Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
Oregon City fcntcrprisc. KKIDAY, IWCKMHKK 7, JWU. ' - u Clackfimns Co. Directory. COUNTY OKKICKIlM, (Innliiii K. IUy Him. F. Itoru.ii K i: i.l.1.M k H M Itatnxl.r M I, Mmirv J. ('. Mr..1l..y II. H lillimitl I). W KlhlmlMl l( L lloiman I Kli'hari) Me. ill I Crank Jaunar 4: or k ul Court., mnuifT, Km'urijor, Trim.nrur. - A...Mir, -HnhiMil MuMrliitsuiliit, Hiiifnyiir. I'urmi.r, O'HMttiL.lnhftr., To Meet III ti Tlmi'K. Tim tilMTlili'iii prlrn (or tlm Kntku I'iiikk Iihm Im'cii ri'iliiiwl to $ I. fill mt yi-ur; H'Vi'iilyllv" ri'iiln (or lx month. Thii low prlcn In mmlit In onlur to n-l (hit lint on ii mull lmi Hinl IimIucm nil unlwrrllMTa to pity up, ami iM''lilly to irvnt ili'ml lii'ula from tukiiitf tlm iuM'r Mini not 1'iiyltiK (or It dy rmuton o( tlii'ir Ih'Ihu law proof, Till illnrount in tnmlo only to lliimn pxyliiK in nlvmirn. TlMHHt puyliiK iN'Iorn llm cloao ol lliolr yi'r will ! imiIIiM to tliu illm'oiiut (or tin tiuiH pulil In mlvnnio. I'liiN iiiokKN llm MNmMi'riNK tlm clii-nie twl pMr in t'lmlmiiiMii ooimly iiilit h(i nil lioiiiu print mi'l full of liv IimkI hrw. CHAT A HOUT TOWN, 1'riii'ti tho Inwviit KiM Front Slonn. Kir Mint limb wmMl wunti'i) at tlili Money to lon on k11"' r"l ,lt wcurity ly A. S IinMHor. Mllirnl (, CUnn, parked In Orison, K. K. Wllllmiii tlmdrorw. Umit put In Unit clww ordur t Mo r' lmrlrr uliop (r iimiU. IliKlii'" ,r' I'"'1' I'X Coniiiniroll Unit (or county Mini city wrmit. Try cn of Mimwl H1 Cm pu kml tCItop IWili. K. K. WIIHmiiiii, llm (iroi-t'r. MurttfMk'O l"'i " Improved firm property l low rt of inu-rfat. Apply lot!. O T. WUIuuim. Tlm U'lirrn will lliul Hnper'i tirri.r uliop tlm pUt-e U Imve tliuil Irnir trim limit ill tlm luteal atyli'1. Tint 'YV will iiiwl at tlm lioino ol Mm. A. K. Prpnrwr, SntiinUy vcnlii o( tilt w.i-k,at7::)0 I. M. ()nliri It'ft at the t'oinim rcial cliiiir tore, ('oiiinmr.ini lUnlt !! k. for 4 f"ut or In-lm-li wimhI, promptly fllle.l. IntruiiiHiital, piano ami orirmi miialc lntrurtlon ly l'ro(. (!. Ilrlliiif. Ki- deme mint'' Fourth ami Minliimn irwt. tf Wlmii you are lo bo out hitu li-ave your oritur at Cram ltron'. for an oyatir loaf amltaknil liomn, It w ill act a" a pi'aiu uiukur. You will aoon winh to rcpan?r your Iioum or wvorul of tlm rooiut. K. L. Holmaii haa jimt put in a fine aiwortmunl o( nrw alylpa A larKln an I hail in a atationary niine ami tioilcr bv applyii'K lo Uoatow, ()rnon t'ity. la aix liortte powi-r, in jfiaxl runninij onler. rarllow'a rlili'r, rlian ami pure, (or juttii Iiy K. K. Wllliama, the (irix-t-r. John AIkoii, ti(htli fhihl o( H. A. Nonunion, of In!an, wan tukmi to Saloin MomUy rvtMiinii ami placail in tlm dcu( miiU acliool. The NautiluH C. L. S. C. ha mropU'J the Invitation exti'iiilwl thi'in from the Mi lxiiiKhlin lirole ami will moot with tlmin lifxt Mointay evwiiiim. Poj'ou travnl? Are yon a shipper? TUi "ltuml McNally Hallway (iiiiilo ami Hand-Hook" contain all pertinent in formation. Auk your newmlealer. You will le nuipriHeci ut the number of diirrreiit thiiiK" you ran purchase (or pennv ut Ihu Huiket ntoro for which you iirieil to pay five centH. The topic (or Dr. J. W, t'ownn'B vr nion next Sunduy morning at the Con itrnKational clnmli i "What We Heliuve About (iod," and (or the evening it will be "Kuix-rHtition." Karl's Clover Kool will purify your IiIoihI. clear your complexion, rc(?ihile your bowel and make your head clear aealiell. '.'ftc, Stic, and a dollar. For eale by tleo. A. llardinif. I.oHt, at rayed or Hlolen, a anmll bay tnare about 10 yearn old, branded "S. 0." on hip. Weight ,,0,lt m P0,ln,lH mano and tail black iind rather lon, while Btrip in (ace, a little Roman nonod. Anvoim Itivinif liiformation ttH to her whereabout or her return to M . V llttndall'H place, Uncoil Lily, win oe pi",mj ii, v rewiiru H. ii Hon. W. C. Johnaon baH sold bin in toront in the law firm of Johnson A Idle man to CM. Idleman, attorney gen r ril-olect . Mr. Johnson will continue in Ihihiiiumh In this city and bIho ojwn up an ofllce in tho Chamber of Commerce buildititf in rortlund with the new firm of Carey, Webster, Mays, JohnHon and Idleman, of which Mr. Idleman bIko bo conioB a member. The following named gentlemon were In this city Tuesday evening and paid Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., a visit: W. K. Showers, J. H. Irvin, D. L. Houston, E. 9. LarHcn, A. T. Hoi Rato.'J. T. (iurvin, U. W. Jamenon, ThoimiB JIaynoB, J. r. Kennedy, (1. M. Stroud, of Portland; Geo. F. tJibhs, James Tracy, II. L. Patterson and Jos. dill, of Logan ; 0. C. Mikelson, Sandy ; J, V. Kilter, Needy; II. L. Wolfor, Macksburg. Free lleiullng lloom Nutes, The Oregon City Free Reading Room AhhocUiIoii met at their room WrdiieH tuv iiM'iiIng Nov. 2H, at H a. in. AfUir tlm meeting wa culled to order the iiiIimiIhs of the laat meeting were read by Hucrelaiy F. 8. Kelly, pro Umi. The truNNUrur' report showed that durfng the year $1X1.05 bad been collected, dis liiimiiiiienU 4MJ leuving a bulunce of l.l'l. The election of olUcer followed (or the eiimilng year: K. 0. Catiflold, pniMldeiit; F. H. Kelly, secretary; C. Ilobiirg, treanilier; Rev. II. Illlleliraiid. F. H. Kelly, and W. A. Huntley, trustees. TholiiMlitiitlon is now in abetter condi llon than ever Ixtfore, and ahould re ceived the suport of all our citizen, a ill well worthy of it, and a free reading room I a recommendation to any lowu The average attenduin e 1 about fifty ieruti per day. The reading room received two band soiim bookcaw'S from Rev. (i. Win. (iib ouey on his departure lo HHjkane, Wah. and other friend o( the library have donated hook ahelve, together with the l.'l) volume, which were alo donated, adds greatly lo the appearance of the room. Tlio reading room now receives five cien title and literary)sriodiculN, twenty two wei'klii'i and four dailies. Potted pianU ol various kinds have been sent lo the room and have heon placed in the windows, and with good lights, plenty of good rending mutter and warm Urea makes a pleasant place for our cltiieut to pass the long wintry evenings. Librarian II. Wall has the winter's wood promised him, free of charge, from the chimin of Willamette Falls, amount ing lo the sum of -') and the draymen of this city have kindly offered lo deliver It at the room. Honor thy father and tliv mother and buy shoes at McKitlrick's. A w Fire I nnnrance Company. Articles uf incorporation were tiled in tlm county clerks olllce Wednesday of this week for the Farmer's Co-oerative Fire Insurance Association of Oregon City The oll'ieers are: M. L. Moore, president, (). A. Cheney, secretary and treasurer. Directors, M. L. Moore, W. A. White, O. A. Cheney, H. II. Andrews, (i II Uestow, J. Martin. K Parker, A. Muiitx, A. W. Cheney and R. W. Porter. The aoristion w ill insure far in proierty and isoluted dwellings in the suburbs of tow ns slid cities where they are BMfcly built and occupied by tho owners. The cost of the iiisuran. c is tlirt e-tentln of the unal rate down and a premium rale (or the other seven tenths which will Is) subject to assesHiiivnt if needed Those who insuie are considered ineiii" bera o( the assis-latioii . ( urle Turn's ( abln. Tuiday night, Pec. 11th, the RuacoA Sw ift big Uncle Tom'a Cabin company will bold llm tioarda for one night in Sbively's oHra bouse with a large com pany, band and orchestra, dogs, pony, donkey, shjcIb1 scenery, etc. Kvery reader of this and the past de cade's literature, bos read o( the trials and tribulations of the old colored hero of slavery days as depicted in Harriet Ileechor Stowe's world famous story; ami two-thirds of the theatre goers have witnessed the old darkey sold into slav ery ; bis fortitude nailer most trying or deals and his (Inal death amidst glorioun surroundings. This will recall the sweetnens ol little Kva and the transit uiation scene, w hich pictures the beau tiful child on her way to heaven, and on tho other hand there's Marks the law yer, and TopHy, who "just growed," and the the thirsty bloodhounds. Sullice that this Uncle Tom is not dissimilar lo others, but it is promised the production will ecliso any previous presentation. Prices for this engagement will be 25 35 and 60 cents. Silver Plated Ware. We desire to call your attention to our immense stock of Silver Plated Ware which is of tho highest unslity and from the best mniHifacturors only. Special attention is invited to the new designs in Tea Sets, Rerry Pishes, Cuke RasketB, and Nutter dishes. Our large variety of HiMjons, Forks and Knives are especially adapted to make pretty and appropriate Holiday presents ami as our prices are the very lowest and the qualities the best it will pay purchasers to give lis a cull in this department. Bl'KMKIMTKK A ANDKKBKN, Jewelers and Silversmiths. "A Turkish Until." Once in awhile a farce-comedy is hotter than the expectation, and such has proved the case with the many thousand theatre goers from Maine to California who havo witnessed "A Turkish Hath," the last (our seasons. It is pronounced by all who have aeon it to be one of the most laughable skits that has been put on the road in recent years. At Sbively's opera house Saturday evening. Last Wednesday evening each of the employes ol the W. P. A P. Co. were klndlv remembered by the company in receiving a "king of the barnyard" for their Thanksgiving dinner. The man with the largest family received the lar gest bird and as Caspar Andres numbers his list at thirteen, he carried off the prize. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. Walling of this city is yery 111. Tliaiiliglvlng Services The hirgeslaudience that ever gathered in this city for a union Thanksgiylnir. service assembled at the Presbyterian church lut Thursday morning. Tlm memlsTs of the Ministerial Ass iatlon, Rev. J. W. Cowau, Rev. (i. Bykes, Rev. 11. F. Myers, Rev. If. Wall, Rev. (lil mail Parker, and Rev. J. W. Montgomery of this city were piosent on the platform and all took part in the exercises. Miss Kinilce Donaldson presided at the organ and played the beuutilul Pleyl's hymn with variations as a voluntary. The principal address was by Dr. Cowan, of the Congregational church. In a most eloquent effort be touched iiKn the striking events of the year and the problems they suggested. Among those striking events were the labor troubles, the hard limes, Ihe Psrkhurst good citi&enship crusade, and llm political landslide an offset Ut the landslide of two years auo. He summed all up In j the Idea that the people were learning to lie citizens rather than purlizans; that the political landslide in either place did not moan so much a victory for parties as an eff irt to obtain sound government. Dr. Cowan proved himself well up on public questions, well read and able to state bis points clearly. The address was punctuated throughout with many beany aniens, and "America" wat sung with a will at Ihe close. Death r Charles laullelii, Jr. D1F.P In this city, Thursday, Nov 211, 1H1I4, ol typhoid fever, Charles, eldest son of Mr and Mrs David Caulicld, aged 17 years and 3 month. Tlm subject of this sketch was born in this city August 30, 1877, and has al ways resided here. He attended tl.e Bar clay school and later was employed by the P. (i. K. Co., ling a general favorite of all. He had been in poor health i'or some time which resulted in typhoid fever alxiut three weeks ago. Everything possible was done (or him, but he gradu ally grew weaker, until Tuesday evening the fever turned for the worse and death ended his sutlerings at 4 o'clock Thursdsy morning. Tlm (uneral oc curred (rom the house on Friday after noon, Pr. 1. W. Cowan officiating. The servics was largely attended by a numtier of Charlie's friends. Six young gentlemen, Clare Campbell, Leigbton Kelly, (ieorgo McNride, Chas. Wilson, John Lewthwaite and Js. Church, friends of the deceawl acted as pallbearers. The remains were laid in tlm Cautleld lot in the city cemetery. The flowers were many and beautiful. Indies look at McKittrick'a window, (ilef Club Program. l'rogiam (or the next meeting of the Chautauqua glee club to be held at the home of Mrs. P. F. Morey on Tuesday evening December 11th. hong le Club. Banjo Duet Lewthwaite Bros. Vocal Solo Miss KateWard. Piano Solo Miss Mattie Prsper. Recitation Miss Humphrey. Piano Solo Miss Gertie Nefsgar. Song tilee Club. Instrumental Puet Stevens and Campbell. Reading Miss Bade Chase. Vocal Solo Mrs. E. E. Charman. Song Nettie Walden, Sade Chase Kate Ward and Delta Fouls Bong CJlce Chit). Mr. Ira P. Wetmoie, a prominent real state agent of San Angelo, Tezas, has used Chamlerlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in bis family (or several years as occasion required, and always with perfect success. He says: "I fiud it a perfect cure (or our baby when troubled with colic or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit is not complete without a bottle of this Remedy st home or on a trip away from home. For sale by Geo. A. Harding, druggist. Head These Prices. Oregon City Cash Market, Petiold & Gate, Props., A. O. U. W. Block. Boiling beef, 3c and 4c; rib steak 5c; roast beef 5c and flc; prime roast beef 8c ; round steak 7c ; best stake 8c ; mutton stew 4c; mutton chop fie ; leg of mutton 7c. All other meats are sold at lowest cash prices. Smoked meats and saus ages of till kinds always on hand. All meats are from our own killing which is the choicest the market affords. Come and see us. Those prices are (or cash only. The Sew 1'ear's (Jift. Is now almost a popular as the Christ mas gift. It's the proper time to return the unexpected Christmas token or remenilier some one whom you uninten tionally overlooked. If you want the right article at the ritiht price you should get it at BmiMKisTKR A Andrkhbn's jewelry store. Meade Relief Corps, No. 18, met at the K. of P. ball Tuesday evening and elected the following officers for the en Buingyear: Mrs. H. Cochrane, presi dent; Mrs. G. A. Harding, eenior vice president; Mrs, E. Clouse, junior vice president; Mrs. T. W. FontB, treasurer; Mrs. II. Doremus, chaplain; Mrs. II. Meldrum, conductor; Mrs. S. Scbadel, guard. For rhenmatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Tain Balm. It releaves the pain as Boon as applied . J . V. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the cost, 50 cents. Its con tinued use will effect a permauont cure. For sale by Geo. A. Harding, druggist. RK1L KSTATB TBAMSPERH. Furnished V.rrj Week by the ( lacks, mas Abstract and Trust Company. Edward Itaylee to K Ii Evanson W D Nov 22, 'Ii4, 8 of K X of N E H, sec VI, T 3 H, R 2 E, 40 acres 1 E P Elliott to Win anil Chas Mann W D Nov 22, 'IM lots in Clacka mas HeighU and Ml I'lasautadd W-O Jas Beeson et al to Minnie Traylor W P, Nov 22, '114. N of 8 E aec.Kl,T3 8, R 2E 250 Jas Beeson et al to Edwin Travlor W P, Nov 22, 'U4, 8 of b E M of N E M sec ,'Jfi, T 3 8, R 2 e. . . . 250 M Hutton to John J Haiton W P, Nov 22, '94, 20 acres in D LC No 63.T2 8, 1(4 E 700 J P Mvers to C M Myers W P Nov 23, '94, 100 acres In see's 20, 27 and 34, T 3 8, R 3 E 2700 II McElsander to Uriah Payne W D Nov 22, 'M, land in see's 35 and 31, T 1 8, R 4 E 700 L Royal by Sheriff to Emma Mc Donald 8 P, Nov 2, '94, hart of blk 211, Oregon City 4000 J O Shannon to John Creegan W P Nov 20 94, lots and 7. blk 40, Shannon's add to Oregon City. . 125 C H and M L Porter to Marr A Rob ertson W I) Nov 20, lots 9. 10 and 11 blk 7 Falls View 600 G L Kayler to Smith A White W D Nov 13, 100 acres in sec 20, 1 6 s, r2e 1250 A W Steers lo W H Knyder, W D March 12, 50 acres in see's 10 and 15. t 2 a. r 3 850 Michael Moerwald to Theresa M Mocrwald, W D Nov 27. iwtf of ne4'and nw'4'of se sec 32 in 1 1 i, r 5 e 80 acres Michael Moerwald to J J Eisner Q C Nov 24, e of awJa'and awtf of se! sec 29, 1 1 s, r 5 e Emma (i Jory to Ilenrv Keene W DNov 14, b','01 wJiofe and e's of nw'4' and lota 1 2 and 3 sec 34. t 4 a.r 2 e 2000 Mary B Hoffman to John E Erick son W D Nov 27 15 acres in claim 46. t 3 s, r 1 e 350 Sunset Land Co lo E A Paine W D Nov 19 lots 1 and 2 of blk 6 of Sunset City C00 I P Surface to United Brethren Church W P. Nov 24 H of lot 4 blk 44 Conntv add to Oregon City 5 Gladstone R E Asfocfn to Lydia A Parker W P, Apr 22, lot 1 in blk 30 Gladstone 300 E W Cornell to E II Habinghorst trustee, deed July 17, e of tract 4, Oswego Heights 1 J I) Lee to E II Hohinghorst trustee, W P, lots 4, 5,6, 7 and 14. blk 36, South Oswego 1 Willamette Falls Co to Geo A Hard ing W D, Nov 27, lot 6 in blk 9 and lot 12 in blk 12 in Willamette Falls 600 Willamette Falls Co to Jennie B Harding W D, Nov 27 lot 7 blk 10 Willamette Falls 250 M Franxep to S R Toon W D Oct 16 1.40 acres in sec 21, t 2 s, r 2e.. 1 E M Rands to J T Apperson W D Pec 1, 80 acres in claim 64, t 2 a, lie, with exceptions 1200 K S Savage to 8 M Buchanan W D Nov 19, 5 acres in sec 30, t 4 a, r 1 e 1 ALBlanchard to E E and T C Howell. W P, Dec 1, lots 7, 8 and 9 in blk 5, Falls View 300 W W Weed to Nellie R Howard W D, Sept 28, lots 4 and 5 in sec IS t 5 s, r2e. 27 19 acres 300 Chas Califf to John M Cummintrs W P.Nov 27, lot blk 4, Green Point...- 100 Having pun-based the copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giving us sole ritfht to use them in Clackamas county, and the abstract books compiled and formerly owned by Thome A Son . we are prepared to furnish complete and accurate abstracts of title and to correct or extend old abstracts. We solicit your patronage and guarantee first class woik. Office over Huntley's Drug store. Clackamas Abstract & Trist Co. Home-made bread is recognized as the verv best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Shively building haker assert that they can not tell the difference between his bread and that made at home unless it be that his is met a little the better. But don't tell your wife that. Persona who lead a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin iment; it will banish ain and subdue inflammation. For Bale by C G. Hunt ley, druggist. DEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE WatcHmker Nexto;ry.8tar aBll JEWeler Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. pARMERS. . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At Ihe City Stables. Kldd & Williams, Props., Buccewwora to H, COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Extraordinary GRAND REjVIOVALi SALE. We will change our location to SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER On January 1st, 1895. Before moving we offer our entire atock at Prices that have been made before To verify the fact call and let our prices talk. I. SELLING. SOHWAN & PUTROW. CAUFIELD BLOCK, Huntley's old GEORGE BROUGHTON, MA.NTFACTTRER Of ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. t.- Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OREGON CITY. OR. Series No. 2. Willamette Savings and Loan Associa tion of Oregon City. By resolution of its board of di rectors the subscription list to Series No. 1 has been closed and the subscription list to Series No. 2 has been opened to the capital stock of the Association. The entrance fee is one dollar per share and the monthly dues are sixty cents for each share sub- scrmea. The Association has money to loan to its members at eight per cent per annum on property in Clackamas county. Acents are wanted in every set tlement and town in the county. For further information apply to HERMAN K. JONES, Secretary. At Bank of Oregon City S. MILLER. MANUFACTURER OF 23ro,xix -:- Tile. BRICK& LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, jeweler, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Announcement! STOVES, TINWARE, PLUMBING, REPAIRING. stand. DS D.8. STBYKER, DENTIST. HAS Re moved to Odd Fel lows' tern pie S. W. Cor. 1U aud Alder, Portland, Orcg.ii. I I I I M I I I I pEMOVAL On November ist, We moved to our New Quarters In the CAUFIELD BLOCK. We lam Just Seceirea M? Goois Ii lie Latest Styles An will offer Special Bargains, In several lines. We propose to bo HEADQUARTERS for fine goods in MEN'S WERR, And to sell at the LOWEST PRICES FOR THE QUALITY IN OREGON CITY. Call and Inspect our New Establishment. Glass & Smyth. IROOM 3 CAUFIELD BLOCK. MM II I 1 I I m I II si m ; GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER It to PUREST It to CHEAPEST It to BEST If You In Sot fUUiftl Tsui Hose; Buk Clmot k Dim., Portland. Or. m m m $ m $ m