Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1894)
lull Hi RISE. . 1 ' ..aav a mm i mm k ai mm -m VOL. 28. NO. 51. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTORER 19, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1866 J1 (Ot'llTH, fllrmilt nnnrt (wiivaiina llrat Miindaf In No ainir ami (lilril Monday In April. Probate nimrl In tnpiluii Drat Monday In each niith, flniNmlealuiiarenniirt noli (lrt Wednaaday Stter Drill Monday ul tmi'li niniilli. w. t, in'riTi.r, WALK II, arKNCKN. Uual Palate, HI'KNi' A CO. Iliiiirtnrn, Ahatracla, Italia and ;! !'( 1 una Any limine, milrn.ii'it in in will rociMve prompt alimittiiii ami aatlalai-Mnti giiarau tead, IMIIfit lift aialre Iwo ,in,r. tittili nl M K I'liiircli on Main airr!. iiirt ro.NVKVANl'KH. j I HUllKN, NOTAIIY I'l'lll.ll! iii1ni oilmr papora promptly end eopil reiely iukiuxiI Krai raiala handled. Iiiaiiranca wrIKou lu the klniUKPtl iMillipailltta dullta huainti.a Ornea wllh Olad.loue Ileal Ketale Com jiauy, Omlll ( llv, On'"ll apUCKAM AUiraete oil' Alt AllSTIlACT 4 TKI'HT CO, 'larkama. county proporly anao- IHiiv. iiihhi wiirl, rcaaiifiaoia t'liarntia. Work giiarauienl. Olva iik atrial I) V. I jli.nrfll. K, K liiiiialiUnii, J. t, t'latk, Wrm'toia. OkailON CITY, .... ONK'KlM, H H JdMNMiN r w kixkaisd IINNAIKI) k JOHNSON. UVII. KNmNKF.HSANij bTKVKYOIIH, Hallway lacallim ami roiiatriietlnn, krldgne. plana ami mtlmali-a for walar aupplr. I'ralnaio and alrrel linprnremeul of towue HpaoUl allanilun (Ivan in nreiightlug and tilua printing rv :1 .' -.- a"- Now Ik (Im tlmo U niHku ptiri'linaoi in crockery. Wo mti mIiowIiik t full line of dlmiiir M'ta, leu wla anil iiiiacnllarii-Diia iirlcci Hhlcli lotullv fclliwi any tliiiii hit (nr at'Pti in Ori'xoii (,'liy. Our iiricen 1ho nmiplctly ciiht in Ui(i,hIi'Iii HiiylfiiiiK to I wen clfi licrc nml to iiumm tliiH clinnce In to iiiIhnUii) liuriiin (j( tH rn Inn hihI tlin .rritat Kt crockery anlu wu've evr liail or for tluit mutter, any other firm tika lielil in thin city. 'j him oM'eiinK tea. aetx, 44 elee f.'I.LT); illnner net UK) ici ea 8.) ; Kliom lulilu nelH 4 il:i'UM ,'fic: all other icxxIh at pri)xrli(iimte irice, call and e ug and COI1VIIICO VIHIIW'II. BELLOMY & BUSCH. Oregon City, Onnn. FOIJTJIE TEACHERS I'oliif m of In('i'Nt For Tlielr ConsMcralloii. Ai;OlT ASXUCMT105 MEETIX(;. The Next Meet In if of I hp Aaxorliitlon To It Held In Orei-on i'ily, Knlur dny. Drinker 27. yyr t'AKK V JOIISHON, LAWVKIt. Cnrnar Klibl aud Main ilrvala, Orun Oily, Oraauu. KKAI. KHTATK TOHKI.L AMI MONKY TO LOAN. J" L. HOKTKRi ATTOUNKY AT LAW Aana(-ri(ir raoraarr n aiiii. Offlrw nail la Onti City tiaiik on Dili ilraot. iri oTt. wiixuxa, KKAI. KHTATK AN U)AN AflKNT. A food line of biulima, rraldiiiea aud iltmrlau I'fuperiy, Farm l'rnrt)r lu tracla In anil nn aaay trrtna. nail diMir lo ('anltrlil SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREW, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oil, Beit and Cheapeat. Eino ni'lt'ction of Perfumery and Toilet SoapB. And Lead ing Urandri of Cigars. rKa:M-Hii''i'ioN .-ahi:fi i.i.y rii.i.i:i. HhlvHly'a Itl.x k, Oretfon City, Or. QREGON CITY IRON WORKS. New and Kulargocl Shop with all aj)iliance for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho Im'hI inanncr jKrHoible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - A-SPECIAL1Y. rtiiniilly anawrrad. Ofnna, A lliiiillny'a ilruj ainra. t tl. 4 U.C UTOl'KUn il. ATTORN KYH AM) COUNSKLORS AT LAW at AIM aTHKKT, OKKllllM 'ITr, OHKOllM. rurnl.h Al'.'racta n( ritln. Loan Hoaty, Fore cluao Mri!iv, and traua (ianuraj Law Mu.lnr.a. JJ K. (HUM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will Pac-ri( a in all encara or Tiia Utati Kl Katata anil Inauranrc. Offlcann Main Sir . Iml. Mlxtb aud rloyenlli, (laaunM city, ii a. 1 II. DVR. ATTDRNKY AND COUKSKIXMI AT LAW Otnca ovar Orrgnn Clly Hank. tiatuiiN city, nxauoN Prices tint lowcnt to Ihj had in Portland. Shop near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. on Fourth Street, r. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. a. c, aowNai,i (KOWNKI.I. DltKriHKH a. a nn - ATTORN KY8 AT LAW, OaiunN City, OaauoM. Will pranllea In all Ilia emirta nl the alalo. 01 flea, uext ilixir lu Caullald A lliinlli'y'a drug amre. r.r. WIIITK. W.A.WIIITE WHITE BROTHERS J'rnci 'inal drchittcta fluildera. Will prupara plana, aluvatlona, wiirkllia" iltt i IIh. an 1 .ppeltleatlmia lnr all kluda of liuilil tuna Hpi'i'lal allenllnn alvan to iiiixlirn cot iaiKKa. Kallmalna liirulahad on applleatlon Call on nraddrcaa WIIITK llltoM , Oraatm Clly, Oan rIHE C0MMKUC1AL HANK, OF OKECION CITY. Capllnl, 1100,000 TaAXcTa A oniiai. hahxino bchnxm. tiaui madu. Hill ill.ponnlnl. Makaa col lectloni. Iluyt and aella exchange mi all poluta In the (lulled fltatoa, Kiirnpe and Hong Kong. Depnalta recl"ed auhjeet to fhock lntcroat at uiual ratea allnwud on time dopoalta. Hank open from f A. a. to 4 r. M. Saturday eveuluga from 6 to 7 r. M. D C. LATOUHRTTR, l'reaidant. r K DONAl.DHON, Caahler JJANK OF OKKOCN CITY, ome3t Bankim Heuss in M Cllr. l'ald up Capital, ino.OOO. j-Jow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses lor twenty-hve cents. The seanon for colds and coughs is "upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a lrottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sa at tho CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby.C DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. Teachers miwtina are sotuelinie, con- I ducted a though the main reaaon for their exigence was to eonaume time, and to grim) upon matters, which are currently believed to b of importance, but alxiut which no one ru-ems to have a very definite uiiilerKtuiiiliiiig. Tt' r i in nth to consider in the le Kinnii'K until tlin inucliinery is well atoned, in a lime while the round up of ttiiiiK" hua been aaid and then too olten, repetition Winn. Woithleaa teachers will not like teach era meetinira. They teach the five hour for what there ii in it, and ajiend the re mainder bewailing the sad fate that compelled them to earn a living in this way. Il was well enough until the novelty wore off, now the thought of the work is deteatahlo bore. There ia another claea who do nut like teachers' meetings; thoae whoce aerviccs, either from its length or its succeag, prevents them from looking with patience upon supifeHtions or yariutions of any kind. The moat unwelcome tbintr to some peo ple is a new idea. The butterfly emerges from its ugly cocoon, sucks the juices from few flowers, reaches its splendid perfection, then dies. So do all who reach this other perfection, for it is a condition of intellectual death. There is no health hut in growth and change. When there is no longer some thing that quicken and inspires the leacheis, there is wdgogic deuth There is often a large contingent of teachers who want to bow, but do not care for why. These are good inateiial to work on. There is a good supply of young, inexperienced teachers who reaJ- ily responded to instruction: thev, too, are good material to work on. riliort Methods in Arithmetic W. H. Powell 8elf-improvement of Teacher,. ..... I'rof I). W.Jarvi Orthography Agnes Mc Arthur Recitation Minnie Joehnke Busy Mollio Ilarikin Language Work, Gertrude Finley History, Prof. 8. W. Holmes Discipline, A. C. Htraiige and T. J. Gary Geography, E. Al, Ward Oral Instructions,... Geo. L. Htory SCHOOL SOTKS. E. C. Hackett called on Hupt. Gibson last Saturday. The school near Holcouib is progressing under bis management. Chas. Crittenden was in town fcatnr day and reported the 8cIiojI at Teael in priHrt-roui condition. E. P. Dedinan clerk of the Clackamas shcool was in town Saturday looking after school affairs. VICTORY FOR JAPAN Port Arthur Han Fallen and Many Warships Taken. FACISO EUH OTHER OX TALI'. A BOLD ROBBERY. THIEVES .MA IIK A (.OLDEX AT THE DA Lit. HAIL Fonrteen Tliousiind Dollars Carried Off With Ease, and In Only Twenty Hinnles' Time. Tus Dalles, Oct. 15. Saturday night, soon after the arrival of the 11 o'clock paasenger train from Portland, the Pacific express office here was robbed of f 14,000 in coin that bad come in on the train. The agent of the express company, F. N. Hill, had gone to the train that night in place of the regular messenger, Tibbetts. and, receiving the express box, drove to the office, accompanied by Nightwatch man Gibona. The box containing the coin was placed inside theoffice, the door was locked, an i Hill went on to deliver the mail that had come in on the train at the postoffice. City Marshal Elakeney returned to the exprefs office with him, but when they reached the office they immediately discovered that the box bad been tampered with during Hill's short absence. M. A. Moody, cashier of The Dalles National bank, to whom a portion There is i ' tne nouey was consigned, came in at that time and an examination revealed the fact that the lid of the box had been nucleus of the nohleat, most unselfish workers to be found in any occupation with pencil and tablet always in band j force1 nd 12-500 in K0,J nd 1500 in that suggestions may not escai them. ilver taken. Thev are for teaeliera meet-1 The instrument with which the box ings. I Preparations Being Perfected For a Great l(:tle Japanese Waltlsf UX ICcinforreineiils. rrf NiiAjroHAjct. 10 Port Arthur baa fallen into tne hands of the Japanese. The probability is that all the Chinese warhhig which were refitting and re pairing there, since the fight at the mouth of the Yalu river, have fallen into the hards of the Japs. It was known that the Japanese fleet had in vaded Ihe place, and had done great damage by oomhardment. The Japa nese and the Chinese armies are facing; each other on the bank of the Yalu river. Both sides are perfecting their preparations (or battle. Not a shot has been fired yet. Field Marshal Count Yamagata, com mander of the Japanese forces, is await ing the arrival of supplies and heavy artillery. Spies reports that the Cbineta army is 25,000 strong. According to the latest advices on the subject which were allowed to leak out from Port Arthur, that place was defended by 7000 troops, sccoutertd and drilled under European modes ; and the port was further depended by submarine mines and fleet of torpedo boats, in addition to the Chinese northern squad ron which has been refitting there for some time past, and which has been pronounced almost ready to put to sea again. Colonel Yon Han nek in, who waa wounded while acting as adviser to the Chinese admiral in command of the naval battle on the Yalu nver, is said to be in a dangerous condition. It is stated that Von Hannekin is not likely to recover from the wounds, as blood poisoning has set in, and the worst is feared. China lav Bpeaka. Losdos, Oct. 15. Dispatches to the Times from Tien Tsin, which will be published tomorrow, say that the Pei Yang squadron baa been able to leave the dry dock completely refitted with a J. JONES & SON, DEALER IS Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. I'ltlCCN TIIK I.OWISNT. toyshop comer Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope & Co's, Oregon City The Oregon City Sash & Door Co. CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc., -IN OREGON CITY. raininKNT, Vici raxaiuaST, CAMUM, MANAUKS. THO. CIIARMAX OXO. A. HARDING. S. O CAtiriKLD, CHAll.ia H. CAUrilLO. A goneral banking buatneaa tranaaoted. Depnalta rocelved aubjeot to oheok. Approved bllli and tiotci dlaoounted. Count; and city warrants bought. Loana mvle on available iccurlty. Exchange bought and sold. Colleotloni made promptly. Dralti ioli ivallanle In any part of the world Tolographta exohangea aold on Portland, San Fraaolaco, Chicago and New York. Internal pal J on time dopoalta. Inn AeentanfTHE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. rain I'.atabllMlietl 103. CI Trangfep and b$n$ freight and parcels; dohverod to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. PIONEER Spocial sizes of doors and windows made to order. Turning of all kinds. Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders give us a call and see if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as tho lowest. Price sent on application. Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts ., Oregon City. Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE lias the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needod by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Roal Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POTSAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address. It is no light matter to unify the work of a body of teachers coming together from all sources from good professional training and no professional training; from systems of schools where excel lent methods and practices prevail, and from others where every teacher is left to himself, and from county schools where the curriculum of a liberal educa tion must be goi.e through in one day. This too often, is the condition which a superintendent must face. How to dis cipline this corps of aides-de-camp up to the highest point of efficiency of which it is capable, is the suerinteii dent's great problem. Visitation, though indispensable is not enough. No way has been found except through meetings of various kinds, and of frequent recurrence. Teachers as a rule are not unapprecia tive. They are not demonstrative. Something in their labor, it may be, makes them a little unresponsive He that comes before them would bo'.ter have something to sav. . He will not strike a resonsive chord on vagaries, half truths and platitudes. U;;t most of t hem are readv to listen to the man that has something to sny, to the new doctrine that someone has worked out and is sure of. They are not willing to spend time and patience in reciting lessons that have no im mediate bearing upon their work to bear over and over again the same sage ad vice on the same question, uttered in the same way. In these meetings there must bo an uplift. The teacher must feel that he stands upon a little higher vantage ground than before is a little stronger for his work. No superintendent can dessiminate an enthusiasm which be does not feel. But there is another condition no less important. Teachers' meetings are rarely profitable to those who invariably contribute nothing. A voluntary con tribution should be offered, something pertaining to experience, how some dif ficulty was weathered, some pupil won, some excellence attained. The true teacher has a message for supervisor, a message for ber fellow teacher. In many cases she does not realize that others are in need of that message, which she can give without loss, may with profit to herself, and which they receive with great benefit. The successful teachers' meeting begets this spirit of helpfulness. From Supt. It. L. Barton in the Western Teacher. PROGRAM FOR NEXT MEETING. The program for the next meeting of the Ciackamas County Teachers' Asso ciation, to be held in Oregon City Octo ber 27, is as follows : Supplementary Reading, Edna Ross had been opened, a tool evidently made I magazine and filled and otherwise fitted from an old steel drill, with one end j for active service. sharpened like a coal-chisel and the other An imperial edict has been published drawn out and fashioned into a sort of j at Pekin assuming for tLe government hook, lay on tho floor near the box. The ! fu'l responsibility for the protection of tool had been used as lever to pry the i foreign residents and punishing certain lid of the box off. The robbery occurred snout 11 :su. j tie tine! or thieves were evidently on the watch and bad well planned the affair. The box contained $7500 in gold and $2500 in silver, con signed to French A Co., from Ladd & Tilton, of Portland, and $5000 in gold consigned to The Dalles National bank. All of the gold was taken and $1500 of the silver, making a weight of about 130 pounds. The weight of the remaining $1000 in silver was probably the reason it was left. The officials refuse to talk of the matter. Detectives are at work n the case, but as tar as can be deter mined, no definite clues have been dis covered. For so-ne time the banks here have been obliged to obtain large amounts of silver from Portland to pay fishermen and farm hands their wages. The money I longed anarchy always came on the 11 o'clock night train, and the robbers evidently knew thi s fact and made their plans accord ingly. Detectives are here from Portland watching every avenue of escape. The most plausible theory advanced is that the robbers secreted themselves In the back room of the express office and waited lor the agent to leave the build ing, as no doors nor locks were forced open. Another theory is that the roh bers came here on the train with the treasure box and followed it up. Charles Tibbets, the company's driver, sleeps in the express office, but the night of the robbeiy he was attending a ball and did not return until 1 o'clock. Tug Dalles, Oot. 16. The excitement here over the robbery has not abated in the least. The removal of Express Agent Hill today gave rise to very many sur prises. It is understood that careless ness is the charge for the dismissal of Mr. Hill, though no official reason is assigned publicly for the change. F. C. Gentoch, general superintendent of the company, arrived here this morning, ac companied by several detectives famed for their success in bunting down evil doers. They have been actively at work all day . Just what they have discovered is, of course, withheld from the public ; but it is inferred from what has been dropped that local persons are suspected. A rumor gained currency that arrests of several people of prominence will be made tomorrow on the charge of com plicity in the robbery. The Dam.kb, Oct. 17. Agent Hill, Mssenger Tibbetts and Nightwatchman Gibbon have been arrested as the per petrators of the express robbery in this city. culprits who have taken part in recent assaults on travelers. The edict assures strangers that their persons and prop erty will be protected by the swoid. Chinese overtures for peacebaveing been rejected without a hearing, the war now enters on the chronic stage demanding an appeal to the latent forces of the empire. The latter are described as being quite great, but it is added they require time in order to organize them. The Chinese government is prepared, though reluctantly, to engage in a pro tracted conflict. The party in power recognizes the urgency of tadical mili tary and fiscal reforms. It is a question of how long the natural cohesion will bear the strain of a great war. The dan ger is, the correspondent adds, that the revolution may be followed by a pro- The Ciar ia No Better. St. Petersburg, Oct. 16. The offi cial messenger has issued a special edi tion containing the following bulletin, signed by Professor Leyden and Drs. Zacharin, ropoffand Beljaminofl, today, after consultations between the physi cians : "The disease of the kidney shows no improvement. The physicians in at tendance hope that the climate of the tsouth coast of Crimea will have a bene ficial effect on the health of the czar." The Greek government of Corfu are taking measures for the safety of the czar. Police are carefully watching all strangers at Corfu, and all arrivals are required to give a good account of them selves. The chateau of the king of Greece is being placed in thorough order for the use of the czar. Several Rus sian officials have already arrived here. Others are expected. Police precau tions will include a patrol of the whole island to prevent the landing of un authorized strangers. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary H. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to you, and will cost yon only $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial box, free, who wilL Bend me the names and addresses of tea ladies who are in delicate health. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, Iloulton, Ore gon. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Enterprise and get the the beneht of the reduction in price. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco.