Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 10, 1894, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Kvery Frlduy.
Pn yar, i ,v
ink ulwrrlrllon two moalhx, 26
Bnrwrlpttone fayahl la adranr.
Adrertietnf rir (lvn ou application.
Intertd at the Poot Offlr In Orffon Clty.Or.,
ft wona nam waiter.
Onion Mills,
Meadow Brook.
Nfw Kra,
Park Flaoe,
Nultno, - -Cam.
ButtCTllU -Aurora,
Orrllle. -
Kaple Orwk,
0. W. Pror
Deo. Kiilk-hl
A. Vtbr
Gary A Wlinirr
J. Trillium r
E. 8 Hramhall
- Chat Moiman
W. 8. Newberry
Henry Niley
Hamilton A Vahturn
Mr. J. A. Sheppanl
T. M. Croet
J. O. Oair.
C. T Howard
R. M. Cooper
Annie Sliibba.
K. M. Hamnan
B. Jeuiilnt
- F. tilesy
I. J PeMu
II. Wilnrrn
John Welsh
J. 0. Elliot!
K. U.Kt h
Mrs. W.M. Mcliityr
eo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Atlolph Aschott
yThe way to build np Oregon
Citjr tit to glT Oregon City people yonr
controversy ii under any ohliK'alton to obey
them, Tbe romiiilMion ran sellle nothing.
In the preaent r.i.e it ran have no ptwihlc
intlitenrc In the conlroverjy one way or th
oilier, as the ttbturbanoe in lis lartrtr fea
tures, tlie railivail strike, l over, leaving
nothing for arbitration except the original
and minor dispute, that bet pen Pullman
and his employes. However, If the com
mission, in its task as a mediator, tlx en tip
that quarrel and puis the : or 4iX) idle
0Hratires who caused Hit big trouble to
work again, it will do something to vindi
cate its existence.
Two weeks since the Courier published
n article which intimated very broadly
that the Main street improvement is not
calculated to prove durable and satisfactory.
This is what was said:
" In a classification of paving materials
by D. M. Mead of Chicago, brick is placed
as the least durable under traffic and more
liable to decay than asphalt, cedar block,
cobble stone, granite block or macadam. If
be is correct, Main street's pavement wont
last much longer than the contractors are
obliged by their guarantee to keep it in repair."
In order that the readers of the Extsr
pkisk may know bow much credence should
be placed in this statement and comment,
the table prepared by Mr. Mead is here pub
lished in full, showing the comparative mer
its of different paving materials as classified
by him for Chicago, taken from the Scien
tific American of June 23, ItffH:
a o o e 2
In urging upon its readers the Importance
of organiiation to make a success of fruit
shipping the Northwest I'acitlo Farmer
says :
Growers appear to hold back, each afraid
that if co-operation is formed some onewill
make some money out of them. Of course
some one will make some money. No rea
sonable man ran expect other men to work
and build up a business without some rec-
ompeuse. But nevertheless these organiza
tions and co-operations must be consum
mated, or the growers may as well go out of
the business. In a business in which thou
sands are engaged and in which all pull
agaius! tne outer there is absolutely no
money for any of them and the quicker
they get out of it the better for them. To
the grower with from one to five acres: do
you expect buyers to come around to your
places to buy fruit? If you wait for them
to do so you have a long wait ahead of you.
IV) you expect to sell in the borne or local
market? If such are your expectations re
member that there are hundreds ol others
that are contemplating the same thing, and
that probably a dozenout ot those hundreds
can fully supply the demand. The Portland
market for the fruits of the Northwest is
now dead and will continue to remain dead,
except when our shipping merchants have
made a clean np and shipped to eastern
markets. The growers within a lew miles
can supply and overstock the actual needs
of this city. Not a small fractional part of
the great fruit crop now on hand or here-
alier to come ran be marketed here. It
must be shipped, and to be shipped means
that a hearty co-operation is demanded of
every one if the moat is to be realised. No
half-hearted work is admissible if success is
Tin figures showing the school popula
tion and apportionment are Interesting to
the people of this count v since the)' show
that Clackamas county stands third ou th
lit, Multnomah and Marion only being in
advance, Clackamas county has had a
steady and rapid groath fora number of
years. One by one it baa caught up with
and passed a number of other counties In
population and wealth and it Is not expect
ing too much to look lor it to take second
rank before another decade, for it has all
the natural advantages to make It grow
rapidly. It only requires push to utillr
the forces at hand.
Parihinixo Pennoyer, Just to keep his
hand in, let two prisoners out of the pen on
Tuesday. There were over four hundred
convicts confined within the walls of the
penitentiary but by assiduous and persist
ent use of the executive clemency the par
doner has succeeded in reducing the num
ber to three hundred and forty-live. Well,
there is some satisfaction in knowing that
Governor Lord w ill not have to worry about
the appointment ol penitentiary officials at
the beginning of his term, for by that time
there will ba no criminals confined there to
be g'.iarded.
- ft
5 r
es S
9 S a
2 1
S :
6 3
First cost 5 4
Cost of maintenance 4 1
Facility of repair 6 2
Durability nuder traffic.. 4 1
Freedom from noise 3 4
" " dust 1 2
" " decay... 5 1
" " absorption. 1 2
Fooothold for horses 6 4
Ease of iractlon 1 2
A careful examination of this table shows
that brick leads in the Tital requirements of
a good pavement, being first in cost of main
tenance, first in durability under traffic,
first in freedom from decay, and second in
repairs, ease of traction, freedom from dust
and absorption, and therefore brick pave
ments are the best all around streets of any
In existence. Oregon City can be congratu
lated on her wise selection. The Courier
probably made a mistake in its interpreta
tion of tbe table or took some on's word for
the statement
The Rogue River Courier expresses the
sentiment of a good many ef llie people of
the Mate ween it says: The legislature
which meets at Salem next January should
abolish a lot of commissions, repeal a lot
of useless acts, boil down the appropria
tions and scatter to its homes. If the
members will do this they will earn
the lasting gratitude ot the citizens of Ore
gon and accomplish more good than any
legislature for years. Forty days need not
be consumed in tearing down a number of
useless and expensive appendages, though
a tew days might be devoted to passing a
maximum freight and passenger act. As
tbey will not do this, let them not beg off
by perpetuating a useless railroad com
mission "with enlarged powers."
" IVti eat dog" is all that tho contest
among the democratic members of congress
amounts to any way. The republicans have
no part in the fiay and are not worrying
themselves about the outcome. As It is not
a contest lor principles but for individual,
cororat!on, and trust supremacy over the
masses, for the purpose of enriching the
few at the excuse of the many, it does not
make much ditlcreuce to the ordinary citi
zen who pays the freight which side wins as
he will be robbed in either event.
l .
War brtaeen Japan and China should
stimulate trade in this n ut, try, and espe
cially on this coast lo a considerable extent.
and in case it is long continued it may have
salutary influence upon business which Is
now depressed beyond precedent. If it in
creases the price of farm products and
makes a lively demand lor our goods, no
one in this section wilt mourn over the
death of a few of the almond-eyed race.
Orookfd Ohlueit Oonaplrattiri.
1knvkr, Ann. 3. IVputy Collector of
Internal Kinemio KinlU liaa discovered
that nunieroiiN eerlillcutes o( register
lion for Clilimmeii wcro fraudulently
obtained at liix-k Spring, Wyo., Wing
accompanied with photogriiplia taken
by ti pliologmplior nt that pla.-o from
ptvturen sent from China, (lenenil Kuhis
was toU today ly a Chinaiiia) at Rock
Spilnga, that Hun Wall, a merchant nt
lVrtlaml, Or,, would pay ,'UH) Rplece for
the cerlillcutcH, aa lie was liringlnit
Chinamen In from Hritiah Columbia, It
is believed that tho discovery w ill lead
to tho iineariliing ot an fxttmitive swindle
tho headquarter of which uro in Tort
land. -
Some of the Mate's 1'iifnrtiniutea,
Siivorinledent Rowland, of tho Insane
asylum, has suhiotlted his monthly re
port for July, which shows:
Male Females
ratleutsat the aoylum June
I!0 tltW
Received during: July '.'tt
Under cam and treatment. .tiSH
very Pair Guaranteed
ao dress San Francisco CaL
Till Inter-Octan cartoons congressmen as
gathered in a body before I'm le Sum who
sternly orders them to go home. In the
background are sullen clouds, bursting
thunderbolts and lurid lightning flashes
representing public Indignation. Whim
pering in response lo the command, and in
fear of the fate awaiting them iion their
return to (heir homes,;they exclaim, "What!
while there's so much electricity in the air!"
The country, of course, says the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat, does not look for any im
portant result from the work of the commis
sioners who are to inquire into the causes
of tbe recent strike, but it is glad, never
theless, that the task has been placed incom
petent hands. A good deal has been writ
ten recently about this so-called "arbitra
tion" act of ltm, and it is well to put tbe
law to a test that tbe public may learn if it
is good for anything. The gentlemen who
have been named as commissioners may be
relied on to bring out what there is in the
law, and thus give the people a chance to
find out definitely if anything can be ac
complished on the general lines laid down
in this statute. If this act, when put in op
eration, gives even a hope that in this di
rection there may be found a way to avert
such labor disturbances as the country has
recently been afflicted with it will serve a
useful purpose, and the legsliation required
can readily be obtained.
But this law of 1H8 can of itself do no
good directly. Theconimissionersapointed
under it are empowered to visit the locality
of the disturbance, inquire into its causes,
and study out the best means ot adjusting
it, and then they shall reKrt to the presi
dent and congress, which report is to be
made public at once. The good offices of
the commission may be tendered by tbe
president to the disputants, either upon his
own motion or upon that of any of tbe par
ties to the controversy. It shall, after such
investigation as it thinks proper, in which
all parties in interest are expected to be
beard, advise each party to tbe dispute
what, if antbing, ought to be done. To this
extent and no farther can the commission
go in the direction of settling disputes, and
after it dots this and makes its report to
the president and congress it steps down.
Tbe commlssioH, that is to say. is a purely
advisory body. It can tell what in its judg
ment "ought" to be done, but it cannot say
what " must" be done. The things w hich
it suggests may lie wise, and when the com
mission, as in the present case, is carefully
chosen, tbey are likely to be wise, but tbey
are merely suggestions and recommenda
tions, nevertheless, and neither party to the
CoxifESTiKo on tbe result of the recent
strike and tbe fear of legislators to express
themselves in relation thereto, Harper's
Weekly says: " The attitude of most of the
law-makers at Washington was pitiable. In
their fear of losing votes tbey begged the
newspaper reporters not to interview them
on the subject. Tbey wanted to avoid any
expression of opinion that might inflame
against them, not peaceful organized labor,
not strikers who bad merely quit their em
ployment, not even strikers who were en
gaged in inducing otber laborers rot to take
their places, but violators of tne law defiant
of all authority, enemies ol the public peace
and of the government. All tbis does not
look as if law-makers were the eager tools
of capital, but rather as if they were more
liekly to be the fearful slaves of organized
A viae ago last Tuesday President Cleve
land called his wild colts together to pass
laws to redeem the country from the de
pressing times incident to tbe success of tbe
democratic party and start it on tbe high
way to prosperity. Wiihdhe assistance of
republican votes he was able to secure legis
lation on tbe silver question which was only
done after monthsof wrangling, since which
time the majority has done little or nothing
except to convert the balls of congress into
a cat and parrot sbow. When it adjourns
if it ever does, the members of the dominan
party can explain to their constituents in
the words of plucked Polly, " We've been
having a h-l of a time," in which senti
ment tbeir sulfering consittuents will fully
concur, and respond, "so have we.".
As ORrooK City has suffered les than
any otber community in the slate from the
dull times, so it will be in (he best shape to
prepare upon the first appearance of a re
turn of prosperity to lake advantage of the
improved conditions and secure the cream
of industries which will be looking this way
for location. Now is the time to begin to
prepare for a season of rapid and substan
tial growth.
Discharged aa recovered .... I)
Discharged as much Impr'd 3
Discharged us not improved 5
Died ft
Kiopetl 7
Nuinlier now on hand ball !iOI
Number ot oilier rt nud employes 10-1.
Monthly expenwo er patient S.ir,
Daily exH'iuo !er patient, '.".I cent
l'ersvins wishing tine work in photo
portraits or view, Interiors ami exterior
w ill save money by going to I'otter'a photo
pttilorn, '5 First alreet, Portland, tf
Flies am great (lesta, but you can keep
tl.em out very easily and cheaply by
buying a set of screen doont and windows
of Jones A Son over tho (). C. Iron
Work. tf
(iooil reliublo aenls wanted to sell
(iladntone proiertv. 2'n rents lure to
Oregon City. I.iU'ral commixMion paid
Ilcst wiling property on tho market.
Cull on or write to H. K. Crotu", presi
dent liladstono Real Fstato Aswociution.
Alabama has gone democratic, just as
every sensible person knew it would in spile
ol the populist cluirns that they had a first
mortgage on the vote and offices. Not only
did it go democratic but it did so with a
vim. As republicans expected
there is some consolation in knowing that
even modern democracy Is better than cur
rent populism.
Dm. Mickey & Hit-key, dentists from
Chicago, who uro now crit!uncntty lo
cated in Oregon City, come to tia very
highly recommended. Dr. llickey
ranks high n a dentist in Cldcngo,
w hore he bus for your la-en a sm ce-s-f
u 1 practitioner. Mr llickey i also a
gradate from the dental depaitmeiil of
tho .State University of Io.
To Trade.
A gxxl farm of 80 acres near Molalla
I'urtiully improved buildings, orchard.
etc. Level bottom land. Will trade
for Oregon City property. Address
Tiiavkh A Ai.iikn, Oregon City.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your auhsciption to tbe
Kntkhi'himk and get the the benefit of
tho reduction In price.
Have you seen the latest? Tho place
to find it is at the mamotli afore of Char
man & Son where they havejiiat received
nothing ; a fine tf, 0( i,.t novellie in drest
Tits next thing for our public spirited
citizens to take bold and make a success of
is the firemen's meeting next month. It
will require a great deal of hard work to get
all the possibilities out of this meeting, but
as it is coming here nothing should be per
mitted to come between the meeting and a
pleasant and successful tournament.
Not another town in Oregon la spending
as much money in new buildings and (spe
cially in factories as is Oregon City. With
an improvement in the conditions there Is
certain to be much greater activity In the
way of building, and we will be right in it
then even more (ban now.
Is an article in Harper's Bazar upon hat
etiquette the writer says: " A boy should
be trained to take off bis hat to his mother,
his sister, or to the little girls he knows. To
lift the hat with the grace of good breeding
is a much-to-be-desired accomplishment."
From reports relative to the petition
which is being circulated and numerously
signed on the hill, asking the council to
grant a reasonable franchise, it is the opin
ion of citizens that the parties who are
proposing to build the electric lii.e
should be encouraged to the -extent of
allowing them a franchise that will
not increase the probabililies of their
losing money beyond what they are in the
enterprise under the most favorable circum
stances. We do not suppose that any one
really thinks the line, if built, will make
any money for years. Why then should
the council seek to kill the enterprise by
undue restrictions?
Obegok bas tbe elements of prosperity
this season were other conditions suth as
to permit fair prices. Crops almost every
where are excellent, and if the farmer could
be Insured good prices for his commodities
and the unemployed be given work, there
would be no more occasion to complain of
hard times, but'under existing conditions it
is doubtful if much more can be expected
from the abundant harvests than tbe main
tenance of conditions not woriie than they
now are.
PiK.ioYkB is obeying the precepts of holy
writ by making friends of the "mammon of
unrighteousness" so that when be ceases
to warm the executive chair his ex-convict
friends may rise np and call him blessed.
As ah evidence of tbe prosperity of Ore
gon City in these very depressing times one
has but to note the tew vacant houses and
the readiness evinced to fake a good house
when it is vacated.
goods together with a full line of the la
teat novelties in tritrminga, including
the celebrated Hercules braid. The but
tons to match are aomelhlng new und
unique w hicb vou should not miss oeeing.
Illank note, receipt and ordor books
at the F.NTKki'RiHg office.
F. R. ANDREWS. Prop.,
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits,
Hy KtiooeHsivo (limiting ami irrignliou my vi'getiiMori tiro nlwnyo
crinp and tender.
Dally Delivery to nil Ports of the City.
Pu.ro Citler Vinegar in Slin k Uemly fur Delivery, Breeder of
Pure lUnotl Plymouth Km-k und llrown Leghorn
Chickens. IVkin Duck.
Concord Team Harness with 2 1-2 Inch trncea nnd
1 3-4lnch points, madoof ANo. I Suloctcd OakTnnned
Loathor, with broochlng and dostonTeam Collars, $25.00
Sittno with hijstrajH find crux'r '.",..r)!). Sumo without hirstnitm
und breeching $21.0).
An linnictinc Stoclc of Huirity lltinicnn, HiuIiIU-h, IIi'MIcm.
I Inllcr, llhinket. Uoliex, Whin, Kto., nt n greut reduction.
Cull on or write to C. L. HOCAN,
Dealer In Harness and Saddlery in all Its Branches,
oj mittl v.l Mvoiiml Mlrval, IVirtlticnl, OrKtt.
purniture ai?d Underta.
.i ll . J
i .. - ,; - "I Aft
The "Great Commoner" was the name
frequently applied to William Pitt. Ore
gon's present governor w ill be known as the
Great Pardoner.
It Is evMent that Pennoyer has freed all
of bis friends, tbe rape fiends, as he is now
at work on the forgers and thieves.
Ai.iuwy is engaged in the laudable at
tempt to exterminate all thistles within the
city limits.
Earned His Fingsri Before.
Wahiiinoton, Aiitf. 5. The envoys
from ex-Uueen Liltuokalam, who are
now in Washington, have not aa yet suc
ceeded in obtaining audience with Pren
ident Cleveland, and they have begun
laying their cane before members of con-
grens who belong to the house and sen
ate committee on foreign affairs. They
do not conceal their disappointment over
the coolness of the administration to
ward them, although careful to say noth
ing acrimoniiiB, they convey the under
standing very plainly that tbey think
President Cleveland is treating them
rather poorly, in view of his former alti
tude toward the defunct Hawaiian mon
archy. Where Will They fie 8nnt7
Washington, Aug. 0. A bill for the
deportage of anarchists pased the sen
ate today.
Is that misery experienced when
suddenly made- aware that yoa
possess a diabolical arrangement
called stomach. No two" dyspep
tics bavo the same predominant
symptoms, but whutover form
dyspepsia takes
The underlying eattM i
in the LIVES,
and one thing is certain no on
will remain a dyspeptio who will
ffrTTw Is wtU comet
Acidity oftba
Stomach, '
Cxpal font (IMS,
Allay Irritation,
Aatlst Digestion
'and at the sania
Start the Liver working and
all bodily ailment
will disappear.
"Tor mere thaa tbrco years I suftVrerl with
rypepia in lu wont form. 1 tried feveral
dicton, but thy fTordsd no relief. At lait I Med
Simmons Liver Regulator, which cured me I,.
hort time. It It a good medicine. I would no.
be without lu" Jamm A.,Koas, Fhiutd'a, Pa.
K. L. Holman carries a fine line of Furniture,
Lounges, Wall Paper and Carpets at lowest pos
sible living rates, also a fine lino of Caskots and
Coffins, Ladies' and Gents' robes, which ARE
Cut of hcar-BO in this adveitirn'ment.
1T.T7U 1 1 H I. .! .
Ha our 7. Ntnmp In red on n
J. II. ZKILIM 4 CO.. Philadelphia,
124-26 Fourth Street X'
Open from N?v
6 A. M. Tho
to 4$ nly first
,.i i -i.
8 P.M.
w nnpfi rparn rnnr in
tho city. Superior
accommodations for lad
ies and families.
G. C. Rider, Prop.
class and ah-
' '-yV 8olutelytemper
i3 anna restaurant in
NO. 2, I. O. O. K.
Mrt the ecoti! and fourth Monday In each
month at a o'clock p. m. In I O. O. F. Hull
Mkh Maky William, N. G.
Mh. M, 0. Chabmam, 8eo.
$1.25 l(X)0 s Suitable for Sidewalk and Bridge Work
The best county paper in the State
with the best metropolitan paper on
the Coast.
Jfye Oreor; ?ity Enterprise
Will Rive all the local news of Clacka
mas county and Oregon City with the
court proceedings and matters that are
of vital interest to farmers of Clacka
mas county. The WEEKLY ORE
CON IAN will give the news of the State
and nation and the doings of the world
each week.
All Successful Men Keep Posted.
The ENTERPRISE and the Weekly
Oregonlan one year for $2.50.
All old subscribers paying their subscription one
year in advance will be entitled to the same offer.