Ufcrnry Aniolrulnn Oregon 3NTBRPR VOL.28. NO. H2. OltKGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1891. ESTABLISHED 1866 Cmr COCHIN, Clmiill nmirt riiiivxiini flr.l Monday In No f nmlwr and third Monday hi Ar!l, Probate enurt In n.ilnu nr.l M lay In each ninth. CoMitil.iliiiiiT. rmirt nu'tita flrat Wedncaday (flnr Ural Monday til vault iihuiiIi. w, t. mii'NTi.nrr. wum 11, arxxixH, "AUK II. HI'KNl Kll A CO. In.nriiii'n, AhalraHa, 1-oaua .ml CulllTlllllll Any biialnrma miiriiatml In in will receive rmn( addition mill aatlalaciimi guaran teed. iillicnii am Ira two rionraaoiitb ill M. K lnir. ll 011 Mnlu airmt. T HI.AIIKK, NOTAHV ITIII.lt: end f'ONVICYANKH. Iiiwitaand ilhrr inT promptly mid acne rali'ly fUM-iil.-il Ileal palate liaiidlxd liiaiiraui'a wrllleu III the airongoat i'oinienlva doing Imaliir.a Office Willi Oladatone Krai Kalate Company, Oregon t'ltv.Orrgou Ts Now In tho tiiiin to make, porrliiim-s in crockery. We Hie showing a full lino of diniu!r set, leu wis and Miscellaneous Prices which totally ecllpne any thing he lure seen in Oregon (,'ily. Our price Io 'miplittly cast in the shade anything to be seen elsewhere hiii to mie thin cliHiire l to ini. tlii bargain ol bargains ami tliu great est crockery sale we've ever had or (or Unit matter, any other llrm liss lii'lil in tlii" city, We ere oH'.t i riK tea sets, 44 peires f.'I.LT); dinner sets 1(H) pieces (H.W; glaaii table scla 4 ph'ce .Tic; till other goods at r)Hirtioiuiti' prices, call anil see un niiiI convince yourself. BELLOMY& BUSCH. Oregon City, Oregon. TUB CZAIt DYING. In AHilclcd Willi a Tom plication )f DISCIIHCH. 0M.Y X IW MOUC DAIS rO I.MK. Tli I!ulaii Emperor hai llffii Tnkca HfHllh fort In Crimea Ourcnltili'it Marrluifc, vlM-oiil. in alitiin, 2 UK) woumleiJ . ollice l('iartiiicnt. The nmiM-nin in Ja)m)(M( have wnt U Jnjan. At 'cMcn all that nan in the poHtoflke I'lng Yang there are 1200 woun'led Clii- exhibit at the world' fair and aome new) in the lujepllalN. The reMlioiiN additional ft-aturf. The iontal car Tong liaka of Houtlifrn Core are runt- "Orover Gleveland" in not there, hut li'NH, and only the fart that they are n't , there la a complete mold of thi poat provided with arum prevent them from j ome on wheels. The niimeiirn Id in hreaking out in open revolt and movinx j lirge loom in the court of the peetoflice 1 LACK A MAN AIIHTKAf'T A TUfaT CO. Alatriii'(a of (Markatiiaa roil lily firriimrly a aiee. tally. IIihvI wua. maxnialilci rliarui... Vinrk iiaraiilrr ilv 11a a trial li C l.aiuiirixio. K K liiinalilaott, i, f. t lark, lilrm-Kiii. oaiiioNriTV, .... oaan.ia. H. N JOIINaiiN u W NIMKAlaU IINNAIKI) JOII.N'NON. ClVII. KNIINKri(NA.NI HI'KVIVOHH. Hallway iM-allnn ami runatrurtliiii, l.rl.tjo.. lanaainl vallmalfa (or water uiiiily. I'ralnait ami ilrtot lmritmnl of Uiwiit MlHwIal altriiilim ylvni In araiiglilluj ami blut rlntln yyr CAKEV JOIINNON. ' I.AWVKIt. Comer It ! lit ami Main atrtwu, l)noo City, Or"U. ItKAI. KHTATE T08KI.I, AND MONKYTO LOAN. J H'OltTKH, ATTOItNKY AT LAW Aanaai-ra tr ranrtRTY rt aciaitin. Omn nail to Orrimi City liik on tih ttrwi. O.T. WII.I.IAMH. "itKAL KHTATE AND U)AH AdKNT. A I'Kx! lint l biialnraa, rlpiip am auburlian rr'irty. Farm l'rnrty In traria tu ault on oaay trrma. Cnrr.nii.iir iimmiilly aiiawcrpd. Offlra), not tliH.r to Launil lluuilvy Uru al.ira. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREW, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. r-aieni medicines or all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Beit and Cheapen. 1'ine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And lead ing Brands of Cigars. lMti:M( itii"no.N 'A)ti:i i.i.t i Hl.lvely'N Illock, Oregon City, Or, OREGON CITY IRON WORKS. W New sin Knlnrgnd Shop with all ajijilianct'8 for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work exfeutod in tho 1-nt inannpr jKiHBilile. teed on all orders. REPAIIillTG - TV Proni'itneHH guaran- SPECIALTY. J I). A ti.C UTOfllKTTE. ATTOUNKYS AND COUNSKIX)US AT LAW MAIN HTM K XT, OHKOON C ITT, (IKKOON. INrnlah Aliatrafta nlTltla, iMn Uortry. Knre- Sluia Murta-aan. ami traiiaaul o.urral Ua ilualnraa. J J It. CKOHN, ATTOItNF.Y AT LAW. A'im. PaAi-rn a in au tui HTa or thi Ntatb Ural Kalata and liutiranre. 0 111 re on Main Hir et, bel. 81x1b and Herenth. oaxniiM tiTT. na. t II. I'YK, ATroRNKY AND CUUNSK1X)U AT LAW Offlre over Orpnn City Dank, oaaoim city, okioh rriot-B tho lowt-Ht to be hud in rortlimd. Shop on Fourth Strix-t, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. I. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. -Jow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach nd bowel regulator, liuv BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty dones lor twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is ujKin us. In order to be pro cured for an emergency, get a bottle of iion Heoul, for which many of them have started, 400 Japanese soldier have been sta tioned at the kind's palace at 8eoul, a the king'a brother 1 believed to be leagued with the Tong Huka. The Chi nese are mobilizing a force at Kiern and gathering a strong force at Tow Ting Fu. The second oti of the king of Corea building. fT. I'KTKitMimo.Oct. 23. The follow ing bulletin was ixxued at 10 o'clock this morning, "The czar slept better last night. Hi majesty has lillle appetite, slid there i no improvement in the lm ! 'eft bete October 15 as a special envoy ix-ril pntient' strength or in the ctlon ; ' the mikado, in order, it ia supposed, of his heart. Hisoeilema haiiicreaed." j to return the visit of the Marquis SI011I0, Kr. 1'KTXHHiit Ko, Oct. 'IV A bulle'in, j JaI'n",e envoy. The king' son took ditted IJvadia and timed 7 1. M., was ' w'1'' 1"an,ily of pre'iils. made public here this evening. It says:' Mlny '-'tt'Ts to Europeans in Corea "During (he day the czar was languid. ' h.v b,"n l"e,J by Japanese authori There were slight convulsive vmptom- i ties- T,ie K"1'"1' consul's mail bag was His apictite was tietler than yesterday." dc,'"1 three weeks. Litile further resecting his condition SIXTI WEKE IILLED. hat been learned up to the time of send- inn thodiar.el.1.. Tim ....li,. r.w ,li- ! "P10'" Toa ef Djiamite In E10 tribute ollkial bulletins publicly. Ac cording to Hie advice received by physicians here from their conferree at Jipaette Wanhlpi at fing Jtug Ianoon, Oct. 22 A dispatch to the Times from Tien-Tsin says a report is current that seventeen Japanese war ships, under Admiral Do have asuem bled at Ting Yang inlet. Thornton haven, it is said, has never teen occu pied by the Japanese. The Chinese Heet is reported at Wai-IIui-Wei. MAKATIUE SEWS. Jm.lro- Baltimore, Oct. 22 Caplain Had- gin, of the coffee bark Dom Pedro II., Liva-'ia the illnea. of the ar i taking . now ln portj g,,e , g,pl,c do8criptioi; wtjinxi lURkiui) a JUIMI cnu. HID ot ft dynamite explosion that oecurmi k..t,.Mf.. !.,...- ts 1... a 1 .... p.., - u.r nuno.y au wonay ; jn Rjo , (e davg evoug g tcmber and worse today, while t , ex.iectad lo- ;6( whe f(jr Bal,inlore morrow hU .trength w,U c.irr b.m to Sixty is,rson. were killed. A Brazilian another rally. Thua the disease will ebb ,,,, (1: , - .... . Minvuiiuu. lira VtlC AjUKIITIU and flow until the pane.it sue. umU. It j ,.., lltllRPranBan ,.m,- , ts . .led that, on leaving Kpala, the czar' wllich the of ,he recent' weighed 200 ponnds about 28 pound. ,1 ,ltd com.eaM , of below hi. norma weight and that he gtlnpowder Mge. .lld Mdynilln7iU5 now weigh, bu 140 pounds wWch The htandard's St. Petersburg corre-1 uin . ..' spondent says that the condition of the r(.r)),rti(, ... ,. fn . czaim. cause, anxiety ' a. she i , .aid to corjlmandingi tnd , ro c.rt drawn .-.,..., ..r.,,l.,i-u,uie,,remove the conten,g o( iih Hurtea lor l.iyuUi. Tlie king of Greece, alao is en ronie for Livadia. Yamhill lilter 'arlgation Competition h the lolnmtila. The steam launch Cvgnet which made several trips from Portland to this city last summer with excursion parties and whose whistle was of such an unearthly tone that stranger were led to believe that a Chinese war junk was approach ing, has been sold some time since to kamokaa parties and taken by them to Alaska. She is to be put on the Yukon river to run in connection with a trading steamer dealing with the miners and Indian. Navigation on the Yamhill river prom ises to be quite brisk this winter and there is a likelihood of being lively com petition for the trade of that section. Since Mr. J. P. Geer, owner of the To ledo, demonstrated last winter that the Yamhill river was a naviicable stream and that the trade of McMinnville and the adjacent town was worth risking the dangers of the on-tried rapids and shoals of that river, the 0. R.AN.Co. have been looking with covetous eves on the hidden thi trade and now propose to try to gain , maifszine to a place of safety A de-j it from thia email but rustling competi jtachinent of soldier accompanied the 'tor. This company has for year run a 1 cart, and a curioti crowd of citizens ! boat to Davton. a short distance ud the oxo. c. axnwaxi.L. IkOWNKLI, A UKKMHKK A. t llSlaaXS. w Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at tho CANBY PHARMACY, Cat.by, Or DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. KKAl'HKD A TKKK1BLI CMSIS. I aius, ucl. .'.$. A dispatch to tigaro j lollowed H to the litile lull winch, had Y amhill, but never thought it worth from Livadia say the disease from ! been dugout to hold the explosives. A j sending a boat higher np until competi- wliich the czar U suflerinir recently quantity of shells had been placed in the r tion forced thm tn Df th,. ,nmrm;- reaehed a terrible crii-is, which lasted 'cart and a pile of others had been passed j tion the McMinnville Reporter hag (be 13 hour. The dispatch ndds: "At' out close behind it when one of the j following to say : There are prospects present his majesty is slightly better. ' soldiers, while in. the art of handling a that steamer traffic on tho Yamhill will The itniierial physicians,' though treal-1 shell, dropped it among the others. The ! be enlivened by red-hot competition dur ing the situation a serious, are lets same second an explosion shook the ! ing the next few month. It is under- -.:...;.,: . ,, j .,., i. i 't a i . . i . I . ...... . . . Fciiiiiiniic. , co.w., rurvv ui name fiiui uparu auu ; buxxi mill me Lnion 1 acioc company CIIANOE FOH TllaT WORSE. ATTOUNKYS AT LAW, Ossein City, ..... ossnns Will practice In all the nnurla nf the Hale. Ot (Ire, Urn I ilnor lo Caiilti'lil A lliinlley'e drtif .tore. r. f. WHITE. W.A.WII1TK WHITE BROTHERS Irnctinal drrhittets .y- Builders- Will t""l'ar iilaiia, elevatloiia, working lo t lla, aiol fii.i'irii'alloiii lor all klnila ol liuilcl Inxa Si'ffUl attention fflvn lo ni'Hlcrn cot taaxca, , Katlmatvi lurtilalieil mi allnatlun Call on oraililreae WIIITK nitOH., Oremn City, o.n fpilK C0MMKKCIAL DANK, OF OKKOON .CITY. Capital, ..... 11110,000 TKANaACTN A (lINKHil. XASKINO StOIStaa. Loan mails. Illlla illicnuiitoil. tlnket col loctlnne. Hiiya and aolla exchanite on all points tn tlie I'nllcd Htatea, Rurops snil llong Kong. Depoalta recel"id sutijeet to chock Intcrvat at iiaiial rat pi allowed mi time depoalta. Hank open from 9 a. M. to t r. N. Saturday evening! from 6 to 7 s. M. O. O. LATOUKKTTK, Frcairtetit. F E liONALPHOK, ('. abler JJANK OF OKEOCN CITY. fJiaest wmi mm la me City. raid up Capital, $.'.0,000. J. JONES & SON, PEAI.KR IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. ihi'i:n tiii-: i.mvi;nt. fVShop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co', Oregon City rsaamxsT, VIC PRKHIDKNT, CASHIRS. MAMAOSR. TMOI. CHARMAR OXO. A. HtXniNO. R. O CAPflRLD. CHARI.RI K. CAUriSI.D. A teneral banklni bualncai tranaaoled, Depoalts received sulijcot to oheek. Approved bills and dotci dlicounted County and ally warrants bought. Loans mvle on available leourlty. Exchange bought and sold. Collection! made promptly. Drafts sold Available In any part of the world Telegraphlo sxolisnges sold on Portland, San Franolaoo, Chloago and New York. Interest palj on time dapoxlta. Sub Arentao.THB LONDON CHKQUR BANK, 1'.allllied 1N3. CI, PIONEER Tfanfer and Epre, Freight and parcols delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. The Oregon City Sash & Door Co. CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc., in oregon crrr. .Special sizes of doors and windows made- to order. Turning of all kinds. Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders give us a call and see if our work is not of tho best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Trico sent on application. Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City. Bkki.im, Oct. 23. A livadia dispatch says that the czar has changed for the . . t ., , , woriw. ma aotiomen ana legs are swollen. He moves but little, except I with assignee. ! TURK DAYS TO l.lVg. Yirxka, Oct. 23. Private advices re ceived in this city state the czar's demise may be looked for within three day. I'HINCIiSS AUI AT LIVADIA. Livadia, Oct. 23. Princess Alix, of Hesse-Darmstadt, the betrothed w ife ol the czaievitch, arrived here at 5:30 yes terday, accompanied by Grand Duchess Sergius. At Alustha the bride-elect was j a cloud of whittish smoke hid everything : havs isgotiated with John Brook for from view. The vessels tn the harbor warehouse privilege and that they in rocked at their moorings and the entire tend running a boat to this city. The city wag thrown into wild excitement, j warehouse built last summer jointly by Mo-ethana ton of dynamite had ex- j Mr. Geer and the merchant on Brooks ploded from the dropping of the shell, land has been moved across tlie road to a The soldiers and mules were blown in J point just above the bridge, where it will fragment and only the iron tire of the ! serve a a landimr for the Toledo, which cart-wheel were found. A Great THE HAVAL EQUIFXEHT. Inorette tn the Coal Sill the Itj. ef Washington, Oct. 21. According to Commodore Chadwick, chief of the bureau of naval equipment, the coal bills of the navy are steadily increasing, weR-omeu Dy the czarevitch and Ins. owing to the greater consumption of uncle, Grand Duke Sergius. As the ! coal by modern war vessels. The princess and parly drove through Yalta, j a mual report of the bureau shows tliere the czarevitch and bis intended wife, will be a de6ciency of J30.000 in the seated side by side, were heartily cheered ' equipment, owing to the fact that $191,- ny crowiis. 1 lie imperial castle was -.xji more was expended for coal in the reached at duk and Princess Alix wa j past year than in the yeai previous, immediately conducted into the presence Tliere were purchased at home 42.190 of the czar and czarina. The imperial I tons of coal costing $17S,103, of which AlifTttrSjr (Trail til.) Wa iwi rwi.w.a ...UK n..nw. Itfk-rt-. .t ,1 t i v' vvwm mo ,'iiirw nun rciy iir.ijtKi iuiib were puri'UHBeu on lue racinc I Do You Need a Legal Blank? Tlie ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent potsage paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. mark ot affection. The bride-elect, accompanied by the czarina and other members of the imperial family, pro ceeded to the cluiel castle, A solemn religious service was tlion conducted, 1'riticuns Alix kneeling by the empress, joining in long and fervent supplication offered fur tne recovery of the czur. After the religious ceremony the princess and imperial party returned to the room occupied by the czar. The Grand Duke and Duchess Vladimir, the former a brother of the emperor, arrived Sunday, .1. i . ... . anu me King ot ureece is on Jus way from v lenna. Profiessor Morzchjewsk'., socialist in nervous diseases, who was supposed to have been summitned to attend the czar ina, has returned to St. Petersburg, from which it is presumed there is no truth in the sensational stories circulated regard ing the health of her majesty. MARR1AOR Wll.L TAKK PLACE, St. Pktkrsiuiro, Oct. 23. It is an nounced that the marriage of the czar ex itch to Princess Alix of Hesse will take place at Livadia unless the condi tion of the czar is so serious as to pre vent. W1LLBB Ql'IKTLY MARRIK.D. Bkrlin, Oct. 23. The Cologne Gazett? publishes a dispatch from St. Petersburg saying it is now generally accepted that the arrival of Princess Alix at Livadia will be followed by her prompt admission into the Greek church and niarriuge quietly to the czarevitch. Many Japaaeae Wounded CiiKnri.ro, Oct. 22. A detachment of 1800 woundod Japanese has arrived here. There are a largo number of wounded coast, at an avenue cost of $7.02 per ton and32,t35 tons on the Atlantic coast, at a cost of $3.34 per ton. Tliere was spent abroad for coal $4t2,l!)2, at an average cost of $8.8(5. The report show that during the year a great improvement has been .made in night signals. A new boat compass has been adopted and alluininum has been successfully sub stituted for bronze in binnacle fitting. Under the head of the naval observatory, i attention is called to the fact that unless the corps of professors of raatu tuatics is reorganized, the observatory will in the near future, have but ene astronomer available for duty, the others retiring in the course of a few years. The Bennington Going to Hanolulo. Vallkjo, Cal., Oct. 22. The equip ment of Mare island navy-yard is busy fitting up the Bennington, which re cently brought up the Salvadorian refu gees to San Francisco. The reason for the sudden activity on this boat is that orders have recently been received or dering the Bennington to Honolulu until the first of the year, when the Bos Ion will be sent there. There is no United States war vessel there now, and the American resident are asking the government to maintain one there in case of an emergency arising. ThePostoffioe Mnienm. Washington, Oct. 21. The postoffice museum will be formally thrown open to the public Monday. Postmaster-General Bissell has taken a pride in the museum, and has forwarded its success in every way within his power. The preparation of the exhibit has been under the direc tion of Chief Clerk Thomas, of the post- Joes not propose to be crowded out, aa there has apparently been an effort to do. The Cathalamet Gazette gives out the information tbat a Gght is on between thelraldaand Kamiu's boats. It ap pear that Capt. Kewsome of the Iralda has been running a free hack from Woodland. to Caples landing, connecting at the latter place with his boat. Wood land being on the Lewis river, on which Mr. Kamni is running the Mascot, he concluded that the opposition was get ting too close and is planning to put the Undine on the Iralda route in retalia tion. As to the outcome, it is hard to tell, as both Capt. Newsome and Mr. Kamm are slayers in a boat contest and will likely be the means of their being some ouick trips and low fares along the Columbia. Captain Exon has resigned his position as captain on the steamer Toledo and will put in the winter buying farm pro duce and shipping it to Portland. He now, with his family, is residing at Day ton. Capt. Archie Geer now handles the wheel on the Toledo. The United States warship Monterey arrived in Astoria Monday from the Sound. The trip down was the roughest ever experienced by the vessel but she rode, or rather dove through the big waves in fine shape. She arrived in Portland Wednesday and will remain about two week. The tug Monarch, which towed the mammoth log raft out over the Columbia river bar on Friday last and started with it for San Francisco arrived there on the -. 18th and reports that the raft is a total loss. It was off Tillamook head that the raft began breaking up. Once started, the huge mas wa not long in going to pieces. When the final col lapse came 125 fathoms of heavy chain with which the raft had been bound, and to which the towline was attached, went to the bottom. This served to anchor the tug, which tossed in the heavy seas, was for a time in a perlious positions. After the tug had hung there f r an hour, the line was finally cut and the chain and hawser allowed to go to the bottom. The Monarch then steamed for San Francisco. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Kntekpkikk and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AwarJcd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, ban Francisco.