Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
ODDITIES OF SCOTCHMEN. Bum IVllghtfnl IriiHrlt(pa rulnted Out by an KvcMnt Authority. Somo delightful caulitios of Scotch character are pivon in Wilniot Harri son's new book, sara Tho Scottish American. I'rofrsjior Adam Forpnson, tho author of "Roman History," at whom) houso Hants and Scott mot for the) first ami only time eschewed wino mul animal foot!, "but liugo uiassiw of milk ami top'tnlili's disappeared beforv him. In I Uiitinu, his tvmperaturiMvaa, refrulnt rrt ly Fahrenheit, and often, when sit ting quite comfortably, ho would mart up and put his wifu and daughters in commotion becausti his eve. had fallen mi the instrument and ho was a dtjjnt) too hot or too cold. " Yet at tho ago of 73 ho started for Italy with but a single umipanion to prepare for a new etlitiou i f his "Roman History," nor did ho die till he had attained tho ago of 03. Another "character" U l)r. Alexan der Adam, rector of tho highsohool and unthor of a work ou Roman antiquities and a mmi of extraordinary industry. When at collep ho lived on oatmeal and Miiall beans with an occasional penny loaf, in a lodging which cost him ftinrpenee a week, lu later life, ho do Toted himself ahsolntolv to tho work of teaehiug. In addition to his classes in the high school ho appears to have had for his private pupils some of the most , eminent Scotchmen of his day. Rcr. Sir Henry Wel'.wood Moncreiff, ; a member of a Scottish family distin-. guished during several generations iu ' conuoction both with church and state, j aptears to have given wonderful Sun-1 day suppers. "This mot admirable and ; somewhat old fashioned gentleimui was ouo of those who always dined between sermons, prokibly without touching wiua Ho then walked buck from his small houso iu the east end of Queiu itnvt to his church, with his bands, his little cocked hat, his tall cane and his cardinal air; preached, if it was his turn, a sensible, practical st ruioti, walked ', homo in the same style, t k tea about 5, spent some hours iu his study, at 9 . had faniilv rjravers. at which lie wiu delighted to see the friends of his sons, after which the whole party sat down ' to roasted hares, gobleU of wiue and his! powerful talk." j I NOT A TRUE MURPHY. Ha Hatl thr Name and the I'hymlqur, but Lcked the Brogue. A Bostix: R-ion of tho great Celtic family of Murphy, while traveling iu Ireland recently, came across a little , village where the man who did not bear ! his patronymic was regarded as a curi osity. While wandering nlsint this in- i terestiug hamlet he chanced to come t upon a little tavern, and being athirst entered the taproom for beer. He it here , known that the traveler was considers-' bly above the average in stature, aud j this was noticed by two old habirnes sitting by the fire. One of these pros- j ently rertn'ked to his companion, ' "Mike, that giutleman is taller than Jorry AIur;.hy, Ui think." "Ah, now," replied the other through the 2 inch ; stem of a T. D., "he's not" with a ' rising refketion on the end of the sen-, tence. "Yis, he is, " retorted the first, i wuii umuam iuu i se jerry s mark there on the dure?" : The traveler's attention was then ; called to a doorpost whereon was mark-' ed the stature of four men, all over 0 feet 4 inche's in height The tallest was xuij..!., au.t inn mala. u uri 6Jj inche. Acce pting this chalh nge, the traveler stepped up to the disirpost and bad his height i:;;:rki d, and, lo! it was a full half inch above that of Jerry. When he had written his name over his mark, for he noticed that the others were so designated, and that they were all llurphys, somo one proeut culled out, "He's a Murphy too!" liut one of the old fellows by tho fire would not have it so and replied: "Iudude he's not He hasn't got the brogue!" Bo ton Transcript Enameling f ust Iron. It is noted as a somewhat singular fact that there are not more than two process for enameling cast iron, not withstanding the amount of ingenious effort pot forth in this direction. One of those is the hot process, in which tho iron, heated to a vivid red, is powdered with a flux powder, bnroailicutu of h ud distributed with a sieve, then heated, and when the flux fuses it is powdered afresh with glass more soluble, forming the glazo of the enamel, but this opera tion is attended with danger and is not 1 adapted to largo article-a or for decora tion. The second prrtcess, which meets the objections named, consists in dress ing or coating the article first with mag- nctio oxide, then dipping it in borosili C!it3sof lead, colored by metallic oxides, to which i.-- added a little pipe clay, in order to yive rather more body. Tho ariiole thus covered cold, by dipping oi with brushes, is put into the furnace, the enaujel adhering and vitrifying at the usual furnace temperature used by euani'ders, and by putting a coating of colored enamel with a brnsh on a first coat fcimply plain it is possible to make any decorations desired, which may be bu nt in at one operation for outdoor : vases, etc. New York Sun. Meat Water. Every good cook is careful to dispose at once of the water in which meat has been washed. Only a very few hours are necessary to change it into a foul moiling liquid if tho temperature is suitable. This change is due to a little plant called Bacterium teruio. A drop sA this putrid material under the micro scope reveals many thousands of them, acting under a peculiar vihratile motion. I What we truly and earneMly aspire ' to be that in some souse ve urc. The mere aspiration, by changing the fninie j of the mind for tho moment, realises it- j aelf. Mrs. Jameson. The manuscripts f. Fenelon show no changes. Itissaid there ate not 10 era- ; aures in a hundred pages. ANIMAL SENTRIES. They Arc Foatpd by tho Flock or Ilprd tM Uuautl Afalnal 8urrlM, The too eager cportaman is often balked of n shot by tho waU-hfnl senti nel posted to guard tho flock or thn herd against surprise. Posting a entrv it tlio most universal of tho instincts which use organization as a means of ifonso. Chamois, ibex and other mountain an telopes always post a sentinel. Ahvaya when a herd of seals is sleeping on tin rvks there is a watcher. This instinct, Tho Spectator informs u, survives even iu animal captivity. "When tho prairio dogs at tho oc occupied a small paddock, they alwayy kept a sentinel on duty, althongh he seldom uttered his warning whistle. having loaruod probably that tho visit ore would not come inside the railings. The prairio dogs at tho Jardiu d'Accli matisatiou of I'aris oWrvo tho ttame precaution." As is well known, wild geese are particularly wary iu this re spect Mr. St. John says that "they seem to act in so organized and t-autiotir a manner when feeding or roosting iu to defy all thinner. When a flock ol wild geese has fixed on a field of newly sown grain to feed iu, before alighting they make numerous circling flights, and the least auspicious object prevents them from pitching. "Supposing that all is right and they ao aiigm, mo wnoie utx'K lor a spaot of a minute or two remain motionless, with erect ht ad and neck, roeounoiter iug tho country around. They now ap pear to hnvo made up their mind that all is safe and are contented to leav ouo sentry, who either stands on sonn elevated part of the field or walks slowly with the rest never, however, ventur ing to pick np a single grain of corn, his whole energies being employed in watching. The most curious part has tc follow. When a sentry thinks ho ha performed a fair share of the duty, he gives tho bird dearest him a sharp peek. " Mr. St John declare that he ha seen tho sentry occasionally pull out a bunch of feathers when the first hint was not immediately attended to and at the same time nttet a querulous crj. w 11(1 8wans ar almost as cautious a wild p,,, The giKaI of diuiger differf witn ,ne rTi ft animals, but the 'rni nt setnis to be universally uu- derstooil by the sentinel's followers. Wild geese and swans have a peculiai call, as of a bugle; rabbits and shts'j: stamp on tho gTouud; wild ducks utrct a low and cautious quack; elephants whistle; i!ex nnd mountain sheep whis tle. Roil and Gun. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION? Perlp There I a Hint For Vou In Thte Story of Kume Ailing Thlrkenn. "Troubled with indipvtiou.areyou?" Fcl all puffed up, eh? Well, it's a pity that some one couldn't treat you the way my brother-in-law's wife treated her chickens. That was when they lived out iu Lewistown, Pa. " "Going to tell us another story now, I suppose, like those ubout catching Aerring in the pjasg and hunting shad with a dog anil gun, ain't you?" Without paying any attention to this slighting remark the Jcrseymau went on: "Mv'a n-i fix hn1 n titw CTOp of clli(.k,.ns that gnniuu.r. Thev were al jiatrhpi that pTiBg y, jrrowing well when one day the whole flook Knt at ha of dry cnim(,ai an(, fiiltKl thpir crops fnll of iu The flntt thill(? niy brother-in-law's wifo knew 0l thw m;n the meal beffan to swell and turn sour, and the whole troop of chickens were waddling around 'vith crops twice their regular sizo and every chicken looking like the bass drummer iu a German baud. You see, the chickens either had got at water too soon or else didn't have gravel enough in their crops to grind up the meal, aud it wouldn't digest and seem ed likely to burst them. "There was no one by to give hidp or advice, and my brother-ia-law's wife wasn't going to lose that lot of more than 100 fine chickens if sho could help it, so she started right in to do the best she could The children caught the chickens and brought them to her, and with her buttonhole scissors she cut a slit in each one of their crops. She squeezed out the corumeal, washed their crops out and sewed them up again. The chickens seemed grateful. They were kept quiet for a couple of days, fed lightly, and every one of them recovered." New York 8uu. Long Farma In Maine. Maine probably has many oddly shap ed farms, but we doubt if one can be found more peculiar in form than that in the east part of Dexter, formerly owned by the pioneer blacksmith Eli jah W. Sprague. This was eight rods wide and a half mile long, with the highway cutting it at right angles into unequal portions. The inconvenience of so narrow a fann, with pasturage and woodland at one end, is obvious to any one, but iu this form it hag continued from the days of the forefathers to the present time, in use as a farm all the time. A farm only 20 rodn wide and about half a mile long was in use a great many years near Farm! ngton Falls and may be so used yet for all the writ er knows, but the Dexter farm beats it by nearly two-thirds for narrowness aud general oddity. Farms of this shape are numerous in Canada. Lewiston Journal. Helf Examination. Let Dot sleep fall upon thy eyes till thou bast thrice examined the transac tions of the past day. Where have I turned aside from rectitude? What have I been doing? What have I left undone which I ought to have done? Begin thus from the first act and proceed, and in conclusion at the ill which thou hast done be troubled and rejoice for the good. Pythagoras. The South African British colonies had in 1840 a population of 140,000. At present it is 1,800,000, with a busi ness of 17,000,000 and 1,800 miles of railway. Are You (Jolug Kasif If so, it will phv vou to write to A . ( Sheldon, general agent of tho "Hurling ton Route," Alt) Washington street, Portland. Ho will mail you iree of chanie, maps, time tables, and advise you as to tho through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations (or you, and furnish yon with through tickets via either the Northern, 1'nloii, Southern, Canadian l'acilic or lireat Northern railroads at tho very lowest rates obtainable. Tho Hurlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equipped railroad in the world for all classes ot travel. Tlirotixh Trains Wlllioiit Transfer. Travellers must not forget that tho O. H. e- N. lino Is thoroughly repaired and all trains are running without transfer or delay. Through service to Oiimhu, Kansas City, St. Utuls and Chicago; I' simpers, (reo reclini.! chair fJ.Xml of cars, upholstered tourist sleeix-rs and I jug theni'rvei'en 1 1 j lor fur the rtiuao modern day couches. Cation O. R. Avt the iliwmlers N Agent before purchasing tickets, or I "hey" r'e iTt'"' address W. 11. Hurlburt, lien'l Tassen-1 l' fl "wied. ger Agent, Portland, Oregon. illank at ine r.NTKKi Kisit oinee Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and 5trainst Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness Ci Saddle So raj, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Morse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates iVu?cIe, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes flan or Beast well gain. THE YAQUINABOUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad CIIAS. CLARK, Receiver. Direct Line Quick dispatch Low freight rato between Wil lamette Valley points and San Francinco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. Steamship "HOMER." This Company reserves the right to change Hailing date with out notice. For freight and passenger rates apply to any agent. CIIAS CLARK, Receiver. Chas. J. Ilendrys, Son it Co., Nos. 2, 8, Market St., S. F. Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEI'iFkELLOGG- leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 0 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. IIOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake A recent fllseovery Is that henilai-ha (Ituluewt, dullness, confiiiiliin of tlui riihul eu, are duo to ilcruiis-cmeitt of tlio nerve cetiUim whli'li supply itio liratn lth nervo hin'ei tlutt lixtlttivot ton, (lyxpopnls, nournllii, wind In itiMimi'li, etc., arise from I ho ilermiKe men I of tin) nerve Comers supplying Iheno or sum Willi nerve fluid or force, This U llkeo l-u true of iiisiiv UIxiimu. iif I ho lieurl nml luuuv. The nervu kyntcm Is like h leU'urupli vtotn. Will Ih Hir liy tint accompany Inn rut. I mi 111 I m while niton it ro tho nerve wlilt'U miiYty tho ih'i vo for i from t h o norvo ronton iti ovtxy purl of lhi ImmU, lu-t hh Km ohv i UtMrriht lt nmvoyotl t limit I It o lolourrtMh wln to o v I r y million, Ittmo or imll. Urtllimrf m vMt'lnn full to mutant! sun, r.1. H . I.I. It . the highly celehrttlod Itllti-lallNt ft ml Million of norvo ii 0lriHO, mul millmr nf nruir iiiiIimI ireiitUtM on tin- Int lt-r hiiIiih-i. Iiiiw ln.'o tvu,M thn truth of Mm flrt i iii'nioiil, iiti, li KoMuritllvn NitvIii.i l miiivit mi Unit rliii'lli. It Miivo-u) In riirliiii nil IIh- urNIni from Uonnmo inotit of t lit iit'i-vou kVxttMii la witinlor ful. n tlio tliimonntW of uiiuilti'lliil tmlltni iiI iIh In iMw,in (lf thn t'imiiniiy nmiiufuo lurlnii tin rvnn'clr Kiniljr imivw. Ir. MHiih' !ti'lni-ttl!v,i Iorlm l 1 rvllubln h'lnoily fur nil norviui iIIm'iuk-. mu'Ii it Iioh.I'i.-Ii,., iiittoii iMillliy. irHtrntliii, Im'liliitMifw, illttlnivui hyilorU, Munl tl lillliy. .-t. Mum iIimk-o. xnllrmv. ol ll la olil liy till lrutiUt on a txMlilvn icuurmitiHi, iiidim-i iiv 1 li ii nr. Mllt" Mimiioiu 1 1 Klkhiirl, Iml., tin rtv,-lt of rli-. ft r bol tlo. ali Uittlitt fur f tttprma pri'ml'l Ho-torttllvo NnrvliiK ixnlllvuljr couUlli UO unluti'. ur UauKi'roua drugs. For nale liy Cliarinan .t Co. MtfrlfTi Nutlr of Slr on I'orrrloaur. In 1I1 I'lrriilt t'oiirt nf Hip Htala of orrgon fur tli I'miiity ul t iarkamaa. Thpflral National Hank nf Kaai IMrtlaml, a rurMrailon. lantlil, va John II. Millar ami luitira Millar, ilpfpuilama. Hlato of (Irt'gon. futility nf f lackatnai. aa. Nntlc Ii hprphy glvpn lhat liy virtu al an pxprutloii aii'l nrilor ol aale Nanpil nuiofttip cln-nlt rmirt nf the Htate uf tirt-aoii for the l ninny nl t.lai'kainaa. hearing ilalp the ?7th ,ay uf NovpmlH-r, IM. In a anil arherpln TIip Klrat National hank of riaal Portlatnl. a corporation, I'lalnlltl. ami lohll II. Millar ami I. aura Millar were ilrtpmlanta, rointtiamllug iup. Ill the nanip uf the Hiat of orrgou. that out of the real patatp herolnalror ih'arrllH'fl. to rraltie a ailin autlli'lrlil 111 aallafy Hip itrluamla ul aalil i ilporpp. to-u-lt: l.r,"i. ami the furthpr auni ol ; II.' inatiraupp, ami the further an 111 of IIV) J atlortipy'a Itf a, ami the further atitn ofl:.Sao 1 Coata. togettier with Intpreal on the aalne allli'e j aalil ilecn waa enlereil at eight per eenl. tier j annum, ami alo the coala uf ami atti uillug una aale Now, therefore, In oU'illeiire to aneh leere. 1 itiil, on the '.7th day ol Novonilier. li'M, iluly levy upon, ami will, on Hainr.lay. ihe .nth ilay of HtN-piutipr, Ivii, at the hour of tu n o r). a k I'. M.ol aal'l tiny, ai the front ilonr of therourt houxe In aahl county ntTer lor aale at tuthlU' aticilou. ami apll to the hlgheal ami leat hlmler fur eaah lu haml. all of the right. Ililp an 1 In tereat the aanl ipf,-uiUnta have In anil to the following ileaerllie'l real propprty, lo-wtr li ginning at a tM'lil twpnty rola eaat of the aotithweat rortier of lha aoiitheaai iiiarter of aertlou nine, townahtp two aouth of range iwo eaai uf Wlllamett merlillan; ruuultig thenr north alxtppii riMta; thenre weal twenty rala; Ihenre north twenty-four rola: ttieuoe eaal thirty five ro.1 ami four feel to the pcuipr llu uf he ; irt'gon A faltfomla Kallroail: ihenre aouth tracing aahl ceulpr Hue of aalil ( lt t'. K. K. to the aouth line of aahl aectton nine; thene weal twelve rnla ami four feetmihp place of iH'glniilng. rontahilng alx acrea ami aevenly aiiiarfl pmU ntore ur laaa, altuatel lu f lackarna eotiuty, Oregon. Hated Dili jam Jay of Novemher, A H l'J4. K f MAIiliiH K. RherlrTef t'larkamaa county, Htate of Oregon. Ity N. M Moony. Heputy lll.'i NhrrlfTi Notice of Sale n Korri'loaura. In the f In ult C,urt ol the Htale of Oregon for Ihe County of Clackamaa AlvaJ. llyn. Plaintiff, va Wallace J. Ilrnre anil f'lara 0 Ifrtice, ilefenilatila. Htate uf Oregon, f utility of t'larkamaa, aa. Notice la herehy given thai hy virtue of an exeetitlnti ami onler of aale laaueil nut uf the circuit court of th Htale nf Oregon for the f.'nunty uf flackam.ia, hearing lar the ?7ih day of Nnvetnlier ltl. In a autt wherein Alva J A 1 1 y 11 waa plalntllf ami Wallace J. Itruce and flara C Itril'ie were rlefcud'iiita pom- niattdttiff me, In the name of the Htate nf tire gun, that toil of th real palate hereinafter deacrfrM-d, toreallre a ailln aufTlr-li lit to aallafy the deruanda of aald decree, tnwlt; H'2 aa, and the further aum of fly coata. and the further lUBt of Ilia) aa attoruey'a fcea, together with in tereat 011 the aanie alnce NoveinlH'r It, la'H, at eight per cent, per annum, and alao the coala of and attending thla aale. Now, therefore. In ohedlolice to aucri decree. I did. on the J7r h day of Novcmlier. l-'M. duly levy upon, and will, on Haturday, the poll day ol Heccrntier, )H;it. at ih hour of one o'clock I' M. of anld day, at Ihe front donr of the court houae h, aahl county, offer for aale at piihllc auction, and aell to the highcat and heal htddiT, forcaah In hand, all the of right title and In tereat the aald defendauta have In audttithe following deaenhed real firopcrty, lo wli: The eaat half of the uortheaat quarter and the north nail ot the aoiittieuat quarter ol aectton two, in townahlp five aouth, rauxe three eaat of the Willamette merlillan In t. lackatnai county, Oregon. Hated thla 2lh day of November. A. H. IH'M K C. MAHHiii K. Hher'.iT of fMacknrnaa County, Hiate of (iregnii. Hy N. M. MihiIiv, Hcpuly. II ;i:j; Notice ur Kiecutnr'l Nale of Heal Katittit. Notice la hereby given that In purauauce nf a llcciiap mul order of aale made by the County fourt of the Htate of Oregon, for the f.'uuiity nf f liicknmaa, on the 'J'Jth tiny of Heptember, In the matter of the cilrtle of Kit-hard (ierdea, dectmaed, the undcraigtifd executoia of the Inat will and teatHineiit of aald Itlohanl tier, lea. do ccaacl. will aell at public auction, at the court houae dour, In the city ol Oregon Clt v, Clnck ainaa county. Oregon, on the J7lh day of He c em ber, IM'il. at lOu clock A. M., to the hlgheal bid der for caah In Imud, all and lingular tho following ib'itirlbed real property belonging lo the ald eatnle of Hlchiinl tierdea, ileicnaed, iltuated In the f'ouuty of ClHckauoiH and Htate of Oregon, to-wlt; A trnct of land ilhiiitc, lying aud being in Ihe County of Claek-iinna, Hiate of Oregon, to-wll; fNiinniencltig 'A chului and 'U 11 11k 1 1011th of the nortlieaat corner of the 111 rth eaat riuarter of the louthwcHl (iinrter of aectluti thirteen townihlp two 1011th, range four eait, where the county road from Oregon City, via I'nloii lettleineiit, Intcraeini the old emigrant road from 1'hlllp Koaicr'i toThe Hiillea: thence north H7 degreea anil 'Mi mlnutea, weal 'ti ihalna ami ' linki; theutre louth 17 chalm and H;l Ulika; thence eaat 1 chniua; thciico north HI chalniaiid Ml) linka, to beginning, containing :U..rHt acrei. together with the teuetnenti, hered llainetita and appurteuancea tbcrcuiito belong' Ing. Heed to he made at the expenae nf purchnaer. Hated November Kl, MA. II. I. Nokokn, II. W01.P, Sxecutorg of the Kitatfl of Klchanl Oerdei, deocaied. 11 HI:U-U ' NOTICK OK FINAL 8KTTHEMKNT. Noticed hereby given, that I have Died my final report In the matter of the eatate of Kred Dlein, ileceaied, In the County Court of Clacka maa county, Orefon, and the Court haa ap pointed January 7, 1'A al the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ai a day and time for the hearing of laid report and for the cttltnivnt of aahl caute. DAVID ZIMMKKMAN, Adm'r of laid eatate. W. 8. llt)KT, Att'y for the eitale U-V;ll-1 KVANtiKI.ICAL J.UTHKUAN CHIJItf ll-l OrkY, Paauir. Herman aervlcei every Htinday at 11 o'clock A M. Hngliah aervlcei at 7::!l) P. M. Btinday achool at ID o'clm k A. M. Loca tion: Htore room next door to bakery In Hhlve ley'a building, corner of Hoveuth and Madlion atreuta 7 Society Directory. IIIKuON CITY IHIAUP OC TIUUK. lli-i'ti t ('unit Ultimo mi Hoontnl MuiiiUy In mi ll tumuli. Vlaluira wi'Ii'iiiiik. r. K. lUiNAI.HHtiN. UKO. L HUOWNKU. Mm'ruuty. Frualili'iiL tlAVKI. I.OIitlK. NO, .VI, A O. V. W Mim'Ixi'i'oihI ami fuurlli Halnnlay rvonlnm al Ktilulil at hall. Canhy. Vlaltltiii lirntlmra inailtt woli'omo, K K Cahi ton, K 0. MuniiiM K, ftiii ur'li'r. M'l'liT Wiirkinnn K. OK I'. UTAH I.OH'IK NO, W. J r. Itlalny ('. C; TIiiiiiib" Nnllanti, K. of II. aul H, Misita wory WvitncftiUy I'viinlint at a nfliH k In t aailn hall, I. II. II, K. hull, ling, llrnthora frntii ulhir K, nl I' ,wIk" lnvlli',1. imWKOO I.OHtiK NO. IKi, A. K, it A, M. Mi'Kta Hip i'i'uihI an, I fuurlli Maltinli ya of oarli in, null al 7 . in All Maanna lu ,iu,l latnllng air Invlli'it In attoinl, I), II. Ittaa. W. M. K. J, Ki'aaKi.l., Hi.c'y, IISW Kiitl I.OIKIK No. ua, I ll. n, T MtH'ia uvcry KrUlay I'vrntnii In th now hall III Olil I'outt J O. II AlN tea, 0, T, JilllN Kat'ait, Kiic'y. Wll.l.AMKITK HMIKKAII I'KfHKK I.OHIIK. Ml Mi'i'la the i , ami fourth Momlay In Ilia niunili at ? .'in V M , lu I O. tl T Hall. M tl. I IUHMAX, M. M. I IUNH tN. HiH'rPtarjf. N. t), I. A 8. UK K Ii IIAKKIt ('AMI', 8. OK V Mifta In K. I' Hall on th ai'i"ui,l anil fuurlli M,,ii,l) ovi-nhuta uf paru inuuih Maa W K JllllN-tllN 1'rn.l a Ulaa Kiiiih fAurr. (tiH'y. MISI1K riK l.tilniK NO su, ll tiK II. Mi'Pia rvt ry I nraiHy t'vtnilna Maht Hn ar.iKti. 1. nf II Ki.oa livaa. Itriv Nl'MdrtK l.lllltlK. NO M A. O f W, Mi'i'l ,,fi V .', ,11, 1 u, I lunrth Hallltilay of I'ai'll inotitli at Wtlannvlllc, Orru"n. M. C, YntKU, M . W. John Tvi a, Itoconlrr. I'lil IKON LulHiK Ntr l:i.V A(). I' W. Mf'ta pvrr t'hiira'lay avi'lilini al ll,, Kfllow, hall. tlawcKu, lallln lirt'lli'ait alwaya o o"i T. XI At Mil l in, Kahi Manx, HtwroVr M W. Mul. Al l. A l.olHiK No tl. A O. II. . MiS'ta tlral ami thlnl HtlilKlay In rarh iniinth at w-hMil limi VLUing mitiilHr tnitlti wt'l ronii' J. W llloMAa. M W I ll W. KonatNa Hpp I liKS. I IliniK I'onI', No, W ti A. It l art- ntput ot tirpffon. I Mppta III aohiMil Iioiibp at mi ftraf Mi. nrtlay In aarh innnlli al 'J o'rlnrk i in. All ruiiiradea made walcomo I P Hll.l.lsua, 11. 1 A'ljt. futuiuaudpr. WACIIKNti TltlHK. Nil ItKHMKN. Meela 1 nr.. lay evptilug at A.O. I'. W. Hail. Vll lung ini'mlH-ra invite I J, II, Howakh, Hachpin. Ciiai K gt.i.v. C nf K. f A N H V"T i i in . K. ,"su 1 ti, (i 1. Meela Ural and third Hatiinlay evening of paeh imuith al kiilghl'i hall, fanby. Vlaltlng nictiitipra alwava made wclcouip Ku.a KntiiHr. See urn. W, Kniuiit, W,C. WiioliMliN OK ITIK Wolll.H." Wlllamptle Kallafllnn No. la, meela M and tlh Tin'., lay nlghii lu pai l) month In K. ol P hall. Vlaltlng upighlaira tna.p wplcom. K F. M anti N. Clerk KM. lit, l.t' oHWKtiu ohAN'tif. No. i;t v. of H. Meela the areou'l Hatiirdav nf each month at 10 a m o. r.AToN Maater. J. Q uim Hcv'y. HAMANffH tiltANtlK. H. OK II. NO A Mei-la on Ihe Ural Haturday In each mouth at Uo clock a lu. al the Hamaicua K hool houae. m .. 8 YOCNO, Maater. T II. KaATHaaa. Hecretary. " HT JOHN 8 HKANCII, Nl. 7, C.' K of A " M,.. every Tueaday evening at their hall corner Main and Tenth Hi recta, Oregon (liy N. f. Mit HKi.a.Hoe'y. T. W. Hi'i.i.ivaH. t'rea Mt'l.lNoMAII l.oDOK, No. I, A. f A A M. " llohla Ha regular communication! on Aril and third Halurdayi of each mouth at 7 ;ul r. M. Hrethreii lu good atamllng are Invited to atleud. I. U Pull I KK. VV. M, T. K. KYAN.Mpcretary. fl.Ai'KAMAH C'llAI'TEIt. Clai kainaa liapir No. It A. M. Kegular Ponvia'allou third Mouda) uf Ihe month at 7 . S-l V. M. 1. II., II. P. M Rilic i-ifa, Hec'v . OltKiin.M I.oliiiK, Nil i," I 0. o. t. Meeta every Thuraday even . al 7 .tuo'clork l. M. lu Ihe Oi' l Kellowi' Hall, Main ureet Mcmlieri nt Ihe orderare luvlle-l to allenat OKO C. KI.Y, N. II Thoa. Kyan, Hpcrptary. IJHW K'bi l.iil.HK. Nt , I, o. ti. r Meela it H id Kcllnw hall, ilawego, every Mon, lay evening. Vlaltlng brethren made elc e r. NIXON. N. ti. J. K. Hec. ACIIIU.KM I.HHOK, No :w k OKI1" Mepta pv-pry Krulny night at Hie K. uf I', hall Vlaltlng Kulghla invited ii I. c. r. Tf'AI.I TIN tiltAN'OK, No. III. r. of II. - ' Meela laai Haturday ol each month at thiHr hall In Wllaonvllle. It. H. Hnv. Mtai tin, a Sharp. Hec'y. Maater. OIlK.tiHN CITY HoHK ('it', fo Rpgiilar meeting third of each month al 7 ;k f M J I) Hknnkk I'rei. 118 Hth a no x. Hep. 8. Nirioia. K'roi. WII.LaMKTTK KKKKKAII "HKOIIKK LOHilh Meeii th aecond and fourth Moiidav In each ! moutli at no cIim k p. in. lu I tl t). K. Hall Maa Mahv W iijjAMa, N O. Mai. M. 0. t'HAKMAN, Hen. KAI.lJt fllTY 1.OH0KOK A.O C. W. Mepta every Ha,t'irday evening of each month III A. O C. W hall "th hi All lojourilllig brelhreti coidlnlly Invited to attend T. K.UAIXT, M. W. dm t'At.irr. Itenirder. KOI NTAIN HohK t'o , No. I. Itegular meeting aecuul We, Ine., lay in each month a euglup h, , eaat ild M tin itrcel, between Seventh ami Kighth. J. W.HrgWAHT Hec Htraiuiit, K'mi M I-. IJi tNN. Koremali, MKAHK HKI.IKK COItpS, No M, HKI'AKT- MKNT OF OIU'.UON. Mn. M 8 IMIabury . . rreablcnt. Mra. K. I.. (',K-hriine. . . . Treaaurer. Mra. J. H. Harding, - - Hecretarv. Mepta on drat and third Tneadayi of eaih mouth lu K. of I'. Hall. .Member! of corpi from abroad, cordially welcomed. MKAHK TOUT, No J. ti A. K DHrAKTMKNT OK OHKOON. Meet, drat Monday nf each month, at K. nf P. Hull. Oregou flty. Vlilllng comrade! made welcome. DAVID McAHTHITH, Commander. MR. Wii.uamh, Adjutant HONH OK A NH. K. D. linker Camp, No. IN, meeti every flrat and Inlrd Thuraday evening of each month, nt K. of I', h ill. YV. K Johnion, Captain: II. H llelomy. Itepre acnl'itlve Dlv Kiieamiimenl: (J. O, Wood, lat i.te nam; aioiixo wickham, l Lieutenant; C, A Herman, lit Hurgeaul. HHTTK. CKKKK (IKANHK, No. V. of li7' Meeti at their hall In Marquam, lecond Hat- ttnlav In each month at 10 a. in. Vlaltlng memlierialwaya welcome. J. K JACK, J. It, WHITK, Hecretarv Maater. CI.ACKAMAH LODflK, No. f,7, A 0. II W Meeti tint and third Monday In each month, at Htralghl'a Hall Vliltlng brelhcrti welcome. 0. K. I'kaik b, IIoLcomb. Kcc. M. W. COLIIMHIA HOOK AND LAHDKH CO. Meeti flrat Friday of each month nt Fountain engine home, Ciiai. Atiiky, I'rei, C. ll l'u,i,ow, Heo'y. Ciiai. Hitxkk, f'nn CATARACT HOHK CO. No. a. Meeti nicond Tiiciday of each month at Cat aract Knglue houae, VV. II. Howgi,i,,rei O. II. llgiTow, Hec'y. J. W O't.'ONNKu,, K'rn MOLALLA ORANOK, NO. 0, P, of n, Meeti at their hall atWrlght'a llrldgo on the ecend Haturday of each month at HI a, m Kellnw mcmbcri made welcome. J. Niti.ioN, Mailer, E If. Cooper. Hec, K COMPANY, FfllHT It KOI MKNT, O. N, 0. Artmiry, Third and Main. Kegular drill night Monday. Kegular biiilucia meollngi, flrit Monday of each month. orriciRg. J. W. Gntimio'. - .i..i.. F.8 Kellv. - - Klr..lio.r." I I L. Plckeni, - - Recond Lieutenant OKANHK, No. 117, P. of II. Meet fourth Saturday nf each month, at their hall iu New Era. David McArthur, Maater Mra. May VYaidron, Bec'y Sunlny Sorvlcos. HI'. l'Ari.'8 ClintHII - f iiacii'al - Hey. lanaf liawami, Itoi'lnr. 8tvltwa atll 11'flork m. ami 7 i m. I'taynr nrvli's ovvry tl litwilay vvi'tilinc KII1HT CilNIIHrtlATIONAI, llll'ltfll -Hkv. J. W tin an I'aaior. HnrH'fa at III IW A.M. ami a INI r. M. Miimlny Hi lionl almr tnirnln airlt'. I'tayur mwilm Wmlnioilay yvinni at a uliM'loi'k. I'rayar ini'i'llng "I Yniltnt rno.lp,i Mui'li'ty ol Chrlaiian Kmliavur pvtny Muinlay ivauinii at 7 m nrainnt. rillHT IIAI'I'IMT t'lll'Kfll.-ltav. (IiimaN I'Aimna Tnaiur Muriilm rtirvliii al II Hnmlay HnliiHilal IJ l(; KiKiilint Horirli'v AW, Itoaiilar tiraytir inmllhK Wi'iliualay fViuiliiM, Montlily lliivtuinnl Mi'flliiK fviuy H vlnioilay on'iillif iriMi',liiK tho II 1 ! Hun, lay Hi tho innnth, A formal invtiniiun in an. HI'. HlllN'8 Clirilfll CATIIOl.H' - Hv. A. llil.i.aiiaANn, I'aa'.or On Nninlay maaaal a ami Imui. M Kvury apioml ami ftmrlli Hurnliijr iliuinan ai, no, il aflor ihn A o't'lui a lun.a At all othor inaaaca KhmIUIi oriiiona, riinnlay Mi'liool al i ii r N Vio'ra, aiulolli'al aiihl.'i'ia, ami lli'iirilli'lloii at 7 .HI r. M, MKTIItiHIMT KI'lHi'tU'AI. CIII'IICII -Kay II. Hvaaa, I'aaior. Mnrnlni acrvlo at II; Hun, lay Hi hool at III ll. I l iaa Ilii'MlliK allnr tnoriiliiir acrvlrn. Kvunlna aprvlri at 7 uu. Kiiwortii l.paitiu inni'tiint Hiimlay vvpiilttv at H 'ill; I'raynr Mi'i'tlna I hiitailay vtnlii) al tl W. alraniora t'nrillallv (nvtU'il, KIHHT rilKHllYTKUIAN ( lll'lll ll -V. 0, M . tiiaoNay. I'aaior. Hrruria al II a, m and 7 Hit r m. Halihath H, h,, al IU A . M. Yonn I'nojilp'a M'tototy of I'lirlatlaii Kmli'avor ntofia avury Hiimlay evening; at A an Wpilnpailay nvniilng; praypr tnt'otln, at 7 an. Huata lrn. KVANilM.II'Al.flll'ltCH -IIKItMAN - II. K. Mvrtia, I'aaior. rroarlntiK aprvlopa evpry Hun, lay at II A M ami 7 ,ki I. M. hahl.alll ai'l.ool upry Hull, lay at III A M llp. I'. Holt, Ho.; 1 Wortly I'rajrer ilovtliif vycry t cwliu-aila y rvpultii I'NITK.H ll It K Til It K N IN CIIIIIKI'.-I'roarh-lug I'vrry ai't'oml ami lotirlll huii'lav of parll inontli. al 11 lAJam ami 7 ,tu 1' in -II. n - I ain, I'. .tor Hiimlay ai lnail at in a, an. al tiri'goti t'lty Klral aumliy al Haiitaon ai'h'Hil liiinav, Molalla. Ihli'l Hun, lay. Hoiinlaln lloina II a. in.; llmlipr trovp, 4 p. in - Mlaa ipla ilrppti, Hiiiwriuti'mlPtit Hnmiay acloMil. I'rajpr mpptlng pvary ttp.lnvatiay availing, EAST AND SOUTH THE SIlTs'H ROUTE Of the S0tTIIi:K. l'ACIIIC COMl'ANY. KxjircsH Trnlm Irnvn rurllmiil lnily. Iloil.h lAr a 7 Hi M. Ill VA I North. I Mt .M. 7 111 l. I 7 ou r m. l.v l.r Ar I'orllatnl Ar Oregon flty l.v H Krauclaco l.r 1'ININU I'AltH ON tlilliKN Itol'TK Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AMI Socond-Class SlooplnkT Cars Attached to all through train. KOHKIK'IIO MAIL (Dallyi a mi a a 1.11a.m. 'air m l.v l. Ar I'ortlaml Ar Oreguiiflty l.v Itoaphurg l.v H r. M I r. M I 7 Ul A. M Weil Mid Hlvulnn. HfiTWKFN 1'OltTI.ANIt AND COItVAU.18. Mall Train, Daily (Kicepl Munday 1 7 0a m I ' I. t'orilaml Ar I i 'rii I'J Iftr . Ar t nrvallli l.v tmr Al Albany and I'orvallli comical with train uf Oregon aud 1'acHle Itallrmd. Kipreia Train Hallv iKicept Holiday) t tor a 7;lr a l.v Ar I'orllaml Ar MeMluuvlll l.v I a a . m I 4 MIA. M THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IS Til EAHTKItN 8TATK8, CANADA AND KCUol'I Can be nhtalned al loweat ratea from L H Moure, Agent, Oregon City. H KOKII1.KH, K. I. HotlKKH. Manager. An t U. K. ana i'.ai. Agent. I, I k I CO. E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST (iivi-8 tin.' clioicu of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RY, VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OC E A NST E A M E RS r-fiivi' rortlitiiil every fivn tlayH for SAN FRANCISCO. For full iletnilri cull on (,r ft,l. ilrcHH, W. II, HdKLllURT, flt'ii. I'aMSfiifrtir A'iit, I'ortluinl, Or. JW-ViJ-TAr-r-tiT -Iff Ifyou art; iiitttrcHtotljn Advertisinjr you OUgllt to 1)0 ll nub- HorilitT ot I'ltiNTKiij.' Ink: a journal for ttiivcrtiHcrs. Priii tern Ink in iHHiicd weekly ami in filled with contribution,, and helpful Hiigg!HtitnH from tho brightest inindH in tho advertiHinj? busi- I1UHH. PrinterH Inlc coHtH only two dollars a year. A Hamiiloconv will boHenton receipt of five 1 cciiIh. ADIMtlCHH lMIINTKKH'iNlC.' 10 Spr-u.t St., - !,., Yoi-k