Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 28, 1894, Image 7

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flunnwy Caiiim a Prions Anliltntr-MrhiHil
oiiiiiiriii'rU-Iltit-klrttrrry I'lckuri llrturii
IUmi.ami, H..l, 1H. M Ihm lltlt-n Taylor
eomiiimiceil tt mihliiK uur arliiNil, illslrict
No, t Inkt wock, with a Inrx tult'iiilmieo
(II MIll,
J. 1. Wood, ttliu tmitht nlim iiiiiiiIIih In
mr iii'lKlilxirlKMHl lust ninliir, rlU' llmt
Ijb la Irm liliiK at KiianlmrK,
V arn sorry In rveoril llmt mi I tnoxt
falsi runaway RcrMKiit lirfoll H, K, HritKi
wlilld Im wna roiiiruliiK from Oregon City
lat Huiiilny dvkiiIiik. Ilia toiini run away,
lipm'tlliiK tlm kukiiii mill liiurlii lilm u
severely thai li lay iiiironsriimslh tha roail
II iiIkM. In Hi iiiuriiliiii Mr. Myrra liai-in-lied
uliiim mil louiii! Mm, llsftas tukvri
to relltmco nrar by mill lira. Cirll ami
I'alna chIIimI, wIki found tlml Mr. Hirniia'a
I'lno oat Injured mul lila lower llinlia ar
alysrd, llo wa Inkrii to lila luimt tmlny
mnl at tlila writing Im la ruling aa coin
fortalily aurouM ! rirt,
Jlarvsy Mnlloon la n-ulri very sick wltli
onuf lila nlil altai kaor hrart troulila.
Mra, W, II, lnn.ier lia Ixi-ii very alck
but la now rvrnvrrliiK,
win. Iciiiilir ami ( Hliniik rnturnrd
Inst Hutiirilny from Ihi'lr trnilliiK trip in Kirnt
urn (irevon, TI117 report a very uimfiil
trip, ami (mi ml n ry more plei.tlliil In The
I'ailti cHiunlry tlian liere. They alwi alale
that work la pli-nlirul up tliera ami waw
Unila r'uiik wrnra a very anillluK fare ami
appi'ara lo be arvrrnl liii liri tnlli'r lali'ly. It'a
a win, of alainUnl aelitbl.
Mr. KrtM-lif Miy la liavlnx a neat tladllnif
flei up by Win. Ilrrkey.
Tlie liiit klrlwrry li ki-ra have mostly
come Iiiiiiih aa It la ic'dlnn ritllii'r n n ) li no
antly auKKfMlve of winter out In the inoiin.
Miss Mnllle I 1 1 1 1 ! r atii'mlni io Hm
ponlnllli e ilnrluK the olmapli-r's rrient au
vni'e, ami alio tlini-m1 rreilll fur the carelnl
ami rllli leiit manlier In whlrli alia perfnrmeil
her tin Ilea.
K'uxl. Mr. Jolinauii harvealeil out liniulreil
and fifty boiei Mir acre, anil other yards
near her liirneil out better than waa rx
mrleil. Hitiniinl Taylor met wllli pill mlafur.
Inn on the IIHh while hauling a load or
Impa rromthe llc lil lo tUdry room. He fell
in front of the wbkoii, the forward wheel
ran over him, hreakliiK two of lila rlha ami
oiiierwiar Injuring him liiternally. Unisex
peeled to recover, however.
Tliera a a dunce nt Hieney'a ballon Krl
dnvevniiliiK, A larKennmlMTiif yniuiKfnlka
were preaxnt IrlppliiK loth alrnlna of merry
liuiala until 2 o'clock a, in., after which all
aenl to their rcupecllve liomea with tlio sat
isfaction of haviiiK had a Rood Hint,
Utter Mat.
The following la Ilia Hal of letlera remain
ing In the Hiatoltlc at Oregon City, Oregon,
Heplmntier Mil, lM:
oKHTi.au aa'a list.
Aklna, Jiihii
lUrlda, 0
lllanchard, 0 A
llriiiiner, 1 M
llurke.T H
lliicklea, Churl
Canine, I(
Clarke, I, A
I'elglit, Harry
Flower, A t'
(Irilten, John I,
(luy, l.e Cello M
J nil Ice, M
Kelly, Win
Keyaer, A W
Miller, C It
Miller, A W
Mnaler, Nils
NHsoil, T
Neroiiiau, K L
Oleaon, A T
I'ole. II
I'reaaey, Arthur
Itlley, Morrla
Itowen, W 11
Ituahhy, Win
Hhuggcrt, (I I,
Kliirico, S
Thayer, I I
Wallena. Ur W
Walle, Harry
Welch, W J
Whllc.lilea, V W
Whi'tMuiie, Jumca
Welch, Mr
Wills, K
Uta lx-sli,
UxUN.Kept. SI. Mr. John Hchtillel, who
haa lieen vialilng her daughter In rorllaiul.
ha relumed home.
Mr. Hcliiitlel'a hore baa rcxuveml. He
traded hnraea Una week and thlnka he gut
Krvd (ierlier haa a alck horae.
The tnglne of that Telllton boy flnihe.t
the Ihrealilng Ihla week III llila nrlglibnr
IkmhI. I.lllle Allen lllllchllia hiirnel hi fare Ihla
week while plating near oine luirnlng
Mr. Will Allen, of Harlow, and her Utile
daughter Klaia, ara vl.itlng Mr. M. W.
Haker, Hbehmught wllli her t tin bomjnet
of aaler from the garden of Mr. John W.
Hhattuck, of (ireaham.
There Waa a pleaaant danr at Harney
Kallert'a ll night. I'kaku
hlierwiwd Mint.
HlKNWiHHi. Kept. 21. Sherwood baa av
pea red almoat deaerliil for ihe Ikii three
Weeka, iiill a number of eode living In
town having been out picking Impa.
The bop crop In Ihla vicinity waa very
Iahk' i.iar.
Ilnylnn, Mr M K Jonea, Mia Nl lla
('nulling, Mr KiiIkIiI, Mra M I,
Clnrk, Mr( l.aa Lilly, Mra J K
llniiii, Mia I'elieoca Newman, Carrie
Kr ilmey, Mr John 1'arker, Mm Clm
Culliixlier, Mi K K Ktreilirllt, Kiimi
Howard, Mra Owlla Tliompaou, Haiti.
Ingram. Mr l.lllie
Kcalleil fnralate when ailverllel.
H. It. (iKKKN, I'. M,
I'herryvllle ( hli.
Ciikumyvii.i (, Kept. il,S. hool oni.
inencrd on the M of Kepleuiher for III fall
term with Mia K, K. Young aa teacher.
A gentleman from Montana ha bought
the Willi place at Cberryville. U'e are
glad lo have more lamlliee .In Die neighbor
ly O.I.
Claud Italy haa returned from 1'ortlaiid
Where h haa (HSU Vlalting Ida brother.
MI)oraand KUIe War have gone to
P.irlland to attend acliiMil.
Albert Hammer haa relumed from the
rlrar water (llb h eat of the mountain
where he ha been working alnce Ihe lull
of July.
Mr. Oahorn and family have moved back
on their plaoe from (ireaham where he baa
been working tlila aumtner,
Horn, lo the wife of (1. T. Ileebe, 8epl
ember 2d, nine pound hoy.
Horn, lo the wife of II. Crone, September
I7lh, mi eleven kiuiiiI girl. All doing well.
Clarke Conning
CLARKKa.St.pt. 24. I.axt Friday at
about II o'clock tlm wwKlHhe.l at the
actifxil Jioiikm waa aeon on lire, which re
atilttxl in the burning of the woodnlicd
and aoven conla of wow Unit wu alorod
in it ready for winter tine, A. Ktont and
II. Klclrminltli Drat (Uncovered the fire
and witli hard woik kept tlia kcIiooI
liouae from hiirnln.
Monday evening aa Captain Lyon
w ae niltiriilng home from Oregon City
lie dropped dead in front of A. Fair
clotiuli'a lioiiao. An lie rode up lie aald
lie waa ytry alck and linked for aomulliing
to make him vomit. Mr. Falrcloiigli
got dim aoiue aalt and water, but when
he returned, Mr, I.yoti was unable to
drink It and toon expired. He baa con
aidorahle iroperty and waa an old man
without any family and lived alone.
Ifo wai an Kni(liHbinaj) by birth and
waa once a sea captain,
Mr. J race and A. Fairclough returned
laxt Friday from tbe bucklelierry jiakli.
They got alxjut thirty gullona.
Jacob )i-Kliax-r, ol Kagle Creek made
a abort call witli lila ri-lutlvea, Mr. and
Mra. Jewell, laat Monday.
There waa grove meeting laht Sunday
ni-ar t lie achool Iiouho with a large at
tendance. An excellent rerinon wai de
livered, A. I), E. P'lmer begun acbool today.
Thin 1 liia Hint attempt at teaching and
we wiali him iiucoa. He graduate 1 at
Monmouth htat June.
Mra. Wiliton and family are viaiting
her cotmin, (1. V. !rco. Ai.m.
Harmony Hello,
Hakmomt, Hept. 22. OiMd new In the
KNTtHi'Niaa laat week. What? Tb Maine
Mr. Iloaeman haa coin men wd work on a
atralght fence along the road In front of hi
place. Aa the old fence I well rotted down
the new one will make quite an Improve
ment to hi place.
C. Ilattlii la vlaitlng with relative near
La Center, Waahlngton.
Her. H. 1. Dltrier began a protracted meet
ing here Tuesday evening which I well at
tended, Mr. Hogenberger, who baa been (julte
alck, la about well again.
Mra. Mather and two children of Clacka
niaa were viaitlng with their relative here
Oorden I'rel and hi brother Mark, after
three month of toil on their Uncle Wrn.
Otty'l farm here returned to their borne in
Kenniaworthy, where they will reaume their
::die at the Clinton Kelly tcheol.
Mr. Itoaenberg, of Woodstock, wu viait
lng M. Hall tliiat week.
Mr. Kannie waa threalilng hi large grain
crop yralerday. Threshing will be flnUhed
here In the next few day.
ItrlckJ Itrliklt
Jaa. Ilanimett, of NewWrg, will de
liver brick to any part of Oregon City in
large or email quantified at the loweat
price. Firxt clan brick guaranteed.
Writo for terms.
The Oregon City Sash & Door Co.
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, I
in Oregon crrr.
Hjitcial sizes of doors and windowsmade to order. Turning of all kinds.
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnifihed on application. Builders give us a call and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price
sent on application.
Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City.
Mount I'leaaant Vlrw.
M r. 1'i.rAriAKT, Kept, 21. Archie McCord
la heme from lmleeiideiue.
Mla Motile Han lay, of Oregon City, haa
been vlniting Ada Hughe.
Mr. (ieorge and (Hinily have moved into
Oregon City.
John Howlatid haa had twenty-one totn
of at raw baled,
W. K. Johntoti exct lo leave for Cali
fornia abnrtly,
Arthur Warner, of IxK-unt Karm, li ahlp
diig fruit grown on Ida mother' farm to
Cortland. j
l'eode are grim log aomewhat aggreaaive
In regard lo the fruit rlKhta of prorty
ow ner, o uuu h m that Mra. Warner wa
obliged to erect nolicea reiiieatlng unknown
panic not lo trrapat upon ber berry paicb
litualed directly in front of Mr. Kidder'.
In consideration of uch rrquext tbe in
Irudera derialid Juct a they ought to do.
(if course picking Iwrrie Irom a patch I
only elty or Klile iHrceny, ttill it laalwaya
win for the bulwarks of toclely as it were
to put down crime with a Arm hand. In
t Ins way ae keep all social feature a pure
aa the snow fa 's gift, loo It is an unpleas
ant thing to have a raspberry stain on
one'a soul. Vox IIcmaxm.
Patronize home inntitntions, buy your
groceries ol Marr A Hobertaon. Every
tiling in the line of fancy or Maple gro
ceries. Orders called for and delivered.
"Wonder of the World' Fair" free of
expanse. Every purchase of 13.50 se
cure one portfolio. tf.
V Your V
g Heart's Blood g
V Is the most Important part of
fJ your organism. Three-fourths of O
the complaints to which the sys-
tem is subject are due to impuri- V
ties in the blood. You can, there-
IJ fore, realize bow vital it is to IJ
J Keep It Pure J
V For which purpose nothing can V
W equal lx effectually re- ft
moves CJJCJta all impurities,
cleanses the blood thoroughly y
Vand builds up the general health, m
0w TmUM i Rioul ..Kl.i. tflMoM aulled
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. V
No. 270, Morrieon Btreet,
For general repairing he standi?
without a peer. For first-clasn, re
liable goods his Btore is second to
i none. Try him 1
1. 1 k I CO.
E. McNeill, Receiver.
Fine PerfufflB aai Toilet Articles.
Alaoa full nock of
Gives the choice of
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Cooke's Stables
Would be pleased to see his friends
and patrons in his new
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Corner Fourth and Main Streetp,
of the City. Rigs of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to..
r (iood house, barn, etc. Also
' J. K. liKooM Park Place. Oregon.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on or ad
dress, W. II. IIURLBURT,
Gen. Passenger Agent,
Portland, Or.
Announcement extrhord i n a r y ?
200 LOTS.
Grand advertising sale of GLADSTONE PROPERTY, introducing this
the handsomest of all suburbs to the attention of the people of Oregon.
Meeting the so-called hard times and discounting them 100 per cent.
200 LOTS.
200 LOTS.
200 LOTS.
At the nominal price of $105 Each.
AT YlIIilYir nillfO Cflll FO Beginning September 10th, 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M.
mi i eiiih i i cm 1 urifk
I and ending October 10th, 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M.
and have been delighted with its environments. Its magnificent park; its swiftly flowing mountain 'stream, affording the purest water in the world; its level, dry surface, its handsome surroundings, its
accessibility, mark it as a most favored spot for an ideal home.
Thirty-six Cars a Day to Oregon City. Twenty-three Cars a Day to Portland.
Trip to Oregon City made in six minutes at the lowest rate in Oregon 2h cts. 12c. to Portland.
J Tho new city has its own saw mill and will soon have its own system of water works, supplying cold, pure mountain water direct to the homes in Gladstone. Electric lights as soon as needed. Gladstone is to be
made and maintained its a modem city in every resjtect, and all safeguards have been adopted in the dedication to make it a clean, wholesome place to live. Gladstone has as good a public school as
tUero is in the county. No man with knowledge has any doubt as to the future of Oregon City, the great manufacturing city of the Northwest. Millions are now being invested in mam
moth enterpriHes, that will employ thousands of operatives. There never will be a better time to Becure a home or make an investment in Gladstone or Oregon City.
What Prominent People Say of Gladstone.
The proprietor of tho Enterprise, Mr. Chas. Mcserve, says: "I have
purchased property in Gladstone and consider the investment a
good ono. It is the moBt attractive residenco property in Oregon
City, Gladstone Park is certain to grow in publio favor.
His Honor Mayor Straight of Oregon City says: "Gladstone can't be
beat for ft superb residence location. The location is extremely
healthy and easy of access.
Rev. Gilman Parker, paHtor of the First Baptist church of Oregon City
says: "After eighteen months residence in Gladstone I am thor
oughly convinced of its desirableness as a place for a homo. Its
many points of excellence make it highly preferable to any place
between Oregon City and Portland. It has natural fitness with its
contour of hills, magnificent park, its crystal river, its healthfulness
its good water and fresh air, its freedom from city noise, its electrio
cars and cheap fare, are all points of very great advantage and
Applications and selections may
be made at any time, but no
papers will be drawn until
after the 10th.
TIUb Perfect. nraiipsKKii
H. E. CROSS Sole Agent.
1. The sale will be for cash or approved notes with interest at 10
per cent., due January 1, 1895.
2. Not more than two lots will be sold to the same person. Single
corner lots will not be old.
3. The people of Oregon City will be allowed to purchase 50 lots at
this figure and no more. The people of Clackamas county,
outside of Oregon City, will be allowed to purchase 50 lots
and no more, and 100 and no more will be sold to people out
side the county.
4. If the entire number is sold before the expiration of 30 days, the
sale will stop and the old price of $300 per lot will be resumed.
In any event the sale will not continue beyond the 30 days.
7. No restrictions are made as to time when dwellings are to be
built, but they are to cost $1000. No shanties in Gladstone.
8. Applications by mail, allowed, and the very best unsold lots will
be selected Final payments can be made inside of 30 days.