Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1894)
Mhrsvy AMonlntlnti 0 City .iEGON 4 'ITrBTPDBDTOTTi VOL. 28. NO. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1894. ESTABLISHED 18C6 COUHTU, Cllrptilt mtiirl dinvoiwa flrat Miiinlnjr III Nil itr mill llilnl Hominy In April, frnlmla finutl In i.lun first Miimlajr In ech iin tli, flomtnla.liiiiiira niMIrt mils flrat Weiliiaailay Slfr tl rat annular nl eai'b month. UCKAHAH AIIHTHACT A TKUHT CO. A Intrant n( Clar-kamaa oiniiitr fipopnrt )T I aio- laity. (Inml wma, rnaemialiln rliantpa. Wnrk Kiiamuli'iil. (II vo ua trial, II 0, l-ftliiiirvlt. K, K liiiiislilMiu, J, K. , riKik, I'lrei'iiin, OXKUllH PITT, .... oaH'liiH. H II JMINstiH. I) W SlNHAINII. JINMAIHII A JOIINHON, CIVIL KNUINKKIt8ANf MI'KVKVOItH. Hall wy taxation amt KoiiDlriii'llon, lirMgi', plana and .llmatra fur water 1 ( I )r . Iiralimiio ami atrl Imprnvamnit nf town. Mpnilal altentlmi jIumi to .raiilitlti ami lilu prlnilni y CAHKV JOIINHON. LAWYER. Coruor Right mut Main atrrrla, Origun City, OlrKull. UK A I. KMTATBTOHiai. ASP MONKY TO LOAN. J L. COMTEK, ATTORNEY AT LAV iii-ra of raurRRTV n aaniian, Offlrt nail luOrniuii Cltf Ixiik tindlli itrwt. jH 0. T."wil.LIAMS IIKAL KHTATK AND I.0AN AUKNT. A noi line ul biuln, mlilf-iir anil uliiirlian ITiiportjf. Farm Property In trari to nil on ay terms. (NtrroaiMinilrnp promptly amwurwl. OAtf, Rail UiMir lu (a ii He Id A lliinlltiy'l ilrtiaT slure. Q D.i D C LATOCKKTIll, ATTORNEYS AND aUNSEU)KS AT LAW MAIN TNKKr, OKKOON CITr, (IKHIIOJI. rurnUh Atxlracia i(Titl. In Moiity, Fiif- OliM Mnruaiica, ami traniavl Uvurral Iji kualnvaa. J J K. CltOHS, ATTOHSEY AT LAW. Wiu PsACTita is All ivvkts or tm Statb Kl Kilai. and tnitnunr. Omr. on Main Sir l. hot Hlalh anil H.reniU, iiaauim citt. oa. Q II. PVH, " ' ATTOKNEY AND COUNSEUlK AT LAW Offlo over Oregon City llauk, oasous citr, osauos M. KANPS, NOTAKY PUhl.IC, HEAL ESTATE A INSURANCE. Ofllro In Ihc I'imi Ornc llullilln, 0'o,m city. Ortuii. OKI. C. aaiiWHKI.L. a. a taiania. (KOWNFI.I. A IiKKrtrtEtt ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Osioon Citt. Ossoos. Will praotlc In all tlixmiurta n( th .late. Ot (lo.. noxt ilcxir tu Cauflelil A lluiHl.jr'a dni tor.. r.F. WIIITK. W.a.WIIITK WHITE BROTHERS VmnUrnl Jmhittcta Builders. Will prt'par. plana, el.vatlotii, worklii de i lla, anil apoi-lfliatloiia lor all k I lull ol Inlllil liina. Spwlal atl.ullon (Ivvn lit mixlrrn cot uuh, Katlinatrt liirnlaliixl nn application Call on or adilrvaa w in i a mum., Oreann City, Om rPIIK CO VMKItCI AL H ASK, or OKKOON CITV. 'apltal, - 1100,008 Ta NIT A OUNSRAI. BANklNO RtlllNKaa. Iant mailt). II I It aa illaonunted. Makes col lectlnna. Iluya And aella .icliaiine on all pohita In tha Ciiltcd Hlatra, Enropa and linn Koiif, I)c poalti re c.lvod mlijoct to chiok Inloroat at uaual rain allowed on tlmo dvpoilta. Dank open from 9 a. m. to 4 r. at. Saturday evoningi trom 6 to 7 e. M. D C. LATOl'KKTTK, J'roaulont. T K DONALDSON, Caahler , JJANK OF OKKUCN CITY, 01 Jest Mlu H9use Id Ids City. Paid up Capital, ftt.OOO. raaainaNT, TICS rRKaltlKNT, Aailiaa. MANAOla. Tllul. CHARMAM 0(0. A, HARIIINO. a. o CAnnsLD. CHAR1.1I M. CAUriRI.D. A isnoral banklni tmaliinaa trauaaotod. Depoalta received iiihjoot to check. Approved bllla and notei dlaoounted. County and city warrant! bought. Loan, made on available aecurlty. Kiohang. boiiRht And add. Colleotloni made promptly. Drain aold avallaole In any part of the world Telefraphlo exoliangea iold on Portland, Ban Fraaolaoo, fllilcnuo and New York. Intercut paU on tlma dopoalti. Sub APontanf THE LONDON CHKQUB BANK, i:ajalllNliel i;. N. Mmi PIONEER Imfht and iqtoM, Froight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Bllomy 8 Ruty, Honscliirmsliers ARE NOW RKAPY FOR TIIK FI'JUNG THAI) Id. Compare These Prices With Portland. Chamber twit 00 i'lirlor HiiitH ...2 00 Center tublcH, lnrK) 1 7'r) Lounges, raw nilk .'( !M) Hod lounge, raw nil k 7 50 Carpet patent rocker 3 50 Divans, oak, UjiIioIhUtcI in tapestry 8 00 Kxtuiinioii tclilcH, hi x ft 4 60 Dining chaini i' Kitchen table 1 (X) KiU liiMi cliuirH 4.) Hanging lumps 2 50 Carpets, yer yard 20 Full lino of crockery. Every Thing in Stock Fresh Meat! Wholesome Meat! Tender Meat! AT THE Seventh Street Meat Market, PETZOLD & CALE, Props. Try our homo cured ImniH, inndo from grain fed hogs. Our lard in of our own make and abmilutely pure. OREGON CITY, OREGON CITY y New and Enlarged Shop with all appliancen for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho bent manner poH.nible. Promptnees guaran teed on all orders. R,3ip)A.iH,insra- - a. - specialty, Prices the lowest to bo had in near Main, Oregon City, Oregon."""''' 1. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. I-Iow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses lor twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The. bent in the market. Price 2" cents. For sale at tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. J. JONES & SON, DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and jfjaf Shop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co's, Oregon City SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS. Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes. Notions. Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead ing Brands of Cigars.1 pni:HCKii-nof t'Aitrri i.i.y ruxi.i. Shively'B Block, - - GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. SHHgss Special Bills Cut to Order shhh Mill and Yard orTthe River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY, OR. DnbyluMing cribs $3 50 ISwImIciuI 1 50 Mitring woven wire, .', 2 00 Mnttri'HW'H, "xrolHior 2 25 Maltreiwr, excelnior wool top 2 75 Mattri'KHcr, wool 3 00 Pillows, turkoy down per pair 2 (X) Pillows, gooHO, pure while... 4 50 Kitchen naff 3 50 Kitchen cupboards, gluws front 8 00 Kitchen rockers 1 00 Cookntovo, No. 7 7 00 Cook stoves, No. 8 8 50 Set of uteimilH fur ubovo 5 00 to Furnish a House. OREGON. IRON WORKS. Portland. Shop ou Fourth Street, Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. ritit'HN tiii: Oregon City, Or. WICKED FIGHTING. Account ff Hand to Hand Con test Hetweeri the Orlcntalx. THKY FOtUlIT LIKE DEMONS. Only Jleitgrr Autlieutle Details of tlie KnMim War Are Obtainable, As Sews U Suppressed. Ran FrUin iMW, Ati. 18. Tim uteam "lilp China nrrivifl thin nfUTinion from Aniulic portf. Hlie brin,'M Yokohama uilvkcH to August Gtli, 'two iluyii later tlian tlio nuwrei'x-ived at Yietoria on tliB Hiiiiros u( Jupan. News advice continue, lo of an u(iHa'.iu fucUiry cliarai.ter. The war having h'X'ti foiiiiklly il"-i:larol, the CliineHO mmiHter and coiiduIk wctd preparing wlit-n the China saih'd. to leave ianan. The flusr on the Chim) cumulate at Yokohama had been hauled down, and the arch - ives conveyed to the United Htates con - "late general. It was a!o r. porteJ that all Japanese omciala weie hurriedly leaving China. Tho Japanew nation apn-ared to be alhi U-d with a mania for war. So fierce is the public pirit for war that the con- stitutionul reform party is out with a manifesto, declaring it to be the duty f the Japanese army to force its way into China, to dictate terms of peace nnder the walla of the capital and to display the glory of the Japunese empire. Yakcoi'Vuk, B.C., Aug. 25. Following is an account of one of the naval battles of July 25th, taken from the Yokohama Nippon, a newspaper brought by the 2wengers on the Ernnress of China : "On the mh of July a naval fik-ht took place at Nanyang bay, starting off there and terminating at Nyang. The ships engnged w ere a second-rate Chinese man of-war and a second-rate Japanese man- of-war. The former were victorious, and though riddled with 'bullets and shot, and her decks running with blood, chased her foe out of the bay. The lat ter, being the faster, steamed away from her, but tonixbt the Chinese warship ap proached under coyer of darkness and the bloody contest was renewed by light of lanterns. The Chineee and Japanese foiiL'lit like demons, and the rcena was described by an English lieutenant on board tlve Chinese ship as 'Hell let looee and a sea of blood.' Tha men fought until there were not enough left to work the guns. The ships were shackled and ban J-to-hand contest ensued. When the Japanese cried for quarter there were but fifty-six able bodied men on board. In this fight, as others, the papers have not dared to mention names but the Kippon boldly declares that the fight took place." Victory For tha Chiasie I.o!:on, Aug. 22 . General Tio, com manding the Feng Tien division of the Chinese forces, telegraphs as follows: The Chinese, Fridny attacked the Japan ese forces at Ping Yang, driving them hack with a heavy loss a distance of eleven miles, to Chung Ho. The Chin ese made a second attack Saturday and drove the Chinese from Chung Ho, which is now in Chinese hands. The Japanese again lost heavily in Saturday's fighting. Another great battle is ex pected today. SiiANuiti, Aug. 21. It is reported there was a great slaughter of men in the Dat- tie between Japanese and Chinese forces at Chung Ho Saturday, in which the Japanese were driven from that place. It is stated that James Wyhe, a pres byterian minister, had died from in juries received at the hands of the Chin ese soldier: LegliUtion at Aa End. WASittNUTOff, Aug. 20. Speaker Crisp says an adjournment could be bad by Wednesday if the president should act on the tariff tomorrow. The only legisla tive matter pending on w hich action is hoped for is the alcohol bill now before the senate, but this appeared to be af fected by the Murphy resolution post poning all tariff legislation. Members of the ways and means committee say they do not think the president will let the tariff bill become a law until the last moment, in order that the customs officers may have all the information possible. This would not be until mid night Monday next. - Yellowiton. Hational Park. Vasihnoton, Aug. 18. The new rules and regulations governing the Yellow stone National Park were promulgated today at the interior department. They are established under the authority of congress of May 7, last, and make a num ber of changes. Heretofore there has been no actual legal authority invested in the interior department to confiscate the outfits of persons caught hunting, killing, trapping or snaring birds or wild animals in the park. By the new rules, confiscation is authorized. Firearms will be permitted in the park only on written permission of the superinten dent. Fishing in any way except with hook and line U prohibited, aa U RnUihg tor the pnrponef ot merchandwe or prof it. I'ttritona Killy of dinorderly comfcict or had btd'avior, or wtio violate any of the rules, will lie nurninartly ejected from the park. Penalties are provided for lawleftHneft. ( Captain George H. Andreaen, the act ing superinU;ndent of Yellowstone Na tional Park, has made his annual report. The regular travel only auiour.ted to 3,070, as against 3,047 for the year pre vious. The reduction of hotel rates from $5 to per day has Induced many peo ple to prolong their lrip. There are about 200 bnfTiiloen remaining in the park. Peports from the outpoet on the Hnake river show an incretimng number of moosey The elk wintered well. The herd ol 600 antelope wintered on Mount Everts which is the only win ter range. Although deer are not as numerous as other varieties of game, many are seen during the winter and I 'h;y bocorne very tame. j H Went Bailing la Air- 1 Ban Dieoo, Cal., Aug. 20. Advices rom Egcondido say that T. Jones, who ;a one 0f the rock men on the line, was j blown skywards laet Wednesday noon. ( He had fired seven blasts, but made a ! miscount when they went off, and when j 80ng op t0 K-e how ninth execution the blasts had done, be walked onto a blast loaded with 35 sticks of dynamite and one keg of giant powder. It exploded and blew him into the air about 100 feet When he came down he struck on a steep hillside and rolled to the foot of the bluff, a distance of 300 feet. He was picked op for dead by his companions, but soon recovered consciousness and was started for town for medical treat ment, but by the time the team reached town be had so far recovered that he was able to walk from the wagon to the hotel. An examination showed that he bad only been bruised. Congreai Waiting for tb. President. Washington, Aug. 20. For fifteen or twenty minutes today, the business of the senate was surptnded, while the eergcant-at-arms was sent in search of a quorum. The senate was eighteen short of a voting quorum, only twenty five senators having voted on a non-political motion, thus showing that con gress is slowly disintegrating. The four supplemental tariff bills were all re ported from the finance committee and sent to the calender. . The republicans say theie will be no more businens of im portance transacted at this session, ex cept, perhaps, the passage of a bill cor recting the alchobol schedule. j Aa 111 Ooa.idered Bill. Nsw York, Aug. 20. More errors in the new tariff bill as passed are being discovered. It was said today at the custom-house that, through a mistake in punctuation, importations of all drugs and medicines are prohibited. The intention was to stop the bringing of drugs and medicines used in abortion practice. The new bill, in the revenue sections, taxes playing cards, so if it be comes a law nothing can be sold without a revenue stamp. Of these the treasury has none and it will take several months to have them engraved and distributed throughout the country. New Bedford Operative! Strike. Nsw BEDFORn, Mass, Aug. 20. This morning operatives inaugurated a gen eral strike, and nearly 11,000 are idle. The machinery of but five out of twenty seven mills in the city is in motion, and it is thought these mills will soon be shut down with the others. The manu facturers have little or nothing to say, but the notices of a reduction against which the help rebel are still posted. Secretary Ross, of the Spinner's union, Btated this morning that the members of his union have lined np for a long strug gle, and it is confidently expected it will be of six months' duration. Strikers Bentenoed to Jail. Los Angeles, Aug. 20 Judge Ross in the United States court today sentenced five men to the county jail for violating the omnibus injunction during the late strike. Four of the men get eight months each, and the other man was sontenced to ten months. McKkks Rocks, Pa., Feb. 3, 1S92. Norman Lichty Mfo, Co, Des Moines, la. Gkntlkmkn: Your Krause's Head ache Capsules have been and still are the greatest sellers and have given the most entire satisfaction of any article we ever kept in our stores. We cave sold grosB after gross of them in the past two years and not in a single case have they failed to cure any and all kinds of head aches in the most satisfactory manner. , Yours respectfully, K. T. Kramer, For sale by Chanuan & Co., City Drug Store, Oregon City, Or. Taken Up At mv place three miles below Oregon City on the Willamette rivor, one black pony, white star on torehead, branded "M. C." on left hip. Owner is asked to pay expenses and take the horse; J. S. Risley. NO ANARCHISTS Wanted In the United States To Make Trouble. COXfJKESS moiiH WKPORTATIOS. Haws fn the Tariff" Bill-Strike In .H,m achusett Congress Is Itmetive The President's Kcturn. WasKi.toTov, Ang. 21. A strong re port favoring the rigid exclusion and deportation of alien anarchists has been made by the committee on judiciary. The report says: "It is admitted on all hands the question is one of very great importance and that legislation on the subject is called for by every consider ation of public safety. The committee advises that owing to the severe irgi.ila tton recently adopted by France and Italy, a great many dangerous anar chists are making their way to the United States, and as nnder existing laws they cannot be denied admission to our territory, the United States will soon be the rendezvous of thee human monsters unless the proposed legislation is speedly adopted. "Your committee is of the opinion the United States is fully justified by the ex isting conditions in using all its p liter to prevent the immigration and settle ment in this country of men who repu diate all law, all government and prac tically proclaim themeelves enemies cf mankind. "Yonr committee has no disposition to hamper-the rigorous and prompt ex ecution of all laws providing for the ex clusion and deportation of these classes by unnecessary proceedings and delays, and is now willing to concede 'hat the superintendent of immigration and the secretary of the treasury may be fully trusted to confine the operation of the law to thote justly subject to its provis ions." Bad Bawa For Hop Qrowera. I Washington, Ang. 21. The American counsul at Hamburg, Germany, reports to the state department that the hop harvest, which is but a few weeks' off, will equal the yields of the most favor able years in the past, and in consequence American hops, which have been exten sively used in Germany during thelait I year, owing to the small local yitdd. will find few if any buyers in the ' German markets. Reports from England are of the same tenor, and it is thought likely that Europe will raise more bops this year than will be required for home con sumption. Train Wrecker. laox and Wordea Held. Woodland, Cal., Aug. 12. Knox, Compton, Mullen and Hatch, members of the American Railway Union media tion committee, accused of trainwreck ing, were held to answer on a charge of murder before the superior court by Justice Fisher this afternoon. The same bondsmen as heretofore were accepted for Knox, Compton and Mu'ilin. The bonds are $10,000 dollars each . Defen dant Worden made his usual scene in court and insisted that his attorneys go on with his defense. An order was therefore made that his defence will be gin Thursday next. A Cook Book Free. "Table and Kitchen" ii the title of a new cook book published by the Price Baking Powder Company, Chicago. Just at this time it will be sent free if you write a postal mentioning the En terprise. This book hits been tried by ourselves and is the very best of its kind. Besides containing over 400 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery, there are many hints for the table and kitchen, showing how to set a table, how to enter the dining room, etc., a hundred and one hints in every branch of the culinary art. Cookery of the very finest and richest as well as of the most economical and home like, is provided for. Remember "Table and Kitchen" will be sent, postage prepaid, to any lady sending her address name, town and state) plainly given. A copy in German or Scandinavian will be sent if desired. Postal card is as good as letter. Address Price Baking Powder Co., Chi cago, 111. The Troy Steam Laundry Have built up a good trade in Oregon City on the merits of their work which is giving general satisfaction, uive them a trial. They pay express charges both ways and give you Portland prices. OFFICE AT F. A. Waddocks, P. 0. Building. Laundry left at the office on Tuesday will be returned on Saturday. Flies are great .pests, but you can keep them out very easily and cheaply by buying a set of screen doors and windows of Jones & Son over the O. C. Iron ' Works. tf Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awankd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, Sao Francisco.