Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE KNTKRPFISF. C0RKKSP01. FATS SWKEI" T1IK HF.LD. lion on account of tlio Christmas holiday and the stale toucher's association in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. llocht and tamily of Nebraska, am visiting Mr. and Mrs, .Annual Meeting of City Council t.eod Financial Shewing ('hrlslmas (iiitlierlngs Lodge News. Canby, Or. Jan 2. On Christmas Eve the Evangelical church celebrated Christmas by having fine entertain ment and a tree in their church, the entertainment consisted of music, reei tations and pong. The house was well filled and everybody pleased. The M. K. rhurrh also had an enter tainment and a tree on the evening of the JBth. The exercises consisted of music, singing, recitations etc., after jvhich the presents on the tree were dis tributed. The church was crowded and everybody went away well pleaml. The Christian church has engaged Rev Roberts of Eugene for six months to preach for them, he will preach on the first and third Sunday of each month. Father Mathew will preach in Knight's hall on Sunday evening and also on the following Wednesday evening at the same place, everybody ia invited. Rev. Carner will preach as usual in the M. E. church on the second, fourth and fifth Sunday of each month. V. A. Lew is, of Portland, state orga nizerof the A. P. A. gave a lecture on A. P. A. ism in the M.E. church on Pec. 26. After the lecture he requested all i those in favor of organizing a lodge, to i sign their name to a roll, quite a number did so, and met in Knight's hall the follow ing evening and were organized I into an A P. A. lodge by Mr. Lewis. The Industrial Legion meets every Saturday in their hall, corner 2nd and 6 ; strews. Everybody is invited. On New Year's Eve quite a number j gathered in the M. E. church and held j a watch meeting until the new yearj made its appearance when, all shook i hands and greeted each other with a "happy new year.''' A large number of young people held j a meeting in Knight's lull, the time was j epent in plays, social chat etc., until 12 ; o'clock when each one tried to get the ! first "happy new year." j Another party met at H. A. Lee's' where they spent a veiy enjoyable even ing in tripping the light fantastic. Still another party of elderly men met at the residence of Mr. Carlton where1 they enjoyed themselves at a social eame of cards, they say they were right royally entertained by Mr. and. -Mrs. Carlton, and w ish for many more such pleasant treats. G. W. Shank A. R. Shank and F. A. iiOseiiKians anu oromer returned irom i the mountains last week where thev I have been rusticating for a w eek. They report some snow and rather cold ; weather. ! Mr. Stagsdill met with a painful acci- j dent on New Year's Eve. while walking j rapidly through his house in the dark, 1 from one rcom to another to light a lamp, h did not notice the door stand- i ing open, against the sharp edge of which he struck the hack of his hand, j bruising and knocking the skin cU creat ing a painful, though not a dangerous wound. The council held a special meeting on the 31, examining the reports of the several tflicers and the treasurers rejiort shows a balance from last vear of $20 15 receipts for the year f4l,5.50, total, $455.65 amount of warrants paid during the year, 1298.20; leaving. a balance in treasury of $157.45. The council ordered another street lamp to be put upon the corner of first and 1) streets. We spent a very pleasant day wilhC. W. Armstrong and family on New Year's day. They live about one mile north ofCanby on the banks of the Molalla river. Four years ago Mr. Armstrong built him a house on this place, right in the woods, and moved his family into it, lie commenced to clear and improve his place and now has one of the finest farms to be found anywhere. He showed us a piece of bottom land between four and five acres from which he dug 1300 bushels of the finest burbank potatoes. It is snch men as Mr. Armstrong that build op the country. Mr. Rudolph Ehret who is living in Portland paid his parents a visit on Christmas. Wdi. Weed, who isetopping at Astoria made a flying visit on Christmas. Chester Hodges who is going to school in the university at Salem came home on Christmas. Eliza Stevens, whoiB attending school in Portland came h;me to spend the holidays with her parents. Ella Knight who has been in Portland for some time studying music came home on a vacation during the holidays. Elvira Lee who has been teaching school at Springwater closed a three months term and came home. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner of Salem were Jiere visiting relatives and friends dur ng the holidays. Carlton A Kosenkrans commenced to take stock today, they say they have 25000 pounds of dried apples on hand. 12 o'clock noon, snowing hard. Salem where they expect to remain lor some time. ' Miss Nellie Hamilton came home to spend Christinas, returning again to Oregon City on Friday. M,.. -.,,1 VI IV.,. I Mill,,, Inim White They are her,, in the hope, that . ril,v"rr,llv ,..rk ,,, , ,, l0 ,,,, lUHlltWllO!,-!,,:., i ir, ,. Miss Minnie Walker was presented with our climate will benefit Mrs is in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon, recently from the F'ast are thinking of locating here. Mrs. Spurgeon is a daughter of 8. II. Osmon. The youngest child of Carl Zaehl, formerly of this place, now of l.aCenter, Wash., was burned to death lust week. Mr. Jas. Derby, from some mysterious cause was buck over our way from Ciresham Saturday. Mr. and Mir. J. R. Morton were in the county seat Saturday and Sunday visit ing friemls. John Hilleary's new house is now entirely completed with the exception of the partition. He celebrated its rumple tion with a social dance Tuesday night which was enjoyed by all present. Miss Katie Feathers closed a very suc cessful term of school which were ap preciated very much by the visitors present. School will be continued after the holidays and the directors hope to again secure the services of Miss Feath ers. There was a social paity given at the residence of J. R. Morton a week ago last Monday evening by his daughter, a line F.sty Organ lor a Christmas present. Mr. Uiwther, of Canhy, has organized a singing class here which meets every Tues day evening, Miss Allie Tale, or Oregon City, is visit ing her cousin, Miss Kdna Mattoon, Mr. Kogera and family have moved dow n near Jones' saw mill. Sheep killing dogs have visited thin neigh borhood, killing two tine sheep forjudge Phelps, Mr. Oiiep has been confined to Ills bed the past few days with a sprained foot. Hi v Hick. LKUSD NKWS. SotM froni a Uv SelslilMirhood-tiraml Christ. niM Celebration. 1.KI.ANP, Dee. St. Happy New Year to you Mr. Kditor, and to all readers of the Okkio! City Kmtkki'kisk. I'oUIs seem to be one of the fads of the season that will not go out very soon we mav he assured. i Lincoln W aldron and himlly have moved onto his own place. Batehelor K. is tired of rooking, ' etc. .Madam Humor says there will be a wedding soon. Lester M. behind, a student of the Auri- Miss Eugenia. The evening was spent ! cultural eollrge, is at home for the holidays, very plasantly by the young people I Win. Penman spent Christmas wild his present. The delicious candy which the parents, Mr. and Mrs I'avnl I enuian Mr. Will Kandall has begun to Improve his place by clearing land. Miss Ada Randall is home from the Port- very pleasant time. SANPY SAYIM.S. Pleasant Christmas Gathering-Advocates llav. Ing Only One County Kiuid Supervisor. hostess sowe!l understands making, was especially enjoved. A masquerade ball was given at the :i ..i i 1 1 . -I I 1.. .. t ... rrsmr.iceo. ...r. iiHZ.e.M .usv ..., Wllliam Koherts, of New York. i. visiting day night, New Year's Eve. A K1! I hi, uncle and family, and has lately organ-, many were present from Eagle Creek i iz,.t a ,,ical dub at l.eland school house and Gresham. Those present report a ( that will meet evtry Saturday evening. i I !r. t'ustn, of Alpine farm, spent Inst Sun- dav with J. M. Findley and family, I 11. P. Eastman, of Portland, spent a lew j days at home. Christmas has passed and everv oneeu-: joyed theniselvjs finely over their Christ- ! mas Irees and presents. j The Christmas entertainment at Inland; was a decided success ami was enjoyed by. everyone present. A large arch was con- j tftructed on which the present were placeu. It presented a most beautiful sight with Its twinkling lights. The program was as lol lows : Song U os pel Hymns No. CI The School. Recitation "Marriage of Santa Clans'' Alice Findley. Acrostic "Christmas" H Nine Children. Song, . ."(iood ridings Choir. Recitation, "Just Itefore Xmas" (iordic Jones. Recitation "A Misunderstanding' I.eiiy Thomas. I Duet, "Christina Hells" f.T.r.r.r.r.TT.TT.rT.T.T.r.r.rr.r.'q uaiila-itilia.l.Wi "I BAILS for OM and Young.. ltoutitifiil Curds. Artistic Ciiliuulrrn Caiulii'H, Fresh iiml Turn riiotngriiili Allium All Kinds Stiitiiuiury Polls, (irciit iiml Small Fino Cliiiuiwuri' Toilet Articles- ' Full I.ini' Perfumes Tovk for Hitlys Silk lliiiiilkorcliicfs Leather (iiiodrt Fine I'liilcrwiMtr Silk Neckwear Fino Hosiery Suits Overcoats: I'autH Huts I rl I I I 'ri I V 5 CARLTON & ROSENKRANS The Lenders in Dry Hoods, Clothing. (Iroeeries, Iioots mid Shoes, ICte. Como and Sco Us. CANBY, OREGON. ( DAMAW't'S DOIkGS. Many Pleasant Social GatherlnES-Cbllrj Burned to Death. Damascus, Dec. 31. Christmas has Missed away very quietly in Damascus. Our school is; enjoying a week's vaca- Sanpy, Pec. il. Christmas passed otl ipiietly here. Hut the Sat.dy people were seniew hat happier over tliesplenuid weather we have here. O. il we enuld only give our eastern friends a sample of our tine w eat her, wouldn't it he a boom lor Oregon? A Christmas entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs Henry Koch, our well known hotel keeers. The parlor was handsomely decorated with (lowers and evergreens, presenting a most attractive ap pearance. Instrumental and vocal music and dancing were among the exercises, in cluding almost everything else to make the I occasion an enjoyable affair. The large ' Christmas tree was loaded down with can dies, nuts, fruits, cakes, and an immense number of Christmas preents. The tree was beautifully decorated willi all kinds of gold and silver paper in many lantaslic shapes, ami w ith the candles presented a beautiful sight. At !0:3ni'clock Santa iluus came in ami made a diMrilmlion of the presents, candies, etc. At 12 o'clock Mr. Koch spread I he table with a bountiful sup I er, which was enjuve l and praised hy all present. Great credit is due Mr. and Mrs. Koch for the hospitable manner in which they treated their gue-ts. Tlm-e present nere, Mr. and Mrs. Harms. Mr. and Mrs. Kaper Anlti-er, Mr. and Mr. Meinig, Mr. and Mrs. Herman I'runs, Mi-s Clara Mei nig, MissTillie liruns, Katy Harms, Albert .s!iu!z, Roliert Jonsrude, ilerman liruns, jr., Johnny Ment hie. Julius Wet, dland has ju-t completed a huililing to be used as a carpenter s shop. He is also building a later tank, and will put in a hydraulic ram. Bert Jonsrude has returned home from Southern Oregon. While there he had the mi-fortune to dislocate his shoulder. Mr. Ream has left for San Francisco at which place he will stay during the present winter. Leu Severs has been seen on our streets once more. He has gone up to visit bis folks in the " burn." Considerable growling is made by the peo ple here on account of the county court pay ing so much of the taxpayers money to those live unnecessary extra road supervis ors. The county court would do a sensible thing if it would discontinue them. Reader. IlAniGIIOliST & COMPANY, 1M Front Street. IIAItDWARE I'o.tluml, Oregon. ATIillWS SAWS i Pexter- -IiUmntnl.- -Ulirr (IH-ntenl Tlltllelootll Peter Ullie Hi:e Sleel I - 'It,- .1"' 'If I, II Crescent Wedges (warranted.) 11 A S l'ltMif Clums. Arcade Files. Creseeiit Nnj j j IiOpgors aiul Wood Choppers Specialties. j lOregon City Agent, WILSON A C00IO Lucy Findley and Richard Thomas. Reci'ation, . . "Asleep at the Switch" j M i-s A. Jones, ; Acrostic "National Holidays'' 1 py Six Children. Song "lilory to (hid in the llighe-t ' ! Choir. 'Recitation, "A Strange Child's Xmiis" ; May Cahill. ' Instrumental M usir Selei led Win. Roberts, Recitation, . .. "I be I tressed Turkey" i Alfred liregory. Rt'cilalion, . , . "Christmas five" Laura Rider. , Violin Solo Selected ! Miss Illanch McCord. ! Recitation, "Reminding the lien" ! Huglne Jones. I Recitation "Correction Uox" j Miss A. Jones. Instrumental Iluet Selected Lizzie and Richard Thomas. I Recitation, "What (he Choir Sung" j Nora (iregory. i Recitation "A Hoy's Cnniplanient" Richard Thomas. I Vocal Soio Selected Tableau in Two Scenes, "Xmas Kve and Xmas." Scene 1, Xmas Kve. Instrumental Solo Selected Win. Roberts. Scene 2, Xmas. Song, ."Christmas Tree" Choir. In behalf of the Sunday school we cor dially thank Miss Illanch McCord, Miss A. Jones and Mr. Win. Roberts, for their tine music and recitation. Hay Skeii, ' good business and iv up with the times, i they having a Iiml class mill and under. ! sloud the business. ' The Christmas entertainment and tri e at J j Lewellen's hall, where both young and old . I never fail to have a good time, was attended I with a crowded house, and was represented ' by all except a few tender plants whose sell j est, vm is greater than their charity. K ery- j one went away well pleased, w ishina. one j it i . 1 1 1 1 1 r a merry Christmas and happy ! New Year. ' 1 'in the loomingol the 27th i n-t. the large ; sloi k barn cd A lacy was luriid to the' i ground and only by the strong ellortol him-1 sell an. I bis neighbors was the dwelling and : other buildings saved and no stock lost. j I A Mr. Wiislilnirn is the lucky hoy who ! w is wedded to Miss Maggie Marchhaiik, of j thin, on the 2'ld Inst. What Is Spring. ' ! water's hiss is Vancouver's gain. ' OnsriivKH. : KI'KI.NOWATKR M'RAY. Abernetby Notea. Ahernethy Cre-jk, Jan. 1 Christmas is over and everybody largely enjoyed il in our little burg, especially the young folks. George Jones und James Imel are busily engaged in cutting cordwood from the tini- her recently purchased or Charlea Welch. I imtHnt&l Improvement. nia.le-ClirlHtmaa Cutting cordwood is the main business here, j Festlvltes-Loss My Fire. J. Meindel, who is working for a brewing . . company at Salem, spent last Saturday and I Sphi.ncwatkh, Dec. III. As the regular Sunday at home. j correspondent from this place failed to Our school is progressing nicely with come to the front lust week, (he being a Mablon Moran as teacher. tender plant I, We will give vou a few items J. II. Imel of this place Is teaching a suc cessful Utui of school in the Heaver Creek district. Several young people of this place at tended the hop at Park Place last Monday night. Ci.'mtax. as we do not wish to he left on the back ground. Hpringwater is populated by an enterpris ing and go-alieud class of people, who are pushing ahead although times are hard and money scarce. There has been ja good amount of improvement at this Viola Visions. place the past year. Kvery farm has made Viola, Dec. 30. Christmas passed oir; some permanent improvement in the way here very quiet. Santa Claus in passing! of buildings, clearing hind and improv- through our little village remembered all the little ones, and any one could tell by their brigt faces that they had not been forgotten. Rev. Gillett and his family have moved In the parsonage, and we will have services twice a month hereafter. There is a good deal of sickness here and around through the neighborhood. Judge Phelps has been poorly for some time. Smith Lacroy has been very sick and last Wednesday it was feared he would not recover. Dr. Honimer, ot Oregon City, was sent for and now he is slowly improving and hopes are entertained for his recovery. He had la grippe and the lung fever set in and finely resulted in consumption. Mr. Wm. Rutherford is alto quite sick. A. Kitteruian and wife have gone to ing their farms in general. There is large acreage of young orchards in this place, although the trees lue small and the present outlook is a little gloomy. They are taking good care or their orchards and making the necessary improvements for taking care of the fruit. The following is a summary of the build ings for the past year: Five dwelling houses, three barns, twelve sheds for slock and tools, four fruit houses, one store and dwelling, one hall ,10x.rXJ which is a credit to any community, ami one lare shed for the accomodation of the public. W. H. Iwellen and C. C. Lewis, the en terprising merceants of Hpringwater, are doing a good business. They are the right men in the right place. The saw mill and plainer of Messrs. 1'al mateer, Livermore & Hoops is doing a New Kra Notes, New I'iia, Dec. HI. A. (irieshabber is pulling a new roof on his new house, w hicli is a two story building 21 bv 'Hi leet, ami adds greatly to the looks and inprovemeiit of his place. John Rauch, of I'emlleton, is still visiting friends ami relatives in the vicinity of New F.ra. He wants to rent a small larm ami settle down here to enjoy the tine fruits ami Is uulifiil climate of the Willamette val ley a lew years. Joseph Huirass has (he misfortune to have two sick horses. One day last week he drove them to town and back, they being pretty warm when he got home. That night the stable door blew open and they received a cold blast all night from the north which nearly used them up. There wan a lively runaway one day last week In New Kra. A team belonging to some one near New Kra started from the (Inuring mill and ran around the point of the hill and passed where the Jesse store used to stand ami came to a stop tangled up in Mr. Newbury's fence. (leorge Randall has been lately sacking and shipping potatoes to San Francisco. The school at llrown's school house is progressing nicely under the management of ('has. Rutherford. Ueduings are coming so thick and fust in our town that serenading crowds are luiv ing about nil they can attend to. Fred Mil ler is the last victim. M. .1. Howen and family have moved from the Doughty farm to the Heatly farm, where they will he located lor a year or two. Rnel Doughty will run the F. Doughty farm hereafter. Central Point had an entertaining pro gram and a Christmas tree on Christmas eve. We believe all heartily enjoyed them selves. The Discovery Saved His Life. Caillouette, Druggist, Heavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery Iowe my life. Was taken with LaGrippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle ami began its use and from the first dose began to gut better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Oct a free trial bottle at Cliarman A Co'g Drug .Store, Charman Bros, block. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Hlgh.rt Medal and Olptaaa. Notice. The regular ojiiarterly meeting of Mult nomah District Pioneer (iiange will bet held at Milwaukee!, Wednesday, Jiiimaiv j il, lvi.'i, at Id .:& A. M A full altend ancc is desiied MtiivS. IIowakii, Secretin v. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II. stanlon's I'enialinc, the Fiiiiihiih Female Sperillr, will run- nil those nolic and pains peculiar to you, ami cusl vou only $1 lor one tin mill's treatment .' I will send nny l.idv a L x, free, who will send me the iniines ami addresses of leu ladies w ho lire in delicate health. Agents wanted every wheie. Willc fur full par ticulars to M rs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, I'eletui, Ore gon. Striiyeil or Stolen, From Oregon City, about November ID, a light sorrei horse, aged six years, weight about Hod to !KI0 pounds, and rather slim built. I'.rainlcd on left hip w ith letter " 1'." One whilu hind foot When ridden will single-foot or rack in gait. A liberal reward given for inform ation as to hia whereabouts N'oiii.itt A Co. Ilucklcn's Arnica Salve. The best sulve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheiim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns), and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Pile or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. F'or sale bv Charman A Co. , Charman Bros Block. rasas' mil An agreeable laxative) and NrKvr Tosirv ' sold ir lniioist or sciil- nymsii. iouinu and 1.(J0 per isu kngn. Mniploa tree, : r If A"7-I avorlto T5CTB WZli MJ il V forthuTcclliaud llmilli, I hi s.ile bv li A (larding, druggi!. a ulOT0aE,AFER' Cliiiiily wesiher preferred fur lttliiits. AHIMIc Win Miirrlaun, Cor. fit li, l'" irl IhihI, . FARMERS Your team will of euro and Full Measure oflFeed At lll(! i vi! tlui la'gt Hard times Prices. K. F. Scripture has reduced the price of horse shoeing to $1.50 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many veurs experience insures iirat-clusB work. For Sule or Trade. For improved Oregon City properly, 1(1 n4' acres 2j.j miles east of New Kra, o'.j miles south of Oregon City. Fur tiarlic ilium and price inquire of or ikIiIichh, J. M. Finih.kv, New F.ra, Oiegon. licuil These Trices. Oregon City OiihIi Market, I'et.old A Gale, Prop-., A. O. U. W. Block. Boiling beef, lie and -Ic; rib steak 5c; roast beef fin and 0c; prime roust beef 8c; round steak 7c; liest si 'ke 8c ; mutton stew 4e; mutton chop (ic; leg of mutton 7c. All other meals are sold at lowest cash prices. Smoked meats and saus ages of all kinds always on hand. All meats are from our own killing which is the choicest the market affords. Come and sue us. These prices are for cash only. The quality of blood depends much upon good or bud digestion and assimila tion ; to make the blood rich in life ami strength giving constituents, use Dr. J. II. Mclican's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier; it will nourish the prop ertied of the blood from which the ele ments ol vitality are drawn. F'or sale by C. U. Huntley, druggist. City tnblert. Kldd & Williams, Props.,' u ... iii ill r 1, . Livt-ry ltig:s on SlmrV Notion, i The ImlepenWjt' NEW YORK. I I' A ll-llcliift l.lli'i-iir) iiml I'miikly .H.piier. t'lnii'inuiiliisll' lnil. niiliiaKcil and lm h rtlnl . I A piiper hir clem ylnen . si'liubirs. le idlers, litlnincsH itii'ii nun nitiiuii's. u in dieses every l,.iie u( tin- ibiy re I ig I oils, iheiilniileiil, miIIHciiI, hlcriiiy,s-i.iil. srlisiic ami selenlllle l., eutilrlb illeil il rl ieles are by the must eiiilneiil writers n( the, K n K 1 1 b lniiioiHi(e. II employs specialists Hint dlnllnioiMilf 'f writers iiseiiitornul U twenty one liemirlini'iti" as follows: Literature, Helenee, Miolc, Fine Arts, Mniilt.iry, Missions, KcMkIoiik I nt,. 1 1 i-m'.. Illblleal Keseareli, Helionl anil DolleKO, J rersonnlN. CliiirKlea, I KdlhirUI, News nl the week, I Hiiiiil'iy-H'.nml, Mluislersl Keglster, I h'l,i....l liiKura,.. . ..... . (jhl sliil yiiiimi, I'ehlilns, 1 Farm and Harileii, i ...i.i ,.. ... f won i uuin, M A paper purlli iinlnrly titled fur lawyers ilei tors, eliTgyriiei), tliuse eiiKaged In biislnne young pontile of bnth sexes, men and wimie 11 who read slid think fur themselves. r A paper esaee.lally vidiialilii (or those lull" ested In Kine rts, Science, Music. : A nsiier nivliw valuable. Inloriiiatlnn uKi f Kiualiee, l.lfc, Iiisiirnnee, Ciiiniiieree fv paper (or Humliiy Hehool Works, those WLU W: have a rurin, ' arilen or llniise A p iper lur the lionlly, old and yoiiiii. , Its yearly mibserlplliiii Is :i.0O, or at Hist rah' for y part of a year. I Cliilis of Ave, $2 onyiaoh Bpecliae iCjpici Free, Clule' A