Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1894)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND ENTS 8VKEP THE HEED. Sandy Farmer Kt-Jolc In Uttoi Crop Prospects Cum pel's from Sandy to Mt. Hood Loral Doings. Pakdy, Aug. 10. A grft many people have passed through here the last few weeks to secure cool sihiis in the mountains Tor the benefit of their health. The travel to the mountain this year has been the largest ever known from Sandy. In some cool place or by a pleasant creek doiens of camps are pitched. Harvesting is in full blast and the hum of (be self-binder and reaper can be heard from morn till night. The farmers are jubilant and happy over their grain crop which premises to be the best ever known in this Motion. Considerable complaint ol sickness is being made by people of this place. Mr. (lantendine's family is down with what is supposed to be whooping cough. Mrs. Mary Minchi, who was a ternblesuf ferer from a cancer for a month, died Sun day evening at ten o'clock. The body was brwight out from the Portland hospital and buried in the Sandy Kidge cemetery last Wednesday, She leaves four small chil dren to mourn their loss. They are now without parents and home. The Sandy Kidge Sunday school held a picnic last week which was attended by a large crowd. All had a pleasant time. At the last meeting of the Presbyterian church society it was decided that a church will be bunt at once, and an acre of ground was purchased on which to erect the build ing one-fourth of a mile east of town. Her man limns and Henry Cook ere elected trustees. These gentlemen will at once make preparation for building. J. R. Duncan is building an addition to his house. Nels Nelson is busy building a big frame barn. H. Brans has several carpenters and a plasterer at work on his house. QF. A. Meiuig is basy at work laying the concrete foundation for his new residence, A large crowd of young folks of Sandy spent a pleasant and enjoyable time at the picnic at Currinsville on the Mb. The people of Pleasant Home are making great preparations at their park for the sev enth annual reunion of veterans and sons of veterans which is to be held August 18. All are cordially invited. Come one, come all, and enjoy yourselves with our patriots. Sandy people are making arrangements to attend the reunion at Pleasant Home. Keadeb. Smyrna Smacks. Shvb.ia, August 13. Rev. E. B. Hughes filled his first regular appointment at the Congregational church yesterday at 11 a. m. W. H. Yoder has his brick kiln well un der way. He has been tiring since Thurs day last. Voder A Schwarts started their steam thresher the last of the week. Grain Is not turning out as well as last year. S. W. Hardesty and bis daughters. Edith nd Mabel, attended services at Smyrna yesterday morning and visited in the neigh borhood during the day. Several minor accidents happened in the neighborhood last Sunday. In the morn ing Miss Mabel Schwarir and Etta Wyland, while on their way to Sunday school, man aged to upset their cart, throwing both girls out into the dost. Aside from slight bruises nd dusty clothes no damage was done. While Mr. Wyland's family were on their way home from church three boys standing in the back end ol the wagon were thrown out backwards. John Fortune had the mis fortune to strike on the back of his head, rendering him unconscious for several boors. The other boys fell on John and escaped injury. Sam Smith and his son Fred hare their hop bouse about completed. Wm. Thomp son also has a bop house under way on wbat is known as the Dolshag farm. We hear talk of a new school bouse in the Eamson (No. 6) district. It is badly needed, Our saw mill is running full time again, but with an all around redaction in wages, lumber and price of custom sawing. Rev. McLain, of Clarkes, preached to a large and attentive audience at the church on Sunday evening. Fred Watson and son Jim are up in Polk county working with a threshing outfit. J OKA. HOOD V1KW. Interesting Neighborhood Notet-Oood Crops Velng Harvested, Hoon Vuw, Aug. 13. Horn, August 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sccly, a ten pound boy. Farmers in our midst are busy cutting grain and harvesting is generally under good headway. Miss Crockett, of Portland, Is sending a Tew days with the Misses Moore. Mrs. U B. Brown, Mrs. Ueo. B. Seely, and Mrs. Barber are vu our sick list this week. Mrs. IVny Bell of Newberg lately spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, John Butsou made a Hying trip to the me tropolis Saturday. Mr. Sapp has fitted up his two new hop dryers with two stoves each. Mrs. C. 0. Pavla and two children are on their farm for a summer's vacation. Prof. W. V. Graham Intends spending the coming week at Soda Springs, Prof. Yorick, lately from the East, and Miss Brown ol the Salens university, have just returned home after a two weeks visit at Graham's Ferry. Tliey were delighted with the country here. Hops and hop pickers are in abundance in this neighborhood and picking time will soon be at hand. Anna. Wlllsburf Whispers (Crowded out last week) Wtt.UBi'RU, Aug. !. W. A. Campbell and family will start for Ml. Hood with a party from Sherwood next Monday. A. K.Wills is hauling lumber lor a new house on his ranch six miles above Baker's bridge on the Clackamas. Mr. Bui-beggar and family came home from the mountains last Monday. W. S. Kerns and family have gone to the coast to stay three weeks. Wills was down from E.igle Creek last week. He reports crops looking line. Good tishing In Johnson Creek., Mr. Mc Guire had belter come and try bin luck. Suckers and crawfish are plentiful. Bring some salt. John Storan has gone East with his family. They will slay three or four weeks. WiiLSBi-iiii, Aug. 14. The burg has been overstocked with tramps and thieves the past week. Sunday morning at 4:30 Mrs. Bucheggar heard a noise outside, and look ing through a window she saw some one near the chicken house. She woke ber husband who gave chase. The burglar ran around the block owned by John Storan, where he dropped his sack which contained twochickens. At this moment to other men ran from Storan's place. It is tint known what tbey got as Mr. Storan is at the coast. Mr. Carlson's place and several others were visited during the week. Last Saturday night some one went into Mr. Shriner's woodshed and stole a new pair of shoes and a pair of pants, and also helped himself from tlie garden patch. A. X. Wills and wife went up to their ranch last Sunday to camp two weeks. The new church building will soon be finished, as the Wrinkey Bros, are putting on the finishing touches. KKM.AM) Kl'MltMMj, First of the Threnlitut Indicates Light Vteld- Nelghborhwod Improvements. Ukim-and, Aug. 4.V-Harvesting Is In full blast in this section. John Kichardson has bought a steam en gine to run his thresher, and yesterday he commenced threshing, beginning with Colin & IMllar'a wheat, threshing over IM0 bushels iu a little over a half a day. The wheat is turning out lighter than was expected. Campbell A Kelly have also bought a team engine to run their thresher. Justice Funk had his tirxt caw last Mon day, it being an action to recover money. Misses Mattleand Miaa Ilovt, ol Univers ity Park, Portland, are visiting Mrs. Win. Johnson, and last Thursday the neighbors gathered in to give the voting ladies a sur prise. A very pleasant evening was spent. W. H. Pempster returned a week or two since tnim Amity, and yesterday he left for Eastern Oregon with I,. Shank. W. P. Herkeyhas been carpentering, hav ing recently rv roofed, built on porches, and otherwise improved John Williams's house; also built a granary for A. T, Plowman. Mr. Berkey has the contract for building tin house for S. Krechelsky this summer. .Many others are making extensive improve ments on dwellings and hams. Miss Anna HickcnbothaYh has just re turn) d from a visit to relatives at Molalla. Cutterell Cviinlngs. Corn kki.1, Aug. IS. I.. Shirley, who keeps store at the cross roads below this place at Pleasant Home, met with a sail fate on the evening of the 7th. He, with his wife and child, went on a pleasure trip to the coast (or a month. Tbey started from Pleasant Home July '.Hi. The party were in high spirits, animated with the anticipated pleasure of the trip. Mr. Shirley, In com pany with his uncle C. Hedge, of Zionlown, in Multnomah county, was coming in from a day s fishing. They were driving in a buggy acd came to Slab creek. It looking so clear they drove in, not thinking there was any danger. Hut alas, the horse went over the edge of a rock that was concealed in the water, throwing both men out. Mr. Shirley was an expert swimmer but got en tangled in his fish line and drowned in ten feet of water, while Mr. Hedge, who could not swim, made use of the buggy cushion which floated to him and got nut. Mr. Shirley's remains were sent to his parents who live in Lebanon, Indluna. His wile and uncle accompanied the remains over the I'mon Pacitlc. P. B. Newman and wife, who have been visiting his brother at this place, started for Cat., on the l.'lih of this month, where he will visit his uncle for a short time and then return to his home and friends in Iowa. Mr. Hangelrum, who had his knee thrown out of place about three weeks ago, is able to be up and around again. All Straw Hats Greatly Reduced $1.00 Hats for 25 and 50 Cents. Beaver Creek Breeze. Beaver Cbeek, Aug. 13. The people are returning from the coast. Miss Rowan re turned from Newport on the 4th and Messrs. Davis and Harris with their families from Little Nestucca on the 6th inst. All report good time. A gentleman by the name of Imel has been employed to teach the Beaver Creek school. Robert Guenther will teach the Upper Logan school the comming winter. There were no services at the First Pres byterian church at this place yesterday, Kev. McKinley, the pastor, with bis family is enjoying a couple ot week's outing at Mt. Hood. Some of the people of this community are talking of going to the mountains for huckleberries. Molalla Musings. Molalla, Aug. 11. The forenoon August fog has appeared. The Steel Range company is doing busi ness in this locality. Herman Brothers rolled out their thresh ing mochihe today. J. V. Harless has moved into bis new residence on Triangular Eminence. New road work west of this place has given the place much of an enterprising apearance. W. A. Shaver had a barn raising last Friday, Teasel harvest is under headway at A. J. fiawteli's. John D. Jordan's hop house is nearing completion. Mrs Lilly Scott, of Woodburn is visiting relatives here. Grain is turning out light. Ho! for the huckleberry patch. Monnt Pleasant Pointers. MorxT Pleasant, Aag. 13. Arthur Rus sell is beside the sea. Miss Ednetta Chase, of Oregon City, bas been engaged to teach tbe coming term of school. A. S. Lawton Is able to be around again although sadly changed in )ersonal apear- ance. Miss Ada Hughes will leave us about the first of October to take charge of the school at Canyon Creek. We wish her suc cess. McArtbur Bros, are in the neighborhood with th eir steam threshing machine doing good work. Messrs. Williams, Lawton, Johnson, John and Benj. Heiidrickson re port good yields. Mrs. Will McCord's surviving twin, Ruby, has been very ill with whooping cougb and malaria. The physician advises ocean breezes (or the little patient. Mrs. McCord intends testing the efficacy of the prescrip tion by taking the little girl to Nestucca. Tbe grain is almost garnered, and as it is now not modest for Ruth to glean tbe stub ble fields it will be rather dull, especially since the heirs of the butterfly have pene trated such a rare joke on the bounteous springtime blossoms. There is something wistful In these blessed August days, that hint of tbe phantom of years long past com ing down the glory of the autumn leaves. Glorified mother earth! your children, the forest trees, will soon strew at your feet the clothes you lavished upon them witb April showers. Vox Huhasia. Pamascns Pots. Damascus, Aug. II. The whistles of the numerous threshing machines can he heard In every direction. The grain in this sec tion turns out to be more injured by the aphis than was exacted. The Putiglas A Seller machine intends to go up in ttie Eagle Creek country the last of this week. J. R. Morton is building a rock cellar. It is to be 14x11 feet. Mrs. A. Bohna has been very sick since she returned from the mountains, but is now slowly Improving. Mrs. Houk has gone to Hutteville to visit friends and relatives. Horn, August 7th, to the wife of II. Prelt- ha.ipt, a son. The Deep Creek club met the Damascus club last Vunday to play a match game of base ball. The Fiddler's Green bojs were J must decidedly " not in it,'' the score stand ing l tm v-mri- iu bia. John Johnson is getting the timber on the ground for a new house on his ranch. Borings Breezes. Bobikos, Aug. 13. Threshing machines have commenced to run. Three are in Da mascus now. Most of the farmers in the vicinity of Da mascus have not got their oats cut yet. The oats in this part have got lots of the aphis on them, but they do not seem to be doing much harm. Mrs. Hickey had the misfortune to break ber left wrist last Monday. They took her down to Clackamas for surgical treatment and she has not come back yet. Mr. Shirley, a merchant of Pleasant Home, was drowned while over to the coast. A party were fishing in Slab creek and were not paying much attention when the tide was coming in and in attempting to cross the creek be was drowned. His body was taken back to Bloomington, Illinois. Albert Rlcby had a runaway the other day, but it did not do any damage. Askim. 8pringwater Shavings. Spkisgwater, Aug 14. Farmers are most through cutting wheat and are ready to be gin cutting oats. They will begin stacking soon. Bev. R. Sylvanus and family returned from tbe Willboit Springs on tbe 7th. Quite a number from Springwater at tended the picnic at Currinsville on Satur day last. Mrs. Sanson and little girl, of Portland, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Annie Lacey. R. Hargrcaves and family are visiting rel atives in Oregon City and Gervais. An artist from Silverton is camped at W. J. l-ewellen's store, and is taking some fine photographs. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cane of Catarrh that cannot tie cured by Hall's Catirrli Cure. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO. Props. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all Lindners transactions and fiinancially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WkbtA Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O., Kinnan & Mabvin, Wholesale Droits, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. To Good Templars. Do you know that Moore's Revealed Remedy is the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing it is known only to its diicover ; thut it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nineteenth century; that its proprietors offer to forfeit 1 ,000 for any caHe of dyHpcpsia it will not cure? If you want an attractive sign see Davis the, painter. Portland prices. Shop back of Pope & Co.'t hardware store. NO TICK rOK liltm. Notice Is hereby given, that sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, on or before 2 o'clock P. m. of the ijtn day of September, ls!)4, to raise the ap proach of the east eml of the brldxft across Hock Creek on the Marlon Hamson road, and to extend the same aa a trestle on a level with said bridge across Hock Creek bottom Said trestle to be about S0O fee: Ionic, and a further approach to the same of about 71) feet. Hald bids to be opened at 2 o'clock p. m., September Rlh, IHH. A depositof 5 per cent, ot amount of bid to ao compauy each bid. The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids. g-17:-31 OKO. P. JIOKTON, Clerk. NOTICE OK APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTKIX. Notice la hereby given, that the undersigned hat been appointed by the County Court ol Clackamas county, Oregon, executrix of the last will of Jacob flosa, deceased. All persona hav ing claims against the enisle of the auld Jacob Hon, deceased, are hereby notified to present Ihe same, duly verified, for payment to the underslgiiod, or at the office of llrownell & lreer, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from this date. MOPHIA BOSS, Executrix. Oregon City, Oregon, August 10, 1XU4. Bkownkm, & tlBEssKK, Alt I for Ex'x. 8-17:9-14 LADIES KID GLOVES FOR 75c, WORTH $1.00. IF YOU WANT SHOES THAT WILL WEAR COME TO OANBY. Dress Goods Just in From the East. fironftrift.q always the lowest. ill! CKNBY, it OREGON. IlAlUCUIOIiST & COMPANY, 151 Front Street. HARDWARE Portland, Oreil. n Iextcr- -IHamoud,' Northwvalxru Aieiils for ATJECI1'J!3 SAWS Lanes oecMetU --Tultlot'Hilh Pritrr Lane Silver Hire) Crescent Wedges (warranted.) V A S Proof Chain. Arcade Files. Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, -st l liope. CrcHccnt Neo WILSON A COOK THE Qrepu I? ifcp Portlantl-Clatskanic. R-O-U-T-E 5!? JOB OFFICE ...IS THE ONLY... Complete one in Cluclcn- mnH County. Electric Power. Fast Prcs Portland Prices. ses, FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING. POSTER and COLORED WORK. LEGAL BLANKS. I I FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Stcam'r Telephone lTV STR. SARAH DIXON, tiKO. M KIIAVO. Madrr, Will li'ftvc Portland f'Xit of Matl ixon utrt't t MondnvH, WeiliiemlnyB and FriduyH, nt 15 o'clock A. M. for Clatskanie & Way Landings. Ueturning llin HteiuinT will nw) Oak jKiint at 4:1."; Kuiner, i :t M -Knlaitm, r.:iri; St. IMerm, :(KJ A. M., on TuiHilayx, Tlnirrnlayg ami Siitu rduys. Tlio coin puny roworveu tlio right to change time without notice. For freight or piiHHnngcr rntca apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot WitHhington Storon lionrd steamer. Thin is the nearent and moHt di rect route to tho Nehalein valley. r. -4 X Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joneph Kellogg Trillin. Co. STR. JOSKIMf KKLLOC.r.-leavcK KcIho Monday, Wcdiienday and Friday, at (J A. M. Leaven Port land, TueKtlay, Thursday ami Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTH WEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following days. Leaves foot of Yamhill st., Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. M. Connects with Seashore Railway for all points on Clatsop Leach. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone every night, except Saturday, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on Telephone. This is tho only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. 1I0LMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. Nutli'ft of Application for KhIihih Mrcime, Notice In hereby given Hint the oiKlnmliriii'il will Hiily to tlmClly Council ol Orcein City, Ori'Knii, at t miwtliiK on Antrum 'Si, lH'.il, for tlio continuation of a Hcmme for a anloou on tho worn aide of lialu atrcct near Kiiurlh TIIOH. CAMl'liKI-L, Oregon City, Oregon, Auguat 2, 1M4. 1