Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. (,T CO.' M'KAKII. Hii-nnior ItAUONA. I.BtVfa lHaiIIH l T, i.aavita MIKTI ANII '"' 'I ' i iu. a mi p MM1IIKII1 I'AtiKIO HA II. WAY, K.IBTII amtlNII. falllnrnU Kriaa llhrixigti) 7 in . m, fciiwtmig ImuiiI (war atatlolia) I w i. in , anl'TH mil' Nil. HumiIhih L.h-I (wair stallnna) i M a. m t allfnnil r.ipmaa (tniiili 7;lp. In MIU.AMKTTK KAlJ.M kl.Kt Title IUil.WAV. Iltii Tahle, lava Orwu t:n. A M. uU II mi I uu I. M, a it turn OU A. M. Iu im II .Ml I Ml ', M. I HO a uu " I :J I uu " a mi l Ml " 4 Ml Mil " mi a uu .eav wiiiiHKiiv ru, l to A. M. u ml " II at I It r H. I HI 0 1.1 t'NIAV Tina. II A. U. Ill: Ilk " II l ' i isr m. I Ut " i i m il vt It, " a (iv i i la " 6 1.1 " 6 4u " IA ' ('. A. MII.I.M, Hupl. TIIK MAIM. Hallaeli- (olh N.irlh, IJ IU.. I i. Ill , p m. alalia n .ill Hniilli. t a. m.,.tf p In. aila "HM. (irtii City I" I'xriUuil over Kaai aldn Hall way. Wavea J .11 1 VI ami tt m I' M.arrlvaa II 05 A. M. mn 4 Vi I'. al I arnea furtlaii'l. Iiiwa, Availie,Haiidy unit llililiid muloa' mull. (lrr.in I'll y li. Kly. t'arn. Milium, t.lhrral n1 M..laji li-awa Hi 11 m. ami arrlvua il U ill. dallf. (-.. n (Mlf In llt-avcr ( ml, Mink, Clark. Mraduw HfiN.k. Ilium Mill, ami riili.iu, leave at U a. ill. M"llla)r Vte.lie.lar !) Krl'lajr aii'l return, uu lulluwliii ilana al i .11 1 m t)re-i.l I'll? I Vlnia, Ijtii ami lledlaiul Irovoa (iiranii I lly M.ulay Wa.lura.lay auit Krl.l.y al I uu f. it., Ixavluf Vl.ila aalu ilaya al 7 UU A M, Kill PAY. SO VK Ml Kit l, lH'il. KkummuwitiiB tu Murr The meet Inn u( hortlriillmaliata uf tlio Hiliro Nurlli.ht lit'l'l l H'knn luat lelirtl ry liilrmM Iu ImrinonUx the fruit Itniwcra of lln'intlto re.lun, mul eriire ttin teat inram or ailvitiu In, thrlr in t'H't. An oranlialiiiii in rlfivltMl to lit) pri'linilnaiy, Hid mi i-xwiitiv cm inltllvo ioliiiai'd ol ir. N. C. lilaliM k, of VIUVIU. i'mt. ami k vice I'rM. Mi li (mm Iilitliii, Wialiinuton, Ori iun ml Ilrillali O'lnrolilii. Tlie lonvpnlicm wm niiun'riiiii.ly altrniliMl and adjourned to miM't at .'orllaiil Iu Kcdirimry next toeiruct a ixvtimiMMit (iranliHllnn. TI.e Onun Hiaia lloriiciiliuial MM-ii-ty liiilda It annunl nit'tui un Ilia wvond Tiioaday, tha Hlh, and it liaa Ih-mi con aldwrt'd advlKulilx to iuhIki tlila alao the dulo (or Ilie iiictilinii (i( the Northw'at anaiK'lai Ion mul liold tlicrcal t lint lima a Km nd ronvcntlon ol lioriiriilnirullcla to ri in'iit (lie entire rciilun norlh o( Culilornla. lr. CanUtdl, a iri'idciil o( tlirt alaln ain-icly, Iiiih extended to l'reaident IIIhIin k, of the NorthweMt aa aiM'iation, an invitation to make tliia the dute for a miiti'd mcct'inx ol the Imrliriil turaliHtM uf the Sorthwei-t, which Invita tion low been aoceplfd. Somk lliWNkHii ('iiamikh. Henry Coike Iiiih diiiohrd of hi livery ntnlilu to W. J Kidd and Kred Williitnia. Mr. Cooke will retain Ida truck team and coiitiiiuu to carry on hi druyinu himl ni'n.. Mcaara. Kild A Williiiina will keep the livery department of their plnhlen up to the full roni'iiciuc nta of the hiiNincaa, hut durintf tlm winter muiitlia the feed deimitment will he made a leading feiilure and farmer and other will dud the Im'hI of' accommoda tion at reHnonahlfi iirice at their atuhle. A the new proprietor are well known in this city they will doubt leu receive their full "hare of liUHiiien. Another chaste la tliut of the tranafer of the Star xrocery hy V. Unrria to R. 8U11I1. Mr. Ilurria tin built tip a K'kkI trade and leuvv the biiHineH in audi nliape that Mr. Staub will bo auro to meet with aucceaa. Mi. Staub In re cently from Beaver Creek, but formerly wa in btiHincHa in 1'ortlan I and him had a thoroiiKh tmininn in hi buinea. He will enlaruo 111 tock, and proHBia to give hi piitron full value for their money Anotiikii Wkut Hina Stohr. Tho growth of Went Oregon City hae been audi durliiK the piiBt year that it ia be conuiiK one of the moat Important aubiirha of Oregon City and la develop ing Into u biiHliien center of no amnll proiortion. In addition to the well keplatoroof Mr. A. K. Doolittlo thi part of (be city la to have another store. 0. A. McMillan now conducting a gen eral inerchundiHe store on Main and Fourteenth Htreeta will shortly remove Ilia slock to the Wot Side where he will open up about December 10 with an en larged stock of good. Mr. McMillan baa proven himself to be a capable busi ne man and will be sure to build up a good trade is bis new location. . Ah Efkiciknt School. The Enikr puis. Is In receipt of a neat pnmphlot of twenty-two pages gotten out under the auspices of the Oswego school board, giving the rules, regulations and course of study In the schools of that town, to gether with a roster of ull the pupils in attendance and lint of teachers. By it, it Is seen that Oswego's school ranks with the best In the county, and will be come one of the leading factors in bring ing a deHlrable population to that enter prising town. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All note for this column Mhoiild be aetit to Mr. II, 8, (iiliMin, i'lilrcis, Oregon City, Oregon. TMUlKim' AaMorm ioN . The Teacher AaHociatioii met al Ciinliy, Sov. l!t, 1HIU. The aeaalon wu held In the Cunhy school building, and the member were culled to order by Superintendent H. ri. Olbaou at 11 o'clock. Mlniitea uf prcvioo meeting were read and approved. Mia Haiti. Monroe and L. I.. Moore were elected to ineiiihiri-hlp In the association. Moved and seconded, that we post pone the Iiei emlier lucetiiig un account of the Stale Txachera' AaaocliMion meet ing In Portland at that time. Tim mo tion wa curried. Moved and seconded that we hold our next meeting at i'aak l'luce on the hint Saturday in January. The Motion was carried and K. M. Ward, Iluttie Mon ro and Nellie Younger were apoinled to prepare a amiable program for that oeciiNioli . Several pupil of the Can by school greeted I lie unxx-iatioii w ith a inimical at'lcctlol). Next na a pleading recitation by Al He llaril. Writing and drawing weie assigned Mis Berth Mcllunlcl, who bud pre pared a piir on theauhject. Hheatoke of the great Importance of teaching those brsiiche thoroughly, and believe that they are neglected In the public school K. M . Ward, J. A. Freeman, T, J. (Jury and F.. Stlpp took part in the (liacusnlon which lollowed. A cute sung wa sung by little Mabel Knlulil. Kxerciaim in U. H. Hi turv by Mituj Jennie Itowen wa remark ably giMNl. The pupils allowed a aur prising lamiliarity with the aiinjcct. Mum lt en line the lecture metlind as she Ibinka it draw out the child's mind, and tteceaxitatc reading and thinking, AflerniMin seKaion wa called loonier at 1 :'M) by Siieriiitenilcnt (iibson. The audience were favored by a choice song by four gi'l. I:lietonc in scIhkiI by J. A. Fieeman of the Oregon City school a as very enter taining. lleHik at omi length on the subject, and believes much in this line of woik mav be done by menus of rompvsition work in the school pro vided, that all such exercises are over looked by the teacher. He believes in cultivating a taste for tho Veatitiful and aubliine. The association was delighted to hoar a Ix-.tiililul son n f mm Mr. Cooper. "How to Teach tocography," was handleii by K. M. Ward, lie lirgins with the glolio and use illustrations to make the wotk plain. He tt inks that any homely illustration la more benefl clal to the child than map. or charts. An nddrrs by T. J. (iary, of Mllwau kee, on "Tho Teacher's 1'ositlon in I'oll IIch" was tnnch appreciated by the leuchera, holding the close attention of every one. He iH'licve in teaching principles, but not piihiasn policies. He would teach the duty of good citizenship and love for the stars and stripes. In our country we need men of conviction, men who will think on a subject, and w ben thev make up their minds, stick to what they believe is right. Misa Yeva Knight recited a comical selection which caused much laughter, after w hich she sang a song. The subject of ''Graduating Kxercisea" wa discussed by Supt. (iibson. who said that these should be held ill the public schools, but that the course of study should be uniform throughout the state. He said that at the coming legis lature, a move would be made in this line, and that all the atiierlntendent8 were working for the same. A vote of thanks was tendered the Canby people hy the association, aftor which the meeting adjourned to meet at Park I'lace the last Saturday in January. The program will be published later. SCHOOL KK PORTS. The following is a report of the Os wego public school for the eecond month ending Nov, 9. 1RM; First and eecond grades, Miss Miller, teacher; No. of pupils belonging, 4(1 j avurago daily at tendance, 41 ; So. of days absent , 103; No. of times tardy, 8. Third and fourth grades, Miss Bicknur, teacher; No. ol pupils belonging, 4(1; average daily at tendance Stl; No. of days absence, 13; No. of times tardy, 2. Fifth and sixth grades, Miss Fox teacher number of pupils belonging, 52; daily average at tendance, CO; number of days absent, 44: number of times tardy 4. Seventh and eight grades, C. II. Jones toucher number of pupils belonging, 37; average daily attendance, 30; number of days absent 25; number of times tardy, 0. Whole school, number of pupils belong ing 178; average dully attendance, 166; numderofdays absent, 185; number of times tardy 2D. C. il. Jonks, Teacher; The second month of school in Oak Lawn, district No. 22 closed Nov. 10. No, ot duys tardy, 20 ; number of days attendance 100; whole number enrolled, 12; number of visitors, 7." Hubert and Clyde Engle, Norman and Stella Chris well were present evory day. A. B. HinuARD, Teacher. Ladies hair trimmed in the latest style at Sloper's barber shop. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Award Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San FrancUco. Kindly Iti -inhered. On Saturday lnt wan the seventieth birthday of Mrs. K. M Liiloiiretlo, and hr friends took il upon thmnselvea to liiiike lint day one of pleasant reniein berancii to her. From early morning her friend who reside in tlm city, called iit her homo with her daughter, Mrs. L. O. Hrlggs, to exlend congratulation arid bring bouquets of liciiutiful flower and other gifts til love. Foi weeks previous, the t"lls from every part of the country lxra loving messages, till her tabid wa filled with over ixty letter from many dilferent stale. One from an aged friend who wu the teacher of her girlhood, other from w hom she had not beard for twenty year-all contributed to add to her sur prise and delight. Through the atormy duya of winter she will find warmth and brightness in answering these loving greetings, Of the many literary tokens of allcction received none were mora highly appreciated than the following poem from Mra. McYean Adams, one of the blight writer of the Kast, and whose proilucllons sre found in many of trie leading magazines: iMoir rlniil. accept our liivlns greetlnx, Ami I'll ua, dura Ilia limn arein lent Mlnea early ilawn, with wll'1 titnlaaiiiif, Hprllia- nKreaii(l illanuiml lew(lni. ll.-edna; Till now. whrn twIHihl aha.lowa lliriiT Three at-nre ami tell! The ahadowa linitherj The tuiiaei llua-ere Iu (lie air, The eiilii la Ilie lime for prayer. While faith ami love the spirit elri-nithen. The aura alilna "in serene ami fair. O, when the lung brixht dry la emli-d lliiw aweel to fold the hamla and real While euneat (lurlea gild the weal. The wark la dim, the child reu K-nded, And 0od la fimi, and life la Meat, And precious memerlea thrill the breaat. Then hat If Time's reh-inleaa ringers Hllvera your hair and lliea your face! 1 he deepeai lurrowa Urn can trace, hill gives a gentler, tenderer grara. Only auy with ua. Linger linger Thru' many a tramiull aeaaon's .price, Fur no una (lee can nil your place. The Halt) of age elopee gently down the weal; Each murn more bright, and eve more richly bleat The grateful ta.k be otlra To anew thai palb with Bowers, Nor wait to place our frairaul wreath, of bloom (Too late) Ui grace a cold uuconarluua Until). Life Is the time for hloaaoma. and In truth Age bas Bum lowly Motaers lhau careleaa youth. Sweetly amid the annwa I'ufolda Ih Chrlalmaa Koae. And when Iheaolenin reipielra mu.lo swells Nolaeleaaly chime the ea.ter Illy bells. Yours are love s amaractha and aaphodels And. al the laat, a emu of tmmortellea. $100 lleward, KM). The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there ia at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stage and that ia Catarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is the only lositive now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, require a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, ai ting directly mon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and fivtng the patient strength, by building up tho constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much fail h in its cura tive iNiwcrs, that they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo. O. E&!tU by Hruggists, 75c. Are Yon Interested In Electricity! At last we are to have an electrical magiixine. The science of electricity bas developed so rapidly that the publisher of F.lectric Power have decided to change their journal into the form of a monthly magaxine after January 1st, 1805. This is an important move and will give the public the oiqiortunity of keeping abreast of the times in matters electrical. Thev have already secured for tho coming year a niimlier of the beat known writers In electrical literature and propose to bo In the trout rank on all points connected with electricity. There are numerous trade paper, and journals devoted to electricity , but as yet no one has had the courage to publish a magazine de voted to that science, and F.lectric Tower will have the field to itself, and undoubt edly ia making a wise move. The sub scription price will remain the same, $2 00 per year, 20 cents per copy. The November issue is devoted to the papers, reports and general news of the Street Kailway Convention in Atlanta, and contuins quite a number of excellent portraits. C'.ieeiful Winter Evenings. Nothing brinns ro much joy and com fort to the fireside as a genial viaitor one that entertains and instructs every member ot the family. The latch string is always out for the Prairie Farmer, for it always brings a big weekly budget. It is brighter than ever, with a host of new writers, this year. The Thanks giving and Christmas numbers will be worth more than a veai a subscription. $1.00 guts 52 visits The Prairie Farmer. Persons who lead a life of exposure sre subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago and will find a valuable romedy in Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin iment; it will banish pain and snhdue inflammation. For Bale by C. G. Hunt ley, druggist A sort of lethargy sometimes takes possession of the kidneys and bladder ; they should he promptly stimulated to healthfulactionbythe use of Pr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm. . For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Partlow's cider, clean and pure. For sale by K. E. Williams, the Grocer. To Kent, 12 acres all cleared st Mt. I'leacunt with good cotuforluhle house to rent. F.nquireof Wade II, HjiencerA Co. Oysters, wholeault) or retail, to families and parties, Also served hi any style, freah and palatable at the Portland restaurant. The quality of blood depend much upon good or bad diveslion and assimila tion ; to make the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents, use lr. J. II. Mclean's Hlruiigtheiiliig Cordiul and Wood Purifier; It will nourish the prop erties of the blood from which the ele ments ol vitality are drawn, For sale by C. U. Huntley, druggist. Hop UmwerV Mare Money and trouble by Insuring your bops and hop buildings at the leading insurance agency of the city, Will give you 25 per cent discount on the rates of last year, beveral of the best American and En glish companies represented. F. K. DoWAi.fisow, Agent. B USINE5 FRIENDSHIP We do not believe in the "no friendHhip in busi ness" theory. We aim to welcome all customers with fricrnllinecB. We want to impress, upon you the fact that we buy and sell only goods of reliable quality on which wo feel uafe in Htakine our reputation. When you find the prices on all articles are reason able none too low for the (tuality, and none too high, to make it up-conn- dence becinH. Our dealimrs with vou bcinR open and "in the light , there are no "(pec ial" discounts or allow f ances. You feel that you were treated as well as other customers and all are as well treated as you You feel that vou can ask for information and we show a readiness to serve vou. We aim to have the BEST sold in Drug Store. C. G. HUNTLEY, PRESCRIPTION DRUCCIST Oregon City, Oregon. Sewing Machine Needles for any .machine used in Clack amas County, we try to keep in stock. If your machine is old and we haven't the needles) we'll get them for you if you wish. Needles can be safely sent by mail, and we prepay the postage. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City, Or. P. S. any user of sheet music should have our cata logue of 4,X)0 select pieces which we are selling for 10 cts, It's free for the asking. NOVELTY Candy -:- Factory NOW OPEN. Manufacturer of High Grade French and Home Made Candies, Ice Cream and Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables Supplied with Ico Cream in any quantity ; rates reasonable. Try Our Ice Cream Soda. Tropical Fruits and Nuts. Main Street, opp. Commercial bank II. S. Cram, Manager. Mooro's Revealed Remedy. Astounding in its Effects in the cure of Rheumatism, Asthma, Malaria, Bli liouiine88 or any other disease arising from deranged Liver, Stomach or Kid neysIt drives all impurities from the Blood. Mrs Chss A.Ru.nol, who Is favorably known throughout tha Northwest says: "For fifteen vesrt I was a eonatsnt ntTorer with allium, without any relief, exeunt that ob tained by eonalKiit change of loOHllty, Two years sko I tried Moons'8 Revealed Remedy and the beurflt received from It were the moat gratifying. It gave me relief from the drat and prevented the terrible distress peculiar to the disea.xe that made lifealmont unbearable. Auv one who has ever had asthma can understand the gratitude I feel toward thla remedy. Re lieving It has added pleasant years to my life I have not hesitated to recommend It to all like sutTerers, aud always with the same happy re sults." k-To he had ot all drugglais, or senl to SiKwAaT-iioLMBS Dkuo Co . Seattle, Wash. 1 YOU JM HEALTH MEW GOODS SMITH AND ANGELS CELEBRATED J'.lack and Tan Hoho for Ladies and Children; all sizes; guaranteed fant col ors and will not crock. Also complete lino of Qa$e Doujr;5 orsts. The best fitting corset in the market. For Hoys and Children we have a new stock of stilish suits for fall and winter. Caps for Men, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children all shapes and styles. Call and see us before purchasing, as Ave have the goods and prices to suit the times. Just received this week a full line of CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, And the Henderson Little Red School House Shoes, Every pair wai ranted. Remember, ThePioneerStore TH0S. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND C0NFECTI0NEKY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CIIAGE. te- LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their owe letter, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal papers which they miu if handle every day ure made out correctly, tt-All theee thing, and much more, we teach thorvuvhly. Hundreds of our graduate! are in good positions, and there will be opening for hundreds more when time Improve. Xoic la the time to prepare for them. Besides), a business education I worth all It costs, or otk's oim tue. Send for our catalogue, to learn irhnt and how wo tench. Mailed free to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Arm strong, Prtn. Portland, Oregon, j. . w.0, 8ac.try. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on tho Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, reraailed by subscribers to thtir friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. J.J. KHDDERLY, GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware FULL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. TINWORS .A. SIPECI--X-T"r. Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland, Oregon. tylAPLE WOOD F. R. ANDREWS. Prop., Fresh Vegetables and Fruits . By successive planting and irrigation my vegetables are always crisp and tender. Daily Delivery to all Parts of the City. Pure Cider Vinegar in Stock Ready for Delivery. Breeder of Pure Blood Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn Chickens. Pckin Ducks. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. ARRIVED.... are lost annually. FARM. I