Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1894)
Oregon City tntcrprisc. FRIDAY, NOV KM UK It , IH(4. Clackamas Co. Directory. COUNTY CFKICKKH. JtnW (Iiintuil K llayaa Oiark lit Cmirti, ilwi. r iiiirum MliarllT, K.O. Maililurk M H. Ilaniali M. I.. M..r. J,t). Ilra.lli-y II. H Oll.nm t), W Klmialrd K. I. Iliilman I HIHianl Iti'iiti I Krank Jaxxar rlanordpr, " Traa.urnr, Aiaoawtr, MnhiHil Miierlutiululll, Hilnryiir, t'uruiiar, CotnmlMlnuori, To Mfrt Hm Tlnu'Ht TIm iuliwrlpllon price for (lie Kntkb ruiHB IiiiiiIhniii rwlinwl lo $1.50 wr year; HKvmilyllva wills for montlm. TIiIi low price U inutlo In onlur lo li' l (lie lint on a cull titutlH unci Indue all iiliM:rilMre to fy tip, ami (Mcllly to prttvuiit ilon'l ImI" Iroin lukliiK the l.npi r kikI not jmylnu for It liy rowton of thulr Uiinu law proof. TliU illwoiinl I iiimlo only to tlna pnylnir In iIvhik h. Tbiwa pnylntf Mont thn cloe ol thi'lr vmr will liiMitltlril (o the illMoiint (or thn tliuu paid In a'lvntic'M. Thl miikf thn Kdnmrnim (he rhc ( pKr In CIsHuinaa coiinly-lhl nuM hII home print ami full of live local nnwi, CHAT "ABOUT TOWN. l'riros tlm loweat Kftl Front Htoive, Clt kiii couniy warrant, Orviion City warrant, (i(ntral fund.) Oregon City Mfrf Co. (Imeihmln, Taken ( par by K. K. William, (he Urocnr. Kir and limb wood wantiid at (his olllce. " ' (io to Wllaon A Cooke for (he Oliver plow. None hotter. U,lir lialr trimmed In (he lt( tyle t Bloper'a barber hop. Illglieat price paid y (he Comtiierrlal hunk for county end city warrant. For real bargain In wall paper, go (o Freeborn A Co., 8IU Aldur itrwt, I'ort land ' Mortn loan on Improved farm jiroxrty at low rat of Inlerent. Apply to CO. T. William. The ladie will And hlpet ' barWr hop the place to have thnir lmlr trim med In (he luteal alyle. The mihjtvt for the Sunday evening Mrmon to le delivered hy Dr. J. W. Cowan will bo "(iambllng." Mr. It. J. lUrdliiK I very tick at her home on Mln etrnet between Twelfth and Thirteenth atieeta. When yon are to lie ou( late leave your order al Cram Km', (or an oyter loaf ml (ake It home, l( will -t a peace niaker. , You will aoon wlidi (o reper your houae or aeveral of (he room. K. I-. Holman h JumI put in fine .ortnienl o( ntw stylo. If yon like to dhow your form (o a good advantage net a line fitting auit made at Krli'drlch', (he merchant tailor, next to Harding' drug ilnro. Do you travel? Are you a ahlppcrT The "Hand McNally Hallway (iiiido and Hand-Hook" contain all pertinent In formation. Auk your tiewetlualer. Caulleld Hro. are huvinii a fine con crete walk built In front of tluilr brick block which, when completed will add much to the look ol the new structure. HIIII.OirFcUHKIaaoldon a guar antee. It cure Incipient Consumption. It is the best Conli cure. Only one vent a dose. 25cU.,50 cts. and $1.00. For sule by 0. A. llrdinir The following- niarrlao liceiiKOS were Issued during- the week by County Cloik llorton: Hsdie Tuck and John Doyen-; Marlu C. Anderson and II. F. Gibson; Lillian Si-hmitker and Daniel IlenHley. The Kntkkiihisk force Monday sampled a half Dillon of t-ldor from W. B. Tart low's cider mill snd are willlnu to stake (heir reputation as Judnes on iU heinu a fimtclftMS article lit for the most fastidious to drink. The party who carried on the bundlo marked to Miss Llibker, from the Ore (tou City Hospital platform on the Kast Side railway, will please return it to (he hospital snd (bus save any unpleasant ness that may come to them. R. K. Woodward of F.I wood lias been appointed a notary public by Gov. Pon noyer. Mr. Long's apolntnient will bo quite a convenience to the peoplo of that part of thn county, It being quite a dis tance to the nearest notary. Capt. J. T. Apperson, Capt. JaB. Y. Shaw and Uoo. A. Ilardinv attended the n.ilar iiwu.tlna of the Lincoln-Uarflold . u . i . . Post, of Portland Tuesday evening. Capt. Hhaw delivered an address on "The Great Struggle Butwoen '01 and '05 which was well received. The trouble mentioned In last week's Entkbi-bis. between Mr. Teoplos and Mr. Davis over the sale of some oats which resulted in Mr. Peoples pointing and aiming a gun at Mr. Davis, caused Mr. People's arrest Wednesday after noon by Sheriff Maddock at Noblott's stable where ho was trying to sell his horse and cart with the evident inten tion of leaving the country. He was luken before Judge Dixon Wednesday and plead not guilty. His trial was postponod for the time being to await further developementa. CIKCIIT ( 01 KT. Long Docket ami an CiiimihI Large IMi'imI.uic of Attiiriifj. The November term of circuit court for Clackamas county was convened Monday at 10 o'clock A, M. by Judge T. A. Mcltrldo, The court blllcers as fol lows were present! W. N. Hsrrett, dis trict attorney, L. L. Potter, deputy dis trict aitorney, Chan. K. Hunvan, court reorter, Geo. F. Morton, clerk, K. 0. Maddock, sheriff. T. W. Fonts was ap pointed court bailiff, Max rkhtilplus, grand Jury bailiff and T. M. Miller, Jury bailiff. The following ware chosen as graml Jurois: It. D. Wilson, David Mc Arthur, A. C. Hhsrp, John C. Gordon, l'.d. Graves, I). II. Martin and Peter l.arsen. It. D. Wilson was elected fore man. The following persona were sworn in as trial urors: K. I). Kelly, Nelson Mc Connell, K. L. Pollock, Robert DcKhsacr, T. Chuck, C. W. Armstrong, K. II. Iliirghardt, John Shannon, W. W. Irvin, Cliss. Csliff, II. N. F.dininston, Cicero Hinrarson, Milo Gard, J. W, Dtjuglas, James U'llklnnon, rlsmiud Msrrs, C. W. Fiudericks, Andrnw Kotdier, G. Whip ple, Herman Thinner. Joseph Walton, and K J, McKltlrlck were excuse (or the trrin and diss. Buty, who name was on the venire, was not present when called. The Clackamas county bar was repre sented by the following attorneys ; W, C.Johnson, J, K. Hedges, Geo, L. Htory, V. R. Hyde, K F. Drlggs, G. W. Kwo, I. M. Ing, F. T. Grillith, J. U. Campbell, Geo. O. Rlnearson, B. F. Swoe, C. H. Dyo, G. K. Hayes, L. I Porter, D. C. I-hurette, A. H.Drrsscr, II. K. Croas, C. D. Utouretla, Geo. C. Hrownell, and J. K. Marks of Harlow. The outalde legal talent was represented by the following gentlemen: Judge Straban, Attorney Gencral-F.lcct C. M. Mleman, W. T. Hurney. V. It. Strode, W, K. Showers, W, II, Ikihyns, 11. M. Cake, Judge Hronougli, K. C. Menlen hall, M. J. McMahon, 1J. A. Rohb, Judge J C. Moreland, C'haa. Wait, Geo, J. Cameron. M. L. Nulling, Ralph Moody, J. I). Maun, C, C. Thompson, A. F. Mi gel. II. J.StanlslswHky.Goo. II Durhatnaiid Fred L. Olsen . Theabov are all members of tho Portland bar. The Salem bar waa reprosented by W. M. Kaiser, W. II. Holmes, H. K. McGinn, and Judge Wballey, sod I litis boro was represented by L. K. Adams. The greater part of Monday was taken up In motions, etc., and setting cases for tiUI by the Judge. There were on the docket eightv-ono law raws, 101 equity cases and twelve criminal cases, besides severs! new onoa (o come before (he graml Jury. Up to Thursday (ho following are (he most important cases disporad of by the court : An alwolute divorce was granted Judge Hayes from his wife, C. A. Hayes. The custody of (heir only child was given to Mr. Hayes. Geo. C. Brownell appeared (or the defendant. The cao of Dr. Taylor v M. J. Brod eriik that has attracted so much atten tion, in which M.J. Broduiirk was sued for $10,010 damages was decided in favor of the defendant. Flegel and Stanis lawnka were the attorneys for the plain tiff and Brownell and Dresser for the de fendant. N. P. Sorenson vs G. Shindle con firmation of sale nndor foreclosure on Judgment of $1:102. F. D. Ball vs B L A A Reduction judgment for $lir0. Alex Wsrner vs Chas.Logus and Chas. Albright; dismissed. Amos Lovejoy et al vs the Willamette Falls Klectriu Co., et al ; transferred to Multnomah county. The First National Bank of Portland vs Laura Miller et al ; dismissed as to George A Humphrey, and that plaintiff have one day to file complaint. Hannah Hulllngton vs Chas, N. Wait etal ; II. II. Lane madu a party defendant. A. K. Latonrotte ys William Prageret al; C. D. A D. 0. Latourette.allowed to withdraw and Jno. W Smith substituted. 0. C. S. A I). Factory vs K. L. New ton; decree for foreclosure. Grant Phegloy vs J. B. Laknretal; dismissed. Palmer Alley vsC. C. Ross; dismissed. Williams, Marion Co. , vs E. M. Hart- man ; dismissed. Mienie V. Cline ya Clackamas county ; suit to annul the proceedings of county court in establishing the Burkhart road. Court decided In favor of plaintiff and ordered that all proceedings herein be annulled. Patsey ParriBh vsQ. W. Parrish; de murrer of defendant overruled and the court ordered that, dolendant pay for benefit of plainlifftho Bum of $250 within five days of dateof service. Daniol Lyons vsT. E. Kraoftet al; defendants' demurrer overuled and do fault of defendants entered. A. P. Hotaling Co. vs J. M. Broderick ; default and Judgment for plaintiff for $104.82 and costs. C. D. Latourette for pltff. and A. 8. Drossor for deft. H.J, Taylor vs M. J. Broderick ; non suit. Bridget O'Brien et al vs Lucon M. Davidson et al ; decree as prayed for in complaint. Hamilton A Washburn vs Empire Mfg. Co. ; dismissed. A. F. Stokes vs C. P. Dix et al ; Judg ment against defendant Morrison Camp bell and continued astoC. T. Vx. Suit was brought by Mr. Bradley of the old Hood place nour Ely against Ctackamas county for the sum of $10,000 for tho cause of the death of his wife and child by lining thrown Iroin a wagon Into the Clackamas on July 4, 18(f3. The trial occurred Wednesday. Judue Hro nougli and District Attorney Barrett attorneys for Mr. Bradley and Geo. C. Hrownell In behalf of the county. The demurrer filed by the attorneys for the county (o (he complaint of plaintiff was sustained by Judge Mcllride. PKOSATg COI ST PKIX SKOINI.S. F. L. Kelly was appointed guardian of Glllfcrt II. Charters, a minor. Messrs. P. Hemlinan, T. J. Gary, and Hardey Quant were apiiolntad appraisers of the estate of John Keller, deceased. Petition of Mrs. Elsie Sass for guar dianship of Rudolph, Fredrika, Tony, Christian and Herman Sass, accepted. Lewis M. Frsiiett was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Rudolph Winterer, deceased. Anna M. Keller was appointed admin istratis of the estate of John Keller, deeeaaeri Klsie Sass wss appointed administra trix with will annexed of the estate of Deity Sans. The case of Pr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, of Portland.vs J. G. Fleming and wife was tried before Judge Hayes Saturday. K. F. Driggs and Geo. W. Swope ap peared for plaintiff and II. B. Nic.'iols of Portland for the defendant. Judge Hayes rendered Judgment in favor of plaintiff for 1125. A Rotable Lrcnt. It Is not often In the history of a church that three such important events coincide as did last Sunday with the Presbyterians in the departure of (he old pastor, the lecvpiion of the new and the dedication of the enlarged church edi fice. In the morning a large congrega tion gathered to hear the farewell ser mon of Rev. G. Wm. Glboney, who has faithfully served this pastorate lor five years or more. His subject. "The build of tho Tsberuscles," from Exodus, was fitting to the occasion and was one of his most eloquent efforts in this cily. At the close of the sermon the small amount vet due on the building was raised after wnich Mr. Giloney followed with the dedicatory prayer, offering the building free of debt o the perpetual ser vice of God. The church was beauti fully decorated with chrysanthemums, and Miss Eunice Donaldson ably pre sided at the organ. In the evening the new paator, Rev. Mr. Montgomery, from Nebraska, preached his first sermon and pleaaed all with his scholarly and digni fied address. Although young in years, the hew paator bids fair to wear with grace and worthiness the mantle of his succesaful predecessor. At this juncture a surprise party en tered in the form of the Ministerial Asso ciation of Oregon City, who, shortening the services in their several pulpits, had come to give their brother minister a God speed and a good send-off. Scores of people from their congregations followed crowding in until the new building was closely packed with people. Dr. Cowan of the Congiegational church, happily explained the nature of this intrusion, andafler a few witty remarks .called upon Rev. Gllman Parker, Rev. Gabriel Sykes, and Rev. Mr. Gray, each ol whom tes tified to the worth of the departing brother. Mr. Gi honey departs with the best wishes of everyone in this commun ity. Cm ne mn h Entertainment. There will lie an entertainment given at the Canemah school house Tuesday evening, Nov. 13, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. The entertainment will consist of declamations, duets, solos, instrumen tal music and dialogues, a special leature being a recitation by Miss Hussie Evans, the well known elocutionist. There has been thorough preparation made to make this the best entertainment ever given in Canemah. Come and spend a pleas ant eyening. At the close of the pro gram refreshments will be served. Ad misHion l&.cenls. This includes refresh ments. Cheerful Winter Erenlugs. Nothing brimts so much joy and com fort to the fireside as a genial visitor one that entertains and instructs every member of the family. The latch string is always out for the Prairie Farmer, for it always brings a big weekly budget. It is brighter than ever, with a host of new writers, this year. The Thanks giving and Christmas numbers will be worth more thanayeat's subscription. $1.00 gets 52 visits The Prairie Fanner. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that on and after the date of this notice I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mary E. Robeson. David Roiirson, Meadow Brook, Or., Oct. 15, 1804. 4t Farm products of all kinds wanted at Charroans A Son's. Wheat, oats, hay, eggs, butter, chickens. Grass seeds of all kinds. Remember the Pioneer Store of Charman A Son. Cram Bros., of the Novelty .oyster parlors, are acknowledged experts in the preparing of the toothsome bivalve for the table. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your snbsciption to the Entkrcrihr and got the the benefit of the reduction in price. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. ItKAL ESTATE T JUMPERS. I'uriilxhprl Every Week by the ( lacks- mas Abxtrsct ami Trout CompHny, United Slates to Joseph Limlsny sw '4 of sec 4 , 1 3 s, r ft e, 10 seres K E Moody to J A Alexander tract 8 In Molalla 75 II E Brink to A W, Graham 00 acres In sec 10, 1 3 I, r4e 500 United Htsles to Wm O Steel ne of sec 24, t 3 s, r8s Ja I'arrott (o Geo II Brown part of claim 4.1, (3 a, r 1 e 20 T L Charman to Philip Schnorr lot lOblkS, Wealynn 250 Sylvester Pennoyer to J F Coyne, lots 3 and 4 ot Atkinson 2000 Philip Schnorr to T L Chaiman lot 15blk3, Wesylnn 225 Victor Doyens to J II Revenue lot in the village of Sandy 200 United Stales toscob Rauch 310.87 acres in I 3 a, r 1 e G Jl Ketns to Thos J Kerns of n)i of nwtf of sec 20, 1 4 , r 4 e 40 acres 200 Gladntons Real Estate Ass'n to Chas Roberts lot 15 In blk 32 Gladstone 105 M Binegar to F II McCormick fi of s'4' of r.e'i ol sec 15 I 5 s, r 1 e 20 seres 300 W II Burghardt to H H Johnson trustee lots 1 ami 2, blk 31 Bolton 1 R W Brown et al to Nettie F Miller part of Heickiab Johnson D LC 00 Henry Glfforn to M Griffith part of aec9t2 s, r 2e 130 M Griffith to W W Smith part of sec9t2 s, r 2e 150 L J Fletcher by sheriff to Wesley Rings part of claim 58 t 3 s, r 1 e 233 J J Fowler et al by sheriff to J Humphrey 14 miles in sec 16, 1 2 sr4s 2530 Sarah C Porter to Amanda E M os ier lot 7 and the of lot 6 blk 2 Parker Hill add 300 Having purchased the copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giving us sols riitht to use them in Clackamas county, and the abstract books compiled and formerly owned by Thorne A Son . we are prepared to furnish complete and accurate abstract of title and to correct or extend old abtrarts. We ixilicit yonr patronage and vnsrantee firi-tclaos woik. Ollice over Huntley's Drug store. Clackamas Abstbact A Tbi st Co. Company I' Elictlwii. Monday evening Company F held its regular meeting and elected its officers for the ensuing year. The retorts of the secretary and treasurer showed that the company is in better condition finan cially than since its organization. Pri vate Jones was elected secretary, and Private C G. Huntley was re-elected treasurer. Private W. B. Wiggins, Pri vate H. Fuller, Corporal H. Fancher and Sergeant W. A. Hur.tley were elected council of administration. The coin pany by an unanimous vote placed the names of Dr. W. E. Carll, H. E. Smith, J. P. Lovett and A. B. Graham upon its roll as honorary members. Hrswery Sold. The Oregon City brewery has been sold by Mrs. Mary Madur to Henry Weinhard, the great Portland brewer. It is reported that at the expiration of the present lease this winter, Mr. Wein hard will dismantle the brewery and remove the machinery to Portland. Ron given is that his Portland estab lishment has sufficient capacity to sup ply the trade here and that it is too expensive to run a small brewery. Mr. Weinhard has given out that next spring he will remove the old building from the lots and put up a fine brick block fronting on Main street with stores below and offices above. Lost. PrW IMrtffl unci Oreiron Cttv nna 1.irlr Aolnrnil liK'li hack ehair with one round out. Finder wili please leave chair or wont with ueiiomy nuson ami receive reward. J. M. Heckabt. Dissolution Notice. To all whom it may concern : The partnership of Wade II. " Spencer A Co. is this dav dissolved by mutual consent, Wade II. Spencer retiring from said firm. W. T. Shurtleff will hereafter conduct the said business, collecting all debts due and paying all claims against the said firm. Wadk H. Spksckb, W. T. Shurtleff. Obkqon City, Oct. 27, 1894. 4t. Persons who lead a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago and will find a valuable remedy in Pr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin iment; it will banish pain and subdue inflammation . For sale by C. G. Hunt ley, druggist. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary H. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to you, and will cost you onlv $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial box, free, who will send me the names and addresses of ten ladies who are in delicate health. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, Delena, Ore gon. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system becomes deranced. Dr. J II . McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Tun fier perfects the process of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. It is a fact worthy noticing that Louis Friedrich turns out the best fitting suits. hm n aii Medics M. 202, 204. 206, 208, First Street. Portland, FHL-U STOCK -:- NOW The purpose of this "Ad" is to inform stocked all departments of our establishment to the top notch , and we are io better position than ever to serve your interests. for this season subject to the new tariff, ble price that cash would buv them. It will pay you well to make a trip to Port land for your fall supplies. IF YOU CANNOT COME, WRITE US FOR SAM PLES AND PRICES. Goods purchased of us through oor mail order department that are not satinfactory in every way can be returned and money will be refunded. DRESS GOODS We have a magnificent assortment of both domestic and foreign dress fabrics. A line of all wool goods, 50 inches wide, at 50c. and 75c. per yard ar among the attractive tbings. 5 yards of these goods make a dress for a large person even. This same class of goods would cost yon double the price a few years ago. LADIES' CLOAKS We have over four hundred distinct styles of cloaks and cajies for you to select from, prices ranging quarter coats will be the favorite garment for top wear with the ladies this season. Do not forget the misses' and children's cloaks. MILLINERY All the new styles are now in and we are prepared to execut your orders on short notice. HOSIERY We have an immense stock of Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Hosiery, including silk. lisle, cotton and wool. Our lines of wool hose are anead of anything we have ever seen and prices are away down. UNDERWEAR We are showing underwear for Ladies and Children in both flat and ribbed goods. We carry full lines in WHITE, NATURAL GRAY, SCAR LET and BLACK; also a full assortment of LADIES' UNION SUITS and EQUESTRIAN TIGHTS. SKIRTS and CORSETS Black satteen skirts will be the favorite of all under skirts for the coming season we have them from 75c. to $3.00 each. We would call your attention to the "W. B." CORSET once more. Tbia corset took the highest award at the World's Fair in Chicago. It is made la SHORT WAIST, LONG WAIST and EXTRA LONG WAIST. We have them in Black or Drab; prices range from $1 to $3 per pair. DRESS TRIMMINGS We are showing the largest line of trimmings in the city. Jets, Colored Gimps and Braids, Etc. GLOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS When too are ordering from as look through your supply of these two useful articles and see if you do not need to replenish. SHOES We have received over eight hundred cases of Ladies and Children's Shoes the past week, and are prepared to shoe yon at bottom prices about time, you know, for yoa to be thinking of school shoes for the young folks. FOR MEN In our Men's Department we carry a full assortment of CLO'lH ING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. Our store is the piece your dollar w ill go the farthest. FOR BOYS We can fit out your boy from head to foot. Bring him in and see what we can do for you. PRAGER BROS., Portland, Ore. DK. E. CJ3RO WK, EYE AND EAR 81'RGEOK Glauct Fitted anil Furol.hed. 169 First Street, Portland, Oregon. I I I I I I I I I I pEMOVAL v-, On November ist, We moved to our New Quarters in the CAUFIELT) BLOCK. We im Jus! EecelTsi New Goois In tin Latest Styles An will offer Special Bargains, In several lines. We propose to be HEADQUARTERS for fine goods in MEN'SMEKR, And to sell at the LOWEST PRICES FOR THE QUALITY IN OREGON CITY. Call and Inspect our New Establishment. Glass & Smyth. ROOM 3CAUFIELD BLOCK. 1 II I li i M I m i 4 g?5 I 1 BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST If Ton Art N at 3tliSe4 Trer Moasy B:k m PA m down Ditou, Portland, Or. 0 6 and 8 Taylor Street Oregon. 1594-.--- -:- COMPLETE. our out-of-town patrons that we have All of our purchases have been made and we own oor goods at the lowest possi from $2.50 to $50 per garment. Three- DB D. 8. STRTKER, DENTIST. HAS RE mornl toOddFellowi' temple 8. W.Cor.Ut and Alder, Portland, Orff n. PORTLAND ACADEMY SIXTH YEAR. Will opea September 94, For ratalogiie, addresa PORTLAND ACADEMY, 191 Eloventh Street. A. W.SCHWAN, Manufacturer of all kinds of Tin, Seeet Iron and Copper Ware, Metal Roofing, Spouting, Fur nace Work, Plumbing & General Jobbing Shop near Southern Pacific Depot. University of Oregon. EUGENE. Next Session begins the 17th of September, 1894. Tuition, Free. Board, $2.50 a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scien tific, Literary, English and Busi ness. DORMITORY. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall tor young gentlemen will be under tho personal supervision of Mrs. Munra, a lady of refinement and large ex perience. For catalogues, address, J. J. Walton, Secy. Regents. S. MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF Drain -s- Tile. S BRICK& LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Ilullard, Oregon.