Oregon City Enterprise.TIIE 'CHAUTAUQUA. FRIDAY, OCTOHKU 12, ISM. luteal AilvrrtlsiiiK. Hereafter no Wal advertisement will be inserted in tlie Kntkhi hixk unlesH a mor.t (er the same is made at the time the atlMavit of publication is ren dered. This rule will bo imperative and dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac tice of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other paocr toitet their notice published. ANOIimt liKEAT KIUCATIOXAI. INMITITIOM. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. We sell, Hams, Sheulders, Picnic llama, Ttreakfuot Bacon, Side Bacon, Pry Salt Bacon. Dried Beef, Canned Meats, Salt Fish, Etc Etc. E. E. WlLUAMS, The Grocer. Articles of Incorporation Pre p rod for Wllliimette Valley I'hautumjim AftHoriatlon. Wood wnntfd at once this office. the Choice hay by the ton or bale at Star grocery. tf Raxors put in first dux order at Slo- per's barber shop for 25 cents. rreeloro 4 Co., Alder street, Portland, for wall Daper and moulding tf r or KKvr , seven-room cottage on Fifth and High streets. Applv to Cbaa. Horn. Right to the point and pointed right every time Shively's price indicator on the hill Oct. 20th. Use pure prepared paint mixed and ready for ue. Charman & Co., agents. Any shade, sample card free Cards announcing that "stores will be closed at 8 o'clock P. M. except Friday and Sa'urday." for sale at this office. Eastern Shoe Store in the Oreiwn City P'Wtotlice bus a line of solid shoes, boots and rubbers cheap for the next thirty days. New buckwheat flour, fresh and pure. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Leave your orders at Cram Bros', for fresh and carefully opened oysters, de livered to any part of the city. Honesty and thoroughness is the role with Burmeister & Andresen in all their y rcumr wora. iney guarantee irieir Mork to be first class. Dm. Hickey 4 Hickey will be here Friday and Saturday of each 'week at Room 6, Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 11S. Dekum block, Portland. A specialty of furnishins families with Olympia and Willapa oysters at the Portland restaurant. Wholesale and retail. ' Prices to suit the times. S. J Thomas has just completed his new honse on the West Side and cele-1 At thin p.nt the committee adjourned in An important business meeting of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Awuvia lion was held in the county court room of the court bonne at Oregon City at 2 P. M., Tuesday of this week. Present, Roliert A. Miller, chairman ; Mrs. C. II. Dye, secretary j Rev, Thos. Van Scov, IVan of Portland University, President C. H. Chapman, of the State University, Eugene, President P. L. Campbell, of th State Normal, Monmouth, Mrs J. M. Bloss, of the State Agricultural col lege, Corvallis, Rev. E. A. Blair, of Poit land, Mrs Robert A. Miller, II. E.Cross, Dr. J W. Cowan, Rev. Oilman Parker, Hon. S. Clarke, Salem, Capt. J. Apper son, Chas. II. Dye, and Charles Meserve. Meeting opened by Col. Miller with gen eral remarks on object and purpose of the orgnniijtion. Proposed that we in corporate under tiie laws of Oregon. Re marks by Dr. Cowan in the same line. Prof. Van Seoy advised incorporation in the name of some prominent business men of Oregon City and Portland. Moved by Pof. Van Scoy that a com mittee of three be appointed to draft ar ticles of incorporation; carried; chair man appointed Prof Van Scoy, H. E. Cross and C. II. Dye; committee with drew to draft articles of incorporation. During their absence the general subject was discussed. President Chapman, of Eugene, remarked at length on the value of these organizations to the community and to the state at large. Mrs. Bless in quired as to the organizations through out the state and was answered by Col. Miller and Mrs. Dye. Capt. Apperson discussed the financial problem. Pres. Chapman inquired about grounds, facili ties, etc. Rev. Oilman Parker Bet forth the proposition of II. E. Cross at Glad stone, a ninety-nine year lease free of charge, provided the association would erect suitable buildings and look after grounds. Rev. E. A. Blair inquired as to incumbrances. There were none. A plan for 500 shares at $10 share was discussed. Pres. Chapman suggested that with two branches of the organiza- tion one to look after the business, the other to conduct the literary exercises. Suggested that the business be centrali zed in three or four hands. Back of every guccesslul Chautauqua there has been a real estate basis and summer outing. The two combined with a Chau tauqua school and lectures makes the permanent Chautauqua. The Iiterari ran do nothing without the business men to back them, the business men alne can not make a Chautauqua with out tho Iiterari. This is the history of the great Chautauqua in New York and of every pne sin;e that has succeeded. The two (make a strong combination. All the requirements are happily met hire, provided the ifrounds are suitahln. brated the event bv entertaining a few of his friend last Saturday evening. Rev. J. (!. Read will preach at Shively's hall next Sunday evening at 7:30 P. M. Subject, "The Feast of Belshazzar." All are cordially invited. Lost, a big mastiff dog; light brown with white breast ; answers to the name of "Spoit." Liberal reward will be paid for bis return to the Seventh street butcher shop. The people of Willamette Falls have sent a petition to Washington applying for a postoffii-e in their new town. If it is granted it will be in the building owned by Jan. Batdorf. Married, t the residence of Judge Fonts Saturd.iy evening Oct. 6, at 7:30, Miss Lulu Hardest? to Robert Corlett, both of this city. Judge Fouts tied the knot in his usual happy manner. To drive dull care away these rather gloomy autumn days put on your rain coat and go up to Shiveley's on the hill. The sight of bis counters will make anyone forget dull thoughts. Sale Saturday Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lewthwaite are preparing to start in housekeeping the latler part of this week in the cot titge on the corner of Thirteenth and Main streets, formerly occupied by Otto Olsen. Caleb Perry and Miss Florence Dyer, both of Oswego, were mirried at the M. E. Parsonage by Rev. Gabriel Sykes, Monday, October 9, 1894. The couple left for Oswego in the evening and will settle down to housekeeping on the fine farm owned by Mr. Perry. In the decline of life, infirmities beset ob to which our youth and maturity were strangers, our kidneys and liver are subject to derangement, but nothing equals Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm as a regulator of these or gans. : For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug gist. A de!' a body to) visit Gladstone. They re turned at r P. M. with full endorsement and delighted with the situation. The following art icles of incorporation were read, ilisciissed and voted on : Articles of Incorporation ot the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Association, of Oregon. Know all men by these presents, That the undersigned, for the purpose of be coming a body corporate under the laws of the state of Oregon, do associate them selves together ami adopt the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: First The name of tins corporation shall be "The Willamette Valley Chau tauqua Association of Oregon." Second Its principal place of business shall be in the city of Oregon City, county of Clackamas, state of Oiegon; it shall also hava power to establish a branch office on the grounds owned or occupied by S'tid corporation, for the tram-action of Buch business as may be hereafter determined upon by its board ot directors. Third This corporation is organized for the purpose of holding Chautaqua assemblies, and for the general promo tion of religious.scintificand educational interests. i Fourth It shall do business as Boon as legally organized, and its existence shall be perpetual or until dissolved by a yote representing three-fourths of all capital stock then issued Fifth It shall have all the powers of a body corporate given by the laws of the state of Oregon, including the right to bold real estate for the purposes of the corporation, and to receive the same by gift or otherwise, and to sell and transfer the same by deed, lease or other proper conveyance, to iscue Certificates of Btock as herein provided, to incur indebtedness to the amount not exceeding one thous and dollars of its paid op capital, and to mortgage or pledge its real estate or per sona! property to secure payment thereof ; and to perform srvh 0ther acts as shall consistent with the crests of the corpora- il stock of this corpo 300, which shall be .ousand shares of $5.00 shall be issued and dig lr value, and no stockholder hold more than one hun . worth of stock at par value, and all shares of said stock shall bo paid in full or in installmenta as may hero after be designated in the by-laws, and when fully paid up shall bo non-asscsaa-bio. Seventh The number of its directors shall be nine, three of which shall he the president, vice president and secretary of the association, ami shall be president, vice president and secietary of tho board of directors ex-olllcio, who shall ho elected annually fmm among the stock holders at the regular annual meeting of stockholders, and shall hold their ollicos until their successors are dulv elected ami enter upon the duties ot their re spective ollices, which shall not be until the first Monday in Sei tomlier following their election. Eighth The ollicers of this corpora tion shall lie president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, who shall be elected annually trom among the stock holders at the regular annual meeting of the stockholders, and shall bold their respective offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified and enter upon the discharge of the duties of their respective others, which shall not be until the first Monday in September fol lowing their election. Ninth This corporation shall not lie subject to any state, national or other i Chautauqua association, but shall be su preme and independent in all lit acts undr the statutes of this state. Tenth In case of dissolution of the corporation all property Monging thereto shall be converted into money, and tli balance, alter paying all corporate debts shall be divided equally among the stock holders, and in no case shall the private proierty of the stockholders or the otllcers of this corporation be liable for corporate debts. Eleventh Said corporation shall have common seal which shall consist of the words "Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association" with the word seal in the center thereof. Twelfth The directors of this coroo ration shall have power to remove or suspend any ot the permanent ollicers of the corporation by the exercise of a two thirds vote of the whole board, and shall also have the power to fill all vacancies ! wnicn may arise trom whatever cause. The new apiioinlees to hold office until the next annual meeting of the stock holders. They shall also have power to make by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the corporation and the management of its affairs which insv be repealed, amended or added to at any regular meeting of the board, and they shall have power to appoint such ollicers and committees as they may deem nec essary, not otherwise provided for in these articles. Thirteenth The regular annual meet ing of the stockholders of this corporation shall be held on tne last Hay of the meet ing of the aunual assembly in each year at 3 o'clock P. M., commencing with the year 1895. Fourteenth The names and addresses of the officers and directors who shall serve until the first annual election and until their successors are elected and qualified, are: Robt. A. Miller, presi dent ; Chas. II. Chapman, vice president ; Mrs. C. H. Dye, secretary; D. C. Lutou rette, treasurer. Moved and carred that the president, ecretarv and treasurer constitute an ex ecutive committee. Adjourned to meet at call of president. Still they say it Is " hard times," hut County (Icik Hoi ton thinks a chiingu (or good times must be anticipated for ho broke the record by Issuing live marriage licenses tast Saturday. The following are for the week : Winnie 11. llalay and Chester II. Mills; Saiah K. Miller and John Johnson ; I. aura II. Ilepler and (i. W. Scranilin; Mary Sykes and Henry Freeman ; Oia Young and . II. Brown ; Lulu llardestyand Robeit Corlett; Mary B. Hagoy and perry II. Hicks; Annie Thomas and F. J. Hayes; Nellie Mc Clelland and U.K. Aildildgo; Floienco Dyer and Caleb Perry; F.miim (Inherit and W. G. Muir; Fredrika InkhauHKii and J. S. Pease. The Herald is not to tie removed as supposed, as yet. Some of the stock holders who had not had aa much ex perience as some of the others in support ing a paper decided that the paper should stay in wrcgon I ity and have put J. B. Zcixlcr and K. Hull in chamo of the olllce. They pxect to cut down the size of the paper and Iiiiihj thereby to make their expenses meet their income. Mr. J iis Shaw has retired from the pacr and will devote his time to his private business. II n. Win, WeaUlun of Ilwaco, Wash., and a candidate for county commissioner on the republican ticket In Pacific county, arrived in Oregon Chv Siinduy for the purKis of haviiiK a surgical op eration perlurmed. Tuesdsy at the Ore gon Cltv hosnital Dra Carl I and Soiumer removed from his riuht armpit a tumor of several years tirow Ih which measured over two inches in diameter. Mr. Weal don stood the oKraiion well and is row able to be about his room Charles Lln.lholm was so unfortunate as to have his thumb almost severed from the hand while chopping wood at his horns last Monday. Dr. Ferrin was sum moned and dressed the wound. From the latest account the wound was com mencing to heal and the lad w ill soon have the use of his hand. The fall in the price of silver baa been to the gain of the people wanting line silverware. I'rlces are lowe' than ever known More. A full assortment of the celebrated Rogers Bros.' silverware is carried by Burmeisler A Andreaen. Harley Stevens, jr.. has just flulslie the contract of wiring theCaufield blick anu lias secured me contract lor wiring the Barclay building. Besides these he baa wired several private lionsca in town andyt Willamette Falls. C. A. Nash is having a $500 house built by A. F. Parker at Gladstone, As soon as completed Mr. and Mrs Nash will move their household effects from this place and enjoy the pleasure of being in their own home. Mrs. Andrew Lcmingsen, a resident of Molalla, died at her home Monday and the funeral occurred the next day. The remains were laid to rest in the Molalla cemetery A large number of friends attended the funeral. 1 HE RED FRONT STORES. SHOE9 CROCERIES, 17 lbs. drv granulated augur II ; Hour i'i.lVi per barrel ; shorts fl'.Mrii 1st ton ; n5 da. a sack ; ft gui oil ti5 vts ; milk crocks 10 eta ; jugs 10 cts; raisins, phiiua or prunes ft cts. per lb; Arhuckles or l.loti colleii 25 ets; shiiigles $1.5(1 pur to I clover and timothy hnv, straw, wheat niidmits; boiled harness uud nmchlno oils, white lead, mixed paints, etc , SHOES. Misses rubbers 13 to 2 i HI ets; ladies' rubbers .'15 its: storm rubbers Afi cts; men's rubber boots, short $2 fs; steelshod sclnsd shoes very durable and rewsoimhlo price; missus' $'.' cloth top shoes cut to $1.50; mackintoshes, oil coats, umbrellas, etc, DRY COODS House lining 2 cts per yd: heavy extra wide shirting 10 cts yd ; Indiago blue calico ft cts; best apron gli.gham ft cts; tcrlm lor curtains ft cts ; eoltooado pants gisxls 20 cts yd ; Brownsville Han lU'ls and blankets, best and lowest priced ; all wool cssliluieru 33 Inches, 4ft ets; same and letter In remitiants 40 cts; trimmed hats sailors, baby bonnets, pleasing styles, nobby suits from Chicago and Itrowusvlllo, gent's underwear, overshlrls, etc; men's $3 and It. 75 pants, sizes 29 to 31, close st $'.' 25. PRODUCE FOR TRADE. I IAMILTON niOS., Oregon City and Park Place. II CASH STORE, Corner Fourth and Main Stroets. DRY GOODS, In a complete nssortincnt. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, An extra fine line in all qualities. BOOTS & SHOES, A Sjieeialty, and in nil grulH. An we buy ami sell for cash wo are able to give o'tr customers tho benefit of very low prices. D. B. REES & CO. The following is a clipping from the Sunday Oregonian in s dispatch from Jacksonville. W. I.. Miller, clerk of the Oregon City land office, returned home yesU-rday. Ilia father. Colonel J. N.T. Miller, has been in poor health for some time past, anil was unable to superin tend the packing and shipping of the products of bis large vineyard, ami the son now has the business in charge. The yield is estimated at 50 tons, and the first shipment of 203 boxes was started tonight to E. K. Williams at Oreuon City. Married, at the M. K. parsonage, Monday, Oct. 0. 1805 by Rev. O. Sykes Mise Mary Sykes and Henry Freeman. The bride U a daughter of J. Sykes, and a sister of Rev G. SykeB, of this city. The groom is an energetic young man of this city. The young couple have many friends in this city who wish them along and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Btarted to housekeeping in Canemah. Jap Slover, the city sexton, Buffered two attacks of hemmorhage of the lungs last luesday morning. The first one happened on the Seventh street stairs. and the second and more severe one after he tiad reached his room at the home of Mrs. J. M. Bacon. A physician was summoned and from the latest reports Mr. Mover is improving. James Rintoul, who took John Dickie man's place at the Southern Pacific depot as assistant agent during the time that he was acting as newsboy on the train, has been transferred to Gervais to hold the position as assistant agent of that place, John Dickleman haying re turned to Ins office work. The first month with "Ii" opens the oyster season and Cram Bros.s' R open ing tbe oysters daily which R served in their neat parlors opposite Commercial bank. At the Baptist church next Sunday morning the pastor will preach on "The Towers, Bulworks and Palaces of the Church and State," and in the evening a sermon to young men on "Drifting Into the Swim." O.Johnson, a hopgrower near Sher wood, had his hophouso ami all of this years crop destroyed by fire Thursday of this week. The Hie occurred about four o'clock in the morning and its orl itin is unknown. G. II Bestow has Just completed the contract for forty-three arch centers for the concrete wall for the electric com pany,and is havinu them delivered at the electric works on the west side. Mrs. KliZ4 lloliz, of Kagle Creek, was adjudged insane Tuesday by Judge Hayes and was taken to Hlum and placed in the asylum the same evening by Deputy Sherilf Moody. Rev. Cowan's topic for the Sunday evening service ill be " Two Tickets to the Temple of Honor." A special musi cal program is icing arranged by the committee on music. The Ciipen Shoe Coiiiuany will com mence oocralions at their factory at Will amette Falls Thursday morning with a force of twenty men. Putzold A Gale, of the Seventh street meatmaiket, receiver! thirty-two bead of fine beef cattle from Kaslurn Oregon Thursday. Dr. T. H. Gwynmi, synxlical mission ary, of Sulem, will hold service at Shive ley's Hall next Stindsy, both morning and evening. Rey. G. Wni. Giboney, who is attend ing the Svnod in Portland, will return to this city Monday. Elijah Fish and son Frank, of Needy, were in this city Thursday, doing allittle trading. Awarded Highest HonorsWorld'- Fair. Da mm CREAM MR MOST PERFECT MADE. . pure Craps Cream of Tartar Powder. Fres om Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, M K? )i THE POPULAR ACTRESS. Ml.. Minnie TUMI. my. Ilia, "Willie I(im" ii up hy III North rup A Hiuriris fuiniiuny. PuriUml, I'lrgon. la lirr favor It partum. Th "Willi Hum, "Julia Mar ina" ami other churmlnu per fumes, put up only by tho North rp A Klursla ('"inpony, art the moat popular lih tliu lul!ca. flAVIS THE PAINTER, House and Sign Painting. Good Workmen and the Best of Paints. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. For Wall Piuht. Matting. Linoleum. Window Sliailes and housa Decoration nee him. Dust clock in thecity. Portlnnd prices. Store Next Door To Albright's Meat Market. OE-EQON CITY, OPLIEGOIISr. iffON the Road ONtheTrACK THE RAMBLES Is always at the front in rac8 and rncordH. as well as five awards at the World's Fair. Pronounced by all unprejudiced Riders, DealerB and Mityhanics to lie the lightest, strongest, swiftest, handsomest and best Uicyclo on earth. 8end for catologuo, circulars, etc., etc. FEED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 327 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Norte st reDratatlm. Lire Aeents wanted eTerywlere. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OK ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORINO, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. -- . Special Bills Cut to Order -- -- - Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. ORKGON CITY, OR.