Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1894, Image 8

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    Vf i
Row One of John ltuU'a Watehrul Orfun
Slrra I p )Km American Snhjrrta,
Except a Yorkshirtninn thoro in no
nuiro solf conscious porson than your
QiitravvliMl American. He known (ivory
(hiug. You can't tako htm in. Ho
roinoa from tho bipest country in tha
world. His sniartin'ss is proverbial. Ho
rtooa not continually exclaim, "lama
Yankee, 1 am, " but ho im'(aihorioalh
waves his flaR in the face of an olTtti'
civilization and trails his egotism In
f.ire the darned oM country all thetimi
rou bt! Anil it is done surely and per
sistently. Every whippor snapper of a
uieuk thief has him. Notwithstanding
the staleness of the confidence triik in
his ownoouutry, ho is n prey to the first
American sharper or the clumsiest imi
tator of the Yankee methods whom he
cuvts in street or barroom. The papers
Ltoly have contained several instance;
the suoivssful practice of the court
denco trick on Americans. The wondet
is that any one can lie fleeced so easily.
Imagine any sane person b"iujt in
duced to hand over his watch mid his
purso to a total tranpr and letting
hiiu go out of sif-'ht to test his faith iu
tho paid stranger "to show his confl
denco" iu a man he docs not care a but
ton about, and whoso acquaintance he
has only just made. This happened the
other day iu Iiolbom to an American
gentleman who parted with watch, ring
and notes to the value of nearly 300.
The story began by one of two con'!
deuce men spotting him for an Ameri
can in Uolborn and asking him, "Say,
stranger, is this a new street?"
The two men were Americans; they
came from Virginia; the dupe was from
New Jersey. Of course they all ad
journed to the restaurant to have a
drink. The first Virginia gentlemen had
come into a large fortune and wanted
to give a lot of it away, but not to Brit
ishers oh, no but to his own country
men. The Jersey gentleman was induced to
undertake tho ofilee of my lord bounti
ful to the millionaire and was permit
(ed for a time to hold possession of a
tre;:t bundle of spurious notes. Then,
to show his confidence iu his new
friends, he handed over all he had about
liim, and they presently decamped with
his money, "jewels cash and plate."
He had to go home before the polico
i ould catch the masqneradors, but on
reaching New Y'ork he will be asked by
cable to ktp the promise he made that
he would return and prosecute them if
the dull London detectives could lay
hands on tLo astuto operators from Vir
ginia. Aud this kind of thing is going on
continually. The credulity of people in
general says a great deal for tho trust
fulness and sympathy of humanity as a
whole. Cynics would say that it may
be taken as still more indicative of its
greed. It certainly says little for its
caution. Tho mast transparent swindles
of the day in the direction of compa
nies, partnerships, offers of fortunes for
a few pounds, successful systems of bet
ting and speculation catch their dupes
day by day, ami Monte Carlo is extend
ing its palatial halls. Newcastle (Eng
land) Chronicle.
The Body of the Fauioua Itrapcrxlo Had
Tarnt to Stone.
The climate of Colorado is so exceed
ingly dry iu the greater jxirtiou tif the
btate that ordinary oLjt cts, snch as po
tatoes, vegetables of various sorts and
even small animals, petrify when cov
ered with sand. The body of Wild Bill,
the famous desperado, is today solid
gtoua He was buried iu a s;indy coun
try near Telluride, and tLont four years
ago bis frituds decided to imt op a mou
oment to bis mtiuory. Thiy went out
to his grave, which is iu the open
prairie, and one of the party, an old
gcout, was taken alon to exaetly locate
where he was buried. The sand had
shifted and blown iu great heaps, as it
does all through that country, and the
gcout had a good deal of difficulty in
absolutely locating the spot. Finally ho
struck a mound that he aid had Wild
Bill under it.
Owing to the uncertainty of tho situ
atiou and his hesitancy, tho party do
.jHed to dig down and see whether he
was right. Presently the spade ran into
a rock a ecarce thing in that country.
They shoveled all around it, and soon
revealed the petrified image of Wild
Bill, as perfect as the day he died, with
not a trace of decomposition. Even the
clothes and shoes were turned to stone.
Somo of the parties wanted to take the
body up for the purposes of exhibition.
But one of Bill's old pals, Shorty Jake,
as he was called, remarked that the first
man who tried to do so would find a bed
in the hole that Bill filled. .So tho idea
was artviidoue(L Washington Post.
L'.t a Small Fortune.
There was quite a crowd around a
coalhole in the sidewalk, and it was
soon learned that a lady who was pass
ing hud Ktepped into the uncovered hole,
aud they were getting her out. .She was
uot hurt in the least, but rather fright
ened and dusty. A male relative who
accompanied her was executing a series
of gymuanties around her.
"8ure you're not hurt, Addie?" ho
isked anxiously.
"Not a bit, Kit-hard."
"No sprains or brokeii bones?"
"Not one. You see, I was caught by
man who was parsing, and that saved
me from being hurt. "
"Where is the officious wretch?"
"Eichard, he is my deliverer!"
"Deliverer nothing! If you had just
broken one little bone, we could have
lued the city and recovered flO,000
damages." Detroit Free Press.
Ilil; WorniM.
A waggish fanner in Ohio killed 10
black snakes and lulled tin m in h : ;en.
pit The next day he m nt hi? hired man,
Swede, to dig nidiwmins in the t-anO
place, and tho sizh of the worms fright
ening the poor fellow nearly out of his .
ienses he fled in terror from the scent. 1
New York Lei'.ger.
New York Tribune, 181)5
Circiilatiun ItlS.tHH) Copies a Wrek.
First to rally from the overwhelming
deieal ot IS'.ii', t he New York Tribune j
patiently labored (or two years to
awaken the sUvpmg judgement of the
nation, rossessimr an enormous circu
lation, eqnippctl w uh a stall' of compe
tent and lionet students ot public ques
tions ami itself having no object to serve
except the welfare of the masses upon
the f.irms and in the shops, scorning
lies and sensational aplea!s, and satisfied
merely to place the truth tiofore its read
ers. The Tribune has sent half a million
earnest and reflecting people, weekly,
a budget of honest facts, sensible argu
ments and friendly suggestions, which
have at lst borne fruit in tho elections
I icoi Tl . -I- .f tl. . ...... I . i- I
oi iN'-t. ine work 01 ine people is,
Iinii',r,ir nnlv lmlf il.oio II is lux ossnrv !
i, i
i in ISiHi to place ill the chair which
drover Cleveland lias not adorned, aj
j constructive statesman of Itepuhlican j
faith. T.i thi the Tribune now addresses ,
itself, and invites the support of every
' Aiueiiean citizen who desires a return of '
the "gO 'd chl times" I
! Koswell U. Horr, ex-Congressman 1
from Michigan, but now ol New York 1
City will continue to discuss Tarill-, Cur- j
reiicy, Coinage and l.aKir qiies'inn in j
The Tribune, l'y all otlds the mo"t
witty, earnest and well-informed Seaker '
upon the slump, he is every year sent
bv the Tribune to .lid the local caui'a:gns
in every part of the country. He keeps
in constant touch with the people, knows j
their wauls and addresses himself in The '
Tribune directly to the thoughts which i
are in their mil. Is, and make himself'
understood, lie will gladly answer
questions, asked in good faith, tiy read
ers All the regular features of the Tribune
ill be continued. Kor Western readers,
a special array of Western news is sup
plied. For Eastern leaders an Eastern
edition is primed.
It is the intention to make the paper
especially helpful b fin mors and me
chanics. Each class has its seperale
department in The Tribune; and the
new invention of mechanics, who lack
the means to expl"ic the product of their
brains, are udver'ised free of charge in
the ho, of aiding them to find a purcha
ser or a partner.
The market report ot The Tribune,
long acknowledged to be the best
in the country, will maintain their
old stniiil.ini ; an.! usual variety of (ori'in i
news letteis, essay uion home tonics
hook reviews, articles on chess and
checkers, und miscellany will lie pre
sented everv week. The editorial pact's
' of the paper sum up the most important
news of the dav, with comments,
i The Tribune also prints for the ladies,
the very latest fa.-hions doin Paris and
London, and theie is a department of
'Answers to Quesiiuns," conducted by a
capable writer, in winch all the questions
of Ihe jieople on miscellaneous topics are
carelully anBwered.
! The Semi-Weekly Tribune is un in
comparable p.iper fur residents who live
lieyond tliTing- ' f The Daily Tribune,
but find it necessary to keep in touch
wi'h tlie best thoiinhts and higher inter
ests of the world at large,
, A few pTfiniuuis are offered lo readers
and club agents.
Any friend uf The Tribune is cordially
invited lo send fur (.ample copies and
terms, arid make up a club of subscribers.
We would be espeeially pleased to see
a larice tittle of readers in every work
shop The HVklv, fl ; The Semi-Weekly,
The Daily Tribune, $10 a year, The
Tiibtine Almanac 'or lS'.ifi, ready in
January, 2"i rents a cony .
THK TKIlll'NK, New Yotk. 2t
Faults of dige-tion cause disorders of
tlie liver, and the whole system becomes
deranged Dr .1. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier perfects the pioeess of digestion and
-assimilation, and thus makes pure blood.
For sale bv C. d. Huntley, druggist.
A fine collection of chrysanthemums,
either in boUi;ts or blooming plants, (or
sale at the Gladstone green house.
Other flowering plants in stock.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of tlie bent quality.
In Prices vre meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
Are Yon Unliiir Kml?
If so, it will pay yon to write to A . V.
Sheldon, general agent uf the "lhirling
ton Houto," '.V0 Washington street,
Portland. He will mail you tree of
charge, maps, lime tables, and advise
you as to the through rates to any point,
reserve sleeping car acconimodatlonn
(or you, and furnish yon with through
tickets via either tho Northern, I'tiiou,
v , ., , i ,
.Mirinrrii niiinmiin hi inn vijr w.ii'i
rales obtainable.
The Unrlington route is generally con- ill. I. mi tin nni tnv ol ivtotr wm .iniv i,m v
M. i ,i ,1 , .1 -.il. ., I i "i'oii mi. I will on Siinriliv. lln .'Hi ,lv of
lo be the finest iiiniod railioml j,m ,, B, , tl.,tlr , , vi...-h I M of
in the world (or all classes of travel, ''! '" th fr.mt ilir ..f ihi-ouri hnna in
1 ,1 eoiiniv ort,. for la at toil, Mi niiMion, iti,
, , t ii " i' r.- ' i II to lhi I'U liol nittl ln'.t Ii,I.ii fori'MHhln
Through I rains YHthiMit liansrcr, ihi,,i.,n ih,. hum. ihik .,,i ii,.r,.-i h. ..,i,i
,, , , ,i , ,1 , n ' ili'ii'ii'l nit. on Hi t.'ih ,1 v of liilv lim hut In
Travellers must not forget that tho I). , .,, , , (..uowi,,, ,M,.rll., roil .ro..ny,
It. A N, lino Is thoroughly repaired aii'l;'""1,1 . , , , , ,., , .
B ', ! Hrliij rl of lonll.'il I li,l ('llin No M,
all trains ar rtiuuing nilliotit transfer in Ton.iii, s sonih of l;n l or wn.
, , . . i . timnih Morhli'in. mil moro itHOIiMitirlv tl,-
or delay, through service to Omaha, : ,,,, f:i,w, ,,.wii iwinll,w ,i
Kansas Citv, M, Umis and Chicago ; ""''! i-Nim v v itioiioe
' . north M fit ihilliii to III norlhwl rorniT of
I'nl 1 111 Kit sleepers, free reclining chair j wiion n ihino,.i,i in H7i-hnin iiikiii-k ..nth
II, , j , , . ... i I"1, ,li'. ll II "tllll llllli'li,l .11 Vli-Illlll-
cars, upholstered tourist shvpers and ,, ,,, ,.ii ,,,,,,, vu h,..i
ni.wl.Tii due eoiii h.'i. Cull on (). K . Sc
. .' . . .
N'tore purchasing llckels, or
. i i iv 11 ii...ii:.. , . ... 'I
aimress n . n. iiikii.iiii, unn i ins
l,)rt,o,l OroL-otl
At tlt KnTKHTKISK ullUt.
- - -
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Scrcj,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle AilmCntS,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates 7lufc!e,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment contpjeni
Makes flan or Beast well
l:or Astoria and Clatskanie.
DOCK fur AiiHtoria, Sunday and
Friday niornings at 7:."0 A. M., ami
jronday and Wednesday emiingH
at 7:.')0 P. .( making close con
nectioiiH at Astoria with boatrf for
Ilwaco and Clatwop.
KRITUPvNINO leaves Antoria
Monday morning at C :'.',() A. M.,
Tuesday, TlitirHtlay and Friday
evenings at 5 I'. M.
Connecting at Oak Point on down
trip with steamer Messenger for
Clatskanie; and on up trip from
! Astoria.
No, 270, Morrison Ktreet,
For general repairing he Btandfl
without a peer. For firHt-clasH, re
liable gooda hia Htore in second to
none. TrvhirnI
FA MM KNCAMPMKNT, No. , r. O 0. F.
Mfwtft flrt Hii'l third T!H'H.lnynf each mot it h,
at O'M KellowH IihII. M"mbori rih) vloltlug
patrlHrrhti, pordlnlly Invited to attend.
Scribe. Chief Patriarch.
jLeireVroToTe?iTI t
KhrrltT'i Notice of Hulo on Kiwutlun,
In llin I'lrrult t'niiri cit I ln Hinto nn'ifi'ti (or
liniiity ol Miiltimuiali.
M. ('. tlraham, illiillir, vi, J, W, (Iridium, do
ti'iiilniit. Hum ii! (iri-Kiin, Ciiiinty nf CUoUiiiii, m,
Nmlm In lipreliv ilvrn, tint liv virtue l ill
'titl,iii an. I onlor ol al lni.,l out nf tltc
ennntv court of tin SMie nf Ori'trnii for the
Clreiili of MiiIiiioiiikIi, ln-arlim ilaln the mil
i1ir of iii'io' rr li'M In i "nil vIiit."ii M. v.,
(Irnlimn win (lUlntlrT, nut .1. W (Irntmm
irfi,,iiiii ....t. ...... n ..... it,. ..i,i..
lilp of l irt-ifon ihil out of the rtil r"'tin tnno !
limit r ,li,ort,i,'l. to rrnllfi i .nut mifth'li'iil to I
mwi lfv lli, ,l,,min,U of nil,! ilfi.rrri. lo wlr
j r.ii in loiiiMiier nu IHM'rot on iih ni,
I $r.i) ill loiiiMtier with lnttn'i on tho .mm' .int't
,,, ,i,.,.r,. ita, rtuvrml , inl linn llin eot of
nut mtiMKlinir t ht Nlt
V.iw II In .,t...1l.,o.. I.t .,!, .I...,r.... I
I '"" i wfl.n P mi.l in II ! i V7
rli-Oni iIhmio I'lilli M V) ehlii' lln-ln-e W"t
' s m ,-i,-,n,. t ih,. .i f I, -fi.nihu. cnuin.
; ll' " Ml "I'tri mor or li'i A'"v
ti.-L-ini.lt. v i th iioiil,.i r..ri.rof I ,-,.r
i t"1" t'omtlon I ml ('Unn linii-. In ninn
i I ( itiii pnl (rt74 ihnltn- lionet' .nth '
hii. thi'Mpt "iiMfh '.C tlrr I rtO I'hutnw:
j ttt'tih lie -t4fU rhtltik: ltnni't unit -J
, tti-ir wt'( (' i o I'htht t.toiti'c .ml m rttttn:
j tiTmi i.uith i .1.- ,w m)M i-t MV i-tiKin.
1 fHh SI m In rni HH.thHtn tn cr.tur nt
; innniti nf n Kprtn Smmi-M 'htnr( ouih 7rt
i tl h ni'n wi'M trt in rlnln to mnilt fir lri-i i
. in the Ml hnk of UUinift rlrp mi ti I
, hit" nf rnvl tir' tht'iii'ui V HUtnptiii rl vr I
1 Monrti rt'i rtt MO in I it wit fl l fhiUm to thi '
I nvitht'Mi rornir of 4 of in-1 h(rifnfitrt
o! mi tnnvivr( to- "til Ifhn nm ill m
wiV hv.t ! fo.r,r.t In It.wk K" f w1i,
I tt( l rhln- fHMi. north 4 !. w-t
fhlnti (hrr north M !t' wrl h rhtln (
thrni-i nirth :i 1t wtt s 7 rhtn: ihiMif
lior'h H ih-ln : nMiri ! .It. rhilm to hi I
tt ttontnlnrv Uni of il.t ninwilt rNIm
th'ni' nnrth 1nnr ""t'l wtt lln of lit rMn
40 i.Vhlii t tr l"rfllinltiK. t'oiimllilUK H
i Tht niiihwif otirier of thi Motnttwit fimr
I fr nv the mnlhri! ijtinrirr nf thr nnlhwil
M'Mr'rr nf ,,iln 1" tn ntup ?l onih of rtmr
1 Mt nf WllUmrtw M.Tl.lUti, r-Mit I u I ii
In I'lrn kfiititi ronniv. Orrifpn
lUtiM (hli tUv of MM-ioni'r p vi,
K i M IMmh'K.
hp'lfT of fUrlmmnii poniity. Stuti' of 'r-ifoii
Bjr N M MonrY. Pfputy 1M I II
KlifrlfTi Notice of sf un Korecluaiire,
III Hi" Clr. utt IViirli.f tli Siiile ofliri iimi for
III" County t.f I'larkattiaa
AlvaJ Mlyn UliitllT. va WUit J. Ilriuv
ami Clara C Hrure. .Mi'mlania.
1 Stall of Orrilell. ('entity uf Clarkamaa, aa.
N.illr" la herel.y nlvru thai l.y virin" nf an
ea"Cil(luli anil i.r.lt-r nl aal" laanr, nut nl III"
eireiiii c.niri nl ttie Slat.- t.f i'r.-ir"ii lir tli"
r.Mllily of Ctarkainia, l.arliiff .lal" ih" '.Ctli
lay ..I Nnv"iiiler l-.-'. In a anil wrhpr.-tn Alva
J A 1 1 II wo tUllltltr anl Wallar. .1. Ilrili'" ami
I'lara C. llril'- wt-r" ilt-tehilaiita rein
llMlellll till', III 111" nam" nf 111" Slat" nf i ir
IT., ttiat nut i.f III" rial ,.tali. tM-rt'tllallt-r
.li-ai'rlU'l, It. realUe a aniii aiitll.-l. ;il In aallafy
tit" .l.'inalKla t.f aanl ilorr"". tnwtl: fll'rj Ka. alel
III" Inrtln-r Mini .f flu i'..ia. an.t Hi" fiiithrr
alt ill nf lllll aa atti.riii-y'a In., l,.citli"r wltll III
Irreal nll Ih" annio aim-" N..V"till..r .V b'M. al
"intit tT rent per annum, ami aia.i tliv rnata of
an l alti-mllntl lllla aal".
.Now, lll"r"l.re. III i.h'ill..n'" to ailrli ili'rre".
I "ll.l, nil III" .'Till .lay nf Nnvl'llllKT. Iu. .Inly
levy ii.mi at-l will. i. ii Saturilar, lli '.fHl, iay
of lee,'inl.,.f. a'4. nt III" hour of on" n'rl.M'k r
M i.l aalj .lay, at thu In. Ill .l.a.r nt tti" r.nirt
hoitk" In aai-l reiiniy. nlli.f for aal" at pulillr
a-l.-llnii, ami to III" hlKtii-it ainl li.'t t.itliar.
for rauli ri haml. all Hi" nl rliflit. till" "tnl tie
lereal the aal.l .tefell.lauta lia III ami lo Ihe
following ,.-.rileH n-al .r..,-rty. lowli: Th"
eaat hall nl th" nortliea.t iiiart"r ami tlu north
hull of lli" Miiuht'tiai .inarii-r of ae.-tlmi two. In
t..wnlili five ao.llh. ralid" lhr"e "al nf III"
WUIauirtlL' Ulrrldlau III Clarkamaa county,
I Ir.-Kon
linlt-il IhUiMh .lay of NnvrnitM-r. A II
ril erl IT nf I Mark a in a a Coil lily. Stale of Or.-Knii.
lly N M .Mihii.y, i,-iuty. 1 1 .J. I J ,
MirrlfTi Nntir of Hale on Korrrliwiirn.
In the rlrcnlt Cinirt ol thf Htntu nf Orft("ii, for
tlie Omity of t Irkninn.
John Hnrri. rimnillf, v llllnm rrowHtoii
nnd Will ll.Crfxn, Iu frmUuu.
HlNte if iirftfon, County 1'litrk ini, un.
Nutlet In hen tiv tr i v t i 'hit ly virion of mi
pxcriitlnti mid ordir of U, lntn-d out of tint
rlrcnlt rinift of trie Stitt- of ori tfoii fur tin
Coiiniy nf ( lurk i in hp. ot'Mrllii( flntf tin- jotli dity
of lfciiitxT. tn h unit wliiTfln John lUrrli
wh plriintilT. ninl WitlUin rrow-t.ui nnd Will
II . ri'fcN witi dfff nd Kiitu, com in m nd i nit inc. In
thf iiHtnf of ihe Htnti id rtKo;i. thnl out nf .h
rttl fftnte hiTt?liiH(tr ilcrrllwd. to realize a
fin iu millW'ifiit to pmtlnfy I lie dntiHiidi of "aid
dorrtM. to wit: flrltt him) the further mini of
.".'.rO vtim nnd Ho- further mi:u of $1 VI attor
ney' fl't', tnifrtlllT With IliltTfH'. Oil lltf Nrttlll!
nl lire kkI'1 ilfi-ree wn rnti-ri'd nt H nr rent, per
milium, nnd hImi thr vkU of nnd iittcudhiK lht
Now, thmdnre. In (d.ecjli tK'e to xiirh derne. I
did duly ltvy Umii, Hiid will, on Hiitnrdti), the
I'.'th dny Jutiunry. nt thfi hour of f n1 clot It
i'. M ol Hiild ilny, Ht the fmnt door of the court
ho.,e tn h )! roiinty. ntlrr fur utile nt puhlin
auction, mid oell to the hltflot nnd tieni tilihlrr,
fur rm in Imiid. nil id tin- nulit. title hii'I Inter
et the mmII ih-feiidiHitM on the 1'iiih of AuttUNt,
ivd. h4 In and to thu fnllnwlnic dftrrlhcd nwit
property, tn wit 'I he North htlf of the Mouth
ent nuurlfr Hiid thu H-.iUhciint iimrter of the
Nortliet 'iijiiTtiT nnd It N I of rtfctlniirt In
TuwuNhlii i Hotith of H'Uik'e .'i Ku'.t of V M. in
(MitclfxniHN i-nunty, Ort'Knii, coiitiilnliiK 11
Keren, more or U t".
Dnled thiH nii day of tieceniher A. It H'd.
K (', M Aldioi K.
Hher -Iff of t'hirkniiifiM v oiinty, HtHle of Ori'Koti,
Uy N. M itioiv. Ieputv. l -11:1 IH
N'otlee in li'T'-hy tfiven, that the underHlKued ;
lirtN heen dulv Hiioolnli'd hy thu Hon. ti, K.
IfiiyeM. County Judii) of ( lurkum ih roiinty,
(,r Ko, ext-iitor of ilie lnnt will and teHtiiinent
of MartlrH A. loore, deccHneil. All person
havinx elulrnn Hto I iiHt toild eniiito itre notlfii'fl
lo present the HHine, with vonehern propurly
vended, to me hi the oflire of C. I. nnd K V,.
KHtoiireitc. my atterieyn, at rKoii Clty,()r
gon, within nix inoutlm from thin datu,
lotted Novemher 21,
M-'m-.YirW J. W. IHMMtKd, Kxeeiitnr,
Not lee h hendiy ifivcti tlmt the undfrwlyiicd
hftH iieen flppolrted y the Hon. (i. K lltiyett,
(,'fonity Jmliie id f 'iHCkHiriHH eoiuity, (retoii,
HdinitilMtnt'.nr of tli entntn of Williiim Vlesl
tneler, dffCHMed. Alt lerHoim having ehilniM
HKitiiiftt Hnld tihute am liereliy notified to ttre
nent the. MHino with vonetiern duly verified to
m at my renldenee at Needy, Oregon, within
nix inoiithH from thin d'tte.
Uatftd thin lUth dny of Deeemher, l'M
1-2-14:1 It J. I'. ItllTKR,
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Corner Fourth and Main WtreetB,
of the (Jity. U'mH of any ili-ncription
fiirniHtiinl un uliort notii-H.
All IcimlH of Tru:k ami IVhvery linsi
noHH promptly attendml lu,
Unml houae. mrn, eta. Al
J. K. OKUOM, 1'ark Plane, Oregon.
NhttrlfTi Notice of Sain on Kori1onr.
to tho IMriMilt t'nuri of tho HUI of (tnnon for
tlii Cniiniy ol rUfkniitim,
Tho Kliil Nuilniml lUnk nf K-tnl rortUiKt, n
(.tf).urrtilttn, .Hlniiit, v John II. MUUr nu1
l.tuir Mllltir, ilofoinlMiilR.
HIhIo uf OnKnii, i noiity of ('UrkiiuiNi.
Nullrt I hrottv kIvimi tlmt I'V vlrtuo nf mi
tmM'iiiloii nml ontir o( tnntil mil n I It
OlrtMilt ootirt of tho Htilo of Ur'MHi for th
County of ('Mt'kttnn, ln'rtrln ilntt Ihi i7lh lny
nf Ntvimln'r. lw4, In mill whori'lii 'I'lii Klml
Nitlloiml li'ink of KhI 1'nrtUn-l. h oororttlon,
tttm plulntlfl. Hint lohu II, MllUr mnl Uum
Mllltll WiMO llofoihliihta. roiHItlHIltllllkl OH', lit
Hit' iihioo of I lie HUI ttf (iri'Mnit, Hint out of It to
rortl rl't(c Itrit'liiHlli'r tti'KiTlttott, to rii'illo m
mint millU'lflil to tlft(y lh iuminU of I1
ttt't'ri'o, to wit; nml (ho further mini ol
Ml tiimirntirc, mol Ih further mint ol $IMl
ntlnrtnM n It't'n, mol tht MimIht nil in it(.'.MHi
(ViHtd, lotieihcr with Intt'ri'ot nil tho mttoi lm '
h 11 iliM'iov w nN ruiercil ni elt! hi Mr oimiI, r
tl 11 II it ill . rtli'l Hlmt till roaO of Mini Hllili'lllitf
lltla v
Nnw. therefore, til nhettleueo to itic'i Mt'erett,
I tlul. on the .'Vlh -Uy ol Novi'iutier. U'M, duly
lew Uton. Ninl will, on NittunUv. llip -VI li Ujf
of I'et etuher, lv4. l the hour of two elnc k l'
M.ofimttl tiny, m thtf front iloor oftheeoiirt
houe In Nrtlil rniintv oiler for nle Mt oilHo
ituetlou, Hthl nell to tho IHuliet xinl heat hhl.ler
fnrowiih tn htutl. nll o the Unlit, title mi I In
lerri ihe lilinl.tili U tn ninl lothe
follow luit tteterlhe-l retl roerty, town lie
Kluiilittf itl A iolut twenty nU rt of the
Nouilmeiit corner of Ihe oinhen( unrter of
eel Inn nine, low nhlp two onlh of runire two
rnit of llUlnetl nierhtUtt, rutihltiK ihenre
north nlxieeti roil; thetite wet twenty rnR,
llteitee north twenty four rnl: thenee en!
Ililriy rtvi rotW mol four (eel to thr renter Knit
of he ttregmi A t 'nil furuln Ktillrotl, thenre
outh trui'iinr nlt renter Hue of mII O .U'
li it. to the ftoiith line nf mthl Rectutu nine,
llieuee wet Iwi lvn rt U mol four (eel in the
pltea of heiiluuluit, ot mi t m 1 1 1 1 tt k all iere mot
seventy Riiur rojo inure or Iph, llutet In
l lnktuii eonntv. Oregon
ite. this :mi ilny of .NnMuuher, A l 1
K ' M VI'Ixm k.
Mietlirnf CUt'kmuni ollli(y, Ktntr of tireMutl.
It) N M Mo.mv. hi'imty. M M I,' J"
Of tho
KxprrKit l'liiiiiH li'iivu I'nrtliiiul Ihillv.
l.s r M.
7 lii r m
lo ('. M
i N..rih
" .11 AH
7 IU n.
l.v I. . r 1 1 ti .1 Ar
l.r lirofoii I'lty l.v
Ar il. Kraiwlx-it l.v
I'ISINil r A UH UN nillir'.S Kiil'IK
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
A Nil
Socoml-Claas Slooplnn Cars
AlUrhiul m )! Ilir,ni(li tmlm
miHKIII'Kil M Ml. Iliallvi
1 :ui I l.v I'urilnn.l Ar II Urn
I Hi Ml l.v lir(niil'lir l.v .1.-jr
S.'ir. I Ar ItiiM'iinrt l.v Jm.
Wet Hi, If Iiivi.Imii.
Mll Train. I'nllr (Ki-i-pl HiiihUv
7 lilt
I.' I r
l',ir'Uu, Ar
I'lirvallla l.v
I ni I a
At Altiftitv ainl "nrvalltii pniiin-fl itti Iralii.
of orison ainl I'lti'lflt' I1mI
Kii'fr.. Train I'ailv i Kvi'i't rtumlavl
lliir a I l.v l'-rt!aii, Ar .1.a
; :'ir a I Ar MrMtiinvllle. l.v Isnu.h
TO Al l. fiilMH IS TIIK
Call Ihi nlitalllt'il 41 liiwi'.t Mtc. frmu 1, II
MiMire. AK'mii. nri'Kini I lly,
It KnKIII.KII, K P. KmlKltH.
MmiaKcr. Aa't tl. K. and !'. Aont
f. I kit
E. McNeill, Receiver.
(iivi-H tho rlmii'f! of
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities,
LriTVP I'ortliLinl ever' livi! liiy for
For full ili'tailn cull on or ml
lrcHH, V. II. IiriililHJUT,
fli'ii." I'iiHHfnu'ir A(,''iit,
I'ortliiiKl, Or.
If you are intiircHk'iljii
' you ouglit to Li; a hii1
' Hcrilicr ot I'ui.ntkks' Ink:
1 ajournul for ailvurtiHorH.
Printern' Inlc
i iHHiind wiM'kly anil in
filled with contribution!!
ami li'liful RiiggiiHtionM
from tho lrig!itcnt niiiidr!
in tlio advcrtiHing bimi
iichh. Printcrn' Inlc
cimtH only two dollars a
year. A Hiitnplf! copy will
bo Bent on receipt of five
10 Speuo St., - rui York
Harper's Magazine
IN 1805.
"Tim Hli,i.l..t"ii-," n '' ''V
m. nml P.Hiilimr.1 l N' "-
II will Iki r,.t.. o.t.-l l.v nil 'illk II l
lliMitiaa tlnnl y ! I" I"""'""! i""lrr
.tii.iinn.'iiiii i..i "tii-H""! '" '"'f '
I. l.,...l'. in hi liii'U.in It" 7 '),'"
,l,r..0 in llul tthlrli I'" i'iik'"l ' .
iii.i.I mi (ill .i"r "I Hi" )"". A""
Iimi.iimk ii.ai.iii. m ! iiii"ivi.Miiii
II, ,.l l, l Ar.' " Lr Hi" Mii.nr I ..HI. .I
I "in.., Hit fniio t..l H...'itir.
Kill... ih I I M,i..ilt "I 0 v It.
IIIMB.dlll. wrliiT. UI """ "'
Ml,l ..I irl i III It"' J''l'ln'V ll'lli'l'"
i..l.i't.i"lilM.lvlliill.il.'.l .l"'f "If I llli--l.ill
illl.l Ihr l r.illll.' Hi'' 1il "I ""'
Hi.iiilii tii ri"'r
N.irlli.-rll MiU l mil ii'tllH " t c M 1 1 tl
IIihii l miy "IIi.t llni" !' II ."!',l'"u
rniilr.. I tin nut v.iliiiim "I II A III Ml
M Ml AINK xlll i'.iiiIhIii Imir lllimral..! nrll
i li. mi ilil. ii'iili.n, mi'l lli"' "' Hi""' IH ''"J
pli'l llii. .ri till" ItiKic Jllllmi Hl.ll will
iiri'imm l..r llm MukkIii" "rli' nl llit
.i..n.'.. ili.li'tlii t t . -I .lnw "I lilii""
I II,, .n l Moiii,.." l.-.l.l.' llm l"l'K l"ll'.
Ili.'ii. will l.i'Kin III Hi" Ji"iry NiiiiiI.it I Ik
n i i'Ii..i.iit ni a urn'.. rti N.'K'H'ii". y
l,ii'li,u. ll.ii.ii( lim I. Hi.' I..nfl wik "
ti. iii.ii-.l li lhi wrltfr i i.l't"
rii I.t t I r w rlicia will i'miiIIiiuo I" I
fi'iitiin. "1 tin' MNtfNaiii-i.
HpikI lor llliitlimxl l'riw'i !
Tho Vol r. nlllio M.iiliit-iilii Willi III"
Nuinl.vra tin Jilli" mil i. i i iil."r nl i' ii Ii t""'
In n li" llmi. lal Ili.lii'.l. au. llpll Mill
hrKlll w Mil ttir liilliil.t.r rui ("III al III" l"" "'
n-.'t. 1 1 t "I iii.Iit ri.iili "'"' . ''" I'lii'lnm. W
ta rni'li -l.y mall. i.l.al.l. I III" .aKo all t
lllilt'l 'III mi iilli'alli.ll.
Hiiiilllaui'.'a bIimiiI.I I." mail" l.y I'l.alnltli'n
Mnli"y lll.lcr in itll, In V"I'I liiain'.i "I l".
ii iiim:ii'n ri iniiiiK o n
llarirr'l Malli", llm Yr, II IK
IlKriirr'i Wwlily, " '
IUrirr i Hniiir, " M
llarprr a Vimm Yntf, " W
I'.-laiin Kr".' In all aiiliTll'ra In ill t'lillej
hlati'a, I .ilia.U all.l Mralr.i.
A.l.ltr... HAIII'KIt .1 IIIK.TIIKIt'.
I'. ii. H"i wvj. N V C'lly
! Harper's Bazar
IN 1805.
Klrinlll anil au'lil-nn iliK' a f.ir ! ilir
ami In ixir I iiHt a. il awn llulil Wiir'h I"'"
Im rAiil,, aiilCliai'nla.ara'itiiii.iria I f..atiirn.
, iMH.r jf wk aiciiinii'iiil l.y mill,
uln ilm, ri,lnitia "1 il lall. "I'u' I'aria I o
lor.' Iijf Kairuiiinail Knrt-I, i a wraly Irar..
a-riH if tin lt,ttwl aljrl-a ami i'art,-.a III Ilia
nimla I'n , lor lha tual "f "Sw Ymk faalilnna."
ilain ill'iM'liii aaml full (airliriilar. miv nn aa
In aha, i. fnlinr ininmiiin. ami aroa,ir.a uf
Hit. .Mixliiiiifa m w lulr.rl w.-inan. "I'hii.l
tana llii hina" m-nuia iraiti,ai allmttliHi. A
forMittf' tljr ralt"ih at,rt au,iln'aiti aiiali'aa
rn. ilnta In rut ami limlia lmr it" T"W a. ilia'
no, an wIhi lakaa II (III) IIS IIA.U la .r
iflh.l lur avarr lawl'iit lit llfn. rfflntuiMluma itr
II forri al, wln-ra liratlllflil ilrra- la r-,illaila.
All Ami'!' an rWial "Or. .trrh-a'a tlaiiah
lor.." I, llalxxva Haul UK Paia, alnm n, al
if inarirau lifi., iarll lanl 111 I'aiiliai Iranta
ai il lly in Ilia fnl Hoillli. will urlil Ilia laal
half "f Ii a rr
Mr Li(r SiilMilr." an inlrnaaljr rilnri
ihitoI, Ii Marlnit taa lulia anllinr nf "Inula
K,.l." " 1 halilnalnl liluri,'1 aid,, will twain llna
yoai .
K.ar an, I rl.H'lal I l.ala Tn lliia ilrmanl
KiM litlnr will im inlniia lari'liaiiniiiti luiMiiauii
' liai Won I cm " in Skw V' ra mm-i- I)
Aimwrra In i 'iritaM,t ilolila. (ua.lluna rtiralfa
Ilia i'i'ra.,1 al allaiili.in uf Ilia liii,r. a ! art. an.
awfii I at III ' lailiaal Maxililn ilaUi aflar llt.ir
Hn1 fur lllu. ratal I'ruaiwlu.
Tli V.i nmra nf Oia llar lasiin wi'h Ilia l al
Nuniliar fur Ja nary nf rai-li tar. Whan nu
tuna la in iiiunil. .ulwori,(iiua I tiniiii wltri
tha NninlNir ruritnit at tha tuna nf rnwiit uf
r il, Caara fnrai'li vuliirna, amt.bl f ir blml.
I k, will la .alii Ii) mail xMiit, tin rtMwipt nf
rl tiiaaitli. 1 ltli-ia..i ami In i nt on ai i'li
rat 'on.
IC'llllllalii'm aliiilllil Im ruaila I'r l'ilnltli'
Mi, lif) llnliir t r l aft, tn atn l l i ltai pa of Inaa.
II tui'ru'a M tiiAHiKK, Una Yrar, It i0
lltnina a Wrim.i. " 1 W
lUurra a lmu. " '
II iii ru a Viii an I'mn-i n " 1 lJ
l'uatiM(n Krm In all KtllMM-rilt ra In tlttf t'llllatl
Mn'aa I 'araila anil Mi-Kirn.
Aililrt-a IIMII'I II.V Hlllll'IIKItH,
' r. o. ii. un. n v ni
Harper's Weekly
IN 1895.
11 UP!: It WKI-KLY m pirt..rml hi-toryof
th tiiiow. It rewentn evfjf i m tr tnt ( vniit
pmiiiptlif, ne urnt Ijr n-ni rihmi.t-t-1 in illiint in
to i m d d MT-tii.trf eit id iht tutflinat urdn ,
1 Ii" limine r in lmdi, dur u iMd, tt Um trvtiH
ll.e ( hie inn limlwty htriku llm t hioJfio
nn Wnr, md tlmntio unt of Ittiht it mm hi
to throw oti Cr n tli itiKtmii ntin'i n wn il.
r-e i'tl tn tht I til-k' (iwn ennmr . reeirirtii I
nf itMiiliu nt horn diiwii reoitreeN. Jul) n Unli h,
the mtintjU ph"i ritr nd oon p iidnnl, Im4
hifi denf In the ft tit of wit' , m d th n JiIimI hy
(' . ttldon, lli ttiLlwitwii A inerimn nrlit,
now for iiiiinv jenrn riodiit n Juptn, wlr linn
tMtrii eiitf Kt'l ti en iMmte wiili M. ICl.h in
t rlii.m- 11 A It Kit' Wi Khl.Y eiclufiivv nr
ftirmiitioii Hiid liltift M Ml I a
!uritii fory viIhI i)i.tntHin will b di
rii ei w Ih vmnrnnd w t lo ot trrjudiro in tht)
e litnriel t tiliiiiin , mul Kino tu ,.i4'inl nrtirU hy
t' hiifhixt' nu Ii- n in too h depAitim nt.
P rtiintH i.f ih. ni.-it tout whuii whonr nmlmiit
hut my. mid i weifnl nnd !ioi"tio l,tirl nr
tnoiiw wdl rnntniiiH tn te- rtmri!f'erittu fiutuieN.
I hit Hnty VV.tr d. with Un k n n d k i dly rnin.
iimmiI o i the leHMttr thnii of th il , will emu a
m ri'inihir dinirtiii' I
Kiennn. th-rnwill Im two Hiwirfnl neii tt
hoih hnii h ni. ly illunt rn.l Tli Ctu kwih',
It xtltriiiK r llMiru e id "Id-n ih)N hy rt'iililey J.
V. ey lli'ili . il l h lH'Vt'1 of N w r , enttt ed tliti
H f II ft Km lnT, h liraiidir MhII'ivwi. m v thI
tMivileltt, nnd iiiiiny hlnut nornH hy poiumr
Herid for Ilium ritle.1 l'rnMO'1ti".
The VnlumeNof th Wi; KI,Y hi'tiin with tlm
lit l NnmlH' fiir.liinll ry nl eiirh ettr. W Intn im
liimt in tiiHiitinip c I . ii Ii-it i il ii in wil' hetfin with
id Numb r e'irrent. Ht tlie tnnn nf (ein ii t of
(1 th l it en fnr-tt h Tnliinin. mii'iih n fur hind
in '. will li H- tit h) iiiniI, pi'Hl Miid, on iiM'i'ipi nf
$MOi'iii:h, 1 itle piie nnd liidii Mint on ttipli.
KeiiiiltHnom ftlmnid In tiiihIm hy l'ototlic
Mon Orduf or Iruft, to tvoid ehm c of limn.
HAlU'KH'b I'KlllltlUCALH.
IIami'KH'h aoaink, One Yeur
HaUI'KU'h WKKKI.lf, "
IlAIU-f-K' i I'AZMl.
llAtll'ICU'H YotINO I Kn.K, "
tt "i
i iu
i hi
1 Kl
I'ontiifi'i Kren to ill ulmc'ilM in thn Unitvd
Hinten, Vm win mid Meneo,
Addnwn tl A Ul'K It A ItHOTIIH H.
1'. O. link W'W, N. V. City.
Oregon Pacific Railroad
CIIAS. CLARK, Receiver.
Direct Line Quick dispatch
Low freight rate between Wil
lauictto Valley joiiitn and San'
Steamship "HOMER."
TbiH Company reserves tho
right to diaiiRo nailing date with
out notice.
For freight and paHHenger rates
apply to any agent.
CIIAS CLAIUv, Receiver.
Chan. J. IlemlryH, Son A Co.,
Noa. 2, 8, Market St., S. F.