Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 23, 1894, Image 7

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Wiiltlllifr lll-Tlie Usual Fruit TreaHwImlle
-A t'liampliiit Hprllrr.
Iki Chkkk, Nov. III. The innrrlnita ((
Mra. I'Mlior llurlmin ami Kltlnr Aaron i'rra
Um look plana tt dm pm'IiikiI Ihiiim Hiimliiy
aflernimii, Niivoinlwr 17, Itnv. Jiihn tartlr
may ulllrlulliiK. Tin groom la one of Ora
Kl'i Well to-do u 1 1 1 1 ri'J'fi:til pluiieiTi,
Huvlng, Uh'ii in tha ministry fur number
of Veare avrrylMHly lirra know, Klilar Vrtn
Ion. The lirlile li on of Dwp Crm-k'a re
auelei ml charming old hulles. The
cliool roniii was niivly ileooralml for the
occasion liy I). V. Warner anil Ma pupils.
TIk iuy was everything that could have
bran wished fur. Nearly Ihrva Iiumlrrd
were iraiit Iroiii !aiiias:ua, Kagla C'mik,
I'lirrlnavllla anil (iarllolil.
):. II. lliirKharill of tills ! la at Ilia
county aral ait Juryman.
(orK Urown la liiillilllig Una ham.
(Julia a iiiiiiiIht of otir young folk at
tended I ho debate at I'tHnast'iia laat Wediioe
day evening, ami reported a line tlma.
The arlllii( wIiihiI at thla 'laolat Krl
ilay tilxlit was a grand unvess. (iuy While
waa the I'liniiipliin rlliT.
Hume uf th (ariuira In llili neighborhood
who purchased Irull tree from aient rep
resenting eastern nurseries, claim that the
Irevs are not ahul they ilmuhl be lor Id
The young folks ol this plai-e will attend
the m IiimiI entertainment at Kagle I'rrrk
licit Hatunley evening.
Mr. Hurlleiiiay la eelllng uala to It Is neigh
hore for two blla a bushel.
Wrwii lliittMin returned from l'orllanil
whcr lie bail hern employed aa musician In
t minstrel allow.
The vlmtnri thai attended Ilia arliuol lor
the nioiilh endlUK Ninember II were Hiit,
II. 8. (iilann, Mr. W. Il.-nkle, Mr. Odell,
Dr. I'alinaU'er, Mr. Hell, MUa Nurrla, Min
IlurKliardl ami Mr. Ilrown.
A Creamery l'umany UrgaHlted-Nelghbur-hood
Nnlee-A latal rail.
Haauiw, Nov. '.'I. Th larmara of Ibia
vicinity, together lib the buslneae men of
III town, brld a meeting yesterday to es
labhah a creamery Id b loratnl In Harlow.
Tlia rnrrtiiK aaa rallrd to order by Mr.
Harlow. It aaa decided to incorporate with
capital stuck of f.'.'Ul, and I" laau on
biindnid shares. AImiuI one-fourth of lb
shares wera autwillwd. The meeting then
ail)otirntl In lint Saturday.
Mr. Ilonryi'iit and atlle left on tit train
laat night for their old home iu Texas.
C. U. Harlow waa In Portland Monday.
It. I.. Holnien, of Oregon City, aaa seen
on our streets one day laat werk.
All of lb larn.era of Ihla vicinity have
Mulshed digging their petalor.
II. (Jlllaud, who lived three miles east or
Canny, fi ll from the railroad trestle between
her and Candy Saturday night. lie waa
found by Mr. Wheeler Monday morning in
lb middle pier of lb railroad bridge, dead.
Coroner Ilnlmail waa nollllrd and held au
Imiurat. Th verdict uf the Jury waa thai
II. (illland ram to hi death by (ailing from
a railroad Ireatl by eoiii cause unknown.
Nprlnf water Spray.
Ki-himimatkk, Nov. 20 The jieraonal
property of I. V. I.cry ileceuaeil waa
appruim'.l on tne 17th Inat. Tluire will
be nu aulo aa bo made proviaion in lua
will (or the wltli'ini-nt n( all eceotinla.
I). V. Howell liroko Ida cliopMr and it
will catiau lilm a trip ( l'ortlund for re
pair. Tlio Hii k aibl crippli'il are iinpruvitiK
W. J. I.fwcllt'n ia Imildintt a hliiil 70
lent Ioiik iu ciinnin'tion with Ilia litt.ll.
C. II. liuttriilue Iium ri'iuovcil a largo
niiiiilii-r of Ida irune tree of lh( Silwr
variety nmi la ro-wttii a with Ituliana.
Mr, (iuttriilKit hit liivi'Htiat4il tlia
prune qiitwliiin from all aourt-na ami
expert to cultivate them more
prolltnltly by experienc. lVrnonawbo
are aUrliitK In tliia line of itiiliixtry would
Kiiln a great many pointer liy viaititiK
lila orclinrd anil largn drier, the Indent
intlioatHto. He baa liia crop on the
mnrkttt and will receive the top price.
Mr Ilnritravea ia netting along very
nicely with Ida aeliiMil litre. Tim Ural
quarter ia out tliia week ami lie ii hold
ing examination tliia week.
TheTolrilo Weekly Kltitle.
Of tlio now nearly twenty tliouaaml
pulillcaliona In the United ritatea, there
are but two or three weekly newapapors
puhlixlied for general circulation In
evorv atate anil territory, and of theae
the Toledo Weekly Wade ia the beat and
moat xipulur uf them all. It ia the
olduat, beHt known and haa tlio lurgHat
circulation. For more than twenty
five yeara It haa been a regular visitor to
everv Krtion of the Union, and It ia
well-known at eyery one of the sixty
tliotiHttnd odd poHtollleea of the country.
It la inuile pHpeeiiilly for family rending.
It given the entire newa of the world
each week, In auch condetiHed form aa
will hiivo reading sonrea of pngett of daily
papers to get leas information. Kepuhli
can In jwlitica, teniicranc in principle,
alwaya on the aide of justice and right,
and la just the paper for the riaing
generation, and a great educator for the
whole family. Serial atorioH, wit and
humor, nbort Btoriea, liotiaehold depart
tnont, camp (Ire, qtteatlon buroau, farm
department, Sunday school and young
folks, are a few of the many other promi
nent features of this great paper. A
epeciman copy will be mailod free to
any addreas on application, and the
publishers invite anv person to send
in a long lint of addresses to whom they
will mail sample copies. They would be
glad to mail a couple of hundred speci
mens to readers of this county. The
Weekly Blade is a very large paper, and
the price Is only one dollar a year.
Addreea, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
...i .,n ,ninr Miitini'intion to the
Kntkri-bibk and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
All hole for this column ahould be
unlit to Mr. II, 8, (iibaoti, edilroaN,
Oregon (,'lly, Oregon,
ThediNtlnctlon between the aavuge
and the civilized man Ilea aliuoat en
tirely In their aenao of moral law. The
saviign feels no restraint of law, moral or
civil, while- the clvlliwd man has been
disciplined to follow certain fixed rules
of conduct. This discipline, this clvill
xlng ;rocess, it the training process
which I received In the home and in
the achool room. An eminent scientist
bus said that the mental development
from childhood to marliood ia an epi
tome of the evolution of man from sav
anrv to civilitutlon. The boy then
comes to achool a acini-savage, his moral
(acuities have Ihmiii only partially devel
om(, The llrst step the teacher takes
with Ihs Iniy la to teach him to atllijcct
himself to certain law and when these
moral lawa have been thoroughly in
grained, w hen a moral amis ha been
ilcvcloed In the child-nature, the boy
la disciplined. A far-reaching tep has
been made In hi civllir.utlon in Uiachlng
him the necessity of a law-abiding- life.
Here la seen the Importance of thorough
discipline. "Young America" la by
nature lnilecndcnt, hence when begin
ning to discipline him we must be care
ful First secure his respect; let him
feel your ower. Control develnjia rev
erence. HrmiieH anil Kliniuess win
quickly subject him to your law. The
aecrel ol guining a peitimnciil control ol
a school lie In beginning aright. A
good beginning insure a good ending.
The teacher ahould begin with decision
and firmness. Kvery U'p should be
made In a buslnesa-lika msnner. To
Imprest the pupil favorably, the
teacher ahould begin a If be under
atanda what he ia doing. Thete must
lie no hesitancy, no Indecision in uiannar.
He ahould remember that pupils are the
moat mercllesa, unsparing of critics ai d
if a blunder ia made he ia aevriely con
demned In the home. It ia beat to have
the work of the first day mapiied out be
forehand. Kvery pupil immediately
epon oning school should be set to
work. Give the larger pupils a com0
aition exercise, the smaller ones slate
work. Classes ahould lie called and les
sons assigned aa toon aaHsniblo. Make
no long si e rot v tied list of rules. "Do
right" la plain, precise and pointed.
Kvery pupil will understand it. He has
leen taught the differencs between
right and wrong at home if his rearing
haa been aa it ahould he. It is true Iu
some cases the moral character has been
abnormally distorted in aome cases, l y
the had example of bad parents, but the
most o( pupils know what "do right"
(To lw continued next week.)
The following ia the reKrt .of school
district No. 72, Klwood, for the month
commencing Oct. loth and ending Nov.
Ilth: No. of days taught, '."O; No. of
girls enrolled, 13; No, of bovs enrolled,
11 ; whole number of pupils enrolled, 24 ;
No. days attendance, 400; average atten
dance during the month, 20; No. of
times tardy, none; No. days absence, 10.
The following named pupil have been
neither absent nor tardy during the
month: Meadie, Mabel, Bertie and
I)wio Hubhard, (irace aad Walter llor
Indt, Ellen, Alice, Amy and Fred Hon
ney, Jennie and Oscar Carlnon. Mrs. O.
Oorliett, Messrs. P. E. Bonney, W. K.
Hon ney and U. H. Dix visited the school
during the month. Tatrona of the
achool are invited to visit the school and
note our progress.
W. WiMiDKt'rr Ai'stin, Teacher.
Following are tlu names of the pupils
who were on the roll uf honor for the
month ending November 2d in the El
wood school district No. 68: Clara
Kernes, Delia Henderson, Emma Free
man, Edith Freeman, I.illie Codonyn,
Mary and Willie Donahue, F'lmer Dib
ble and Johnny Boylaii. Total number
enrolled, 37. Parents and. friends are
cordially invited to visit us and note our
progress. Tknnik Maykiki.o, Teacher.
Be port of Wilsonville public school for
month ending Nov. 10, 1804. Number
of nuplls enrolled flftv-ihree; average
daily attendance forty-eight; number of
visitors two. The following named pupils
were neither absent nor tardy dining the
month: Bertie Hose, Bertie, Walter.
Kavmond, .Mabel, Hulph, Sherman and
I.illie Seely, Alvln Miley, Priscilla Miley,
Willie. Ernest, Charley, Herman, FM
ward, Walter, Frida, Minnie, Emma and
Lillio Mchlickeiser, Theodore Schield,
Ellen and Kuruh Biobst. Parents en
courage your children in their work and
thereby co-operale with tho teacher.
J. U. IIadi.ky, Teacher.
Damareui Dolnta.
1)amacus, Nov. 20. Our farmersare busy
with their fall plowing.
Miss Ellen Byar was In Oregon City last
week attending the teachers' examination.
Elder Bashar, of Marlon county, preached
In the Dunkard church last Saturday even
ing and Hundav morning.
A protracted meeting it being held her
now by Elder Brower. It will contlnuedur
Ing the week.
A social dance was given at the residence
of Mr. Swaggart last Saturday evening. A
very pleasant time was had.
Wm. Douglas, who has been working this
summer In the Blefer A Douglas sawmill,
baa returned to bit home on Eagle Creek,
where be will attend school this winter.
Henry Deshazer baa taken bit place in the
Our debating society is progressing nicely.
We intend to diacuxs the woman suffrage
question on next Friday night.
uvlirntlon Mete. j
The rain of the paat few duys have
caused a alight raise in the Willamette
The river bottom of Into wa getting too
near the surface of the water for good
boating end some of the Uigur (mat have ;
had great dilllculty In getting over the ,
bat In the upper river. The Willamette
la the great freight rate equalizer of the !
Willamette valley and some ol these ;
day such pmamire will be brought to!
br on congres that an approprlption j
will lie secured lurge enough to so lm- j
prove it that it will b navigable at all j
seasons of the year without deH-nding ,
on the freshet.
The steamer Husslo lias been w ith
drawn from the l'orlland- ascude route
by the O. it. A N. Co. for the winter.
Tie local (rafllc on this route w ill be j
left to the lone ami Hattie l'elle imlo
pendent boats.
The steamer (J. W.Bhaver ha Wn j
placed on the Dayton route while the;
lloag now run to Suletn. The differ-'
ence in the draft o( the steamer was ;
the occasion of the change. 1
The whulcback steamer City of Everett
which waa recently launched at Everett
is 'M feet long, ii feet beam, 20 feet ',
deep, with a carrying rapacity of 4,800!
tuna. It launching weight represent:
about l,.r(KJ tons. The ioihIcI of the
steamer l tielween tin) C'irisloplier
Coltimbu and ihe fn-ight boats built at i
r'upeiior. Tho City of Everett complete j
will cost .'!75,0iO. It will take until;
( lirihtinas to complete the boat. The '
Everett i the first work of the Pacific;
Coast plant to replace the Charles W.
Wctmore, which waa lost off Coo bay a j
few vears aao. The new steamer is!
nearly 100 feet longer, ha more than ;
double the horacower and 1700 more!
tonnage than the Wetinore. The Everett
will probably go into the coal carrying,
trade between the round and Man Fran-1
clseo. I
Huiovvising Architect General Dnmont,
of the steamboat lnsection service, in :
his annual rejxirt states that of the 000,
000,000 or 700,000,0(10 people carried on
steum vessels during the fiscal year, only
ninety-six passenger loot their live
through rasualtiea. During the same
lieriisi 1511 otlicern or persona employed
on steam veasela were lost, an increase
in the total over 1W.I3 of twenty-seven.
Nearly 11, COO boilers were lnsecled.
Overland Manthly.
F'rom a purely artistic point of view
the Christmas Overland Monthly is the
moat attractive numlier that has been
issued under Mr. Wildman's manage
ment. The outside cover will be in
gold, green and brown, on pure white
The famous old Overland Grixzly seems
almost out of place in his modern set
ting. Mr. Wildmiin contributes a
pathetic little Christmas atory in hi
charming department "A Talked in
the Sanctum." It ia in fact, other than
the cover, the only dictinclly Christmas
feature, although a number of other
contributions might be so classed.
Mr. Joaquin Miller's great master
piece, "The Song of the Balboa Sea,"
grows in interest from month to month.
It will be completed in the January
number, and Mr. Paul's remarkable
narrative of the doings of the "Vigilance
Committee of 'OH" ia brought to a close
with this iiuuiIkt.
Professsor A omit 'e beautifullv illus
trated article of "Fencing on the Pacific
Coast," cannot but be of more than
passing interest to all lovers of the
inatilv art of self defense throughout the
United States.
Under the caption. "The Decline of
the Mission Indiana," Messrs Scanland
and E. P. Clark throw some light on the
much mooted discussion.
A a chronicler of Pacific Coast history
the Overland will begin a series of bio
graphical sketches in this number on
"Famous Californians of Other Days."
The subjects treated in the firsi article
are Senator Henry S. Foote, Gwin and
Brodcrick, Doctor Durant and Colonel
Jack 1 1 lives.
Mr. Wiblmun has another Malayan
sketch. "The Rivals," and Mr. Heed a
atory of Indiun life in the Southwest.
Mrs. E, S. Marshall is responsible for a
timely article, well illustrated, on
"Prickly Plants of California," and
Charles S. Greene lor a unique little
poem, "Taking Toll."
ones to Hotchkiss.
I'll bo switched if that St.
Lcuis Shoe Store
docs not take tho cake. I
have bought a good many
Bhoufl, but there is no store
that can roach them. They
are very jiolite and attentive
and their trade seems to
grow wonderfully. Opened
four and one-half months
ago and had to enlarge to
double its former size.
At this moment Mr. Jones
produced list of their men's
heavy shoes, all sizes, 9.rc to
$1.75; men's boots $1.G5 to
$3.45; ladies' Bhoes, lace and
button $1 to $1.75; ladies'
latest kid $1.50 to $2.50;
children's and misses' 75o to
$1.50; men's dress shoes
$1.25 to $4; boys' boots $1
to $1.50; babies' shoes, all
sizes 25c each.
Then Mr. Hotchkiss cried
out to his wife, "Mary Ann,
get ready and let's go to
town, but do not forget to
mark down that order."
St Louis Shoe Store.
269, First Street,
Between Main and Jefferson Sts.
If -
Henry Wilaon, the postmaster at
Welshton, Florida, says he cured a case
of diarrlm-a of long standing in six hours
witji one small bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcca Kemedy.
What a pleasant surprise that must have
been to the sufferer. Such cures are
sot unusual with this remedy. In
many case only one or two doses are re
quired to give permanent relief . It can
always be depended npon. When re
duced with water it is pleasant to take.
For sale bv G. A. Harding, Druggist.
In the decline of life, infirmities beset
us to which our youth and maturity
were strangers, our kidneys and liver
are subject to derangement, but nothing
equals Dr. J. H. McLean 'a Liver and
Kidney Balm as a regulator of these or
gans. For sale by C. Huntley, druggist
it U arM nn si ruarwntoo hr ail dmr-
riats. It cures Jic'nient Consumption
and ia the beat Cough and Croup Cur.
For sale bvQ. A. Hading, druggist.
The Independent.
A llrliKluu" l.lferarynl l'uniilt-1
rucicnnmlnatl' nal, unbiased and Impartial. A I
paper Tor clergymen . scholars, teichera,
business men and families. It (lis
c.iisci. every topic of the day re
Unions, theological, political,
literary, social, artist e and
scientific Itj contrib
uted articles are by
the most eminent
writer ol Ihe
It emptors specialists and distinguished
writers as editors of Iu twenty-one Departments,
at follows:
Literature, Science, Mnttc,
Fine Arts, Sanitary, Missions,
Keltgious Intelligence,
Hililleal Research,
School aud College,
Editorial, Kews of the week,
MinlsterHl Register,
Financial, Insurance,
Old aud young. Pebbles,
Farm anil Garden,
Oild Knots.
A paper partlcualarly lltted for lawyers doc
tors, elergvmen, those engaged In business,
yotuig people of both sexes, men aud women
who read aud think for themselves.
A paper especially valuable for thote Inter
ested in Fine rts. Science, Music.
A paper giving valuable Information upon
Finance, Life Insurance, Commerce.
paper for Sunday-School Works, those who
have a Fsrm. harden or House Plants.
. A paper lor the family, old aud young.
Its yearly subscription I KlOO, or at that rate
for any part of a year.
Clubs of Ave, tt.00, each ,
Speclment Copies Free.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Rifs of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
t.esR promptly attended to.
-f- Good house, barn, eto. Also
J. K. liKOOM, Park Place, Oregon.
II I ft. l-iAi-i A "-W"-..- l
$1.00 Bottle. Vl .( wa.,1
One cent a dose.
Be Tear Own Master.
Few people appreciate how much
their impressions, ttieir whims and im
pulses, and in fact all their mental en
ergy depends on the harmonious action
of all the vital organs. A poorly digested
dinner may make one quarrel with a
friend. A contested liver may briny
imaginary gloom and trouble into the
sunniest day. A rheumatic, pain may
keep you from business or work and en
tirely chanee some marked out policy
A few doses of Moore's Kevealed Remedy
will give tone to every function and
make you enjoy your friends and your
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Extkbpbise of
fice. Portland prices.
Weddinii stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entfrpbiss office.
and similar annoyances are caused
by an impure blood, which will
result in a more dreaded disease.
Unless removed, slight impurities
will develop into Scrofula, Ecze
ma, Salt Rheum and other serious
results of
I hive (or some time been D.T.Q
a aun'erer from a severe
blood trouble, for which I ar- a j
nntiM that M-lt rrri
'did me no good. I hare
now taien tour dot lies a
TgTTfjm with the most wnderful results
Kgyi Am enjoying the best health I
ever knew, have gained twenty
pounds and my fnends say they never saw
me aa well. 1 am feeling quite like a new
man. JOHN S. EDEL1N,
Goreruaeat Printing office, Wnaingioa, D. C
Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free to any address.
Duffy & Heckart
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
For Astoria and Clatskanie.
DOCK for Aa'storia, Sunday and
Friday mornings at 7:30 A. M., and
Monday and Wednesday evenings
at 7:30 P. M., making close con
nections at Astoria with boats for
Ilwaco and Clatsop.
RETURNING leaves Astoria
Monday morning at 6:30 A. M.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings at 5 P. M.
Connecting at Oak Point on down
trip with steamer Messenger for
Clatskanie; and on up trip from
Postoffice-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Prices we meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have atrial order.
HbertiTa .Suttee uf Hale on Kiwutlon.
In th Conntr Court ol the Stat ol Oregon lor
the County ol CUckumm.
J. T Afr"n, Guardian ol Ada Kellmrr and
ABfie K!!'v. FlumifT. . 1 H. Kcllofi;,
SMtc ol Oreanu. County ol CUokm. M.
Notice U hereof given, tht tr virtue of an
execution and order ol twined out ol the
Comity Court ol the State ol Oregon lor th
Coiiutjr ol claekamu, bearing dale tne 30th day
ol tx-tober, I'M. In a autt wherein J. T. Aorer
mn. guardian ol Ada Kellig and Argle Kel
loirg waa plaintiff, and 1 It. KelloKg waa de
lendanl, commanding me in the name ol tho
Histenl Oreg'-n. thai out of ihe real eatate here
inafter dencrilied. to realize a mm lumrti-ut ri
atlfy the demanilaol aid decree, to wit: Vrf TU,
ud the further mm nl III) eoau, and aixo the
' coafa ol and attending tbia aaie.
Sow, therefore, iu obedience to aiirh decree
did, on the ti day ol August, MM, duly attach,
ud on the Ml"t daynl October, lx, duly levy
upon, and will, on Saturday, tbe Htta day ol De
cern tier. lev. t the bourol 1 o'clock P. M. of
Mid dai. at toe fruut dour ol Ihe court honae in
tald county, offer lor tale at public auction, and
' Mil to the highest and beat bidder, lor eh In
hand, all ol the rurht. title and interest thenalii
defendant haa In and to the following described
real property, to wit: Lot In block (Wo! Ore
gon City. Oreron. J
i Paled this Jttt dy of November. A. D. 1M ,'
j E. C. HADIXrf'K.
' Sheriff of Clackamas County, Hute of Oreeon.
i By N. M. Moody, Deputy. (il-:12-7
Received a gold medal and diploma
at St. Louis Convention of ;
Photograpers, 1894.
Third and Morrison Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
No. 270, Morrison Street,
For general repairing he standa
without a Deer. For first-class, re
liable goods hi6 store is second to
none. Try him !
00 TO '
Fine Perfojrtes in Toilet Articles.
Also a lull stock of
zpinsTTy- oils etc."
rhe thumb is an unfailing ladri
of character. The Square Tjpe in
dicate, a strong will, pnt enerejr
and tnnnesa. Closely allied is the
SualQlatvd Type, lhettiun.luf Ihuce
of advanced ideas and business
ability. Both of these tjpes belong
to the busy man or wooinn; and
Deinorest's Family Jtaasiine pre
pares especially for such prrsons a
whole volume of new ideas, con
drnsrd In a small space, to that the
record of Hie whole world's work
for a month may be read in half an
hour. The Conical Type indicate,
refinement, culture, and a love of
music poetrr, and fiction. Apenon
with this type of thumb will thor.
outfhly enjoy the literary attraction,
of Denioresl'a Haganue. Tbe Ar
tistic Type indicates a love of
beauty and art, which will find rare
pleasure iu the magnificent oil-pick '
ure of rosea, lt4 x 44 inches, repro
duced from the original paiulma by
De Longpre, the most celebrated of
living Sower-painters, which will
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