Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME (. V. T I'u.'H KTMMKH. HuMiiiir UAMoNA. La.VMIIIIItlKlNCIiV, I.II4VM MTI..ND ;; mi. k.u I""1!' ". II :i. ... 0 UO . 4 WII. in. hT.VIIA V l m, J i p. m, ft Will. in. K. mini Ir III XA e.M. . Ill, II Kl . III. I H) p. III. Time imt.t iili-t lei cliniiK without nolle, will max i'Ai'iKii;1kAii.WAY. mmrii m.i sati, t"illff Kit.nwi nhriMiKlil . 1ta. in, Ituaefcgrg l.oial (way ilallmi.) . l.w p. lu. on ii im'iiu. llo.rtnirg I..m- (war national (HI . m 7 :111 . in a; aiunriii Hapless (ilirouilij VII.UMKITK FAUjI KI.Ki'TIIIC IIAII.WAV. Tim Tallin, lav lav Orrg.ui I'llf. Willamette fall "A.M. it i. A, M. Ml hu II " II ( I ""P , I 111 f M. a i " n ul .ou " g id ainur tiki. I" A.M. 9 It A.M. Iiiim in i;, ., II in W 1 1,1 1, M. I 11 P.M. I . - I tfi " i ki " i;. " I M i if, mi a is w " i I ii " 4 If. " i ;i i ii " l m " t h " It w ' 6 , " a uu " is ('. A. Mll.l.tR. aiipL 111 It MAI1J4. l cli.io ,ii. North, la in . 1 p. in, up m. Mall. iii "H Mouth, in., D: 6 p. m. an, a.Mtaa. Iin.uii I'll la I'nrilaii.l uvir Ka.l Mn Kall a. leave. IJ ;n I', M. and 6 lu I' U arnvra II (h A M. all l r M airle. I'.irllall.l, r.aaieiii, Mcaixl'lo, Mainly and Highland mulfa' mall Orit"ii I'lly lu Kiy.t'arua, Milium. Liberal and M.ilalla Icatea al U lu. ami arilvoi al U lu. ilaiiy. iirini I'll In Heaver (reek, Mink, Clark Meadi.) llrok. I'Moii M I 11b. ami I oil., ll, leave. al lu a. nt. Mh lay Uwluoxlay ami rrllay alxl returns uu ..lliiwlli .lata al i Jl p. Ill )rr'Ui City lo Vlula. "f ami Itedland Irav.a lrr,,i i lly M,mlr rte.llir.uav al! Friday al I lai I', M., leaving Vlula talus ilaya 17 uu. N, rUllUY, hKITKMUKIt 21, 1HIU. A Ciiumkkdaiii.k WmiK. Kraliiinu the need ii a I'lililic uliriii trmiuli on Mol.lla avenue) over width vfi'al nuiii mt of team mna eui'h day to and from tliiat'ily, Mr. Frol Kly, llta miririKiti( liii'irliunt of Kly aililllioii to On'ijoii City, liili-il by a niiiiilivr u( ulliu ir Ittxl liiln'im, rvrvnlly put In a l'Ki walcrliiK trouuli at Hit) juni'tioii o( Mo lalla avmiiiu Willi tlivoKI Molulla load. Water ia Uiilii.il by the wmitu lir (rout th alunil iw at tliu watvr main, tiTininalinu at tliat K.lnl Tlilt atr ntlmrwlMi woulil liavo kuiio to waato ami Mr. My la to bn cmiiui'iiili"! (or bin huiimnlly in I'rovliliiiK a ilrlnkiiiK olme fur tliu tiri'il, tbimty borwoa lio ilnlly ri'fn'Hli tliciiiM'lvnn at tlio tnnili. Tim only oilier itibllc watering trough in at CiMikn'a iliilili'it ami tlio nocil ol moru la Hcrlo'.uly felt by the farmera anil othera w ho I'oina by team to Oieumi City. It would he to the itnin of Ori'uon City i( thu cily romirll, or tli Ixuiril of lrul woulil Iihvb uterin troti;lia put in on all the iiinin thoroiiKMiiri'a leinlinii to tlio city. The iront wmilil I hi but nom inal ami It ia nireaniiy that houlii not be uVHrl.Kikt'cl, A Ilu-Yi'i.K KrSAW.w. l.Ht Punilav, hi a couple of wliei'lini'ii from l'ort Uiml went coming arrow Iho HiinjxuiHuut briiliie, one o thuin lunl a runaway that roHiilteil iliHiiHturoua to bin wliwl ami CMinu near wrioimly injuring biuiHelf. It lieani Unit Iiih wheel bin) no brake on hikI a tlm briile luia a heavy fm, .1 fact ho eviilently iliil not know an tlio uratle in very di'Tiliv(i to the eye, he (rot Uiuler Hiirli lie.nlwiiy that whnii be rearheil the Main ulroct end of the bridn ho wuh Koing at a 2 : 15 Hjieed and (IiihIumI ai:roHH the ntreet like u lyclone. Ho undeavored to head biiUHell down the atreet hut landed auiilnnt the curb in front of Neldon'n itun "tore, utterly ilemol. billing 1ih cycle and aemlinu; hiinnelf aprawling ritohh the Hiilc walk." Other than aeverul neve re hr'iiNea hu wan not aerioiwly hurt, but the front wheel of lila machine wan no I'ln-i t uiilly ttround up that it bore no icm'inhlmice to ita former "elf Thin Iohhuh w ill doubt leaa tench him to either liuvo a brake put on bin iimcliine or to carry n level and triiiimttouivotho iiruili'nlicforelie iIhhIicm dow n tliein. Somutiiino Nkw in Watkiu'owkii. To W. J. Kviuih w ho operate a hIiiiiIo mill on Hiiektmr creek, ten inilea cnHt of tbiM city, belongs the dinlinction ofdo veloping a water poiver on the plan ndoptud at Niara 1'uIIh. Ilia Hteiiui power prnyiint too expeiiHivu, be de cided to put in wnterpower and to that end adopted the plan to make u water fall where none exited and whereadam was not pructicuble. Ilucknor creek, on which hit) mill Ih located, baa ample water and at IiIh place hua a sharp de cent over a acrioa of rapids. To Ket suf ficient bead for bia water wheel, he em ployed a couple of expert WoIhIi coal miners who drove a tunnel from the lower end of the rapida up to thu mill and then sunk a vertical shult to connect w ith the tunnel in which tlio wheel is placed. liy this meaiiB Mr. Evans has aecured a fall of 00 feet which tgives him ample power for his mill. The tunnel was comparatively eimy to open, for the formation through which it waB cut is a soakstone and gave very little trouble, to the workmen. To Odm ('nHHKHroNiiKMTfi. Several of lint Kntkiii'Iiihk correxpi n li-nt m have Ihii'ii tnkliiK a rent of linn. Now tlnil the buay mmihhi la over ami long evening: me at bund Hie Knikiii'Iiink uaka thai iU newa-gatheriTN take tjie limn to rend In, the new if their locality, In tlila coiiiiectioii the Knti'iii'iiink drain, to thiuik It K corpa ofrnrrcNpoinlciilM for i.belr ellii'lnrit woik during the pant year In getting up 'lie netta of the county and In proved that It can hoant of a corpa of fifty-two correa inditiila wliuae eipiul o rimtling newa Kiillierera and wrltmsare not found on any county paper In the ntute. To the rnnigy and kmhI will of our correHpon dents the Kntkhciuhk owes in a great meuHiirn ita auireaa In being able to give so complete a aynopalu of the news of Cliirkatnu" county each wwk as It does. The ptililialicr of the Kkthiu'IHhk hojies In (bo no dintciit future to have a grand reunion of all of Ita correHxnd eiilslnthe county when be tniM that be will be able to hIiow in a suliHtantial manner bis appreciation of their elhYI rut work as reHirter. Ciukiik im tiu City HorNDAity t'niler the new law reiiiring the acbool dihlrlrt boumlitry to cotiforui lo that of the cily in towns of over 4,HX) popula tion It will nerexHitate a change In the Oreitun City iNiunduries in older to allow all tliu children now in thu city dintiii t Id attend Hchool without paying tuition. The ai'Ctiiili of the school district alU'i ted lies to the cm! of the city and baa some eight or ten families who will be cut oil' Irtiiil the Oregon City school dintrlct so soon is the state cciimik In taken next Hpriim. It is itiiponsiblu for tbeiw pimple lo send to any other school If they were to diapnw.nl, but they prefer tlio ad vantages of our city schools urn! are an lm to Ihh.uiiiu of apart of Oregon City so as not to looim their school privileges. It is iinHirtaut that this mutter Im attended U at the coming art rion of the legialatiiru and the boundary to extruded a to tuktt in all who desire the benefit of Oregon City's excellent school facilities. Hiiikwalk NkKiiKu The neixl of a connecting sidewalk between the north and loiith psrtof the middle section of the city is most urgent. A it now Is all that purl of Oregon City lying; tie tween thu blnll'tn l J. (J. Adiims street Is without a sidewalk running north and south. T' e abAence of these sidewalks is esMcially bard on the school children who live in thu south part of the city, for all winter long they are compelled to wade through the mud and slush four times a day to and from school. As children' shoes are always thin and light and many do not wear rubber, the Isnger to their health is very great. On Waaliington, Jertcrson and Madison streets thu sidewalk now extend to within from a block to a block and a half of the sidewalk connecting with Kleveuth street. Thu exKnse of making the needed connection would be very i mull on the proHiity holder and the city, and the council should see that it is attended to without delay. Khi it Ohowkhs to Mxt President J. Cuto, of tl e Clackamas County Hor ticultural Society, bus issued a call for thu regular quarterly meeting of the association, to be held in this city on Tuesday, October 0. It is desired that a full attendance of the member lie had, at com-idcruhle business is to come before the society, among which is the election of olhcers for the ensuing year. It is cxicctcd to have some of the load ing fruit-men of the state prenent to as sist in the program. The meeting will bn well worth uttending by all who are interested in fruit growing. While fruit ruining now is lather discouraging, owing to the prevailing hard times, this will not always be thu condition, and the man that plants an oirhard now will reap the harvest In thu primarily that is to come within the next few years. Haii.hoaiikiim IIavk a Kkht. From Station Agent Moore it i learned that the Southern 1'acitlc railroad ia now bandlimr only about half a doren car lo.nl of wheat a iluy on this division. This Is in sharp contrast to what the company did in former year. Hereto fore the company during wheat shipping season bad to run extra trains and work their men night mid day, but now the local train is able to handle all the wheat oltcred for shipment. The cause of all this is the extremely low pi ice wheat is now selling for and farmer us w ell as dealers do not care lo sell. As a con sequence the railroad hoys are enjoying a "Cleveland rent" and now put in their time spinning yarns and telling how many miles run they used lo make in twenty-four hours in the halcyon davs gone by. Tiik CiiAi'TAi'Qt'AN Mkkt. The meet ing held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C. II. Dye for the purpose of or ganising a Chautauqua Circle for the coming year was very well attended. Much interest was manifested and the outlook for a large circle I assured, and it may be necessary to diyido the class Into two circles. It is important for all who desire to join the circle to he present at Mrs. Dye's next Monday evening at 8 o'clock, when the election of olllcers will take place ayd also to be ablu to commence the dillerent branches of study with the class. Wedding stationery, the latest style and lineal assortment ever brought to Oregon Ct,ty at the Entkki'Kihk oilice. A Deserving Iimtllutlmi. The Oregon City Hospital at ilad stoiiu Turk is finding Mends in the good ieople f Oregon Citv in its needs while uettiug fully established. Recently a friend of tliu Institution contributed a fine reclining chair and several other convenience have been donated by kind friends. Of fruits and flowei the hiiapitul acknowledges several generous gift and both tlio ladies in charge and the patients greatly appreciate such favor and feel under obligations lo the Uonoi. In this line the Kntkhi'iuki would suggest with no intention of niuking the hospital people fuel an though they were in need ot charity, that our farmer who have an abundance of fruit and much of which they are com pelled to let go to wnsle owing to there being no sale, could put it to good use by sending lo the bospitul where it could be prepared In various way fur delicacies for thu patients. Flower are also very acceptable gifts, lor with them the rooms can lie mode cheerful and home-like for those who are com pellcd to remuln In bed and to whom time hangs heavily. Annual (oufereiice. Thu Columbia conference of the M. K. church smith will convene in this city Wednesday, October :id, and continue in session over t the following Monday. It should have hem held on August IMHh but was Hintponed owing to the sickness of Bishop Fitgerald. The session will I hi held in thu M. K. church, Iiev. Nykes and his congregation kindly giving the use ot their building, the South peo ple a yet having no building of their own. About thiity-flve delegate will be in attendance ln-sides a large number of laymen and visitors. In addition to liishop Fitzgeruld several other dieting uishud men of the chinch willbepics ent among whom will be Dr. I'avid Morton, church extension agent, of ljtiisville, Ky.. and Itev. U. I. Wilson, editor of the I'acilic Methodist, of fiun Francisco. It i the intention of the Ore gon City people to make the visit of their guest a pleasant as possible and to Ibis end Hev. Molloy ask that the ommittee on entertainment Bee that all arrangement are fully made. A Close Cull. Last Monday night fire broke out in the bock of the 1'ortland realaurant. owned by Lawrence Hiiconicb. Shortly after the sound of the fire alarm the members of the tire department arrived and a usual they soon bad the flames under control. The kitchen and con tent were entirely consumed but the damage to the main building was mostly by water. Mr. Itiiconich estimates bia loss at about (500 w ith an insurance of about f 1000, but the adjuster had not as yet arrived and until be does Mr. Kuconich will not make any -reparation toward opening bis door for busi ness but expects to be able to get straightened out about the first of the week. The origin of the fire is unknown but is supposed lo have started from a defective flue. The proprietor feels gruteful to the lirenion for their good work in extinnuiNbing the flumes and thug saving him a greater loss. Oregon ( It j's Local Trade. The stationery business of Oregon City waa formerly almost exclusively con trolled by Portland, but of late very litllo of the trade is drawn away from our city. A an evidence of the growth of the local trade W. A. Huntley, of the Oregon City Hook Store, in placing an order in the Fast for goods included the one item of 50,000 envelopes, this being but for one grade of several be ordered in thu envelope line. Such order a this siK'ak well for tho future commer cial growth of Oregon City and show that outside competition can tie met and ill fact lias been met in several lines carried by our merchants to such an ex tent that the local market is fully con trolled. A llargulo. A country borne of three and one-half acre for sale containing good house and stable, orchard, Johnson Creek run ning through the place. Can be bought for fiilHl. Half cash, balance one yeai's time. Come early and secure a gord little home in a quiet little country place. Address, Ikvks Stki'iikns, Pleasant home, Oregon. For a ( obi Winter. The largest invoice of beating stcves ever brought to Oregon City has just been brought in by Wilson A CooKe. Every design, size, shape and price re quired in the heating of a house from bed room to parlor. All stoves gun run teed and prices to meet all competition. Mid. Wire mid urse. Mrs. Augusta Young, mid-wife and nurse of eight years experence, and who can furnish tho best of references, will attend all calls to any part of the city or vicinity. Residence adjoining the Seventh street Bakery, Oregon City, tf Hop Gnuvers' Save Money and trouble by insuring your hop and hop buildings at the leading insurance agency of tho city. Will give you 25 per cent discount on the rates of last year. Several of the best American and En glish companies represented. F. E. Donaldson, Agent. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkhi'hihk olhce. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair HI. heat Medal and Diploma. V II 1 Ma.. m. nuns. Dyeing of ev ery (leKcrip tion. 1)2 J Cth St., Portland, Or. E. 8. Dlackwell & Co., Prs. Jtyat ioiise AIXTKD WITH MAS ury'n paint would look as good an new and wear well we guarantee the wear- A. ing quality every time, and tho price is low lower than first-clasH paint has ever been Hold for here leforo. Come in and get a color card and let u figure the probable cout for you for one or two tout work. C. G. HUNTLEY, DruggiHt, CHAUTAUQUA COURSE FOR '94-'95. The (Jrnwih of the Emllah Nation, (lllila-lri.-,l). Katlierlue Cumau, Prof. UlaUiry lu W elli-tiey CoUt-gv, tl 00 Europe In 111" Nineteenth Century, (lllm trai'll. II. P. Jiidaon. Prof. Political Bdriew, l ulveraily nt C'tiieaifo II 0(1 r"rm Chaucer to Trnnyaoo. (Portrait). II. A. Hcera. Prof KuidUh Lit., Vale Uni versity, .... 1 00 KiMialmanr-e and Modern Art, (lllmtrated). W. II. Oorxlyear, lecturer lo Brooklyn Iiutllute. II 00 Walk and Tlka In the Geological Plrld, lllluiiratel). A. W lnehell. late Prol. Ueol xy, lulvvralry ul Miclnifau ....II 00 TheChaiitauiiian, 12 numbera, 12 00 17 00 It would be advlulile lo leave your order for tKMika now, and liiaure your aet belnir on hand for you iiromptly. We will cherrlully furulab auy lufurniRilou regaidlug tbe cuurae at Huntley's Book Store. OREGON CITY DRVIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Would be pleased to see hia friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Bazaar. fherliri Notir. of Bale on Eieentlon. In the Circuit of the Btate of Oregon for the Couuty of Claekamai. E. T. HnliMte. plRliitlfT. v. I. 8. MulUn aud Amelia Minlau, defendants. Btate ot Oregon. County of Clackamu, . Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of an execution aud onlerofaalelaauedoutof the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamaa. bearing date the 27th day of Au gust, 14, in a tult wherein E. T. Iloleate la plaintiff and I. 8. Miillan and Amelia MulUn are defendant, corainaudlug me. lu the nam of the Hiate of Oregon, that out of the real es tate hereinafter deaciibed, to realize a turn atif AiMent to antlafy the demanila of Mid decree, to wit: .',21' together with Interest on the aiue (mm the d day of March. WH, nt the rate of Id oer cent., per annum, ana the further aura of 122.7.1 cunts, and the further sum of 75 00 attor ney fees, and also the coats of and attending tlila sale Now. therefore, In obedlenc to itich decree. I did duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday the .nil day of September, 1MSI4. at tbe hour of one o'clock p m. of said any, at the front door of the court house In said couuty, offer for aale at public auction, aud sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest the sniil defendant Amelia C. Multan has in ami to the following described real pi op en v. to w it: Heing pirt of the Hector Campbell P. L, c. In said county of Clackamaa. ami commencing al a poiiiton north boundary line of said claim No. 41 In T. 1 S. K 2 f, of V. M. 7.7S chains from N' K. corner of said claim; running thence south 16 chains to middle of Johnson Creek: thence westerly following the meander of said crees lo cast line of land formerly owned by J K. Walt: thence north along said west line 1&.2A ohains to north boundary of said claim: thenca east lcti chain to the place of beginning, con taining acres, more or leaa. Iiated this 27th day of August. A. D. 1S94. E. C. MAUDOCK, Sheriff of Clackamas county, atate of Oregon, hy N. M. MooiiY, Deputy. e-Sl ir-is. Moore's Ileveiiled Remedy. Astounding in its Efforts in the cure of Ivlieunintimn, Asthma, Malaria, Bli HoiiKiipfis or any other disease arising from di-runged Liver, Stomach or Kid neysIt drives all impurities from the Blood. Mr ChA A. Rnssol, who In favorably known throughout the Northwest lay: "For fifteen year I waa a constant sufferer with asthma without any relief, except that ob tained by oonstant change of locality, Two years ago I tried Mookk's Kkvealko Kkmkdy and the benefit received from it were the most gratifying. It gave me relief from theflrstaud prevented the terrible distress peculiar to the disease that made life almost unbearable. Any one who has ever had asthma can understand the gratitude I feel toward this remedy. Be lieving it has added pleasant year to my life I have not hesituted to recommend It to all like auflerera, aud alway with the same happy re sult." .To be had ot all druggists, or tetil to Siitw at-Hulmi8 Dklu Co . Seattle, Wash, !f GIVES 1 I 4 Mjl.n HEALTH RTEVV GOODS ARRIVED..., SMITH AND ANGELS CELEBRATED J'llack and Tan Hose for Ladies and Children; all sizes; guaranteed fast col ors and will not crock. Also complete line of Qae Dou175 5orsts. The best fitting corset in the market. For I'oys and Children we have a new stock of stilish suits for fall and winter. Caps for Men, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children all shapes and styles. Call and see ua before purchasing, as we have the goods and prices to suit the times. Just received this week a full line of CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, And the Henderson Little Red School House Shoes, Every pair wai ranted. Itemernber, ThePioneerStore THOS. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONEKY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CHAGE. 3r LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOK THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, writ their own letter, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal papers which they mut handle every day are made out correctly. tWAIl tbeae things, and much more, we teach thoruughly. Hundred of our graduate are In good position, and there will be openings for . hundred more when times Improve. .Vow Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a business education Is worth all It eiista, or nn' oarii use. Send for our catalogue, to learn what and flow we tench. Mailed f rve to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Portland, Oregon, j. . Wesco, 8cretary. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on tha Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of the Pacific coast. Over 1S,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant AvenVie, San Francisco. J.J. KKDDERLY, GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware. FULL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. tiitwor,z -a. specialty. Corner Fourth aud J Streets, - FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Steam V Telephone Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday,' 7 P. M. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephoneevery night, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on Telephone'. are lost annually, - East Portland'Oregon.