Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 17, 1894, Image 8

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Kedectloiia on the I'sclessncse of tihulluw
Water explorers Where Should lh
niamc Rot For Many "llurer TtaeKsv
aporialMHty of Paternity.
What would be thought of a ship that
Was laum-lnnl from its Jocks with flour
ish of music ami flowing wine, built to
sail the roughest and tlwiicst soa, yet
mamuxl for u nmniding ertiiso along
(hore? Never U'nvins liurhor for dread
of storm. Xovit swinging out of the
land girt bay Ihtkuso, over tht bar, the
waters were dtvp and rough. You
would say of such a ship that its enptaiu
was a coward and the company that
built it wore tools.
And yet fiose souls of ours wore
fashioned for bottomless soundings.
There is no created thing that draws
as deep as the soul of man; our life lies
straight across the ocean and uot along
shore, but wo are afraid to venture-; we
bang upon the ivast and explore shal
low lagoou or swing at anchor in idle
bays. Some of us strike the keel into
riches and ituim) about therein, like
men-of-war in a narrow river. Some of
us arw contented all our days to ride at
anchor in the becalmed waters of self
ish easo. There are guns at every port
hole of the ship we sail, but we use
them for iegs to hang clothes upon or
pigeonholes to stack full of idie hours.
We shall never smell powder, although
the magazine is stocked with holy wrath
wherewith to tight the devil and his
deeds. Wheu 1 see a man strolling along
at his ease, while under his very nose
some brute i maltreating a horse, or
some coward venting his ignoble wrath
npon a creatine more helpless than he,
whether it be a child or a dog. 1 involun
tarily think of a double decked whaler
content to b'sh for minnows. Their
nselessuess in the world is more appar
ent than the uselessuess of a C'unarder
m a park poud.
What did God give you muscle and
girth and brain for if not to launch yon
oa the high seas? Up and away with
yon then into the deep soundings where
you bt loug. O belittled soul! Find
the work to do tor which you were fit
ted and do it. or else run yourself on
the first tnuveuient suag and founder.
Some grtat writer has said that we
ought to t cgin life as at the source of a
river, growing deeper every league to
the sea. wnereas, in fact, thousands
enter the river at its month and sail
inland, rinding less and less water ev
ery day. nntil in old age they lie shrunk
and gasping upon dry ground.
But there are more who do not sail
at all than there are ot those who make
the mistake of sailing up stream. There
are the women who devote their lives
to the p-tty business of pleasing worth
tees nan What progress do they make
even inland? With sails set and brassy
stanchions polished to the similitude of
gold, they hover a lifetime chained to
a dock ami decay of their own nseless
ness at last, like keels that are mud
slugged It is not the most profitable
thing in tho world to please. Suppose it
shall please the iumates of a bedlam
bouse to s-e yon set fire to your clothing
and bi.ru to death, or break your bones
one by one upon a rack, or otherwise
destroy your bodily parts that the poor
lunatics might be entertained. Would
it pay to le pleasing to such an audi
ence at siu h a sacrifice? We were put
into tins world with a clean way bill
for an.ii hi r port than this. Across the
oceau of life our way lies, straight to
the bai l.oi of the city of gold. We are
freighted with a consignment from
rootuagu tiold to keep which ia bound
to be delivered sooner or later at the
great Master's wharf. Let us bo alert,
then, to recognize the seriousness of our
own destinies aud content ourselves no
longer with shallow soundings. Spread
the sails, weigh the anchor and point
the prow for the country that lies the
other side of a deep and restless sea.
Sooner or later the voyage must be made;
let ns make it, then, while the timber
is stanch and the rudder true.
When you look ut a picture and find
it good or bad, as the case may be, whom
do yon praise or blame, the owner of
the picture or the artist who painted it?
When you bear a strain of music and
are either lifted to heaven or cast into
the other place by its harmonies or its
discord, whom do you thank or curse
for the benefaction or the infliction,
whichever it may have proved to be,
the man who wrote the score or the mu
sic dealer who sold it? Yon go to a
restaurant and order spring chicken
which turns ont to be the primeval fowl.
Who ifl to blame, the waiter who serves
it or the business man of the concern
who does the marketing? And so when
you encounter the bad boy, whom do
yon bold responsible for his badness,
the boy himself or the mother who
trained bim? 1 declare, as I look about
me from day to day and see the men
and women who play so poor a part in
life, it ia not the poverty of their per
formance that astonishes me so much
as the fact that it is as good as it is.
With the parents that many boys and
girls have and the training they receive
I am perfectly amazed that they ever
attain to even half way respectability.
Did you ever stop to think, i wonder,
what an awful responsibility is laid
npon you with every child given to
yonr home? If you appreciate the risk
and take the responsibility 1 shouldn't
think yon would find much time for
other callings. A man who is drawing
np the plans for a new bouse attends to
bis business closely and doesn't go ol
tax many picnics or sail over seas in
pursuit of pleasure while his plans are
pending. A man who has entered a
young horse for the Derby spends most
of his time training the colt. He doesn't
loaf about town or read novels or lie
abed late; be is alert and on hand if he
expects to win the race. Carelessness
and indifference never- brought a win
Ding horse under the wire yet. Amber
in Chicago Herald.
No C.nod Heason Vet Advanced Why It
Humid Nut II Hone.
In one of his essays in a book en
titled "Urnshwood," the Into James T.
Fields wrote: "If I were a boy again, 1
think 1 would learu to use uiy left hand
just as freely as tny right one, so that
if anything happened to lame either of
them the other would bo all .roady to
write and handle things just as freely
as if nothing had occurred." And un
doubtedly a great many of us would
learn to nso both hands alike if we had
our lives to live over again. Of all the i
young women who came under my in
struction while iu charge of the School
of Domestic Kcomvmy of the Iowa Ag
ricultural college, not more than one in
twenty-five could swoop properly. The
ratio in this ruspoot of those who came
under my instruction at Purdue univer
sity was about the ssint And as far
as my observation extends this ratio
will hold in regard to women generally.
As a rule, women, old and young, do
not know how to huudloa broom. Their
right hands only have been trained.
Their left hands have been ueglectod.
When a women takes hold of a broom
it is with the right hand near the top
of the handle and the left hand toward
the com, and instead of changing and
reversing theui as occasion demands
she always kwj them iu the same po
sitiou. Whether she swot'is to the right
or to the left, the positiou of her hands
remains uuchauged. And her body is
contorted and her ninsclo strained iu
the performance, of au operation that
would exercise these organs harmonious
ly, if the hands were so trained that
they could be used at will and were
changed as demanded by the changes iu
the position of the sweeper.
1 refer to women sweeping merely to
illustrate my point. Tho same can be
said concerning the training of tho
bands in numerous other branches of
women's work that it is unnecessary to
mention, and so far as the use of the
left baud is concerned men are in no
better condition than women. Men and
women are in this resiect maimed aud
handicapped ali'ie. Why should such
a state of things exist? Why, in this
age of manual training, should wo over
ling aud neglect the education of the
left hand and continue to train the
right hand at the expense of the left?
No physician or physiologist baa ever
given a sensible reason for so doing,
and we seem to adhere to the custom
merely because it has lawn carrieil down
to ns by our ancestors. Jenuosa Miller
A Smuggling Sehmc
Passing through Hudson street with
a friend, i chanced to pass theestablish
meut of a firm of "folders and repack
ers" of dry goods. Before the door were
a hundred or more little bales of goods,
bearing odd markings, but showing thut
they were destined tor a firm in Texas,
doing business in a town near the Mex
ican line.
"Do yon know," asked my compan
ion, "why those goods are put np in
such small packages?"
fjpon replying in the negative he con
tinued: "They are to be smuggled across
the Mexican line. The goods are pur
chased in their original packages and
delivered here. The wooden boxes are
discarded, and the goods subjected to
hydraulic pressure and baled. Each
bale contains about 30 pieces, or half the
number of an ordinary dry goods case.
"The goods are then Bbipped to Tex
as, and all marks removed. When all
is arranged, some night the little bales
are slung across the backs of mules,
two bales to each animal, and with an
armed escort the train proceeds over the
border to some distributing point in
Mexico, where the goods are sold to Mex
ican traders at a good profit.
"Smuggling iu this manner is quite
extensively carried on between this
country and Mexico, the United Statea
getting iu return for its dry goods,
which are the most easily bundled, cheup
Mexican coffee and cigars. " New Yuri
America' Only Prostlese Belt.
What issupposed to be the only frost
less belt in the United States lies be
tween the city of Los Angeles and the
Pacific ocean. It traverses tho foothills
of the Cahnenga range and has an ele
vation of between 200 and 400 feet. In
breadth it is perhaps three miles. The
waters of the Pacific are visiblo from
it, and the proximity of the ocean has
of course something to do with banish
ing frosts. During the winter season
this tract produces tomatoes, peas,
beans and other tender vegetables, and
here the lemon flourishes, a tree that is
peculiarly susceptible to cold. Tropical
trees may be also cultivated with suc
cess, and in connection with this fact it
is interesting to know that a part of the
favored territory has been actpiired by
Los Angeles for park purposes, ard it
is only a question of time when the city
will have the unique distinction of pos
sessing the only tropical park in the
United Statea. Strange to say, only
the midway region of the Cahnenga
range is free from trost, the lower part
of the valley being occasionally visited.
-New York Evening Post
Oscar Wilde's Latest.
The way of the wit is hard. Oscar
Wilde, moved by the ready appreciation
of the English people, has been led to
make some remarks which even his ad
mirers are not applauding. He has
been making some observations on the
subject of Puritans and the theater.
After devoutly hoping that he would
not "be offered a bishopric, "Mr. Wilde
added, "I quite expect to see any day
in the evening papers, "Great Discovery
in Egypt. Ten more commandment
by Oscar Wilde.' "Exchange.
MskinK Sure I lil'iic of IU
"What in the nMiicr.f Jnpiter have
you sewed np hi: th-' pic Rets ot my
overcoat for?" asked Mr. Wilson.
"My dear." said Mrs. Wilson, "1
have an important letter to tnv milliner
that 1 want you to post. " iioston Home
Through Trains Without Transfer.
Travellers must not forget that the 0
K. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired and
all trains am ninuing without transfer
or delay. Through service to Omultu,
Kansas City, M. IaiuIs and Chicago;
I'tiUman sleepers, free reclining chair
cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and
modern day coaches. Call on O. H, A
X. Agent before purchasing tickets, or
address W. 11, llurlbiirt, lion'l Passen
ger Agent. Portland, Oregon.
. Treasurer's Nullo
I hsve in my bands funds applicable
to the psvuieut of all warrants endorsed
prior to July H, 1S12. Also the follow
ing numbered warrants It). !!(, 10, 5(H),
10,501 ami lO.oO'.', (for f.Vhi each) en
dorsed July 11, 18P2. The Interest will
cease from the date of this notice
M L. M.s.kk,
Treasurer of Clackamas County,
Okkuon Cm , Or., August 10, lStH.
The latest in visiting cards at the Kn
tkki'hisk Okkh.k. Prices to suit you.
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of ie, but whodeclliios to give tils
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to in:
"When I was one vwtr old. my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said Unit I.
too, would soon die, ami all our nelKhlxiM
thought that even if I did not die, 1 would
never bo able to walk, because, I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed ami
broke under my arm. I hurt my linger and
It gathered and threw out niece til hone.
If I hurt myself so as to breiik lh sktu. It
was sure to become a running sore. I hnd
to take, lots ot medicine, but noihlng bus
done me so much good m Arer's Saraupa
ri I la- It lin made me well and auong.
1. 1). M., Norcalur, Kans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aysrk Co., Lowell, it asa.
Cures others, will cure you
Sheriff I Nut Ire of Sale on Kifcution.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon,
for the county of clackatn ts.
Joshua Cornell, plaintiff, va Kilns K Herein
aud John K. Khodes, defendants.
State of Oregon, County ol Clackamas, ss.
Notice is hereby glvei.thut by virtue nf an
execution aud finier of sale Usned out of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon for th
county of ( larkamss. hearing date the III. I day
of July HIM, In a suit wherein Joshua liorliett
was plaintiff sod Silas K. llereus was defend
ant, coiniasudlnx me. In the name of the State
ol Oregon. lint out ol the real estate herein
after decrlbed. to realize a .um sulhclent to
satisfy the demands of said decree, to wit:
tio oo, and the further sum ol fjS UU attorney's
lees, together with iutere.t on tho same since
said decree was entered at lo per cent per
annum, and also the costs of aud attending
this sale.
Now, therefore. In obedience touch decree,
I did. on the Ktli day of Augu.t, l'.'l. duly levy
upon, and will, ou Saturday, the 1.1th day of Sep
tember. lA at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in nf
said day, at the front door ot the court house
Iu said county, offer for (ale at public auction,
and sell lo the highest and beat bidder, for
cash in hand, all the right, title and interest trie
said defendant, Silaa If Ilereas, has lu aud to
the following described real property, lo wit:
The north-east quartern! the south eat iiiar
ter. and all thai portion of lot 3. lying east of
Pudding river; ail being in section V town
ship t, south of range 1 west W illamette me
ridian, t Clackamas county, Oreg. .11.
Iiated this ltthday of Augu.t. A. P. 144.
SherlrTof Clackamas county, slate ol Oregon.
By N. M. Mooov, lepuiy. H-17:-H
In the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
Joseph Pe Laney. pi' IT, vs. Eliza De l-auy deft.
To Eliza De Lany, Ihe above named detendsnt:
In the name of the State o' Oregon, you are
hereby required lo appear and answer the com
plaint riled against you In ttie above entitled
suit, by the first day ot the regular term of this
court uext succeeding the expiration of the
time prescribed lor the puhliaitlun oi this
summons, to wit:
On .Monday, the Jib day ol November, 1MH: and
if vou fait so to answer for want thereot the plain
ti tT will apply lo the court tor the relief de
manded iu ttie complaint, to wit: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween you and the plaintiff, and tor the costs
aii'Tdisbursemeiits ot tills suit.
Publlshi-d pursuant to an order of the Hon.
Thomas A. Mchrlde, judge of the above enti
tled court, dated July 3)th, Ih" I
s-17:9-'21 Plaintiff s Attorney.
Stale of Oregon, County of Clackamas, sa.
Notice la hereby given, that by reason of a
breach In the coudltlons of a certain chattel
mortgage, given by W. I). Muse to Frank Orlf
flihs. and assigned by said Orllllths lo VV. K
aril, I, the undersigned, bsve seized the mort
gaged properly, to wit: Ons team, consisting
of a pair of horses, wagon and harness, and
more particularly described aa follows: A pair
of bay homes. 8 or ') years of age. about bunds
high, weight 1100 lbs.; H'i in Mitchell wagon;
one set double work harness; and on August
1Mb, lam, at the hour of 10 o'clock a in., at No
hllttACo's stable. In the city of Oregon City,
Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell the said
described property at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the said
mortgage claim of tOb.UO, with interest and costs.
Uated July Hist, imimt
S-3:-17 E. C. MADIiOCK, Sheriff
In the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for
tne uouuiy oi t.iacgamas.
In the matter of the estate ot I evl Leland, dee'd.
To whom It may concern:
Notice Is hereby given, that the uiiderslgned,
executor ol the estate of Levi Inland, deceased,
has filed his final report and account ss such
executor In the County Court of Clackamas
county, state nf Oregon, and that Tueiday. the
fourth day of September, A D. iMM.at Hlo'clock
a m. at the County Court haa been fixed aud
appointed as the time and place for the settle
ment of laid final report and account and the
hearing and determining of any and all objec
tions thereto LESTER M I. K.I. AM).
Executor of the estate of Ivl Leland, dee'd
JtBOWNgix PKKSHER.Att'ysforExr. S-3:S-:U
In the Probate Court of the Htate of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
In the matter of the estate of George Qausner,
Notice Is hereby given, that I have filed my
filial report as administrator of sapl estate lu
the probate court ol Clackamas county, state of
Oregon, and that the Court has appointed the
third day of September, Wj4, at 10 o clock a rn
as a day and time for hearing objections to said
report, If any there are, and for a final settle,
meut of said estate and dlschargeof the admin
istrator from further obligations therein.
ELMtK A. COE, Adm'r.
Iiated August L UM. 8-3.s-:u
hokdoihDS" fsNMJcx
' :
( :H
Nothing appeals ao strongly to a mother's
allcciion aa her daughter Just Pudding Into
womanhood. following ia an instance: "our
daughter. Hlaurho, uow IS ycara or ago, bad
Ikii) lorrllily ailllctol with ncrvousm-na, and
bad ltt the. entlro ti) ol her riuhl arm. Mm
wan in aiu'it a fuiumion tiuil wo had to i p
her from whmil aud uUndoll her iniuio lea
um. Ill (m l, wo iVarvd SI. Vitus Uuuco, and
am poaltlvo but hr nil Invaluable remedy .he
would luivo hud Unit terrll.lo altllilloiu Wo
had employed phy.li laita. but she rveelved no
tieueiH tmm them. Tho rlist of ln.it Aiu;ini ho
Wi ivlnnl but To pounds and eJllioiutli .ho has
taken only Ihreo U'tllea of Ncrvlno he now
tti'lKha l"i aiiU ; her iicrvoiuucu and symp
hiua of St. Vitus imnc aro entirely (tone, site
anemia action) tvmilarly, aud similes with oum
tin and cans tu has rccnrcivd tvinpli'le umi
of ber arm, her appetite tat splendid, and tin
moiii'Y could procuru fur our daiuihlor the health
lr. M lies Nervine baa tmiiuihl her
When my brother recommended the remedy
1 had no (tilth iu lvttl medicine, and would
iks listeu to him, but aa a lat rtwirt ho acm us
a Mile, wo Inxuri giving it to Klauehe, and tlx
eitect was almo.1 limuedlalu." Mrs. K. H.
Bullock. Itriiihlim. N V.
Dr. Miles' Itoinmltve Nervine to sold by all
flrwxblsoo a positive rtaranti-c or actii direct
by the lr. Mil, Medical Co., Klkhart, lnd..cll
receiptor price. It Per bottle, six ludlca lor $
txyn-M prepaid. It Is poslUvely free from
Opiates or Uaugvtuus drugs.
For sale by Charmun & a.
Sunday Services.
ST. PAl'L'S I lll'ltril- rpmeopal-Special
notice given nf services to I held. Services at
II o'clock a. m. and . n. m. I'raver service
every Wedueaday evening.
ruts r conukf.uatkinai. ciii'kcii.-
Kev. J. W. Cowan i'a.lor Services at lu : a. at.
and au) r. a. Suuday Hehool alter morning
service. Itayer aiceiiug Wedneatlay evening at
isJo.clix-k. Prayer meeting of Young peoples
Sia-leiy of Christian tludravnr every Suuday
evening at ?:0t prompt.
Klltsr BAPTIST CIII'KCH -Itav. flii nas
Pissma Pas'.or Morning n ice at II Sunday
School al li l.i; Kvenlng Service S .a), liegular
prayer meeting isedne. day evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding the Ural Sunday lu the inoulh. A
I cortilai Invtlailou to all.
II 1 liksra nd, Paa'.or, On Sunday mass at S and
lo.ai. M. Kvery se'onl aud fourth Sunday
(iertuan sermon after tite S o clHk 111.11
At all other masses KuglUti sermons. Sunday
School at 1 :J r. M. Vespers, aindogetlcal
sulijecis, and Heiiedlcilou at 7 JO r n.
0. Svaas, Pastor. Morning service al II.
Sunday School at in oil. class meeting alter
llmmlng service. Kvenlng service al 7 Ml
Kpworth leagu meeting Sunday evening al
S so. Prayer Meeting Thursday eveului ate HO
strangers cordially Invited.
W.utaoMiY, Pa.tor. Services at II a. a. and
7:911 r. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. M. Young
People's Society tif Christian P.ndeavnr meets
every Sunday evening at S SO Wednesday
cveulug prayer meeting at 7 :Su. Heals free.
Mvr:a., Pastor. Preaching services every
Sunday al tl A. M and !; P. at.
Sabbath scbonl every Sunday at 10 A. M (llev
P. Ilott. Sunt.) Weekly prayer Meeting
every Wednesday evening
Ing every second and fourth Sunday ol each
month, at 1 1:00 a m. and 7 .10 p. ln.-W II. ate
1. alN, Psator Sunday school at 10 a. m. at
Oregon City First s-tnday at Hamaon school
hou.e, MoUlla: Third Sunday, Mountain Home
II a. m.: 1 tin tier tirove, p. m-Ml.s lella
tlreen. Siiprlutendent Sunday school. Prayer
meeting every W ednesday eveulug.
Postolfico-:- Store.
Dry Goods, '
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries aie Fresh
and of the iVst quality.
In Pricesvre meet
Portland Competition.
Gary & Wissinger.
Let us have a trial order
Portland-Oregon City and
Yamhill River Route.
Down Leave Davtnn 5 A. M.,
Mirwion 5,.'50, Newberg G, IJutte
villo C:4o, Oregon City ShW,
arriving in Fortland 10:;JO A, M.
Up Leave Portland 2:.'J0 P. M.,
Oregon City 4 P. M.
Stage runs between McMinnville
and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con
nection with the boat. The Htage
will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn
ville, every morning at 3:30 a. m.,
returning, leave Dayton every
evening, exeept Sunday, on arrival
of the boat.
Best of accommodations for pas
sengers and fat time made. For
freight rates apply at dock or on
Everybody should patronize the
Toledo and thus sustain a daily
Joel P. Geeb, Owner.
J. W. Exon, Captain,
riherllT'i Nntlca nf Sale on Kienitlon,
In I lie County Court otthe Hlatu of (itioii,
tor hi m nuiiiy in l iiira Kinua.
Thomas Charnisit aud Krrd It. t'harman, do-
tun hiisliiess under the firm name of Thomas
Clisiniati ,1 Noti, I'lahilllts, versus I) i. Msuoiiu
aim '.iciiiii'tia 4. Aiagoiie nia wile, neluudaiita.
(Male of circipm, voiiiuy ol Clsckamaa, ss.
Notice Is hereby alvcn, Hint b1' virtue of au
eseciilliiii and order nf sale Issued mil of hn
euiiiilv court ol lh slate ol tuciton lor the
county id t lackanpi, hearing dale Him laili ijsy
ol .Itilv, IMU, in a siill wherein Thomas Char
tiisn slid Ci ed It Cliartuan. dolmi business under
(lie firm name ol I nomas Cluiriiiau A Hon, were
rlnltilllts.and l I). Mniioncaiitl Henrietta j. Ma
ll" 110 his wile Were ilcleiidnlils, commniolliui
me. lu Um name ol thustnle ol tlieaou, liiat out
ol (lie real ei,ite lierelmilter described, to real
Ilea sum sulllileut lossilstv the demands of
siild deer to It. AV.UU, and Hie lurilier sum
ol III Ifl itiats, toiteiber wllh liileriot on the
same since said decree Was entered at a per
cent pi.r annum, and also the eosla n( and a!
Ii'iidnu tills snle.
Now, literetore, In obedience to such decree,
I did, 011 the '.nili dav ot July, l'l, duly lei y
upon, and w 111. 011 Hnturdny, the .'Mb dny of Ail
ltul, hlM, al tho hour o( J 01 lock p. in, nf said
day, at the front dnor ut the court Ionise in said
cniiiuy, Kitct lor snle at puhlle auciloii, and sell
lo ihe li Ir 1iki aud hel bidder, lorcnsh m band,
all of Ihcrliiht, HHo and luicrcul the ssld d
leudaiils have In ami to the follow In described
real pioperiv, or any part ol It, to wit: lliaiii
ulna at the N K. corner ol (lie donation laud
claim of Waters Carman and wife. In township
t soiiih, range I east of W. M : llieuce runulu
aomh aloiia the east Hue id said donation laud
claim to Hie dlvUiou Hue dlv Idles said claim
between aters Carman ami wife; ihen.'o run.
uliiil west alone said division Hue in a point
Irom w hich a line riiuuiuif north and parallel
with the east Hue ot said d'Mislliiu laud claim
to the iiorili II. in uf said donsiloii Ian I claim
would Include ;al acres: llieiu e riiuiiiuK luoih
Iroin snld tHiliit and narallel wllh Hie .i :::n,
ol said doiialloii Isiul elslm to llie north line ol
said dnintlloii land i lslui. llnuu e ruiinluii en. I
aloim the north line of ssld donation laud
claim to (he place uf U'liiiilU, i omaliilua. l
AlsoCoiumeiieln at Ihe N. V. corner ol the
I'. H. Tomokiiia and wile l I. C, In township J
8 , rauses 1 aud 'J K ot V M : thence south v
ile. HO uilu . east .'.HI rhalus: lliruca east 11a ;t
chslliilo WHIsmelle river; Ibeiica alonii lb
mealiderlnas nfsald riverN.iMdrf W Kelialus
tlieuce N. '.M den w sTOclialus: thence N. ,
chains in the N, K corner id said claim ; thence
. alone the tmrth Hue of .si, I elslm M lUchalus
to In uliililliK, eolitsllllna I U l acres, vsceiulnii
Ihe lollon u(, v'Si ColllliielitdliK nil wealliallk
ol Willamette river lu the H. L, Col II. II.
Tompkins and wile Hi towiiahlp south, rai se
1 east of W M at the sonlh-esst inirner of (tin
Had of laud set or) to Kos'nr I Tompkins III
the srililoii of said l I. C between the heirs
ol 1). H. louipkltis in the cl n ull court ol the
slate ol tircton lor Multuomsh couiily.lo which
priN-eeitliiKs reference la hereby had : and run
iilni thence down stream at low waler mark
norih .'I dee- west ,t so I'bslns, iheuce wast ia so
chains to west line of said donsiloti laud claim .
llieuce soul 11 tdc M ml.'l. es.l fi.'Ocbalus,
thence east Ml mi cliailis to ln'liiuln, eoiitam
Ins r.'.Ui acres.
Also waeres off Ihe south half of (he Hen
W. Wslllus and wile II. U C. Ill said townships,
descrila-d as ihe so seres ol Hie a. , of ald II t.
C., tMiunded 011 tite soiiih by the south line of
said II b C , 011 Hie west by wcl Hue uf said
l 1. (' , ou the essl hv Hie W lllamette river,
and on the north by a Hue drawn p iraliel wllh
south boundary so Hisl His area embraced
wlllilu said Hues shall contain so acres, eseepl
Hif Irum Ibis tiact the followliiK Hcsluulni al
s) W corner ul II W WsllUm i c lu
township i. H K IK ol W l.:ibeneN a
d ( 4,1 niln. K aloni west iMiiindsry of 1 I, ('
VTOrlislns: thence K. parallel to si line of H I.
( .si laehalus lo a ixunt :l fctweatof ri V.
corner of a tract of latnl belons'lus: to Theodore
W issnl thence it 7 dee so mm H 4 iHehaliis;
tlieuce H .'I drs VV. 4. 'a, chains lo H leuuidsry
ot H 1..C: tlieuce west sloiis south boundary
of tl I. C. it u i-hallis to lesliililli(
I'bIihI this .'lib day ol July, im
Hherifi of Clackamas county, stale ot Orea-on.
by N. XI Mooiiv. Heputy 7-.-7 a-.'
MierltTs Notice of Sale on Kv ecu Hon,
In the circuit Court ot the Htate ol Oregon for
Ihe County ot Clackamas
Thomas Cbaruisii. plaintiff, vs. John Molsau,
Mtste uf Oregou, Ciuiuly uf Clackamas, as.
Notice Is berehy ilvsii, thai by virtue nf an
execution and order nt sale issued nut of the
circuit court id Hie state of Oretfitit tor the
county ol Clackamas, hearliisdate the 'JXd day
of July, list, Hi a sun wherein Thomas Char
man was plalutifi and John Moltau was defend
ant, conimandlua me, In the uatita nf the state
of Oregon, that out of Ihe real estate hereinafter
described, to realise a sum sulticient to satisfy
the demsuds of ssld decree, lo wit: IJIS isl. pv
nether with Interest on Ihe same since January
ih, hiM, at 10 per cent per annum, and the fur
ther sum of I.'.Visj attorney's fees, and the fur
llier sum of til 1', c.ls, Patethcr wllh Ihe costs
of aud altendltif Ibis sale.
Now, therefore. In olwdienceto such decree. I
did, duly levy upon, and will, on Halurday (be
r,lli day ot ItiKust, iwn, si the hour ot I o eba-k
P m i.( said ilay, at the front disir of the cmirt
bouse In said county, olfer tor sale at public
sni llnii, and sell to the hlghes slid heat bidder,
for cash lu band, all the right, title and interest
Ihe ssld defendant has lu and la the following
described real property, lo wit: The W. i, nf N
W. tj ul section fi. township 4 south of range 'J E.
of the Willamette meridian, situated III Clacka
mas county, Oregon
Hated this Hilt day of July, A. I) l-ui
Sheriff of Clackamas county, state ot Oregon
Meets every Friday night at the K. of f, hall
Visiting. Kill gills Iih lie.)
11. K llol.U a-. C. C.
TCAI.ITIN (UtANtiE. NO. Ill, P. of II,
Meets laa Halurday ol each mouth at their
hall In WHsnnvllle It. H. Ilrsav,
Miss IUiia Hiisar, Heo'y. Master.
Kegiilar meeting third Tuesday of each
month at 7 :) V M J. Ii Kkhnkn Prea.
II. 8. HrasNOK, Hec. 8, Nsriogn. F'rm.
NO, X I O. 0. V,
Meets the second aud fourth Monday In eacli
month at a o'clock p. in. lu I o O. K. Hall
Mits Mary Wii.ua msj, N. 0.
lilts. M. 0. ClIAIiMAN, Hen.
1SC0 inik'H of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and other towns
in the two states on the
1 Quick, accurate, cheap.
All tho satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no olTect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - - Oregon.1
Society Diroctory.
OHKilON CI'l'V lll)AI(l) OK THAHK.
Meets at (Vint House ou Nneoiid Monday In
each moniti, Vlsltms welcome.
C K, IHIN AI.HHilN, OKI), 0, rillOWNKI.I,
nemetary, I'resldeut,
(IAVKI, I.OIKIK, NO. M. A 0. 1'.
Meets seeiiud and toiirlh Hnluidny evetiluits at
Kuliilit't hall, Canliy, Vlililm brnlhers made
K t: Ctni.Tox, E C. V uiiioi a,
Reeoriler. Master Wnrkiuaii
J, K lll.lcv C. ('.; Thomas Nellson, K. ot It,
and H, .Meets ever Weilunsdav eyniiliur al a
unlock In Castle hall, 1, o, II. K, liulldlii.
Ilrulliers from other K. ot I', Indues Invlicd
OHWEOO l.lllMIK NO, lisi, A, K. A A. M,
Meets tho second and lotirlh Halurdi ys olench
mouth at 7 p. in All Mas,, us Hi ood slandliin
are Invited lo attend.
H, II, IUK, W, M, K, J, llpsskM., Meo'y,
ONWElH) 1.0IUIK NO, KH, , O. II, T.
Meets every Friday eveului lu the new hall III
Old Town
J. I), IUinkb, (', T, John Khi'sk, Hee'y.
Meets ihe second and (ourth Monday In llio
in, mill at J an I' M., In I. O, o. K, Hall,
M, 0, Chaiismn, m, M. Ciuan im.
wecrelary. N. (1,
t A. . or K. I. HAKKIU'AMI'. !4iKV
Meeia In K. I'. Hall ou the seeoud and fourth
Monday evviiliuts of each monili
Mas W. K JtlllNMUN, I'rast.
Miss Nohna 1'si.trr, Heo'y.
MlriTI.KToK I.OIK1K NO, Jo, II. oK II.
Meets every Tuesday eveulii'
Mshv Hit aroiin, c. of II. ruiaa Hvaa. Kuc,
Hl'MilMK I.OUllE, NO, la A, O. V. W ,
Meets every see laud fourth Maturday uleacli
inoulh al WTIsotivllle, Oreuoii.
M.C. Yot'Kii.M. W.
John Tri a, Iteeorder,
I'll IKON UlHHK NO, l:iA, A. O. I'. W.
Meets ever Thursday evening at Odd Kid lows
hail, Oswego, Visaing hrcih'au always web
wuiie. T. Mai Mil. I. ia,
Kaal Manx, Iteeorder M. W.
Mot. Al. I. A I.OIMIK No. 0, A ll. !. W.
Meets first and Ililrd Muturday In each month
al school house Vlsltiui memle-rs made wel
come T. r). erirr, M. W
J. W. Thomas, Km. '
KAI.lJt CITY lAilUiK or A , lT V, W. " "
Meets every HaturOay evening of each month
Hi A. O I' W hall 71 Ii hi. All sojourning
brelhrvu ootdlally III v lie. I in attend
T. K.tsAI I.T, M. W.
Uo Caurr, Iteeorder,
Kegiilar meeting second Weiluesdsy In each
month al engine house, essl side Mailt stieel,
between Hcveulh ami Eighth.
J. W.HtawAar, Hec. II HraAiUHT, K'rtu.
M. I. vjrixx, Koremsn.
MOI.Ald.A UHANOK.NO. 0, I'.ot II.
Meets at their hall Bt Wrlt-lil's llrldge on Ihe
sec nd halurday of each laontli al lu a, r.v
Kellow ticiiibers made weliiium.
Jas Nsi-soh, Mssier, '
X II Coorsa. Hec.
WAKNKIt (illANHK, No 117. V nf II.
Meet fourth Halurday of each month at their
ball III New bra. Ilavld Me Arthur. Master
Mrs. May W shlmu. Bee f
OK OltKiiON.
Meets first Monday of each month, at K. nf
P, Hull. Oregon city. Visiting comrades made
IAVIH McAKTIII'K, Commander.
Ma. Wiu.iAHs. Adjiilaul
UKN. CKooK I'OHT. No, H A. K , He art
meut or Oregon.
Meets In school house al Needy nu first Hal
urday In each month at t o'ebn-k p. ni. All
comrades made welcome IK Hll.UNoa,
11. TNimranM, Adjl. Cominander.
R. ) llaker Camp, No. K meets every first
ami ililrd Thursday evening ol each inoulh. at
K of f hall.
W'. K Johnson. Captain: B H. Ilelomy, Kepra.
sentsllve Mv r.iieamiiiuent: 0, O, Wood, ls(
l.leulrosol: Alonso Wlckbsni, id Lieutenant;
C. A llermau, 1st Mergeanl.
CLACKAMAS l.ulM.K. No. 07, A O. U W
Meets first and third Monday In each month.
at Ntralglit'B Hall Visiting brethern welcomo.
C. t. I'as.a
II "Li una.
M. W.
Meets first Krlday of sach month at
Koniiialn engine house, diss AT'lsv, I'res.
C. II 1'iu.ow, Heo'y. Ciiab iitbb. rm
Meets second Tuesday ol each month al Cat
aract Engine house, w II, lluwai L.l'res
II. II. liaaTow, Heo'y. 1. W O't oNhaLL, K'ru
Mrs, M. 8 Ulshury . . . president
Mrs. K. L. Cochrane, . . . Iressurer,
Mrs. J. H Harding, - Hecrelary.
Meets on first and third Tuesdays of each
month Hi K. of I'. Hall. Mrmhora of Corps
from abroad, cordially welcomed.
k (TomPa n yTkhiht h kill "m ENT.TiTnT ii.
Armiiry. Third aud Main, liegular drill night,
Monday. Kegiilar business meetings, first
Monday nf each moniti.
J. W. (isnoiig, ... Caalalti
K. S Kelly, - - Klrsl Lieutenant
'"Jb !!!'''""" Second Lieutenant
lirrTK CIIEKK (IRAN". K, No. ', I', nf .
Meets al their hall lu Marooam, second Sat
urday In each month at III a. m. Visiting;
members always welcome.
J. K Jack, j. k. white,
. Hecrelary Master.
Meets first and third Tiicsdaysof each mouth,
at Odd Kellowa Inill. Members and visiting
patriarchs, cordially Invited to attend
Scribe. Chlel I'atrlarch.
Meets Tuesday evening at A. I). I'. W. Hail. Vis.
iUUK memlicrs Invited. J, II. Howaiiii,
Ciias. Krt.LV, C.nf K.
CAN II Y LODllE NO, M , I. O. ti. T.
Meets first and third Saturday even loir nf
each mouth at Knlght'g hall. Canity, Vlslllng
memluirs always made welcome
Eixa KMoitr.fteo Uko, W, Knhiiit. W.C.
Wlllametle Kalis Camp No. 1H, meets 2d and
4th Tuesday nights Hi each mouth lu K, ol I.
hall. Visiting neighbors madu welcome.
E. K, Maktin, Clerk. E. M. Mack, CO,
08WEH0 (lltANUK NO. 175 P, of II.
Meets the second Hntiirdav nf each month at
10a.m. o. Eaton Master. J, Q. (Iaiik Heo'y.
Meets on the first Saturday In each month at
IU o'clock a, in. at the Damascus sehiiol house.
m .. 8 YOUNlt, Master.
T. H. Knatiikkk, Secretary.
Meets every Tuesday evening at their ball
corner Main and Tenth Streets, Oregon City.
N.C. NiciiKi.a.Sec'y. T. W. Sdllivam, Krel.
Holds Um regular communications on first
and third Saturdays nf each month at 7:110 . M,
brethren In good standing are Invited to attotid,
I,. I-. I'OK'i'EU, W, M,
T. K, K Y A N, riticrotary.
Clackamaa Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Keirular
Convocation third Monday of the month at 7:8-1
' ' J. II. WALKER, H. P.
M. Sctitil.ritrs, Seo'v.
""OKKflON LOIKIK, NirsTTatirK"
Meets every Thursday even.iig at 7 :!) o'clock
r. M. In tho Odd Kellows' Hall. Main si reel.
Members ol the Orderare Invited to attensl.
UEO. C. ELY, N. 0.
Tho, Ryan, Secretary.
ohweoo loikie, no ""vh',"i. o."6. if . "
Meits at Odd Kullow'a hall. Osweim o,.r
Monday evening. Visiting- brethren made
welcome. (J, II. NIXON. N. tl.
J, r. IttsLiY, 8eo.