Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1894, Image 7

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Hint Minitlit lier "rliflil"."
Ilnlitied liy Mima i'ru'l t'linlii'a nf llfn'ii tlitllg'tilt
Willi a illiitllli l ami ri'Mli'w Willi,
Willi it half login wlili li aim iiMiiiliul wIihIki
Eitrnit.t no ilnulit, and linnoNt -not unruled,
lllll hungering and (llnrllliitl HMll irninilj
Willi ainrvlug liinllnrla III it f rttll Iru frama,
Anil Willi nn Itrhlng fur I he nurl nf fu run
Which entiir front I hi more printing of 11 tt tut.
Mm rlnmuriMl fur lirr "rluliU," nhuwi-il aolomli
Ami men,
Hlllln llK'll.
Tliry iiujy laughed.
Mik ill. I lint wok Iut "rlghla."
ha dreamt-d nut of anuin oath Ui lnlinlli
Hut follow! nature's way, and deemed It
Ami liliiiinird from flower lo fruit of woman.
Hlia InVfil Ilia "trrant," Ix""" In-r nnMa purl
In llfn wlili Mm, ami thought Willi all fan
Mint had Imr rlghta.
Hli hold thalwiiiinililiif itwn and wnihrn niranl
To U unllkii, hut nu ll a aiiiiliiniii
t'litn llm other. Tttaa Imr arxiilla wlilm
Ha waa iiui mora lo liir tlian flic lo Mm,
Ami litlUohllilrt.ii galnitrfKl al Imr knit.
And nifn,
llriilo limn,
Would ill fur aiirh at ah.
-Chrlatlan Intrlllgiincer.
Antonio waa youiiK, linudwuiin mid n
Ki i ill 1 i er. IleJiM'ked ,ut two tliintxH
a kuikIuIh of JiInowii und un Miilihli-
man. I In waa too iMMir to buy a iron-
dola, mid IIioiikIi hu ocriuilonully hired niny nrced that hn waa mi ideal aerv- i at Mr. Mildiuay'a expenwi, mid tint
an old and extremely dilapidated ouu j nut. (if cotirmi they riHpuiiiled to hin ninoutit of rejiuira mid paint whieh
and Irunted to lil hainlhinini faro to t u- I hiikk1'"! ion that ho imeded u livery, mid it needed did mi-iii unexiHi tedly l,ir'e.
ahlu him ti capturn a party of foreign ! he wan mooii fiimlidied ut their cxpem-n j Hut Antonio waN not fiHilinhly rraip
ladleH hia prolltM had to Imi divided with j with n liiimlnoiiiii unit of heavy blue i iti(. 8o lou iut hu iloubleil hin wukk
thu owner of tho gondola, und IIiiih with ' cloth, a pieturerun hat, a xilk faih mid by tvaditom n' viiiinpKi,iiH nnd by
)ialnfully niiiull. 'J'hn triiKlietto brought
him In n few fiancN iMr luoulh, and hu
plekixl up other Hinali kiiiiih by wrvliijf
n neeoiid oar whenever tourUU could
Imi convinced that u ai-coiul oar wum nee
cwniry. Still, Antonio Wum denieralely
Hair, uml bu ami IiIm young wifu with
often iiiicouifortalily liiingry,
Now, if the Madonna would only wild
lilm mi KiiKlinhinan, even if it were!
only for u might year, Antonio con 1. 1
eilnity ave enough money to buy blue
elf u iM'itiii i ful gondola, bcMdcit living
.In the. lap of luxury. Him brother Simo
hud owned mi r.ii;lishmiui for only
inontli", nnd nlreudy bu wiim acnpilal
isl, with hit own Kondolu, luul llnurn
It lo yotirv If with loo frnunt lu the
KiiviiiKS luu.kl And Spiro li.nl done
nothing to deserve this ldcslu, for ho
waa iiotoi ioiihly uu iinU lievcr nnd in v
er Went iiisldo a i hiirch except when he
vtiw uM'ortiug Lnxlihli IimIhw, when, of
poiirHe, hu proved with rvor at thu
liinal eoiispinuoiiM shrine, which wilt
worth at lenst It) fxtrit aoldl of bumm
iiiiino, wIuti'ii Antonio wait dimply
rellKloil and at leitst nlictt u year gitve
a win ciiiidlii to the bli Kiied Virgin of
Santa M.11111 7.ntauiga "Itut putifiict-!'
wild Antonio ditily to himself. "Soiuit
day the Madonna will row weary mid
will any, "Give tlmt Antonio an Knu-
llshmaii, so that I can have a little
pence and tjulet. ' And then tlm En
llshmaii will nps ar, and Antonio's for
tune will Im made. "
t)f coins,. Antisiio knew of every for
eigner w ho came to Yeiilctt with the 1.1
teiilioii of inaking a lonjr slay. There
is no del. . live police iu )i,i world that
can Ik' coniiarei with tint Venetian gon
dolier in leal niim the ways and purjsises
of tourists. To know all about thu for
eigner Is nt onco bis lnisiiies and hit
capital. Tli" Englishman who coiuch to
Venice and diteru.incs to spend six
mouths or a year in that cnidianted city
may rt in h this derision on a Saturday
night and mention It to no living soul.
Yet by thu following Monday morning
iill the gondoliers in Venlcu know that
there is an Englishman to Im striven 1
for, and On y havn even settled in their
ow n inimls pns'isely what iipitrtmeiit l.tt
will probably hire. How they arrive at
this know ledge it ia not for inn to say.
There urn mysteries In tho Venice of to
day, as there were in thu Venice of tlm
tell ami of tlin three.
Now, it fell out that 0110 tiny Antonio
learned that an Englishman and bis And why? liit-nuso all thu evening I
wife, a young ample, who had every . had sts'ti you and thu paron sitting to
appearance of sweet temper mid scant j R"thcr in such lovu and happiness that
knowledge of 0m world, had arrived at
thu Albergo Luna and hail told thu por
ter that they intended to. take a house !
und live forever in Venice. Thu jsirter
was an intimate friend of Antonio and
had been promised a handsome commis
sion to any foreigner whom lie might
place in Antonio's hands. Within au
hour after receiving thu precious infor
mation Antonio had put u his best
shirt, Imd said It) lives at lightning
ImskI, had promised tho hhwmtd Virgin
two half pound wax candles in enso hu
should land this desirable Englishman
ami was back again at tho Luna and
waiting to waylay histprey.
Tho irter presented Antonio and as
serted that, as a combination of profes
sional skill and moral ls'iiuty, Antouiu
was simply uniiiin. Mr. Mildmay, tin;
Englishman in ipiestion, was pleased
with Antonio's clean shirt, nnd Mrs.
JWildmny was captivated by bis chest
nut curls uml thu frank, innocent ex
pression of tho young fellow's fare. lie
was hired on the spot, with the new
gondola whicU hit professed to own, for
160 francs per mouth, including his
board. Hu was to bring his gondola and
his recommendations to thu hotel to be
inspected that afternoon and was to be
gin his duties 011 thu following day, thu
iUlhlmay having alieady secured an
apartment in advance of their arrival
in Venice.
Tho long lioptd for fortuno had ar
rived at last. "Ho is a limn of exoullunt
heart, thu paron, " said Antonio to the
porter. "Hu will 1st as wax in my hands.
Already I lovo him and thu sweet pa
roua Youshall have your sharo of him,
my Zuanc. No mm can sny thut I am
not a jiiNt man. "
. Antonio hurried at onco from the
hotel with a note from tho potior tu a
dealor in gondolus, certifying that tho
nearer 11 ail secured a most uligiblo Eng
lishman. Ho had to pay a heavy rioe
for tho hire by thu month of a nearly
new gondola, but tho payment were to
form part of tho purchase money, and
Antonio did not grudge. the price, Thui
III! HtnMM'll Ut III llOIIHO (uailOW till) IH'W
Kniiiliilit to liiri wlfn unil ti ll Imr tlio
liliiKHi'il iii'wh, nml tlmii, iiriiu'd wllh lilit
liuillNiiml ci'i'tillciilo anil mi old Itttli-r
from n iinliiry InfuniiliiK lilm tliut Din
flllli'llll rXHiiHHH of IiIn fntlur 111 lint lio
Ditid nr nitIhiim (miiwi u ii'-4 would fol
low, hn rolurimd to llm lintel.
Tim Mlltliimya wi th mil lulled with llm
Konilolii mill Willi Antonio' riwoiiiiiirii
iliilloiiH, for they could not r-ul Itiilluu
limidwritiiiK, mid wliiui Antonio In
formed tliciii tlmt tlin Ijutury 'h letter
won u eerlllluHto that Im wit tlin iiumt
liomwt mull lu Venice, mid tlmt It liud
Imk ii kIviui Li i in try a (icriimii prim
whom hit lind wrved 10 yeiirn, tliey
with not in u otiltloii to oontrudlnt thu
nxHnrtioii, Morimver, they wero nlreudy
half in lovu with tint hniiiloiiin mid
hnjipy fneii of tlmlr Kondolinr und would
Iiiivii taken him without uny ri'iMiuiiucii
(Intlnii ut nil aiKiiier than havn taken nil
old and ulxy K"i"l"Her with tlm msoiu
Iiieiidiitloii of tho lint lull koiinuI mid thu
rinideiit rhaplaln, Tho next day An
tonio Mitered ujmiii hi" dutieHiiiid tvfin
tlio joyou tuHk of iniikiiitf liny wliihi
tlin inui of thu KiiKllhhinun nIioiiu on
Tlin Kniidiiller in rlvutu acrvico in
Vi'tili'o due iiiitny thiiiKx wholly uncoil
imeted with hia lioat. Jin UHiinlly wuita
oil tlin inai-ter'n tnldn, hn nlihhe tlm
coiirreto fliHirx, und hit In aunt on every
variety of errand. Antonio wan tirelemi,
on hi inantcr' tabln, hn ixillhhea tlm
C'liieretn fliHira, und hn In Kent on every
variety of errand. AntiKiio wum tirelemi,
reMtful mid cheerful, mid thu Mild-
reKHH trul uml cheerful, mid thu Alild-
i uu ovcreoat. I In looked very hauilKoinii
I lu hin new tlrem, and the difTcreuce lie
I Iwi-eu Mrhat hu jiald thu tailor und what
j he chargeil bin maj-ter provided IiIm wife
I mid Iiih lit t Ut Imy witli their entire
wardrolm for the coming vtinter.
Venice U ii cold city after thu winter
foga begin, and when Antonio ndviwd
the Mildiu.ivnto lav In tln ir cut IroHtock
of llrewood in .Sptcmlicr liihtead of
waiting until (lie price hhoiild It-higher
they Maid to one another what a eomfort
( It wax to have a MTvant who really
' looked after their IntereM. So Antonio
j wiim commlsioiied to buy the wihhI
j and ho bought it, lie mudu u bund
some couimisMiiit 011 the transaction,
! mid in addition h" had alsuit one
1 lifth of the whole amount of wood de
livered ut his own residence. It is true
that this was not iiiite enough to pro-
vide him fuel for f he entire winter, but
the deficiency could easily b.t remedied
by simply carry iurf I three or four
sticks under bis coat every nitfht, ami
Antonio w its not a man who shrank
from any hoiicht lalsirwheu the gisul
of his family was in view.
Alsuit 10 days after the arrival of his
h.iik'lisliiiiitii Antonio lnformtsl him that with a siukIu oursmiiu, and that he j "After all, my dear, Autonio was
the Koudola needed to no to tho sijuero would, therefore, furnish a second oars-, strictly honest according" to his own
to have its bottom cleaned, at a cost of man ill the person of Spiro at bis mas-' code. I think I have known some Enjr
10 francs. This, however, hu insisted ! ter's exiiciise. he w-vcr intimated that lishmeii of unblemished rcimtntion
' umi paying out of his own pocket, be-I
cause tlin foulness of thu liottom had
Iss'ii incurred U fore hn entered Mr. j and the, lagoon. Mr. Mildmay was fas
J Mildmay 's service. This scrupulous dis- ; ciliated by the narrow Venetian streets
j play of honesty still further convinced j and spent hours exploring alone every
1 thu Englishman that hn had the pearl , part of the city. Hu was probably p"r-
of g loliers, and when the next day ; fectly safe, iu so doing, for highway rob-
: Antonio asked him to give him as a 1 bery and crimes of violence are almost
j loan, to ! deducted from his future j unknown in Vt nice; but, for all that,
wages, .10 francs, wherewith to make he was always, though without his
' certain e-sentml but wholly unfutctltgi- I knowledge, accompanied on his walk-
bin repairs to the gondola. Mr. Mild-'iutf excursions It the steulthv and un
may was of his wife's opinion that it
would 1st a shame to risjuirn the por
man ever to repay it. :
The first thing" that shook thu Mild-
mays' mnlldeiiee iu Antonio was n lit
tle incident in connection with a chick-
en. 1 hey had had a pair of roast fowls t
for dinner and
had eaten onlv one. In-
tendilll to have tint other nerved rold :
for luncheon thu next day. When late j
I.. !... I .... Xf:i.t : 1
i"s .0111. ti uoiiiar ucenicii- j it-iiich-i v. i not hum arringv lllllili! .tu
tally discovered Antonio in tho act of . tonio think moro than ever tif that fail
going out of the house with the cold I tire to keep his promise to the Madonna
fowl stuffed under his coat, she demand- I in tho matter of the wax candles, ami
ed an exolanntion. "It is trim, naroim "
I said Antonio, "that I tsk thu fowl.
my heart bled for ptsir Antonio, wliu :
has no happy llreside at which to sit.
And so I said to myself: 'Antonio, sure-
ly you rtesorvo a liltlo haipiness as well
as thi-se gissl and noble peonlul Takt
the oold fowl and cat it with lovo and
gratitude In your heart!' "
Mrs. Mildmay could not scold him aft
er this defense, and she simply contented
herself with telling him that he might
keep the fowl for thia time, but that
such a method of equalizing the benefit
or fortune must not oocur again. An-
i tonio promised both her and himself
that it should not, and though ho con
turned to keep his wife's table fully
supplied from that of tho Mildmays the
latter never again found him iu posses
sion of surreptitious chickens.
One day Antonio found a goldpiuoe
'JO francs, iu fact on the floor of his
gondola. Hu knew it must have la-en
(Iropis-d by tho paron, and hu promptly
j brought it to him. "How wrong I was, "
said Mrs. Mildmay, "to doubt tho poor
fellow lH'causu of that affair of the
chicken ! No one would ever havn bor
tho wiser if he had kept that 20 frano
pioco, but ho brought it to us like au
honest man,
For onco she was right !
in believing
Antonio to Iw honest,
Nothing could have induced him tosul
1 tiiLiil. '
ly his soul and hands by unlawfully do-
7 - t "lnH V UT7' II" WM !
.a... a titiiit ,1 Vw nilinu HU tilU IllllUl'J UUt
of his providontial Kiiglishmau that ho
could niako in ways that every gondo
lier knows to bo perfectly legitimate,
but ha was no thief, and Mr. Mildmay
coultl fearlessly have trusted him with
U the money in his purse.
Antonio was now one of the happiest
mou in Vonico, but one morning he
came to Mr. Mildmay with a faco of
pathetic Badness and asked for a day's
holiday. "It is not for pleasure that I
ask it, " ho said. "My only pleasure is
to sorre the best of masters. But my
littlo boy is dead and is to bo buried to
day. I should like to go with the coffin
to Ban Mlohela "
Mr. ,M ildniay was unspeakably touch-
ixl ly tlio uniti'". norrow und tho iilet
lieroiKiu witli wlilcli Im liorn It. Hn tfiivi:
III in tlin duy'a liolliluy und f0 friuu lo
wiird tlin fniiiTuI cxiienwa of hi cliihL
W hen Aiitiinio iiiieur'd In the morn
i 1 1 K. 'inlet, mid, hut N' riiiiilouhly unx
Ioiih to do li Im wholo iltity.tlitt Mildmityit
felt tlmt tln-y really loved tlin hI lent and
utrleki ii mini.
Minfortuni) neeined nuddunly to lmve
rilll lllilliek Ut Antonio, A Wcuk offer
tlio dentil of liin child hn aniioiincod in
lit umml quiet wuy tlmt hlN wifu wan
lleiid. It wiut very Midden, ao hu mid.
io did not know nxnctly wlmt wan tlio
dlMeiihe, hut ho thought It wum rlicurim
tiHin. Tho Mlldinuya thought ittritiiK
tlmt r lien niut Ihid tdiould huvo curried
I off a woinun only 23 yearn old, but
atrallK" thing hupjieii in Venicn, and
tlm clliiintn ia uii'iuiwtionahly dump.
Antonio nxked for a half holiday to ut
Umd thu fuuerul, und hn lulih d that un
1mn the paron could udvam-o him 200
fruiicD of IiIm wiiea hu ahould bo uuuble
Ui aavo hia wifo from beliiR buried iu
tlm common ditch. Of courui thia could
never Im iMrmittpd, and Antonio rn-cM-ived
the 200 franca, und Mm. Mild
may told her liuabnud that if hn ahould
think of deducting it from thu unhappy
Iiiuu' wKe h could never renjcet
him au'aln.
For a tiino thu darta of death rtparcd
: tho household of Antonio. Tlm Koudolu
nnvln it alleged monthly viKit to the
houito to havn ltd bottom cleaned
little devii'iji coiiuectel with thu kc p-
iug of the gondola hn felt that hu
wa combining thrift with pruduncc
Ho made, however, oiin aerion mix
tukti, of which hu afterward it jdinted
when It wait too Into. Instead of giv-
ing tho Madonna the two wax caudles
' which hu had promised her he gavn her
! two xtcuriun candle, trusting that kIic
would not notico the dilTerencc. It was
not in keeping with hinhoui Ht nnd r
llguniM cliariw fer, and there were time
I when tlm r
' fitd uiit-ir.
olh ctioti of it mudu him
I Am the winter wore 011 Antonio' de
votion to IiIm employers never hlackeiie I.
Itcyond the coiiimissiiiiw which it is but
' just and ritfht that the faithful pondo-
1 lii r should exact from thono (Iok of
, tradesmen, even if Out did chart:" the
same commi-.ioiiH in his master's bills,
he was tin lc-s in protecting thu Mild-
mays from imposition. lie was never
j t.M. tired to do anythintr that he was
j a-ked to do, mid iilthoiifih, wheu his
j brother Spiro was tciiiorarily out of
! emiiloynieiit, Antouiu discovered that.
there was nearly ulv ays too much wind
to render it safe to take the gondola ont
hn was not ready to row hour ufter hour
while thu Mi dmavs explored thu citv
suspected Alltntilo, Who kept out of
sight, but in readiness to come to his as
sistance should the ms-ossify arise.
Toward spriug Antonio thought it
best to have his wife's mother die, but
to his surprise Mr. Mildmav did not
offer to nav the o d adv's funeral ex-
penses. Hn drew the line ut mothers-iii-
law. find Antouiu received ontr liiu bnlf
holiday to accompany the corpse to the
in. : : i. .
ho sometimes wondered if she were capa
ble of carrying her resentment fo far as
to tako his Englishman from him.
There is gas in Venice, but the judi
cious householder tliH's not use it, save
when ho desires to enshroud his rooms
in a twilight gloom. If he wishes a
light strong enough to read by, he burns
js'troleum. It was, of course, Antonio
who supplied the petroleum to tho Mild
may household, and equally, of course,
he bought tho poorest quality and
charged for tho dearest. Now, in spite
of all the care which a timid person
may lavish on a lamp burning cheap
petroleum it is nearly certain sooner or
later to accomplish ita mission of set
ting somebody or something on fire, and
Antonio's petroleum, which was rather
nioro explosive than gunpowder, unac
countably spared the inmates of the casa
Mildmay until the mouth of March,
when it suddenly assorted .itself.
It hapHned in this way: One even
ing Mrs. Mildmay took a lamp in her
hand nnd started to cross tho wide nnd
slipiery floor of her drawing room.
The rug 011 which sho trod moved under
her, and in the effort to savo herself sho
dropped Oie lamp. It broke, and iu an
instant sho was in a blaze.
Autonio was iu tho anteroom. Th
door was open, and ho saw tho accideut
IIo sprang to Mrs. Mildmay 'g assistance.
He did not attempt to '.void tho flames.
but rushed directly throUL'll the Doul of
llil'fil.rv .ill ln..ii.ti t.. f.w.t n.. a ....1.1
horribly. IIu soized Mrs. Mildmay and
- "
r. ftT'iy , r "r,,S8 WUh hU h,aomA I
He had liothing to wran around her. for
ho was wearing no coat at tlio time, but ,
hn nlfiurw.rl llnv rtLan in Vila atxtia aiwl '
ho clasped her closo in his anus and
smothered the flames that had caught
her petticoat by pressing her Bgainst
his bosom. She escaped with nothing
worse than slightly burned finger, but
Antonio's hands, arms, feet and ankles
were bnmed to the bone. Dy this time
Mr. Mildmay, who had been in his
study, heard his wife calling for help
and made his appearance.
Antonio aked the parona's permis
nion to sit down for a moment and then
fainted away. Tho cook was called and
out for the doctor. She met Antonio's
brother in tho calle, close to the house,
and sunt him up stairs. With his help
Antonio wn carried to Mr. Mildmtiy'
WMlriMiin and laid on the lied, und be
lorn thu doctor cumn tlin wounded man
regained iMiiinciouHniwH and thanked thu
llildmaya for their earn of him.
The dottor, uf ttr dr xniiig thu wounds,
nitl that thu man might very probably
recover, but Antonio announced that hu
waa alxiiit to din, on hearing which du
oIhIoii thu do:tor chunged hi mind.
"When a Vunntiun of thu lowor claaa
give up and any ho In going to din,"
aid tlm doctor, "no mctlicul acleneo
tan aavn him. 'our muu will die, lv
foro ui'irulug if hn ha really lont all
hoo. There, hn any ho want a pricntl
You might a well ordiT hi cfjflln ut
Oleic. J cun do nothing to nave him. "
"1'aron," mild Antonio pruNcntly,
"would you, In your great g(xxluta,
n-ruiit my wifu to come to aue me for
thu butt time?"
"You nhall havn anything yon want,
my bravo fellow," replied Mr. Mild
may, "but I thought your wifu wan
"I wa mistaken about it," gaid An
touia "It wan Imr twin e inter who
died, and they were o much alike thut
their owu mother could not tnll them
apart. No; my poir wife In Mill alive.
May hn bring my little boy with hur?"
"Tell her to bring anybody yon may
wunt to at;," replied hi luaftter, "Imt
I certainly thought your littln boy wa
burled last January.
"Thu paron in miHtakeri, if ho will
pardon mo for Haying no. It wa my
little girl who died Wa it not ho,
Spiro confirmed Antonio' statement,
like u loyal brother who in afraid of no
fraternal lie, and Mr. Mildmay had not
tlio heart to trouble tho nuflerer with
any morn doubt of hi vfracity.
Antonio wum duly confessed and re
ceived aliMolution. "Did you tell tho
father about the 0011(111?" whispered
Kpiro after the priest had gone.
"I thought," nnnwered Antonio,
"that TM-rhapx the Madonna had not yet
noticed that they were not wax, mid
that it would not bo wise to tell her of
it just iw one in going whero sho is. "
In tho early morning Antonio died
with thu smilu of an innocent liuli
child 011 bis face. "I have served the
,1,..., ,.r r..i,i,f,,ll. i.i
.... .... c
hu dieL I know ho will take rare of
my wife, and child. Mid ho will take
Spiro as bis gondolier. "
! Mr. Mildmav rtdiirionsly carried out I
: Antonio' dvinir rtfiuest. Ho installed
Spiro in thu place of the dead man, and
! he settled an annui'v on Zanze, the (lis-
j coitsolato widow. ITo Kave Antonio a
; Krnve all to himself in Mirhde and
a beantiful white niarblo tomlistone,
t with tho epitaph, "Brave, Faithful and
Honest" He camo to know somewhat
later how Antonio hod enriched himself
, at his expense, but ho said to his wife:
whose honesty, accordii;u to thu English
wl,. n,nl.l .... 1- 1 ,i..
t v -u it it' w vrijitti.Taiii 1 lliaL
of thepsir boy who gave his life for
yours." W. ll Aldtn in Strand
MIILOH S Ct'HK, Oie great Cough
and Croup Cure, is in gieat demand.
1,1. . . ... ,
1'is'ket sue contains I Went v-ti v Hun
i-iiiv-iive. uoses
onlv L'.V
Children love it. For sale bv
(i. A. Harding
Sunset Grocery,
.West Side...
Complete stock of
( VlX'kcrV TinVuT? Slid Notions
J A ll
First class goods -...
Low Prices-...
...Prompt delivery.
Satisfaction-:- Guaranteed,
c. a McMillan, Prop.
Sheriffs Notice of Sale on Execution.
In the t lm it Court of the State of Oregon for
the County af ('lackamas.
1 Mitchell, !wl A Slaver Co. plaintiff. v The
tape lloru Telegraph Company, detendunt
State of Oregon, County of Clsckm, en.
Notice la hereby given hat Dy vlrtneof an
execution am order of sale tamed out of the
circuit court of :he State of Oregon for the
t.oiinty ni t lacnarnaa. lieailur date the sth day
of lieccmtier, lsy-l. In a ault wherein Mitchell,
Lewis i& staver I'amnanv were tilalniltra. and
the l ane Horn Telegraph Compniy were de
fendant, commanding me, in the name of the
nunc 01 Oregon, that out of the real estr.te here
lustier dearrihetl.tn realice a itim stitlieieut to
sanaiy me tlemtnita of aald decree, to-wlt:
Ill.V. Wand the further sum uf 17 06 rnsta. 10-
g ewer wun interest on the same since Sentem
her J4, Ism. at eight per cent per annum, and
aio tnecoata 01 and attending title anle
Now, therefore, in oliedience to auch decree
1 did, 1111 the sth ih.y of lVcember, 1SHI, duly
levy upon, snd will, on Saturday, the Jtlth day
of January, Isaft, at the hour of one o'clock P.
M.of Mtid day, at the front door of the conrj
house In aald county, offer for a de t public
auction, ami sell ft (lie highest and best bidder
for CHkh In hand, all ihe right, title and Interest
the said defendant on the 27th day of September
issh, nan in ami to I tie following described real
property, towit: The ripht of way. lines, wires,
nm-s, uisiiiitiiirs ami oracaet irora M1111110,
vircKon, 10 SKUny. tireitou, inclusive, together
won the appurtenances and appliances. One
rel.iv nnd key and sounder, and two cells of
namely: SHndy. Eagle Cteek. Currlnsville
uanvry at eitcn 01 said company a otltcea.
Sprtngwater, Highland, Clarkea, Meadow Hnwl
nun ill iiuo. tine oo r. nv av mt m
' battery at 'Jniou Hills, all Iu Clackamas
i.atodYuT;th day of December.
. A. D. 1S!M.
"jfj'J "af mJ" c'u!nty' s""e "'.."S
. !), 1 l6.1'2a
Flae Permmsriss M Toilet Articles.
Also a full stork of
When Oregeii ( lljr (it l the 'I'lione.
"(live me corner Outer and Seventh
treet "
"Hello! In tlmt Marr & KoburtHon'i
"Yea, madam, what can we"
"Have you any iiranulated ii)jnr
manufactured in America?"
"Yea, madam, we have pleanty. We
never handle the imported (China)"
"I have tried all the grorer in our
neighborhood and can't get a pound.
8end me twenty five pound."
"Anything else, madam?"
"Yen, I am tired trading here, the
grocer never have anything fit for one,
and when they have anything nice, they
want two price for it. Oh, dear, we
have a house (nil of company and it ia
impotutihle for me to call and I am going
to take my chancel, giving my firnt order
by telephone. Afterward have your
aolicitor call every second morning.
"Ye, madam, we can serve you just
a well through the 'phone as if you were
standing at our counter in the store "
"Send me in the morning the following
order :
2 lb choice Moyune Tea.
2 lh. bent Mocha and Java Coffee.
1 Chocolate Meuier.
1 pt. Bottle Halad Oil. (Antoninij
1 pt. L. A P. fiance.
1 Hottle Durkee' Preening.
I I'ottle Heintz's Keystone Drening.
1 I'ottle Heintz's Olives, 10 oz. size.
1 Keller's Marmalade.
2 lb. Citron.
1 lb. Orange and Lemon I'eel.
2 lb. Bent Sultana Raisin.
3 lb. Currant.
2 lb. Bent London Kainiim.
3 Can Each Champignon and Petiln
1 Box Pullman Wafers.
"That in all I think of at prewit. My
husband told me a month ago to oper,
an account with your honae, if satiatac-
tory charge the order and we will settle
j " . ' ''v ',' , ,, , w,ux
,,llo! 1 .',.,r.!lrt conlect.onary de-
partment. Add to mv order:
... c),.0aio f ,-'.,,,. a.
2 lb. Chocolate Creams, Assorted.
1 lb. CarainelM
2 lb. French Mixed Candies."
"AiiTthinif else, please?"
! "No, that is all at piesent I will
: order the nuts. fii, spices, etc., in the
! "''"'"U your solicitor."
ye y"'lT na,"'e r
I attention. Mamk & Kohekthos
! A. O. V. V. Block. (.Jroce'rg.
j Anv one !, na8 children will rejoice
witti L. B. Muford, of Plaindeld, N
His little boy, five years of age, was
sick with croop. For two days and
nights he tried various remedies recom
mended by friends and neiiflibors. He
,.r .1 t it 1
ay: i tuougiii sure 1 woum lose
I .
b,m' 1 h,d wn Chsmberlain's Cough
Hemedy advertised and thought I would
try it as a last hope and am happy to
1 68-T tl,Ht Bfter ,wo dnsea he lePt an'l
I l'10nii,1- I unve it to him next day and
I a cure was ellerted. I keen this remedy
. .. ..v. . rrf. mo irmcuv
;.. ,!. 1
i ' T. '.': "?l..u ' V 88 ?ny- '
1 inv eonoreii now signs 01 croup I give
I it to them and that is the last of it.'
1 50 cent bottles for sale by Geo. A
j Harding, diuggist
Ate occasioned by an impure and im
poverished condition of the blood. Slight
impurities, if not corrected, develon into
an other troublesome diseacM. To ciir
these is reautred a sale and mliahu mn.
edy free from iny harmful ingredients. '
n.. purely vegetable. Such isf3fSr3
It lemoves all impuritiesjVg
from the blood and thorough--""
ly cleanses tlie svstem. Thnnunrfs nf .
cases of the worst forms of blood dis
eases nave oeen
Cured bv S. S. S.
Send (or our Ttvathc milled free to any address i
Laud office at Oregon City. Oregon,
IVcember JO. ls!H.
Notice Is he-ebv given that the follnwina..
named seitler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of hisclaim. and
that said proof will be made before the county
Judge of Columbia county, at 8u Heleus, Oregon
on February U. 1S95, vis:
II. E. No. 7259, for the ie';, sec 20. t 7 n, r S w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continues resideace upon and cultivation
ol, said laud, vis: Alfnrd K. Morgan, of Peleua
Columbia county, Oregon, L. Malcom. Kyser,
l o umbia county, Oregon. William Hnlsappla,
I'fietia. 1 oiumoia county, Otcuoti, and Ueorue
n,ii.iiun.u, 01 a'cit-iin, -Loiuniiiia county,
12 i
ounam a AIU.1.K.S,
' Register.
Received a gold medal and diploma
at St. Louis Convention of
Pliotograpers, 1894.
Third and Morrison Streets,
Fortland, Oregon.
Duffy & . HcckflTt
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
. ' BELL0MY & BUSCH'S. 1 '
Sundny Services,
nr. PAi'is chlkch- ctuMtiM - .
Iwaar rw-Mn, Hector. Ht-rviee ulll o'clock a.
rn. and 7:W p. m. J'rnyer ffrvlee very Vt4
ntnelfty evcnln.
Kv. J. W.Oiw in pn-ior. nervieea at 10 ;a a. H.
and n OU r . i nel.iy si'liool ultur niorinm
nervice. Pin'f f mccfiinr WeiineM'tny BVeninr t
M UOo.clnrk. Prayer infftlnu n( Vmin Panplr.l
.4elity ol Oiil-tlwu Knilrnvor every Hnudny
evemn at 1 Oi rr"ia".
KIHHT HAPilMI' l lll;ilt:il. Kv. rtil.
Pa RK Kft Paa'.or M'iriiln( Hervtce at II Hiiudnr
School at W 10; F.venliiir Service am; Kcitnlnr
prayttr met;tliir Wedneilay evniiir. Mnnthlf
Covenant Meetln every Wedrnndny evenlnr
preredlii the flrnt Hnnday lu the iniiiitta. A
corulal Invllation to all.
ST. JOHN' nilt'KCH CATOI.I:.-Rv. A.
Hll,l.rsno. paf.or. On Monday manl and
10 Mi a. a. Kvery ffrond anil fourth KnnrlitT
German aermon after the a o'ciiMk masa
At all othur manaca KtiKlluh aermoua. 8umlar
SchfKil at I wi r. m. Veopera. apolnxetlral
aul'lecia, and Benf -lictlfm at 7:30 r. M.
0. Hvara, Panor. Mornlnt nervfe al 11:
Sunday Hchool at in ill. CUaa meelln after
inoriilni aervlte. KvraiUK aervlre at 7:80.
Kpwnrin lru meeiinr Mnnlay evenlnr at
ti M, Prayer Mreilnr Thnrnlay evenlii at 30.
transerienrillallv Invlteil.
W. (iiaoNir. Paator. Mervieea at II A. M. and
7 30 r. a. Hal.l.ath Hchool at 10 a. u. Yoiir.f
People'" Hocletjr of ( hrlmlan Endeavor mens
every Sunday eveninir at 6 SO. Weilneaday
tvenln prayer meetlni t7;30. fleata free
r.VANo;i.i(:ALCHUcH-eERMA - a, r.
Mvr.aa, Pallor Prearlnnj aervlret every
Sunday al It A. M and 7:30 P. iL
But.l.ath icl.nol every Sunday at 10 A. f (Key.
P. Bott. Sunt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Wedneaday evening
Ing every tenim and fourih rjuudiy of ea U
month, at M OUa m. and 7 Hn p. m.-W If. r
Laibi. Potor Sunday anhool at 10 a, m. at
reaou City Pirt iiindiy at Mnmion rrwv!i
houne, Molnlla: 1 hlrd Hiinday, Mountain llme
11 a. Bi.: Ilmhrr l.n.ve. 4 p. m - Miu fell
Green, Hiiprliitendem Snnnay achoid. Prayer
meetfnseverv Wedneaty evening.
Gar.Y. pn'nr German aervicea every Hai;d y
aiiiociockA M. hualnin aervicea a( 7 f.
M Hnnday x-hool at III o'clock A. al. Loca
tion: store room next door to bakery In Slilve
ley a biiildlDg, corner ol Seveutb and Maillaon
inrmTormatioo ana rre Harslbook write to .
MI NN A CO., ,1 BunibWAT, New Vosfc
Mdeet b-arean for ecurtn patents In Amorii-av
Kvery patent taken out ty ua la brought befora
tha public by a uotioe given free of chare at taa
Jfrifntific Jtowfan
Lara-eat etretjlatlon of any fcientlfle paper tn the
urld. Sl'leoilidly lllintrmte-l. No UnelUemt
man ahould be tvithout iu Weetiv, ..0 a
tear! lMtt montha. Alres MCNN A IX).
tal.iwiuw-i, au I iuca-aivajr. New York CUT,
Moore's llevealed
Astounding in its Effects in the cure of
Kheiiniatism, Asthma, Malaria, Bli-
liotisness or anv other disease arisiiiar
1 , 1 r. . .
irom uerangeu Liver, Momach or Kid
neys It drives all impurities from the'
Mrs Chas A.Rtissel, who is lavorably known
throughout the Northwest says:
"For fifteen years I was a constant mifTerer
with asthma without any relief, except thai ob
tained by constant change of locality. Two
years ago I tried Mookk's Kkvealid Remedy
and the benefits received from It were the mo-i
gratifying. It gave me reliaf from theHrstana
prevented the terrible distress peculiar to the
disease that made life almost unbearable. An
one who has ever had asthma can uudcrsUnil
the gratitude I feel toward this remedy, be
tievmg it has added pleasant years to my tire
I have not hesitated to reccmmeDd it to ail Ilka
sufferer, and alwava with th k,...
suits." ' " "-" ,Tr
tTo te had of all druggists, or sen1 to
Stwt-Holmes Drch Co . Seattle. Wash.
Main Street, near Fifth.
Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.'s Mil
waukee beer on draught.
All the Best Brands of Cigars.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable .
Double and Single Rigs, and satl
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose 6tock.
Information regarding any kind or
stook promptly attended to by person of
horses Boueht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
n'jle terms.
The photogFBphe?
Is prepared to make photographs
of all kinds promptly
and in ,
Babies' and Children's Picture
a Specialty.
Call and examine his work
At the Old New York Galtery
Second door north of Hariirjir'a
I"!...- Qi f y... ... O
iiug enure, vrcgon city. -l 1
JScientifJo Aoiericu
1 u. M ra
si m m