Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 31, 1894, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Weanicr HA HON A,
i in, 7 mm in,
7 iii, H im, tn,
Mln. III. 4 UUU II),
V M a. in, mi , in,
'I i p. mi. II una. m.
."if, m. i m p. hi,
ItiHinil irli M mnla,
Hinaeanl aiilioi lo cliaiia wlilimit Hollo
ralltnriila Kanreaa (llirimvli)
lu.luia; 1k (way aiailun.)
7 1" a, m.
' t.tt p. IU.
aotlTII liMimi
KiKi'lmit Ixmal (Mar atalluna)
:M a. m
7.10 p. iu
I'aillnniia Kapre.a (Ihiougli)
Tlma labia,
Orrvuii Clly. Willamette- KU.
OA M, V A. M.
iaj M "
II ml 11 II 4
K-irn, i mp. u.
a t " w M
0 uu iu "
III (l " III IA "
1 'i I', SI I lit I'. U.
1 .HI " I 4A "
i ui - am"
i SO 1 41 "
(ai " lit "
Ml " . "
i m - II)
4 .hi " 4 41 "
I, ui ' A lf '
A .hi A 41 "
uu " 15 "
(', A. Mci.l.ra, Hupt
Malli nlme aning Nurili, 12 la., t p. in., p. m.
Alalia clou li( Hmiili, a. m 0; A p. m.
aim ani'iaa.
Orr(n Clly in I'nrilaud oror Kaal Hide kall
nar Win I m I'. M and A IU C M arrive
II IIA A. M. ami ii I. M. Carrlra Cirtlaml,
hatru, MaalMldtt, Bandy and lllblaud rvulea'
Orr,iu Clly In Kty.farua, Mulllio. Ulwral and
Mlall liavna al U ui. anil arilvoa illlin,
ilrranit ("llr t lrair frrfk. Mink. Clark.
Mi a.tii HriK.lt, I'liinn Ullla, an, ('liiu,vva
I iu a. m Muii.lay Wwlnnaila, an. I Friday
and ral'liua cm lolliiwllia lav. at J li p. UI
(irrton Clly In Viola, jcati anil Knlland
li-arra (irr,,ii City Mnmlay Wnluoa.Uy ad
Prl,Uy al I uu I', leaving Viola uiu days
At 7 uu A. M,
KK1KAY, Al'il'8T3l, I HIM.
Aiiiii.anu I'tuniM Kat. The flint
carload of imacliM to lie alilid dim t
(rum till Uc, wyt Hit) Aalilaml TU1
inKH, to my jioiiit iaat u( Ilia Hoi ky
Mountains, ii to Im aUrti-il on the tiaa
tniitr train Hatunlay waning. The
car U coiiaiKiiiul to llio (JinU-r Coiiimli
alun Co., ol MlmiiiuUri, and la loaded
lay C. (ioiild , tlio Hgi'llt of ill Company
who la here to ri-uulli tluoutch ls peach
uraaon. Tho ppiu'htMi art) I'rawfurda and
are gathered from tl-o on-hardi of the
iiriiiclnal fruit urowi'ni. They if" in a
refrlKfralur car which l Irwl Imra, and
will bo kopt cool and ventilated through
out the trip. It if oi a. by regular mall
train aorvirw and will much MinnnapollA
In about live dayi. Th coat of tranif
portiilion from Aahlund to MniiirBxjlia
will bo about lifty-live ci'iita a box.
rea-hn havo btim hlppfd by cxprfHit
in miall ipmntitii'a by ks)iIu hro to
(rii'i)iU in .Miniirmila hcrvtofurtt and have
arrivinl in good order, o tlivre la no
doubt that a rrfriKi-rator car will deliver
tbtun in tine coiulition.Tlio Ahipmunt
for to groat a dUtance, thtTcfore, i no
eM'rlini'iit except In the tnattur of
prices rculited lx.liit tuiouith to cover ex
inniw and leave a luir marxin for prollt.
Aalilund pt'uchea, for aim, apparance
and flavor, neuI not fear cometition
wjtli anv peachei grown anywhere under
the aim, and with the rij,'bt aort of Intro
diii'liiin at ,Miiini'HHili they aIiouKI be
iu active demand there at gxl pricea.
It Ih exected that Ave or ten cut loads
w ill le hlpHd from Aislilitnd to that
place tltiaf wnuon.
Tamin I Iknsv rnxAaAST. The prol
lent of domcritic propitgittion of the China
pbeuHant appear to bitvo leen atiece
fully aolved by Mina Jennie Cirillith,
daughter of Iw i (irltith, one of the
Urgent lurmera of the Waldo Hill, a
abort dintance eust of Haleui. Ml
(Irlillth ha accomiiliahed what exHr
iunced fitnolera have been unable to tlo,
and tamed the young t hick o that thuv
are willing to feud among domeHtic fowl
and do not neck their native atiodo in
the wood or the fluid. Her method in
brief ia a follow : Bho ha four China
pheaHunta boim and cock in captivity.
Their egga he places under a domestic
fowl, which hatches them out. So far
egga have thu been hutched, but
rut and other CHiine havo reduced the
number of chick to about eighty. The
China helm have to a great extent loat
their native wildntmH, and when Misa
(Irillith enter their coop, they flock
round her and "cluck" iu much the
tho lame imtiiuer of an ordinary fowl.
The appearance of a atiangtir, however,
la Riilllcient to alarm their, greatly and
they try their bent toescupe. The.Cbina
chick are aUo nfrnid of Htntngers, and
they flee In great alarm whenever one
appear, but they gather around their
fair young attendant whenever she come
in eight, and are perfactly at home.
Stewart, of firm the of Stewart A Roes,
now of thia city, preparatory to bin re
moval from Oawogo resigned the olllce
of poHtlniiHter which ho ha hold for the
p8t two years. K. J. HusboII, tho well
known hardware man, of Oswego, was
appointed to the place and ha removed
the poHtollioe to biB store whero lie baa
put up additional boxes and made other
Improvements for the convenience of pa
trons of tho olllce.
A NkKHI'AI'KM ('iuniix K. M.IIlllldH,
who lina been ilolnx edilorlul work on
tint Kntkiii'Iiihk for (ho luat two yeara,
liii" biiiitiht a half liilnrcat In (lie Vun
couver Jiidcju'iiili'iit, and will khhiiiiio
the I'dllorlal inaliutiullielit of Unit puper,
Mr. lliiiula left Hutiiriluy for Vancouver
to tukfl cliurmi of the paper, la lit ivlll not
move IiIm funilly over fur amiiu time yet,
Mr, ItiiniU baa been a reahlent it! Oregon
('lly fur the pant nine yeura, and In that
time lina Hindu initriy warm friemU who
retfrot hi removal from the county. The
fl rut five yeitra he owned and edited the
Kntkui'huk and wlllnn it wont Into the
real entitle biinlneii. I Id aoon after waa
appointed poNtinaater fur thla city and
bun filled the Mrf It lull for nearly four
year pant in a manner that gave uni
versal aallafuctlori to the patron of the
olllce. Jlu waa largely inatruiiienlal In
gelling an rillcleiit Ktl service for
C'luckamaa county by having new rotitei
CHtulilUlicd, dervlce Increuaed on the
varlotia routim and aHalHtniice rendered
to the county itOMtiuaatera in perfecting
the detaila of their olllce. Among the
country gnng Mr. linnda baa few (uala
aa a newnpapet writer, and will doubl
lea keep the lndeNtnlent to the front
among the newitpaiM-ra of Vuhliiit'jri.
A (Ilakik Amkaii. The Heplember
Harper'a will contain the flrnt of two ar
title by CttHer W. Whitney on
Knglirili Kiit, "Kidlng to Iloiinda in
KiiKland," ami "(iolf in tho Old Coun
try." TIichu at t idea will lie generounly
illuatruted from photogruph and
aketchea, In "Where Time Iiuh HIiiiii
bered" Julian Italpll will tleacrilje
WoHt Virginia lifo among the mountaina,
with the aid of ell'ective plcturet by
Frederic Iiemington , "Kurly Summer
iu Jajmii" will le a beautifully illuitra
ted par by Alfred 1'anton on the gar
den ialund acroaa the l'ac'lio Iu tho ca
son ol tea-gatherliig, rice-planting and
axulea bloom, l'r. T. Mitchell I'rud
den will contribute an lulert'Htitig illua
t rated pu'r an 'Some Iiccorda of the
Ice Age About New York," and the Kev.
John W. Chad ii k will give the hintory
of "Tliunatopnia" in a brief appreciative
article culled "The Origin of Great
1'ix'm." The fiction of the number will
Include a litieral iiulullment of Charle
I'udley Warner' new novel, "The
Uolden Houae," the flrnt half of a atory of
Narraganaelt I'iertby Itrander Matthew ,
called "The Hoyal Murine," and abort
atorie by W. K. Norn", Mary K. Wil
kin and Owen Wiater
Hook roa Kuxdait hcnooL. The New
York Evangelist announces the result of
vote recently taken among the I'resby
teiian Kundayn hoola of the country to
determine the "best 100 book for a
iSunday-school library." Ovneral lew
Wallace' "llen-IItir" lead, appearing
on ninety-one per cent of the lists, while
"The Trine of India" i numln-r forty
five. "John Halifax, Cieutleman" by
Miss Mul'ick, stand in the twelfth
place, and the same author's "A Noble
Life" is number forty-six. Among
CbarlesC. Collin's numerous work "The
Ktory of Liberty" is preferred. It full
well within the century mark, 'while
other do not. A might have been ex
iccted, work of fiction are must fopu
lar. Poetry, biography, history, and
moral philosophy find but little place;
but the character of fiction ia notably
high, both a regard it literary nierit
and it moral tone. Only fifteen of the
one hundred volumes were written by
men. The authors of eighty-five per
cent of the book most in request for
Presbyterian Sunday-school libraries In
tbl country are women.
A Nkw Indtsthv. The Middlcton
Pickling & Preserving Co., has com
menced active ojicrations, says the II ills
bora Independent. It will be remem
bered that the preliminary steps looking
to its orguulr.ution were taken last winter.
The articles of incorporation were at
that time filed. The capital stock, foOOO
was subscribed mostly by the farmers
of the neighborhood. The engine, vats,
furnaces, and other pickling appliance
cost I2.VX). The building Is 65x70 feet
in aire, beside the engine roo i and
coom r sh ip, There are forty acres In
cucumber. Picking ha just com
menced and furnishes employment to
the young xople of the neighborhood.
The barrels and kega are mado in the
cooper shop and tho timber cut in the
Immediate, neighborhood. It is a flour
ishing home Industry.
Ok Intkhkst to Hopmks. Tho South
ern Pacific announces that they will
issue, ell'ective September 1, 1804, a
eiHH-iul tarill'on bops in car loads, mini
mum weight of 12,000 pounds, ol $1.70
per 1(H) pounds from Oregon terminals
and inrerinediiite points to Missouri river,
Mississippiriver.Chicngoand points com
mon therewith, Cincinnatti district and
common points. Pittsburg, Kuflulo and
common points and New York, Boston
and Atlanta and seaboard common
points. This i nearly a 25 per cent re
duction and will be of great benefit to
bop growers of Oregon. The Southern
Pacllii! company realizes tiie fact of the
present low prl;e being offered for bops
and are willing to help the situation hy
reducing freight rate.
For Sale, Cheap.
A good six-room house, $200 cash, bal
ance installments. A chance to put your
rent into home. C. II. Dye.
Receipt, note and order books at the
Lntkrpkisis olllce.'
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Hlgh.at Madal and Diploma.
Ashland Tidings resorts that the second
annual session of the (Southern Oregon
ChautAii'iuo Association, which began
Its session at Ashland on Thursday of
lust week, wus a success Isith in attend
aiice and talent employed. The session
closed Hunday With appropriate exer
cises. Among the talent from abroad
was helah Jlrown, of I; Angeles, Prof,
O. W. (Shaw, professor of chemistry at
the State Agricultural college at Corval
lls, Prof. Van Scoy, of Portland univer
sity. Prof. J. Ivey, of Kan Francisco,
Prof. Ilawluy, of the Willamette univer
sity and Mr. Anns Hlggs, of Portland,
president of thejW. C. T. U of this
slate. The following officer were
elected for the ensuing year: President
(!. F. Hillings, of Ashland; vice-president,
W. I. Vawter, of Medford; secre
tary, Mr. C. It. Minkler; treasurer, F.
II. Carter; trustee, T. J. Howel, 15. H.
Willi!, K. I). Hriggs, J. M. Luark, Fred
Hansen, Mrs. L. K. Norrls, Holsirt Neil,
A, F. Kddr, K. It. Smith, K. P. Chllds,
James Cliisholm.
Tn Sii.et KitsitaVATiux. Many in
onirics aro made by the H-ople of the
state at lurgn in regard to the Siletz In
dian reservation, which, except that
part allotted to resuleut Indians, will at
some time be ren to settlement. A yet
no definite information from Washington
has been received by the land olllce in
this city. Iloth Legist'T Miller and Re
ceiver Puipiet are besieged personally
for a ipiiet tip as to when the reservation
will lie thrown oen to settlement, as
well as by mail which brings them scores
of letter from all .ait of the country
Inquiring alsiut t'e land. The further
away the iiepiiier lives the more he
know that (he reservation is a veritable
paradise, the cream of the country selec
ted wht-ii the Indians had an empire to
choose from, and is bent on securing il,e
choicest quarter section of the coveted
land. To a representative of the Extkh-i-Hia
Col. Miller stated that they could
not give any date at all as to when the
reservation would probably lie oiiened,
but that due Notice would be published
in the papers a to when the event
would take place.
Tie Hub Sample Koom.
The grand opening of "The Hub"
sample room bv the genial and popular
Mr. A. L. Pcan will take place on Satur
day, September 1st. A well selected
stock of the choicest wet goods has been
purchased by this bouse. The bar will
be under the supervision of Mr. Harry
Gordon, one of the finest mixologist on
the coast, who lis catered to the best
tastes of Portland for several year, snd
all thoso desiring the most social treat
ment aa well as refreshing beverages can
be fully satisfied. An epicurean of more
than ordinary reputation has been
engaged to supply the want of the inner
man with a lunch which it will not re
quire a cultivated appetite to appreciate.
"The Hub" is destined to become the
leading first class resort of the city, where
friend may meet friend and the social
cup lie undisturted by any discordant
The ever-pleusant Mr. John Moore will
till retain the cigar department, which
be has purchased of the old firm, and,
as heretofore, will cater to the public
with the finest lines of cigar, tobaccos
and smokers' article.
To Dr. Price's Taking; Powder at
the World's Fair.
For leavening power, keeping quali
ties, purity and general excellence the
World's Fair jury decided that Ir.
Price's Cream Baking Powder had no
equal. On each of its claim it was
awarded a first prir.j or diploma. All
the baking powder entered for prizes
were subjected to a most exhaustive ex
amination, and the jury was the best
equipped to make the decision of any
ever got together. Their verdict was
supported by the testimony of Br. H.
W. Wilev, chief chemist of the United
State Department of Agricultural at
Washington. Dr. Wiley is an expert on
food preducts and the highest authority
on suck matter in America. This ver
dict settles a long debuted question as to
which among the many baking powders
is the best. Chicago Tribune.
Our ('undid AdvLe.
It is sellout that we appear in tho roll
of spiiituul adviser or family physician
but there are times when we feel justi
fied in culling the attention of our many
subscribers to an article of true merit.
We teel justified in saying that Moore's
Revealed Remedy contains more actual
merit than any medicine it has ever
been our good fortune to test. One trial
will make you as enthusiastic 8 the
Warrants Bought.
Ktiltn find Colinlv u-urrnntal nf lln.fti-tn
and Washington bought by James E.
Davis A Co., HI Stark street, Portland,
Fliea are great pests, but you can keep
tl.em out very easily and cheaply by
buying a set of screen door and windows
of Jonc & Son over the O. C. Iron
Work. tf
Ilomo-mado bread is recognized as
the very best at all time and the cus
tomers of J. Egle the Shively building
baker assert that they can not tell the
dill'erence between his bread and that
made at home unless it ) that his i
just a little the better. But don't tell
your wife that.
Water Consumers Attention!
Persons allowing water to waste or run
all day or all night are violating the rules
of this board and will be dealt with ac
cordingly. Section 19 of the rule and
regulations provides; that consumer can
only use water for Irrigation or sprink
ling lawn between the hour of 6 and 0
A.M. and 6 and 0 P.M.
liy order of the Hoard of Water Com
Alleghany, Pa., March 10, l8!il.
Mk. Nohman Liciitv, I)e Moines, Ia.
1)kah Sm : I find Krause'i Headache
Capsule ready seller, and can say from
personal experience that they are s good
thing, s the other night they cured me
of bad attack of neuralgia in about one
hour, when usually it Lusts a day or so.
C. W. Smaht,
For sale by Charman A Co's. City
Drug Store, Oregon City, Or,
7lop Ticket.
2.V)teckcla $1 .00; 600 for 11.35; 1000
for 12.00 fiend to the Oregon City En
tkktkisk for bop tickets. Printed on
tough cheek with grower name on.
Order promptly filled and sent pol
paid to sny point.
The old veteran, Captain P.undy, has
his new bout bouse all fitted up in rim
ing order and is now prepared to furnish
at all time the finest line of pleasure
boats to be found in the state. Prices
reasonable and the best of treatment ac
corded all patrons.' Foot of II tli street.
To Trade.
A good farm of HO acres near Molalla
Partially improved buildings, orchard,
etc. Ievel bottom land. Will trade
for Oregon City property. Address
Tiiavkk A Ai.diin, Oregon City.
Have you seen the latest? The jilace
to find it is at the ma moth store of Char
man A Son where they have just received
a fine stock of the latest novelties in dresc
iroods together with a full line of the la
test novelties In trimmings, including
the celebrated Hercules braid. The but'
tons to match are something new and
unique w hicb von should not mis seeing.
Have vou seen those tieautiful Indigo,
oil red and light prints, outing flannels,
satteen and trimming insl received
Irorn Chicago at the Red Front Stores
away below any prices quoted in Clacka
mas county before.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entrbpkisi office.
fcv laa-u7nr
r Dyeing of ev-
Vl UVI'Vilj
924 6th St.,
Portland, Or.
E. S. Blackwell & Co., Prs.
We Have a Household
Ammonia of a quality
that is far superior to
25c. that which the ordinary
corner grocery furnishes
a you.
Ours is nearly double
Pint, the strength and the
price is exactly the
same. Why not try it?
Huntley's Drug Store,
Oregon City, Oregon.
You recollect how on the last
vacation you would have given
twice the price of a paper, maga
zine or novel for something to
read. We have lots of new
novels, and now editions of old
novels for 25c. each, and some
old ones for 10c. We will send
you regularly as issued, without
vany extra cost to you
Hostler's Book store
Oregon City.
Would be pleased to see his friends
and patrons in his new
, quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
Coing I
To the I
Coast or
Papers J
I Magazines
1 And
I Books. I
I'lack and Tan Hose for Ladies and
Children; all pizfs; uarantt-iMl fast col
on and will not crock. Also complete lino of
Qate Dou95
The best fitting corset in the market. For
I'oys and Children we have a new stock of
stilish suits for fall and winter. Caps for
Men, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children
all shapes and styles. Call and see us Leforo
purchasing, a3 we have the goods and prices to
suit the times. Just received this week a full
line of
And the
Henderson Little Red School House Shoes,
Every pair wai ranted. Remember,
Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day.
All Kinds of Cake Made to Order
Jacob Kober, Proprietor.
directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do tbelr own figuring. writ their own
letters, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal papers
which they miut handle every day sre made out correctly. r AU tbeae things, and
much more, we teach (fiunnivhli.
Hundreds of our graduate sre In good positions, and there will be openings for
hundreds more when timea Improve. .Vow U the time to prepare for them. Beaidi-s, a
business education Is worth all It eosU.r mrt am e. Send fur our catalogue, to
learn tdtat and sow we teach. Mailed free to any addrewt.
Portland Business College,
A P. Armstrong, Prin. Portland, OregOn. J. A. Waaco, Btrmtmrf
The Argonaut
Is the only high-class , political and literary weekly published on the
Pacific coast. Thousands of Bingle-stamped copies of it pass through
the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends.
It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except
three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do ftimilies of
the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213
Grant Avenue, San Francisco.
Stoves and Tinware.
,i ,
t-- - ....
Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland, Oregon.
Steam'p Telephone
1 '.Irv-ik,
' s 'T 'T lf'!
s Ml
Leaves foot of Yamhill st., Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. 11.
Connects with Seashore Railway for all points on Clatsop Beach.
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone every
night, except Saturday, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on
are lost
-v I .