Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OK TIME O.f.T. CO.'H NTKAMKK. HlimiiiKr IIAMliNA, I.mvm imrmiM i itv, i.iiik fnHt i.a kii u mm hi, II mm in I .in i. in, it :ii i. in. Hill I IIK.ItN I'ACmC llAtt.WAY. Nil Hill mH'KII. I alllornU Kinri'o l ( li r iim li I lluftuliiirg l.oesi (way mntlmia) 7 in k. m. a m p. in. IMITM IIIM'HM. I(.i.rlnti( l.'irl Iwuy nullum) lalllnriila Knpff.i (lliiiiiili O KI a. Ill 7 tn . Ill VM I.I.AM Kit K rAl.lHKI.K.lTHIC HAII.WAV. 1 lin Tallin, lava Ore"!! I lly, a .-OA.M. U Kl " II : " I ii I'. M, .1 IKI " ft ml " ml A. M ll Ul ' I . Ill " I uil', M. I .: " V mi " 't ;i ' it il " a m i i 4 IHI " li ll " 6 m " li uu " Willamette Kails. ill A. M. V Mi " II it, " i in r. M. n mi i u in " tl'Dlill V 13 A. M. Ill If. II Wl " I in l'. M. I ii " i v ' i it " .'. - i I, -i " i ii " f I -. !i i " n l!l " C. A. Mu l mi. Hiipl. 1 lir, MAIM. Mailt Hum ii.lln Kunli.rj 111. i ill . I' III. Mailt r.,.o ,.ih. Ni.iilli, Mi , i'' I' I" II. i.ll. lri rllf to I'nrllauil liver Kail Mid Hall Wat lra" XI V. M an.l ! I' M inima II lii A M. ami M f M atrlfa I'nlllalld, Y a.loiu. Wosialdo. Handy ami lllgliuud rvutea mall 111,1,111 City lo Kly , ('arm, Milium I.IUral ami M..UIU irain al Xi m. ami arrlrt al XI m. lally ifr..ii I'liy li Heater (irrk, Mink, Clark. Meadow Hri'k.l'iilnn Mllli. ami I .lii'M. le.m. kl u a m. Monday ami Krlilay mitt folium mi ..lluilli ilat at I .0 V I" irroii Illy I" Vloia. lentil and Hrdland lfrt li..ll City M lay Wwtliwtay atttl frl.t.y al I w I. M . Ialu Viol, aama Oaya I V U M. rUIPAY, IKi KMIIKK 7, A KAMkKi.i. IUc K rioK. on Hunks giving r-vening farewell ri'rcliuii vih Ki viii to !!. I'ttrUiir win) leaves liero on m-ci'Uilr tnt to In i'lirgt of lii li'W .)ik. ()vi f liiimlri il ul ll iiieuitwrw ol hi i linr !i ninl frii'ii'lit IHUmI lii luniae to overflowing mul it very Hijuyn tilo iHfithloii viivt (or tli ili'l' "Kf Ml iy nil l Hio l' j' li"" twIovrJ lniHlur. Tlii rhurt li IIiuIh it lo Ut-unio wm llr.l lo lottiiikt him, 4ven HuhikIi Im lw t all'-il In nl'T fii'lil of i.4-f utittHM in tlm kUIm woik mxl i lion nliii li no ono roiilil to fouHj mlglit till It no wxll it Iik. A lmn nnialtnl nml lti-rry tirin rti tlrnxl, 4n (i'tiif '( wl'I' li TlmnKNuiviiiK fitr.Tinn by Ui'wo ircitmit W to uttty on I'luiri'li iifh-liteiliii'M. Thi. w.h folluwol liV lirl .liln-ii lo Hpv I'mknf ninl Iiih wiIk hy Mr. Croiin, in which ho iiok of tl.u fuiiliful ml ( tli iiMil work tliinn liy II iluilnu tin' iutt thti'i yi'ittx fin! wvt'ii moiillia ninl ri pri'tiMxl Hie ri'k'ti't of llin i Imrrh llmt tin nlmiilil li-nvt In ciiiu'luxion thy wi-ro prriMMiIi'il wilh Kcvtirul )1 ' of 'itilvi-rivurc from tlm iiii'IiiImth of tlm I'hun li mill Mrs. rarkcr'n Suniliiy ni'luxil i-ln an toki'ii of cfli'dii ninl itt tho mini tiuit' in honor ol tln'ir Hilvi-r wim ililill Hiinivi'rniy whiili ocriirH tho fol lowinn hiimluy. Tho 1'iinlor mul M i(o worn tiiknn entirely hy mirpriiHi mnJ with iniirli Hll'i'rti'il, hill amm ri'rovi'ri-il I'lioiiu'h lo Miukr IlltiiiK rimtHinm mi. I linliim pniyiTof HiHiikMuiviinr. Kruit mill iiiiih wiTn ll"'" wrvml mnl lur ahorl annul linn' Hm friomln diHornoi, wlnliinK Mr. Turkt-r k.mIhwi'I in hin new lino of noik. N'kw IIakii aiik HrmiK Si liwun A I'ulrow ImVH Ihi-ir new hiinlwuri' More in the CanllcUl bhx'k fully llttfl m and thwir itl'Mk hII Iui'mI. Tlm Him-k of tinwiini Hinl 1'liiinliinK kimhIh rnrridl hy Mr. K. hwun in Mh furninr hx mion on Hovcnth bii.I Muin lr(Mtn him Ix-n re moval to the now nlort). Tho ni'W flrui now Uvo i U' tuvo ti'wre HuJ phimhinf linen pomplett a stock as there In in Or.-non City. With the opin. ItiK of Hprinit tiu-y will put in a full "lock of huililcm ami ncncrul hnrilware and imikii an lmneet i-ffort for a elmre of tho KrowiiiK trado of Ori'iton City. The nnmiber of tho (Inn ar well known in tliis dty ai mini of InU'urity mid iiiJun try mid their vent me will t" "lire to ho a miicci'hh. In anothor column will bo loiind an aiinoiincoini'iit Hint will be of Interval to Hioko dcHiriiin kooiIh in thoir lino. TlIK HhooTINl CoN IKHT. l.HHt TllUrU- day nioniint! at 8;:iil, Co. F, O. N. 0. wont to their nhootili ruii(to at Mnl di tim'H to contcHt lor the modal presen ted to tho company by itn lionornry ineinhorH Several of (lie members did Homo fine shoothnf, but A. Matlieson wuh declared tho "crmk nhot" of the day. At the roKhir meetinu held Mon day evening after drill, Hr. V. K. Ciirll, one of the honorary mmnhers, made a Hhort addreHH to tho company and pre. eeiiU'd the medal to Mr. MathoHon, who will hold It until the next content, winch will be some time in May. A Much Aiuihkd Woud. "Just at preHont," says Mrs. Hlanley, in Journal of Education, "an epidemic of 'prosr'ni' is pnHHiiiK over the country. We say telegram and monogram and diagram -Webster and Worcester unite on pro grammebut some one nobody known who started the report that progrumme was not entitled to an 'a' mid iminedr atolv westward the star of progr'tn took its flight." A Nahiiuw Khcai'K. ('linn, (inllogly, a foreman on tlm new eleclrlit power Million, while mipcrlnti'iiilliiu tin mi liiiullng of a biiikI scow liml Tlmrsd,iy morning, bud tho bilge Imi ket w ith a IohiI weigliing full v a ton full upon him, burying him nut of sight In the unl p!lu, Mis fellow workiniin linmi'illati'ly dug him out mid hit was fniwnl to have thiee rib bmki'ii, llin end protrud ing through the IIchIi lit llic hack, with other smaller Injuries as well as internal hurts. The only thing HihI Mtvcd him fruiii iiisliuil la-iil It was the yielding of llin (mini . I In Whs tskell to the Oregnll City Hospital, wliern be is being treated and has overy pnHect of a recovery. The iiccidi-iit wim caiisml hy a break In tlm lioisllng geur. Cklhiikatisii Tiikik WlSjIlKN Wkiiiumii. Mr. and Mm, (ieorgo Fox, formerly of this chy, cidebraled their wisidi n wed tling at thoir home In Kollwood last Wed neadiiy evening. The time wuspleHsantly Ssnt in i aid playing after which light refreshments were served, Mr, and Mrs, I'ox r 'I veil smne very liutidsoniu pres- euls, among whii li wus an nnliipin oak bookcase and wiiling desk coinbimul. Tbofe prewnt were, Mr. and Mrs. lieo, Fin, Mr. and Mis. II. Fox, ('apt. and Mrs, A W, (iridium, Mis Annie mi lium, MiHM Nellie Coal Hat, A. I). Morrell, ol I'urt luricl . Mis II. , Mr un l Mil T. W Foul", ("apt. ami Mrs. J. X, liishsm, ('apt, slid Mrs. A. II. (iiahatn, Miss Winnie (iialinm, Win. Andreten, and Mlxs I'.i'ltii Fonts, of Ihis city. I OMMlMt A1I D. TontK I'.liirnK : In the remrt, given in hint week's Fntf.mciiik, of tho setiii centennial of the organisation of I lie ( 'mi greiistioiial cliinrh in Dri-guli t 'it V, a liotici', nwesssrily brief, was insdu of s teller from Itcv. O. W. l.uras. Very many of the friends of Mr. Lucas would like to see that letter in print. Its '( tertml and ('hrixlian tone will ctrike a syuipulhetic ilionl in inutiy lieiirls it iicr- mitted to read It; hence a copy is iilleti-d I yuti, with llin liiH! that it mav find a plant in your I'olnmiis. A few brief j sentences are omitted from the original In order to avoid making too great t tretpuss on your spucii : Oakland, Cal., Nov. 21, IH'.l-t To the Congrriisildiial church in Uiegon City, greetings: Since I ranriot he ilh you in is-rsoii yon rnpust that I "send such recollections of Hie church ami its history as may have lodged in my memory." This would heem an 'ay tank ; Vmt re-ineiiibraiu-es so crowd lliemselves unii me, that it is dillii iilt to selrct from tbs many. Among my first recolltH tions in con nection with the church al Oregon City, are the earnest words of 'lis godly and now sainted lr. Atkinson, In liisemlcavor to persuade me to visit that church. Having known the Oregon City church from ils tieginiiing, and having labored untiringly with II for many ycar', tho place wit not only verydiarlo him, but he wax able to set forth strongly the Importance and the needs of that field Then, loo, from a five-years icipiaintance wilhtir Atkinson I had learned to re vere and love him as a father, and to rely much on the wisdom of his counsel; and (htm his perHiiaslons prevailed ovr the la-rsiiiisions from another direction, ami I consented to vinit Oregon City for a single Sunday. That first visit proved to lie a pleasant one; and it is with urate fu) appreciation that we remember tliu cordial welcome on our arrival to enter iion Ihe work, ami the good care and pleasant entertainment so freely given us hy tho dear ones w ho opened their home to us while waiting the arrival of our gissla. One of. the early impressions on my mind was that made by the condition of the hotiso of worship, which bad for forty years sheltered the littlo flock. It was getting to he a wondeifully sym pathetic and responsive structure its timliers creaking, ita windows rattling, and its shingles keeping time with the great bell as it pooled out its summons for the people to gather for worship. The rising deairos in the hearts of the people for something better had so often encountered the thought that it could not be attained, that tho prevailing sent iment was to be content to go on as tie- fore. Truly, "(iodliness with content ment is great gain," but the feeling of the pastor was, that ihiB contentment was not of tho godly sort, and Unit w hat the church nooded in older to tho attain ment of Hie prniasr spiritual growth and fiuitiige, an well as to an increase in its liienils'rship, was to arise and build. The bur len ol this manifold need so weigliod on the pastor's heart, Hint he went down to consult will) Pr. Atkinson shout the matter; but it was only to learn that this wise father and counsellor had just gone to the rich reward of his abundant labors. Some woeks later, meeting his son, brother Edward Atkin son, on the streets of Orvgon City, the matter of a now church was mentioned, and unsolicited, lie handed me a Ave dol lar gold pioce, saying, "here's a starter, a little nest egg, with more to follow." I took thiB first gift for the new chuich and laid it by as an advance souvenir of the faith lie had In the possibility of ac complishing the desired end. Ths Impression was that we ought not to build anything less than a five thous and dollar church; and often did the pastor hear the cheerless words, "It can't be done, and there's no use talk ing." Well, the Lord didn't think that way, and he wmhi put It into the heart of s good brother in the church to pledge a a liberal gift, and also moved upon the henrl of a sister in llin church, and another In the neighboring city to pledge liberal sums. Two Ihoosaiid dollars already in sight greatly encouraged Libera, h in 1 was bailed wild j'y by all; and with a right hearty good will and liberal hand did the brothers and sisters lake hold of the work. With great pleasure Olid gratitu lo to (lod have I often called to mind how kindly and generously the subscription paper was met by the sople of the town and members of other churches, as well as by menilsirs of our own. The spirit of iod seemed al hist to move the hearts ol the people as tho heart of one man to the good woik. I do not foiget the many pleasant hums spent with the siiK-rliilcndent of Ihe work in planning the details of the building, and the best ways of executing those plans; nor bow solicitous some were lest the Joining of the old historic building with the new should destroy the Is-aiily of the structure. Well do I remember how the aged and now sainted (iraiidmu Whitlock rejoiced in the prwin-ct of seeing a new church Imill on the old historic loot before she nliotild Imi called to the better land. There was nothing she loved so much as the chinch. Nor shall 1 forg-t bow en. IhusiuMtic and iils-ral many were, giving even beyond their means that the woik might go forward ; and so it was that the dream liecame a glad reality. The first sermon in the new church was preached on March 2.!d, 1WH), by the paslor, from Ihe text : "And Ho ((If!) said, My presence shall go with thee. And be (Moses) said unto to him, If thy presence go not with me carry us not up hence." Fx. !CI:1I, 15. There was a secret fear in Ihe heart of the pasUir lest the life of the church as it moved into the new and more pretentious building should have in it too much of the spirit of pride, and too little of the spirit of (iod ; and It was this t'mt led him to the choice of this text for the first sermon his feeling living that after the labor for the new it were better to abide in the humbler place than lo lose anything from the influence of the indwelling presence of (iod. Hut (iod did go up with bis people, ami so bleat the Is-gin-nings of the life in the new church with revival interest, under the lead of brother C. K. Clapp, t.iut during the month of May, 1H!H), twenty-five persons were added to the membership twenty of tlieae on confession of faith. My thought goes hack, also, to a simi lar precious revival seeton in Febiuary, . Si l . In which brothers Clapp, Staver ami CurtiB labored together with the pastor, their labors resulting in a goodly gathering of souls into the mother chuc h and the organization of the Mountain View branch. It will bo a trespass liKii your time to mention further recollections, but I can not forbear making mention of the many seasons in which Ihe hearts o iastorand people flowed out together in tender sympathy as they met i.i tho house of mourning, nnd galheied about opea graves, and how the sod grew green over i many graves watered with many trears. And let me thank again the many kind hearts that beat for Mrs. I.ucas and my self in the hour of our aflliction, and the loving hands which, since that time, have so kindly, so tenderly and so often strewn that one little grave with choicest (lowers. The ib-ar Lord reward them. Finally, dear brothers and sisters, may I (iod bless you all with all spiritual bless ings, and homitiluity reward you all for the many kindnesses of which we have been tho recipients at your bands. And may (lod richly bless your present pastor and give him many souls for bis hire. Most cordially yours, 0. W. Lt cAs. Hen's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tneir firm. Wkst id Tm'ax, Druggists, Toledo, 0. Wai.uinu, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cur internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the Bysteni. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all DruggistB. . . r Cheerful Winter Evening. Nothing hrinss so much joy and com fort to tho fireside ms a genial visitor one that entertains; and instructs every member of the family. The latch string is always out for the Prairie Farmer, for it always brings a big weekly budget. It is brighter than ever, with a host of now Vriters, this year. The Thanks giving and Christmas numbers will be worth more than a veai's subscription. 11.00 gots h'l visits "The Prairie Farmer. A sort of lethargy sometimes takes possession of the kidneys, and bladder; they should he promptly 'stimulated to healthful action by the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Palm. For sale by C. U. Huntley, druggist. Partlow's cider, clean and pure. For sale by E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awardad Colli Mtdal MUwtnMf Pair, Sao TUco. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS in our Hcloctiotih of Holi day (JiftH thin year, which havo bcon niiulo DorHonally! from the Hiich nhown by! many manufacturers, wej feel that we have for yourj inKpection the very cream! of every thing in the way of a Christmas gift that can appropriately be carried in our store. And wo have Wl in mind too, that this year many pocket books are light, and for thoHe we have Home surprises in the way of pretty and artistic gifts that will draw extremly light on their purses strings. We hitch the dollar to a bigger load than it ever pulled before. We arejproud of the bar gains we can oiler you. Every thing is marked in plain figures and every visitor can learn our prices: without even asking ques-j tions. You are welcome to ; "just look around". Wej invite ycu to come andj "just look around . And come early; eleventh hour Christmas shoppers have generally a hastly jcellected lot of "things that will do", which indicate more good will than good taste on the part of the giver. Our stock will grow smaller every day from now to Christmas. Later we shall have fewer goods, a crowded store and less time to wait on you attentively as we like to do. That you have'nt your Christmas Cash Pox filled yet, need make no difference; we will lay aside for you any article you desire to be paid forwhen you are ready. Among the newest things shown this year is Ilargreaves glass medallions or photographs on glass which are reproductions of famous paintings by noted artists and on account of the real merit they possess and the price at wliich they are offered are meeting with almost an unprecented sale. We have them in all sizes from 25c. to $2.50. Huntley's Book Store, Caufield Block. Oregon City. NOVELTY Candy -:- Factory NOW OPEN. Manufacturer of High Grade French and Home Made Candies, Ice Cream and Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables Supplied with Ice Cream in any quantity; rates reasonable. Try Our Ice Cream Soda. Tropical Fruits and Nuts. Main Street, opp. Commercial bank II. S. Cram, Manager. Moore's JSovcsilcd Remedy. Astounding in its ElTects in the cure of Rheumatism, Asthma, Malaria, Rli liousne88 or any other disease arising from deranged Liver, Stomach or Kid neys It drives all impurities from the Blood. Mri Chi A. Runnel, who la UrorabW known throughout the Northwest nays: "For Alteon y mm I was constant sufferer with asthma without any relief, eieent that ob tained by conMHtit change ol locality, Two yearn ago I tried MooRK'n Kkvsalkd KkmkdY and the UeuerUn received from It were the most gratifying. It gave me relief trom IheflrHtand prevented the terrible distress peculiar to the disease that made life almost unbearable. Any one who has ever had asthma can understand the gratitude I feel toward this remedy. Be lieving H has added pleasant years to my life I have not hesitated to recommend It to all like sufferers, aud always with tho same happy re sults." HfcTo he had ot all druggists, or soul to Sin a at-Holm is Dhuu Co . Seattle, Wash. GIVES Vjlf HEALTH. Prices Lower Bver Before. CLOTHING For Men, Youths P2222SS2S2SS: UNDERWEAR, TOILET ARTICLES, 2arWr'rVr'trVrViJr'rJgS; J FOR.... MEN and WOMEN. The Pioneer Store, THOMAS OHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CIIAGF. ftar LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, writ their owm letter, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal papers which they must handle every day are made out correctly. tWAll tbea things, and much more, we tcaeh tAorvuyfcly. Hundreds of our graduate! are In good positions, and there will be openings (or hundreds more when times Improve. .Vow U the time to prepare (or them. Besides, a business education la worth all It costs, or one's oirn use. Send (or our catalogue, to learn vhat and lime we u-aoh. Mailed free to any address. Portland Business College, . A. P. Armstrong. Prln. Portland, OregOn. J. A. Wesco, Secretary. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of eingle-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, reuiailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 215 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. J.J. KKDDERLY, 111 GENERAL HADRWARE Stoves and Tinware FULL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. TINWORS -A. SPECIALTY. Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland, Oregon. MAPLE WOOD FARM F. R. ANDREWS. Prop., Fresh Vegetables and Fruits, By successive planting and irrigation my vegetables are always crisp and tender. Daily Delivery to all Parts of the City. Ture Cider Vinegar in Stock Ready for Delivery. Breeder of Pure Blood Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn Chickens. Pekin Ducks. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. and Children. OVERCOATS Mackintoshes. FOR.... f MEN and WOMEN. are lost annually,