Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 07, 1894, Image 7

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Ttirjr At- Apt to llmi, hut Mio Owner lin't
! II the KklMTll'IIIW,
"1'i'iii!imvI1I iiovi r llro liiilniilii"; (o
Unr niiirli," milil u vrti nin tlm nilu r
lny, "Inn )nti jh-vit lirnr of nny nf
IIikiii i f ilii'ir rtiunliiif expi-rl-
iiikmm. it lit nut lii'tmiiHti liny never run,
fur nil f uh hum Ihm'ii tliniuxli tliut
m hiKil, Ko innii i'Vir went InUi but I In
but Unit tin wiih Klinl when It wiu over.
Tim b'KM f tint brnviMt gut very wmik
In tlto prow-mo nf nliot ninl ahull, and
tirnvury, nfti-r nil, In only it niiitUT of
honor the man witliuiil lemur In a cow
ard. Tim lionnriililn innii lina nothing, to
four, mill In Imltln ho would suffer 10,
0(11) death nil her than Imvo onmrndii
eity liu fitlh it in do hi wlmlu duty. Hut
m tu riiunliiK yen, I Imvo run. Toll
jrua MMnit tIT Cerlnlnly.
"Oils nfliriiiui while I wiw In clinrifrt
of tlm rear Kunril ou a inun h lu Vlr
Klnlit A lininher of men tlrojijMKl out of
the rnuli fur ilm iuihmhi of IiuiiMiik
'npiih jm k. ' Thu ruiinniuiiiliiK afllunr of
Ilia Kimril ordered mo to liilio a iletiw li
lui'iit, return to Ilm little town through
willed wo huil pusst-d ii lmf hunr )m furn
nml nrreiit thu t runnier. I olwyod tint
(viiiiiiiiiimI nml by fut riilliiK ""'i bud
thn 'applojiu-k' hunter In l)iirn. On
I ho return, tui It wna Intn lu Ihedity, wo
iiihvimI itt Mtirly ptv-e. A liulf iniln
friuii Ihu luMii u biiio rriihiu d thu roinl
on wllli'll Wit were Inivelintf. Thin blue
WM over n small rise of ground, tui tliut
onn could nut ii very fur aliuitf tin
"llolwimii where I w.ut rldliiK nod
thu liiuulli uf the hum I iiullred n iih
pli'lnim ol.Jeel met Intf lll iiU Inward tin.
, It dialled t Ii nil nun turner In another of
the fein-e, iip.nreiitly trvtiiK tu nmronl
ltM'If. While v I' rt njr w lint Ilm fel
low fur by this tuuo I iliiM'oVered t hilt
thu objm't waa A cnliired Innn wiut up
tu I wiw neiir enunuli l Kix-nk. 'Dmi't
tup,' miiil the mini, '(io iw fiwt am yim
'im, Tin 'rVderntm'll n't yu. IVy'a
rlKht ula-r ile lull. (.i hn f.ix' iw yim
ran.' 1 K'tv" "i" ordi-r, mid away wo
went n fitl m li'irw ootild rnrry u.
Wo hud just rriKM-il tint imuilli of tlm
hum wlieu thu ' 'Kederttli' npH-arcl uti
thn summit of tin' little hill.
"With Ilm fiuuouii 'rebel yell' llier
cunie sailing down thn lime, nhixilniK
nt every Jiiiiii V put npiirn to nur
Imrae nml presented iut Mnnll a turret
lm MM.lb!e by I ' i I K '"w "" t ) l I r lierk.
It WIU A hot rilie, Willi Ilm rllllllfiwl lu
favor of ilm ('niifi-di-ritey. Fur two
mile thn 'Krnybni ki)' clmwil n, keep
HiK up eniixtiint nml rnpld (Ire; but,
tlmnkii to our hopH, wo twciipod with
out Ilm Io of ii iiiaii. Tlmt wit not the
only H nn thitt 1 run, but the utory will
udli fur thin tliiio." loulvllU ("ou
rier Juuriml.
ll iixIm.j anil Ihti Folding Ihxl.
A rowboy up from thn Texiw pAuhuit
din wim a jpnwt At the hoUM mid iu
thu rlerk who Bttemtwl to him U mill in
lletiVer we Will Allow him to tell the
utory in hi owu wny: "Ilo hud on
torn rlutle nnd a ml nuktlu. Anil
what lm ttidu't know Wnut't wurlh
knowing. When he m.irted up In hit
room nt nlKht, I told lilm theru wax a
folding li d in It, mid, if ho wished, tlo
Ix lllHiy would dhow him how it worked.
Hut not Itiui'h. lie didn't wimt In Ui
uliowii uii v l liiiiK- I'1' knew a thing-or
two iiUnit tlm city, lm did, even if ho
did live down ou Ihu riuiKn
"Si lot hi ,:u, mid next niuriijiir
he pitid Iiin bill willioiit ii word und
went nwiiy. At mil iimm I hii , lied to
lm on Unit Moor, mid u I'hiinibiTiniiid
rulleil me to t;.!.e n h"k in lm riHiiu.
And wlmt u iiiht n;i t my i'.Vi hI Tim
IhiUoiii drawer of the bun .in vt:in pulled
out tut far iut It w u!il i-ninu, nud in it
wern All ilm rtiK" 'in ilm room, with a
towtd Kpreud over one i i. l for n pillow.
Kvideiilly ho hinl Irieil to bleep Iherti,
for pinned uni I he kI:ik wm ii hhwiih
tin legend reiulin': 'Hoi deru ynrufolil
ItiK ImiIh. W hy Hi m 't von iiiiil.u 'em
IoiiKiT and put n:uie l.ivvirx onto Viu?
MellU' you l -Xpert it fl:UI to Ntnllit lip
nml ulni'p In Your ilnnie.l old 'iib1xrril. '
Thn 'dm ned old i iihU rd' wiw mm ofnuir
Im-mI folding Ix dii. " IVnvrr Tiulil and
Orl(uir llir Mrnlm.leii Imln.lr.
Mr. HoliTl V. WiiIhIi, iu Tim I'opn
lnr Holrtmi) Monlhlv, tliim ica the
origin of tlm present luciiliiideu indrm
try: "It won iu 1 sr0 when an old lady,
Wnt. John Hnrtlett of IUuehill, Ma,
iHilliiiH Komn iih for hr ohiokHiiii, oV
nerved n thlu noun of oil upon tho or
fiu'fl of tlm water. Hoina of thin nho bot
tled, mid wlnoi on nviHit to Honton butoi
ufter rarrled wtiiiplc to a loading oil
ineri'hiint, who onnmrn(,fl '"'r to brinf
juoro. Tlm fotlowiii) your Ilm DirthU
fiimily ImluHtrioiihly njiplied their Rill
netH 'nml ci'iil to market HI barreU of
oil, for which they wero paid t tlm
rale uf if 1 1 per barrel. In tlm fullowintr
year tlim family iiiinlo 100 Imrrela
Then, tlm vnlue of iniiiihiidi u oil hnv
liiKboconm rei'ivnicd, inunyoil jn'iiHww
of a inoin or lei's imperfect oniiHtruo
tioii were i htablisheil nloiiK lh ooast,
and tlm iiiiliihtry develiipeil no rapidly
that, within ilO yuan tiiu yield of men
liadi'i) oil taixnidcd tliut of tho whulo
from thu American flnhcrieti. "
M" li ('ull'p.
KvorylMidy kiwH that much of
ioculhxl MixdiiioolVt o wild iu the United
Htiitou in no Hunh thliiK. but ouly a
fuw jmrwrni know how Homo of tlmooun
torfnit Mochu Is iiiinlo. Tho burriiw
growinK on thu liiKhest limbs of tho
coffoo tree in Hruy.il uro often Hhrivclod
in tho semhliim u of the true Mocha, and
thcMo nro carefully Ret nsido, Hhippml
to Homo port faiuuiw for Mik-Iia coffoe
and iioitt tlmnc" to the woolcm world
the trim thing-
Mlltlit Hum Hi en Until.
First Bonnier What aiN Iimnhmk'u
appotiM Ho ban liunlly eaton vwmnU
for two days to keep him nlivw.
Booond Uimrder ll'i. l-.-vcoi p.dicy
I don't know which. Ile'n.cuiir.inK tb.'
landlady'NdaiiKilicr. ('liicugo Tribuim
Aimnrt littlo boy call himself com
par bocAtie bo is btd o often.
IVIicii Orwii CUy UtU Ilm 'I'honn.
"Oiviiino corner (!nnler nml Hevnnlh
BtleetH "
"llellul In tliut Murr A Hohertsoii'ii
Ifrocery ?"
"Yes, iiimliun, wlmt enn wn "
"Have you any irriiniilateil suifiir
iiiiiniifHi lnreil in Aiui-rli'u?"
"Yes, iiimlum, wo liuvo plcnnty, Wo
never biinille Ihu luiporled. (Cluiitt)"
"I Iimvo tried a11 tho gro'-em in our
imlKliborbixid nnd i sn't tit a pound,
Hend inn twenty live kmiiiiIm,"
"Anything iilsn, inadiim?"
"Yes, I am tiied IrsdliiK Intro, tho
tiroeor never Imvo Aiiythliiu (It for use,
und when limy Imvo anything nlc, they
want two price for it. Oh, (Ioai, wo
Imvo a hoiiso full of company And It Is
iuiHnuilblM for mo to cull slid I am koIiik
io tsku my eliiuiccs, kWIiik my first order
by telephoiifl. Afterwards tiavo your
solicitor csll every econd morning.
"Yes, uiuduin, wo cull serve you just
as well lhroiih Ihu 'phone us If you were
stiiuiliiiK at our counlers In thn store "
"Scnil inn in the uiornlng the following
1! Ih i-lioire Moyuiie Tea.
L! lb, bett Mocha and Juvu Codee.
1 ChiH'ulule Meiiier.
1 pt. Hollle Hshid Oil. (Antoriini)
1 t. I.. iV I'. Sauce.
I lluttle Ihirki-e's lreHNtug.
I Hollle llelntie's Keystono llressing.
1 llotlhi lleinlx's OliveN, HI OS. size.
I Keiler's MiinnuUdu,
'J Ih, t'itroli.
1 lb Orange und Iinon I 'eel.
lb. Ilext Sultana Huitiiis.
.1 lb. Currsiits.
'i lb. HchI Iiiiiuii Kaisins.
3 Cans Much Chauiplgnous und l'etili
1 Hoi I'lilliimn Wafers
"That is all I think of at present. My
linnliiiiel told me a month ago to open
aii Account with your house, If satiafui.'
tory chargr tlm order and we w ill settle
monthly; if not, send thn order collect."
"Hello! I forgot the coiifi-cliomiry de
partment. Add to my order:
2 lb. Chocolat Creams, Assorted.
1 lb. Caramels
2 lb. French Mixed Candies."
"Anything else, please?"
"No, that is all At present. I will
urJer ihu mils, llgs, apices, tic., in the
morning ol yonr aolicitor,"
"i'lease give me your full name an4
address. Yes, much obliged. The
order will have our prompt and rarefil
attention. Makk A Koiixhthon,
A. O. V. W. Mock. (iron-rs.
Any one who has cbildien w ill rejoice
Willi I.. It. Mulord, of rUinlleld, N. J.
His little lxiy, five year uf age, as
sick with croup. Fur two day and
nights he tried various remedies recom
mended by friends and neigh liors. He
says: "I thought sure I would lose
him. I had seen Chamberlain's Cough
Heinedy advertised and thought I would
try it as a last hoim and am happy in
say that after two done he slept until j
morning. I gave it to him next day and j
a cure was elici ted. 1 keep tins remedy
iu thelMiiiNO now ami as soon as Any of
my children show aigns of croup I give
it to them And that is the lust of it "
V) cent bottle for salo by (too. A
Harding, dtiiggist.
The Toledo Weekly Made
Of the now nearly twenty tbonnand
publications in the 1'nited states, there
are hut two or threw weekly newspapers
puhlinboi for getieral circulation in
everv atate and territory, and e( these
the Toledo Weekly Made la the best and
most popular of Uicm all. It is the
oldest, M'st know n and ha the largsxt
circulation. For nore than twenty
live years it has Iwn a regular visitor to
everv Klioti of the Union, And it is
well-known at every one of the sixty
thousand odd poskalire of the country.
It is imule especially for family reading.
It give the entire new of tl world)
each week, In such condensed Urm as
will save reading soares of pnges of daily
paper to get less information. Republi
can in politics, temperance In principle,
alwayson the side tf justice and right,
and is just the paper for the rising
generation, and a great educator far the
whole family. Serial stories, wfi and
humor, short stones, household depart
ment, camp fire, question bureau, farm
department, Sunday ochool and young
folks, are a few of the many other promi
nent features of tin great paper. A
spevnuun copy will tie maiiuu nee to
any add. ess on application, and the
publisher invite, any person to send
in a long list of addressee to whom they
will mail sample eopiea. Thoy would bo
glad to mail a couple of hundred speci
mens to reader of this county. The
Weekly Blade is a very large paer, and
the price is only one dollar a year.
Address, The Made, Toledo, Ohio,
Kalmon Notes.
Salmon, Pec. 1. Oliver fiehidler has
moved his family from Cherryville to the
house nt this place formerly occupied by
Mrs. Smith.
C. S. Cliice commenced carrying the
mail from Bandy to this place today in place
of M. W. Grllllthi who has carried for Mr.
Chase since last July.
II. S. and II. H. Campbell are staying at
Mr. Mclntyre'a Tor a short time.
(lood reliablo aitunta wanted to Bell
Olailntone property. 2 cents fare to
Oregon City. Liberal comniiHHion paid.
Heat nellum property on tlie market.
('all on or write to II. K. Croaa, presi
dent Uladstone Heal Estate Association.
Overland Mmillily.
' From a purely artistic point of view
tlm Christum Overland Monthly is the
iuohI utlractivo number that has been
issued under Mr. Wililman' uiamige
ment. Thu outside cover will Iw in
gold, green and brown, on pure white
Thn famous old Overland drizzly seem
almost out of place in his muJerii set
ting. Mr. Wildiiiiin contributes a
pathetic littlo Christmas story In his
charming, department "A Talked in
tlm Sanctum," It is In fact, other than
the cover, the only distinctly Christmas
feature, although a nu in her of other
contributions might be so classed.
Mr. Jimijiiin Miller's great master
piece, "Tho Song of the Hulboa Kea,"
grows in interest from month Io month. ;
it will be completed in the January
number, ami Mr. Haul's remarkable :
narrative ol the doings of the "Vigilance :
Committee of ".SI" in brought to a clime
with this number. ,
I'rofesssor Arisot't beautifully illus-!
I rated article of "Fencing on I he I'aeillc !
('oast," cannot but la of more than 1
passing interest In all lovers of the
mihiiIv art of self defense throughout the
I'nitcil Slates. '
Under the caption, "The HeHirie ol
the Mission Indians," Messrs Scauland
and K. I'. 'Clark throw some light on the
much mooted iliscllsxiou
As a chronicler ol I'ai-ific Cuant history
the Overland will la-gin a series of bio-,
graphical -ketches iu this number on i
"Famous Califoruian of Other Hays."
The subjects, ticaled In the flrsl urlicle
are Senator llemy S. Foo'e, liwin and
Itrodcnck, Doctor Purutit and Colonel
Jin k Haves. '
I Mr. Wil'linan has another Malavan
j sketch. "The H,vls," and Mr. Heed a
story of lndiiin life in Ibe Southwest.
Mrs. K, H. Marnhall is n-ioiiHihlc for a
! timely article, well ilim-trated, on
"I'rickly Plants of California. " and
I Charles S. (,n-cne lor a unnpie little!
pin-in, "Taking Toll."
A V"l'l Wnlilinc-Tha KtIkmiI To IIv an
(iAnmi.n, Nov. Ther was a
quiet wedding In (iarfleld today at (iid.
Krigbaums, the bride's father, the con
tracting parties being Hurrison Tracy
ami Miss Ni-na Krigbaum, Uith of this
vicinity. Their friends w ish them much i
joy and that all their trouble may m
little ones. i
Mr. Hover has moved hack to town,
having employed Mr. Mclluggina to:
look after bis place. j
Win. Pavia and family are moving on
their farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Locherby have at ;
last settled their ilitlicuHics by getting a
divorce ami have divMed up the pro- j
perty. j
John I'almcteer is fast improving since ;
i'.oing east of the mountains. !
There will be an entertainment at the '
Irvan si liool house the second Friday in
Decembrr in iheeverHng. I
IW Hulmaleer made a visit to l:
sister at Tualatin the past week.
Botn to the wife erf Carrel l'almateer,
a op, Xovcniber 17th.
hhertfl'i Notice of Mile on Eteratfcra.
In the Oln-ult Court nf the Htate of Oregon fur
the Count, of liuunoinali.
M. '. irnham, plalutlf , va. J. Vi. Grahaia. de
eltnte of Oregon, Cw.nly of Clarkamaa. a.
Nolle Ulieri-hy tiern. that hy rlrtne f an
exei utton and nrdord nle iau4 out of the
roomy -court of Hie Htale of Oregon for the
Circuit of Mulinnnnfh, hearing date the th
day a October, IHM4. Ill a ault wherein U. C
(irahani wan ptalutln. and J. W. Oralum waa
ilefendKtit. commaadlng mc. in Itie name of the
Hlaie of tirrgou. thai on t ol the real eeiaic bcre
Inaftir iIi'-itIIk-.I. to rvaliie a nura aiiflli lat to
antUfr the demand of ald dirree. tn ar.
I4.li on. together witii lulerelon Om aarm4iice
aald dt-i-ree waa run-ml, and alae the cuau of
aud Mlendiiig thlale.
Now, therefore. Iaoledlenor aqrh decree, I
dtiLiNi (he it ll da, of October. 14. duly lev,
upon, and will, on alunlay, le I. 'ill day nt
Jauuary, at toe hour ol I o rl'k I' Ii nf
aald iKy.M the froa'. door of the ceurt houae In
aald county offei tnritale at ptililte auctlmi, aud
a II to the fun hot a:ul hot bidder, for t-aali lu
hunt, nil the right, title and (ntwcul the nll
dcfcuaaul, on the m,li day of July, lW, lil in
aud to the follow lug denvrlbed rani M)riy,
llelug part nf l'natli-ii I.an.l lalm Ml SO,
in l owilioiip a pnuui ni nauge ei; oi u. t
lametie Meridian, and more iiarticularty ile -
acriled an fnllotra, to-wlt: HrgiBiung at the
aiHithweiit corner of aald claim Nk. Ml. tieiic
aorthlU (Mtchaliia to the iiorthwr corner of
net-linn l,:thenroeat li.H7chniu:4henoeaoiiih
IWS dug. earn 14 chaiua: theui-evaatWIiHolialiia:
thence north Vi.Vi nkalnMo itiarterectlon pol
biwonti nectloua U and 10; theuee eat in l
clialne: thence a-mlk M M) chalua: Ihcm-c weal
VOI cbaina to the Uace of btgluulna;, cuulslu-
lug :
acrea more or leaa Alan,
tcetimlug at the ftnrthweNt eornerof tbntecr-
tain liouatlon Ijind claim allualcd In aedJoua
JO, tl, m and W. Towiialilp 3 South. Uange 1 wot
of M'lllameite Meridian, aud kuowa aa i-laiin
No. 411 f John XiiBtualt and wile, mulling
thence cat 4H.74 rkalns: thence aouth !M
ctialua-.thence anuth Ti deg. eaat I Oil chaina;
thence emith OU dog eat 2.10 chaiaa: theia-e
Miuth 'B deg eaat A M) clmllis; thence aontti VI
deg. weal Ii Ml chaina: thence anuth S chains:
thence eoath IS deg. 3d mln. eaat IW clialun:
tlicnce aouth M deg. eaat '.'.40 chalui-; theaoe
anuth Si mill, eaat Stvj chaina to a cedar at
muuth nf a apritig braiu-h; Iheuoe anntli 7ii
deN. 15 mln. wen Rt. 40 chaina tn a amall fir tree
ou the Ir ft hauli of Willamette rlrer ou the weat
Idc nf a raviue: I he ore up aald Willamette river
aouth S'.i deg. 80 lulu. Meat 6 41 chaina to the
aouthi-aal corner ikl a piece of land heretofore,
old anil conveyed by aald .Mm uinwalt a..l
wife by diH-d recorded in hook "K" of lleeda,
page :t'J. nf t'larkiiiuaa cnunly, Oregon, to which
reference 'a hereliy made; thence north HO deg.
weat 2 chalur; tlieuco north 44 deg. west .1
chaina; thence north 8.1 deg. west 8 chaina:
thence north 8A deg. weat 8 75 chains; thence
north :H chaina; thence weat -I'.Vl chaina to the
weNt tioundary line of a-ild Zumwalt c!::!:n:
thence norih along aald wot line of aald claim
40.0-2 chaina to the beginning, containing 3U.VW
acrea, more or leaa; alio
The aoulhweat iiiaru-r of the aoiitliwol quar
ter and the aoulht-nat quurler of the aoiithweHt
quarter uf aeetlon Hi. township 8 south of range
I weat ol lilauiL'Uo ucrnnau, containing eO
All In f'lackamaa enunty, Oregon.
Dated thla, Mil day of lKH-ember, A D ls-.M.
Sheriff nf flackamae county, Htate ol Oregon.
II, N. M Moody. Deputy. 12-7:1 11
Main Street, near Fifth.
Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.'s Mil
waukee beer on draught.
All the Best Brands of Cigars.
The New Racket Store, on Main Street, Opp.
J'ctric Hotel, with a full line of now goods anl at priw-s
that will aHtonish tho purchaser. RcmorrjUir we are here
to stay and we can save you from 15 to 20 per
Cent On every dollar's worth of goods purchased over
otii counterH. We have no Hjiecial Hales day but every day is
Bargain's day we invite the public to call and examine
our goods and prices and be convinced.
V?: . V
Where Value is
Given forwszi
A trial will convince you
that your coin
Is Saved.
Fruits and
Next IXxir to I'ope'u
In tlie ir-rliiie of life, inflrniitiea beset
ob to whiii our youth and maturity
were atranvers, utir kidneys anil liver
are mihioct to (loranjiciiiciit, but notliinjf
iiiala Ir. J. YL McLean 'a Liver and
Kulnev Balm aa regula'or of tliene or
(tuna. Keraale kyU. Utintk-y, druticiHt
Jones to Hotchkiss,
I'll be switched ir that St.
Louis Shoe Store does not
tnke the rake. I have bought a good
many hoefl, but there is no store
thatca-n reaob. them. They are very
(Kilite and attentive and their trade
seems to grow wonderfuHy. Opened
four and one-half months ago and
had to enlarge to double its former
At this moment Mr. Jones pro
duced list of their tui-n's heavy
shoes, till frizes, 9'tc to J 1.75; men's
boots $1.6-5 to 13.45; ladies' shoes, I
lace aird button $1 to $1.75; ladies'!
latest kid $1.50 to $2.50; children's
misnes" 75c to$ 1.50; men's
dress shoes $1.25 to $4; boys' boots
$lto $1.5U; babies' shoes, all sizes
25c each. ,
Then Mr. Hotchkiss cried out to
his wife, 'Mury Ann, get ready and
let's go to towa, but dp nut forget to
mark down tkit order." j
St Louis Shoe Store.
:'(!'.), FirbtSts., Ret, Main & Jefferson Sis.
The Indcpeiuleiit.
A ICellKlotiN I.iteruryaaid 1'itmilj-
Itinifiiiinilnatli-iml, unbiaacd and Impartial. A
jmper (or clcrrymeii. acholara, teachers,
buaiiipNB dicii aut families. It (lis
cusst'K every topic of the clay -o-liifloiiti,
thuoloitlcal, txilitlcitl,
literal y.ai-cial. artistic aud
scleulinc It. contrib
ute! aniclea are by
the most eminent
writers of the
It employs speclaltats and dlstlainilshed
w rltcrs hk edllora of its tweaty -one Uupu-jneuts,
s tollows:
Literature, Science, Miule,
Fmo Arts, Sanitary, Miaatons,
KcHniom Intelllkenne,
Hibllcal Research.
SchiMil aud College,
Editorial, News of the week,
Mlnlateral Keglater,
Kltiaucial, Iutiirane.
Old aud yoiinir. Fehhles,
Farm anil Uardou,
Odd Knots.
A pacer particualarly fitted for lawyers doe
torn, elernymeu, those engaged lu oualueaa,
young cople of both texea, men aud women
who read aud think for themselves.
- A paper especially valuable for those Inter
ested lu Fine rls, Science, Music,
A paper giving valuable information upoo
Finance, Life Insurance, Commerce
a paper for Sunday-School Worka, those who
have a Frm, "anlen or House Plants.
A paper lor the family, old and young.
Its yearly subscription Is $3.00, or at that rate
(or any part of a year.
Clubs of five, F2.00, each
Speclment Copies Free.
Your Money.!
Hardware ,5tore.
lie Ymr Own Master.
Few people appreciate bow mtich
tlieirttupreHHioriB. tlieir whims and im
piilwa. and in fact all tlieir mental en
trpy leenil8'0n the harmonious action
of all the vital organs. A poorly di-sted
dinm-r may tuake one qnarrel with a
frieixl. A -eontested liver may 'bring'
inia'inury gloom and trouble into the
eiirmieet day. A rheumatic pain may
keei you from bnginong or work and en
tirely t-hanee nome marked out policy
A few doe of Moore.'g Revealed Keiuedy
will give tone to every function and
make you -onjoy your friends and your
w-uk. .
Justice Hanks, real estate blanks, and
CI other Hunks at the Exterpkisk of
fioe. Portland prices.
Wedding staliotwn-, the latent styles t
and finest assortment -ever brought to!
Oregon City at tlx Enteki-kisg othce.
Art tcS-tale tnmntmnt that vour blood
is not right Jttli of imaHritiea, causing
a smgyisn ana nsgwy complexion.
a kw oouuaoj a. js. a. via remove
all foreign and imvtui matter, cfamse
the blood thoroughly and gii a clear
a na roty com p lextoti. u ts nmt effect
ual, airu entirtly harmless. '
Chaj. Heaton, 73 Laurel Street, Philas aaya:
I have had for vears a humor in my blood
which made me dread to shave, as small boils or
pimples would be cut, thus causing sharirnr to
be a freat annoyance. A Iter taking three bottles
my lace it all clear and smooth as
it should be appetite splendid,,
aleeD well and fl iiltA mnninv a
foot act all for the use oi S. S. S.
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free.
Duffy &JIeckart
Special are in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Rijss of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
T" Good house, barn, etc Also
J. K. liKOOM, rark Place, Oregon.
Postolfi co-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries aie Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Pricesrce meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
Micrlfri Sotlr of Hale on KiM-atioa.
In the Connlv Conrt of theHute of Oregon for
the (ou ii If of UarkumM.
J. T Apf-rm. (iimnlmD nf Ad K!llncf n'l
Aictfie Kell'iffg. f Unit: IT. vi. J H Kel!ft(,
8lte of Orvirou, Count, of Uckm. m.
Notice U herehy given, Ihm h, virtue of
m-cii'.Ioii nnil oril--r of Mle ..net out of the
( iiuoty Court of the Hum ol Oierfoo for ih
Couuiy ol I'lu-kiinii, heorfni dutir the :nh Uy
ui (x-iolr, A. lu t "H wherein J. T. An-er-on,
turliii of AiU Kell"iri enrl AHlr Kt-h
lovir we plulntlff. and 1 II Kelloee le
frn4nt. commii'lln me In the nriie ol tlm
Hut of Or-i-n.lhtoutof ;he rent eute here
liinltfr lerrlhel. to rellz Mini uffieli-nt tn
ntl.fjr the nt-mimlii of umil deere. Ui wit: -i.7.
nd the Inrthrr mm of tW full, end alKu the
coKtu of end eiteiittiiiff tln Mile.
Now, th-relore. in olwdlener 10 iurhdree I
i did, on the ih d, of Auirim, 1W4. duly etowh,
- end on the 31t dn, of (Ktober, dill, lev,
upon, aud will, on Huttrdnj, the htu d, ol De
eemlier. lt, it the hour of 1 o'rl r. M. of
uld dy. at the frout door ol the eourt houe la
Mid count,, offer for mle M public tnrlion. end.
ell to thehlbennd liert bidder, for el In
hund. all of the right, title end luteret thewild.
delendant hln aud to the loll"Windecrlld
real property, lavyrlt: Lot 4 In block W) ol Ore
ion city. Oreeom
Hated thin ilh d, of November. A. D. MM.
K. :. MAlilMA K.
gherlfTof cl,ckm. Const,. Htate of Oreeoo.
by N. M. Moopy, Iiepul,. 11-.U-1
Received a gold medal and diploma
at St. Louis Convention of
Photograpers. 1S04.
Third and Morrison Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
No. 270, Morrison Htreet,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Try him I
Fins Perfosrlss am Toilet Articles.
Also a full atock of
The thumb fs aa snfsiling lade
nf rhm..-lmr Th n,,.H. I..
dicatcs a strong will, great enerry
r--"-M and Brmneas. I'loerly allied la the
4 Spatulaled Type, tba thumb of thoae
NawVl or advanced Ideas and businraa
advanced Ideas and busineas
ability. Both of then types brloag
to the bnsy man or wonuu; and
Demurest' Family Jtfanajctite pre
pares eaiwcially for such prmnu a
whole volume of new ideiia, con
densed In a small space, eo that the
record of tha whole worid-a work
for a month msy be read in half an
hour. Tb Conical Type Indicate
refinement, culture, and a love of
music, poetry, and action. A person
with this type of thumb will thor
oughly enjoy the literary attraction
of Deniorest's llagazine. Th. Ar
tistic Type Indicates a love of
beauty and art, which w ill And rare
pleasure in the majniilkciit eil-pict-ure
of rosea, lfiij 1 24 inches, repro
duced from the original painting by
De LonKpre, the most celebrated or
living nower-painters, which will
be iven 1 every mbacriber to
Di-morest's MaL-srine for IMis. Tha
coct of this superb work of art waa
t350.U0; and the reproitneiion
cannot be distimiuinhed from the
original. Besides this, an csfu site
oil or water-color picture U pun
lmhed tn each number of the Ma, a.
sine, and the art eles are so pr,.
funelrand nperbly lilm-trated that
the Sfacazine is, in reality, a port
folio of art works nf tb. hihes,!
order. The Philosophic Type the
thumb of the thinker and inventor
of Ideas, who will be deeply inter
ested In Urns developed monthly
in Demnrest's Magaiine, In every
one of Ita numerous departments,
which cover the entire artUtic and
scientific Held, chronicling every
fart, fancy, and fad of the day.
Pemnrest' Is simply a perfect
Family Magazine, and waa low? am
crowned Vuet-n of the Monthlkia.
Send in your subscription; it will
coat only 11.00, and you will have
a dozen Magailnes In one. Addrex
W. JsKamosDsaoKiaT, rubli-hcr,
IS East Hth Street,. New York.
Though not a fashion nwastne, Ua
perfect fashion paRes.and iiaariKji-a
on family anil domestic mailers, will
be of superlative Interest tn those
poKsessiiig the Feminine Type nf
Thumb, which Imikates in Ha small
size, ulenderness, soft nail, and
smooth, rounded tip, thore trans
which belong essentially Io the
mtler sex, everyone of whom should subscribe to
emorest'sMnnazine. If you are unacquainted wiih
merits, send for a specimen enpv tfree), and
in will admit that seeing these Till M IIS ha put
hi In the way of saving money by finding In one
ainulne everything to aatisfy the literary wants of
whole family.