faction guaranteed, (iive us a call. Work called for and delivered. Series No. 2. Willamette Savings and Loan Associa tion of Oregon City. p !,,: , It- I J - J: i'J icsuiuuuii vi uooiu ut ut- actors the subscription list to Series yQ j subscription list to Series Xo. 2 has been otiened to the capital stock of the Association. The entrance fee is one dollar per share and the monthly dues are sixty cents for each share sub scribed. The Association has money to loan to its members at eight per cent per annum on property in Clackamas county. Agents are wanted in every set tlement and town in the county. For further information apply to HERMAN K. JONES. Secretary. At Bank of Oregon City I S. MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF - rr rr. i- v. - j - . . ... i . BRICK& LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual' ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, IJEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS LXPERIEXCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. DR D. S STKYKER. PE.VTIST. HAS RE moved to Odd Kellowi'teniDleS. W. Cor. lat and Alder, Portlaud, Oreiau. and Tinware. E. PARKER, Proprietor. J. W. O'Connell, Ma'gr. Blocks