Oregon City hnterprisc. FRIDAY, HKlTIOMIIKk 2H, IWM. Clackamos Co. Diroctory. COUNTY OKKICKII8. Ju.liii, i 4!mi of Coutti, HIi.rllT. Kwnnlpr, Troa.umr, -A r, -H iIiihiI Hiirltitui1int, HurTiiyiir, Curnuer, C iiiiinli.loiiuri, (Jnrilun K. Ilay.a lino, K. Durum K. C. MaiMnxk H. M Itnnuliy M. U Mmira J, ). llm.llKjf II, H H I). W KlmmlKl K. L lluinimi I lllrlmr.l Hi'ult I Prank Jmititr To Meet llm linici. Tim milmcrl)ll(in jirli n for llin Kntkm I'Iiimk IihxImmmi ri'iliit'inl lo 1 1. IV) r your; iu'vmiiy-tlvn mini for i!x inontliH. TIiIm low (irli n In rn into In oritur to K"t tlm HnI on cunli liitNiit wild liuliicn hI I unliiM'nlM'iH to fny up, ami h'i-ikI )y to rivint ili'inl html from Ink Inn tin I'lipcr mnl not niylnir lor It by raii of tliilr Utlnti law proof. TIiIm diwonnt in mucin only lu IIiohm puylittt In mlvmirc. TIiomi imylntf Mntn tlm cIomi ol their t'r will'l iMillllfil tu till' illHciiiint for tint limn pul'l In I'lvmirti. I'liU luukm Hiii Kntkiii'Vikk tlm clicii t pnMr in Clm kmiiiK county uliflit luiKin nil homo print uml full of live local nnwi. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Vrw tlm lowimt Itcil Front Klori. Fir mil limb woixl wanted at till olllm. tl (iu to WiUuii A Cooku for tho Oliver jilow. None Iwttur. Twin llrolliem MiihIi for breakfaat in uVlirloiw. K. K. WlllimiiH, the (irowr. For nl bargalni in all imt. ko to FrwWn A C.,'M Alder airwt, Port land, tf The llau at rorilanil'i M flro Pun Uy veiling could Ini plainly wen ly (lie ri'diilonUuf tlilt city. If your waU-h ori-lur-k need repairing (like lliem to ItmiiielMtor A Amlritxt'ii. Tliey guarantee all their work. Frvylair,' celery la not excelled by any 01 tho market. Try it Ilia vegetable wagon gc to til paita of the city. Mr. Cliriatophfr Fialicr ami Mia Ii-ka II. Kiali wero married at Hie ulhVe of County J inlife K. Ilayei Tlinraday. Mr. and Mm. It. H. I'oUold are Hie tiappy tiom-aaoia of a fine girl bahy whoae rt'Hldi'iice with them datea from Septcm Imt lOtli You will aoon wiali to reaer your human or mtveral of tin) rooiua. R. L. llolman lua juat put in a line aiwortiiicnt of nrw atylca. Second-hand ai'liool IhxjW a taken in exchange at Hunt ley 'a Hook atoie. Imt pltHM don't bring tliom in tlio forenoon of tli flrat day of acliool. Now la tlio tlnio lo paint your hoiiaea liarna, roofa ami frno-a. 2 per rout off for caah for Hie next thirty dayi. Cliar man A Co., City droit atore. Itialiop Morria ia now correapondiii with Rev. Uliank", of South Carolina, In reward to aeiurinu Ida wrvicct for St. l'aiil'a par Uli In thla city. Do you travel? Are you a ahlnpcrT The "Rund McNully Railway (iulde and Iland llook" contalna all pcrtiiiont In formation. Aak your newmlealer. Morria Rolierta moved with hia family from Mnplo Lane to F.ly thia week. They will wTUDjr the Inakeep realdenoe oiH)ito tho Conttregatioiml church. Helena Fiachor, tho 12-year-old dautihter of Joa. Fiacher of Maruaiii, waa ailjudod Inxune Monday by Jud)je II ay en and waa taken to Salem the name evening by her father. JiiHtice Knight, of t'linhy, waa in town WccliM'HiUy on hiiHineita at the court liou-m. II waa a caller at tho F.ntkk I'uihk ollii'o and while In replvniahed hia etock of leital blank. The paMr aiK'inl given luat Friday evening by the young ladies of the l'rea liyturian church waa a mont uccenHful afl'air. The uttendunco waa quite large and a very enjoyahlo evening waa had. The ludiea realised about flO. Ixxig eynninga are now at hand and new lainpa will bo needed. Nothing cheera home more than brightly lighted rooms. See llellomy A Roach. They have juat got the largext anHortment of lamp evor brought to Oregon City. Price to auit your purao. Tho Rev. J. 0. Read will preach to the worklngmon of Oregon City on Sun day, October 7th at 7:1)0 1. M. in Uhlvely'a bull. All worklngmon are invited to attend and bring their wivoa And children. There will be mine good nitiHic which will bolp to make the moot ing plonaant. . , . " i Anothor notary public haa been added to the Hat for Clackamas county, JC. A. Wright ofColton having been appointed to that poHition by Govornor runnoyer. Mr. Wr'ight'8 appointment will be quite a convenience to the eople of tho south caHt part of the county ns it bus hereto fore boon quito a tiwk to reach an ofllcor with a seal. Miaa Lillian Levy, aecond daughter of Mr. and Mra. Adolph Levy, who wore formerly ono of Oregon City V old roni ilonta, but now of Union, died in that city at the age of 25. Tho remains wore brought to Portland for interment Tues day morning t 10 o'clock. Quite a num ber of old frioinh of the family from this city attended the funeral Borvices. PERSONAL NOTES, 0. II, Harlow, of Hallow, upmit Sun day In ihla city, V. Ward, of Viola, waa In town on biinlmoi Thursday. J. Davla, of Clackamas, was aoon on our streets tho first of tho week. Mi Alice Ackerman, of this cliy, is recovering from her recent .linens, Mr, and Mra. A. J. Jwthwalto spent Sunday with Mr. Ixiwthwaite's parents on the Clackamas. C. T. Tooin, of WINonvillo, was attend ing to hiiitliioNs at tho court liouno Wed nesday of this week. Ml I.lz.lo Wilson, of Iigitu, was In tho city over Sunday the gucnt of Mi urn I. ulil and Maltlo I)riier. Mrs. Mctiregnr, of 1'oitland, wa In this city hatiinluy visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Howell. A. W, Mulligan, one of Molalla'a iirosporoua farmers, was In this city on a buHiness Irlji last Friday. Liial Saturday L. Inland, of Ml. Fleas ant, left for Corvallls to attend the Agri cultural college In that city. Mrs. (iilnun, of Seattle, is sendlug the week with her sinter, Mrs. J. II. Ralston, of Willamette Falls. W. 0. Vaughn, of Molalla, left the ftrst of the week for Monmouth to attend the Normal school during the year. Mra. W. R. Wiggins, of this city, after a week's visit with friends and rela tives In Salem returned Saturday. I'rof. W. II. I'owoll. vice principal of the Kastham school, returned from bis home In Columbia county Saturday. J. M. Mark, of Oswego, baa moved hia family to this city and Is occupying the cottage on Fifth and Washington street. lav!d Will, one of Aurora's leading hop growers, waa in town looking alter hia business Interests on Friday of last week. Mrs N. R. Jerome and her youngest daughter, Mra. (ieo. Fuller, of Portland, are In this city the guest of Mr. C. O. Albright. Lsst Sunday Messrs. W. Rurkhardl, F. Kelly, ('has. and John Humphrey went to Itmteville on a pleasure trip on their wheels. I.lttlo Julietta Cris, daughter of Hon. II. K Cross, Is enjoying an extended visit with her grandmuther, Mrs. Cbaa. Rolds, of Molalla. Mra. J. II. Walker entertained a party of young people Thursday evening in honor of her cousin, Miss Clara Fisher, who Is visiting her. C. V McKelvey and family, friends of Mrs. 11. S. Strange sent Saturday in this city. Mr. McKelvey is the agent at the Union depot, In Portland. Mrs. O'Neil and Miss Mollie Holmes, olthitrity, returned Saturday evening from Salem, at which place they were visiting friends during the week. Mrs. Jessie McClymonds, who has lat-n the guest of Mrs. II. S. Strange, has returned to Colfax to resume her position in tho public schools in that city . Mra. F.inina Latourette, mother of C. D. Latourette, of tins city left for Mohaina the flist of the week It is hoped that the change may benefit her heullh. Mrs W. R. (iarrotson, of The Pallcs, is in our city sKtnding the week with her sister, Mrs. Peter Paquet. Mrs. OarrotHon was formerly Mita Moran, of the liallei. Comellia Mct'own arrived home Fri day lat from a two week's visit in Walla Walla. She was with her grandfather's family, Win. McCown, and her uncle, Hon. Tho. II. Rrents. Miss Ora Spangler, of Corvallis, ar rived in this city Monday and w ill re side at tho homo of T. 8 . Lawrence the coming year. She has accepted a posi tion in the F.aNlhatn school. Paul Leng has Ihhui a guest at Locust farm during the past week. Several years ago ho waa the music teacher for Miss Helen Warner, Miss F.mma Hodges and Miss lllanchle Beatrice McCord. Mcanra. C. O. Huntley and F.J, Louis wero In Portland, Wednesday evening and attended the fourth annual banquet and "smoking concert" given at the Hotel lniKrlal by the Oregon State Pharmaceutical Association . Col. Robert A. Miller and wife re turned from their trip to Southern Ore gon Monday. The Colonel roporta the fruit crop In the southern part of tho state the finest thoy have bad for years. The mines in that portion are booming and some new ones are being opened and workod. Among the visitors to this citv last week wore Mr. and Mr. Dwiglit O. Miller of Greon field, Ohio, friend of Will L. Miller, clerk of the U. S. land office of thl city. Mr. D. Miller was an old schoolmate of Mr. W. Miller at Ann Arbor and he and hi bride stopped a day or so In this city during their tour of thewcHtorn Btutes. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Walker colobrated tboir nlneth anniversary of thoir wed ding Saturday evening at thoir pleasant homo on Sovonth street. Card playing was the principal amusomont of the evening after which dolicious refresh ments wore served. At a lute hour the guests left willing tboir host and bostess many happy returns of the day. Constable W. A. Robiuson of Milwau kee Wiis In the cit y Wednesday on busi ness with Sheriff Maddock. Mrs. Thos Miller is still verv sick with lung fever. I liruiu Marrs, ol Ilwaco, is In town visiting relative. Mr. J. II. Walker returned from a bua iuoss tiip from up tho valley Tuesday. Miss Wetberoll, of Portland, ex-deputy county treasurer, is in this city visiting friends, 8. M. Mark and Jno. Abbott, Mark' Prairie's leading cltleiis, wore III town Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Ward, of Portland, la In thl city visiting her sister, Mr. C. I. Latourette. Mis Iniso Rice left for Portland Monday after a bilef stay with relative In this city. II. K. Sml'ilil rapidly recovering from hi recent attack of malarial fever and hi numerous friend will be pleased lo hoe him on our i reels again. Miss Nellie Ingalls, who baa been a guest at Rose Farm will leave this week for California where lie will make her home during the w Inter Willi tier grand mother, Mrs. Thoi. Johnson, formerly of this city. Geo. Harding was among the Oregon City pharmacist to attend the stale asso ciation in Portland Wednesday. He was honored with the olllce of second vice president at the election of ofllcer for the association. County Recorder Max Ramsby and family returned Sunday from their short stay with relatives at Molalla. Mr. Ramsby reports tlm farmer of that section have just finished threshing, and w hile only reaping three-fourth of their usual crop It is of the very best quality. I'rof. H. W. Holmes, superintendent of the lTegon City schools, arrived from Union county Monday evening and is busilv engaged in making the necessary preparations for the owning of the pub lic schools in this city next Monday. He is staying with hia cousin, J. 8. Pur dom and will send for hi family in a very short time when they will occupy the dwelling on the corner of Eleventh and Madison streets, belonging to J. W, Noble. Loren Stowcll, of Jacksonville, waa the leciplent of a surprise last Monday. He sti-Hd into the sheriff' olllce and asked s-rmission to visit the jail. Sher iff Maddock granted the request and ac companied the stranger to the jail. Af ter be had visited the different cell and turned to go, Sherifl Maddock asked the man his name and was told that it was Stowed, whereupon the man was in formed that he answered the description of a man that was wanted for forgery in in Jackson county. The sheriff immed iately placed the prisoner behind the bar and telegraphed to the sheriff of Jack son county, who came down Monday and returned the same evening with his man. Rev Gabriel Svkea has been returned by the Methodist conference in session at Eugene this week, to Oregon City for another year. Mr. Syke has been pastor of the M E church in this city for the last two year and under the rule of the Methodist conference it is the limit. II is friends here feel greatly pleased as the coinplitnet paid him in bein returned to this city. Mrs. Jane Hedges and daughter, Miss Emma, arrived in this city Wednesday evening from Seattle, at which place they have resided fur the past year. They intend to remain in thiscitv dcring the winter and will visit a short time with Mrs. M. Barlow, after which they will take up their winter quarters at Locust farm. The Gladstone water works put in by Schwan, tho plumber, is working very successfully The water is pumped ny a current wheel and raised to a height of (io feet and forced a distance of 350 foet to supply the Oregon City hospital. A valise was stolon from the office of the Oregon City Transportation Co's. of fice a few days ago. The nartios having it in their possession had lietter return it to that place at once and save expense. Judge Hayes will hold the regular monthly session of probate court Mon day and Tuesday of next week . Wed nesday county court will convene for the regular October terra. Miss Lillian Hamilton, an expert trimmer, of Tacoma, arrived in thia city Saturday, and ha taken charge of the millinery department of Mr. II. T. Sladen's store. The subject of Rev. Giboney' sermon or next Sunday evening will be, "The Work of the Common Schools . " Parents and teachers are especially invited to be present. The Chinese are running bo are the customers to Sloper the barber to insure their being "next" for a clean towel and sharp razor. Schwan, the plumber; has -been busy this week repairing the plumbing iic the W. P. & P. Co's residence. ' ' Deputy Sheriff Nathan Moody and wife of this city spent Sunday with Mrs. Moody's parents at Molalla. Miss. Anna Beckett, of Portland, Is visiting Mrs. L. C. Driggsin this city. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkhi'iusk office. Wedding Hells. A quiet wedding took place on Wed nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the res idence of Capt. J. T. Apperson, of Park Floce, Rev, Gabriel Syke, of the M. E. church officiating. The contracting par ties were Wm Muple, a young business man of this citv, and Miss Pearl Elliott, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jno. Elliott of Needy, and a niece of Cp. J. T. Apron at whose home she has resided for the past two years. The bride was attired in a becoming suit of brown and the groo-n wore the conven tional black. The parlor weie beauti fully decorated with fern and flowers and a large floral horseshoe formed the ceiling centerpiece under which the con tracting parties stood during the cere mony in the presence of their immediate were received. After the ceremony an relatives. Numerous and costly presents elegant supper was served . The happy pair lei t on the evening train to visit a short with rel.itives at Needy. Upon their return to this city they will begin housekeeping in their own cottage at Park Place. The October Midland Monthly (I)e Moines) promise to catch and hold public attention. The first really good picturing ol the Hinckley holocaust (eight views), with vivid desciiption; the prixe story, poem and club paper; the first of the Midland series of illus trated war articles; the first of the " Midland iJclcgations in Congress." (with ten portraits of the Iowa delga t!on) ; social paiers, poems, stories, home themes, scenes from Alaska and English lake country these help make the Oc tolier good number with which to begin (be winter campaign of reading. Send f 1 .50 either through this paper or direct to the publisher. Fred May, the 12 year-old on of Mr and Mr. II. May, died at the home of hi parents in Canemah Monday even ing at 9 o'clock of quick consumption. Tha funeral service was held Tuesday, at 2:30 P. M., at the family reside ice and wa conducted by Rev. Gilman Parker, The remain were taken to the Odd Fellow' cemetery for inter ment. The floral decoration on the cas ket were numerous and beautiful. Pp. Carll extracted a bullet Sunday morning from the hand of a man from Canby, he hiving been shot by a careless boy who was hunting. The boy cried and the man forgave, while the hand will probably be well in a month, as the bullet waa a email one and penetrated from the outside of the hand to the center of the palm without touching a bone. A wedding took place at the residence of Judge IHxon, of Ely. last Monday evening at 7 :30, the contracting parties being George K. Graham, son of J. K. Graham, of Cams, and Marie J. Moehnke daughter of ex-Commissioner Cha. Moehnke. of this city. The young con pie are favorably known and started housekeeping in their new home at Mt. Pleasant with the beet wishes of their j many friends. W. I). Ball, owner of the cement mill in this city ha moved hi office fixtures up from Portland and will make Oregon City bis home for some time while his family are in the East on an extended visit. Mr Rail has the mill all cleaned up and will leasx the power and build ing on reasonable terms to anyone de siring it, Mr. and Mra. Richard Hubhs. of East Portland, spent Sunday in this city visit ing the family of C. 0. T. William. Several communications from our cor respondents arrrived too late for publi cation this week. TMken l'p. At my place at Rarnhard's landing near Butteville. one white pony mare. If not called for within the tine pre scribed by law the horse will be sold for the cost of keeping, etc. Lons Nicond. IH'TTKVlLl.K, Or., Sept. 22, 1S94. -It Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Arm of Maplo & Kay, general blacksmiths, has been dissolved. The business will be continued by Mr. Maple, who will assume all obligations of the late Arm. W. S. Matlk, F. H. Rav. Oregon Citv. Sept. 16, MM. Money to Loan. C. O. T. William can now make loans on good farmB. Office next door to Huntley's drug store. Notice. On account of Jewish New 'Year, the store of I. Selling will be closed on Mon day October 1st until 6 o'clock P. M. Wood Wanted At Willamette Falls. For particulars inquire of Otto F. Olsen. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkki'kisk office. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. UUW(ninjtviAHIUW OTTO UWn'TVTnriJ IWJVBVUU r Ti,"n 1 1 1 . riIHE KELI.OUO SCHOOL OK PRESS f 1 euUiiia.!H7 Morrison St. Porlaml.Or. Lessous are uot limited, fcach scholar cut! bring In a dress and U taught to Cut Bste and Finish complete. Patterns cut to order warranted. Cutting and flttlnu a peolalty. Orders tor accordion Unking will receive prompt attention. S. K. HYUK, U.n. Aijont. Fanners 3D 202, 204. 206, 208, First Street. Portland, FHLL, STOCK -:- NOW The purpose of this "Ad" i to inform our out-of-town patron that we have slocked all department of our establishment to the top notch , an J we are in better position than ever to serve your interest. All of our purchases have been made for this season subject to the new tariff, and we own our goods at the lowest possi ble price that cash would buv them. It will pay you well to make a trip to Port land for your fall supplies. IF YOU CANNOT COME, WRITE US FOR SAM PLES AND PRICES. Good purchased of us through our mail order department that are not satisfactory in every way can be returned and money will be refunded. PRESS GOODS We have a magnificent assortment of both domestic and foreign dress fabric. A line of all wool good, 50 inches wide, at 50c. and 75c. mr yard are among the attractive things. 5 yards of these goods make a dress for a large person even. This same class of goods would cost yon double the price a few year ago. LADIES' CLOAKS We have over four hundred distinct style of cloaks and capes for you to select from, price ranging from $2 60 to 50 per garment. Three quarter coat will be the favorite garment for top wear with the ladiea this season. Do not forget the misses' and children' cloak. MILLINERY All the new style are now in and we are prepared to execute, your order on short notice. HOSIERY We have an immense stock of Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Hosiery, including silk, lisle, cotton and wool. Our lines of wool hose are anead of anything we havs ever seen and prices are away down. UNDERWEAR We are showing underwear for Ladies and Children in both flat and ribbed good. We carry full lines in WHITE, NATURAL GRAY, SCAR LET and BLACK; also a full assortment of LADIES' UNION SUITS and EQUESTRIAN TIGHTS. SKIRTS and CORSETS Black satteen skirt will be the favorite of all onder skirts for the coming season we have them from 75c. to $3.00 each. We would call your attention to the "W. B." CORSET once more. Thia corset took the highest award at the World's Fair in Chicago. It is made in SHORT WAIST, LONG WAIST and EXTRA LONG WAIST. We have them in Black or Drab; price range from (1 to $3 per pair. DRESS TRIMMINGS We are showing the largest line of trimming in the city. Jets, Colored Gimp and Braids, Etc. GLOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS When yon are ordering from n look through your supply of these two useful articles and see il yon do not Deed to replenish. SHOES We have received over eight hundred cases of Ladiea' and Children's Shoe the past week, and are prepared to shoe yon at bottom price about time, you know, for yon to be thinking of school shoes for the young folks. FOR MEN In our Men' Department we carry a full assortment of CLO'lII ING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. Our store ia the piece your dollar will go the farthest. FOR BOYS We can fit out yoor boy from head to foot. Bring him in and see what we can do for you. PRAGER BROS., Portland, Ore. DK. E. EYE AND EAR SURGEON Glasses fitted and furnished. 1W First Street, Portland, Oregon pO YOU NEED. Fine Dress Suit, Qr Business Suit?' Now is the time to place your order so that you may have it for fall wear. Are agents for some of the best Eastern Tailoring Houses. Elegant Suits At a price never be fore given. A fit guaranteed. FULL STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing AND FURNISH. NCCOODS. Next Door to Postofflce. GOLDEN WEST m I it BAKING POWDER 8 m m m w It is PUREST Wi It Is CHEAPEST M It Is BEST If 7os Am Hot Bttii&ol Tom Hour Back ir'5 .7Z Si ass lllii: 6 and 8 Taylor Street. Oregon. 1S94-. -:- COMPLETE. DB D.8 8TRYKER. DENTIST. HAS -RE-moved to Odd Fellows' temple S. W. Cor. 1st and Alder, Portland, Orrgn. PORTLAND ACADEMY SIXTH YEAR. Will opa September 94, For eatalogae. addrem PORTLAND ACADEMY, 191 Eleventh Btrt- 1TANTED Pinning Canvauer of good Ad W dres. Liberal aalary and expennea paid weekly; Permanent poittion BROWN BKUS. CO., Nurserymen, Portland. Oregon. A. W. SCHWAN, Manufacturer of nil kinds of Tin, Seeet Iron and Copper Ware, Metal Roofing, Spouting, Fur- 4 nace Work, Plumbing & General Jobbing. Shop near Southern Pacific Depot. University of Oregon. EUGENE. Next Session begins the 17th of September, 1894. Tuition, Free. Board, $2.50 a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scien tific, Literary, English and Busi ness. DORMITORY. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall tor young gentlemen will be under the personal supervision of Mrs. Munra, a lady of refinement and large .ex perience. For catalogues, address, J. J. Walton, Secy. Regents. Duffy & Ueckart EXPRESS and TRANSFERING. Special care in moving Household Goods and Tianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S.