Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. FRIDAY, PKl'KMIlKK "H, I HIM. Dlackiimns Co. Diroctory. COUNTY OKKICKItH. Jilllr. :,ik ill CiMirln, Mlmrllf, atmit1t'r, 'J'rgaimrir, A ! ir, HiiIhkiI Hiiirliitiuiliiil, Hurvnyiir. tufouiir, (liinluii K. ILynti lion K lloriou K I' M.l..,i k H M llnliiahr M I. M..,,ti. J. I.'. Ilrmlli'y II. H llll I). W Kluimlnl II. I,. IIhIimhII I Kli'lmnl Hi'iilt I Kritith Jtiuunr To Mrt't I III1 Tlmm. Tim KiiliHcrlpllnii prim (or Mm Mnthii flilHR lm lii'cii ti-iliirt'il Id 1 1. Ml r vi-ar; mviiiy-1l vn itiiIh (nr nix iwmtliH. Tlili l"W prim In ininlii In urdcr to yi t tlm lint nil unirtll liiniit Hllil ilhlnrti nil iilmlHTM to py il, nl imM'ciully to prevent ilcuil Im'uIh (rem lukliiK tlm ppur mill not piiyiiiu (or It liy rcumm ol tluiir niiiK lw prool. Thin illwoiinl U inudu only to llinmi imylnK hi mlvmii i'. TIkhhi 1'ityiiiK iM'lorti tlm rlowi ol tlii'lr year will I ril it to tint iIIhcoiiiiI (or tlm tliiio pniil In riIvhiiix. TIiIh nitikcM Ihn KNiKiifKimc tlm rliiMt Ut pnpiT III Cllirltmniin rtiiinly i-liilit imKcit nil Iioiiki print mill lull ol live (iH'ul IIPW. 'CHAT AHOUT TOWN. I'riii'n tlm owrt Hi'il Front Ktoreit Fir uixl limb wood w untcil nt thin 1!W. I' Monry lu loan on ihxI ti-h! nutiitit ocurlty ly A. H I'nwwr. ' Ituorn ut In llmt rK onlcr Bt Klo jr' I'Mrlx-r nlmp lor '.'' renin. Iliulo-t prim miil by tli" CoimiKTcml bank lor roiinly mul city warrant. Why v (12 iH-rlon lor hay when you can iit tlm hay lor (7 ol l.ula Funk, ltcilhiiiil. Mortuut;! loan on improved larin proTly at a low rale of Intercut. Apply to l". ) T. William. Tint lmliei will find Slopct'a barber hop th plai n to havn theii hair trim med In the luteal atylea. ' Ordeia lelt at tlm Comiiieriial fiiir tore, Coiiiiner-iul Hunk blmk. forefoot or 111 ineh wood, promptly tilled. For aale, one Hood wuKou and rack In 0ot enndition eheap lor raidi. Murr A KolM-rtaoii, "lb and Ciinler alreeta. tl. Intrumental. piano and orKiin mimic ItiHlructiotia by l'rol, ('. Meriting. Heal Jelim miner Fourth and Madiaonatreela. t( HowiaTitia? 10 puniida pure lard, (1 ; 1 iM.iind pure bakiiiK (Kiwder l.'o ; 111 ponmla Aineriran dry (Iran, auxar, (1 at Uh e Front Kev. J. C. Kead, who eulTWd an Injury to bia leg while handling a piano in muvintf to bia prewnt reidei- Home time ainre, ia now able to be about on CTUtrhea with lair proapevta of a dill ro oovery . KlIII.OU'S CCHK Ik Hold on a K"r nte. It rurea Incipient Ommrnption. It ia the Im-mI CNhikIi curt. Only one cent a done. .'.') rla., M eta. anil (1.00. For ea!i by i. A. Ilurdintr A It Ioolittle, uf the Went Side grocery inaiiKerate I a pWiiw feature to theCbriHtmas rxerelaea on thai aide ol lb river by lilting up a Cliriatinaa tree In hia atoro and preHenting each of bia CUittomera w ith liandMouiB preaent. Laiupa! lampa! lampa! I'rettier than ver, cheaHr than ever. Lampa are favorite holiday prenenla with a large portion of all commiinitiea. ltcllnmy A Bum h have an elegant aaaorl merit at the loweat poanible pricea. tf To m hmIiI at a aaerillrt imiclieally given away-700 yanlx of rarpel, good hh new, briifHeli. and iligruin. 40 chiimber actl nnd'iill the boiiHehold furni'.urn lined In the Flertric hotel. Apply at once and exiimine goodH at atoie rooma (our loora below t'harnimi A Son'a otore at the aign ol the F.lectric hotel. In Biiotber column will be found the advert iaoiuent of Kiclmrd Frejtug who liaa aHMiimed control of tho Comer grocery madii vacant by the removal ol 0. A. McMillan, who traimpurtud hia aloik to thy Weal Sido. Mr. Freytug liai put in a well aelccled atock of family groeeriea bought wi'h all tho diHcounta that apot caah gives anil na u conneiiuonce ia blu to aell at very rdnan pricea. A trlul order la all that he uaka, and if he cannot nleaae, both in quality and price lie will muko no further claim to your trade. ' H. U.llyraiii, book-keeper for Ham hIiiiw A Iteliin, thoHtreet contractora, was in tho city Wedncwhiy for the purposo ol gelling the billa for labor, material, etc., againat bia company, aa they are all to bo paid at once. The company Iibb had between (11,000 and (10,000 duo them for the improvement of Main atreet tied up In litigation over aincc the completion of tho contract, but Juduo Stoarna made en ordor laat Monday giving them per miaBion to draw a aufllcient amount to pay oil' thexu accounla. The following marriage licenaes have boon isHiied by County Clerk Morton during the paat week: Alice K. Moore, andCharluaN. McKinney, Annie Schoor and Fred Miller, SuHiinnah E. Jones and John F. Stidbttin, Tlienaaa Orr and A. Arstill.Harah Howan and Frank Wilaon, Fannio Turner and tieorge 11. Kerna, Poll Fryrear and V. L. Colmnan, Lnollii M. l'liillips and Claude M. Bacon, Maytio M. Bowman anil Johnny IIol comb, Berta L. Kvana and J. It. Mendel, Sarah K. Fry and UuHtav A. Buck. PEISONAL NOTES. Mix, Annie WchIoii In ipiiUi alck at the liniiii) of Mra It. Huron, I, K. Jmiiicy, fornicny ol thin city, la now renldlng lu I'ltlNhurg, I'a, C. M. Idleman, ol 1'orlland, wa in Oregon City Thurmluy on buainra. Mr. I', Boylea.ol Wilhoil aHint aevernl iluyaof Ihia week In Ihu city with Irienda. Albert MoHhbcrgnr, one ol Needy 'a energetic young farmer waa lu Oregon City WedneHihiy. Mia. It L. Iloliiian left Monday for Scuttle nhern alio will upend ChriHtmaa with her purenla . C..M. Whilo, of I'ortland, waa in the illy Wedncadav, alteuding to aome ealnle luattera at Ilia court bonne. Win. Mankiria, teacher in (hu Miu ka burg achool la homo to upend tho boli duya with hia parenla in thin city. K. J. Kwairord, city treaaiir.irol Halom, huh In Oregon City over laat Hiinday, the guealol hia brother. J. L. Hwalbird Mr. and Mra. Talent of Kaloin apetit Chrlaimaa with Mra. Talent' parenta, Mr. and Mra. F. Clone, ol Maple Ijiiih. Mr. ('. II. Iiuncan and wile and Mr, li. I'. Itrynolda, ol Baker City, auent Sunday and Monday In tbia city yiniting relative. John VVeiamaiidel, ol Viola waa in the city ChriMlmua and waa an interealed hhi tutor at the acalp dance and Ked men'a ball. (Miarlea Biitherlord, teacher in the New Fra achool, ciit laat Sunday with hia alnter. Mra. C. A. McMillan, of Weid Oregon Cily. X. It. Lang lelt Saturday evening for hia home at Oakland, California, at which plac he will aeiid the holiday with rvlativea Mr. and Mra. A. Fuller of I'ortland were the gnenta of Mra. Fuller' parent Mr. and Mra. Harry Harding of thia city for ChrialuiaH. Mra K. M. Kamla and children ol Vancouver, apent ChriMniaa in Oregon City, with her aiatera Alra. F. F. White, ami Mra. W. A. While. Mina Nettie Hall, who baa la-en vinit ing her aunt, Mra. K. Marr, of Willam ette Falla, for the punt two montha, lelt (or her home at lliiena Vinta. Mlna Nora Convera, aubacription clerk in the K.M aiii'iiinx ollice, ia na-nding the holidava with her parenta, Mr. ami Mra. W. 11. Conyera, at ClaUikanie. F..C. Mackett, one of the moat auc ceiwlol teacher of Clackamaa county, ia in attendance at the Stale Teacher'a anma-iation in I'ortland tbia week. W. 1'. Jobnaon, general manager ol the Willamette 1'ulp A l' per Company lelt on Thursday lat to h'tid the holi day with Ida family in lan Franciaco. Fred It. Me'liicn, who ia a atudent in the Stale Cnivernlty at F.ugene ia home lor the holidava which be will apend with hia parenta, Mr. and Mra. Jon. Iledgoa, Miaa Frina Lawrence and Miaa Ora Spangler, teacher in the Kaatham achool leltSutnrdav evening l"r Corvallia to nend Chrintman with old (rienda and the parenta ol Mina Spangler. JiiiWo tioidon K. Mayea, who ban lieen confined to hia homo (or the pant two weeka w ith a aevero cold in now able to Ihi at hia ollico In the court hoiiao for the tranaartion of hunineaa. ('apt. C. M. Bonaldaon, of linker City, wan in town Wedneadav, on huaineaa. The Captain waa a pioinineiil candidalp for congreHHinan from the Ural diatrict at tho late ltcpiihlicun convention. T. W. Clarke, manager of the Bandon woolen milla, ia homo for the holiday to be with hi family. Mr. Clurk report, the huaineaa of his company good and that they have all the order they can nil. Mra.C. M. Iiyoand Mra. U. A. Miller were among (bono from this city to at tend the Stale Teachers' asnociation in I'ortlund thia week. They both are old teacher and take a deep interest in ed ucational matters. Mina Jennie Hcuttie, formerly of this city but now ol F.ugeno w hero she ia a student in tho State University, is in Oregon City (or tho holidays (ora visit with her sisters Mr. J.J. Cooke and Mrs. David Cutilleld. K. S. Klli'Jtt, o? Hoseburg, spent Christ mas in the city with tho (amity o( his mster, Mrs. Thos. Fields, Mr. F.iliott is an engineer in the employ of the Southern I'ucillc and hns been on the road for nineteen years. Mra. Melvina Williams and Mrs. Lu ell a Dunghtory returned Monday to their homo in I'endleton, after a week's visit at the home of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kauch and their aunt, Mrs. K. C. Muddock and uncle, Mr. Win. Kauch. Mrs. M. L. Hnvword of Cams, was in Oregon City, Saturday, for the nurpose Lof signing a deed to a forty acre tract that she and Mr. Hay ward have sold to J.J. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. (iuyer ac companied Mrs. Hayward to receive the papers for their now home. K. T. Fields loft Saturday evening, (or Riddles whore ho w ill te stationed (or a month to relieve tho Southern l'acillc agent at that place who is to tuke vacation. Mrs. Fields left Sunday (or Koseburg whora she will remain with her aunt, Mrs. E. 8. Elliott, whilo Mr. Fields ia at Kiddles. The Noldlrr llay. Wednesday evening at the Armory took nlace tho ouarterly Inspection arid muster of Co, F by Col. Ih ebo, of Port land. Out of n enrollment of lllty tm-n foilv-one worn nrem-nt and lined up In heayy man: hingorder with full accoutre ment Including new overcoata ami blanket lately Imued to the company all arranged in what Ik called lli Marion pack. Hy thia arrangement the weight of tbolr nack falla on their ahoul- ilera and hip and miikea Hie W pound euny to carry. After limta-rtion Col. Ilcelio lu a upeecli complimented tho hoys on their soldierly appearance ami thorough drill and wa especially unitilled ut the Htrcmrth of the company and the Internal that waa manifested by thoolllceraand men in their orgmii.aliori. Ho counted F Co. in membership and elliciency eipiul Ut the beat ill the atate outside of Portland, and that it would make a inont creditable showing by the aidool the crack companies of that city. The Colonel wan accompanied hy hi lull Htairand several visiting ollicers of the Portland companies. In the absence ol Capt. (ianong, Firat Lieutenant F. K. Kelly had command anil with theellicient aid of Second Lieutenant Pickens handled the company in a very ciedilable man ner. Swear off buying oor shoes and buy (mm McKltrick. IiiiIIiiii Warriors. The Kedmen' ball was decidedly the event ol the season. Armory hall was filled to its utmost capacity Chiistmas night to witness the acalp dance and mask ball which followed. V ticket were aold. The noon parade of mounted warriora wa very realintiv in ehVct and the bravea of whom there were over thirty in line would have panned inspec tion lielore Sitting Bull himself, o complete was their Indian toggery and make up. The sidewalks along Main street waa crowded with Wetator to witnesa tne iarade. The evening par- a le was eijuully aa effective. Wacheno trilaj ia to be complimented on the suc cess of their entertainment and merit the financial success that was their. i Work or Arl. The New Year Illustrated Annual of Portland and Oregon City, gotten out hy Peaslee Bros .the well-known printers of Portland, is, in design and workman ahip, far ahead of what such matter usually is. The illustrations are the finest of hall-lone engravings and show all the princil view in ard around Oregon Citv nd Portland. Aa a present to a (riend in the Kant nothing could be more complete, (or beMilea being an ornament to the center table it give a moat comprehensive idea aa to how Oregon City and it great factories and t.'ie mighty water fall look. The Annual can lie hal at Huntley's Book Store at the low price of fifty cent apiece making them within the reach of all. New goods at McKittrick's. Strayed op Stolen, From Oregon City, about Novemlier 10, a light sorrel horse, aued Bix, years, weight aliont fc'0 to W pounds, and rather slim built. Branded on lelt hip with letter " P." One white hind foot. When ridden will single-foot or rack in gait. A liberal reward given for inform ation as to his whereabouts. Noiii.itt A Co. Ituckleu'a Arnica Salve. Tho best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, I'lcera, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores. Teller. Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup tions, and positively cures Pile or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give lu.n'u. t M,iiinfm-tiuii or money refunded. For sale bv Chai man & Co., Charman BroB Block. The New Year' (Jin. Is now almost as popular ns tho Christ mas gift. It's the proper time to return tho unexpected t hriatnias token or rememlK'r some one whom you uninten tionally overlooked. If you want the right article at the ritrltt price you should get it at Ul'HMKISTKH A Andkksk.n s jewelry store. Hard time Price. 12 L Cvli.tura tllO tlricft of horse shooing to $1.50 per horse until ..I i. . turtlier notice. Ail worn ai. ooimiu nrices. Many vears experience insures ilrst-chiaa work. For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It releaves the pain as soon aa applied. J. W. Yoiimr. West Liberty, W. Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many time the cost, 50 cents. Its con tinued use will effect a permanent cure. For sulo by Geo. A. Harding, druggist. You will soon wish to repaper your house or several of the room. R. L. Holnmn has just put in a fine assortment of new stylos Dovou travel? Are you a shipper? The "Hand McNally Kailway Guide and Hand-Book" contains all pertinent in formation. Ask your newsdealer. A horse w ell shod and a wagon well repaired is money saved to tho farmer. Give Muplo, the blackamith. a trial. Main street, opposite corner from City stables. Five acres of grubbing wanted done. Inquire of J. E. Wit.ig, care of Julius Pusch, Logan, Or. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Jlarrfbiun Kenolta. From a letter written bv Itev. J. Oun deraon, of Dimoiidale, Mich., we are xrr milted to make thin extract: "I have no henllaiiry In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, a the rusulla were al most marvelous In the cane of my wife. While I was pastor of tho lluptist church at Itive Junction she was brought (low n with Pneumonia succeeding La Orinpe. Terilhle paroxynui ol coughing would I last hours with little interruption and it seema a If she could not survive them A (riend inccommendi-d D. King' New DiMcovory; it wus rpiick in its work and highly natmlaclory in result Trial bottles free at Charman A Co' man I 'run. Block. Char- Itead These Pricea. Oregon City Cash Market, I'et.old A Gale, Prop., A. O. U. W. Block. Boiling lieef, :c and 4c; rib steak 5c; roast beef fn; and flc; prime roast beef He ; round nleuk 7c ; best stake Hi: ; mutton stew 4c; mutton chop (1c; leg of mutton 7c. All other meat are sold at lowest cash prices. Smoked meats and saus age ol all kinds alwaya on band. All meats are from our own killing which ia the choicest the market affords. Come and see un. These prices are for cash only. Cheerful Winter Frenlngn. Nothing hritiifs bo much joy and com fort to the fireside as a genial vinitor one that entertain and instinct every loeinlxT ol the family. The laich string is always out for the Prairie Farmer, for it always brings a hk weekly budget. It is brighter than ever, with a host of new writers, this year. The Thanks giving and Christmaa number will be worth more thun a yeai' aulwcriptiun. (1.00 gets Wi visits The Prairie Fanner. He Your Own .Manter. Few peoplo appreciate how much their iiiuirennion. their w hims and im pulses, and in fact all their mental en ergy deienda on the harmonious action of all Ihe vital organs. A poorly digested dinner may make one quarrel with a (riend. A contested liver may bring imaginary gloom and trouble into the Runniest day. A rheumatic pain may keep you Irom businena or work and en tirely clmnifH some marked out jsjlicy A few doesof Moore' Kevealed Remedy K-ill im' Inne to everv function and make you enjoy your friend and your work. Xollce. The regular quarterly meeting of Mult nomah District Pioneer Grange will bo held at Milwaukee, Wednesday, January 9, ISlia, at 10:30 A. M. A full attend ance is denned. Maby S. Howard, Secretary. Ladies, do yon know Dr. Mary II. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Sjiecific, will cure all those aches and pain peculiar to you, and will cost you only (I for one month' treatment? I will send any lady a trial box, free, who will send me the name and addresaeB of ten ladies who are in delicate health. Aitenfs wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, Delena, Ore gon. The quality of blood depends much upon irood or bad digestion and assimila tion; to make the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents, use Dr. J II. Mclean a Strengthening Uonlial and Blood Purifier; it will nourish the prop erties of the blood from which the ele ment ol vitality are draw n. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Money to Loan. C. O T Willmtna ran now make loans on goivl farms. Ottice next door to Huntley's drug store. New Good a Modern Prices. Tiess orner urocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.5s Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. When in Port land looking for Holiday Goods in Books no Stationery. Don't fail to call at The J. K. GILL CO.'S. Third and Alder Sts. Good Bargains In Books. Oregon Steam Dye Works, Kendall A Slaughter, Proprietors, Cor. Eight and Burnside Sts., I'ortland, Oregon. Clothing cleaned, colored and repaired. Ladies' shawls and dress goods a spec ialty. Faded clothing restored to its original color, to look like new. ISatia faetion guaranteed. Give u a call. Work called for and delivered. Extraordinary GRAND REMOVAL SALE. We will change our location to SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER On January 1st, 1895. Before moving we offer our entire Htock at Prices that have never been made before To verify the fact call and let our prices talk. I. SELLING. SOHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in Stoves PLUMBING, TINNING, AND GENERAL JOBBING. CAUFIELD BLOCK, Main Street. The "Commercial. The best brands of Cigars and Fine Tobac cos. SMOKER'S SUPPLIES. No. 3, Commercial Bank The New Year- always brings a lot of extra work in a store, the annual stock taking must be dene to fiind out "Where we are In order to lighten this work as much as possible we will make Great Reductions In Prices in all lines especially in clothing and heavy underwear. Glass & Smyth. Caufield Block. QEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE Watcbmaker Nexttfrrt st" Hi JEW6lEr Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked, I GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It is BEST If Ton An Not Sullied Tour Host; Sul ClOHR A DCTOl, Portland, Or. l?'r r-f few Announcement! and Tinware. E. PARKER, Proprietor. J. W. O'Connell, Ma'gr. Blocks DR D. 8. 8TRYKER, DENTIST. HAS RE moved to Odd Fellow' temple 8. W. Cor. lit aad Alder, Portland, Orrf an. Series No. 2. Willamette Savings and Loan Associa tion of Oregon City. By resolution of its board of di rectors (he subscription list to Series No. 1 has been closed and the subscription list to Series No. 2 has been oj.ened to the capital stock of the Association. The entrance fee is one dollar per share and the monthly dues are sixty cents for each share sub scribed. The Association has money to loan to its members at eight per cent per annum on property in Clackamas county. Agents are wanted in every set tlement and town in the county. For further information apply to HERMAN K. JONES. Secretary. At Bank of Oregon City J S. MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF X3ro,in. -:- Tile. BRICK& LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, IJEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EATERIENXE IX Great Britain and America. Give me atrial.