Oregon City fcntcrprisc. FRIDAY, AUtilMT 111, 1HIM. ClncUnmna Co. Diroctory. COI'NTY OFKK.KIIH. JnU, :icik u CuurK, -M'mrirT, M'lfurttur. 'I'rPHiiiritr, - AM'nr. m hiinl Hunrliiliinli'iil, H irnyor. , IJitruuar, C jmiiilliiuofi, (liitiluii K. lUvaa llmi, r. Iliirtim K.C. MmliliN'k H. M, HiiHi.lijr M I, M'i,,r. J, C. Jlrmllnjr II. H (UIh I). W kllilMllil l(. I. Iliiifitmi I Crunk JuKiinr To JItft Hut 1 linen. Tlm miWrlptliin prim fir tlm Kntkii I'Iiink liitx Ihmiii rvillici'il lo $l,ftll pur year; briiit (or mIx iiiiihiIih. CiinIi In ml- hick, HuliHcrllii'm pitylnif at tint ml (if yiar will not ln willtlil lo till rie tliii'lioii. Tim low prim lit tnit'lo to K"t tin lint on a ciinIi IhmIn Hint linliit'H nil iiliMi'rllii'rn to py up, Mini ii-'iiilly tu pri'Vxiit ilciiil ln'iilH from taklnu lliu paper ami not payiiiK (or It by rcuiton of tlii'ir U'iliK Ihw proof. Itwliin'il prim will only coinininri with ilutonf renewal, 11. 1" lllllkl'H llll KNTKIII'f ihk Him elii'iip- cut pitper In t'lui ldiiiiiin ('(Miiily i'IkIiI IMiyi'H nil Iniim print utxl lull of live imhI new. CHAT AUO UT TP WN. lUrvtmt la In yuiwn. 1 want a li'W kimmI lartn loiim. V, II. IIi mihuki.t, Kmacmk'h IK.miai iik CAm'i.mt War ranted. County court la In amnion with plufity of bintliiMMi to i'iiiyt ItH attention. Now U thn tlini to yet uno (if tliont choice lu(j in llolton. TiTiim arc eaity. TeelliliiK bahlea and feverlali children iiiil Ktcr'luian'a HoothliiK 1'owdera. Try them. If your wati'h or clock, need repairing take them to Iliunit'lhUir A Amlruiteii. Tlicy guarantee all their work. Mux I'lerter, lila aon Una ami Hurt .Mrii'klin returned (lit Aral of tha week from a finding' dip up tint .MoUlla. There U not on the market any prop erty ao attractive a holton thai oilers audi lliiluceiiielita to purchanem. We carry the heat lino of confection 4ry, fruit ami nula in the city. K. K. William, The Grocer. Cuttrell la tin name of a new poMo.llce w hlch haa lieen tmtahlinhud In the uorth rn part ol the county near I'uwella Vl ley. You will soon winh to ri'paier your liouae or anveral of the rooiua. K. L lloluian haa jimt put in a fine annortiucnl of nrw atylim. The new paper mill luting erected by the Willamette 1'ulp A Pacr company la (klx'.'-J.') fuet, ami I being punlied rapidly forward. v A numeroualy signed petition hat gone th Wahington to have the Mink pout olllco re-Vktahliahed with U. A. Schue liel aa eimaatir. llolton, one of the delightful auburbi of thia city, which will interval you if you are thinking of building, la adver tlmxl in thia ixauu. For the correct time, a clone shave, and a towel with every ahave with no aiiicll ol the Mongolian about it, call at Farnaworth'a ahop. K. N. Will it now ready for business again. Photographic tent located at corner of Center and Kmlth at reel a, on hill. Flrat claaa 75 centfl er ilorcn. Mr. W. II. Wood wont to Cotuatock Saturday to join her huahand, who la employed by the Iiavia-Ainhler-Merrill Mill Company. 8he expecta to itay up there till achool coiiiiiiuncea here. Iturmelater A Andreaen carry In atock the lareat line of Itoer'a alWerware in the county embracing Hpoom, furka, knivea, tea acta, hcrry diahef, butter diahea, pickel diahea, cake buaketa and ;aaUrH. Mra. K. F.. Wade, recently from Knox villi, TeimcxHee, Iihh moyed into one of II. S. Itellomy'H cotlagea on the weat aide where ahe will live for time. If elie like thia place ahe will build a num ber of cottuKcs heraelf. Any lionuNt lady wiahing to mnke 15 pur week quietly at her own home, nd dreai with atuiiipcd envelope, Netta L. Willard, Lo Angeles Call. Tlnn otTor la bonaflde. Work ready to aund at once. Steady poaitlon. There will a nutting lawn aociul ut tliu reaidence of Mra. C, 0. T. Wllluma on Fridtty evening, under the auapicea of the ISaptiat Young People's Society . All are Invited. AdmiHulaon free. Ice cream and cake ten cents. A pleasant party wa given by Mian Itertba Ilunaen at the home of her parents In Mink laat Friday evening, the occasion lieing her l()th birthday. Dan cihg, social intercourse and abundant and choice refreshments mado the occa sion an enjoyable one. On Sunday evening S. It. Green's commission as postmaster arrived and on Tuesday morning before ofllce hours lie took possession. K. M. KiiihIh, the retiring ostinaHter, was appointed on the Dth of February, 1 Sill , so lacked a little oyer six months of serving bis time out when he was removed. Horseshoeing is a trude not picked up by every worker In iron it 1ms become a science. Try a professional shoer and see bow much better the shoes will stay on your horse, also how much better he will travel. See Maple A Hay, opposite Fopo's hardware store. Gen eral blucksniithlng done. TfiitF.K I'll iso r;its VMvxvun. Dug Tin lr Wny Out Tlirninch the (ll I ig lulu the (fecorilcr's Ofllce. Last Sunday evening considerable con atJ-i liul ion wna ex perlonced atthe aherlffa nlllce when it was discovered that three prlaloners had broken out of Jull and made a aucceaafnl escape. These were Al Nitiiina, Morton (irecii and Moit. MdwiinU. Three other had refused to leave ullhough they bail only to crawl through the hole by which the other had gained lilierty. On Sunday I'etur Nchren, who live in the liukcnimit of the court house, went to I'ortliuid lo vialt aotne friend", ao that there waa no one In the court houae at the lime. An examination of the prem Im ahowed that a heavy weight waa obtained from the closet which tiiey took to the top of the steel cells from which they could reach the ceiling alsive. Using the weight a a ham ner they drove the boards of)' the fl'Xir and were soon ready to climb out, which they lost no time In doing. They found t Ik-mi- mdvi In the recorder's olllce from which there wna no dillleiilly In gaining liberty. When I he discovery wa made that the prisoner were gone it wa about ft o'elix k anil It wa thought that they lmd aliout three hour the start. Sherifr Mud dock at once orgaiiUeil puraiiit parties and used every endenvor to catch them, hut ao fur without aucces. Following I a diaciiption of the men for the apprehension and return of whom there I ollered a reward of f-'H): Al. Names, agn 111 year; dark com plexion; black uiuaiache; blind in left eye; eye-ball entirely gone with llda closed ; ha dent In forehead over right eye with powder uiaik. Wanted for larceny. Morton (ireuu, age about 'JO yeur ; tall and tlim; light complexion; hua navy (due sack suit, with white dlilrt and black derby hat ; cointres shorn. Wanted for rohln-ry. Mortimore Kd wards, about 17 year of age; abort and stout; dark complexion ; ,haktruw bat or red cap; heavy plow alloc or Hrharii canva shoe Wanted for rohlH-ry, A MlgM Fire. Alsmt 1 o'chxk on Monday morninit when the people of thin coiumuiiily were enjoying their pnifoundeat bIiiiiiIrts, the clanging of tlm flrelicll canned many of them to spring from their beds and to hurry to the corner of Sixth and Main streets where I lie small building adja cent to tha Oriental hotel were found to be on fire. The fire companies were on the ground In time to urevent the fl lines from consuming the buildings, one ol which wa occupied by Herman Salow aa a boot and shoe shop and the other by a barber shop. At the tiino Salow and Mat toon were asleep In the shoe shop and although the smoke was dense therein they bad lo be aroused Irom a heavy slumber. It i likely that they would have lieen overjHiwered by the smoke if somo one had not awakened them . Both building were damaged by the fire and water to the extent of water per hup a couple of hundred dollar. H. C. Steven and B. .luggar are the owner and carried no insurance. Herman Bulow was insured in the Aetna for two hundred dollar. Moat of his stock was spoiled by fire and water. The next morning after the fire II. C Stevens had men at work clearing out the debris and repairing the damage. A to the cause of the tiro there is no doubt hut what it was set between the buildings. The first person to see the blane and give the alarm was C. T. Hickman, the night watchman, at the IuiMriul Mills. He ban turned out f'om the upcr mill on to Main street to go to the brick mill when be saw a small hinge perhaps not larger than a lantern. At first bo could not tell what it was, yet Its strangeness attracted his atten tion. Hurrying down the street and watching it he became convinced when near the corner of Third street that it was a building afire and be rushed across to tho Cataract building and rang the alarm. He had rung perhaps twenty strokes when be li3ard some one down the street in tho vicinity of the bluxe sing out "fire." These Hunt to Teach. On Wednesday Superintendent Gibson began the regular quarterly examination of applicants for teachers's certificates, there being fifty-two applicants for county certificates and several for state certificates. Those writing for county certificates are, Huttie Cochrane, Mary Guttcridgo, Ada Mclaughlin. Hester Kusk, Mary K. Talbcrt, Katie M. Storts, Delia Fryrear, Bade II. Chase, V. E. Kow ton, Lewis Thomas, P. L. Coleman, Chas. Elrey, Cbas. M. Crittenden, Roy Graves, C. W. Stephens, Arthur Holden M. L. Bray ton, Ara McLaughlin, Albert FrankliotiHcr, George Harrington, F. L. Skirvln, J. II. Imol, E. M. Hard, Stella Sumner, Ilattie L. Sweet, T. J. Allen. J. G. Hadley, S. L. Fruitier, Kachol Koynolds, Lizzie Gilbert, Ilattie E.Mon roe. Matilda Kned, Olive A. Lewelling, Emma Sturcbler, Minnie Joehnke, Lizzie Englo, Annie Mumpowor, Anna Dolan, Nellie Younger, Etta McMurry, Mary Gliormley, Katie Dolan, Louise Kinnaird Anna Kead, Jewell Murk, Girtie Nefzuor, Mabel Hanegan, Kuby Sjiencer, Matie Godfrey, Minnie Walker, Maggie Stout and Ada Kandall. Married, at the residence of the bride' parent on the We-tt Side, August 5, lH!it Itev Oilman Puiker olliclutlng, Charles K. Fiigeund Mis Ella Davis. After a sumptions dinner tint happy couple went at once to their home on Eighth street, which the bildegrooiii bad all fitted up for housekeeping. Mr. Fugo Is one of our worthy and industrious young men ami Mra. Fuge I a conaisU-iit memlsir of the Baptist church of this city. The Entkiii'Msk lubes tliem bappines arid success in life. What are you Intending to do next Sunday? Why go with the railroad con- (i lie tors tin their excursion tu Silverton of course. They aie going to have danc- IriK and all kind of u-nmcs in the grove nenr. The train will pas Oregon City going at nine o'clock in the morning and return about seven in the evening. Tint fulr for t he roun j tilp is only one dollar for adults and for children fifty eent. Ticket for sale by L. H. Moore at the depot. M. L. Johnson, of Clackamas, wa in town the other day getting a supply of tiiiM-s to tint In additional drying facili- tie in his fruit cvaKirutor. He says that they have seventeen acre of prunes mostly s'tite, which aro a good crop this season when most other kind have failed. HI experience with prune i decidedly In favor of using aleatn lor Jrying as it 1 safe and gives better prune than direct beat. The corres,xmdcnu of the Argonaut of August fith present a usual the topics of the hour in 1-ondoii and New York. The first lelhir I alsjut the new Lord Chief-Justice of England, Sir Charles Itussell, and contains much interesting Information about legal method in Great Britain; and the second I devoted to the summer diversions of the fashionable element in the American metropolis. J. A. Cox of Canby was in on Satur day with his threshing engine which he had at the Oregon City Iron Work for a thorough overhauling prior to starling u)ii the season's threshing. In bring ing it down the Singer hill be broke it o that it had to be left there the greater part of one day while the break wa be ing repaired. He expect to start bis machine early next week. Fred and George Ely have made an exchange of property by w hich Fred ac quire nearly all of George's Interest in this county In exchange 'for California pioxrty. It i George' intention to go Ui California to live about the 20th of thi month. The statement in last week's paper that E. A. Smith was the only one from this place to climb Mt Hood was based on the list published in the Oregoniun. F. E. Donaldson informs u that be stood on top of the mountain at the same lime and found it uncomfortably cold. J. A. Confer, who tor some time .past ha been running a camp on tho Willam ette opposite New Era for the purpose of getting out piling for Portland parties. has sold the business to Haviland & ItusHcll, who will continue the industry. C. C, Williams was the tirst farmer on the bill to thresh bis grain, wh'ch was clone last Wednesday morning In the afternoon bis neighbor'A. S. Lawton bad the machine busy at bis place. On Wednesday evening there was a Secial meeting of Willamette Falls camp of Woodmen at which besides transacting business of importance seven new memWs were initiated. Thursday's Statesman says that 0. P. Miller, the efficient and accommodating clerk of the course for the 1894 state fair race meeting, wa no from Oregon City yesterday on state fair business. Hop Tickets. - 2,ri0teckets 1.00; 500 for 11.35; 1000 for 2.00 Send to the Oregon City En tkki'kimk for bop tickets. Printed on tough check with growers name on. Orders promptly filled and sent post paid to any point. IjhIIcs Before going to the coast you should call at the Bower of Beauty Massage parlors, room 7, Electric hotel and ex amine the fine lot of toilet goods, also electric steamers for salve at reasonable prices. No family can afford to be with out one of these valuable articles. Your physician indorses them. All hospitals and sanitarians use them. Water Consumers Attention! Persons allowing water to waste or run all day or all night are violating the rules of this board and will be dealt with ac cordingly. Section 18 of the rules and regulations provides ; that consumers can only use water for irrigation or sprink ling lawns between the hours of 5 and 0 A.M. and Sand 9 P.M. By order of the Board of Water Com missioners Alleghany, Pa., March 10, 1801. Mr. Norman Licuty, Des Moines, la. Dear Sir: I find Krause's Headache Capsules a ready seller, and can say from personal experience that they are a good thing, as the other night they cured me of a bad attack of neuralgia in about one hour, when usually it lusts a day or so. C. W. Smart. For sale by Cbarmnn A Co's. City Drug Store, Oregon City, Or. For good sausage of all kinds call at the City View market, foot of Seventh street. Flinn i Sciiultz. W00BMF.1 OK THE WOttMl. Hererelirn Cnmji Will Visit Oregon City .Next iuexlay Krenlng. The Sovereign camp of the Pacific Jurisdiction of the Woodmen of the Worm will hold It" biennial session in Portland, tx-guiniiig August 14. All the subordinate lodge of Oregon, Wash ington, California, Coloiado, Wyoming, I lull, Arizona and Montana will lie rcpteseiiied. The membership of the Pacific coast jurisdiction is aliout 12,0(X) and the representation at the camp will be about 200. Besides these, twice many others, ladies and friend, will tie in attendance. All the lodges in the Willamette valley, a well a Portland are expected to turn out in full force. It is the intention of the Portland cominiilee on arrangements to have the delegates and oilier Portland member of the Older who wish to, come to this cily by boat on Tuenday evening, and besides meeting the sovereign camp Willamette Falls camp will make the occasion a sort of first annual anniver sary of its organization. It was the in tenlion of the local ramp to have had si-'-!! exerciws on or aliout the Pttb which is the first anniversary of the or ganization of the camp, but w hen it was learned that the Portland committee wished to have the members of the sov ereign camp come to Oregon City the plan was changed and it was decided to have the one meeting include both. As the visitors have expressed a wish to apend a part of the evening dancing in a pavilion in the open air it was de cided by the committee here to secure Falls City park for the occasion, which through the courtesy of Mr. Giebiscb was done without expense. The plan is for the l'x-al camp members to meet with their families at their ball at eight o'clock then march to the boat to meet the visitors and witness the illumina tion of the falls, after which the Sover eign camp and visiting members will be escorted to the park where brief ad dresses will lie made by local represen tatives and visiting neighbors, after which a pleasant social donee will be en joyed by those who take pleasure in tripping the light fantastic. An orches tra of fourteen pieces will accompany the visitors and furnish music at the pavilion. A pleasant time is anticipated. Met ice to Contractor. Sealed bid will be received up 1 o'clock p. in., Aug. 15, 1814. by school lioard of dist, No. 67, Marion county, for thn erection and completion of school building A copy of the plans and spec ifications may be seen at the store of Yandeleur A Bents, Butteville, also at the office of Chas, BurgrafT, architect, Salem, The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. " A. TT. Conk, District Clerk. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary H. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female HjKM-ific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to yon, and will cost you only $1 (or one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial box, free, who will send me the names and addresses of ten ladies who are in delicate health. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mr. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western deiwt, Houlton, Ore gon. The old veteran, Captain Bundy, has his new boat house all fitted up in run ing order and is now prepared to furnish at all time the finest line of pleasure boats to be found in the state. Prices reasonable and the best of treatment ac corded a!! patrons. Foot of II th street. Screen Door. Flies have already made their appearance and to most en dually protect yourself against these, you should fit- your bouse with strong screen doors which the Oregon City Sash A Door Factory makes. Cheap. tf Hard times Prices. S. F. Scripture has reduced the price a horse shoeing to f 1.50 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many vears experience insure first class work Did you know that your old hat and seedy cloths can be made to look as good as new by the Oregon City Dye works? You can save one-half the price of a new suit by renovating your old. Notice to Taxpayer. The County Board of Equalization will meet at the ofllce of the county assessor at the court house in Oregon City, Clack amas county. Or., Monday August 27, 1894, and continue in session from day to day foi one week . J. C. Bradley. County Assessor Oregon City. Or., August 1, 1894. PORTLAND ACADEMY SIXTH YEA It. Will open Kent ember 41, I'or catalogue, nddresn PORTLAND ACADEMY, iqi Eleventh Street. Brc'l made with HA KINO POWDER. It makes a I'glit live, iweot lost. Dealers Ml It on the manufaetiirers' juaraiite, CLOSSKT a UKVtRS, forlituiil, Or. Golden West Baking Powder OUR- HAS NO btU'KltlOK IB any jwrtirular. MONEY RKFt'XPED BY uy grocer, IF NOT SATISFACTORY. Midi ih Portland y Closset& Devers. Farmers 31 202, 204. 206, 208, First Street. Portland, Close Bayers, DEHL WITH US. .'HMnch fancy worsted, per yd 19 :;i)-incli checks, plaids and stripes, mr yd 25 You will pay 40c to Mc per pair for this class of goods in other stores. 38 inch all wool ladies' cloth, full line of colors, per vd 35 .'ilriiieh colored Henrietta, per yd. . . 22 40-inch diagonal serge, per yd 40 40-inch French Henrietta, s;r yd. . . o9 Block and colors. 40-lnch French Henrietta, per yd. . . 89 Black fcnd colors. In these lost two Henricttacloths we carry over fifty :iade. They are of the finest twill, dye, and finish, and come from the tireat French manufacturer. The4-in. French Henrietta is sold by other bouses for $1.25 per vd. 54 inch all wool striped ladies cloth, per yd mt 30-inch black goods, per yd 25 Faccy Weave. 50-inch black broadcloth, desirable for capes, per yd 1 25 Glove Finish cambric, per yd 4 Selisia, heavy twill, per vd 10 Selisia, extra heavy, per yd 12'i Canvas, black and gray, per yd 14 We carry a full line ol dress furnish ings such as binding ribbon, dress stays, dress shields, whalebone, hooks and eyes, buttons and dress trimmings. Write for prices on calicos, ginghams shirtings, flannels, sheetings, mus lins, crash, towels and table linens. Write for prices on lace curtains, window shades, curtain poles, com forts, blankets, lied spreads and bouse furnishing goods. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. We will furnish samples of any thing in the piece goods line from gingham up. MILLINERY. We do ttie millinery business of Port land and have the correct styles as we import direct. -THE LEADING Dry Goods,Glothing BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Prager Brothers, Proprietors. DK. E. CJ3RO WN, EYE AND EAR 8URGEON Glutei Fitted and Furniihed. 189 First Street, Portlsnd, Oregon WANT A.... HAT! We sell as low as we can lower than i ever before. We have too many. We are after Cash. GLASS & SMYTH, Corner Fifth and Main St., Oregon City, Or. Notice of Removal. Mrs. N. Watts-Sladen Is now doing business in her new building opposite the old stand on Main street where she intends keeping the latest and best Assortment of Millinery Goods At reasonable rnees. bum mer goods will be sold At Cost for the Next 30 Days IniiiEs Son 6 and 8 Taylor Street. Oregon. Ladies' fust black hose, per pair 9 Ladies' fast black hose, seamless, all size, per pair 10 Ladies' imported fast black hose. full finish, per pair 25 Ladies' fast black silk plaited hose, per pair 20 This hose is sold in most places for 75c per pair. They are a great bargain at our price. Children's fast black hose, sizes 5 to 9,'. prices 9c, 14c, Itk:, 20c, 25c, according to quality. Our 2'x fast black double knee, donMe heel and toe for boys, is the best 25c hose made, sizes 5 to9',i Ijidies'sleevelessveHt,Jersey ribbed priors 10c. 15c, 25c, each. Corsets The W. B. stvie 410, is the best tl corset in the world. Black and drab, long waist, sizes 18 to 30, highest award and gold med al at the world fair, Chicago. We will mail you a pair on receipt of tl and 12c extra for postage. WRITE FOR PRICES ON Kid gloves, silk gloves, Laces, embroideries, Veilings, handkerchiefs, Ladies' ties and scarfs, Ladies' and children's Cotton or wool underwear, ribbed or flat, Ladies' muslin underwear, Ladies' black satteen skirts, LaI ics' wool and twilled skirts, Ladies' corsets, leading styles, Ladies' blouse and shirt waist, Boy's waists, Infant's robes, dresses and aprons. CLOAKS, SUITS AND WRAPS. Our lines of jackets, cloaks, rapes, suits, wrappers, etc., are unex celled; prices always lowest; our garments are tailor made and per fect in fit and workmanship. Mention this Paper when Ordering; Goods or Samples. DEALERS IX- DS D. 8 HTRYKER, PENTI3T. HA8 RE moved to Odd Fellowi' temple 8. W.Cor. Ut ud Alder, Portland, Oregwn. If you do you will need some o- WILL YOU TAKE AN OUTING This SUMMER the following artif cles: Deviled Ham, Deviled Chiiken, Deviled Game, Potted meats A itame, Lunch tongue, Chipped beef, French sardines, Pure de Foia Graa Lobsters, Shrimps. Bocton baked beans, Potted bloaters, Swiss cheese, Paper napkins, Paper plates. We can sell them to you. E.E. WILLIAMS, The Grocer University of Oregon. EUGENE. Next Session begins the 17th of September, 1894. Tuition, Free. Board, $2.50 a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scien tific, Literary, English and Busi ness. DORMITORY. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall for young gentlemen will be under the personal supervision of Mrs. Munra, a lady of refinement and large ex perience. For catalogues, address, J. J. Walton, Secy. Regents. Duffy & Frost EXPRESS and TRANSFERING. Special care in moving Household Goods and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S.