Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1894)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. FRIDAY, AUUC.Vr 17. Ihiil. ;.-. ...... - :, ClnckMmna Co. Directory. OOHNTV OKKII'KKH. .III. I I'lSIt, .irii (( (liirilmi K. Hay. . K. Iliirtiiii K, C. MnltiH'k M. M llnii'.l.y M I,. M.n.rt J, !, llmillr-y II. M IIIIi.oii II. W Kliumltil II. I.. II..CI, I 1; lr-tit r1 Hi'uit 1 Kmnk JiiKiiar J). .irk of Cnlirta, hihihit, 'Iranmirtir. - iliiuil NiiinrliiliHiilnut, Hurtxyiir. Ciiriiuvr. C juiuitnluiiiir, To Meet tint iliiit'ti. Tim MiiliHcrlptiott irli' (or tint Kntkic fiimK IimhIh'hii rcilm i'il to f l.rVl iht year; i rt'iil fornix iiiiiiiiIih. CiimIi In All ium. Hiilm'rliirn piiylliK nt tin! imiiI of in yi'iir will not 1m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to tli im rn iliirlion. Tim low print U inaile to iM tint IIhI on ntHli IimnU ninl hi'lni'it nil milmrrllM'iii to pity up, nml tmpuciully to pri'Vi'iil iIimiiI hi' win (rum lukiiiK tint pupiT nml nut pHyinn for It dy ri-iiwm of llii'ir Im'Imk Inw proof, td'iliii'ml jirlco will only coiiiiui-tlrii with (lulu of rif'H'Wul, I'liia til ilktH tint r.NrKMI'flriK tint ('lirilf cat piipir In ('lurk Minim county ilulit Iiiikch ull liniiiit print Mini full of live IlH-ttl. llttWM CMAT'aUOUT TOWN. I wntit a (cw ttiMxl Urm luitna. V. II, III III.IIAIIIIT. Knichk's IIkaimi iik Cai' War rniiti'i). Horn to tint wifu of V. A. Imitliy on AiiKiiitt K'lli, a iluiiKlititr. Now In tint limn to nut otm of tliow cliolrn loin In llolton, T'Tinti urn cany. TiiWMlitf Imlilnn ami fitvnrUli rliililrcn liwil Sltliiiiiiia Hoolllii ' 1'owiluni. Try thii in. If your watch or clock niwd repairing Ukt) llu'in to llnritii'luliT A Ainlrcwii, Tliity jtnuruiiliMi all tlit'lr work. Tlirro In not on the lnarktit any prop erty no llrm tivit nil lioltun that uliVrt mii'h liiiltii-oini'iitii to piirclmHcr. Wo rarry (lie In-nt lino of roiifwtloiv pry, fruit aiul ntita in tli rlty, K. K. William, Tint Urotur, 1 ou will noon wInIi to ri'paKr your liuiiwt ur nMvernl of lint rooum. H I.. Iliilinnn Ii4a jimt put In a firm aitHortini'iit of in w itlyli'it. For tint curriM't tluin, a clone nliavn, ninl a lowol wild cvory nhavo with no smell ot llio MoiiK'ilUn about it, rail at Farunworth'ii hliup. Iluttiirirk H-iiai:ti Fitnhlun Plato for Svti'iotx'r can bo hal fruit for the ak liilt at Huntley' Hook storo. A n-ipiimt on a poittnl card will a I no bring it. Dm llii key A llirkiy will lie Intra Friday anil Naturday of each it at Itooui It, KliH'tilu hotel. Home olllce 117 aud IIH. IMcnm block, Portland. II. ('. Hlevttna Iiiii completed rrpalr lug the damage wrought by the flumes in hia small Imildinu near the corner of Main and Kixlli atreuta ami they are attain occupied. Neat ranis are out announcing that Mim lIul tin, daughter ut Mr. anil Mr. J V. Hoot will Im marriiil on U'odnea day the l':'J of AuKUnt at the home of her parunta at Clackamiu to Mr. Horace 0. Knox. Iluriiii'lMicr A Andrcavn carry in adx'k the laryttitt line of Uoiptr'a alivorwarein the county uihracinf( apoom, fork, knive, U' Mit. berry dlnlu, butter diitluia, plckul ilinlit'H, cake haitketa and caiitont. TllKKK AKK I.ITKKAI.LV TIIOI'IANII Or I'XOCI.K W HO AM LOOK ISO T3WAHI) OhK- 4ioN City ah a rtiTi'Ha iiomk MTONI, IT (IHKAT NOHTIIKHN il llLKII, Of- rms Tiia iikht iniiucrmknt to i.nvkht- 0111. IAKIK 01 T rilH NKXT WKKK. Pontura wttre notion out at thin ollhe the pant week antnmni'lnn a Krand hall at Nft'ily on tint evening of the -'ilh of tli in inniith with ((. (I mimic mid free ad minnioii. The oi'raniiiii ! llm dodication of the lii'wr liupvrial luill. A irood tiiiio liexMct(il. Notice I Imrvby kIvcmi that nil owner of don inunt pay licenno for them he fore N'ptemlMir Int, 1HII4, a the ordi iiunce will lie strictly enforced after that dutu Ityonlnrof C. K. IH hnh, Chief of Police. Oreipin City. Or., Au. 1(1. It The flrnt of tho week a Albert Schmidli whh at work at the foot of the flume which liriiiK the wood down from thenawintr ronin whom it ia prepared for the chipper in theaulphiie mill ho hud tho miHfortune to tfet hurt with a heavy -stick and had two rib broken. A new hop honne ahowa up on J. 8, Hialoy's fine farm below town which la now nearly Incloned. When completed it will to a hiiildini that would do credit to any hop miner. Mr. Rinley la one of tliCHH fanner who never half doe by haivos thing. IIorHeHhoeinK i a trade nt picked up by every worker In h on it has become, a Rcience. Try a professional ahoor and see how much hotter the ahoita will stay on your homo, aluo how much bettor lie will travol. See Mnplo & Ray, oppoidto Pope's hardware Htore. Gen trul blucksinithing dono, Tho IriHurnnce company In which Herman Sulow had placed hi rik ad jiinted the long the other day by agreeing to pay him about $180. lie was insured for L'OO. Tlio money would havo beon paid when the adjuster were here but the policy wu mlflriinK nml it was sup PohuiI to have beon burned. SuIho quently It wa diHcoverod, and Mr. Sulow now exHicts to rocoivo his money in a fow days. COUNTY BUSINESS. U'Ml io(Ki:r KMuiu;s TDK The (iniiily Itmiiln Old and New Niiiiiii (iiinil Klri Kllln ( luliiin for I hi in iik I'; The report of the vltiwiir on the Live nay road read and approved and road ordered ojietieil. J'!xM'ih account of :'ll.20 allowed. I(eiort of viowor on the Inland road read and approved. Motion of (ieo. Huiulull to et anldii the report of the viewer overruled ami hi claim for ilum Me Not anldii. C. ('. !bciH'k, J. N. Harrington ami J. K. tiraliiuu apoiiiti to annenN ln iihiuhm on the claim of McDoiihIiI and (lurduer to inert ut renl delicn of claliuniil of ilauinuc at ID a. in. on the 2,'ld of AiikiimI, Fxpeime ac count of fill HO allowed, Itelalive lo the renurvey of tint Fonter and Milwaukee road it wan ordnrvd that all proceeding heretofore hud in the matter jut iJIninlNned. I'jion the applii'utloli ol Win. lire chid et l for a county road, I). W. Kin liulrd wu apHdiited to nurvey the nutiie w lib Jaciih Mundorir, J. F. Kocliler and Patrick Iteynolil a viewer to meet at the renldeiice of Frnd llolxinan on Kut urday, AiikiikI 'J,') at 10 a. in. PrMHiiiion of J, II. Daly to improve tho rahbace road nenr MackMburg luid over till the April terui of 1811,1, ProHmilion for the improvement of the llradley A Kichey nj I denied for the rennon that the court i In doubt a to I ho me being a valid road. Application of K. 1). Itanuby for re lief for Mr. MfCaiin who lont a home at the lower Molulla bridge denied and di iiiIkihiiI. Petition of Win. Muxeniro et al (or the apHiintmcnt of viowor for a county road denied for the reason that the jx-tition doe not comply with the law. Petition of Frank A liner t for a county road Knuib'd and D. W. Klnnuird ap pointed surveyor with Henry Wilnon, Win. Howlutt and Henry (iitten a viewer lo inwt at place of l'iliiiiiii( Anoint at 10 o'clock a. m. Application of A. J. Voder for a new approach to the bridge aero lloi k creek on the Marion Suumon road granted nd cleik directed to advertine lor bids for tho same to he opened at 2 o'clock p. mi. Sept. mil. Petition of F. Itath et al f ir a county road Krantcd and P. W. Kinnalrd an ointed surveyor with Henry Wllboru, Win. Howlett ami Henry (iittens as viewer lo meet at the place of bnrinniiiK Tuenday, Aiiunt LM at 10 a. in. The Mt(ition of Uriah Paine for the vacation of a part of the Murray road being detective the matter wa dis inlniied. Proponilion ol J. Ilarlier for the Im provement of the (. 8. Murray road laid over till the April. IS!!.') term. Itelalive to the care and keeping ol Win. While it w ordered that an appro priation of $10 per month be allowed to date from July 20th to be drawn by K. Covey and that the sum of $3.35 lie drawn for July. The report of 8iiervlsor Cooke upon the improve-nent to the rosd from Faglo Creek to the German burn was approved and the expenne account of $40 ordered paid. j Petition of W. K. Johnnon for a hndne aero the Molulla river luid over till the Kcpleiiilior term. The report of A. W. Cooke, super- vlnor of rod dinlrict No, 1 showing ex penditure, for $10.2.'), mnteriul $71.87 and supervision $ l.r, approved. Kcportof W. JI. Smith, tuporvinorof road diHtrict No. 2 nhowinn exHinditures of $202 44 for lubor, $0:15.70 for material and $27 (or siiHrviion approved Heport of (iito. W. I'ronner supemsor of road district No. 4 showing expendi tures, for lubor $174 .07, material $07 .80, siiKrvision $20, approved. Heport of Ktiporvisor Cooke relative to the improvement of the Hock Creek and linker Ferry bridge Mad approvod and expense account of $:i;i3.53 allowed. The ex inline amount of $158 15 in currwl in the improvement of tho Faualda Mill and Baker Ferry bridge road at Uriinm's bluff ordered puid out of the rtpprnpHnlion hfretnfote inudo for that pUrH)HH. Heport of SiiH!rvisor Cooke upon tho Improvement of the F.ugle Creek road approved and the cost of same, $712.50 ordered puid out of the appropriation heretofore set apart (or that purpose. Heport of Supervisor Cooke relative to the Improvement of the Longcoy and Ambler road approved and the expense account of $281, ordered paid out of the appropriation heretofore mudo for that purpose. Proposition of J. M. Strowbridge for the improvoment of the Salmon road luid ovor till the April terlh 1805. A reward of $50 each was ordered for the capture and return of each of the three escaped prisoners, Al. Names, Mort Edwards and Mort Green, Report of Supervisor Cooke relative to the completion of the approaches to the Rock Crook bridgo approved and tho expense, account of $253.20 ordered paid out of tho general county fund. Claim of Aniens for dumsgo to team on account of dofoctive bridge considers and the sum of $20 allowed. Report of Wm. Barlow upon the Im provement of county road approved and x'ii0 account of $151 ordered paid. Application of Mr. L. I', Clurk for asHlHlaucii In inulnluiiilng herself and family allowed and a wairunt for $7 pel month ordered drawn In her favor be ginning the first of August. Itelalive to the collection of delin ipielit mortgage, luxe it wus ordered that Deputy jinlrict Prosecuting Porter pro ceed to collect the same forthwith. Tin) cluim of ,uy (iieen for road work was luid over till tho HepUmiber term of court when he and tho supervisor will hit cited to appeur. Report ot W. K. Carll as county phys ician approved and a warrant ordered IshuiiiI in his favor (or the sum of $250 for services during the pant year. Jiiil of Robert I.. KuhmoII lo supply the court house with wood at $1.70 per cord acccpu-d. Dr. 1), L. I 'a I mi was apolnU)d county phyniclan for the coming year his hid having Ih rn the lowest received. Application of II. U. Kiminull for por tion of the fund to be expended upon the Walker mill road referred to Super visor Hinith. Relative to the bridgo work needed In district No. 2 Hupcrvlsor Kmith was or dered to procure the necensary maU-rlal and have bridge across the Aberiielhy at Jones mill rebuilt. Application of K. Unison for a tax re bate denied. To correct error made by the sheriff in account of sale of p'operty at tax sale the treasurer wus directed to transfer tothegeuurul fund the sum of $1.32 from the fund of school diHtrict No. 3. Application of Jay Peach for refund of poll tax granted a he is not a resi dent of Clack ama county. Petition of I. M. Miller for a county road grunted and I). Wl Kinnalrd ap M)i;iteil surveyor with Geo. Killin, Jos eidi Johnson and Jus. C. Miller as view ers to meet at the place of beginning Aug. 28th. Application of Martin Muesig to run a ferry at lloones Ferry granted. Report of Commissioner Scott relative to the Sandy bridge on tho Derrick road approved and he directed to confer ith the Portland Water Commission relative to the building of an abutment above said bridge. Heport of Suiierviaor Jaguar relative to the improvement of the Mulino and Mcadowbrook road approved and Super visor Smith directed to make the Im provements as recommended in said report. Application of C. C. Oghen (or the purchase of the lien buhl by Clackamas county to tho of the aw1 and w,l of se1' of sec 11, t 0 s. r 2 e, 100 acres laid over till the September term. Ordered that $12 per month be appro priated for the care and keeping of J. Itonahaynen county charge to date Iroin the first ol August, the wariant (or the same to be drawn in (avor of Mrs. Mary Hurt. Cleik directed to Instruct justices of the in-nee relative to the form of report required of them in reporting coses. I' pon complaint of citizens that one J. T. Hertsche was notifying them that tax claims purchased of the county in 1803 were bought in 18t2 the clerk waa di rected lo notify him to desist. Heport of clerk, sheriff and recorder upon the collection of fees (or July ap proved. Warrant ordered drawn In favor of Mrs. W. M. Rvans of Oswego tj assist in uport of Mr. Gtass who is sick and without funds. Mileage and per diem allowed com missioners as follows: R. Scott, 4 days including eqtra and mileage $18 80. Frank Juggar Including extra $14.00. The following bills were considered: C W Gaining, sheriff $208 00 Glass A Smyth, pauper account . 9 25 Portland Hospitul 65 14 Jus Hlntoiil, copying 3 00 Judson Howell, clerks account.. 18 00 Electric hotel 1 50 Pope A Co., supplies 22 38 Story Bros., A Co., jail acct.... 12 00 Chas Long, ct bouse ex 1 25 Frank Ncldon " 1 50 L L Porter 10 00 C II Dye 6 00 J W Rennett, witness 2 50 J II Butdoiff, " 1 70 Wilson A Cooke, road acct 11 00 II II Johnson, surveying 4 50 Geo Zinr.erling, ct. house 2 50 W A Huntley, stationery 38 (10 Courier, dul tax list 000 45 E C Maddock, sheriff 77 00 Milliard Hyatt, sheriff acct .... 13 50 W J Davis, sheriff acct 2 00 E T Fields, " " 3 00 C W Noblett, " " 0 00 EC Maddock, jail ex 140 06 Entkri'hisk, stationery 128 00 Barlow Will Co., road acct 2 15 C H Dye, col del tax II Straight, ct house ex 6 70 P Harris, pauper acct 12 00 J C Bradley, assessor 284 00 II M Wetherell, dep cty treas,. . 50 00 Jury ex, circuit ct. claimed $312 allowed 25 00 State vs Mort Edwards 18 40 " ' Green 22 15 ' ' " Wm Ghiicot, et al 17 10 " " " J L Ball 40 25 " " " Chas Reynolds.. 41 35 " " John Doe and Richard Hoe 5 35 Hard times Prices. S. F. Scripture has reduced the price a home shoeing to $1.50 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many years experience insure flrstclnsB work. Wedding Mis. Married, al the renidenen of the bride' mot tier, Mix Mary Willi iiu J. Wilnon. both ol this city and W. Rev. G. W. (illioncy nlllclKliiig. After the ceremony and congratula tions hnd ben completed, all were in vited to the home prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson where a most bountiful re past wu nerved to all invited guest after which all were invited into Hie spa cious parlor w here an hour was sent In social converne and merriment. Many valuable preMi-ntn were presented, and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wilnon a long and happy life, returned, feeling the even ing' entertainment hud been complete. Invited guent were, Hey. G. W. Glbo ney and wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rob erts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Misatnore, Mr. and Mm. G C. Watnon, Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, Mr. and Mr. D. F. May, Mrs. Robert Potter, Mrs. Singer, MUs Surah Koliort. Gritce Ro(erts, Gertrude Shaw, Mr. J. Moffat Slid K. Roberts. tallies Before going to the count you should call at the Bower of Bouuty Mannnge parlors, room 7, Electric hotel and ex amine the fine lot of toilet good, alno electric steamer for salve at reasonable prices. No family can afford to be with out one of these valuable articles. Your phyniciun indornes them. All hospitul and sanitarians use them. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II. Stanton's Femuline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to you, and will cont you only $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial b"x, tree, who will send me the names and addrewes of ten ladies who are in delicate health. Airenfn wanted everywhere. Write (or (ull par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western deiot, Houlton, Ore gon. Jlome-inaile lreail is recognized as tho very best at all times andthecus toruors of J. Egle the Shively building baker asnert that (hey can not tell the difference between bis bread and that made at home unless it be that his is ion! a little the U tter. But don't tell your wife that . Photograph Tent for Hale. A good lent with dark room. Would lie excellent for camping Will be sold very cheap. Call at once. E. N. Will, St. It Oregon City, Or. Hop Tickets. 250teckets $1.00:500 (or $1.35: 1000 for $2 .00 Send to the Oregon City Es-tkm-kisk for hop tickets. Printed on tough check witli growers name on. Orders promptly filled and sent post paid to any point. The old veteran, Captain Bundy, has his new boat house all fitted up in run ing order and is now prepared to furnish at all times the finest line of pleasure boats to tie found in the state. Prices reasonable and the best of treatment ac corded all patrons. Foot of 11th street. Screen Doors. Flies have already made their appearance and to most effectually protect yourself againBt these, yon shonld fit your honse with strong screen doors which the Oregon City Sash A Door Factory makes. Cheap. tf Did you know that your old hat and seedy cloths can be made to look as good as new by the Oregon City Dye works? You can save one-half the price of a new suit by renovating your old. Sntlce to Taxpayers. The County Board of Equalization will meet at the office of the county assessor at the court house in Oregon City, Clack amas county. Or., Monday August 27, 1804, and continue in session from day t" day foi one week . J. C. Bkadlky. County Assessor Oregon City, Or., August 1, 1804. jinn Medicine and llUU Electricity. American Remedy Co., 134 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, OR., Will treat all people until cured for FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH- SPECIALTIES Eye, Ear, Catarrh and Chronic Diseases, Throat& Lungs. DISEASES OF WOMEN Nervous, Rheumatism, Blood Diseases, Skin Diseases. Skillful Physicians anil Surgeons In Charge. Treatment in office or at home by correspondence. Write if you can not call. Hours: 9 to 4:30; 7 to 8:30 p. m. Sundoy, 9 to 12. PORTLAND ACADEMY Kivrii t i:it. Mill open Neitipniber 91, For rslnloitur, adtlreNN PORTLAND ACADEMY, iqi KleventCi Street. 115. Farmers 202, 204. 206, 208, First street. Portland, ...Extra Special 8- 4 P.lfached Shorting, . , 9- 4 IMchcIkmI fiheetbiK,. . 10- 4 Bleached Sheeting,. 4-4 Bleached Muslin,... ..1.5c. yd ,.iqc.yd ..18c. yd . . . oc. yd 4-4 Extra Heavy Bleached Muslin 7c. yd 7-foot Shades with patent spring roller compl't, 2 c.each 7-foot fancy-hordered shades with patent roller com plete, 3,'jc. each 10-4 gray or white double blankets, 1.00 pr 10-4 brown or white, extra heavy, d'ble blankets, f 1.25 pr Best Indigo Prints, 5cyd Amonkeag Apron check ging hams, 5c. yd Write for prices on Calicos, Ging hams, Shirting, Flannels, Sheetings, Muslins, Crash, Towels and Table Linens. Write for Prices on Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Comforts, Blankets, Bed Spreads and House Furni hing Goods. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. We will furnish samples of any thing in the piece goods line from gingham up. -THE LEADING Dry Goods, Glothing BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Prager Brothers, Proprietors. Mention this Paper when Ordering Goods or Samples. DK. E. (M3ROWX, EVE AND EAR SURGEON Glutei Fitted nd rurnlahed. 169 Fint Street, Portland. Oregon VANTA. HAT! i i . We sell as low as we can lower than ever before. We have too many. We are after Gash. GLASS & SMYTH, Corner Fifth and Main St., Oregon City, Oj. Wen Bakin&PoiVder A Home. Production, d irnrnteed the PURKST. the STKONGKST, the BHST. Hrery grocer has positive instructions to return money if not utisfactory. if your grocer don' keep ft, write to CLOSSET A DEVERS, Portland, Or. 5 T7K1 t f A, Icbiics m. 6 and 8 Taylor Street. Oregon. August Sale... Ladies Fat Black Hose, pr. pair 5c Ladies Fast Black Hose extra heavy, pr. pair, 10c Ladies Fast Black Seamless Hose, pr. pair, Children's FastBlack Kibbed Hose, all sizes, pr. pair, Gents' Fast Black Hose, per pair Men's Seamless Cotton Hose heavy, pr. pair, ,.16e 5o 6c Cc Ladies Jersey Ribbed Sleeve less Vests, Each 8c Ladies Jersey Ribbed Bal briggan Vests, long sleeves, Each 25c SOLE AGENTS. We are the sole- agents for the celebrated "W. B." corsets. We carry all grades from 11 to $3 per pair. CORSETS The "W. B." Style 410 is The Best 1.00 Corset in the World. Black and Drab, Long Waist; sizes 18 to 30. Highest Award and Gold Medal at the World's Fair, Chicago. We will mail you a pair on receipt of II and 13c. extra for postage. Marvel corset, drab only, size 18 to 30, per pair,. 50c When ordering corsets always send 12c. extra for postage. LADIES' BLOUSE WAISTS. We are selling our $1.25 percale waists, sizes 32 to 38, at 50c. each, to close. DEALERS IX- DH D. 8. STRYKER, DENTIST. HAS RK moved to Odd Fellowi' temple 3. W. Cor. lit tod Alder, Portland, Oregno. you do you need some o- WILL I" will the following artif cles: YOU Deviled Ham, Deviled Cliirken, Deviled Game. Potted meats A name, Lunch tongue, Chipped beet, French saHines, Pure de Fois Gras TAKE AN Shrimps. I Boston baked beans, I Potted bloaters, OUTING Swiss cheese, Paper napkins, Paper plates. This We can sell them to you. E. E.WILLIAMS, The Grocer SUMMER University of Oregon. EUGENE. Next Session begins the 17th of September, 1894. , Tuition, Free. Board, $2.50 a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scien tific, Literary, English and Busi ness. DORMITORY. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall tor young gentlemen will be under tho personal supervision of Mrs. Munra, a lady of refinement and large ex perience. For catalogues, address, J. J. Walton, Secy. Regents. Duffy & Frost EXPRESS and TRANSFER1NG. Special care in moving Household Goods and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S. v