Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1894)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY TUE ENTERPRISE rORRESl'OMV ESTS SHEEP THE FIELD. Petition Tor New Hrldce Over the Mo lIU ACanbr Itlrjrrllot Routs the World's Rword. Cakhy, Aug. ".Mr. Ptyeo of outh 1- oota lias bought Mr. Zwk's house ami In tends to mov into it with his family. Kretl Hampton will build him i dwelling house ibis tunimer. J. Sims ha Wilson, the carpenter, en KaKl to build him another house here this fall. We notice, a petition is being circulated and signed by many men (or a bridge across the Molalla river between Can by and Bar low. Pr. Tower, of IjtUumIle, Intends to lo cate here. He will more with his family Into one of Jos. Hodue's houses. Sirs, Crowley has rented Mr. Weed s house and intends to move into it. Mr. StOKlilt has vacated the Hedges bouse and moved into one of J. Situs's bouses. Miss Lncetta Hart who has been sick for long time Jied last week at her home. Rev. Gardner and family went to the coast for a short recreation. F. Zollncr, the artist, came home from ML Angel where he has been staying for a short time. Stopxiill and Morton came back from Little Nestucca where they have been rusti cating for a week. They report having bad a good time and plenty of clams to eat. O. W. Knight, Millard Lee, Roscoe Mack and Lee Uowrs came back from Long Beach. They fay that they bad a splendid j time. Millard I-ee beat the world's record on a ten mile bicycle race on the beach ; time 2ti:. Good for Canby. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton went to Clatsop for week's outing. Mrs. J. II. Irrine and her children went to Ilwaco for a short stay. Win. Barlow was in town today. Mr. Barlow is quite an active nan for bis age, being now about 72 years old. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kocher were in Canby today. Viola Visions. Viola, Aug. 6. Harvesting has already commenced here, and it will not be long be fore we can hear the hum of the steam thresher. A good deal of work has been done this summer on the road toward Oregon City but it will require much more before the road will be in good condition to stand the rainy season. The plank road is good as far as laid, and the people of Viola deserve great credit lor doing so much bard work in order to have a good road. George Havden was thrown frou a horse last Monday. The horse kicked him in the face, knocked out some of his teeth, and bruised his face quite severely. He was get ting along nicely when last heard from. Mrs. Hay den has returned from Portland where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Emma Dohyns. Miss Eva Mattoon Invited some of her young friends to spend last Saturday after noon with her, it being her eighth birthday. Wiil Miller from Portland, spent last Sun witli his parents. Griep t Son are sawing and selling a good deal of lumber of which they are mak ing a first class quality. Any one wishing to build would do well in purchasing lum ber from them. It is rumored that Mr. Tenney from Ne braska has bought one of the best farms in Viola. Best Bee. , i Damascus Dots. Damascus, Aug. 7. The farmers are all rery busy cutting grain. The Derby machine will begin threshing this week. The grange met last Satardar. Very few were in attendance as it is a very busy time. The grange will give an ice cream social one week from next Saturday even ing at Mrs. Thompson's. Thomas Bohna and family, accompanied by Albert Bohna and wiie, Mrs. J. C. Elli tt. Miss Nettie Osborn, Kob Lovelace and Charlie Thorpe, have returned borne from a few days camping on Salmon river. Albert Cook and family returnsd last Sunday from Eastern Oregon where they bad been visiting for a couple of weeks. George Sharpe bad the misfortune tobave a good horse choke to death last week. Frank Osborn has bis new house up, and is getting along with it nicely. A. Lovelace has returned home from Mis souri where he has been spending the win ter with his father. Miss Mattie Bowman and Helen Blanch ard, of Portland, are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Rev. Fruite's team ran away last Satur day throwing him and his little boy out. The boy was quite badly bruised and the buggy smashed in pieces. WANTS TO KNOW. To tii Eimtoh: The people of Dover would like to ask a question through your valuable paper in regard to collecting de linquent laves, and as some parlies are as much Interested In the collection as we are In the payment, they will probably give us a satisfactory answer. On June liUh 8. E. New called at the sheriffs oHio to pay his tax which had become delinquent. He was accompanied by myself. Mr. Hackeit, deputy in the olllce, looking over the books told Mr. New that his taxes, school and nil included, wereJJO.10, mileage f.VS0, and cost of advertising fc!.tX, making f HUM. Al Mr. New had only $M..V he came back home carrying that amount with him. Then, he understating that the order for sale had been postponed until July 14th, came to me on July 8th or IMh to get me to write to the present sheritf to see what would be his taxes at thut time, thinking that there might be more cost added. What was his surprise on receiving a letter on the very day his place was soid, stating that his taxes, including costs and all is $11. 40, but of course after sale it will be more, and signed K. C. Maddock by his deputy. Now you see, Mr. New, who is a poor man could have paid all at first if things had been properly stated. As it is his place was sold and the people would like to know where the f5.40 would have gone to? Casskht. PICNIC AT MT. SCOTT. Lekts, Oregon, Aug. 4th. To the Editor: On the 3d lust, we had a grand Sunday school picnic on Mt. Scott beld by the Mt. Scott German Sunday school and Portland (east side) German Emanuel church. It was a grand success, being children's day and picnic combined. About two hundred people participated. An excellent program was rendered by the Sunday schools. Games of various kinds were played by the young people, an a good dinner was enjoyed by all. Mt. Scott is becoming quite noted for this purpose and is the scene of many an outing. Kespectfully, H. I. BITTNEH. Pastor. C. F. Zikseb, Albert Bittneb, Sup'ts. Eagle Creek Cblps. Eagle C'REf.K, Aug. ". C. A. Plummer, of the firm of W. P. Fuller & Co., is vis iting II. Wilbem of this place. W. A. Mack, of Condon, baa a herd of nice horses at Stafford's ranch. There will be a dance at VYIlbem's hall next Saturday. Clias Hallou recently cut his knee and a still' leg is the result. Some of the farmers are cutting their fall wheat. llolalla Musings. Molall, Aug. 4. Grain has ripened very fast this week owing to the favorable weather. Ninety-four in the shade with a good breeze from the north last Thursday. Today the smoke that has been settling in the valley is somewhat cleared away. Our smokey weather is about two weeks late this season. Stilt they come and go for W illicit and the mountains by the wagon load. Pure and uudetiled air and water are appreciated just now. Cncle Jake Harliss returned from Indi ana last week and reports Oregon still In the lead for cllmatj. J. V. Harliss A Co. have their thresh ing outfit hauled out and are overhauling it and making necessary repairs pre paratory to handling with care what the aphis has lett. The late grain bas quite as many f those "sap-suckers" as the tall grain had, if not more. Their enemy has not been altogether equal to the emergency. The amount of damage done will no doubt be more than has been generally appre hended because it is already noticeable. James Moss, of Portland, but formerly a resident of this vicinity, is visiting old time friends in the neighborhood. Orville Odds and Ends. Obville, August 6. We have not had any rain for several days. Mr. Truman bas bis bop house com pleted and is now read) for drying. L. Woodcock's hops are the best we have seen this year. They are not all vines and no bops, for the vines are well filled. Those who are looking for jobs as hop pickers cannot rind a better yard in which to pick. ' Wild deer are again making themselves quite conspicuous in this neighborhood. Last Saturday one came almost into John Perdue's door yard. Now that the game law is not in efTect, and some of the Perdue boys are noted as deer slayers, the deer had better not repeat their visits too often, or some one will get a taste of venison once more. Kev. Evan P. Hughes has accepted the pastorate of the Hubbard, Smyrna and El liott Prairie Congregntional churches. We will have preaching at Elliot Prairie now every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 3 o'clock p. m., beginning with next Sunday, the 12th of August. Some of the people of Orville are talking of going to the coast, and others to the mountains for huckleberries. Either trip would not be bad to take as either would furnish plenty of pleasure. Clarkei Chatter. Clark es, Aug. 6. The picnic at High land last Saturday was a grand success, the forenoon being very agreeably spent in list ening to both instrumental and vocal music. The Highland band also played a num ber of nice pieces of music. In the after noon there was ball playing and dancing. J. L. G ard is expected borne today from Yaquina bay where he has been enjoying sea breezes for about a month. II. W. Card and wife moved into their new house last Friday. Mrs. Ringo and her little boy have gone to Yaquina bay where she hopes her health will be benefited. G. W. Lee is building a spacious barn on his farm and has it about half completed. Born, last week, to the wife of Samuel El mer, a girl. Harvesting is in progress. Some grain was cut the past week the yield being good. School commenced at Timber Grove school house today with Bert Henderson as teacher. Borings Breezes. Borikos, Aug. 6. Farmers are busy cut ting their grain. Most of them are done cutting their w heat and part of their oats is cut. Threshing machines will commence to run about the first of next w eek. Married, at the residence of W. II. Bor ings, August 5, lh!H, Miss M. L. Fernley and W. 8, Wood. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boring, Mr. and Mrs. Isas Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood, Mrs. Toon, Grace Fernley, Orville Boring, Ed ward Toon and Mary Wood. Mr. Wood and bride moved to bis place in Powell's Valley and started to keeping house. Siimiyihl, St'MNYatnt, Aug. 7. The threshing ma chines are heard this morning. Every one that has grain is In a hurry to get it into the barn. J. K. IVardorlT and family have gone to the inounuina to gather berries and have a good time generally. Mrs. L. M. Hunter has bought two acres from her father, Mr. Johnsan. expects to build soon. Mrs. McKlnley's daughters are all at home now making a good visit. Irving Comstock made a week's visit here among relatives. Mr. and Mr. Reed entertained their nieces from Portland for a lew days. Mrs. tiritlllh is very ill with the grippe. Some doubts are expressed of her recovery. Mrs. DeardorlV of Koek Creek la very sick. It has been some time since ahe has been out. On the isth of July there was a very en jovahle dance at George Johnson's plai-e w hich was well attended and well managed throughout. Messrs. Johnson furnished the music with Mr. Henna of Portland as first violinist. A very interesting meeting which was well attended was held in the church Sun day evening. tjuite an amount of wood is being hauled now from here to Portland. Mr. CliIVs daughter, Mrs. Vivian, Is slay ing un mm now lorawnne. A most disgraceful sicne was witnessed on the Main street Sunday evening. A young man who hail drunk something stronger than water was tearing around ami talking as a young gentleman should not. All Straw Hats Greatly Reduced S1.00 Hats for 25 and 50 Cents. LADIES KID GLOVES FOR 75c; WORTH $1.00. IF YOU WANT SHOES THAT WILL WEAR COME TO CANBY. Salmon. Salmon-, Aug, 4.' The rush of campers is fairly begun. Frank Powell and family ar rived yesterday, also Dr. C. B. Smith and family ot Eagle Creek, and Uncle John Wil son and wife of Portland. Wash. F. Allen of Portland is expected today. Cal Powell and wife, Miss Ames and Miss Sylvia Hamlin went up to Mount Hood and two of the ladies and Mr. Powell succeeded in reaching the top. They returned to Sal mon camp on Thursday last. Mr. Powell's party is going home toduy. Mrs. J. Smith is still under the doctor's care but Is new improving. Progress. Mount Pleasant I'ulnten. Moi nt Pliisaxt, Aug. ti. Homer Mar tin is at Wilholt. Mrs. I'alherins Kellogg is much improved in health. Miss Annie Wilhart is visiting Miss l.o rena I.azelle. Miss Msa Barclay of Oregon City bh been visiting Miss Ada Hughes. Miss Minnie Joehnke bus been attending teachers' institute. Mr. and Mrs. Joehnke had a runaway last Friday while on their way to town. MA Joehnke was badly hurt though not se riously. Mrs. George I.aiclle and Master ManliaM are enjoying these pleasuut ilaysat Wilholt. Then" w ill be quite an exodus of our peo ple in the near future to Nestucca w here the waves are crooning down on the sands by the still ocean waiting messages from across seas. VY IIi mama. TEACHKM' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby riven, thil for the nurpm of asking an eismtuailou ( all pernou who may crier themselves camtMatrs for texrher of the n hoola of this eouniy, the t'oiinljr 80I100I 8iiperluteasleui thereof 111 hold a public mm Illation at the rourt hmi.e in oregxn City, be diming Wednesday, August s, lH, at 1 o'clock p. m. Persons deslrlnc to take the examination for tale certificates aud state diplomas will apply Friday. Auk n.t 10, at s o rlock a in. H. tt. tilHSON, County fehoul Sup't Clackamas county. Or'Voo. July , lvM. It Dress Goods Just in From the East. G fOCe Hftft always the LOWEST. CQBLTOB CHNBY, & JOS E k . It A IS OREGON. Notice of Application for Saloon License. Notice is hereby siren that the undersigned will apply to the i lly Council of Oregon City. Omton, at a mwtlur on Annus! 'I Itfl. lor the continuation of a IfcetiM for a saloon the west side ot tlalD street near Fourth. THOU. CAMPBELL Oreiton City. Orron, Aurusil IstH. II A HIGH OUST & COMPANY, 1M Front Street. I HARDWARE I'ortlnn.l, ng..n. Deittr -Plamoud,' Northwestern Afi'HK tor - --Lance orctdant TuUlclwth lrtrf Ijitire- -Hllrer Steal "ST; Vi f Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B it S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. liojio. Crescent Neo Loggers and Wood Choppers Sjecialtie. Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK THE Hp CUT Map. 'JOB OFFICE ...IS THE ONLY... Complete one in Clacka mns County. Electric Power, Fast Presses, Portland Prices. FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING. POSTER and COLORED WORK. LEGAL BLANKS. e-a I FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Steam'p Telephone ryp YOU NEEDY ----- HNY - DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C. H. BESTOW. Lowevt canh jnVos ever ofi'i-red for FIRST - CLASS J GOODS. Alito combination wire ntul jiickct fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And bi nt farm fencing innlo. Prices to suit linnl tiineH. . Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. The Oregon City Sash & Door Co. CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc., IN OKEGON CITVT. Special pizcn of doorB and windowBtnado to order. Turning of all kinds. Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders give us a call and eo if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as tlio lowest. Price sent on application. Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City. Leaves foot of Yamhill st., Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. M. Connects with Seashore Railway for all points on Clatsop Beach. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone every night, except Saturday, for Portland. Telephone. Tickets of all other lines good on Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE has tlio only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jua- tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Fanner or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent potsage paid at Portland Prices to Your Address.