Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise.! The Iliisliu'ss (liuniros. nour future will witnoM iwveral FRIDAY, OiTOHF.U ll, ISiM. OREGON CITY OfFlCKKS lllrura Slrnlahl L. I. I'imrr CHn. K. Bnrm K 8 t'ulilt R. U Holiimu K. r. Print! C. lUlKWk, Jr. W. H. Howell IV Kltumlnl II I. W..1U- I' N. Orwiimui. J J. tk, H V. Jr, II. C. 8lavcu, lieo, Hnniiihton, M. Howell uitinrll meetdrt tVeiiuesday o(ch month Ui eit ha.ll. Mfor. Rrtstntor, Vhirt ol Pollr Trurcr, Clljr llrnT, 8tnl t:ommUlnnr. Bup't. ol nn-r Work. Cltv Knclnpr. Councilman C. 0. AUrlhl. Jr., Iitl JlvfrtisiiiK. Hereafter no legal advertisement will be inserted in the Kntkki-msk unless payment for the earn is made at the time the atlMavit of publication is ren dereil. This rule will be iinHrative and dfud-beat litigants, who mske it prac tice of work in the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other paoer toget their notii-es published. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. We el I, II ims, Shellldero, Picnic Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Side Bacon, Dry Salt P.acon. Pried Beef, Ca ineJ Meats, Salt Fish, Etc Etc. E. E. Williams, The Grocer. Wood wanted at once this office. the Choice hay by the ton or bale at Star grocery. tf Haxors put in first class order at Slo per'g barber shop for 25 cents. Freelorn 4 Co., 255 Alder stieet, Fortland, for wall Daper and moulding. tf For Rent A seven-room cottage on Fifth and Hij.'h streets. Applv to Chas. Horn. Use pure prepared paint mixed and ready for use. Charman & Co., agents. Any shade, sample card free Cards announcing that "stores will he closed at 8 o'clock P. M. except Friilay and Saturday." fur sale at this office. New bu k wheat flour, fresh and pure. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Leave your orders at Cram Bros', for fresh and carefullv 0ned oysters, de livered to anv part of the city. Theo. vt yuant, uf Portland, is having his building on the corner of Eighth and Main, repainted which adds greatly to its appearance. Rev. T. Thomas of the Southern Methodist church will houl services in ; the United Brethren church next Sun day, Oct. 21, it 11 A. M. Honesty an I thorounness is the rule with Burmeister & Andresen in all their repair work. They guarantee their work to be first class. Drs. Ilickeydi Hickey will be here Friday and Siturdsy of each week at Room 6, Elctiic hotel. Home otfice 117 and US. Dekum block, Portland. Karl's Clover RoJt will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make yonr head clear as a b?ll. 25.?., 50c., and a dollar. For eale by Geo. A . Harding. Theo Fischer, of .Sandy, accompanied by his aephew, H. T. Fischer was in the city last Friday on a little business m tter with the county clerk. The officiating minister will furnish the full particulars. (i. Knapp, of Oswego has purchased the building and lease of ground owned by S. Schilling on Main between Seventh and Eighth stiwts. He is having it overhauled and treated to a coat of paint an J intends to open a saloon in the building shortly. B. L. M'iriison, one of the leading capitalists of Vancouver, and an old-time friend of Assessor Bradley was in Oregon City last Friday viewing our factories and water power. He was greatly pleased with the evidences of prosperity manifested and noted many improve ments since his last visit to our city. From the Hillsboio Independent it is learned that a Chautauqua circle has bee a formed in that place with a flatter ing membership and good prospects. Toe officers are, Mrs. Elliott, president; John M. Brown, vice president; Mae Clark, treasurer and Rose W ilcox, sec retary. Jas. Shelley who baa been working under Foreman 8 w afford on the Molalla road, was severely hurt last week by a piece of a rock flying and bitting him in the eye. The wound was not dangerous, though he had a close call for losing an eye, and will soon be able to be at bis work. A meeting was held at Ely to organize a Christian Endeavor union at that place. Keys. G. Sykes and J. W. Cowan were present. Signatures to the union to the number of fifteen were ob tained and a committee of four, viz. Mrs. S. J. Mack, Mr. J. 8, Devol and Mrs. Moran was appointed to canvas for mora members. Another meeting was called to meet at 4 P. M. at the Congre gational church to elect officers and transact other business. changes in location hy business linns of this city. C. G. Huntley will remove from his present location to the Cautleld block, occupying the corner room ad joining the hlley. In this new location he w ill have more room and far better facilities for making an attractive appear ance w ith his goods. Mr. Huntley, by his industry and careful busines meth ods and thorough advertising work, has built up a moat tlattcriir business. He lully deserves his prosperity tor it is well earned. W. A. Huntley will remove his sure to the room adjoining the one to be omt pied by his brother's drug store in the Caufield block. With hi change in lo cation Mr. Huntley will largely increase his stationery and notion stock, and will have a store of which Oregon City may well he proud. In order to accommodate his many up-town customers he w ill put a stock of stationery and a stand for the daily paper, magasines, etc., in the postoflice building, w here he will have a competent person in charge. From a small beginning fouryears ago Huntley's Book Store has grow n to be one of the lending mercantile establishments of Oregon City and its success is a compli ment to the foresight and energy of Mr. Huntley. Another firm to remove to the Can field block is that of tilass 4 Smyth, the clothiers. They will occupy the third room and intend to tit up a clothing store that will be a credit to Oregon City. Mr, Glass, the managing partner, In the short time that he has been in Oregon City, has proved himself to be an up right, pushing, business man and under his guidance their trade will grow against all opposition. A. W. Schwan will, as soon as it is vacant, remove his stock of plumbing goods and tin shop to the Caufield build ing now occupied by Huntley's drug store. Mr. Schwan will then take in a partner, A. D. Putrow. The new firm will pnt in a complete line of hardware in addition to the stock now carried by Mr. Schwan and will strive fairly for their share of the trade in that line. In the three years that Mr. Schwan has been in Oregon City he has shown him- sell to be a gained the confidence of all who have come in contact with him. Of his pros pective partner he needs no introduction for he has been raised in this city and Mr. Putrow's friends feel confident that be will niet their expectations as a usiness man capable of doing his part to make the future of the new firm a success. For a Telephone Service. Oiegon City now bidshir to number among its other advantages a telephone service. Mr. J. H. Thatcher, manager ot the Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co., was in this city Monday and inter viewed a number of the leading business men with regard to putting in a telephone system for Oregon City. He met with very flattering encouragement and will in the near future make a systematic cam a of the town for his company. ! Mr. Thatcher's plan is to, if he can secure a sufficient number of subscribers, p it in an exchange in connection with the long distance l'nes now ojrated by his company from this city, so that the patrons can have, when desired, con nection with Portland and other points. The instruments to be used will be the latest improved and are guaranteed to give satisfaction. The use oi the instru ment will be put at $2.50 per month with no extra charge for switching, thus making the cost as low as to be had in any city in the United States. The advantages of a telephone system are manifold. In addition to being a necessity to business houses and a needed convenience to the residences it would fill the place of a fire alarm service for our city, which latter duty ought to be sufficient inducement to in sure the placing of a telephone in each of the principal residences of Oregon City. There are but few cities in the United States the size of Oregon City w ithout a telephone service and our people are not to be behind the rest of the country in securing what has become to be necessities to modern life. the burning building. The O. C. H. Co. No. !!, came by way of the Madison street bridge but the flames by that time were heyond the tlicniens' control. They im mediately formed a bucket brigade and saved the woodshed and otlter buildings adjoining the bouse. Everything on tiie lower t!oor was saved but the con tents of the second floor was a total loss. There was no insurance on the build ing and the loss is estimated to W about flOOO. Mrs. Straight will commence the erection of four-roomed dwelling for the winter and will add two other rooms in the early spring. The following article Is clipped from the SHkam Review ot October 1ft: "Rev. G. W. Gilmney, ot Oregon Cily w ho has been preaching in the First Presbyterian church for the past two Sundays, will prolmbly be given a call. The committee on selection of a pastor yesterday decided to call a congrega tional meeting Wednesday evening when they will submit a unanimous re port in favor of extending an Invitation to Rev, Giboney. The committee is thoroughly representative, consisting oi iweiuy-iive memoer, including the Industrial Herald and to the loading trustees oniiecnurcii, so us report will ,m,K.r of Lebanon for miUlcation. and that a copy ho presented to Brother Moiloy Pun by onler and In liehaif of the Oregi n City Ministerial Aw.ot latum at the regular meeting (V tolier 11, 1S1M. FAUKWHI.I.. To Her. W I. Molley llj Hie MtuUterliil AHiiiittioii of Orrguu City. itKHKAs, It being the manifest will of God In His wise dimswition of his servant to remove our beloved (rllow worker, Rev. W. 1.. Moiloy, from On gon City to another Hold uf labor, there fore be It Resolved, By the Ministerial Assixia tion of Oiegon City : 1. That in parting with our fellow servant, we do hereby expresa our full appreciation of his bischristian charac ter,, fidelity to his work, his fraternal lovo for his bielhrcn In the mlnisirvof Christ, his cliantatilu spirit and his integrity as a neighbor and cilixeu. 2, That we most heartily com mend him to the people of hihanon, whither ho goes, as a Christian brother In whom they can safely revise con tide nee, and whose walk and life is worthy of their consideration and imitation, 3. That a copy of this preamble and these resolutions lie furnished the Ore gon City Entkhi'Kisk, Oiegon Courier, probably lie adopted." Rev. Giboney received a dispatch from the committee stating that the call was unanimous but as yet Rev. Giboney has not sent a reply. tor Port- iu Ore a route E.NTXR- Guy Stryker, route agent' land'a new daily, The Sun, was gon City Thursday establishing for his paper. He called at the phisi otlice and reports that the pros pects of The Sun are most flattering, they having a list of over 7,lKX) subscribers now with the list growing rapidly. At 15 cents per week, the paper is w ithin the reach of all. Judge Bronaiigh was in town on legal business Thursday. He hied Jtwo com plaints brought by Malcolm P. Bradley against Clackamas county (or the sum of loOOO each 'or the death of his wife and child on the county road near the Clackamas river. The accident bap eued a year ago the 4th of July as Mr. Bradley and family weie returning from Portland. J. W. Cowan, I). P., ILsav Wall. B. A., President. Clerk. 'HE RED FRONT STORES. GROCERIES, 17 lbs. dry granulated sugar II ; Hour '.MlTi per barrel ; shorts $12.50 iHr ton ; h.'i eta. a sack ; & gal oil lift els ; milk crocks 10 i ts ; jugs it) eta; raisins, plums or prunes ft els. per lb; Arhurkles or Moil coll'ee 2ft eta ; shingles f I Tit) pur in ; clover and timothy luiv, straw, w heat and outs ; boiled hurui'ss ami machine oils, white lead, mixed paints, etc , SHOK9. SHOES Misses rubber I .'I to ' M til eta; ladles' rubber llftcts: storm nililM'is 45 cl; men' riiMvcr boots, short 12 50; stcclahocj school shoes very durable wild reasonable price; misses' $2 cloth top shoes cut to 11.50; mackintoshes, nil coats, umbrellas, etc, DRY COODS,: House lining 2T. eta per yd: heavy extra wide shirting 10 el yd; indiago blue calico 5 els; best apron glr.gliHiu 5 cts; icriin lor curtains A cts; colionade pants gisHts 20 ct yd; Brownsville Man dels and blankets, best and lowest priced ; all wisil cashiinere U:t inches, 4ft its; same and better In rctiiliianta 40 cts; trimmed hats sailors, biihv hnniiets, pleasing styles, nobby suits from Chicago and Brownsville, gent's underwear, overshirts, etc; men's f.l and 1.7ft pants, sites 211 to III, close at 12 25. PRODUCE FOR TRADE. IIAMIIFON HUOS., Oregon City and Park Place. NEW CASH STORE Corner Fourth and Main Stroets. County Clerk Horloii issued the fol lowing license to wed during the week: man of industry and has J jiarv p j.jow 4Mj joun Fischer and 11. T. Fischer; Anna 11. Zweiful and F. D. Sturgis;Mary Olsen S. D. Roop: Minnie M. Beesen and Ed win Traylor; Lucy M. Grenwell and Eugene Rolwrts. J. L. Moore, at the Oregon City Fish Market, now keeps on ice a full stock ot all kinds ot deep sea fish, lobsters, crabs, oysters, salmon and smelt. Remcmlier the place, next door to Albright's meat market. Ntlnon Tips. Salmon, October 13. Weather line and a good deal of travel over the mountains. Those who are intending to travel through this fall are hurrying to do so before snow begins to fall In the hills. Mr. F. T. Wakeley and family have gone down to Eagle Creek for a visit to friends. J. T. Mclntyre'i little girl who was reported ill is getting better under the care ot Pr. C. B. Smith ot Eagle Creek. Mis. Murphy and family are intend ing to go to Portland next Monday to siend the winter for sehcxil advantages. .Miss I.ulu Carter returns to her home in Kalama with them as f ir as Portland. II. B. Campbell has n-turned from a trip to Portland a'td gone up to the summit. Two men passed here this morning looking (or a thief from licrvais. I'SlHiKKSM. C. P. Looney resigned his position at the grocery store of II. Straight and has taken a similar one with V. Harris. J. W. Boatman has the place at Mr. Straight's store. The Presb) terian church will be com pleted next week and it is expected to bold the fi'st services in the new church on October 2S. In the decline ol lile, infirmities beret ds to which our youth and maturity were strangers, our kidneys and liver are subject to derangement, but nothing equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm as a regulator of these or gans. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Party. Last Saturday evening a surprise party was tendered Miss Emma Davis in honor of her eleventh birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of the West Side. The evening was pleasantly spent and refreshments served. Those present were the following : Cora Scott, Jessie Humphrey, Maggie Goodfellow, Hattie Thompson, Jane Jones, Henry Scott, Fred Humphrey, Chas. Moehnka, Arthur Gallogly, Roy Sprague, Eddie Rue, Joe Goodfellow, Dave Jones, Frank Martin, Bertha Davis, Nettie Davis and Etta Simmons. Saturday Sight's Fire. Last Saturday evening the home of Mrs. Ivy Straight, in the northeastern part of the city was burned to the ground. The fire is supposed to have caught from the kitchen chimney. The family was at supper and did not know of their dan gerous situation until their neighbors gave the alarm. The fire companies responded, all reaching the scene of the fire about the same time, but could render but little service in quenching the flames as the nearest hydrant was about four blocks from the fire. The Cataracts and the Fountain ceupled the two pieces of hose but failed to reach The fall in the price of silver has been to the gain of the people wanting fine silverware. Prices are lowe than ever known before. A full assortment of the celebrated Rogers Bros.' silverware is carried hy Burmeister & Andresen. The first month with "R"oiens oyster season and Cram Bros.s' It open ing the oysters daily w hich R served in their neat parlors opposite Commercial bank. Maple Lane Notes. Matlb La.nk, Oct. 15. Mr. Redburg and son John, of Tillamook county, weie among us Saturday and Sunday the guests of James Shelley. John Bell has left us, having moved over near Jones' mill. The young peo ple came in last Thursday evening and warmed up their house before they left. A fine time was reported. M. P. Brad ley was up and attended the party. Mrs. Brayton attended the Butteville I fair and captured eight ribbons on her work ; four blue and four red. James SwafTord has completed the connecting link in our road through the Myer's place and a fine job he has made of it. Mrs. Brayton has gone to V'ancouyer Wash., for a tew days visit. Our school seems to be progressing satisfactorily. ItaUy Patterson lluuiavh. Mine. Betsy Puttcraoii Bonaparte, the sister-in-law of an emperor, was born In Baltimore, and after living inituy years abroad returned to her native laud, where she passed the last year of her life. One of the old lady's crack storiea in her latter days was of a Icmou in eti quette given her by the black butler of her host. At breakfast alio motioned to bitn and banded bim her cup, wish ing a second cup of tea. Uncle Bob, lustead of taking the cup to Ins mistress at the head of the table, put it down with a great flourish on the sideboard. "But 1 wanted another cup of tea," said Mine, Bonapnrtu. "Did yon. mum?" blandly asked Un cle Bob. " You see, mum, you put your spoon in do saucer, an that mean yon doan' want no mo' tea. When yon wants some mo' tea, do e'rvet way la to pnt de spoon in do cup like di beah, " and I mie Bob gravely illustrat ed the "c'rect" method of procedure. The family were on thorns, expecting an outbreak from the sister-in-law of an emperor, although there is no doubt that , a black butler in his own baili wick could face un emperor himself, but Betsy was only amused and laughed heartily. After SO years of money getting and money saving, she realized in the lat ter part of her life how futile it til was and expluimed grimly, ''Once 1 had everything but money I Now I have the! nothing but money." Boston Trau- script. DRY GOODS, In a coiiiilcto assortment. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, An extra fitio lino in all iiiulitics. BOOTS & SHOES, A Snoialty, ami in nil grailon. As wo lny and sell for cash wo are ablo to give o ir otistoinern iH-nofit of very low prioen. D. B. REES & CO. the WW! V.l i.AvAf ,ii HCAl-?(- IT THE POPULAR ACTRESS Mini Mlnnls Ttllrll. says th. "Willi Host" m up by (h North rup k Hiurgls Company, Port land. Urrgcm, la lirr ravonu rfuni. Tht "Whin . "Julia Mar. lews" ami othrr charming- pr fumrs, put up only hy tht North rop Bturals Company, ar the moit popular Willi Iho luillct. Brick J Brick!! Jas. Hammett, of Kewberg, will de liver brick to any part of Oregon City in large or small quantities at the lowest price. First class brick guaranteed. Write for terms. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Enteki'Bisk and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Notice of Application for a Saloon License. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed will apply to the City Council of Ore gon City, Oregon, at their next regular meet ing for the continuation of a lieceuse for a saloon for a period of six months at the corner of Main and Kiglitb xtreets. K. MATT HIES. Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 18, lrt. A Rare of (;iunt t'aniilliala. Unlikely as it may seem to some who read these lines, it Is a fact neverthe less that there is an island in the gulf of California, not more thun 60 miles from tho Mexican mainland, which is inhabited by the remnants of a race of giant cannibals. This startling discov ery was made hy a west coast natural ist eurly in 18(11 and has since been confirmed by both United States and Mexican explorers. Mr. McNatnara, the scientist referred to, has a photo graph of one of the men found by him on the island, that individual, although not one of the largest, being over 7 foot iu height. The island upon which they were found is known us the island or isle of Leri, and the original discoverer says that there is every evidence of can nibalism among them. St. Louis He-public. Awarded Highest Honors World'! Fair. mm CREAM IMS MOST PERFECT MADE K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fref iom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant AO YEARS THE STANDARD, flAVIS THE PAINTER. House mid Sign Painting. Good Workmen and the Best of Paints. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. For Wull Phjkt. Matting, Linoleum, Window SIiruVh and Iiouho Decorations neo him. Hoot Mock in the city. Portland prices. " Store Next D or To Albright's Meat Market. OEO-OUST OITY, OREO-OUST. On the Road ONtheTRACK THE RAMBLER Is always at the front in racus and records, as well as five awards at the World's Fair. Pronounced by all unprejudiced Riders, Dealers and Mechanics to be the lightest, strongest, swiftest, handsomest and best Hicyclo on earth. Send for catologuo, circulars, etc., etc. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 327 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Northwest representatles. Lire Azents wanted everywhere. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OP FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order - Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, ORKGON CITY, OK.