Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 21, 1894, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.!
The marring wa oolilntil on 'l-
npailny afternoon Ht 5 o'clock
"Minett Jvinca to Mr. Oni 0.
of Mies
FRIDAY, EKITKMRKK SI. 1SH. T, otIvmoy look
iol the briile'a pareittd, Mr. ami
ChU'l l Police
City UttorncT.
8lrot Oommllonr.
Bupr.ol Wit Work.
Cut Knglnwr.
C. HiitMwk, Jr.
W. II. llowrll '
l. Klnnalr.1 '
Oouiirilinvii C. O. AllirieM, Jr., H. U Kelly. C. I
N(,nvumn.J J. Cmkt B K Jti:r, II.
C. 8leveu, iio, Rroiigtiton, M. Ittiwvll
ixiiinrtl mroti fint W edui-nUy ottarh month
In city bull.
Mrs. (1.
Jones on Seventh mul Jtu-kn tUrvots,
anit vu coiiiluotel by Kev. U. Wm.
tiilionev. Only Iho innmtliiUo frtotiila
proacm ami after
Hiram Straight
L. 1. Irir
0k. K. Burn.
K. 8 fnhrt
K. K. lrl!ii ,m i Hiu i iv rm
Loeal iilTertlslnir.
Hereafter no leital advertisement will
be inserted in the Kstkkinisk unless
iwyment (or the same ismaileat the! giving Clackamas county the opiiortnnily
time the athMavit of publication U ren-j of elect iiijt anew member to the Ionia-
an elegant dinner Mr. ami Mr, Austin
left for Salem on the evening train,
They will make their home at aome
point in tlio Valley, as yet not aelecteil.
They have a host of friends in Oregon
City who with theru a prwHjioroua and
happy life.
Hon. Geo. O, Kinearaon ia a living
witness to as narrow an escape from
dereil. This rule will be inip'rative and j lature as was ever known. It
dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac- j that be was working
tice of working the courts, lawyers and i Gladstone when aome
newspapers will have to look to some
other patfr toiret their notices published.
it ni''vitici -
his yard at 1 of ""''"'"ery fot the now mill of wild cat alieme and all of Its propoily
0. C. IVmavan, of l'oitland, general
agent of the Groat Northern railway,
was in Oregon City Monday afternoon
taking ohservaliona aa to the future liimi
nesa his company may secure here.
C. 1. Tliore, of the Portland Gen
eral Electric Co., I.. G. Gumett, of the
Willamette l'ulp A rier Co., and W.
P. Ilawley, of the Crown Paper Co, very
kindly gave him valued information on
I he industries carried on and ol the
future prospect of pur city . Mr. Ion
van was more than pleased with the
solid growth of Oregon City and pre
dieted rapid development of our re
sources. His company ia now running
ireful rains into roruami ana will nave
passenger trains in short time by way
of the O. K. & X. Co.'s Mad. The Groat
Northern secured their tlrsl freight (or
Oregon City, the order U'ing sixteen car
On Iteul rNliite Ileal.
Thursday evening of lust week J. A
Chase, manager of the Willamette Land
Company loft for the Kasl, going by
wav of California where he Mill sHnd a
lew dava with relatives, Monday J, K,
Groom also loft for the Kast going dl
reel to Molinn, Ills., where he will he
joined by Mr. Chase, They will ieiul
some tune In Illinois ami low went
they expect to disHise of some of the
line fruit lamia and roHrty held by
the Willamette Land Co. In this
county. The proarty held by this
company Is among the host In the county
and embraces several large oichards,
as well as some very lino fruit land
rcadv to he planted. The Willamette
IjiiuI Co, ia composed ol several of the
leading business men ol Oregon City
and has never leen connected with anv
We sell,
Picnic Hams,
Breakfast Paeon,
Side Bacon,
Dry Salt Bacon.
Dried Beef,
Canned Meats,
Salt Fish,
Etc E'c.
E. E. William.
The Grocer.
Prices the lowest Red Front Stores.
Freel-orn & Co., Alder street,
Portland, for wall oaper and moulding.
For Ri.xT A seven-room cottage on
Fifth and High streets. Applv to Chas.
Miss Harriett Warner, of Portland, is
inthisritr visiting her sister, Mrs. T.
A. Pope.
When baby is teething or feverish,
ask your druggist for Stfidman's Sooth
ing Powders.
Mr. G. H. Bestow
u:i: .i. ik-.i.. ii it
careless hunter1""" "'"''ie ru.p l aporo. mo
inthew.vkU m.ir I... .w,l.,t.,.l i.i- i t-'reat Northern omoials from President
the wrong way and the result was that!
a stray shot struck our worthy repre
sentative fairly in the middle of the
forehead, raising a lump in the skin and
making his head quite sore. It was a
close call and we may expect to hear of
the laws against hunting still further
Married, at the residence of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Morris, at Clackamas
Heiuhts on Saturday, September 8, Miss
Rosalind Frost to John II. Gibson, Kev.
Gilman Paiker officiating, The brile is
young woman having all the accom
plishments that will insure a model
home, while the groom is sober, in
dustrious young man to whom it can
easily be predicted a successful life will
come. They will be at home to their
friends in about two weeks at Milwaukee
where they will hereafter reside, Mr.
Gibson being a motorman on the East
Side railway.
Hill on down are great rustlers and
their advent into Oregon means much
for the carrying business of our state.
Owing to ill health A. F. Paiker has
sold his barber shop on Mailt stioet
between Fifth ami Sixih, to H. S. Sloper
who will continue the business as
lieretoforevarriedon. Mr. Parker left the
tiiBt of the week for a trip to the moun
tains and ia in hopes that the change
may benefit him.
F. J. Louis has decided not to go East
and will resume his old place in C. G.
Huntley's drug store on the tlrsl of next
month. Mr. Louis ia one of the most
skillful pharmacists in the state ami
fine salesman and his old friends will
be glad to see him back once more.
is of a solid value and is a good invest
MOW (1001S: ItuliioH hIhm'h, well iniido, 'J.hi; iiicii'm tt'iinin hJ h 70c;
lies' doiiiroln imlont tip or tilniti, a '' luo for l.r0; H'o rihhi
ks for .V: 7ui ImlhriuiMti undonveiir to clone itt I'.lo; Iioyd' wool lints
nt urn
l.lo. W'm mul tin: from factory n lino
LI, muslin fu vJ: heavy Hhirlinir, xtra width,
residence on the ALernetby ill) a new
coat of paint .
County Assessor J. C. P.radley and
wife went to Salem to attend the fair
Thursday morning
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
ail other blanks at the Entkkpsisi of
fice. Portland prices.
Burmeister & Androgen keep fine
assortment of strings for the banjo, vio
lin, guitar and mandolin.
Use pure prepared paint mixed and
ready for use. Charman & Co., agents.
Any shade, sample card free.
- Robert Kelland, sr., formerly one of
Oregon City's leading citizens was in
this citv on biginess Thursday.
Eastern Shoe Store in the Oregon City
postoffice has a line of solid shoes, boots
and rubbers cheap for the next thirty
Krmbali organs are admitted to be the
sweetest toned and most durable organ
made. See Burmeister & Andresen
about prices and terms.
Tile announcement is made that Geo.
Steel ha resigned as manager of the
EastVMrf Riway Co., and has been
succeeded by his brother, James Steel.
New buckwheat flour, fresh and pure.
E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Lawrence Ruconich is moving his
household eff.-cts from the cottage at the
Dead ol fourth street stairs to I lie house
owned by Mrs. H. Fox, sr., at the foot
of the Seventh street stairs.
Buy 100 acres of land on your own
terms. See it and make roe an offer.
E.C. Hacket,
P. 0 Box 321 . Oregon City, Or.
Now is the time to paint your houses
brn, roofs and fences. 2 per cent off
for cash for ttie next thirty days. Char
man & Co., City drug store.
, Mrs. I. S. Lawrence, who has been
quite sick for some time past, is so much
improved that she is able to tie about her
housa and hopes to soon enjoy her
usual good health.
The Wisconsin State Register states
that A. A. Porter, of Portage, has been
nominated on the republican ticket in
Columbia county, Wis., for the office of
register of deeds. Mr. Porter is a
brother of our fellow-townsman, L. L.
Patronize home institutions, buy your
groceries of Marr & Robertson. Every
thing in the line of fancy or staple gro
ceries. Orders called for and delivered.
"Wonders of the World's Fair" free of
expense. Every purchase of $3.50 se
cures one portfolio. tf.
' The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give their paper social in the
Shively building on Friday, the 21st.
Pretty paper articles will be for sale,
also home-made candies. Come and see
the fishnet decorations. A lunch will
be sei ved . Admission to room free.
Supt. W. F. Hubbard, of the (J. 6.
fish hatchery on the Clackamas, has
gone to Siuslaw, Coos county, to super
intend the fish hatchery at that place.
Owing to the obstructions in the Clack
amas the fish were unable to ascend,
and consequently Mr. Hubbard was una
ble to procure the sufficient amount of
eggs to run the hatchery with satisfac
tory results.
A quiet wedding was celebrated in this
city Wednesday, the contracting parties
being C. E. Nash and Carrie E. Knott.
The ceremony was at Justice Dixon's
Cupid parlors and was performed in the
Justice's happy style. Both parties are
from Mulino, the groom being a well-
. . ! knnnn .. , . I. .. . . I, ..
improving Ins T wuuimo mr ruifiy
and in Justry to make a success in life.
The bride is the daughter of J.W.Knotts,
a well-to-do farmer of that place, and is a
woman well worthy of a good husband.
F. II. Morrison, the architect, has de
cided to become a erniaiienl resident
of Oregon City and w ill bhortly move
his family from Dallas to this city. He
will reside in Willamette Kails w here he
will erect cottage.
Mrs. Henry Wilehart left last week
for an extended visit w ith her parents at
Independence. During Mrs. Wilehart's
alisenc Henry ia keeping bachelor's hall
and reflecting on the question as to
w hether marriage ia a failure.
A boy w hoso name culd not bo learned
had narrow es.'o from drowning
Monday, He, with somo other boya
were swimming in the river in front of
ttie biick mill duck when he was seised
with cramp and was almost gone when
iT. W.Carey, an iiisiirano limn from
Omaha, who was strolling along the
river bank view ing the tails and factor
ies, heard the crioa of ihe boys and ran
to his ssliitance. The boy w.i some
twenty foot from the shore and had
sank twice when Mr. Carey reached
him. On (ringing him to shore they
got the water out ot him and he soon
revived so aa to go home but little the
worse for his accident.
Among the notable features of the
Argonaut for .eptemhor 17th are "A
Howling Success: Being an Account of
Young Barton'a Attempt to Enliven the
Post," by Gwendolen Ovort-jn ; "The
Fountain of French Art," by "Jersey"
a letter describing the National Con
servatory in Paris; "The International
Yacht-ltacea," a fetter from lAindon
on the regattas at Comes, Hyde,
and Southsea ; "The Theatrical Season,"
a letter from New York on the dramatic
outlook for the yer; and along notice,
with extracts, of R 1. Blackiimru'a
new novel, "Porlycross."
The differences existing between those
interested in the Oregon City laundrv
has been settled by H. J. Shannon buy
ing out the other parties. He will start
op the laundry again next week with
the most skillful help to be had in Port
land. It is to be expected that the jho
ple of Oregon City will give Mr. Shan
nan hearty supnort for the building
up of our city requires that home busi
ness and productions should he given
the preference.
The families of Street Commissioner
Chas. Babcock and Chief of Police Chas.
Burns of this city returned Wednesday
from their camping trip to Table Rock.
They had a pleasant time, and found
plenty of berries. The only thing they
regret about their trip is the loss of their
two horses, belonging to Mr. Babcock,
that strayed in the monntains and when
ready to return the campers were un
able to find them. They had to procure
other horses to baul their wagon home.
After a lecture tour of seven weeks
Judga D. W. Smith and wife, Katie
Kehm Smith, and Nettie A. Olds are tak
ing a week's rest at Castle Kehm pre
paratory to lecturing at Salem, Wood-
burn, Silverton and other points before
Mrs. Smith resumes her work as lecturer
of the First Secular church of Portland.
Several new secular churches have been
organized as result of their labor on
this trip.
A change in the personnel of the Red
Front stores took place recently, Mr.
Washburn and Geo. Howard being
transferred from the Park Place store
to the one in this city. The store at
Park Place will herea'ter be in charge
of C. Furgeson, a young man capable of
keeping V.ie business up to its standard
at that p'ace.
The most complete traveler's guide
out is the American Railway Guide, by
Rand-McNally Co. Chicago. It gives
information about every transportation
line on the North American continent
and a sketch of every important town,
giving street cars, hotels, newspapers
etc. that is of interest to the traveler or
W. T. Shurtleff, who with his son, J.
It. Shurtleff, has embarked in the real
estate business with W, H. Spencer,
moved his family over from Vancouver,
his former home,. Thursday, and will
hereafter make this his residence. His
family will occupy a part of Mrs. Wine
sett's house on Main street near Fourteenth.
A concert w ill be given at the Baptist
l I. I : .... i . i . . i
- um.rr...e ...si- Th(J Salvation army of this city will
cesof Ihe ladies ot the missionary society. huM , rm.(,e niw.,, t.il CThun..h.y)
Admms.on is free and a goo.1 program is lBVBnin( at ieir ,,arr(ll.k, Main ,lu,
promised. A collection will be taken up SUt, illve,g for , ,,,,,,( ,aLiiig
foi the benefit of the missionary work. (milU , em.lion o( .
A. W-Wilson, who has been attending I ho,"e In Portland. Major and Mrs.
the State University of Minnesota for a j Morton, Commanding Ollicerof the North
number of years past, is in Ihe city with I ''witlc Division of the Salvation Army,
view of locating. He has accepted I cPXt- '''"" '" Lincoln, Lieut. Ward
position in the Willamette Pulp .V Paper r""1 olun ul ' "rlland will lie present.
Co.'s mills.
Admission 10 cents.
It la probable that the puatollice will
be moved into one of the rooms in the
new Cautleld block, bill as yet Postmaster
Green has not definitely decided.
Capt. J. T. Apperaon, delegate to the
national U. A. R. encampment at Pitts
burg, Pa , returned home Wednesday
morning. He reports the encampment
one of the most successful ever held, and
was greatly pleased w ith his trip.
County Clerk 1 1 or ton made the follow
ing couoles happy during the week by
issuing them licenses to wed, viz: Janet
Lithgrow and Tboma Broderick ; Neltie
Jones and O. D. Austin ; Islca Fish and
Christopher Fisher.
Rev. W. S. Holt, of Portland, will con
duct the Sunday morninir wrvirea for
the Presbvterian conreratlon in the ! clo,!ed Iffness is the result, and unless
Shively building. The pasior, Rev. tlie inflammation can be taken out and
Giboney will conduct the usual evening tl.'i.8 ,ubu " 'l nl con-
gervice. Idition, hearing will lie destroyed for
ever; nine casea out of ten are caused
Headless Caiiuut lie Cured,
by local applications, aa they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There la only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an intliined con
dition of Ihe mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
intl lined you have a rumbling sound or
inierfoct hearing, and when it is entirely
Another educational paper has made
its appearance and bids for popular favor,
the first number of the Portland Busi-
news College Journal having been re
ceived at this office. It is well gotten up
and contains a great deal of well written
matter that will be of interest to anyone
working for a better education.
Mrs. E. E. Charman, musical direc
tor of the Chautauqua glee club enter
tained the members of the club, at her
home on Ninth and Main streets Tues
day evening. The time passed pleas
antly with games, vocal and instru
mental music, etc.
A valise was stolen from the office of
the Oregon City Transportation Co's. of
fice a few days ago. The oarties having
it in Iheir possession bad better return il
to that place at once and save exeuse.
The Toledo brought down a bat load
of hoppickers from the upper country
last Saturday. The majority of them
were residents of this city while the re
mainder went on to Portland.
Stephen Maddock, a brother of Sheriff
E. C. Maddock, of this county, has been
nominated on the republican ticket in
Edgar county, Illinois, for the oltice of
county clerk.
St. John's school of the Catholic church
of this city opened its doors last week for
the year's woik in charge of the Bendic
tine Sisters with an enrollment of severity-
one pupils.
Kuber, of the Seventh street bakery,
invites a trial of his bread by the house
keepers of Oregon Citv and if they do
not find it equal to the best bread to be
had then he will make no charge.
Miss Gertrude Finley will leave Sat
urday for Viola to spend a few days with
old friends and her former pupils, she
having conducted a very successful term
of school at that place last year.
Farm products of all kinds wanted at
Charmans & Son's. Wheat, oats, hay,
eggs, butter, chickens. Grass seeds of
all kinds. Remember the Pioneer Store
of Charman & Son.
is nothing but an
ol the mucous
Company F has secured a fine rifle
range on Judge Meldrum's place, just
north of Gladstone. They will com
mence practice in a very short time.
Geo. R. Miller, of Highland, has been
given a notary's commission by Gov.
Pennoyer and is now ready to affix his
seal to any paper submitted to him.
Misses May ana Amy Kelly, of this
city are expected to return from Seaview
next Saturday, at which resort they have
rusticated during the summer months.
by catanh, which
inflamed condition
We will give fine Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. R. CHENEY, A Co., Toledo, 0.
)j7.Solil hy Druggist, 7')C
Geronlmo and Hii tiravci.
Chicago, Sept. 18 General Miles
has been notified from Washington that
the Apache Indians csptured with
Gerotiimo are to be transferred to Fort
Sill, Indian territory. Geronimo and
his braves were captured in Ari.ona and
taken to Mount Vernon, Ala. Geronimo
has become a justice of the peuce and
a deacon in a church in the Indian set
tlement at Mount Vernon, and will re
main there, but a large portion of his
followers will go to the territory to be
placed on farms. Thursday Captain
Muas will go to Indian territory to take
charge of the prisoners on their arrival
there, and see that they are placed in
proper quarters.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frei
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant,
u'l'imx, I'i'Hi mul cin'itN'si;
ill, 10c vd; iiliiini clocks ll'.lt);
noodles tmpor lo; cottoiimlo luintrt bimmIm l!to Vtl; Mimhos liiuck glovrs
10c; Indies black lislo mitts twu pnir for 'J"o.
KKIH'CKI): Mulls to To, cliullios to -I Jo yd, Indies old s1hik h stritw
huts to 10o, child's hu'o hIiooh fit to.
OIUK'KKIKS; 111 lbs. dry urun. Hiigur 1; flour 12M luirrol; city
short IHV; tduiiiH, prunoH and raisins Tic; milk crocks, Jii?, jura, l()o ft
gallon; liiiuliiitf twine 10c lb; West Virginia oil ''"o gal; ulmi Isiilod oil,
harness oil, cuslo oil, paints, doors, etc., reduced
Hamilton Bros,,
Oregon City and Park Place, Or.
On the Road
Is always at tho front in races and pvonls, as
well ns five awards at tho World' Fair. Pronounced
by all unprejudiced Kidcm, loalors and Mechanics to
Ik the lightest, strongest, swiftest, handsomest and
U'st Hicyclo on earth. N-nd fur catalogue, circulars,
."'27 Washington street, Portland, Oregon.
Norttwtsl rctf BtititlKt Lire Assats wutel mrrwlicre.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets.
In a complete assortment.
An extra fino line in all qualities.
A Siiecialty, and in all grades,
As wo buy and sell for cash wo nro able to give o'ir customer tho
benefit of very low price.
D. B. REE8&CO.
TT Northrop isnmcis
d 11 '"OIT fLAWOSi-
Lrdii; Sw4aaUr Finltiii I'm Oilj tki Stwllj
hri iliitfi IUi Oilj ftn tat
nc Ml
lifihlt .MltoWitr ii h li't It contain! Ih
pur mm lUvorft.
-ITsn our Cnrbonntod bavar
till ia lo th rxciluKloii ut alloUiera
House and Sign Painting.
Good Workmen and the Best of Paints.
For Wall Pajicr. Mutting, Linoleum, Window Shade and house
Decoration nee liiin. Bent tock in the city. Portland prices.
Store Next Door To Albright's Meat Market.
Do You Need a Legal Blank?
The ENTERPRISE lias the only complete stock
in Clackamas county.
Nearly 200 Different Blanks
to Make Selections From.
Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus
tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or
One or a Quantity Sent POTSAGE paid at Portland
Prices to Your Address.