Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, DKCKMBKK 7, PERSONAL NOTES. ORKllON CITY OKKIl'KKS Nrr, - - H!rm Strnlnht Recorder, - LU 1'nrU'r Chief ot Police - Ch. K. Buriin Aimmot, K 8 t'uhlt Trwwunpr, R. k Hotmxn Oily AilornpT. K. K. Irlif 8trtltVmittiK1tMir, C. ltboo'k. -tr. Sup'l. nl Wnier Works, W. II. Howell Ctt, Kotnwr. IV Klnnnlnl Ceunrtlmr n-C. 0. Altirleht. Jr., 11. 1, Kolly, i K. lircvnmnn, J J. Cook. R F Jitnr.ll. 0. 8ttvu, (itsi, Ilrouithlou, M. Ho oil veimoll meet flrt Wrduraliiy olch monih la city ball. Lepul Ailvrrtisiu?. Hereafter no local mlwtiwmont will be inserted in the Kntkrikisr unloss payment for the fame is niatli at the time the alliilnvit of publication is ren dered. This rule will be imiH-mtive and dead-beat litigant, who make it a pnuv tiee of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other paner toitet their notice" published. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Edam Cheese, Pineapple Cheeae, Cream Cheese, Swiss Chrise, And Chew. K. E. Williams, the Gnieer. Wood wantel at once ibis office. County and city warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Indies hair trimmed in the atyle at Sloper s barber shop. Timothy, clover and mixed hay, itale bv E. E. Williams the Grocer. latest Fartlow's cider, clean and pure, ale by E. F. Williams, the grocer. for for Christinas tots at the Racket store at a price never before offered in Oregon City. Leave vow orders at Cram Bros', for fresh and carefully opened oysters, de livered to any part of the city. Multnomah Lodge, A. F. A A. M., will bold a special communication on N turd ay evening, lim Sth inst. Work in M. M. decree. Gentlemen ill find at the Commercial ittar store, the test iirands of cigars and fine tobacco's and a full ascortmert of smokers supplies. School shoes 75c, S-V; and f 1.00; heavy lace riveted 50c to 70c; ladies' course button cut to M-; Cabot W 17 yards fl The Ked Front. Wanted to purchase, a small farm, 12 to 15 miles from Portland some im provements preferred for about $1000. Apply at this office. 2t Those nrat silk belts you see the ladies wearing are just the thing for a holiday present. Burmeister and An- dresen keep an assortment. lr. J. H. Irvln, of Canbv, spent Tues day in this city. Dr. J. II. Hickman, of Clackamas, was in this city Monday. Mrs, James Kautl'nian,of Needy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Horton. Geo. A. Steel, president of the Fast Side Railway, was in town Monday, Miss Frankie Noe, of Huhhard, spent Saturday in thiscity visiting friends. Andrew Hamilton, of Fast Portland, sent Sunday in this city with friends. Miss Thurlow, of Portland, ia in this cily visiting her friend, Mrs, J. C. Brail- ley. Mrs. S. Huelat, of Aurora wife of the late Judge iluclat, is in town visiting friends. Mis Dell Butler, of St. Helens, is visiting at the home of Mrs. T. A. M Bride, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Smith who have been visiting In California and IVnver returned to their home iu this city Sud-day. Miss Vera Caufleld lias been very sick at the home of her parents in this city, anil her many friends will be pleased to hear of her rapid recovery. J. E. Day, editor of the Woodburn In dependent, accompanied by his wile, sent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Strange. Miss Mattie Noe, of Needy, one of Clackamas county's leading teachers, sient the first of the week with the family of Geo. F. Horton. Kutlu-rford Whitlock, who is attending the University at Forest Grove, ent his Thanksgiving vacation in this city wh his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Whitlock. Miss Helen Brooks, young lady teacher in the Pacific University at Forest Grcve, spent Thanksgiving day in this city the guest of the family of Dr. J. W. Cowan. Miss Addie Clark, whe has been visit ing her brother, John F. Clark, presi dent of Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co., for a few days, returned to her home j near Salem on the boat Sunday morning. ! Mrs. Nathan Tingle has returned to I her home in Gladstone from an extended trip with Mr. Tingle to their farm near tiuincy, Columbia county. Mr. Tingle will remain on the farm for tome time An Expensive Trial. The trial took place Thursday More Justice Dixon ol Sidney l.umpklns of Canby, charged with the murder of II. Gillnud, mention of w hoso death by, as supposed, fulling from the Molalla rail road bridge whia crossing It In the night on his way from Barlow In com pany with l.umkins, Kith being drunk at the time. After examining twenty seven witnesses the prisoner was dis charged by the justice, the evidence bo iug insufficient. All there being was that they were together and might have lot into a drunken ipiarrel resulting in I.umkins knocking Gillandoffthe bridge. As there was nothing to substantiate this theoiy the case fell tlat. The state was represented ty IVptlly District At torney and tne prisoner by Geo. C. Brownell. Vlsltlug .Vnspaper Meii. On last Saturday afternoon a party of alsuit twenty-five editors, who were in Portland to attend the opening of the ex position, came up by invitation of Pres. Morey and Manager Goodo of the Port land General Electric Company to in spect the great power stations of thecoin- j pany in this city, and to view the falls ! and other sights. The magnitude of the works was a surprise to the visitors, and they returned on the Komana in the evening fueling fully repaid for their trip and predicting a great future for Oregon Citv. EDUCATIONAL NOTliS All noti-a for till column should ho aeiit to Mrs. II, S, Gibson, editress, Oregon City, Oregon. SCHOOL NOTICS. Among the callers at Superintendent Gibson a tilhve last Saturday were, Miss Jennie 11. Rowcn and Miss Bertha Knight, of Candy, 0, Foster, of New Era, Wiley May and J, Graham, of Cams. Chailcs Rntheilord, one of the bright, energetic teachers of Clackamas county, called on Mr. Gibson this week. Last Monday M Kleiiisuiith, of Claikes, culled at the SuHrlntetident'a office. Mis. E, C. Chapman and son Earl, for merly of Clackamas, but now tesidiug in Salem, are In Oregon City this week, the guests of Supt. and Mrs. II. S. (tilr-son. T iinitirt'lluH, good onrM 7."o. for 10 iIiivh; HE RED FRONT STORES. I'itiH lo, paper; iHM'dlcH lo. imper; eurlinn IroiiM 5 cIm; hook and oyer lo. mMr; vaHclino iV; ttkirt now I Ho; heavy oliirtiiiK 10o. nil wool IIS in. eardiiinoro nml ohenp linlii'M.' trimmed hut nobby clolliiiiK Hcrvioeablo nml cheap; Hud punts '.'!) to III now ulimit hull" prion S.ii'i; aeamletw HiH-ks, heavy (V. ft In rui clock Wo; lnly hIhm'k ''e; scliool hhooH 5 to (! I) to 11 nt 8.'o; VI to 2 JI.IX); Ix.yiT lienvy sliocH ifl.00; IS ls ".ran. Hiinnr $1.00; uliortn ((; ten 2"o. hiuiii1)4 up; Hour f'J.2"; ehuieo broken t:olien'J'.'o, ctoiiojurH UV, Ion; Clirist inns Umks, ll Ih, oiniIin etc. TRADE FOR PRODUCE. IIAMllroN HROS., Oregon City and Park Place. Keep your McKittrick'a. feet dry buy shoes at Drs. HickeyA Hickey will be here Fridav and Saturday of each week at Room 6, Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 118, Dekum block, Portland. Mra. T. S Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., save, "Shilh Yitslizer'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy for debilitated system I ever used." For Dysepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. .Price 75 cents. For Sale bv G. A. Harding. Oregon Lodge No. 3 I. O. 0. F. held their regular meeting Thursday evening of last week. Degree work was done after which the election of officers took place with the following results: H. E. Straight, noble grand ; V. A. Hedges, vice grand ; T. F. Ryan, secretary; S. 8. Walker. Treasurer. W. H. Fouts, prosecuting attorney for Columbia county, Wash., accompanied by his wife, is in this city the guest of bis uncle, Citv Recorder T. W. Fouts, and his other relatives in Oregon City. Mr. Fouts is an Oregon City boy and his friends here are glad to know of his suc cess in his profession. The K. of P. lodge held its election of officers at Castle hall, Monday evening. . The officers elected to serve for the next six months are R. L. Greaves M. W; Dr. E. A. Sommer, C. C; J. T. Lynch, V. C; H, J. Thome, prelate; H. L. Schiller, II. R. S; C. Hoberg, M. F; B. F. Blankenship, M. Ex ; C. M. West, M. A ; W. J. Wilson, inside guard; R. L. Holman, outside guard. For real merriment and three hours britn full of fun and wit, "A Turkish Bath" is bard to beat. The plot is not much, or the bath either for that matter, but the fun in the piece is clean- and bright, without the slightest suggestion of coarseness or vulgarity, and it will prove an agreeable surprise to our theatregoers. The date will be Satur day, Dec. 8, at Shiveiv's opera house. Prices 50 cents to all parts of the house. At the last meeting of the King's Daughters a committee was appointed to collect jellies, fruits for the Gladstone hospital, which is under the manage ment of Miss Liebker, as a Thanksgiving offering from the people of this city. The ladies willingly contributed to the call and the result was two lartre boxes of jellies, canned fruits, apples, pears, etc were collected and sent. Clackamas county's officials also sent a Thanks giving turkey weighing sixteen pounds. Heretofore it has been customary to j make a lhanksgiving box and send it away from town, but in the future let each cily look out for it home institutions. yet. The popular Fast Side conductor, Oli ver S. Ohlsen, has moved to Gladstone with his family. He has been trans ferred from the Portland run and will hereafter manipulate the grip and trolley on the Gladstone car. Rev. Parker left Oregon City Saturday to take up the Baptist State Missionary work, and on Sunday began a series of meeting at Corvallis. His family will retain their residence here and he will return from time to time as his work will permit. E. J. Garrow returned lo his home in Gladstone Monday from Sisson, Cal., where he has been sawyer in a mill. Monday evening a number of friends ac companied by the Park Place band gathered at Mr. Garrow'e home and gave him a hearty reception. Will L. Miller :lerk of the (J. 8. land office of thiscity returned from his home in southern Oregon at which place he has been for the Dast two months. Dur ing Mr. Miller's stay he discovered a rich gold mine in the fine vineyard owned by his father. He expects to have it worked in the near future. Wilson A Cooke, to keep up with the growth of Oregon City, have taken the store room in the Commercial Block, lately occupied by Huntley's book store, and will remove their stcck of hardware to it. They will retain tlu-ir present ' store room, using it for farm machinery and heavy goods. B. F. Swope returned Saturday from Battle Ground, Washington, where he has been in charge of a school (or the past six months. Mr. Swe is a mem ber of the law firm of Swope Bros., and I will hereafter devote his lime to that profession. Jos. Pasold, sr., who has lived at Molulla for the past fifteen years, but lately a resident of Portland died in that city Monday and his remains were taken to Molalla for interment Tuesday. He leaves a widow, three sons and a daughter. If you want to borrow money go to the bank If you want to save money go to McKittrick's. Corn und Gold. County Clerk Horton, Sheriff Mad dock and Assessor Bradley took a brief vacation the later part of last week and took a run as far South aa Ashland. At that place they met Editor Leeds of the j Cream Ladles, Belt Buckles, An error wtg made in the Entkhchisk of last wevk in stating that O. E. A. Freytag will re-engagu in the mercantile business. His brother Richard will Ire in charge of the store. Miss Amelia Smith and Fred Schwing both of the West Side were married at Vancouver, Wash., Weduesday after noon. Tlie bride is a .sister of E. A. Smith, II. II. Hawtey, of Albina, was in Oregon City Monday to pay a visit to his brother, W. P. Hawley. superintend ent of the Crown Paper mills. The dance at Armory hall on Tuesday evening given by the Young People's Dancing Club was well attended and a delightful time was hail by all. Frevtag's tine home made pickles are on sale at E. E Williams's, Marr& Holr ertson's, and F. T. Barlow's grocery stores. Money to Loan. On reasonable tonus. Apply to J. F. Compton, rooms 3 and 4, Multnomah Bhlg. Portland, Ort-Kon. 4t Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system becomes deranged. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri fier perfects the process of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. For sale by C. (J. Huntley, druggist. SCHOOL NOTICS. licpnrt of Mallow public school for the second month of term ending Nov, LVt, ism. No, of pupils enrolled, 40; aver age daily attendance, 31, The following natnnl pupils Mere neither absent nor tauly during the month : Clara Irvin, Nettie Peterson, I. ilia Irvin, Lucy Uam say, George Railway, Claude Hut v. Jerry liuty, Emma Buetk, Kosina litieck, Mary Vicuna, Joie Vieana, Jennie Covey and Frank Covev. lUnru v Masks, Teacher. Following are the names of all pupils neither abm tit nor laidy for first month beginning Nov. 5, and ending Nov, DO, in Brown's school, I fist. No. tU: Temd Fontei, Melvin Foster, John lli'ini'S, i Frank Englo, Willie Gelhrh h, Eddie j IVines, Itolx-rt McArlbur, Charlotte j I Hindus, Maud Duudas, Ida U'eisshalntr, ! Ollie tireisshaber, Ella Gutrlct and Lizzie Dienes. The names of visitors are, Misses Ada Kandall, Catherine Stauher, and Laura Engle; Messrs. Chas. Foster ami Kicbard IHiudas. Parents are cordially invited to visit the school. Cuts. Ki'TtiiKfoKD, Teacher. Following is the monthly report of the Klwood school : No of pupils enrolled, H; average attendume, LI Lt 11). Bkrt Hk.hdhiibon, Tearber. Iteport of Iwer Lgan, Dist. No. (M, for three months ending Nov. Total Nu. enrolled, LM; average No. belonging, I'D; average dailv attendance, IS; No. of visitors, I). Pupils on the roll of Isinor are Willie ami Edie lluber, Sophie and I'earlie Schutlel, 1 1 utile linker, Henry Balsmeier, Johnny tiallairrr and Ora Shade. An entertainment was (riven Friday evening, Nov. '23. Tidings, state printer-elect who made them at home in the town . On their return home they stopped off at Medford where they met Crede Ktratton who with John Baird is running an electric light plant at that place. Medford is in the center of the corn growing district of Southern Oregon and Mr. Horton sniffing the corn fields from afar took his companions on a trip out in the country to view a reminder of their boy hood days in the East. They were re warded by the sight of a big crib fiiled to the top with bright yeilow ears of corn. After "swiping all the corn they could carry returned to town and took a run out to Jacksonville to view the gold mines of that district. At that place they were taken in hand by Charles Niekell, of the Times and Sheriff Pat terson of that county and most royally entertained. After spending an inter esting day in eight-seeing they made their way back to Oregon City pleased with Southern Oregon, but more pleased with the Willamette valley, Solid Silver for Christmas. Souvenir Spoons. Berrv SjKxrns, Book Marks, Collar Buckles, designs at Bijkmkistkk Hat Pins in all & Andkkskn's. Jacob Babler jr. accompanied by his wife and child arrived in Oregon City Wednesday from Ilwaco and was met by his brother, Miron who took them to the home of their father, Jacob Babler sr. at Ujgan, where they will make an ex tended visit. Mr. Babler jr. is superin tendent of the Fort Wrangle cannery and spends each summer in Alaska. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. i Ladies, do yon know Dr. Mary H. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to you, and will cost you only 1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial box, free, who will send me the names and addresses of ten tallies who are in delicate healt h. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. m. Little, manager wholesale western deiot, Delena, Ore- Kon. better Mat. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, 2:30 P. M., IJecemler.r, 1WM: OKKTLKM EN'S LIST. Arthur, David, Johnston, ('heater Hero, Mr helmed v. Kohl Mason, Mortimer Moe, P Peppard, E 8 I'ritchard, Jno Hhinpev. Joliu Dickerson. Cronlev Hweet. II K Kvaim, Geo Technical Kngraving Co rlinn, Chas 1 nomas, Clarence Hill, Chan E Walker, J W Hurst, John Williums, II ladies' list. Ramber, Mra Dick Peekover, Mrs II f rice. Miss deorgie Piigh, Mrs Ollie Smith, Margiiret Smith, Mrs Harry Smith, Mrs M J Ktiebritz, Kinrna Van lloeter, Mrs F Wlnholler Mrs K M Williams, Mrs Lizzie Woodruff, Mrs F J If called for state when advertised. 8. R. OKEKN, P. M. Wake, Kdw lilornherg (i HiitterliauKh, C C Chambers, Fred Clopton, L W lloylon, Jennie Kvans, Marv A Krnigh, Mrs Chas I' Gurry, Dolly Gurry, Mrs Arthur Jlowe, Mrs Allie Hngliiet, Ivy Mass, Mrs F Mollet, Mrs F.liza Noyer, Maggie Song "Reward of Labor" School. Duet,.. "A Song ofGladnesa" llattie and Iv Baker. Recitation, "Thanksgiving Diy" Jake Huhrr. Recitation, "Count the Me reive " Sophie Schuttel. Recitation "Lite in Six Acts" Arthur ('base. Recitation, " Tis Half Past Eight" Henry llalsweier. Solo, "Scenes of My Childhood" Mr. Tom Gallagher. Recitation "A Thanksgiving Feast" Katie Schuttel. Recitation "Wake L'p Boys" Charlie Schade. Song, "Tim Farmer" Primary ( lass. Recitation, "Life" Lvilia Schuttel Recitation, "The Voice of Thanksgiving Edna Chase. Dialogue "The Cooking Club Six Girls. Recitation. . . ."A Song From the Suds Louisa llulnneier. Hong, "America" Audience. Dialogue,. . .. . ."All's Fair In Love" Five Characters. Recitation,.. ."A Thanksgiving Bundle" May Wilson. Solo "Cast Out Mr. Tom (ialhr.'rr. Recitation "Gul und Bad" ()a Shade. Dialogue,. ."Two Sides of the Question" Henry ami Emma Balsmeier. Recitation "Only a Penny" Mary Schuttel Duet "Wake the Song" Miss Wilson und M. I. Hampton. Dialogue. "The Railroad Train" Seven Roys. Hong, ''Standing on the Corner" Mr. ! red IWown . Song, "Th.uikgiving" School Dialogue, .. ."What the Months Bring" Twelve Girls. Song, "Marching Through Georgia" Audience. M. L. Ihvu-ro.N, readier. A SQUARE TALK ABOUT P'nf HOLIDAY GOODS. ; 1 I : . , ! We lluvo Wo keep a full Wo guarnritw tint ; tlio line of imiHicul (Juality oiul j i ( Assortment. instruments. Prices. i l 1 i i r j I j I Otir stock of Wo Imvo a htore 1()00 Kiug ' WntcliiH full of elegant to j in the largest. Silverware. select from. i i ' I ! , , Clodu The latest in Wo invito cvrry- iu a grvnt Ilrooche nno to ; I i Variety. and stick j.ins. Call and Seo Vn. ' ' I 1 1 BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, Oregon City, Oroffon. Jewolors. ; NEW CASH STORE, Corner Fourth and Main Streets. DRY GOODS, In a com 1 4-to assortment. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, An extra fine line in all unlities. BOOTS & SHOES, A SiK't-iaUy, and in all gradea. As wo buy aiul Hell for oah wo aro iibfe- to givo inr customer" the iVntfit of very low priccr. D. B. REES & CO. Awarded Highest Honors-World' Fair. Da m CREAM MEM MOST PERFECT MADE. k pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fres. iom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. tern 9 Hour Knnlthy Mlie Uiokti ll.r imonm. nothing b-llli 11, r I'OT up nv lh3 NORTH-iP ft S1URQ-S COMPANY Ak your gnwrr fr them an1 tuk no nihiTM. l''mir lliiifN Htroiu.'r'r orlliiiirv xxIrin lM. Ixmlili' tin' Kiri'iiirth uf uny ulhcr uxtrncl on tint murkst. FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Steam'p Telephone A I'm- r l f..i . tui ' p Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A.M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone every night, for Portland. Tickets of all other lints good on Telephone.