COINING .11.WKM.Y. ONE OF THE MANY SECRETS OP THE PAWNBROKERS' TRADE. A Mill. Dark lliwiu In Mm Hear of Clil nK lu ItnUv, Where Many (lolilea llelrlumns Are Melted ami Caet Into liars Which Arc Traded frr (IihmI Coin. "IKikN funiay, diMihii't 1 IT All the n mi ii tlmni nn ilnin of thiwo run fliliiKM K"lnK nt Itnwt tinco nwtxlt In thin ulty thnt tlm pulillo novcr lionrtl nlxiut Imfuro. Wlimi you uiiilnrHUnd It, yun will Ihi alilo to bill your frlcnda wlml Immhiii of tlm koIiI mid iIIvit tlmy lnnvs with tlii'lr 'uiioln' and imvor ru (liMiiu. 'On tint dund' now, don't glvo mo wny, wid I will bill you noino ol tha iwcriit of tlm iwiiliroltrni' trivia " Tim ri'iMiulc wiw niitdii In llttloditrk room In tlm rear of ono of the bltf loiui offlcos) not fur from Mm 1 1 son mid born atrwU Tlm iroiirlctur went on to ny tint ri'KirU aliuvr Unit 10 to 18 per ouut of nil nrtlilo iiliuwil In "hock" ru uovor ciilloil for. V'hou often olil and allvcr itru mrrliiti( outright tiy tho p'iniywiKht or ouihmi, and In ohm wy or wmilY r u Ii . K" amount of tlm IriHiloun inituU U nivuiiinliiUxL To turn old ty' ki"kI Into ready dull tint problem tlmt confront ihu loiui broltnr, llitukriipt atuckHof now (IiwIkun and fnwli K'"l" (Ill tliti in the oouiitir nml dhow whitlow, mid tlm old iimturtul H'" into new Koldi'ii oiikIhi, with Unclii h.lni'N htaniji upon tlmni. On tho tliHir of tlm Imck room, n iich xl aflur itltiK hulf a iluon ulit'trlu Alarum koIiik uihI tlm invariiug of nu merous! tiuttiuiM, wim a invulinr mutriv- anon looking liku a 0 in h tilo rKmkI on 1'inl, with a briwut Imrn l covurod with pine hy lu aldo. A oopMr pun, wmio Iron tool and mum ImiwIn tlmt looked llkn ooiiiiiioii fiowcrtMita Iny mi tlm door. "Thli ooit bm rid, " iitltl thu pro prietor, "U Illlixl with naphtha. Tlii-an iiinc hd to till tllu or ftirniMW. Thll bnndlu hunt la fur tho forcing of air bo bind tlm nnilitlin o it will iiiuko a utroiiK bluet. Tliiw) H)U are oraulblm. Into tha ftinmni wo jiIikhi tha crucible.; into tho crurihlu Km a tha goltl. Hot, in't It? So hot thai wo aro cxmtjMilltMl to wear colored kIii to Me whitt'i Kolng on. Hut that' nothing to the way tlm thliiK l doim in Undo Hnm'i fur mutti Now, Iiertt Kmw to All the cruel blu." Into tlm ttoiifl Jar went (old waU-h caw and chain with family hlaturiiw, criKta nml Inltlrtla, mmvenlr Hpoona and brmatplu of forKutten date, rlliifs) that could hava Hikeii of wedding bell mid blrthdnwt in tho long ngu, golden nhiirimi, tonrfplnii With tint Jewel ru moved mid odd and end collected lu a wek' triuln. Tho estimated valuo of tho hatful of xtiK-k wiu 1 1.000 In pure gold. Into the melting collection went a lot of borax. Thl wiw t) iimko the gold flow when Nuffltielllly melted. Theru wiu no iiiokn, nothing but a ilvkly amell of naphtha, tlm lioiwt of tlm bhut mid tlm gllitoriug whlteuexn of tlm cru cil.ln To get a t'liwcr liHik at tho melting gold a pair of green ryegliuiM wa fur uiidied. A tlm broki r Htirred thu con ti'iit of tlm erni'ililo with an iron poker blitok bulilile would coum to tlm top and piece of counter metal would lm men ttriiKgliiig to thu KiirfaiHi only to iuk back into tlm yellow gold now turn ed to fluid. The broker tifttd tlm cruel bio out of the furnace, laid (toured it whl to hot content into tin iron mold. Thu mold rented in u pan of water. All tho gold ai'ttliil into tho mold, and tho borax, turning blaek ux it hit tho water, tald on top. In a few niinuti tho borax wa kuocki'd olT mid nut fell n bar of gold weighing Mverul pounds, tdght ini he long and proli.ilily three fourth of an inch ntimre. After denn ing tlm bar wa laid loiric. for tihipmoiit to tlm treasury. "Wo do thl onco a w'k," ald thu proprietor as bo ihut off tho valve to tho naphtha L.arcL "i'roui here tlm bnr go to WiiNlilngton by cxpreHH. lleforo it Tnluo 1 roturuml wu will pny out near ly fl on 1,000. At Uncle Sam' work thu bnr will 1 remelttsl by a fiercer heat. Then tho melted mint will bo poured into water, where it will form Into nhot or pellet of gold and ailver and copier. Theo pellet aro thou pluo ed in mill ami tho different metal ep arntod. No, yon can't fool tho govern ment for a mi mi to. Btienon doe the work in good hn)M. After till prorotw tho trcaury Mhlp gold eagle for tha gold and ailvor coin for the silver metal contained in tho bar. So, you nee, the old battered watoh cai broken chain or out of date orna ment ooine back in new coin of tho realm. Over fJOO.OOO worth of gold bar in annually mint from Chicago bro ker In thl way, and liot nun person iu 10,000 ever nee how thu melting 1m done, t )f oourn'u ninny gold coin aro nindo into JoWelry and In course of time uro Bent bark through our cruolbliui ouoo more. Thl I on account (if change of vtylti in gold ornament of all kind which i coiiHtantly going on. Any prollt? Oh, ytm. Wo ilgnro all inch thing. An artlolu pawned means to u only it wuight in the crucible with a profit deducted. Thi prodt may be 6 or it may bo 13 per omit A chain weighing $10 worth of gold we buy for $8.60 or aonit lo. Tho $1.60 1 for profit, handling and the rink. Ye, it'i quite a buNlno, and many family hii tory ha been told in the golden heir loom that have fallen into a lon bro ker'i ornoiblo. "Chicago Tribune. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Ottlie Trramirttr nf C'Uek!!! County, Orexnn, lor Ihnalx nimitliii ihIIii on th ItWIi ilnf ol Hi'iliniitii., IMH, ef money rmlm-i m li ottl, from wliitm ro:t-i veil iuil In. in wlml miiri'ii ui) en m tint nd'oiiin pM out: (IKNKItAI, KI!NI). I'l'l.tor Torxli nu liaml In. I n'iott 'lo t ol hv;i ami mm I n lleioivit . . , Tiirlnrk fee . ., To rei'onlnr't Inm To iherltt ' Iraa , lo fliifi ami liri J V court To iiilM'ellminuoi To irminffirrvil lo goiiKral Intnl.. . Toooal on a I Total I Of, lit 'M: w'Hy rw)..iiiiil roomy warrant Ml. IWj lly palil mau-lal Km no Illy jialil IihIIkiiui aol'llnr Ion. I . m t i.y naiaiiua I I Mm m llllll on Vft Ti 1 jiil m To notea on hamt 'I'o Intertill line on aaitm To Martini nminly warrant To lulereat tlua on lam a . Total To eaneelKil warrants lat ri.nrt To catit'tiloit warranu rrelti , Tolal ln mi 107 3i ll iv (nvr.! 7:i.ii!i.', T I 871M7I Total I H71M7 I , I HHnm'HyliiUnpe I IZih'ai l.w no Mi M 1,1ft . ijzt Total ... . vmim i iii r i I r,l i Hy canrclril coii nly warrant I 27 Vi 'aivii r.l m-n wj Tmai t twi w INM'I I Tl'TE K(M. Ilowtd hy tha I).. only court of aaM county, lor tha all montlia eniiln on tha Dnth day nf 8-p-toinlier, 14, on what account the name were allowi d, and the amount of warranu drawn, and the (mount ol warranta oiiKlamtlii anil nniiald aa the laine appear upon the record! of my bflke ami In my oltlelal cmtody. Wllnraa rny hand and the aeat ol the county court ol nalil county tlila lt day of October, A. tl m. ' lly II. r. HI HAN'iK, Di piily, OKO. f. IIOItTOS, Clerk SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT 01 th Financial Condition ol Ibe County ol Clackamaa, In the Bute ol Oregon, oa the th day of Heptemtier, A l. im UAIIIUTIKH. .. ir7ia : limit TirUl Uahllllle ... UI,57?a To amount of Intereat urcrue l thereon REBOCKCEH. By fund In handa of Connty Treaaurer applicable to th payment of county warraott f 1.10107 lly liotea no hand i I.IM'MW lly Intereat on lame j 1; M Hy Marlou nuiiiijr warrant and Intereat on seme not Hy uncanceled Ux lleue, lH a.M2 M " " " imi ,?) m " " 1W71W1 2U;7H Total Reaourcea, eaclnalve ol public property, To raah on hand laal rrw,rt To uaah rwnlved I mnily Hiipt Total ! I Crrdlt. I7 75 lly paid county aopt, order lai.i") lly Ulauia Tolal ?jr, oo "I iCtM 75 T-tH l.lalilllilea ol county, Total Keauiircei U1 .172 m . .iw in EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Expren Train leave Portland Daily. Hon.h I i.'orth. Tr. u. I l.r Portland Ar H Oi M. J:lr. . I Lt Oreiroiil liy Lw 7:l4.. 10'a.M. At M. Kranclaco f,e 7-00 r. ai. UI.N'INCJ CAKd ON OODKN ROITE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through Iralna EOHEBL'RO MAIL (Dally;. a. M A. U. :Mlr. . L Ar Portland Ar Orat-onC'lty L hoaelmry Lr 1 1 m r. a .1:r. 1 7 (. at Meat Hide livialon. BETWEEN HOKTXAND A.VD C0RVAILIH. Hall Train. Dally (Except 8undar.1 I2:l5r. M. I Ar Portland Cnrrallia Ar 5 M r.n 1 tilrii At Allianr and Corrallla connect with tralna of Oregon and Pacific Railroad. Expresa Train Dallr (Except llnnifay) ludiditedneaa ol the County W.t'a) lii'btor. " Toraili on hand laal report To caali received Tolal INUIOKNT KI NK. . (.ri.,,; --- i$ 1 Hy redeemed liidlriil mild, warrant! I .... j a.',w;ri lly balance : ROAD FVSIi. Caah In Treaaurer' hannd fnm 83 Harrauta outaundlu and unpaid 1. 01 Balance on hand fcM7 62 MM i) tut t -m n Total W2a HTATK TAX. llrbtor In ra.h mi ,m t tvwtX To rakl, rri'eivi'd To caili rei'i'lvrd ol (eneral lund Total i.'i ;j. Itmri-i-i1 HC III 101. t'nidlt lly paid ttate tax . Tolal ... 1 1 iKSt;0 i A I ?.V7U 4 , KCM). Good Blood Debtor. To raah an hand laal report To raali received of eotimy , I o caib received of alal ... Total i - Credit I ar.'t. n Hy redeemed arliool ordera ts! Tt Hy balance Bill in I W.'atJ;l Total I 2"773 i Salt 02 ' is Essential! HEALTH You cannot hope to be well I II your M.OOD 13 IMWRE II you tie troubled withK t M 7 SO ROAD FI ND lleblor. To caah nu hand laal report To caah received Tolal . I : CredIL t H7?4 la lly reileemed nad warrauta lly balance . 1 1 IT.-w'arl Total BOILS, ULCERS or PIMPLES, SORES vour blood It tad. A few bottlea of 8. S. S. will 4 . yihoroughly cleanae the ayatem, remoee all Iro-V 1 j Ti xm uw uuiiu juu u. nu rnaiinn m ; 9 itna iii , uunea aie i I i WUbrtKUU nltril I I'.TM hi Ifhvrttuae. It it the beat blood remedy oa eartli. Postoffice-:-Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. Iteblnr. To cah on hand laal report To caah received Total HI'KCIAt. HtllOOb TAX. 7i . . 1 1 17 17 Hy paid ..I ltVa4 lly Ula . ' I IK"7 W j Total OltKtiO.N CITY TX. (TeJII. I lkl ;l am WH Debtor. 'In caah on baud laal rrirt Tn warranu no ha:id laat report To eah rtcelved .... To warranu received . Tolal ' Credit (ft IV lly paid city treaaurer ... ! lly paid lor eollectlon ... la rt j IM 7V ! I 47lli! ToUl r,ie if, Vt it II 4712 15 HTATEMENT Of Ol'THTANDINO COt'N'TY WARRANTS. total ainiHiiiTo eiidoraedlvarrannTtwarlniler lulereat ou aam to data ToUl mount oi nuiatamllaf warrauta upnu which lulereat haa ceaaed p2v 0 lulereat due ou Mine IMTJ Total Grand Total I'JIAStO KIM II.MV4I 7W gmyniuae. it it the beat Wood remedy oa earu. T i g lhouwndawhohneusedit.ayio. & I pOC TTTP TH POT "M,i.i. i...i.iiv,,wnii.u,ci.W(hr"TZ aVXX JL 1 Ivvi9 Vw yj wtinlc trtlrm iMt 4 tAtt .ltradiiwlacofiUBtftoarrrv( irar"S-g! Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, xlv hiood niMttea. JOHN I.AVIN. Oartoa. Ohio OHIO ft iStlreatise on blood and akin dlwuea mailed frte.ii' I lhOT hv h SVV 1KT M'tUHC CO., Atlanta, Ga. E. S. Blackwell National Steam limi'A Cleai li2 Worts.- Dyeing of ev ery descrip tion. 924 6th St., Portland, Or. & Co., Prs. The above la lull and complete autemrul of all eudoraed outatandlui county warranu. and Interral on the aanie In dale, an taken from the book. In the county treaaurer'a ortlce, HTATK OF URKtiON, ) at. Comily of Clackamaa.) I, U I. loore, do hereby cenlly that the foretoln la a tnie and correct atalemnit of the I amoutila received, paid out and remaining on hand, Inthecnunty trat,iry of tald county lor the J ia milium eniiuif ou toe wan aay ol September, 1W4. ' Wllnraa my hand thla 30th day of September, A. P. WA. M L. MiHiltK, County Treaaurer. I .S-MILLER, MANUFACTURER Of 3T3iro,in -s- Tilo. C 1 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the amount ol Money and Warrauta received for Taiea aid Money paid lo the County Treaa" urer by the Sheriff n; Clackamaa county, Oreou, for the three month ending ou the anih day of Heptembrr, A. D. 1MM. TO AMOl'NT KKCEIVED. i coin I July. Aug. m i m ai BY AMOl'NT PAID To enmity treaaurer I W9 07 I m i ScpU t 113 11 t HI 11 DRICK& LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. FOR- STATU OF OREGON, ) aa County of Clackamaa,) I, E. C. Maddnck, iherlffof tald county, do hereby certify that the furcgoliif alaicmcnt ia correct aim true nt all moneyt received by meat therlrTalnce July 2d, ltW. Wltneai my hand thla 2d day ol October, A. D, 1W4. By N. M. MOODY, Deputy. E. C. MADDOCK. SherlfTClackamaiCo. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Of the County Clerk of Clackamar county, State of Oregon, ahowlng th imount nd numtier of clalmi allowed by th county court ol laid county, tor what allowed, amount of war rant! drawn, and amount ol warrauta outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of April, im, to the 80th day of September, 1K)4, both Inclusive. ON WHAT ACCOl'NT ALLOWED. Vaeleaa Trouble. A niomerit, on hi trial for a crime which had no coiineetioti with hypno tism, emphatically exclaimed, "To prove my iiiiioct'iitit I am prcpariM! to end the oonrt to lwp. " "Prinonnr," the Judge replied, "von may leave that to your ooniiHel. "Lib eral. A certain kind of mtislinioii) (rrown in northoaatorn Ai t will produco iu toxloation if it i raton. It ) alo a sttrn slant to niaGular exertion. Road and brTilge laiiMr Crlinlnal account Circuit couri Criminal account Juallce court Hlatlimnry Court homo and Jail C'lerk'a sheriff llnunly on wild a nl malt llalliir'a McIkmiI Superintendent. County Juilge'a CotiHty Commiaalonera' .... lnaaue Jury accoimt t'oroner'a County Treaaurer' ' Fuel Aaaeaanr'a Election IHatrict Attorney' Reoorder'a Surveyor' Court Reporter' Armory rent Indigent Soldier Money refunded Teacher' examination , Priming Street Improvement , Townahlu Plata Collection of Delinquent Taxea oa Mortgage! jtcnam mr arreat oi eacapea prtfouera Total amount olaimi allowed aud drawn. I Amount Clalma Allowed and Warms Drawu. 11.113 19 1, (SJ UN 4!M0 1,472 IW -:fii 22 27 2. Wi 71 HI Ml) CO 2II1IHI Ml Mi! MM IM HO 11X1 SO 77 20 tvs IIS USB S4 absolutelypure' DRUGS GOTO Q A. HARDING. NONE BtIT OOMPITENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. 4 40r.M. I 7:2ir. K. I Ar Portland Ar VcMinnvllla Lr 18 . Ia. THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS I.N Tilt EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND ECROPB Can be obtained at lowet rate Irom L B Moore, Agent, Oregon City, B.KOEHLEB, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asa t O. . tud Paae. Agent. 1. 1 k I CO. E. McNeill. Receiver. TO THE ERST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis ST. PAUL. VIA Let me have a trial order. Fine PermmeriES ana Toilet Articles. Alio t full Btock of F-A-IITTS- OILS ETC. Sheriff's .Notice of Bale oa Exeentloa. In tbe Circuit of the State of Oregon for th County of Clackamaa. Mary A. Hatch. Plaintiff, ts. Henry Swift Jr . Carrie Swift, H E Miller, Frauk Jones and John Sirey, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, sa. Notice is hereby given, that by elrtue of an execution and order of aale iaaued out of the Cir cuit Court of tbe State of Oregon lor the county of Cla kamaa. bearing date the 3d day of Octo ber, Ii4, In a suit wherein Maiy A Hatch waa plaintiff, and Henry Swift. Jr.. Carrie Swift, H. K Miller, Frank Jant-s and John Sirey were defendants, commanding me. in the name of the Stale of Oregon, that out of the real es tate hereinafter deactlbed. to realize a sum suf ficient to satisfy the demands of said decree, to wit: $8117 U0. aud the further sum of 146.52 coat, and the further sum of t'i'a) .00 as attorneys fees together with interest on the same since said decree was entered at 10 per cent, per annum and also the costs of aud attending this sale. Now. therefore. In obedience to such decree, I did duly levy upon, and will, ou Saturday the 3d day ol November, at the hour of one o'clock p m. of said day, at the front door of the court house In said county, otter for aale at pill. lie auction, and sell to the blithest and best bidder, for cash In hand, all the right, title and interest the said defendants have in and to the following described real pioperly, to wit: All of Block Number 17 in the Oregon Iron and Steel Company's Brst addition (o the Town of Oswreeo as thr name appears of record 13 the Recorder's otlice of Clackamas conury, Oregon. Also the aouth one-half of section sixteen (Mi in towuship four (4) south of range six (61 east of the Willamette Meridian, containing 10 acres, iu laraamaa couuiy, Oregon. iiateo. tnia 4tn day ol oetoner. A 1). 1W4. E. C. MADDOCK. Sheriff of Clackamas ciiunty. state of Oregon, By N. M. Moody, Deputy. 10-5:11-2. DENVER OMAHA AND Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on or dress, W. II. HUKLBl'RT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. at 1- Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Comer Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Rigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. FOR SALE OR TRADE. T Tracts of CLACKAMAS FRI'IT LANDS. 2 Tracts of CLACKAMAS FRI'IT Uood bouse, barn, eta. Also LOTS IN OI.ADSTONB. J. K. (1KOOM, Park Plice, Oregon. -TIIE- 1IKI 2.014 l.Mlv lMi 411! 4N 9(1110 IWiOO 1W:I0 Bfl 144(10 4NIH3 IHU IS) 7:II7 100,00 Total amount of unpaid county warrant! on the 80th day of Sept. 1KH4. luraicawiiinjmBiWD , , .$rjd,760 2S . 12,81 12 STATIC OF OREGON, ) County of Clackamaa,) I, Ceo. F. Horton. County Clerk of tha County of Clackamaa, State of Oregon, do hereby oertlfy that tha foregoing li a true aud oorrect statement ot the number and amount of claims TaWO Oregon Pacific Railroad CHAS. CLARK, Receiver. Direct Line Quick dispatch Low freight rate between Wil lamette Valley points and San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. Steamship "HOMER." This Company reserves the right to change sailing date with out notice. For freight and passenger rates apply to any agent. CHAS CLARK, Receiver. Chas. J. Hendrys, Son & Co., Nos. 2, 8, Market St., S. F. DKiZIES TIIEniOTOGRAPIIER, Would be pleased to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Bazaar. JOHN A. BECK, THE , RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re- liable goods his store is second to none. Irvhim! MEADE BELIEF CORPS, No. 18. DEPART MENT OF OKEGON. Mrs. M. 8. Pilsbury President Mrs. F, L. Cochrane, - Treasurer. Mrs. J. B. Harding, - Secretary. Meets on first and third Tuesdays of each month In K. of P. Hall. Membera of corps from abroad, cordially welcomed. MEADE POST, No X O A. R DEPARTMENT OF OREOON. Meets first Monday of each month, at K. of P. Hall, Oregon City. Visiting comrades made welcome. DAVID McARTHCR, Commander. Ma. Williams, Adjutant SONS OF VETERANS. E. D. Baker Camp, No. 18, meeta every Drat and third Thursday evening of each month, at K. of P. hall. W. K Johnson, Captain: B. 8. Belomy. Repre sentative mr. encampment; u, u. wi Lieutenant: Alonso C. A Herman, 1st Sergeant. BUTTE CREEK GRANGE, No. 82, P. of H Encampment; O, O. Wood, 1st WIckham, 2d Lieutenant: Meeta at their ball In Marquani, each month a waya welcome. ay In nbers al urda mem J. S JACK, Secretary. second Sat in. Visiting J. R. WHITE. Master. TO THE COAST Reduced Rates. Fast Time. n'T'f-ri'vTT'ii ' ' 3 (1 Si rta-V r The large and commodious STR. SARAH DIXON, Comfortable Beds. -:--:- Clean State-rooms. Leaves Yamhill-street wharf for Astoria, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 P. " M., connecting at Bridge with Seashore Road Com pany for Gearhart, Grimes and Sea side. Tickets sold throunh, and baggage checked to any point on Seashore Road Company line, and connects at Astoria with boats for Ilwaco and Long Beach. Returning leaves at 6:30 n. m.. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Company reserves right to change without notice. Shaver Transportation Co. J. C. Oliphant, Agent. J. W. Shaver, Manager. pa j jsj jr W"V If you are interested in Advertising you ought to be a sub scriber ot Printers' Ink: a journal for advertisers. . Printers Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in the advertising busi ness. Printers Ink costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. ADDRESS PRINTERS" INK, lO Spruee St., - Naul Yovle A A i i i i 4 i i i i 4 i