Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 10, 1894, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Mlnmiinr lUMllNA,
oskwii. mr. IK Vita MRTMNII.
"" 7 l. m.
' II :a. in.
IK) p. III. 4.IIOl,til.
mi .in. i, m.
t ;i i
yp. hi, II (mil. in.
Mi li,
Hound Irln 111 n.iita
M) p. in.
Tllnuoatd miliJiinlluiilniMKn wllliiiilt in il I co
HcKIH li.il'NII.
California Kmrixa Mliriiiivli)
Ko.nliurg Umj.1 (way .uiliiiiii)
MO, m.
in p. iu,
ol'TM HOI' X I.
ItiwKtitini Local (way iimlniii)
California Ktpreu (Ihroiifli)
Mi a. m
7:11 i. Ill
Tim latilo,
lv lav
Omiinii Cliy, WIIU imKalla.
"A.M. (II. A.M.
V tt ft mi "
II Wl ' II 41 '
I " V M, in p. U.
in " am
w) M m "
1,1 A. M. l!i A. M.
10 ID III 1
11 l " II NU "
I ' I', M. I up. u.
I ;i ' nu
ll "I " 'J !t '
j ; - 1 tt "
mi " I in "
i " k in -
4 ml " 4 If '
4 Ml " 4 If.
l).IM " t Ifi
l " (i "
II. UU " ft II ".
C. A. Mll.l.KH. Hllpl.
tlalll rliiMl fnllll Nnrlll. II III., a ltl..p III.
Ualliolutt (,ilii Huiiili, V a. in., 0; ft p. m.
Iht Rol'Tlta.
(iri-u.in City In IVrlUii.t mm Knl Vlda l(ll
v. Ifar ; -.11 p. M ami ft IU P M.arrlvpa
II H5 A M li, I 4 A P. M. I arrlrn I'nrllanil.
K.irru. W vitNlilo, Hanilr ami lllnhlainl rviilna
on-nnii CIljrtiiKly.Carua. Mullim. I.ltatral ami
Mnlalla Ivatra at VI In. ami arrlvi'i at U ill.
llrrmiii Cllr tu Heaver ( rri-k. Mink. Clark.
Wi.rc UriH.k. I'lil.iti Mill., ami I iiln.n. !
I IU a. m. M.iinlity WmIiik..!. ami KiUlay
ml run i in on lullowlnx ! al I p, in
(Irrioii city In Vlnla, ntn an.t Krdlanil
Iravri iirryMii I'll v MomUy Wi,lnrUv ab'l
KrliUyall tu I', Ixavlnf Viola aama ilaya
at 7 uiA M,
kuihay, Af(irsr 10, mu
Olt on tiik (). V. The Kntkmpnihk
riH'i'iitly notril 1 1 1 it t it move wit on foot
to n eurit the I'lti'tiplnii of the Oregon
1'iicillci rullruud to the Nummlt of I he
Cam udm. In tlil connection the' Cor
valliN TiiiHw niiyi;' Keiri'Htii(utie Duly
ut Hun. John Minto nre in the ('
ciidcN enat of the cud of the (). I', track
looking over the run to (or the proKWeil
eitHtern (tinnectlun with the (). I'. by
wagun road. In nnnpiiny with Heceiver
Claik ami Mfoaduiaitler Hullivan they
went over the route hctwrcn iH'troit and
Independence I'rniriu the Unit o( lliia
week. The right milei u( grade cuhI of
Manlia, built 11 vi year ago waa not ao
badly ilamuged by IIimmIn an reortel.
Ono bridge in the grade a mile ami
Imlf ennl of Idiiuha haa lut lla IringcrN,
but the Ix'iita till Hlmid. The grade la
exi ellelit, broad and Ntralght, and the
eatiinate for rehabillilittlon ia in,(HX)or
hum. Several liillea of Idanlin tie" are
laid all ready for the track. Mr. Minto
la eiithiniiaxtic over the ptOMuilliii, ami
(leema It entirely fi'uaible, and attysthat
with $:t()U he can pluce the Mad from tbia
aide up to thu auminlt to the inountaina
in ao excellent a condition that one team
can draw L',000 pounda up it. A pack
train from Pant of the inountiiinH waa
al the 0. 1'. lermlnim wlien the party
reached there, and the'o ia a movement
on loot to eatahliali a mail route, by
which reaideiita acrtMui the range ran
be uccomniodatt.'d with a mail acrvlce
every two duya intttead of once a wivk aa
oow. Large parliea of liuntura and
plcHDiire teekera frem th valley are al
ready out there ami many more are
Poim.ANii'N Watkr Conkcit. The
Hull Hun pipe line la now, according to
the Oregtmhin, complete (rom.iiour the
lowor bridge acroita Hull Hun to within
two unlet of the head woika. The worat
part of the line up Hull Hun la laid, and
thu pipe will beconneclod with the head
works before Heptember 1 . There wai
a gap of a mile or to nl tl o Sandy and
up Sandy bin IT, which bud to bo akipNd
becauae tho extra heavy iron for that
oil ion of tho pipe had not come to
hand. The Iron will all bo here in a few
duya, and with ordiuurly favorable
weather the pijxs lino from the head
works to No. 1 rcwrvoir w ill be com
pleted by October 1. Tho cunt lion line
from Mount Tabor to tho river ia nearly
completed lind tho line from the went
aide of tho river to tho City Turk will
be flnlhliud in proper time. Forty
lengllmof tho bitll-und-Boek't-uliit pipe
for the submerged lino under tho river
have arrived and nro laid out on the
cant aide. They aro quite a uuroHity to
foundrymen, us ouch length welgha
10,000 Hiunda and hna a big hall or bowl
on one end and a socket on tho other to
correspond. Tho laying of Una sub
merged pipe la about tho mont dilliciilt
and particular work connected with the
coiiHtruction of the pipe line. It will be
laid in a trench dug ucronn the bed of
the river, and if it la defective it will not
be an easy thlug to locate tho leak.
Maiiiom County Sckd. Tha Capital
Journal l'ubliHlnng Company, of Salem
haa commenced a writ of rc.viow procced
inga ngaiiiNt Marion county, arising out
of tho refusal of the county commission
ers to allow its bill of claimed for tho
publication of seventy-eight squares of
tho county court proceedings of tho April
fiAMn.H or pKMocKATia Hupiwr.
Tim Oiciion IhMiiMiimt In ilond. E, II.
KIhrk, i"lltor, In hid Isstm of Tlmrwluy
IlINt printed till) IlllluwillK lllldlT till) lll'llll
of "Nntlco of HimiH-nnloii." " Willi this
iiiiiiiIiit tlm IieinucnU AiispoixlH niMlcn
tlm with no i n ti-til Ion uf roMiiinliiK. We
In this" without miy liiltur IViillfiK lowiinl
anyuiio, but with tint liveliest frlewlhliip
lor tlioHo w lioliuve dotto llielr lxo.1 to Imlp
unIiiIii iliuii'Minitlu paper In Minion
county. Omt reason l our tukiiiK tills
action In tlml wo cannot it fl'or'l to give
uny moro of our timu ami moni'y to tlie
Jiniiix rutlc party, TIib iHjM-r lia lived
out two yeara mul a half mul Iihn
diminished our niimtnto Unit x(nt Unit
It Ihu'oidkn our duty to iiilt. V do not
hellttvo tliut ut present any one can muktt
(IniiHXTutlii uiNr pay, and wo Intensely
dlNllkti to run puper tliut we know In not
up to tlio mark. Wo ire iiwnrn Unit
anino NiilmrrlptioiiN have, not expired and
II ny Nu'iwrlliur fuiila arrived ut our
coiirmt wu hUiiiihI reaily l uiply the
Oregon ritutoiiiuti (or tlm Imluiu 1 of IiIn
HKI.KI'TIOK OK 8('IiHI, Hooks. Ac
cording to tlm Uwn of lRSIl thin In the
yvur fur adopting text hooka to be used
in the pulillii schools of the auto
during the next nix yours. The
luxiku tu be used ure selected by the sev
eral county m lusd atiporihtendorit mid
tncinhcra o( the ntutii bi'iinlof ejtatnlnera,
who ure to record thefr vote before the
Urst day of JitNuury next. The lute
school superintendent in directed by IhW
to li-n'ie a circular to the county aiirH-r-Intendi-nla
mul the exuinim-ra containing
lint of Ntudici to I tauulitju the pub
lic m ImkiU, together with the wholesuUi,
retail, rxchunga uud Introductory prices
of nil the hooka in the lint. TIiomi on
titli'il to vote writu opposite each Ntudy
the text lsok or series of text InxikN pre-
lorrcil. I In' ml ri'U ics ri) transmitted to
i ,.., i .... i i .. i i... ...
I """" urn ' J
the NUito board of education, and upon a
canvas of the voto Hie text books re'
celving a majoiity of the vote east are
declined to be the atlthorixed text hooks
for the all years next succeeding the of
ficial announcement.
CkAMikHHY Cii.TiUK. The Hundon
Itccord imtea the starting of a new in
dustry in that locality. ltsay:"An-
dtew Johnson Intends going Into the
cranberry business on bis ranch near
Heunett Heach. lie has two acres ready
(or lint plow and will set out tho plants
this fall or winter. Mr. Johnson hus
some gixsl land adupted to that business
and there fee ins to bo no reason why
the cianlierrv industry will not prove
profitable." Over in Washington there
Is a crnnlx-rry iiuirh, which bus been
in successful operation for several years,
but this is we lielicve the first attempt
to raise the Thanksgiving delicacy in Ihia
this slate.
PlMTANCK No OllKTACl.lt Till) DallcS
Chrouiclo says: "To deride a bet as to
w hether an animal could drag I'M tlm.
of sand in a sack at the end of a rojie
half a mile long, the axpcriiocnt waa
tried on Third street toduy. There is an
idea that a weight, after It is a certain
('.istaiire from the power applied to move
it, becomes practically Immovable, and
tho repeating of this statement led to
the trial today, the let being that a
certain niulo could not drag the sack SO
leet. The question whs soon decided,
for the animal walked off with it and
could not be stopped until the end of
the block was reached.
Mkn at Cm hcii Hev. J. W. Cowan
wishes to know why tho churches of this
city are nut attended by the men, and
to get al the reason aa near as ho can,
lias addressed a letter to a number of the
business men asking them their own
reason, mid to obtain from other men
their reason for not attending church.
Tho subject will bit the theme of his ser
mon next Sunday evening and ho hopes
to secure and throw some light on the
Biiliject, w ithout bowoer, using anyone's
the time has come for the Presbyterians
to begin w oik remodeling their church
it will bo necessary for them to have ser
vices ehewhero For the Sunday school
at least one of tho rooms in the Shively
block will be utilized and possibly some
of the other church meetings will be held
there. During part of tho time that
building is in progress Mr. tiihoney will
be away on bis vacation so that there
will probably be no preaching service.
Kavk Discount. Save money and
trouble by Insuring your property nt the
largest Insurance Agency iu tho city.
Soverul of tho lest Knglish and Ameri
can companies represented. Oenoral
fund city warrants taken at pur in pay
ment for insiirani'O premiums until
Dec. 1st. F. E. Donaldson, Agont.
McKkks Hocks, I'a., Feb. 3, 18JI-'.
Nokman Liciity Mku. Co. Dos Moines, Ia.
Oknti.kmkn: Your Kruuso's Head
ache Capsules have been and still are
tho greatest sellers and have given the
most entire satisfaction of any article wo
ever kept in our Btoros. We nave sold
gross after gross of them in the past two
years and not in a singlo case have they
failed to cure any and all kinds of head
aches in the most satisfactory manner.
Yoius rerH'ct fully,
K. D. Kbamkk,
For snlo by Clmnimn A Co., City Drug
Store, Oregon City, Or.'
Tho latest in visiting cards at the Ex-
Hai.km and tiik Toi hnamkt. WVdiies
(luy's Statesman says concerning the
coming tournament In this city, that
the old volunteer firemen of Hiilem
havo arranged for a lno company
to go down from tliut city and win
thopil.ea. At least fifteen of the swift
est men at pulling a cart und handling
hose will go Into training lit once and
nightly drills will be In order until the
coitUistN are run. Hoth the racing carts
forniery used by tho Capital and Tiger
hose teams have been cleaned up and aro
III splendid condll Ion (or racing. It odds
it will seem like old times to see the
teams get out and make Home bowl once
more. It used to be considered a very
dull tournament without tin Salem and
Astoria teams taking part. C. J. Curtis,
of the latter city, was in Salem recently
and in conversation with a Statesman
reporter said be did not think a team
would come to Oregon City from Astoria;
be did not know then that Halem would
I) represented there, and it is safe, to
ay that the "city by the sea" boys will
now organize and aitenil tho tournament
simply to meet the Capital City's team.
Foa a Flsii Way. A Salem correspon
dent says that tho board has decided
upon a plan for a fish ladder at the fulls
of the Willamette at Oregon City, in ac
cordance with l he bill, passed at the last
legislature, and employed J. K. McCoy
of this city to superintend the work, who
estimates that it will Inks him and six
men thirty days to complete the job, at
a total cost of alsmt f '00. Tho work
will Is'gin next Monday. Ten thoiisand
dollars was appropriated, so there will
le ample surplus. A tishway is to I
constructed in the lied of lh river and
the west side of tho main full by making
an excavation in the solid nx-K w hen the
water is higher the excavation will form
a series of pools connecting with euch
other, all in such a manner that salmon
can frwly ascend fiom below to above
the lulls by pa-sing from pxd to nxd.
The board will visit the site of the fi-h-
way Friday.
No Mil. itu F.ncajii'Mknt. Ooiicral
Compson, who has been considering the
advisability of lioblin encampments of
the several regiments in the state, has
about concluded that it will not be best
to attempt it at this lute date and in all
probability there w ill be no encampment
by either of the regiment! during the
present season. Asa substitute, a prsc
tice march has Ix'en proposed, but it will
require a Ncciul meeting of the military
board, w lnmt action must be approved
by the governor lxdote the march can be
ordered. The adjutant general, how
ever, has called upon Colonel Heebe for
an estimate of the cost, for the purpose
of laying the same More the board ar.d
the commander-in-chief.
Ku.i.fnsY a I.imb. HnstaveSchnnisn,
a son of Chris Schutnan, aned 23 years,
while engaged in cutting trees on his
father's farm on Cason's prairie, atxiut
a mile east of Lents, was accidentally
killed by a fulling limb on Tuesday. He
was at work with another young nutn
sawing down a tree. When the tree
began to waver, and while they wete
still working, a larire, dry limb banging
among the branches fell, sti iking Schu
tnan on the head. His companion run
to the young man's father, who was at
woik near by, and informed him of the
accident, but before they got back to the
place Uustave was dead. The limb was
about 15 feet in length and not very
heavy, but, falling forma height of 100
feet, fractured the skull, and caused
almost instunt death.
McMaiion's Ciucus. According to the
Eugene Guard, McMahon's circus,
which played here a year or two ago, is
now known as the "Howe Combination."
It now travels on a truin of its own, has
a large managene in connection, and
Is known as a big show. Their route
brings them through the Willamette
valley the first of September.
From Cbas. Hotmail's place at Mead-
owbrook: One bay mare, uliout feven
years old, smooth shod all around.
Finder w ill please notify Dr. J. W. Nor-is
Oregon City.
Hop Growers.
Hop growers requiring pickers can
engage them bv writing to J. Martin,
Hoom L"0, McKay Hdg.. Purtlaml. 3t
Through Trains Without Transfer.
Travellers must not forget (but the O.
R. &. N. line Is thoroughly repaired and
all trains am running without transfer
or delay. Through service to Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago;
Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair
curs, upholstered tourist Bleepers and
modern day couches. Cull on O. H. A
N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or
address W. II. Hurlburt, lien'l Passen
ger Agent. Portland, Oregon.
Treasurer's .Notice
I have In my bunds funds applicable
to the payment of all warrants endorsed
prior to July 11, IMC'. Also tho follow
ing numbered warrants 10,40!), 10,500,
10,501 and 10.502. (for $500 each) en
dorsed July 11, 18112. The interest will
cease from tho date of tbia notice
M L. Mookk,
Treasurer of Clackamas County..
Oiikuon City, Or., August 10, 1804.
Taken I'p
At mv place three milos below Oregon
City on the Willamette river, one black
pony, white star on lorehead, branded
"M. 0." on left hip. Owner is asked
to pay expenses and take the horfo.
J. S. Risley.
The Trny Ntcarn Laundry
Have built up a good trade In Oregon
City oil the merits of tlidr work which
is giving general satisfaction. Give
them a trial. They pay express charges
both ways and give you Portland prices.
orricu at
F. A. Wuddwks, , 0. Hiilhllng.
Laundry left at thu olllce on Tuesday
will lie returned on Saturday.
Fur Hale, Cheap.
A uood six-room bouse, fL'OOcash, bal
ance Installments. A chance to put your
rent Into a home. C. II. Dyk.
Warrants Untight.
Uinta anil r'.iiirtlw ttrurrunta nf trnirr.n
and Washington bought by James K.
I 'avis dc (Jo., ll Mark street, 1'onianu,
Have you seen those beautiful Imligo,
oil red and Unlit prints, outing flannels,
aattceim and trimmings jusi. received
from Chicago at the Kel Front Stores
away below any prices quoted in Clacka
mas county be I ore.
Wedding stut)iierv, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the KNTKBi'msK oflice.
National Steam Dyeing
and Cleaning Works.
Dyeing of Er very Description.
92J Sixth St., bt. Stark k Oak,
I'ortlunil, Oregon,
E. S. Dlackwell & Co., Prs.
We Have a Household
Ammonia of a quality
that in fur superior to
that which thconlinary
corner grocery furnishes
Ours is nearly double
tho strength and the
price is exactly the
same. Why not try it?
Huntley's Drug Store,
Oregon City, Oregon.
You recollect how on the last
vacation you would have given
twice the price of a paper, maga
zine or novel for something to
read. We have lots of new
novels, and new editions of old
novels for 25c. each, and some
old ones for 10c. We will Fend
yon regularly as issued, without
any extra cost to you
Hosiley's Book store
Oregon City.
Would be pleased to see his friends
and patrons in his new
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
Slate n( Oregou, County of Clackamas, as.
Notice li hereby tiveu. that br reason of a
breach la Ihe eomiitleiti of a certain chattel
mnrlKHKo. K'ven by Vt 1). it use to Krauk tirlt
ll.lia. sin) "luneil bv saUl Urltlitha lo W. E
t'arll, 1, the unilernlitneil, have eied the mort
(tHiieci property, to wit: Ou team, rounlsttuir
ot a pair of horses, wairon am) haruesa. and
more particularly denrrtbeil as follows: A pair
of bay horses. S or 9 years of aire, about IU hands
high. wi'IkIu llou &t iii Mitchell waeon:
one set iluithle work harneaa: ami oa August
lsth. lsf l, al Ihe hour of III o'clock a m , at No
blltt A Co 's stable. In the city of Oregon City,
Clackamas county. Or, iton. t will sell the satil
described property at public, auction to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the said
mortgage claim of latum, with Interest and costs.
Hated July Slut, 1MI
-a:S-17 K. C. MADPOCK, Sheriff
In Uia County Court of Ihe State ot Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the estate of Levi Leland, dee'd.
To whom It may concern:
Notice is hereby given, that the ui derslgned.
ext cutor of the estatuof Levi l.eland, deceased,
has tiled his flnnl report and account ss such
executor In the County Court of Clackamas
county, state of Oregon, and that Tuesday, the
fourth day of September, A I). iNP4, at lOo'clock
in. at the County Court has been fixed and
appointed as tho time ami place for the settle
ment of said filial report and account and the
hearing and dotermlnlna of any and all objec
tions thereto l.KSI'EK M LELAND,
Executor of the estate of Levi Leland, dee'd
llKotvNKl.I. A bKKgKK,Ait'ysforEx'r S-t.tr-1
In the Frobate Court ot the State ot Oregou for
Clackamas County .
In the matter ot the entate of George Gausner,
Notice la hereby i-lven. that I have filed my
final report as admiuiHtrator of sapl estate in
the probate court ol Ciackimas county, state of
OrCKon, and that the Court hss appointed the
lliltd day of September, l-'.U, at 10 o clock a in
as a iay uud time for hearing objections to nald
report, it any there are. and for a final settle
ment of ftald estate and dlxchargecf the admin
istrator from further oblimtions therein.
KL.MKK A. COK. Ailm'r.
Dated August 1, lsirl. S-t.D-1
To tho
Coil 3 1 or
Nothing Hotn
cape. Are all
tion in Oregon
For summer wear they havo a very com
plete line of
All the latent styles and weights. To be 'sold
at prices lower than ever offered in this city.
Who have just received a new invoice, a!io a full line of the best ladies
fine shoes. We have the finest and best asuortment of
shoes in the city. Prices low. Call and see.
Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day.
All Kinds of Cake Made to Order
Jacob Kober, Proprietor.
directly and Indirectly, by people "ho cannot do their own figurinit, write their own
letter, or keep their own books; and who do not know when busiuess and legal papers
which thvy nuui bundle every duy are made out correctly. t7All these tblngo. and
much more, we teach thimiuylilu.
Hundreds of our graduates are In pood positions, and there will be opening's for
hundreds more when times Improve. .Voir Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a
business education Is worth all It custs,nr oik'i own use. Send for our catalogue, to
learn trhof and Ante wo teach. Mailed free to any address.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Armstrong, Prln
The Apgonaat
Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on'tha
Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through,
the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends.
It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except
three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of
the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213
Grant Avenue, San Francisco. .
Stoves and Tinware.
Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland, Oregon.
House and Sign Fainting.
Good Workmen and
For Wall Paper. Hatting, Linoleum, Window Shades and house
Decorations see him. Best stock in the city. Portland prices.
Store Next Door To Albright's Meat Market.
obegoit city, oreo-oust.
Oregon City Enterprise
$1.50 Per Year in Advance.
oft a women as well as a 'lrensy
the go now and the finest neleo
City can he found at
are lost
J. A. Weaco, Secretary.
the Best of Paints.