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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
CLACK A M ACCOUNT Y i THE F.MKKri'ISK OORUKSFOM). EMS SWEEP THE FIELD. noHHi.Nriil (lirltdnms Ke.Ntivif ies liny In a Salttou Osw-ro to Favors the (iMJ Koail Movement. Oewu.te, Dec, Si. Christmas has romt nd pone. The day was celebrated in Os wego according lo the disposition and hah its of the people. On Christinas eve at the M. K. church two tine Christinas tires were loaded with candy, nuts and oranges for the little ones. An interesting program, consisting of recitations, songs, etc., was rendered by the children of the Sunday school and Prol. Jones's singing class. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity. At the Chun of the Sacred Heart a mid night mass au held. This church was also crowded. The l'astor. Rev. Donnelly, de livered a very interesting discourse before celebrating mass. The ceremony was very Impressive ami interesting. There was no aervice at the Congregational church. I am informed upon prettv good author ity that one of the saloons here ran an op position celebration at which there were a number of boys, averaging m age from four teen to twenty years, who were all in a state ol maudlin drunkenness before they left. It is a burning shame that such violations of the law are meekly submitted to by the parents of these boys, or by any good citi ten for that matter. Miss Rose Haines met with a serious ai-ci- dent Sunday last stairs by some means she tripped and fell forward striking the steps in a number of places before reaching the bottom. Fortu nately no bones were broken, but she was severely bruised by the fall. Dr. Savior, who was called to attend her, anticipates no very serious consequences from her bruises, but has ordered absolute quiet for some time. John Westman and Jack Kosberc came lions by the superintendent of the Sunday school, Prof. A. J. Voder.' An appeal for aid from Dawson county, Neliraka, has ln-en received by a resident here, and anything in tlx way ol clothing, provisions or money, that could he sent there would undoubtedly relieve sintering and actual want. The writer Is personally acquainted with a number of the relief committee there and we know their needs would not he, misrepresented. The usual colds, sore throat and kindred diseases are prevalent in the neighborhood, though nothing of a serious nature. Mrs, Delia Yoder, of Salem, is visiting friends and relatives in the neighborhood. The director ol school district So. ti. have purchased a complete set of progres sive charts; price llfty dollars. We would like to commend such a spirit of progress In school officers, but this purchase re minds us o( tle old saying "a llfty dollar saddle on a twenty dollar horse." Fifty dollars would go a long way toward a new school house in the above mentioned district- Joka. men and good nwlghliora three farmers and one men-hunt, -but absolutely without any technical knowledge of road work or const ruction, not one ol Iheiii, probably, having ever looked between the covers of a scicntillli work on the aubcol. These men, while perfectly honest, and otherwise good business men, are certainly at a disadvan-, tage tH-slde a man w ho has made road mat ters a study (or years. j Some may think because you can lure I one of this kind Tor three dollars per day, j and would have to pav an engineer live, the extra two dollars would be thrown away. ' Now let us see what the business talent ot 1 the country thinks on the subject: When! men combine to build a railroad they hunt around (or the best engineering talent to he found, and pay such talent the highest i wages, and deem money so aciil as well Invested; and this is not only opinion, It! is a mathematical fact. ! Sow let us examine as to (he relative ex pense of supervision under the two plans: ' The total pay of the four riding bosses lor the year WH fools up $l.tJ7.l, without amount for lVceinber not yet norted. The largest items are for April, May ami June. Hy extending the lime over the summer months one man can do all that the four have done, and. If the right man, can do it Kedland Ripples. Rkiii.anii, Dec. -.11. Christmas greeting ami a happy and prosperous new year to ! you. vor.s . rseo. ,0 very quiet in ..,.,. l this way the cost ot an engineer! this vicinity one can hardly realiie that it ! ..,.;., , ..,. .,, ..,..,,! - - i IMXI and could probably be brought much ! below that figure ; and in the matter of In- j eating grades, and the method of const rue- lion the advantage would all be with the is Christmas time. ! The entertainment given in aid of the M. K. church on the 11th Inst, was well at- j tended and was an enjoyable allair. Kvery-: oo-iy seemea pieaseil and all contributed to ' ,.,-,, ,, I klvK . . ), ,ni,i. I the evening', amusements either in a liter- j er,,u. wum, , lm,,v ut ,., ,,,,, ary, pecuniary, or culinary manner. Many j , ,.,., , ,,., wlU-. thanks are due the ladies fur the bountiful : i... ... i... i! i .. .1 While descending the table spread at the close of the program. ,,,...,, .j .e work ., ,,,., ,... The are to go towards buying a Tnis ,,1m 0, ,!, ease if an engineer stove and fitting up the hall for church and ' in 1 kll,1B, . u,.. , M, I school purposes. Unnlv where roads have been lor-led tin Kev. A. P. tiillett will organize a church hill. Jh.r. il.. .,,...... ....I .i..u..r. here on the first Suinlav in January at - ..II.... . . ....M il . .... 1. Ill I... .1... I etuii j ti irn i. miii 1 it. . en ui inn iit inr ' ' I bru-h, and such locations have been pro- 1 The literary society held its regular meet- 1,1. ,lV .,, vi...,r .......j.-ai.te i..r I I 0,1 S,urJ"- fr"' wagon roads. Such would not he thecase , the way it started into husiness this time it ,r ,, ,., , i. . 1 ,..,., 1 . .1, , ,.1. ! uun.c.rom 1 ascaue ,ocs 10 Hfmi Christ- , ouis ia.r 10 rvc a very popular initituhon ! Another Icalure of Ihe case is (hi,: nis sun lour lanniies, as urn also vt m. '"is w inier. 1 lie program was good. Some Bowler and Robert Brown. The mornim? : of the voune nietntiers iani.-iili.rlv dlstitt. I .. .. .. . . . . .. . 'I after Mr. Brown's arrival his wife presented 1 guished themselves in debate. 'I he ques. him with a fine baby girl. The mother and 1 tion was. Resolved, That Washington is child are biith doing well. ! entitled to more honor than Columbus. It Miss Etta Mack, of Field's place on the was unanimously divided in the negative. ; win " n.-r m'i i.niiii)f ui nil 111 u .iK n- loalatin. sfient t hristmas with Mr. Coon's ror next lueetini; the uuistion i It...! .M ,. ..... . I f.itt. liAr. I Tk.,i r-..- t . : i . 1 , I "" " "'"; out first running several preliminary line,. I am pleased to see that the road question ht to the I mted Slates. When we have set- ,, ,e ,.,, f .,t. ,., is ,.,,. ,r W receiving attention from correspondents , tied that important .,uet.on we will give it 1 . ,.,.,., ,,H.a,iolli taking into con,hl- in uiii. iriii 1 ans 01 me county inroiigh I 10 uie ri.hraisK tor tne t'ei.i'lit ol the na your columns. That is right: agitate, and ! tion. R'.r.T.riT.r.r.T.T.T.T.TT.T.rT.T. i For Old and Youn; La.,IJ, V. Itoiuitiful ('liririltniiri Ctinlii Artirdio CiiIhihIith Ciimlii-H, F ii'hIi ntiil I'tirii l'liiilnriiili AII111111H All Kimlri Stiiliiuutry I)(i1Ih, (irciit mill Smull Kino Chiiiiuviiri' Ttiilot Article Full Fdtif IVrftitiiPH 'I'ovh for Hnlij'M Silk llmnlkiTi-liicfn I.etitliiT (ihoiIh Kino I'tiili-rwoitr Silk Nrokwi'itr Kino Iluriicry Sllitrl (Ivt-rcniilri I'nntH lliiU A 'A i 'A rl H 'A M V 'A 't 'A I 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A H 'A 'A CARLTON & ROSENKRANS The Lenders in Dry (IooiIh, Clothing, (Groceries, Hoots and Shoew, ICte. Como and Seo Us. CANBY, OREGON. Con- expended, , sideiahlc aniiiunts have I I and more iinuhl to be sxnt, in relocating j and preserving monuments on the prenenl roads. ANo, an engineer could be protila- lily employed in exploring new roads before : any ricne for locating or improving was incurred. Railroads are nev er built with don't stop agitating until the moss drops oil'. Sheep killing dogs have been getting in ml the people become thoroughly aroused ; their work here lately. Thev kiilrd two I ami injureu eigtit more in one night for .Mr. to the importance of making roads and not mud holes. Akckica MEADOW BROOK .NEWS. Salvation Army to Build Barracks- Sensible Idea on Road Work. Richardson. Mt. rieasant Views. Mr. PLKvsAxr, Djc. 21. Mm. Cornelia Myers is quite recovered from her almost fatal accident. Iast week a rmmher nf r.pri?prii- nn meadow i)B.xK, uec. -ij A merry Christ- ' worked with right pwl will repairing the mas and a leg o turkey to you reader! ! side walks between C. C. Williams' and the Today is a very quiet holiday at this I city. It is now available to idestrans wIm piace. Lien me.-aiauon army Doys have, do not iosses a "one-horse shnv , eralion grades, trullie, distance and cost of j construction : all oT w hirh are factors in the j problem ol county roads. These things are beyond the comprehension ol t lie common "riding boss," and are the most important mailers counrcU'd with road work. An engineer properly outlined to take charge of this work would have his ow n tools and would use them whenever nei es- ! sary. Now let us make a strong prill, a long I pull, and a pull all togethrr. and Irv to get ! j th business started right ; for it is us less ( ! lo tax the public lo death 10 raise money pciter IlAliKillOI.ST & COMPANY, 1M Front Mrt'i.. HARDWARE .'"rtUn,,, Nnrth wo-lrrii Atfe'itH for ATItllVS SAWS - I'lninoiiil. L.iiee - - (Ii rlilrlll TutU1l.11.lll I'ein-r teller -dlvr- r 'r,V''Vvvi('; 5 Av 1. L .:t.: r s A .V'v. !'-i' . Crosccut Wedges (warrantt'd.) 1? it 8 l'l-ouf CliAiiis. Arcade Files. hjm'. Crescent mi-d Loggers and Wood CIiojiihth Sjiecialties. Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK gone and the tambourine is silent. For the past month a division of the army from Newberg has been holding meetings at Wrights school house to crowded houses, and we are glad to record that they have made some sixteen converts. The salvation soldiers will return about January first and t once begin to build their army barrai ks near Anderson's null. On Friday evening when they passed around the tambourine for the dimes and nickles, some one by mistake dropped in a fo gold coin, lie got it back in exchange for a r.ickle. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holnian are spending the holidays at Portland, and Will, the latest local victim on Hymen's altar, is lookir g after the Meadow Brook farm dur ing Mr. Holman's absence. Frank M. Robinson, who has been in disposed from lung trouble for nearly a ! year, went to Southern Oregon about three weeks aeo to spend the winter there for his health, but Frank did not like the country 10 surprised his friends here by returning last week. His health seems to be consid erably improved by his short sojourn near Grants Pass. Our school is progressing smoothly under the supervision of Miss Zouri May Held. We are fcratiried to see the road question again agitated and have taken some pains to learn the sentiment of this commuity. Our main thoroughfare from Canyon Creek precinct and Dickey Prairie to Oregon City is via the Union Mills and the Molalla road. While there is plenty of mud all the way, yet one can draw a fair load as only to spend it 011 road, that u i' hate to deairc to aid the supervisor, in their work I there is very little complaint of the road -! tern, and I have yet to meet a live, progress ive man who wants lo go tiaik to the old system, 1 i,. .1 1 1 Miss F'la Williams of i.'i- sinsil sums we now raise by taxeg are indi- 1 ,. ' , ss r. 1a Williams, o 1 ir ' reedu gs vou have made my report to read 1.....1.. . . 1 . . ctousl v siient. II mwiY reiiirneu iroin me, -- in 110 1 r. i.u. 1 ?-. .. r... ... viiou. This should have Is eo I Ki lor 1 sr.isini.r. niuu ialiv. - 11. .use. ami iiaiuriiny taxes , ! ,l,r Some ni,.. udll much interest 111 educational mailers. Time hold, shown a spirit of enterprise, with a again at the remembrance of their child- ftra amount of money 011 niur ij' ijmIs or janyo-jirr way until we are iiru,ihat the j Miss Chase's school closed la-t Fridar for ' '"' al """" "itur-lime. I -n em two weeks vacation during the holi.iavs. ! opposed to the idea of r-risi-. g a There were fitting exercises and unit 'iMB amount of money 011 ooiiroj' number of guests were tiresent, aniorg them being (trove, who F.ast. Miss Klla i resideil in i-r in ' ' l. I th.ol.l w l,o..i 1 ..... ..'.:. ........ I SKNS1HI.K KOAI) TALK IiimhI duya when 4 l. ri-1 li.n nsmt to .shop around. The eiileriainuieiit given at the N ly c'lool liou-f on Friday evening, Ih cemla't Jlst, liy the si liiMil uiiorr the ausiures of Mr. hmIMi-s 1 It-i I t W a n driulrd sllne-s, j wears, however, and none ol us are there ! to greet her now us we should all so dearly love to do. lor children are aid to keep a little j corner in their heart for their favorite pre ceptors. j Wishing everyone, especially the Kntkk I putsr. correspondents and the editor and staff, a very happy Christina, we say truly, Vox Hi-mama. Wii imt. Her. 17.- sewrtil comniunic.itioiis on the road lion in the F.sti.kpuisk, and a re.inv pointing In this To titr Id-iron: Suing ' "'"'"''"" " I'gnre as an example of ei- ue.s- 'ravi:gaiit supervision. I I ,,r As oneoryourcorrespoiidinls says in the more. I take the liberty of sending you a ! Ii,"u-S r ni'insr, it Is not the large to pay-1 few lines on the subject. ! "rr gruiuhling most alsmt the mad ! In the first pla' K it is well to remember ""'. ut men who live hack on the l.y that it is impossible lo make a mud law, or r"1"1'' ul"' ''"' have nothing to haul to any other law, thul will do equal Justice to j "inrket, consequently cannot see the ne. es- all classes of people. It is also well to re-: H"y "' Sl,y r"1"1 mitside of their srliool dis j member that the object of a road law is not I to find some nice, easy, agreeable way in w hii h to pay a so called road tax find a way to make roads. The old roail law was at best but a make shift, adopted by all the n'.utes when in a Harmony .Notes. j Harmony, Dec. ii.We were visited with ' ...... 1 - . i. . i. I . ii auuio won. ami rain lasi numiay i which blew over a few trees and made some of the people feel mo e like keenitur within doors than being out. ! primitive condition, and as nnivenially Raleigh E. Karr, who has been on the I a'"""lo"p'1 ''y l! stales just as soon as sick list the past week, is recovering. j l'ulllic "P'nion demanded good mads. Charles Millard was taken down early Any wl' "iven t,,e Tuesday morning and Mrs. Dannels ""-v lhmlKht r'imit fail to see how impossl tricl. My com in ii iiirnt ion is already too long, hut to , J1" 1 IIUV" arceiy toucliel the roail ques ! tion. K. P. Cahtkh. Mulino, the worst road being between Cams postoffice and the Wolf or Beaver Creek bill. The nearer town the more travel there is on the road and it appears to us that the county road fuuds should be applied first in macadimizing the road from Kly out ward. The worst places further out could be planked and by the time that wore out the county would be prepared to replace the plank with gravel. Let us have a special road lax greatly in excess of our present tax, and as in city street improvement!! let the property adjacent and whose market value is enhanced by said road improve ment bear the burden of the tax. Phoenix. Wednesday night. Dr. Hickman, of Clack amas, has been attending them. Mr. Hall will about finish his potato dig ging this week. They were planted late, and the weather having been so mild, they were hardly through growing. Mrs. Sarah Dannels, who hai been spend- far as ing the summer with her relatives near l.a ble it is to ever build any good permanent roads under that system. The most that can be done is to repsir each year the dam age done the preceding year. I defy any permanently cured. man to show where there has been made1 A. J. Khermau has la-eu engaged to teach NKKIlY Norm. Uncial u'Htlirrlnits Well Attenilnl-The Jun iors Elect Ofltrers-Personal Notes. N'kkih, Ikc. 21. Joseph Miller, who was committed In the insane asylum In Septem ber, lint recovered from his mania and re turned home. Ilia many neighbors were pleased to welcome him and hope he is Center, Washington, has arrived here and is with her daughter, Mrs. R. Dannels. Mrs. Sarah Clark, for the last nine years a resident of this place, has moved to Clack amas for the winter. S. Creg, of Sellwood, was here this week looking for cordwood to purchase to supply his demand. one mile of good permanent road, built by the road work under the old system. Wher ever we had a mile of such roail it was made by appropriation, practically the same as the roads are worked at present. This was not so much the fault of the supervisors as it was the fault of the system, it being im the Harlow public school and Is to take charge of It January 2d. He is a man of more (ban ordinary ability and au able edu cator. The Harlow patrons are fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Sherman. The party which was held in Liberty hall last Tuesday evening wa largely Attended, Alphabet, by twenty-six Canteen, by possible to concentrate enough work on any I Among those present were. Misses Frona A FA EM KK'S IDEAS. SMYRNA SMACKS. Aid Fur Nebraska Sufferers Asked-Christmas Eierrises to be Held. Smyrna, Dec. 24. F. K. Taylor's children who have been sick with typhoid fever are I the profits of the farmer. about well again Everybody and his neighbor were away during the past few days investing In Christ mas goods. Several of our young ieoile attended the school exhibition at Needy last Friday night. Niss Nellie Crocker, accompanied by Miss EffieCone, came up from Buttevile to spend Christmas with the former's parents. Fred Watson is away on a buisnesg trip to Polk county. Our students are all at home to remain sever the holidays. A Christmas tree is on the program at the church on this (Christmas Eva). The event is looked forward to with great glee y the little folks, who have been drilled in dialogues, recitations, songs and declima- JC',:,..t I ,l. ) i''l,i'IJ ,1, Dec. L'4.-To the Kditok: I have read with a good ileal of interest all the articles which have appeared from time to time lately in your valuable paper, and I find matter for deep thought in everyone. I They show an awakening of deep interest in a subject which lies nearest the prosper ity of the farmer. We may all talk of the benefits to be derived from electric lines and rapid transit of any kind ; but these, after all, are only luxuries which can be dis pensed with without materially affecting liesides, though one niece of road to make a thorough job of it. Every man wished to put in what little work he did right by Ins own place. They did not seem to recognize the fact that the small by roads were of very little use so long as the main roads were impassable. Neither did they seem to take into consider ation the fact that there was perhaps ten or twenty times as much truvel on the main roads leading to market. The time lias now come when, owing to Woller, Katie Woller, Ilrrtha Hess, Kditb Hardesly, Merlle Thompson, Inez Hilton, lilariche Karstetter, Kutie Karstetler, F.ltle Wyland, l.lzzie Kaiiflmnii, Nannie Haley Messrs. I.. Voder, A. Thompson, W. Htewe, II. Woller, N. Kaiiflman Mr. and Mrs. Ogle, and others. The l.ilierly Council No. H, Jr. O. U. A. M., held its regular meeting last Saturday evening and nominated otlleers lo he voted for at the next meeting w hich will ho held on the evening of the SSHh. One new merii- llie country becoming thickly settled, and the great amount of hauling to be done, It j her was received. is absolutely necessary to make some per- Evangelical services were held at the manciit roads, and the question Is, of w hat school house Sunday hy the Rev. Horn material shall we make them, and shall we I sliuli. the rarmer gives half he is worth towards I the building of a motor line, when it is done I he does not ow n one dollar's worth of it, and cannot nse it without paying liberally lor the privilege. Whereas a good wagon road can oe built for about the same money, and when once built It is free for all The subject of deepest interest just now seems to be the question whether the pres ent road system can be bettered or not, and there seems to be a general feelingamong the thinking public that it can. The idea seems to be growing in the public mind that the large sums of money which the county court will spend upon the roads in the near future should be spent under the advice of a comrietent engineer. As to the qualifications of the four so called "riding bosses," they are all good. depend on Tom, Dick and Harry to build them, or shall depend on men who are wil ling to devote their time and attention to the science of roadrnaking? There Is a great deal of criticism of the road supervisors, many contending that they are a useless expense. To such I would say, go and watch the work carried on un der private contract, railroad building for Instance, and you will always find men whose business it is to oversee such work men whom their employers can trust In whom they have confidence. And such people don't usually spend their money for nothing. If the court has not such men in charge of the road work, then I say, by all means fire them out and find others in whom they have confidence. Now 1 find that in all localities where the people, instead of spending their time abus ing the court, and supervisors, have htken , Rev. fiardner held services lit the Rock Creek M. K. church at three o'clock Bun day and delivered an able discourse. He will he in attendance every fourth Sunday at three o'clock. Mrs. Booth has been very sick so as to be confined to her heuse for the Inst few days. Mrs. Win. Hoop is also on the sick list. MissHlanch Karstetter and Miss Mahle Hurdcsty took a flying trip to Woodburn one day last week. Mrs. K. E. Moody, of Molalla, Is visiting friends and relatives In Needy this week. Noah nardesty wan in Oregon City last Wednesday. LATER ROTES. Dec. 2fl. Christinas passed quietly at this place in the usual way of giving and receiv ing present; the little folks enjoying them selves hugely over their Christmas trees and presents, and the old follts tekeUp ycjng . ami wa enjnyen ny even i.o,iy. 1 oll.nuug . is a copy ol the program : Ipening l.illle Sunn I'lakes, hj Ihe , j s.'IimoI lie- 1 1 it , l.y John K ir-letter. Di.ilfW Two Little lulls, by Alii e : 1 1 - r and I'eurl llrm kail. Reelliilion, .Mother (oil. hy AencsWolfer. Dialogue IS.irhelors Hull, liy Ali.lV 'I houipson, Mvrilo Thiiiupsoii, Kirnrst Steewe, Lewis Muiilaiiilnii and Fred i ister hl Hong-Christiillis Weir , by the school. Recitation Jin k anil Jane, by I'.iuil Mnji tandini. Recitation- Chri-slmas Tide, by Zoa Fl-li. Dlalogue-The Day after Christmas, hy Alvln Thompson, Albert Sluwee and Lmiiia Muiilaiidon, Recitation- Jack O'l.iintern, by Percy Rilter. Show-Wax Figures, by (I. Ileiinc, Kinll Mniitauilnn, Lee Fish, I.ewisSpagla, Liumii Heii, I, Myrtle Thompson, Julius Kpagla. Duet-Spring and Summer, hy Kiuma Moutiimlon and Tens Slnwe. Recitation Two Hoys, by John Haley. Recitation A Hoy's Promise, by Ida Kulnike. DiaUgue-The children. Recitation My Father's Lillie Thompson. Dialogue- Restuuraut, by Win. Stuwe, Fred (Murholz, Herman Kueiiaic, l.ydla Kuenzie, i; in m a Heinz, l.lllie Thompioii, licwln Spagla and l-on Coi hraii. Recitation Mother's Hoy, by Oirtle No hlitt. Soiig-The Village Hand, by the school. Recitation, by Clarence Miller. Recitation-How Ihe Corn Orows, by Cal vin Wolfcr. Dlulogue The Hogus Doctor, by Fred Osterholz, Andy Thompson, Lewis Montan- don and Leon Cochran. Recitation-A Tale of a Had Hoy, hy Charley Woller. Recitation A Cicnlle Word, hy Daisy KM liu. Closing Hong -Merrily does our Hark, hy 0. Heinz. Emma Heinz, Andy Thompson and Lillie Thompson. The accompaniments lo the songs wern rendered by Miss Heinz and Miss Myrtle Thompson on the organ, Miss Katie Thompson and her brother Asa came home from where they have been attending school, to spend the holidays. The masquerade hall given Christmas ove under the auspices of Liberty Council, Jr. 0. U. A. M., was a flut tering success. Some sixty odd numbers were sold. The dancers enjovedoneof rhe best hops given during mo nt-nno.i, on iiuiy s iirizo lor me hest sustained character in m amine was awunln.l I to Miss Jessie Manland, and tlio gentle man's prbse was won by Mr. Win, Sinilh. i Qi TAKE i m n m h w n urn. 1 $ n f r A ji Ills "M on Biiarnntna by all drug arista. It pores Incipient Conaumptiua aud U the host Cough and Croup Cure. l or sale liv i A. Harding, druggist. For Sulfl or Trade. For improved Oregon City property. acres miloH east of New Em, CJ mile nonth of Oregon City. For tiartic nlurH and prico imiuire nf or aihlriwa. IJO f Fu""f xf uw Krtt Oregon. " FOTOGRAFER " rioiiily weather preferred fur IIIIiik. AMI. lie Work, Cur. At l, I or) In tut, Mr. pARMHRS ... Your tonm will huve tlio licst (if can- and Full Measure of Feed At Iho City StfiblcH. Kldd & Williams, Proos.. 1 ""a''"""r" .. W. H. Cooko. Livery n m Short Notico. The Independent. NEW YORK. lt llglon l.llcriir) iin.l iUj .'V-kiiM-r. I'mieiiiiiiilrisllniml, inlhlnsi,, n. lmirtH pnper Inrelcruyiueli. selnilsrs, ten, hers' business men nml fninllles. It ' cusses every tuple of tliedsy- re unions, thenlnulenl. . 1 1 1 1 . - ,t I , literary, snchil.iirilsi e nm ' scientific It,, cniiirlle lltetl hhMcs are hy the most eminent writers of th K II k 1 1 h h iHUKUHirn. II employs specialists ami .lllliiuullH.,l as loMows: """ "' "" ,W'""y """ ''-rUnt'ilt,! Literature, Helunee, Music, Klin- Arts, Hiiiilinry, MIhsIhiin Ili-Hulons lutelln.eiice, llllillcal Research, Hehonl slid College, I'ersiniHls, Charities, Killtorhd, News of the week, Hllliilny-Hi-hool, Mlnistiiral Itt'iilster, Fliiaiielal, Iiisiirauee, Old nml yoiinif, Pehhlcs, Farm and (lanleii, Odd Knots. A palter partleusUrly fitted (r lawyors .,,n. tors, nleriymeii, those em;HKel In hush Z, young peot.le of both .,,.., D.en and women Willi PIMIll .1.1.1 .l.ll.l. . SI 1T.ll.IBIl '" ..iiiih iiininieives. . W ''e'elly valuable forthnso Inter esl.i.1 in Kiuo ns, Bclenee. Musle. viLT! V"" VHll"'l'lu Inl'trniallon upon Finance, l.lfo tusiirsnce, Cnnimeree A P1tr for Hundsy Mclniol w.trks, those who have a Fsrm, Harden or limine Plains A puper fur tho family, old ami young ind?&n$ffi$r " ,:1 ' nr "i ,i,Rt r" Clubs nf five, UW,eaeh. ,', Jjveoliiieu, Cities ?foe. ;VJ J