Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 21, 1894, Image 8

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vim ii .ut; e or ji ik;e h ives ami
The llefciulaiiH Warmly Conprulu
luted J iistlrf OMrr'n Kfvlew
of (he Adair.
Of llie closing of tlie trial in Portlatul
of Judijw Hayes the Kvonin Tolismm
of Saturday, SeptoinWr 15th lias the fot
lowing to say:
Jintfietionlon K. Hayes, of Clackamas
county, charyeil with attempted extor
tion, Hnil Toll Thompson, special pnt
of the State Insurance Company, ac
cuseilof xlortKm and lareeny from the
person, by Mrs Jennie K. Melcher,
whose trial before Just'ce Geisler the
list few days has been of absorbing in
terest stand before the community
completely vindicated. In connection
with this it i9 but fair to say that the
couise pursued throughout the entire
hearing by Hon. (.ivo. C. Urownell,
Haves' counsel, was dignified, and a eon
sideiable factor in bringing about this
result. It i the first important 'case
Mr. Itrownell has handled in Portland
ainee his comparatively recent coming
to Oregon City, aud he proved him
self a young man of keen precep
tiveness and much adroitness,
without floundering out of the legiti
mate channels of the practice of law.
He made no malicious attacks upon the
prosecution, but relied mainly upon his
ability to prove the innocence of his
client, in which endeavor he was emi
nently successful.
Justice Geisler'8 courtroom remained
thronged all afternoon, despite the fact
that no decision was expected till this
Biorning. The court, however, showed
unwonted consideration for the defend
ants by relieving them of their unpleas
ant suspicion just before the adjourn
ment last evening.
Justice Geisler'a decision was some
what elatwate, and he said, in substance,
that it was his first impulse yesterday
foretioon, after the case had been sub
mitted to him. in view of the character
of the evidence on the part of the prose
cution, witli the unquestioned social
standing of -iudge Hayes, to discharge
him forthwith. He added:
I, however, desire to gfiard against the
defendant's standing interfering with
the imp.trti.il administration of justice,
therefore I took the matter under advise
ment until 2 o'clock. At that hour I
desired further to deliberate npon the
value of t ie evidence before me, and I
am glad to say that my first impression
and judgment remain unshaken.
"Not taking into consideration that
the character of the complaining wit
ness for veracity has been assailed, yet
. her version of what occurred seems to
me exceedingly improbable, while, on
the other band, the explanation made
by defendant Hayes was straightforward
and unequivocal. I could not find the
slightest particle of evidence that would
justify me in sending this case before the
grand jnrv, hence be is entitled to his
immediate discharge."
In the cu-e of Thompson, the court ex
pressed inii'-n doubt as to whether Mrs.
Melcl.pr was giving a correct version of
her extierience with him, and he fared
as well as did Judge Hayes.
After hi exoneration from the ngly
charge hanging over his head, Judge
Hayes received the warmest Mngratula
tions from many of his Oregon City
friends in town. The judge is yet quite
a young man, being but 34 years old, yet
he has already had many honors
conferred upon him by his fellow citizens
of Clackamas county. His term as
state senator does not expire till his
successor qualifies in January next, yet
his constituency, recognizing big legal
ability and having unqualified confi
dence in bis integrity, made him county
judge at the last election, an office very
few lawyers have held since the organi
zation of that county.
Are Yon lining Ea-lJ
If so, it will pay you to write to A. C.
Sheldon, general agent of the "Burling
ton Route," 250 Washington street,
Portland. He will mail you free of
charge, maps, time tables, and advise
you as to the through rates to any point
reserve sleeping car accommodations
for you, and furnish you with through
tickets via either the Northern, Union,
Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great
Northern railroads at the very lowest
rates obtainable.
The Burlington route is generally con
ceded to be the finest equipped railroad
in the world for all classes of travel.
Dissolution Notices
This is to certify that this day the firm
of Shannon & Dickinson, laundrymen,
is dissolved by mutual consent. II. B,
Shannon to assume all bills and to
collect all accounts due said firm, thereby
relieving Wm. Dickinson from any
furtber responsibilities and he (Dickin
son) hereby relinquishes all interest in
any material or stock which wag in use
in the Oregon City Steam laundry.
Wm. H, Dickinson,
H. B. Shannon,
Oregon City Sept. 18, 18!4.
Hard times Prices.
g. F. Scripture lias reduced the price
of Lorse shoeing to $1.50 per horse until
further notice. All work at bottom
prices. Many years experience insures
first-class work.
;ContiniKvl from ttrsl ko.)
In emie parts of the district this was
insisted u on, and numerous quarrels
resulted. At Paris, where General
Fzekiel Clay had declared that if any
man challenged his vote there would be
blood spilled, some of the officers' of the
election enforced and others Ignored the
injunction issued by Judge Cautrill.
Tonight Colonel Breckenridgo was in
his headquarters, sui rounded by the
friends who have stood by him through
all bis troubles He was a crushed and
disapointed man. Just as the last news
was coining, he turned from the table
where his son IVsha was figuring upon
the returns to talk briefly to a press re
presentative. He said :
"It is my own county of latayette that
gives me the greatest grief. I
thought she would at least give me 800
majority, and many of my friends ex
pected as much as loOO. Instead of that
my majority in my own county is only
205. In Woodford we also expected a ma
jority of several hundred, but that county
has gone against me. as has Franklin, an
other county that I tnought would give
me a small majority. They are holding j
back the returns from Scott county, for
the ptir.xwe, I believe, of doctoring them
if the news from the other counties do
not suit the Owens people. In this way
they wilt probably defeat me. I had ex
pected Scott to go for Owens oy about
1200, but, ol course, they can fix up the
returns to suit themselves."
The colonel's headquarters seemed al
most like a tomb, but the colonel him
self held up well under his defeat, which
he did not acknowledge. Talking about
his future plans, he said :
"I expect to live out my days right
here in Kentucky, and will continue to
go in and out among these people until
I am laid away in the beautiful Lexing
ton cemetery, where sleep all that ii
mortal of my ancesterg. As I said to
the people on the stump, H they do not
choose to send me back to congress, I
.will find some other lalwr."
Colonel Jlireckenriilge i in splendid
health, but he presents a sad sight. To
night around his headquarters every
thing was silent as the grave, and one
square fu rther down the street, at Owens
headquarters, thousands of young men
and older ones, too, were making the
night hideous with yells, blowing tin
horns and shouting for Owens General
Gentry proposed three cheers tor the
womeu of the district, and they were
given with such a will as to almost
deafen the people who were standing on
the other side of the street. Then they
gave three cheers for the newspaper cor
respendents, whe kept before the world
the sins of Breckenridge.
Chicago, Sept. 18. Colonel Iiain An
derson, of Kentucky, who is now in the
city on his way to Nw York, was asked
what effect he thought the defeat of
Breckenridge would have in his state.
The old genltemaa pulled big beard and
said: "I am glad of it; it will teach an
important lesson that even in Kentucky
it is dangerous to gt caught." "Did you
oppose tLe colonel?" -'Well, I did not
until a few weeks ago. Up to that time
I was strongly in favor of him ; you see,
I am a widower without children, with
out moral responsibilities of any sort,
and I did not see why Bill should not go
to congress as long as he wanted to. By
gad, sah, a
woman that lives near here
channel my mind. For a long time I
have been after her to marrv me, and
she has been putting me ofT, but a few
weeks ago I met her and she told me
that if I would work against the colonel j
she woutj marrv me as soon as trie eiec
was over, and then I took off my coat
and fought Billy as hard as ever a man
was fought. By gad, sab, it was the
women of my state that killed the col
Lexington, Ky., Sept
18 The Leader
this morning publishes a
..t.i r
counties, official, and Bourbon, unofficial
but conceded by both
Bides, giving the
vote as follows:
Owens 8072
Breckenridge .7803
Settle 3391
Owena' plurality 209
Ttiene figures are practically final.
Throuch Trains W ithout Traiisfcr.
Traveller must not forget that the O.
R. & N. line Is thoroughly repaired and
all trains ar running without tranafer
or delay. Through Bervice to Omaha,
Kansas City, bl. Louis and Chicago;
Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair
cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and
modern day coaches. Call on 0. R . &
N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or
address W. H. Hurlburt, Gen'l Passen
ger Agent. Portland, Oregon.
To Property Purchasers in (iladxtene.
Those of you who have not fully paid
on lots purchased in Gladstone of the
undersigned and holding bonds therefor,
are requested to make payments in the
future to the Bank of Oregon City to the
credit of the undersigned.
Sakaii M. McCawit.
Okegon City, Aug. 2!l, 1894.
Have you seen those beautiful Indigo,
oil red and liht prints, outing flannels.
Ratteens and trimmings junt received
from Chicago at the Ked Front Btores
away below any prices quoted in Clacka
mas county before.
Receipt, note and order
books at the
Furnlshnl Kteijr Week by the flai-kM
nuts Abstract Mini Trust t'niiiiiiiiir.
O Clift to A II Clift 10 acres in see
see 2S, 1 1 a, r2 e 20.1
A 11 Clift to Frank Price 10 acres in
seo2!Ul s. r2 e 2100
Kobt DeShkner to Jacob IVShaner
w l of aw 4 sec 211, 1 2 s, r 5 e, 80
acres 2000
Kobt IVShaxer to J G lVSUaaereS,
no' 4 of sec 30 anil ne'4 of ne'i'
of sec alt 2 s, roe 4000
J B Laher by sheriff to Phoebe
Gilbert L'l'j acres In cl 40 t 3 a, r
1 e 10S
United States to Hugh Fitxiierald
nwl4 of nw'4 see (1, 13 s, r Be 3t
G V Vetoto to K K Kisert SO acres
Fliaaheth Alfrev D I. C No 37 t 3
s, r I e
Jnoll Walker to Willamette- Pulp
A Pa 1 ir Co part of Kobt Moore I)
Jos Ziirvher to F.dward Baylee e'g
of nw 4' sec 12, t 3 s, r 2 e 10 acres
JLSperryto Carl F WOstnw'4
ofeSof nl4'ecl, t2e, r 2e
10 acres
Geo K iVdman to J M Mikeljohn
2100 ;
1400 ;
250 !
2l acres in tract C Clackamas
M and II Cosgrove to Jennie K
Melcher 80 acres in sees 20, 30, 31
and 32, 1 2 a, r 1 e
I V Inland etal to L M Lelaud 100
acres in Benj K Mails claim.... I
I V l.eUnd et al to Ida 1. Inland
105.74 acres in Renj It Mails claim 1
Ida L Ix-Jand et al to Ina V I.elund
100.74 acres in Benj It Mails claim 1
O F Hihhard to Belle Hihhard lota
1 and 2 l.lk 2 Boot's ad lo Marsh
field 1
James A Chase to Annie A Chase
27 acres in A B llolcomb I I. V
t2r 2 e 1000
Nora and M S II ungate to Fred W
Paine se'4 of see 14 t tig, r3 e 100
acres 1
I'uited States to Nora ilungate se'4'
sec 14 ttio. r3e llSO acres
Having purchased the cpyriwht of !
Thome's Title Abstract Intlv-xi" giving.
imsine rutin 10 uiw tiifin in . lacaainas ;
county, and the atwtract hook toinpiled
and formerly owned by Thortw A Son. j
we are prepared to liirmsli complete 1
an.l accurate abstracts of title and to
correct or exteml old abstnvets. Wei
solicit your patronage and vuaranlee ;
first class woik. Office over Ihintlev's
Irng storn.
Clackamas Aiiwiract A Tbwst Co.
Id theClirnlt Court nl the gtata of OrKia fur
the County ol Clui-lainM.
J. A lUker. Olive 8. England. A. N. M.r, (ifo.
H. smihcrl. 't. J. Miuthnrn, 1. J ia!ty tuple,
J M. Keene. Klale I. L mnu reua. fli.rt M
Murphy. Clara A. Waaturaeld. II. K MrNiiry,
imI II V Mr.Nnry 'Irimee, A. E. Htratnt.
E M. Walte. T. J Crmilne, K Phllllpa, T. II.
Wflvin. Ira Krl, (,r(e CIUa. II. K.
Ilntme. V II. harmnnd. N C. Martn. K. H.
MrCnrtiw-k. K t lli.anrth. II Sli.lft.in. M
L Chamberlio, B. V. Meredllb, In irenii
IjiiI CnmpaiiT. a :nrM.ratl.m. C U. Moorea,
H.n nine. II. Jur.lan, Jenn M. writ, t
CD.Oahrle.-nu.Wm. Knuland. Farrar,
E. B. Mi'Mrny. J. A. COi.lt, II. S. Cix.H, W. II.
Byrd, A. Mi-Ciillnrb, A J llerrwtt. B C.
Milei aud II. W. Scott, Plaintllta.
KIkkIji a Edes C C Curlla, L. II Knwlainl. J.
8. White, U A. Hrean, L L. Knwlaud, W.
i Holly, J A Krf-hantmu. s Mi.unw, J. II
Weatrntt, B T Kowlaml. Thnmaa lliirnmi.
Ji.hn James, J. H Allien Ailinluiairatnr
nl uie MMie 1.1 t an r. Attn, nr.Tpi. 1
nil K 1: Hattoa. II U. Hall.111 and I.IKI.a!
Mi.'Cully. Iitlm at law nf T. Hrf. Pnttnn. de
reaseil, W 11. King. A. L Urnwtv, K 4 Ijiior
rirt, II W Match. Wm Htaiaer, i- Craven.
Krank Nile". A. T. Teati.n. A N. Dout
hart. 8. Ii Cary, I. N. Ouy. Will S. Clark. C.
E. Inland, Jt'w E.lwar.i.. II. I., riitin k. i
t. Kdwanls, II. A. Ilncue, I. isle llni kuey.
CO IlirkiK'k. William Maihewa. Iianll Imr
eheiter. II K. Lewis, Trustee for Lewis t
Prydeti Frlnltin Co., J. B. Knblus'iu, Tlve
Frenlileut ami Truslees of the Tualatin
Academy and Pai'lrlri I'nlvernlty, a t'nrpirtrt.
tlnn, M. Maiirtteld. (Jenrxe Wllllama. Manta
ret J.Cnsper.l he Wlltiatua A Knirlainl Hank
Itijr Cnmpanr. a Ctirpnmili.u. M. V. knrk,
ami Clackatias County, di'ltndaiits.
To C C. Curtis. L II. Kiiwland, J. II. Weentt,
B. T Ko land.S. I). Cary. Will a Clark. C
E U'land. liKiiiel Horrhe.ter, J. h. Hi.t.ln-1
usmed"" " V lH!"n,Unw
In ihenameof the State of Oreijou. Yon are
nPrtruy rtriu i" iti)irnr nnswr tiir i.-impi-
plnint flieu Kaint ynu In thi ulnive fitltltl
suit within leu days from the date of the ser
vice ofthisriuinmiinaupou you, If nerve.! within
I this county : or, it nerved ill any other miiuty of
I this state, then within twenty dnys frome the
; date of the servire of this Summons upon you:
I and if served upon yit hy ptiiilloHtlon. then
I yii are required to answer said eoniplaint on
the nrsiuay or trie next term 01 sain eoiiit aner
six weeks niihlicatlon ol this summons, to-wit
on Monday, ttie'ilh day of Novcinljcr. InlM, and
,1 I.il l.taiiawu, l,lulllT. ur 111 i.i.lv In
the court for the relief prayed for In their cow
Hlu l.0ui. ... urlt- . ,u..v..u ..f lk.1
court for a partition of the real premlsea here -
rintils ol the parties lo this suit, said real prem -
ises lieiua uencnienj as iiiiii.rs.
illia ks 1. Z.3.4. 5.6. 7. S, U, 10, 11, 12, 13, la. 10.20,
21 , a, A 21, 2S. 27. as, iw, an, 31 , n, 'xs, 1, 3.1,
i!7, N, Ml, 4.-i, 4. 47 4H, 4V, fa), .'.1. W, M, M. Sri. .Vi, ,'7.
rt. Ml, fill, l, t.2, it), 1,1. , on, ?, r-t, 71., 7t. w, ai, m.
la.M.aft.ati.W.W.W.M Wl W, W .ml IW.
All of lllwk 14. exceptitiK lots 21. ii, Zi. 2-1, 27, W.
fl,.ri,ill,.ii..M.ilsii'iw. Ail 01 nioca J'f,
ceptlnn lots . 4. r,.. 7, H. . 10, II, 12. IS. 14, 15, in,
s.1 -ri A 'Ml fl 'fl 1A UK 'Ji. -IS 'iki 'Jt lit Al A
4a'and 44 "aiI of'Kilick' iBexcept lins l, 2, i,
.u .u. nil .i ... ,C . 1 .u .11 - , 111....
1, n, 3, 91, 0,1, Oft, . Vt, S,
nd 41 All of Block
excetit lots TJ and All of lilock 40 except
lots Ti and at. All of lilock 41 except lots 4, 7. a,
V, 10. 11, 12 ia, 14, 1.'.. ID, 17, la, Id, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24,
and 40. All ol lllock 42 except lots 7. H. 1:1, 14,
15, 16. 17, 22. at, 24, 25, art, '27, i.s, SO. 81, : M and
M All l HU-k 4a exccptliiK lots 1. 2, , 4, 6, ,
7, 8, 10, 17, IH. IK. 20, 21, 22, '1, 21, 25, 21). 27, 2S. IB.
ao, al, a2. '. M, a5, an. a7. at, :i'.i, 40 and 41. All of
Hlock 44 excepting lots 10, 10, 20, 21, 22. 2r), M, 27.
2h. 31, xi, -a, m ar, :., a7, a, an, 40. 41, 42. 45 and
46 All ol HI.H-k m excepting lots 19, 20, 21, 22,
2a and 24. All of lllm k IM exceptlriK lota 1, 2, ,
4. 5, , 7, S, , 10, 21, 22, 25, 2H, 27, 1i. 40, 41, 42.
4a, 44, 45 and 46 All of Block 70 exception lots
1, 2. a, 4, fl, 6, 7. 14. 15, 16 17, IH. Ill, 20, 21. 22. 2X, 24,
25, 26, 27, 21,211, a" and 41 All of Block 71
except Ink lots 1, 2, , 4. 5,4. , 10, 15, 16, 17, IH. 22.
23. 24. 27, 2H, 20, 0, at, 2. aa, l, i, :t, 37, a, 40, 41
and 42. All of Block 72 excepting lots 2, a, 4, 7,
n, V, 10. 11. 12, ia. 14, 15, 1 and 17 All of Block 73
exncptlnif lota 14, 15, 16, 17, IH, IB, 2(1, 21,22, 23, 27,
2H, 'IV and 30. All ol Block 74 excepting lota I, 2,
5, 4 and 5. All of Hlock 77 excoptliiii lota 5, , 7,
S, and 10. All of Hlock 7H excepting lota 20. 21,
2H and Hi All of Hlock H7 excepting lota 14, 25.
26 and 27 All of Hlock kh excepting lots 11 and
12, and all of Hlock m excepting lots 15. 16, 25
aud 20, ell in Mlnlhorn Addition to the City of
Portland, lu Clackamas county, State of Oregon,
as the same la shown on the recorded plat of
aid Minthoru Addition to the City of Portland,
on file In the Kecorder'a olllce lu Clackamas
county, State ot Oregon.
You are further notified that this summons In
this suit is served upon you and each ot you hy
putillcatlon by order of Hon. T. A. McBrlde,
judge of ssld court, dated the 15th day of Hep
tern her, law.
listed at Oregon City, Oregon, this 17th day ol
September. 1HU4.
H-21: 10-21). OKO.O. BINOIIAM, and
Attorneys for I'lalutirTs.
How it Happened.
The following remarkable, event In a lictv"
life will lul.'tv.l the rcu.l.r: "Intra lonir lime I
hud a terrible uln at my heart, which Hut
Icrcd almot liii'inMiintly. I had mi ai.lu
ami cuiilil tint mIi.,k I would Ih t-oni m' lla-.l
load In Ixxl anil ladrh tn from my alum
arh mull I tluiiiulit every ii.li.nii. would Ihi
my Inst. Tlnn m fii'llm! ( npinltii
about my licnrl, an.l I was afraid In draw a
full breath. I Couldn't ft Malltl Willi-
Kill slllli.it (limit anil rv-l li.it: l.ul, Ihut.U
tiial. t. v Hie Inln.f Ni.w lli'iirt ( iim all Unit
Isiinstanill feel llk anuiliiT . .111:111 1 1
futv ii-.lnit ilm New lli.ri Cum I I111.I laki'ii
itlireniu MVH-nlli.l rtMiiisll,. and Ik'H irtMiiinl
ly iliviiirs wliluiiit any lienetH unlit I
lh.il. illv-niirnifiMl ami (llsitiinti il. Hvlni-l.iii.it
lamitlit nid a IhiIIIu nf lr. MII.V N.x ll. nrt
Cum. ami am Imppy to"Y I tievrr n'ttmiit il
ll. ax I now Iiumi a ..nlemllil m iiu. nn.l
li.i( well. I xi'lk-lii'il lil innl l.en I !.
k.iii tumnir inn ni:HHiy, iim mm 1 wcigiiMr.
i (fitis-t In my n tin. u.n truly innrvcf
oils. II Inr Kiirnnjuf anr i.il.rr n.nli. Hie I
havi evrr inknn or any N-m-ili I rer re.
rvirou iMin .nvii'iBin ir. nurrjsmrr
rotlavlll. '., (I. Ii.Ut It tMt
Ur. Mlloa' Now lli.arl Cut l w.lit on 1 p""-'-tlv
itunmiilr,. l.y nil drumtUis, ur liv llm It
Ultra MtMlli itl ('it, J lklinrl. In. I . on m. l.l ..I
prdv. II Int boltln, ! IhiIIIm (0. riprnw urn
palil. This itn.at illi.ipry l.y 1,11 null. .Mil
Hi-tallt In In-nrt iIIm'iiu'. roulaliui awllljol
oyiaii our Uaiunroua Uru
For pule by Charinnti it Co.
IJ E W & L E R,
0. HuntleyV Prujr Stor,
i All Kinds of Watches,
Clock and Jewelry Urpaired
I UK 11 ItAtO LAI 'tKILM fc .
Great l'.ritain niul Atnericst.
p. ma a trial
e L
-fivTTT A T"TI fiTT
.11 in lv f . rir'jl.jrV
No. ZX, Morrison Slreat,
For geneinl rejiniriiiK h taiwlt
without a pesr. For first-elaHrt, re
liable good his ntore is wrvoiul t
none. Trr him !
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
. tvii
Double and .Single Rig, and natV
die hornet always on lrnrwl at the
lowest jirifts. A corrtill eonnecttJ
with the bam for Iooho nti:k.
Information regarding any kind ot
stock promp4ly attended to by person ol
horses Bought and Sold.
All kind of Truck and IVhvery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horaea Roanlwi and Fed on reason
able terms.
. . .... , .
IS tllO U(l VWftte 01 tilt) of tflCC-
tncity ha & liicaim of domestic
j lighting, Cooking atltl heating; for
commercial and domicile jower
jurH)Kcs, for Htrect cum, mining,
canal boats and the running of all
kinds of machinery, both light and
heavy. The probability is that
18'.)4 will produce
Wonderful Achievements
in the field of electricity, and every
j intelligent JHiMon should
i Read EleCtfiC POWer,
and keep ptwtfid; SubHcription 2 a
year. Every nubhcribc-r in entitled
t a ufkittinl A luWkii ri t rin lu"kjklra rtitr.
I",' " "I'""-" "
charted. A(l(lr'H,
1 , r ,,, n Tll,Tin
30 Cortlandt St., New York City,
I '
Portland Cowlitz
River Route, via.
JoHeph Kellogg Trans. Co.
Kelso Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port
land, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 A. M.
land Monday, Wednesday and
Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow
litz river points, returning the
following days.
This is the only direct route to
reach all Cowlitz river points.
WM. R. HOLM AN, Agent.
Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or,
til Oii't'lriMill ('nun ol ihp Slain nl tlri'iiiiii fur
Clrt.t.11IIN Ctntlll).
,l.ii i Pii Unvy, it'lT, va, Kllna Pit l.nny ili.f'l.
To Kll Ho l.any, On1 nl.nvn nsmi'il .li'ti'ii.tunl
In II111 nnmii n( llm HIhip ill on'itim, vimi am
hi.ml.j' ri..iulri.il to Ni..i.nr Hinl anmiur till ...m
i1hIiii rtti'il Hiilna yi.ii In Ilia hI.i.vd iiiiIIiIkiI
ml, liy I In' I1i"l ilny nl lln rnvulnr Iitiii nl lliln
rintrl iti'kl iiceti..lluit llm itiiriiil..ii nl Hit,
llinii imwrllieil l..r ill iiililli'iiil..ii nl llm
iiiiini..ini. In wil'
till M.ui.lny, llir Mil ilny nl Nnvciiilr, IstU.miil
If vim (nil i.n.m.mi.r In' w mil llmri'..! Hit- lln
IllVnlll H.ly to llin I'nnrl fi.r llin rrllnt ili
inHiiili'.l In tlit piiiuilitltii, In will l.ir m iltHTi-a
itt.ii.ivluv tt. IhiiiiIii nl mxhlitiiinv i.lmlna !.
lwi'ii ynii ami llm i.liiitilirT, an. I l.ir lliur..n
n. I illnliiirM-iniiiila nl llili nil.
I'nlillaliiil in 1 r a in in mi i.i.lrr nf Dm linn.
Tli.'llin. A li'Url.l, Jiiitir nf llm kIk.vt villi
llvil i'nnrl, JnlnUiily JWIi, l'H
H7 l JI I'laliiltri'a Allnfimy.
Mavliw lieen duty ppnlnli-.t a.linllilMralrU
of the personal estate.. 1 1'. I'. t litem.!, diseased,
I herel.t iiotily alt parlies liavliif latins against
the said e. lull. In .ri.ut llie. aaina In me p-i.n-erlv
verlrli'.l. or in mf altornnya, Hruwuell A
I'resser, H It hill sit atmillia finm llie ilaleuf
tills nottee. or they will I lurnver l.arte.1.
Mas l.vnu A. W rssr. Adutlulnlralrla
nf llie estale nl t I' V. lueset, ileeeased
Orettmi t liy, Oreaiui, Au. l, I MM. a .-ll
Don't Buck Wood.
It ia hard work fix-nt wood in
the old fashioned way.
You will do much ta tter to g't
OjM'nitoil by
Elliott & Harrington,
Who will do you a pad job
with neatness and diepuch
at bard times priors,
Drop a card to K. I Klliott at
Oregon City, r J. N. Harrington at
Kly, and the imw will call and do
your work.
Sunday Servlcos.
Sr. I'U l.S ('in HI'll-rplseopak-Hperlal
nottee vlvau uf servnrea to tai hold, earvlres at
llo'elia-ka. m. and "M i m. I'rayar servlea
very Wnluesday eienili
J. Cnaau I'a-aor. Services al II :si a. It.
ami a it) r. M. Hunday Hrlinol after a... ruins:
servlea. Stayer meeVng Wednesday awniiiR al
s islo.clnaa. Prayer sii,vIIiik ol Ynulii I'eople.i
Society of Chrlsiiati Kudeavor every Sun. lay
tveuiutf atVt pr.miM.
riiisr HArrtr ni'rtcii -Hav. nu.a
I'lassa Pastor Moraaliii Hit, Ice at tl-aiitiday
Scli. u.l al u l ; Kvei viitf Service A ut, Kefular
pra) er rsetltia WMil.iv.ilsy eveiilna. JonUily
t'l.ienaui Mceiiua eerr Wednesday eveiilna
preci'iliiw the n r-t .-tunlsy 111 the uixilh. A
eornlal ii.vliatli.it in all.
sr loM S ( 111 h.rH CATIIOl.ir,-a. A.
Itiii-Katuroi, I'a.'.nr on Hunday mats at a aud
I" . a. a Kvery s m.ud and fourth Jutiilay
t.errnau sernn.11 af'vrr ttie n u clock mass
At all ..tasr tua.sea itjatfllsh sertnntis. .tun.lav
nihonl M i . r w Vespers, apolfellca)
..il., . ami llene llrtlnn at 7 SO r. u.
i. svaa. 1'astur. Mornlni service al II.
Sunday ..iimi at I i i. I Is.s nieetlun alter
iminiltnr servtca. HvenliiK service al 1 au.
t.pwnnli l.c.ii tneaaina Suiulay evenini at
.10 prayer Mri-lln- Thnrsday ereulii alb SU
siraiiser eordlallv Invlteil.
KIKsT tKKsilYTIIIIIAN CllfK ll.-T. 0.
W. titaonav. I'a.toe. Services al II A. and
?; r. Mt Mal.luiih H-honl al 10 a. m. Tnunf
People's society nf ( hrlstlaii Kndeavnr aieets
every Hunday evaulwi at S .HO. WeiStteaday
evenini prayer oieetlai al 7 BU. Heals free.
KVA.H,r.ieAI.( HTt ll-iKMMAN - B. f.
Vr, Pa. lor. feeaehini services every
rtiiii.lay al 11 At M and 7 an t si
aaht.ath scI.ihiI every Hnndsy al 10 A. M tKev.
P. Hot. Hilpt I Weekly Prayer Jseetlli
every Weiluesilay avsailua
UNITIli llltKlllKKN IN CIIKHT. Preach
I11K every second an4 Inurlh Sunday pf each
n Hi, at II uoa m sswl 7 .ui p. in. -W l, stc-
Lain, Psamr huimIbv sclua.1 al 10 a. m. al
Ore. 111 City Flral Sunday at Hamsia Behind
house, i.lalia: I rural auniisy, M011nta.11 Home
II a. ik: 1 1 111 In-r i.x.ve. 4 p. m -M.i Pclla
(ireeu, nupcrluii'iiiletit Huuuay school. I'rayer
meetltiirevery W ednexdar evenlti.
Dry Goods,
. Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the bent quality.
In Prices v.Te meet
Portland Competition.
Gary & Wjssinger.
Let us have a trial order
Portland-Oregon City and
Yamhill River Route.
Down Leave Dayton 5 A. M.,
Mission 5,.'i0, Newherg 6, Itutto
ville 0:45, Oregon City ::),
arriving in Portland 10:150 A. M.
Up Leavo Portland 2:30 P, M.,
Oregon City 4 P, M.
Stage runs hetween McMinnvillo
and Iayton, via Lafayetto, in con
nection with the boat. The stngo
will leave HoUjl Yamhill, McMinn
villo, every morning at .1:30 a. in.,
returning, leave Dayton every
evening, except Sunday, on arrival
of the boat.
. P.est of accommodations for pas
sengers and fast titno made. For
freight rates apply at dock or on
Everybody should patronize the
Toledo and thus sustain a daily
Joel P. Geek, Owner.
J. W. Exon, Captain.
I Society Directory.
I kli'idsat foil 1 1 IIiiiisii nil Hecoiiil Monday In
t each niniiih, Vlsltois welcome.
r. K, IniNAI.IiHoN, OI.O, C IlltOW NKI.I.
Mi.criiiary, President.
(IAVKI, t.lllMIK, NO. !A A O. II. M
I Mcels second au.t lourlli Saliirdar evenlna:t al
, Klilulil ! hall, t anl.y, Vl.lllni brullicrs luada
1 wcli'ome,
K K I'sni ToN. K. 0. M siilioi I,
Recorilnr. Master Woraiuau
K. UK I', "Tt I A It V, IHiK NO. V. "
J, t. Itlslcy ('. (' I Tliomas Nellson, K uf K,
and H, Meets eiery Wt.itii,...tny cteulna al a
o'clock In I s. Hi. hall, I. o, 11. K. hiilldiui,
llrollicrs Iroin oilier K. of P . ..!.. lev II. "I
OH Kllll I.OlKiK NO, Jist, a, K. . A, M.
Meels llie second an.l t. mrlkSiiliir.il y of each
mo 1. Ih at 7 p. 111 All Masons In diuhI slamlllif
are Invlled In allclld,
l II. Mass, W. M. K, J, Mi's.ai.t,, Hee'y.
OHW KtiO I.OIHIK NO. as, I, 0 II. T.
Meeis every Kriday evciiln lir llie new hall III
Old Town
J t). II (isss. f, T, John Kaitsa, Hec'y.
Mi-els the iceimd and fnurlli M'tiday In (let
monih at 7 VI r M , In I. O, o K I1V1II,
M. O. t-'auama, M. M. .iuaa in.
Hacrclarv. N. (I,
Meels III K I'. Itsllon Hie second and lullrlll
Monday wetilnss id each innuth.
Mas W K Joll.NIOM, 1'rc. I
Miss Noaat t'Ai ier. v'j,
MIHTI.ri'OK I.OI xi R Mi, W, Ii. OCII. ,
eels eiery Tiles. lar erenlns
fl.iBt lnaa Itec,
Mav 111. si.. 111. 1 or n
rtfNIIIHK LolKIK, NO. Ii A. O. t' W,
Meets every seei.n.t and1 foitrtlt Haturday aleaclt
I mouth at W ll.ua vllle. oreuon.
it V. Vol Nil, M, W,
Join Tvi.aa, Reenrder.
Meets everv Thursday evenlnv al (l.. Follows
hall, Oawexu. Islt 1 nsj lirrtl.'.n always ael
ei.iue T. Msi Mil I
K.ahi Mtaa, llecnrder Mi VV.
MDIAr.l.A l.ote.K Nk It, A O. I'. W.
Meeis rti.t and Ihlnl Hatutdny In each tnenlh
al scliiad kou.e VIHelua: members tnsde el
ei.mc J. W. 111.. a as. M W.
o. W. It.aseiKs. Nee.
UKS. l lioolt I'oaT. Ho', w (i A. K ho "in-
tllelll tti tlrei.w.
Meels In sehiHil house at fleedy nil first Kai
arday In eah nmuih al J nVl.a-k p nt. Mil
enmradea tiM.le welcoraa I P 111) l l ne.
H. TlloMi-sniv, AdJI. I'oiniuaiider.
WACIIkSo Tit I UK. ."r tt, KKI'MKN.
MselTue..1ay evenini alA.O ', W. Hall. Vt
tons; nieiuheni Invlle I. ), II. II 1 .w a a l',
( a. s Ki i.r.r of K.
. CANHV pliant MK M , I. O. O. T.
Meels flrsl and Ihlrd Hainrdsr eveiilnj of
I each month al Unlitl.l a ball, l anhy. Vlilllnr
nn-mliers always made wrtti.m
i Kins Kaioilf. Nee Oars W. fcsinllT W.C.
I tt'iilll.MKN OK TUX W oKI.il.
WMIainelle Kkll. Camp No. in. aseeis ?. an I
41 h 'foe.. lay nhHiis In eerfi'moaih tn K. nl P.
tisli. Vislllnc aeiyltlHirs tissde wrlcome.
I ft. fl. Maana. Clerk. K M. Ktu.f.f.
' OHWKliO l.lti.NoK Not ITSP ill II.
. Mits the secoad rtaturdae nf each nn.ntli at
10 a at O. Ktn.r Master. 1, 141 tAa aee'y.
! H.sMAHl I H laiAM.K P. OK II. NO. si,
' Meet nn lite Aest aattirday tit eaeh monih at
j IDo'rtiH'k a. ui. artlie liamaseins school limns).
n yol NO. Master.
T. II. KTllras, Hecrelary.
NT JiHINH II HA Nf II. Ml. 07, C. K. nl A.
Meets every luewlay evenltia al ttietr hatl
enrurr Main and I mils at reels, oreton Illy.
N.C. Slii iiai s.aee'y. T. W. M uji a, I'res
Mt'HTNoMAII UHMIK. No. I, A. t k A. M.
Ilutitii Its regular eoniiuatiloatloas on first
and inird Halur.niya of rack month at 7 Ml r. a.
Hreihreu In good standing an Invited to attend.
I. i, fori ll, vi . M,
T. K. KY AN.Mecrelary.
Claskamas Ctapler No. 1. It. A. M. Kegular
Coiiyueailoii third Monday l Ilia awinth al ixv
V. M.
J. fl1. WAI.KKK. II. r.
M aim-. rit'o, Kec'y.
OHKOON I.OIii.K. 4. I O (. r.
Me) every 1'Hursday een ,a al 7 iki o'clock
r. fct. in Ihe ll.l Kelioas' Hall. Main streeu
Memaera ol Ihe Order ar III riled In attend.
MIO C. Kir, N.U
Thoa, II y a is. Hecrelarj.
OrlWKOo l.lil.OK. Iftl IM, I.O. O. r "
Mi-oia al odd Callow's hall, Oswego, eyerw
Mmainy eveintig. Vl.1ln lireihren made
welcome. '.. II. nl.XO.N. N. (i.
J. r. Illn.nr. Hec.
Meets every Krlday alght al Ike K. nf I', halti.
VlMttng KnlirtiiB InvliiM'
ll. a. lloi,.MiN. C. V.,
TI AI.IT1N OHANstK. NO. Ill, P. ol II.
Meets In.t nalurday ol eack tnoiiih at thalr
hall lu Wllsaeivllle. M. It. Ilxaav,
Miss liana ansae, Kao'y. Mastee.
OltKMo.N C1TT HOHK CO , No t
Ravular meeilug srilrd riies.lay nf each
nsontli al 7 si p M J, itsNaaa Pn.
H.a. Htaaain, Heo. b Nanuaa. rrui.
Ml. ll. K V.
Meats lk seei.tii and f. rth Mi.ndsv tit aach
mi. mil at aa'clock p. tn. Iw I o o. K. Hall
.Ma M ist Wiu.iaMs, N. 0.
Mas. 51 O. I'ium ia, Ken.
KAI.I.M CITY I.OIIt;r OP A ll If. W.
Menu every Haturdny evening ol naclt no. nth
In A. o t . M. hall 7tli at. All soJiNirumg
brethnn cordially Invlled In attend.
T. K.t,AI I.T. M. W.
Ow Cai.irr, Keeordor.
rof.VTAIN IIOHK tf) No. I.
Ileirular turedm second Wcdiies.tay In aneh
month at oturlita hou.c, east side Main street,
between Mvyeiith and Klghtri.
J. V.Htawnr. Nec. II Htihiiiiit. frm.
M. p. tt-iHM. riireiiiati,
Meets at their hall at Wrliiht'a llrldi. on Ih
se.Tiid Hiiiiirday of euch laonlli al It a. m
Kellow mcnitiers made welcome.
Jas. Nki.son, Master.
V, II. Coot'ia. Sec.
WAHXrK (IKA.VOK. No. 117, I nl II.
Meet fourth Haturday of each month, al their
hall III New Kra. Havld McArtlnir, Maaler
Mra. May Wnldn.u, Heo'f
Meets first Monday of each month, at K. of
P. Hall, Oregou City. Visiting comrades mad
DAVID MnAKTIIUIt, Commander.
Ma. Williams, Adjulaiit
K, D linker Cami, No. IH, meets every first
anil liilrd riiursday eveiilna of each mouth, at
K. of H. hall.
W. K Johnson, Captain; H. 8. Relninr, Itnpro
acntativtt III v KiicaHii.uieut; O. O, WiuhI, 1st
I.ieiitensnl; Alotinn Wlckhsin, li l.leutelianti
0, A Merman, 1st Unmeant,
Meets first and third Monday In each mouth,
at Hiralitlit's Hall. Visiting lirethcrn welcomo.
C. K. I'kasr s. IIOLCOMa.
Him. M. W.
Meets flrnt Friday nf tach month at
Fountain entitle house. Ciias. Atihv, I'rcs,
C. H I'li.i.ow, Heo'y. CllAi. Iliuaa, f'rm
Meets second Tuesday of each month at Cat
aract KiikIiic house. W. II. Ilnwaix.l'rcs
(J. II, IKhtow, Heo'y. J, W. O'Connki.i,, K'rn
Mrs. M. B. Pllshury . . President
Mra. K. I,. Cochrane, - . Treasurer.
Mrs. J. H. Hardliin, . - Hecretary.
Meels on first and third Tuesday) of each
mouth In K. of P. Hall. Members of corps
from abroad, cordially welcomed.
Meets at their hall In Maroitam, seonnd Hat.
unlay In each month at 10 a. m. Visiting
members alwayt welcome.
y. B JAUK,
M aslur.