Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1894)
i.N IIINTOIIM Al, I Ml I) KM', A Foniicr llclili iit of fhla City 4JI vr IiilcrcHihuf It tit I m I mim' it t Wlllliini I'!, I low ell, of AriK't'tcx, Willi WUH HIIKMIK lIll'KUKKlN lit m in jf rinl Tiii'H.liiy, in unit of Ihn oliltlniu nMl ili'iilK of ()roii inl wnll known to Urn oIiIit ill IIiIh cllv. Mr. Ilowiill li, Ni'mnllnit lu Hi On-uoiiluti, Inking tin Intrriml in llio Introduction of Hit licet nuKitr Industry on till I'lmnl. In llila tiimtilt I hi lit lnlrttii with llwirv Too iiiry, of tliii Hud) )ckIi (,'iniininy of fcwi Friuirlaro, mid a bvikIIcuIh of (lor limn nipllallntit neck Inn a propur ligation lofHiiililUh lout mi(iir fn. iury on tlio K'ortliwi'Nt count. It In iroxtl to nir i'Iihhu t li'imt 15,0KI nrti H of miiulilu Imul, if nut In mm block, t Inial within ntiliiiH of live mllra, mid llnn tu iik'K In tlio ruUinn of IhId aul tlitt tnmuiim Itiro of Niiuiir on n cxtfiiHl vn mulii. Mr. Ilowi'tl wnn mrmtiiry mul book ViH'r of tint 0. V. Mf(j. Co In IliU elty from I Hi ,7 to I M70. It wua durlnu tlmt xu Iih thai tliti fxcltliitf iiilltirul Mud i'iiin!Kn. wild 1.. I'", (irovcr nn tliu ili'in ocmlio t'limlidiitit fur governor, mid Jxl I'm k it Ha tin- ri'iiililic,iii atmidiiril In'iiriT, took pluiu. It wua liotly conixxti'il Htriifjli, fvciy ituli of ((muml Imnlly fulfill for, mrly Kiirit rniiiilnu lilh. "Tim i-unii'iiiifn," Mild Mr. Howell, " rami lo a i 'ifi ut Ort-uon Clly, with a rriililii'Mii ilcnioiii.triih.iii, with (iimrui L, WiHxUn t lut 1 r i iK-l mI ieuktr. Tlio imivitK luid I'ccn itimlii 011 1 lii'up lulxir, Mild Ht till" I'limilHJ inci'llllll (if llld mill lfll it Whk H ilt) proof Would lie oltWi'd to kIiow tliut (ifovi'r I old noiitilil to w ciiri' Cliini'M' lulmr for I. ut WilljtiicttH millM Hi Siilrtti. Tlii'io wa mi linioi'iim' crowd prrm'tit, mul, diifliiK hla C'c, li, (iovi'r lior WikmIh Hindi' tin ix'('li' rlmrui', miylng tlml (irovcr, whilx .lea4inu in (li'fi'iiito of wldtit Siilxir hud k'oii" to I'o't mid 1'ini'loyi'd loo Cliinunii'ti from tlio Wnli Ki' Coinpiiny, to work in thu Willutni'tlH mill', mid lie could prove bin Mliui'iit ly Iknuc nijd Uljh JacoliH mid hy W. K. I low ell. "I jumped up on my ct tonH'iik, when (iovcrnor Woodo fxcliiimcd tlmt lie Imd llio tloor mid would not yield to inn. (iovcrnor (irfver w intlinmidi I'lucmid nhonl. d: ' Yta, he enn Mk,' mul tlicti I told tliomt pri'M'iit tint tlie tdutvini'iit nindo by WikkU mid Ilia prri ti'iidiHl proof by tlio Jncolii wan fulae. It ruliunl Krfnt I'ouitiiotioii, mid noon km tliu nifvtitiu wm ovi'r, proiiiini'iit demo rmti runlii'd over to tlio Kntkhi-hidh olllce llnn run ly Tony NoltniT, and Ihv foio duylitflit iVMKI nit were Ih'Idu i iitlcri'd llirotiKli the country liy men on liorik'lnii'k coiitiiliilnii tint lii bluck limd liuoof 'Tlie Lie Nuil.d.' " (irovtr wax elccti-d, and tliu rult of tlmt intH'tinu in Ori'ttnn City timdii him I'liilcil Mntc wimtor ullcrwurdn. I lout my pUcf a ccictHry, and, aftir wrvini; an wrciinl-it urnm in tlio l'-(illiitiirt(, wont to Ciiliforuiii, w here I luive cinco iiuido my Imiiio. " lliinllnir l.rwIliHiillo Xuptliilx. At Ilia, m Friday, Aiii'ii-l loth, Miw Com U. Iliirdiiiu and Mr. A. .1. I.cwtli wuito wcio iiiuirit'd Ht St, I'kiiI'h church in thin city by Hov. T. L. Coin rector of Trinity 1 hutch, Portland. Tim chnn h hud been beautifully iloco rated for the ixriiMiiin, tlio altar Mux a Ikiwit ol white rueea and clematis. I'n doriioatli an arch from which waa im pended a Moral hoittt-ahoelhe happy cou ple took their pliicea after marching into the church to the etraln of a wodilimi linn ill pluyed by Mre. K. K. Williama. The bridr looked clmnninu in a rich Krey broiidcloth K'mii tiiinmed with cream laco with brown hat mid gloves lo mulch. The groom wore the conven tloiml bluck. After the perform it nee of the ImproHKivo F'.iiincopul i-eremonv the liiiuierotii friend present oirered hearty coiiitriituhitnma, after which they, .in company with the immediate relative, repaired to the reaidence of the brido'a parent, Mr. and Mra. II. J. Harding where an clenunt weddiim Jinner waa aerved. No carda were iaaued. The unlit evening Mr. and Mra. I-ewthwaite left for liearhart 1'aik to apend a fow (lava of their honeymoon. Tlio firemen are fcidinu much elated over the bright proajH-cta for the tourna ment und in 1 11 I mtM'tinx of the firemen. Tim Biibocriptiona aro alreiiily luru enoiilfli to iiiHtiro I ho aucceaa of the im derliikiiiK in a flmtnciiil wny und enable them to pay all pri.cH and expenaea in ciihIi, The reporta from outaiile towna are lo th i'llect tlmt there will be a Itoodly number of compuuiea hero to rompeto for the prizea. An attempt la heinit made to have the Corvallia and Lehiinou compiuiieH, between whom there ia already Htiong feeliiiKS on ac count of the content on the Fourth, moot here and onuiiR" in the huh and hub content touother. Kedticod fare hua been aecurtid on tho Southern I'ttcillc, which will alao return all upparutua free ofcliaruo. The llawkma-IIolt will cuai hna been on trial before Judire Iluyes for the liiat two days. Among the prominent attor neys from abroad engiiKed in this caae aro Hon. Clco. K. Cbamla'rlain, linn. C. M. Idlamiin, ami Hon. J. K. Weuthor- ford. John Gibson linn had prepared and iHHiied a quantity of neat time card folders for tho GladHlono cur for the convenience of tho public. A surprise party of little folks was jjivon to Hurry Mulr Thursday afternoon.. VMIIiitf U'mitliiieii. The Head and Hovereltin camp of Woodmen of the World aro In reaalmi tliia week at I'orilnnd and the local caiiipa tiiere ate apreudiui theiiifelvea to iiinke tliu vlait of the leleuiitea an enjoyable one. Itwitatlin wIhIi of the neighbors there to v ImI t Oregon City on Tuesday evening ami have tho (alia illuminated and Willamette Falls camp undertook lo eiileitalti them while licm. Tho vixiiing neluhbora who caiiio on tlm Shaver and theAllouii did not reach hero till half IhihI ulliil so tlmt it was liiMt 1 ly ten o'clock when the ten tlionxand candle H)wer search llyht was turned on the tumbling waters of tho Willamette as It plunges over the forty foot precipice Inlo the seet bing wutera below w hete the hriuhl light uiU't the spurkliug wulers made a brilliant scene which words can ill portray, ami when Hie red lire coin hilled with the search light canting a liul 0 over the waters 11 it elbtct was greutly Inlcnxllli'il, Alter the illumination the boats landed ut tiie Kighln Street th k whete the Neighbors wt re met by the loc.d ciiiiip ollicera ami membera and the Ore gon Clly band and otcorlt'd to Fulls Cltv park w here an adlraa of welcoire waa inadii by II. 8. Slrmigit and n-Hjioiiiled to by Head Consul F. A. Falkenlu r mid Sovereign CoiihiiI Coiuiniiinler J C llisit, alter which dalicing wasenj ved for a short tlmu. At lislf past eleven tlio ilaucing had In la slopped to bike tin l its back aa it was not ilexirabln to In' out very lain. All seemed toenjoy a pleuxunt time. Lust Friday the governor and other uieiiibers of tliu commixniijiicr appointed to siiMrvia tho building of the llxli lad der won) in the city selecting the iu '' it. They found a location along Moore's island which waa deemed suitable and tnu first of tho week under tho super viaiou of Mr. McCoy of Siileiti the Work ol blasting out the rock to make an easy grtiih was Itegun. It in thought that at an expense nl alout 1,0)0 a flxhway can bo tiudi' which will la lantiug and stilli cieiit. The governor was In town again on Wednexd.iy looking after the pro gress of tho work. .Miss Stella llacket, who has just re turned from a trip lo Mount IIimmI, re ports the snow much lower down the mountain aide than when she visited there two years ago, and says that then at thu same time of the year ahe found ripe huckleberries In abundance where this season ahe found only blossoms. This would indicate that lovers of the huckle berry must look for their favorite fruit this voir very late in the season, lower dot 11 the mountains or do without. On Tuesday morning a gsIlv number of tho members of tho Congregational chtiri hand Sunday school took I ho Altona at nine o'clock for Camp More)' where they enjoyed a delightful picnic till live in the evening when they returned by boat. Hoat riding, swinging, games and a picnic dinner served to uuko the day a delightful one, especially for the little folks. " You can't always just tell what your bent young man ia going to develop iu- 1 to," said the girl tu tliu blue jacket. "Now, 1 know a young in an, ami when 1 first met him 1 said to myself : 'At lastl Hero be 1st A real live wan without a fad.' And I was happy iu the thought that ho wouldn't talk foot hull or tboonophy to me. lint it didn't tako 1110 long to find out tny mistake. Of all tho fads I ever heard of that man 'a fad ia the very worst. "Ho does tricks with cards and can juggle things," continued the girl in the blue j.ickit, iu her eyes grew blight and her chocks pinkish. "At luncheons he fishes his handkerchief out of my id ufl and tin da hia gloves lu my jacket IKH'ket. If you hand him a glass of water, hu'll turu it tipsido down and ask you blandly why the water diHwu't run out. At liome ho makes lifo miserable for me, and when he gKs away I call in the girl ami have her sweep up tho rem nants of tho teacups that he breaks'. Ho balances parasols, guitars, vase in fact, everything that he can find ou the end of his nose. 1 can't do any thing with him. I am trying very bard to iiinke him angry so hu'll quit call ing, but be ia so nlwurdly good natured that I fear I shall never succeed." St. Louis Republic. Iluller mint Fslhvr Itjan. . When General Ilutler was in com Diatul at Now Orleans during tho rebel lion, ho wits informed that Father Kyati, priest ami poet, hud been exprenning rebellious sentiments and hud auid ho would oven refuse to hold funeral serv ices for adeud Yanki'o. General Cutler sent for him In haute and began round ly scolding lti in for expressing audi nn-Clirintinn and rebellious sentiments. "General," the wily priest answered, "you have been misinformed. I wonld be pleased to conduct funeral services for all tho Yankee nflicar and umu a New Prk'uus.'V. J. The Troy Men 111 Lu 11 11 dry Have built up a good trade in Oregon City on tho merits of their work w hich is giving general satisfaction. Give them a trial. They pay express charges both ways and give you Portland prices. 0KK1CK at F. A. Wnddocks, I'. 0. Iltilbllng. Laundrv loft at tho olllce on Tuesday will he returned on Saturday. Taken I'p At mv place three miles below Oregon City on tho Willamette river, one black pony, white star on i-ireheud, branded "M. C." on left hip. Owner is asked to pay expenses and take the horse, J. S. Rihlkv. SPECIAL WS TO HOMESeSKERS. For the next 60 Days $5 down and $5 per month without interest will secure one of thoso beautiful lots in -), No Reservation and soe mo. An Artunulan Ltfcnd. Ararat, ono of tho most innjestlo mountains tu tho world, risen 17,000 fm't above tho vast flat plain which bears its nituiu and reigns over the sur rounding mountains. Karly in tho illum ing, while all the valleys of Ararat and the neighboring mountains are buried lu shadow, the white top of the Scrip tural mountain lcauis beautiful In tho first bciiius of the sun. Tho Armenian eop!o toll this story about thu luhubituuts of I'liarbco: Once tho devil ami a 1'liiirln o nuin laid a wager lis to which should first ice the sun. Tho one who saw it first waa to Inn tho other's ears. "Vury well," said tint Armenian, and ho l;iy down and slept sweetly, whilo tho dev il, itching to puiiixh his enemy, sUsm looking eastward, and with eager eyes watched tliu whole night for the sunrise. Karly iutlie morning, tho I'barbee man rose, and pointing to the top of Ararat, which was already shining in tho sun, cried Joyfully, "I too it!" The devil was vanquished. The I'hartwa man, with bis strung hand, boxed the devil's curs. Ever since that time, the devil has been afraid of tho people of tho Ar menian villago of l'hiirbeo. Woman' Journal CuvrM Water How many pcoplo know that out by the Grocuotigh statue of Washington, east of the cnpitol, ia vast and cav ernous reservoir? Nut one in a thou sand, but thero it is, down In the bow els of tho earth, and covered de p bo ueatb the smooth surface of asphultnui. Away back in Ihothirtii-s congnsa pur chased a spring over east of the present site of Howard university. It ia now at the bottom of tho unused distribut ing reservoir. From it pipe were laid to the capitul, and in a pond east of tho building the water Mowed and was held for the use of the early Bolons of the hill. In 1876 tho reservoir was arched ovst and covert In, but thero it is, and If congress baa bcou neglectful of the rity'a interests as to a water supply, tha rsasou is not hard to find. Congress has its own private tup. Tiju-s ruu into the capitul, furnishing the boilers, cool era aud water for cleaning purisatea. There is an overflow pipe that runs into the pretty little grotto below the senate wing at one sido of the main sidewalk and tinkles over the moesy bank in a miniature caiw udtt. Washington l'uat. Dfth of a Solid Man, lriNCY, Mass., Aug. 1 . lohn Qtl'ncy Adams died at Mount Wolliston this morning. Victor -: Bicycles LEAD THE WOULD Cash or Installment. Largest stock of solid and cushion tiro wheels on the coast from if 10 to $30. Give us a call before buying, OVERMAN WHEEL CO., 331 AVathington St., Portland, Or. Don't Buck Wood. It is hard work to cut wood in the old fashioned way. You will do much better to get the RELIABLE STEAM SAW Operated by Elliott & Harrington, Who will do you a pood job with neatness and dispa ch at hard times prices. Drop a card to E. P. Elliott at Oregon City, or J. N. Harrington at Ely, and tho saw will call and do your work. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns s Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small niachines jiMinilly niale. Duplicate keys to any lork nmimfncturetl. Shop on Wain Htrect, next to NoblUt's Stables. B O L T O N -K- -First comn, first choicr. For further particular, call W. H. BURGHARDT. tS. MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF 3Dr-xin - Tile. BRICK & LUMBER. Tiling ia of tin. bei-t jual ity and hoM at prices to SUIT THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of IIuMinrd, Oregon. johna'beok, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. L'"0, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STIIX ON KAHTH. For fzcneral repairing he stands without a jieer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! Cooke's Stables, i W. H. COOKE, Manager, Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Riics of any description furnished on short notice. FOR- AE S 0 LOTELY PURE DfUGS 00 TO G A. HARDING. none bi;t OOMPITENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Flue PerrcmsrlES aid Toilet Articles. Aim full itnnk of !pa.iitts- oils etc. NOVELTY Candy -: Factory NOW OPEN. Manufacturer of High Grade French and Home Made Candies, Ice Cream and Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables Supplied with Ice Cream in any quantity; rates reasonable. Try Our Ice Cream Soda. Tropical Fruits and Nut Main Street, opp. Commercial bank II. S. Cram, Manager. Oregon City Dye Works DYEING, Cleaning and Repairing n.Ai u.i- r 1 f. m. Ladies' Work a Specialty Shawls, Clnaki and Dresses Riven as good au appearance aa new. Feathers, Gloves, Etc. Cleaued, and given any shade desired. First Class Work. Lowest Rates WILSON, WELSH & CO., Foot of Fifth St., Oregon City, Or. THE BON TON. Main Street, near Fifth. A strictly first class resort conduct ed under American principles. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. 1 All the Best Brands of Cigars. EAST AND SOUTH TJIESHlkSTAllOUTE OUIHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Kxpress Trains leave Portland Daily. Hou.h I I to.rlh. If, r. M. l.f poriUiel Ar 7 K. r. . I l.r OroKi.iil-liy I.r 10: f. Ar S Frawltpo I.t S jOa.m 7:1' a.m. 7 W r MSIN'O CAHS OS OODKN I'.OfTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers, Second-Class Sleeping Cars AUirlic'I to nil through I mini llOHKlll'KU MAIL Is!!- I Jli.l. I i. :iia.s. Lt o:Vip. u. 1 Ar F,rtlsir,l Ar Ir : T. a l.r .Vara !.r ; 7 : . M Ormtniil itr I. K"Hfi,iirir I. Weal Hide Dm1n. BETWEEN POKTLAKD A.VIJ C0UVALLI8. Mall Train. I)allr (Execpt Sundar.) 7 Mi.u. 12-1.1 r. n. Lt Ar furtUuii Ar Corrall ia Lr 1 i) n At Albany and r'orvulllf connect with trains ol Oregon and i'aciAc ltailroad. Expreaa Train Iall (Except Sunday) Or. M. I Portland Ar McMinnvllle Lr 7:r. .K.I Ar Uu'lOA.H THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POIKT8 IX THE EASTERN STATES. CANADA ASD EUROPE Can be obtained at Invert rates from L B Moore. Agent. Oregon City. B.KOEHLEK, Manaxer. 1. P. ROGERS, Ai I G. F. and Pass. Ageut P 11b I TlirmiiTrh 1 111 U Ull 1 Tickets TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL Eastern Cities. 1DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO UnTlTjHthe Quioket to Chicago pUUrp and the East. Hour? Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN & TOURIST SLEEP- ErvS, FREE RECLINING Chair Cars, Dining Cars. For rates and general informa tion call on or address, W. II. IIURLBURT, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt., 254 Washington St., cor. Third, Portland. Or. -TIIE- I Oregon Pacific Railroad CIIAS. CLARK, Receiver. A11VVV AV I(U1VI VA t JV I V . Low freight rate between Wil lamctto Valley points and San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. Steamship " HOMER." This Company reserves the right to change sailing date with out notice. For freight and passenger rates apply to any agent. CIIAS CLARK, Receiver. Cha8. J. Hendrys, Son & Co., Nos. 2, 8, Market St., S. F. Kdtnbliihed 163. C.I. PIONEER Traill1 and h$n$$ Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. mmm BROWN The photographer Is prepared to make photographs of all kinds promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Ilahies' and Children's Pictures a Hjiecialty. Call and examine his work At the Old NewYork Gallery Second door north of Harding's Drug Store, Oregon City. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATE l I1ETVEE.V THE BKIDttE AKO , DEPOT. Douhle and Sintrle Riirs. and sad- Idle hordes always on hand at the ! lowest prices. A corrall connected with the ham for loose stock. ; Information renr-Iitiif any kiri'i or j stork promptly atterxled to by person of ; letter. horses Doueht and Sold. I All kinds of Truck ami Delivery Bisi ; ness promptly attenile'l to. Hordes floanleJ anil Fed on reason ' a'j'e terms. "Woman's Friend 1 So '" rsfu " l"litzhtful have bee ! t)ip of "Moore's Itevealwl Bern Bcm- edy" niion the delicaie ai.nieiiiH ot womankind, that Miis wonilerdil reme dv lias been called " Woruau'sFiiend." Moore's Revealed Remedy In a few Jones shows woinankiud its KM'uliar virtiieB (or their ailinentti. Itg effect are ei-ntle, swjthini! and uniforrn- ly successful. Hundreds ol testimonials iroin i:ines ail over the coist bar wi;neK to iti iic ces9. fJJT-dold by all dr'.icc!:. SIXTH YKAR. ELECTRIC POWER is the advocate of the use of elec tricity as a means of domestic lighting, cooking and heating; for commercial and domestic power purposes, for. street cars, mining, canal boats and the running of all kinds of machinery, both light and heavy. The probability is that 1894 "will produce Wonderful Achievements in the field of electricity, and evury intelligent person should Read Electric Power, and keep posted; Subscription $2 a year. Every subscriber is entitled to a special discount on books pur chased. Address, ELECTRIC rOWER, 30 Cortlandt St., New York City. If you are interestedm q Advertising you ought to be a sub j scriber ot Printers' Ink: 4 p a journal for advertisers, p Printers' Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helnful sinrsestions t rc from the brightest minds ? in the advertising busi- f ness. Printers' Ink L costs only two dollars a t year. A sample copy will f be sent on receipt of five j cents. t APDRKSS P PRINTERS' INK, p lO Sprue St., - fiaui York JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARsTxt'ERIENCE IX Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. a 'UtKll! 1 i f J I ,Mjtr Bn! f I 31---:- i-is