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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1894)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE EXTKRITISE CORRESPOND EXTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Railroad Truck Boliijr Fenced Bicjcle Champion Home Other Events of the Towu. Canby, Oct. 17. The farmers ami jeo- fie in general are taking advantage of the tine weather we are having, doing their fall work, putting in their crops, digging potatoes and gathering apples. The wagon bridge across the Molalla river between this place and Barlow has f been repaired and put in good order gain. The revival meetings hvid by the Evan gelical church are attended ith a great deal of interest, and are, .'Matly enlarg ing the membership of U I'Hiurch. The Southern Pacific d'puny ie fenc ing its railroad. They have a gang of bout twenty men engaged in the work building toward Portland. The men stopped here about a week with their cars in which they eat and sleep, Tuesday morning the overland train was delayed here about an hour on ac count of a disabled freight engine block ading the road. Miss McPaniel, principal of our school, received notice last Sunday of the death of her brother's wife. She left on Sun day evening's train to attend the funeral which was held on Monday near Harris burg. Millard Lee was over at Westminster, B. C. last week, and showed them how to ride, you know. He came back with fifty or sixty dollars' worth of prizes. air. vorwin Miank, a rising young lawyer of Seattle, was visiting his parents for a few days last week. Mrs. M. Susbauer, of Washington county, daughter of G. Schmitt of this place, has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past week. Grant White, of New Era, spent Sun day in this place visiting friends. Miss Ella Knight went to Portland las' Tuesday, where she intends to stay dur ing the winter studying music. C. 0. T. Williams, of Oretton City, was in our town one dav last week. MOCXT PLEASANT HCSIXUS. Items oj Interest About oar Mountain Friends Pen Metopes and Kewt Notes. Moot Plkasaxt, Oct. 16. Miss Ida Pease is home again with hr sister, Mrs. McKillican. We are glad to have ber back again tor she was missed very much during ber absence. Perry Mattoon, of Xestucca, has been vis iting his cousin, Will McCord, during the past week. Miss Minnie Jboenke returned last Tues day week from a visit with friends near near New Era. Misses May and Alice Andrews, Carl Jhoenke and Frank Andrews are attending Oregon City Schools. A pleasant surprise party was given Miss Lorena Lazelleand Melvin McCord at the home ot Miss Lorena's parents last Tues day evening by their friends, the occasion being their fifteenth birthday. The evening was spent In music, games and dancing, after which refreshments were served. The feature of the evening was the monogram cake which Miss Lorena cut for luck, and the guests drank apple wine to their health, j Altogether the evening was an enjoyable one and those present wished the young people, whose birthday fete it was, many happy returns of the day. Goy Kellogg, of Oregon City, evidently enjoys rural life at his uncle's While Hall, for be spends much of his time exploring grounds and orchard. A pretty good pas time, isn't it, Guy? George Lazelle has five hired men at pres- -it. Mr. I-azelta appears to believe in that really trHthful old saw, "many bands make light work." His potatoes, so we are Informed, are averaging 150 bushels per ere. We are sorry that Miss Emma Hedges deemed it necessary to go to Colorado for the benefit of ber health. After an absence of about a year from Oregon City ber many friends looked forward with pleasure to the keeping of ber bene with ns for the winter at least. Few among the older settlers can fail to remember the hospitable home and table at Maplewoed Farm during the life of the late Captain Absalom Hedges. L'p from the past pleasant memories come trooping of the captain's kindness to the ' lowly as well as to those of high degree. His conceptions of gentleman in the true sense of the word were accurate and ever re membered: " He who aims at his best aims high ; all else is low." Perhaps the most romantic spot on all this bill top is Jacob Thomson's place situ ated directly back of and adjoining J. 8, McCord's pasture lands. Formerly it was taken as a soldier's grant by William F. Brayton, now of Maple Lane. Here be pro ceeded to build a home among the giant firs, and here a little girt once spent her sixth birthday by invitation, and right roy ally was she treated bv the mistress of the house who understood how to make that same little girl happy. Bnt now the face of the country is all changed. The giant firs that stretched out their arms toward in finity have long since been converted into long lines of filmy smoke, and stone fences now occupy the space that was once usurped by riotous bazel and vining maple. Along tbe uncultivated steeps the dogwood and brake still continue to cling. There are many points of interest to be seen from tins alpine eminence, with Mt. Hood, a la . Ment Blanc, in tbe distanc clearly defined ..against the sky. Looking down tbe canyon -of White Spring branch we see beyond the level meadow lands of the Lei and farm, or, as tbe well-known lecturer, Levi Leland, called it, "The Hermitage." Turning to look as the crow flies we catch wonderful view of George Randall's handsome country resi lience at Central Point, and across the abyss aweet chimes are wafted from the little church near Mr. ltsndall's home. In behalf of the Kntkhphisr cowspond fnts we wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Meserve. We sincerely ho that Master Mewrve will, when he Is a man grown, edit a newspaper, and allow all of us a place In its columns. Vox Hi'mama. Oswego Newt. Oswkoo, Oct. M. The Mull Bun water pi I order will be tilled In about two weeks. The foundry will probably close for the winter. C. Webb will move his family to Ogden, I'tah, where he and Captain Kvans liv an interest in the iron works. Miss Bessie Evans's school of expression gave an entertainment at 1'rosser's hall Sat urday evening. K. E. Pavidson gave a party at his home on Oswego Heights Saturday evening. All had a good lime and were sorry when 12 o'clock came. One went so far as to suggest that the hands of the clock be turned back. Miss Fairchild and Miss 0 lesson, of Port land, were the guests of Miss Grace Wor thington Sunday. Jean Zimmerman wears the broadest smile in town. A little girl has come to stay wilh him. Wed, October Itith, the infant of John Weslman. Miss Jacobs, ef Portland, was the suestof the Misses Evans Saturday. The Beading Boom Club will give a masque ball Thursday evening at Prosser's hall. It is an invitation all'uir. FROM AKOTHfH COKKKSPOMPIilT. Oswtuo, Oct. 1". Since writing my last communication the Oswego Iron Worker has changed hands. Mr. Walter I.yon, of Salem, has leased the outfit of Mr. Hill, and the Iron Worker comes out with a patent outside. C. Wcbb has returned from t'tah. He will remove with bis family to Ogden the latter part of the week. Mr. Webb left Cap tain Evans at Ogden. The captain has con tracted to build a blast furnace and pipe foundry at Ogden. Mr. Webb has the con tract for furnishing the charcoal for the fur nace. Miss Bessie Evans's elocution class give an entertainment last Sat unlay evening in Prosser's hall. There was a good attend ance notwithstanding the dampness of the evening, and the members of the class ac quitted themselves nobly. A pleasant fea ture of the evening was the piano solo ren dered by Miss Jacobs, of Portland. The closing recitation, "Custer's Last Fight," was rendered by Miss Bessie in her usual happy manner. Attorney Campbell, of your city, was vis iting friends in Oswego Sunday. Mrs. Alex. Bankin is lying very ill at her home in New Town. Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. ol H., will give a basket social and dance next Monday night, the 2-'d, at Prosser's hall. A good time is anticipated. J as. Uedrick met with a painful accident in the pipe foundry Wednesday morning He was turning the crank on one of the small cranes when by some means bis hold slipped and the crank struck him on the arm, braising it very badly. Fortunately no bones were broken. , Ed. Knot, A. J. Monk, B. F. Straus and James Layman returned the first of the week from a hunting tour on the Sandy. The boys say they hail a good time caught lots of trout, killed one grouse, two chip mnnks and a humming bird. Layman saw one deer, (is not sure whether it was a deer or a bear,) ran about a quarter of a mile to get Monk to come and shoot It. Just then it occurred to him that he had a gun him self. He ran back, climbed 0Kn a log about six feet high and blazed away at the place where be had seen the animal. Result: "un 011 one ilIe of the log and Jim on the other. Bear or deer gone to visit the Maza mason Mt. Hood. Jim vows that that gun cannot he surpassed as a kicker. That the boys may be more successful next time is tbe wish of Am skua. Hood Views. Hood View, Oct. 9. Mr. Fd Corn stock made Portland and friends a flying visit today. Harry Spencer and family visited the metropolis the first of the week. C. T. Tooze has been doing a little rusticating and collecting in onr midHt. Chas. Peterson has purchased back his old farm and expects to move thereon very soon. Wm. Graham has returned to Salem where he contemplates spending another winter at tbe violin under Prof Kruse. Miss Alice Todd and Miss M. Baker, of Hood View, and the Misses Boyce, of Champoeg, are attending tbe Congrega tional church at Forest Grove. Mies Thompson and Miss D. Cummins of Tualatin, are attending tbe Pacific academy at Newberg. Judd Seeley, formerly one of our neighbors, has recently moved from vYooduurn to Aewberg so tbe young people can attend a good school. That's right, parents, give children a chance. L. B. Brown expects to leave us soon as the new owner of the Spicer faun will take possession on the 10th . John Buttson and family are also pre paring to move soon, we understand, to Wood bum. John Kpler and M. C. Young bave let contracts to clear and grub land, to Italians. This is what makes; things move, keep our money at home and itn prove. Quite number of our hopgrowers bave come out behind on their last years shipment of hops to England. Amonir tnem are some of our shrewdest men . i rank beelev's new hour-e is near com pletion. The carpenters expect to fin ish up their work this week and then the painter will soon make short bis work. Mr. lay lor and Wm. Weston, who were laid up by accidents in the hon fields are, we are glad to say, able to be op and doing. We understand Mr. T. M. Baker, who loet his bon house bv fire, did not net nis insurance money on account of the wrong man insuring tbe property. This will be a warning to always do tlilnes on a strictly business basis, Anna. Ml KK WOOD SHOTS, lliihim and Crop Burnett -Serious Kiiuswsy -An Knjujnlile Social Party, Siiihwoop, Oct, H. The shower of ruin last evening makes the air feel fresh am! braclnit today. - Farmers are busy putting In their full grain. The fruit crop in this vicinity is very light this year. Samuel Taylor, who wss so unfortunate as to get run over by a loaded wagon a short time ago, has taken a turn lor the worse. Will Fisher Is fast recovering from an at tack ot typhoid fever. Kd. Baker, of Wilsonville, had quite a se rious runaway on the 11th. Mr. Baker loll under the wstron and was seriously bruised up. Hit team collided with Mr. Knight's, breaking the under Jaw of one of his horses and tearing things up generally. 0. Johnson's hop house burned down on Thursday morning. His loss was quits heavy. All his crop boxes of hops was stored In the house, aa were all his trays and other articles too numerous to nif ntion, necessary to the hop business. It is supposed the house was tired by tramps. The house and crop were partially insured. The family of W. B. Calkins has been having a general round of sore throat. All were Improving, however, at last accounts. A party of young folks from here visited D. C. tier's place on Friday evening where they had a most enjoyable time until " the wee sins' hours." It seemed that all pres ent came with the intention of having a good time. Dancing and games were the order of the evening. Miss Carrie Murdock has lu-t returned i from vuiUl UWluis nMr Osweto. Logan Locals. Looak, Oct. LV Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday. Oc tober 10, Wm. Brown, of Logan, and Miss Ore, Young, of Viola. "The boys were on hand when the shades of night were falling fast, but tin horns were scarce, so Willie'1 helped to swell the charivari. The girls were there loo, and Willie treated all roy ally. The dance was the most madly merry of the year. The voung couple will go to house-keeping on the place vacated this summer by ('has. Wooden. May they smoke the pi,e ol peace and drink tile's richest broth is the wish of their numerous friends. Many of the Logan lads and lasses en joyed tkedauceatSpriugwater Friday night. Mr. Bichey has disused of the last of his line grapes. He claims to have found a fair market lor his fruit in spite of dull limes. Jacob Huber and others are busy gather ing in large crops of potatoes. Mr. Ileatter had several men clearing land for him this week. Severs! small boys were playing with powder Sunday and it exploded. Peter Smith is wearing a plaster; the others were more scared than hurt. The Logan school ma'ams have Joined the 0. 8. T. Beading Circle and meet once a week. The course is excellent and should be studied by all Oregon teachers who have not completed a similar course. Bev. Johnson and Miss Katie Pchnltel are on the sick list. Pxasu Pleasant Hume Notes. Pi.rasant Homr, Oct. HI. Hichard Brad ley and his fair bride commenced house keeping at the old home place near Pleas ant Home Monday the l."th. Many young friend of the bride and groom will no douht give them sn open air concert now as they are settled st home. The great Urge pipes for the Hull Run water line nave at last been hauled upon the ditch which is fast being completed The late rife in the Handy damaged the false works across the run to so great an extent that new works are necessary. The works will consist of piling with steel point that can be drove down securely In the river bed, making it sate. The potato crop is good. Fruit in most parts is not more than a half crop. The early frost damaged the fruit in this section considerable. Rev. Rich was here on Sunday and at tended the M. E. services at the church. Chas. Chase, of Sandy, is at present carry ing the mail from Sandy to Gresham. The regular stsge driver is tied up for not settl ing his bills. Rev. Alderman is the minister in charge of the M. K. Church at this place this year. He was here twelve years ago and is well known. The postmaster of Cottrell has been quite ill, but is able to be around again. Milwaukee News. Milwaukee, Oct. Irt.-H. p, Henenman lost a valuable cow last week with milk fever. She was sick but a few days. Tbe shoddy mill is once more grinding out its product after a few days of shutting dow n lor repairs. J. G. Bonnet's carding mill is kept busy day and night fillingorders. J. Pitts, who fell from a pear tree last week, is able to move about with the aid of crutches. O. Keller and Fred Krnger, mntormen on the electric railroad, who have been very sick with typhoid fever, are now able to be out and enjoy the beautiful weather. John r-'tucky just completed an addition of five rooms to his house, which add much to the comfort of the occupants and greatly Improves the appearance of tbe place. GREETING. Having purchased the Interest of T. J. Gary in tbe store doing business under the firm name of Gary A Wlssinger, I wish to thank our many friends for past patronage and respectfully solicit a continuance of our friendly relations. I shall keep a full stock of fresh staple groceries at prices to suit tbe times. On and after Monday, Oc tober 22, orders will be solicited and goods promptly delivered. I am, resiiectfully, 0CA WlSSIHOEB. Damascus Doings. Damascus, Oct. 10. 8. C. Young Is now drying his fruit. It is turning eut very well. A boy was bern to the wife of Henry Hoofm aster a few days ago. Edward Elliott has laid the foundation for a new house he expects to erect soon. Mrs. Henry Cooke, of Oregon City, was Mackifltoslis and Rubber Goods AT PORTLAND PRICES. LADIES KID GLOVES FOR 75c., IF YOU WANT SHOES THAT WILL WEAK COME TO CANBY. Dress Goods Grnofirifis always the lowest. mum CKNBY, Dealer- -Diamond,- -Laucs- n Crescent Wedges (warranted.) Oregon City Agent, ...... visiting with her mother, Mrs. Winston, of this plare last week. Miss IMIa Newell is very tick. It la our hoe that she will soon recover. Miss Clara Wade, of Portland, formerly of Newberg, visited the Misses Mc.Murry last Sunday. Mrs. Grlllln ii vlaiiing her sitter, Mrs. K. J. Burke, of I'ortluud. School commenced two weekvago with a good enrollment. There are ipilte a num. ber to come in after they are through wilh full work. John Kllleary is reiiiiilding the old house .... l.l- r.... km I ......I.. I.. - I ' ' " """"" I sightly location it makes a very good t I pearatice. Ktattord Notes. STArroan, Oct. PI. The past week has rolled by with many minor accidents, nous of which are probably very serious. Grandma Augusta Melcher fell down the cellar stairs and hurt ber wrist. It is not known whether it is broken or not. Mr. Wvisschhorn pulled a turned up stump over hinisell and jammed bis left wrist which causes him a great deal of pain. A number of the elite of the church here attended church at Krog Pond last Sunday afternoon. Rev. K. Reichle, accompanied by Messrs. J aster, Johnson and Aden, went to High land Saturday. Rev. Rlecble was to oc cupy the pulpit at that place on Sunday, ami the rest went along to see the country. Conrad Weofle is busy making grata; wine. Mrs. Alice Starr, youngest daughter of Captain Hayes, has been visiting her many friends about here for the past week. Fruit is almort all secured for the winter ami some spuds are stored away. Mrs. M. A. Gage and daughters, Agnes and Ollie, returned Saturday from the Po mona grange. They say a pleasant time was had and think all good grangers who stayed at home missed a great desl. WiUks, Uarfteld Gleanings. Garkikld, Oct. 12. Good weather for spud digging and fall work. Some have sown their fall grain while others are busy with other full work. W. P. Iloyer killed a fine deer last week over on trie north fork of the Clackamus river. There was a ijulct wedding last Sunday, the contracting parties being John Johnson, of Portland, and Miss Sarah Miller, one of Garfield's nicest young ladles. Ws wish them success In life. S-elling school last night at the Irwin school house where Emerson Surface is teaching school. Harrison Tracy has a good part of the lumber hauled for a new cottage soon to be erected and there Is the sound of wedding bells In the near future. May joy attend them. The mother of John Tracy was over from east of the mountains on a visit to her son and just started for her home again last week after a pleasant visit. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole syntem becomes deranged. Dr. J. II, McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri fier perfects the process of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. For sale by C. U. Huntley, druggist . Just in From the East. HAniGIIOllST & COMPANY, 151 Front Street. HARDWARE Portland, Oregon. Northwestern A(ctils lor ATKINS SAWS -Oceident- -Tullletmilh TT i , i io 1 i-WL. I Ok ,f.n j -a i, yr vy , yi si VI K Vi my n " " B & S Proof Chains. Arcade Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties, Notlre of Kierntor's Hale nf Keal Kalala. Nullre Is herrlijr siren that In pursuance ot a Mri'tise ami oriliir ol sala maila ljr Ihe I'nutily t'oiirl il the Hiate id r'i. (or Ilia County ol rlarkainas, mi Dm &th day ol Kepti'mlier, l'J4, In lh matii-r ol I ha ratal til Hli'lianl l.i'NW. tlrrtiMMfd, the Iiin1rnl(tiei1 rirfiitora nl the last Will ami Iralailienl of sntil Kit-hard lirrdfa. dtf rrasr.j, will Mill at iultlla auetlou, at the mnrt home door. In the city ol im-aon t'ltv. ('tack ama county. orraon. on the Ittti day of Novnm Iht. I'f at lOo i'I,k A M , to the &!hrst hid' ilrr lor cash In hand, all and singular Ilia lollowliiK drM'rttH'd real prorrty hvloiiKlug to Ilia said estate ol Klchard limit, tltu'eised, situated In Ihrl olinty nl Clackalnaa and Nlala ul ori'Koli, lo Hll: A ol Unit situate, 1)1" and brills In the County ol Clarkamaa. Htale ol tirrsoii, to-wlt: Conuiiencliis S rhatua and JO links south ol the hurt heist corner of Hie ui rth t illrtr )f III tiMllhrMst uimrter lit snrtlnll llilruen township lwi south, rant Inur !, wImt the r.mmy r! Imm Oregon ( i ii i on iriiersecis ine mil emiKmni road from Phlllii rosier a tn l'he liallfs: ilienci north 7 degree! mut at minutes, west A) chains j and l't links; thence outh :7 rhalna and Kl link"; thence et JO chains: llicnce north in I chains and SO links, In Im-i(IiiuIii. containing ,11. .'si acres, toitrthcr with the leiicint'iits, hereof Itaineuta and appurlcuincea thereunto belong- I'eed to he made at the eense id purchaser, listed Oclohrr 16, Iwt, H. I, NoKliKN, II. Wnt.r, y.secutora of tht Kulale of Klchard tierdva, deceased. Ill lu ll in AHVINI.ITKATOH'B NOT1CJK. Notice Is hereliv alven that lha Cnnntv Court I inn lacaatuaa county, uri-xmi, annus In pro i hate, did, on the lAih day ol August, lwl. ap point nie aa administrator nl the estatu of I'harlea lluiinell. deceased. All nrrsoha havlna clalma aa-alnst the said estate will present them to mo on or hctore sis months, at the ortli-a nl ,( . Johnson, Oienou City, duly verified ac cording to law. Paled at lireson City, Oregon, on the IWh day i'i iicioner, iiw. w. i. ni'SNn.i., 10 iU II lit Administrator. Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP TOLEDO DAILY -:- TRIPS. Down Lavo Dayton 5 A. it., MiHuion 5,30, Newlwrg 0, Iltitte ville (-Ar, Oregon City !)::), arriving in Tortland 10:.'t0 A. M. Up Leave Portlan.l 2:.'t0 P. XI., Oregon City 4 P. M. Stago runs between McMinnviilo and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con nection with tho boat. Tlio Htago will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn viilo, evpry morning at 3:30 a. rn., returning, leave Dayton every evtning, except Sunday, on arrival of the boat. Bent of accommodations for paa- Hengeru and faHt time made. For freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody should patronize tho Toledo and thua sustain a daily boat. Joel P. Geer, Owner. J. W. Exon, Captain. CLACKAMAS L0D0R, No. 57, A O. U W Meets first and third Monday In each month, st Mtralght'a 1111. Visiting brethern welcome. C. K.PCASK H. HOLCOMB. KeC. M. W. COl.UMHIA HOOK AND LADDKK CO. Meets first Friday of each mnnth at Fountain engine house. Chas. Athsy, Prea, C. B Pillow, Hec'y. Chas. Bitzis, f 'rm CATARACT HOSE CO. No. 2. Meets second Tuesday of each month st Cat aract Kiiglne house. w. ). Howai.iHres 0. U. Ukstow, bec'y. J, W. O'Comnsll, F'rn WORTH $1.00. OREGON. Iieiter Unee HUver steel ImIoh I'ojio. Crescent mp WILSON A COOK HIIKItlKKr) SAIK. Ill the Circuit Court .i! the Hlalo ol Orraan, for thai ounty ol l iscaainaa. I John Hchwah, plalniirT. re Charles Stewart and C. U Knight, dtiletidanta. State id Oregon, County nl Clarkamaa, aa. Notice la liermiy given mat hy trlrliie of an ' eseeiitttm and order ol sala Issued ant of the j circuit eotirt id the Hialti of Oreami lor Ilia I county of Clackamas, Ix-arlng dale the Silt day , ol Heplrtntier, ".'I. In a suit therein John Hchwah was plalhillT. aud Charles Ninn-ait and C. It. Khlgtit were delf-ndiiiita. commanding ni. j In Hit nauia ol Ilia Hiale ol Oregon, thai nut id ' the real eatatn herealiet deatrllieil, In reslls4 a ' sum uftlclenl to tiufy the demands of sal-l ' decree, In w II : "7:' V and Ilia further sum id ; CiMts. together with Interest oil lha saltlfl i since said dorre was entered at It) tier ceul per j annum, ami also the com ol ali i alien, ling llili sale. Now, therefore, la iitiedlence to such decree, I tlltl. on the .'d day of Hopietulier, Is'X, duly levy , imiii. and will, on Hatlirday, the '1th day of ! October. IrtM. at the hour of 2 u'dork p. M. ol salt! day, at Die front dmr td the court hotim In said county, otter lor sale at iiitillcauctloii,aiid sell lu the highest ami heal holder, lor cash In hand, all ol the right, title and Interest (he said dt-fendaul, Charles me wart has In and to the following dcscrlhcd real property, to wit : lie- 8 Hilling st the N K corner of the II 1,1 ol Manui wegle. Township A Hoiith, lunge i Kaal id Wil lamette Meridian and running llieucu south 1 ritg wal . '14 Mi chains, thfiii-o amuli v deg. :si mln, west IM chains, aoutli M deg HO mill west M Ml chains to the N K comer ol Wm. Kiiile II I. C thence mirth 70 deg, we. I In ill chains, thence north 9 deg. SU mill, east tel. .'ill ehstiislothe north houndary ul said Hwcgln claim, (hence aoiith fh'i deg. east rd.M chaltia to the place, nf heglnnlng, containing 'so anrea moroor less. Also the certain piece uf laud: llcgliiulug at the H Vi corner of lha 1 homas Jackson 0 I. C In Township S south, Kauge I east nl W M thence north 44 deg lao mln eaat mi east lliienl Woodcock I) I. C HV.U chains to lha south corner id Husscl! claim, north CI deg, 1 mill, west Ht -a chains, thence smith A deg. 7 mill wesl WM chains to hcgliinitig, containing 411 acres mure or less, situate In Clai kainaa county, Oregon I'ateil this 241 h day ol Heplcmher, A. I. 1MK. K, O. MAIIIIOCK. HherlrTnf Clackamaa cotuily, Oregon. II y N, U. MOODY. Deputy. JSilU-'JB, -jELLOH 1800 miles of long tliH tunce telephone wire in' Oregon and Washington' now in ojienition by tho Oregon Telephone ami Tel egraph company. Portland, Heiittlo, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and '.Hi other towns in tho two ritates on the lino. Quick, nccurato, cheap. All tho Hatinfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily hoard &8 Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. FALLS ENCAMPMF.NT, No. , I, 0. 0. F. Meets first and third Tiiesdayanf each mnnth, tOdd Fellnwa hall. Members and vlalUug: patriarchs, cordially Invited to attend J. A. HTKWA KT, W. II HOWKLL, Scribe. chief Patriarch..