Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 03, 1894, Image 8

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It Can He Mad More l'rolltaliU Th
Milliliter ltr, Inn.
To iiinko tho Wst mirtiw in dairying
In winter it U iiivssary to make prvi
rut ions in adviuioo. One? of the principal
Jtoiiis that must 1h lKkwl after sumo
tiiiii bIicjhI i to have cows that will
coma in fnsh. To this eml the cow
fhoulj k l.n'il late in the fall or early
winter, taking care of course to have
thorn in a good, thrifty condition when
Vnv.l and to tirvail them to hulls of good
dairy breeds and from pvnl strains. An
other item that must he looked after in
good season is jrood feed. Clover or mil
let hay or the lst of corn fodder makes
the best single feed, liran, middlings
aud oilmen can nearly always be bought
. iw needed, but in many cases a supply
can lie obtained at less cost in the sum
mer than at any other season.
Later on good shelter is necessary. It
is difficult, if not liiixsilU, to keep a
cow giving a full Cow of milk dnrimr the
winter unless comfortable shelter is pro-
v ded. ,th g,HHl cows, good shelter
. . im wiuiii imj
it will require more work to attend to
the cows and to care for the milk and
cream in winter than iu the summer. If
the milk is not kept at an even tempera
ture or the cream is uot properly man
aged, the butter will not come up to the
standard. The feeding and milking
uinst be done at regular hours. The
feed must lie of a kind well calculated
to enable the cow to give the largest
flow of milk. No matter how well bred
cow she may be, she cannot give a lil
eral quantity of rich milk unless she U
fed liberally on rich milk producing
food. The more liberally she is fed aud
the more comfortable she is made iu ev
ery way the more aud better milk she
will give.
Whenever the skimming is done and
new cream is added to what is already iu
the vessel, care must be taken to stir
thoroughly so that all of the cream will
rilien evenly together. Care must lie
taken not to allow it to become too sour.
One difficulty in making butter in win
ter is tliiit the cream is allowed to stand
too long lie fre churning. Cream should
be only slightly acid when churned. I'se.
a theruicuieter to te that the temj.nra
ture is riu'ht.
While nearly or quite all grades of but
ter sell mure readily and at better prices
during the winter than iu summer, yet
it is important in securing the best price
to have the quality of the best, and every
detail in the management must lie looked
after closely.
With pror care there is no question
but that winter dairying can be made
more profitable than snuimer, though it
costa more to make butter in winter than
in summer, but the better price will
make it pay a better profit.
There is at least one advantage and
that is, it does not require so much work
to prepare for market. It is important
that good butter be sent to market in the
' best possible condition. St. Louis Re
public. The Cow Stable Floor.
John Gor.ld savs: "For more than 20 1
,".. -it" '..i.i .1.. i
j voi u ttc oo.D uinamru mr iiuiiiK uuur i
laid on joists away up from the ground
and in the old stable, and now the new,
the sum total of the floor under thecows
is the 14 inch heel plank that edges the
gutter. The three feet between that and
the maimer has been w; II trauined. Knn.lv !
clay that soon becomes as hard as ce- i
ment almost, and then there is no pit of
foul things under thecows; neither frost
nor wind can !teal np ttirongh, and no
chance to find a cow frozen down to the
frosty floor. A bos gutter of pine plank,
imljedded in cement, h:'.s made a perfect,
water tight gutter, and when in the win
ter manure can be drawn to the field it
llr anil Praam.,.
A speculator has devised a rilon fur
having June butter in midwinter. He
hllVH ftll thn .InllA lintlur ltae.jn a H,
buys all the June butter he can at the
very lowest price to which the market
can be screwed flown; then he puts it in:
to cold storage in receptacles whose
temperature is controlled by the new re
frigerating process and keeps it till the
price is three times what he paid for it.
If the flavor of June butter can thus be
kept for half a year, and if meantime
our dairymen and creamerj men do not
pnt upon the market at a lower price
better butter than even this of the spec
ulators', then his plan may succeed. But
at any rate he goes to a lot of trouble.
A cow forms the habit of sucking her
self aometiuies by being allowed when
she is a calf to run with other calves. In
heifers a flow of milk is sometimes actu
ally produced in this way.
John C. JlcClintoek of Meadville, Pa.,
who makes his own butter at home from
a heard of 28 Jersey cows, has obtained
from them for 1893 an average of 870
pounds of butter to the cow. For this he
received an average price of 80 cents a
pound. The cost of feed for each cow
was 47.45, or 13 cents a day. Counting
the cost of each cow at $.(0 a year, Mr.
MuClintock realized from his herd over
$1,700, most of which was net profit.
Who else has done as welf? The butter
McClintock makes is of choice quality.
Next after June butter sweet corn but
ter stands highest in flavor.
Weih milk and test it with the Bab
cock tester, too, if you would learn ex
actly which of your cows pay.
The Hickory Valley creamery, at Trip
oli, la., has netted to its patrons 00 cents
to the 100 pounds of milk the last year.
Hereafter, since the fads brought out
by the Columbian dairy test, both butter
and cheese cows will be valued accord
ing to the amount of butter fat their
milk contains. The ti showed that the
Cow that can produce most butter n!c
makes the most and best cheese, provid
ing always that she gives jrood flow o!
mutuary of a Serlea of tsirliittits Con-
I vie lul al Ilia llllmila Matlnn.
vontv-eight sample of corn, with
different names, were tested on contig-
uons plats at the Illinois station on dark
colored, fertile prairie soil. As reported
upon by C. 11 Morrow aud F. D. Until
nor for the Hist time iu five years, the
, late varieties gave the largest averago
yields, nine such varieties averaging 70
bushels. Sixty-seven plats of medium
.maturing varieties averaged bushels
per acre., and 10 plats of early maturing
'varieties averaged nearly 58 bushels,
For live years past each of four medium
Maturing varieties has given yields of
from 71 to 70 bushels per acre.
I The best early maturing variety has
given in the mime time average yields of
Co bushels per acre. For throe years
past tho best yield by any variety was S3
bushels ir acre, by Hoono County
Whito. The largest yield iu ISM was
almost exactly UM bushels i'r acreof air
dry corn, of the variety known as Piasa
Queen a variety maturing too late for
central Illinois. The trials for six years
Indicate that tho larger medium matur
ing varieties give tht best results.
Among these the Itoono County White,
Champion White Fearl and Burr White
represent the most satisfactory types of
white, while the Learning has given the
best results among the yellow varieties.
The MuriKlck
is given the oest yiel.ls
of any early matnrins vanetv
63 bush
els per acre for five years.
! Excellent varieties were obtained from
many different place. Extravagant
claims, such as yields of 100 bushels jier
acre under or.liuary cultivation, or that
1 any variety worth cultivating matures
i in 8) or W days when planted at the
i usual time, are not to be accepted as
; correct. Iu ordiuary circumstances, 100
days from date of planting may tie eon
, sidered as a minimum for field corn to
mature fully. Late varieties often need
! 150 days iu central Illinois.
; Repeated trials have uniformly shown
' that larger yields of Kith corn and stuiks
are obtained oy planting a larger uum
; ber of kernels than is customary in the
i best practice of Illinois. From 12,000 to
1 13,000 kernels planted per acre seem to
be the minimum for largest yields at the
i statiou grounds. This is equivalent to
four kernels jier hill. In most of the
, trials the rows were 3 feet 8 inches apart
, each way. Tweuty-four varieties were
planted iu as many plats, half of each
having three kernels and half four ker
nels in each hill. Iu 21 of the 21 cases
the larger yields were obtained from the
thicker planting, the average increase
for the 24 plants being about 4.5 bushels
j per acre.
Repeated trials have shown that, if
other conditions are the name, there is
no perceptible difference in the average
. ,'. .. , . j
neld, whether the corn is planted in
hills or drills, the number of stalks se-
cured influencing this rather than their
niiKlerif iliatrilintion In miiiiv rai it
moue or uistriuuuou. xu many cases It
IS more difficult to keep drilled corn free
from weeds. To swure the largest yield
, of both corn and htalks, medium miitup
; ing varieties may be plautexl at the rate
j of a kernel to each three inches in rows
: 3 feet 8 inches apart.
I As in each of several previous years,
! trials in 1S93 show that shallow cultiva-
tion is better than deep, and that more
i frequent cultivation than is necessary to
j keep the soil free from weeds and the
: surface fairly loose is not profitable. Fair
yields of corn have been secured in each
of veia years without any cultivation
after nl.mfintr other titan K-rartintr t.
7 " r 1 -
: surface with a sharp hoe. Root pruning
has uniformly decreased the yield. The
average results for five years show no I
great variation in the yield of medium
maturing varieties planted at any time
ated at any tim I
during JIay. The earlier plantings have
rluied "re cultivation than the later j
; ones. W ithin reasonable limits, time of j
: planting seems to have leas influence on j
: yield than the condition of soil at time
' of planting.
. In each of five cases the yield from
; plats planted with crossbred corn was I
I larger than the average yield of the plats j
! planted with tho varieties which had uot J
j been crossed. The average increase was I
i over nine bushels per acre. In four out
j of five cases plats planted with mixtures
,.f fi ..I..,.l .;.!.
ot ainerent varieties or corn gave a
smaller yield than the average of the I
ntofu ..lu.,.1 .f,U .,-!;..!
r'w einnicu nun inn naujo ,niit;tim
, separately. A medium sized, medium
; maturing variety planted June 3 reached
' its maximum height Aug. 19. The dry
j matter continued to increase until the
j corn was fairly mature Sept. 19.
! No noticeable effect on yield was pro
j duced by removing tassels from alter
j nate rows.
,v.;lVimi PlMtnown bttslnen man
Of Hllhlioro, Va., sends this testimony to
the merits of Aver 'a Huraaparllla: "Several
years aijo, I hurt my len.the Injury leaving
a sore whlclrled to erysipelas, jfy sullcrltii!?
were extreme, my t , (tim the knee to the
ankle, belli a solid sore, which. Ijepan fi ex
tend to other parts of the body. Aflertrylnif
various remedies, I began takltut Ayer'a
Harsaparllla, and, before I had finished tlm
first bottle, I experienced great relief; the
second bottle euected a compleU) cure."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay er & Co, Lowell, Maaa.
Cures others, will cure you
A$k will rs&x
moM sjxEPi
clear! fj long
SKlflj XX j life j
m ll h3
memtalU iJ fj strong
I ' - . '- $
V i , t :' - I
.,' 1 : - ..' ?i ,iw
' fr
The War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Make a Disclosure.
liiilliina I'liiilrlliuleil her thiiitiinilstinirtive
soldiers 1,1 (he war, mid no time ln'itr- a ttci
Icr nxunl 111 dial reiect Ihmi II tlm's. Iu
Uloriittirv II Is rapidly Miiiulrlng mi
eiivlnhle pliuo. In war nmt iltcriitutv
Silnniiui Yewell, well known us a wrlli r in
"Sil." tins won mi honortihle ihxs.i Ion. iur
tnit the lle war lie n a iiii'inlx r nf Civ M,
Jil. N. V ( aviilry ami of Hi,' I.Uli Imlluna I ti -faiiiry
Voliinieer. Keminllnii n lniHiruiul
ciri'iiiiiHttiiiiit he wrltts us folloWK:
"St'vt.riil of us old vcii-ran lnre are iilin?
Or. Mile" lii'siorailve N,rHiii 11,'url I uu
nnil Ni'rre ami I.Ivor I'llls. all of lliciu itlt hu
spliMiilhl hUlUfiu'tloii. In furt, we luiii' ni'irr
u-i-il n'ltu'ilU'H that t'oniuiire tth thi'itt.
the I'llls kp mtiHt say thi y ri' the IhkI i'oiii-
UUiiillou of tlio iiialltles ri'iiulri'il hi a pr, i
iiruiion uf their ii.tturti t
nave rviT know 11.
We have none hill words of uralMi for litem.
we l!
They are the oulttniwili of a new irlm'lile In
ineillclne. ami lone up the system womler-
fully. o say to all. try Hiemi n'miillea."
Siiomoii Vewell. Murlon, luil., iKv. IM5i.
Thesti rentMliia nre aoiii tiy nil ilrtiiiWta on
K positive- ituamntee. iir sent itire'l liv the
)r. Miles Moilli'ul t'o., Klkhnrt, I ml . on re
ceipt of price, II nt laittle, aU bottler , ev
prt'sprepitlil. They posltlvolvcoululu uviihur
opiaioa uur iluiiHeroua dru.'a.
For sale by Chanmm & Co.
Sundny Services.
HT. PAfl.'S ('HI'KCIl- r.piaoopal- Kev. J. A.
Kckatorm I'aator. Servuvaal Ho clock a m ami
7-.W p. m. 1'rayer ervlee very Wcilnpmlay
Klltsr CONil K Kli ATION A L CIlfKCH.
Kev. J. W.Cowau I'aator. Service! at lu .to 1 h.
ami s UU r. M. Sumlav School after momma
' aerrlee. l'tayer uireum Wmlneailay eveniix al
. vtDo.eliK'k. Prayer iiietitliiK ot Youita 1'eopli
i Society of Chrlatlau Ku.lcnvor every Suuilay
1 eretiitK at ?.ik prompl.
I riKsr BAi-iisr cittrtfii -kkv. (hihas
film Paa:or M,r 11 1 liar .icrilce al HSiimlny
School al 1J1; Kvcnlns Service S 3U. KtKhlar
prater niet iliiit W cilne-. lay evenliK. Mnuihlv
I'oveuaul Meetlui; etery Weilnentay pvenliii
preceilinit the ftrt Suu.lay Iu the mouth. A
cornial Hit Hull. 111 to all.
ST. JoiIX'8 t'llfKCII.CATHoI.IC.-K.v. A.
lliLinitA.vD. Paa'.or. On Sun. lav maaa at s ami
10 iu a. a. Kvery aeeoml ami fourth Sumlav
! At all other ma.e Kns!ih acrmona. ajumlav
i !i,'1'M'1 ' '-Veaper. apoioetical
cn.aml Hein llctlon al 7 W r. a.
! Sumlay school at 10 uu. cuu ineeting after
1 """''" vlce. Kveiilnc acrvlce al 7:.m
, ,;., iaBiu meeting riuiutay eveiiin, at
W: Prayer Me.tlim rhurailay evculng alii .30
i txnnvn crHllr Invited.
r in.' nr. 10 1 1 r.ii A.i ,111 ni n. ni,. if.
w.t.tBostv. Paalor,
Service at 11 k. M. and
W r. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. at. Yotnif
People's Society uf Chriailau Ktideamr mei'tt
, every sumiay evening at : YteHielay
j cveuiuK prayer meeting ai i au. scan tree.
Mvea. Paator. Preaching aervlcei eery
Sumiay al 11 A. M ami 7 .) P. M.
Sabbath actnol everv Sumiay at 10 A. M (Kev.
P. Hnti, Hitpl.j Weekly Prayer Mueiliig
I every Wclnca.lny evening
i tug every aeeoml and fourth Sunday of each
i mouth, at 11 ou a in. ami 7 .in p. m.-W II. he
Lais, Paator Sumiay achiail al 10 a. m. al
Oregon nty
Flrat aunday at Hamaou achnnl
n.nu"e' M"L.IU.: Thlr'' ""day. Mountain Home
ii a. m.: inutier iimve, 4 p. m -.Mlaa Holla
(ireen, Superintendent Snnuay achool.
tneeuug every He lneajay evening.
'ACTrilliA VtAVA
V'"'" -.-uiuiij!
Dry Goods,
"Rr.r-.tct RVinoa
-wvvw """""I
U VJ i VVUi Itj Ul tv 1 X IvOll
and of the bo.st quality.
In Prices we meet
Portland Comjictition.
Gary & Wissinger.
Let us have a trial order
Portland-Oregon City and
Yamhill River Route.
Down Leave Dayton 5 A. M.,
MiHBion 5,30, Newherg 6, Iiutte
ville G:4o, Orenon Citv 9:30.
arriving in Portland 10:30 A. M.
Up-Leave Portland 2:30 P. M.,
Oregon City 4 P, M.
Stage runs between McMinnville
and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con
nection with the boat. The utage
will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn
ville, every morning at 3:30 a. in.,
returning, leave Dayton every
evening, except Sunday, on arrival
of the boat.
Best of accommodations for ps-
fiengerB and fant time made. For
freight rates apply at dock or on
Everybody should patronize the
Toledo and thus sustain a daily
Joel P. Geer, Owner.
J. W, Exon, Captain.
MirrlR' NiHIrs of Sain en K.iN'ittlnn,
In the futility Court nl hu Hlnlp n( (iii'itmi.
fur til l (.'utility of I'Ui'kKiiian.
Thoni I'liarinau sn.l Kri'il It ('luriimn. ,n
Ilia hiilni'ii M inter thi nrm imiiiK nt I liiiii.a
CloillllHII tt Soli. I 111 I !. Vl'laua H l M HII
auU M.-iittfiia y. Manoue hi. Wf, lii'h'inhuiin.
Slali of (ii-etnn, enmity nl t'liii'kin, ,
Noiln l hirt'h hIvimi, that h" virtue nl nil
exeeullnn ami onlor nl aale lamnt oh I nl Ihn
I'oiinlv I'oiut nl tint Inlo o (in'iioii tor thu
county ol I liti'kittiHii. 1.1'nilnu ilaif lliii I.Mh ilay
of .Inly. IN'I, In a anil wherein I lioinan 1'h.tr
man ami hiv.t II t'liitrinaii, ilolnu hiilue mnlei
Hie II t in inline nl I lionnia t'lmrniHii ,v Son, em
(Maliillita.ainl P l. M.iK"iu'nml Henrlellay. Ma.
Koiie hl wile were pfeii,t.iin. e.iiiitiHinlliiir
me, In the liiiina ol thealnln ol Hreaon. lion out
of the real eiiie lirrelnnlier tleaerlheil. in real
it- anui nilli'ieni in llrv l ie enoiti, of
aalil ileer MS to ll II ' INI an. I llt li,rtl...
ol III eoala, toLi'lher Willi Internal in, Hu,
aanie alnee aahl ileeree ttaa eniervil at N per
rent p r annum, ami alao the ooia uf ami nl
ti'mli:iK thla ante.
Now, therefore, iu otioilleuee lo atieh iteeroii,
I illil, tut the '.lull hiv of .Inly, l't. ilulv levy
"I oni , in. nil f-illiirni, v, tne :M I ilHV Ol All
iinat. f-ll, at the h.uir ol J o eha k n m. of aanl
iluv. al the front ilnor of Hie I'ourt limiae III ..I.I
eoiiuly. niter for aitle al pul.lle aiiellou, ami aell 1
to the liliilieat ami tioM l'l,,ei. foreh luloiml. 1
all of Iherliihl. tlllo amt internal Uin aalil iln I
frmlauta haw In ami to the follow m ,ie, rllie.l
nal pmperly, or any part of u, to nit: lli uni- 1
iiniK al the N K. eoruer of the iloimilou laml j
elaini ol Wniera l arntiiii ami wife, Iu louuahlp!
J aoitlh, raime 1 rt of W. M j them e running I
a. mill alonii thr enat Hue ol anhl ilnuiillon laml I
elilllil to Ihe illvlalott Hue till lit I Hit aalil elnlui
hetween alera l artiiau ami wile: llten.'ii run.
j from uhli lt a linn riiniiiuit nnrlh ami parallel
linn; we.t ainlle aalil
w uu llie euai line nl aalil 'lull II I. ill laml claim
to the mirth line nt aalil ilmiatliiti laml elalui
wonhl im lii.li :i ai re. them e rtiuiiiiut ttoitli
from aanl pnlnl ami parallel with llu'ei-l line
ol aalil , , malt, in laml i-lalin to tho north line of
aiini inunimn laml elaliu. tlielii e rillililllK ra.t
aion lite iinrlli line ol itlil ilnli itlnn laml
el oiil tolhe pUee of h'tlnulUt. inulallltllK 1
Aiao-l ntiimeiieliK al llie N. W pnmer of the
' imnpk ml wile H. I. f. In tnwualilp
S , rauitea I ami J K. of W M ; thenee aoulh at
lie .HU mill raal 71 ohallia. thelte raa ita 7J
etiallta to tllaiiieltti river: theuetf alnntf lha
' nieamlerlnifa nl aalil river N. :i(tleit Vrhaliia:
lhi'' N- 'ih'K TUi'liatm. tin N.
eiiaiuaio hip r.. rorner ot aatn elalltl : Ihenee
. aloini tlmmirih lino of aal.l elaliuM lUi'ltaliia
to Ik-k In lllltK. I'.'lilallilliK JUaeiea, e.eepllliit
Ihe followlnn, v'i; l oiuineui'iin on weal hank
ol Wlllanieli river In the H L. 0. ol i. 1.
Tolitpkllia ami w ife In lnwuhlp j anuth, rauiie
1 eaai 01 v m a( trip aouiii eaat corner of the
Had uf laml ael nit lo Kmicr i Tuiupkliia In
Hip rartlilon nl aalil H. I., v.. Ik-iwccu Ihe helra
of t). H. I.uiipkliia III ihe elrciiii pourl ol Hip
atate of Oniton lor Miillnoiinh county, to which
pna ppilliuta relfreuce la hereby hail, ami run
ninie llienco iluwn atrram at low waler mark
noun . , ,i,-a a eai en a itia; ineucp w eai 1. xi
ell n In a to a eat line of aalil iloliatloll I111.I claim
Iheuce anutli Iti m ml.i. Pan l.M. lialiia
Hieticp eaal tal ,.1 ctiallla to bpKHiiilliK, conialU'
Illll .-.'.Ul acrea.
Alan mi arrra off the inulh half of Ihe (ieo
W. YA alllim ami W lie ll. U ('. Ill aalil low ll. hi pa.
ilrarnlieil aaihc n acrea of the rl ' , ot aalil l 1.
I'., tioumleil uu the outh tiy the aouHillueof
an I.I 1) 1. I' , on llie we.t l.y W...I Hup yf aalil
l 1. (' , oil the eaal by the lllalllclle river,
an. I on the north l.y a Hue ilrawu ptraHpl wllh
oiuh Imumlary an that the area enil.r jie.l
w ithltl al.l lluea shall contain u acrea, encppl
ittlt from ihla Had the fullnwinit: Itciilunluii al
a W enrner of U W allln It I., l' In
towuahlp t K IK of W M: thence N A
lf'tt 4 ' 111I11. r. alnmr weal Iwiun.l trv of H I. ('.
chaltia. Ihenee H. parallel to S llueofli I.
! ' J" I ' elniliia to a point :J feetweatof s K ;
i-i-iiier 01 a tract ill lain! neiouit lUK in I lieoilore
W Vtralll thence H 7 lien in in In M . 4 tnrhallia: I
Iheuce H -ft ilt it W. 4,'i chalui In S l...ul,.Urr !
nf l l..t'.; thence weal alona aouth boumlary
uf 11. I ('. 1 1.1 rhftlua tu Ih'iHiiuIii(
Uattsl Ihla .'llli day of July, 1- 4
HhertlTor( lackainna eouuiy, ftlale uf oteoti
h) N M. Mooiir. Hepiiiy
-.'J a- .'l
Mirlfl"i Notlrr uf Sale till Kiarittlun.
In the I'lrrnll Court o( (hit State ol Un-goti (or
the County ol i lackainaa
Tin. maa Charniau, plaintiff, vi. John Mo! in.
State ut Ori'uon, County ol L'larkamaa, la.
Notlro la hrrsliy flVDii. that liv virtu nf an
t'xiTiiti.in ami or.l.-r ol aale Iwui'.l out ol tl.t,
rlrrull court nl lliti alalx l lirviton lor Ilia
county ol Clarkauiaa, lHarltiv date Iti li ilay
of July. law. In a tun aliiTi'ln l liouiaa Char
niau waa iilalntirl atnl John Moliau naailftleii.l
ant. cominaii'lliiK iit. In iltit name of ihe atate
of liri'Ki.n, that out of the real palate herrlitalier
tlraerllx'il, lo reallre a aiim utlli'lenl to aallaly
the (lemanila i f aalil tlei-ree, to h it f .'la ta:i, o.
Itrther with lutrrcai on the a a in" alnee January
.t ill. I-'.M. at in I'lTiiMii ,t annum, ami the fur
ther amn of liViaJ attorni-y'i ft'ea. ami ihe fur
ther aunt nf $.'! ltcn.ta. tonciher wllh the coata
nl anil allt-li. ling llila aale.
Now, ihi'ri'forf, Iu olt'ilienee to aurh dt'crae. I
.li.t. duly levy upon, an. I will, on Saturday, the
r.lli day of ui(ii-t, l- H, at the hour ol I o'rlork
Km of iiild day, at Ihe front iliair ol iheroiirl
ouae In aal'l futility, otter lor aale at puhllc
aiirtlon. aud ii'll In the hlaiifa anil lieai t , i . 1 .1 r .
for caah In hand, all the rluhl, title ami Inti-rrat
the aalil ilt'fi'iidaul haa in ami In llir follnwlnf
ilearrllied real property, to wit: The W. i, of N.
V. 1 , of artlou a. towuahlp 4 aoittli ul ratixt 'I K
of the Wlllautrlie nierldiau, iltualed Iu Clai'ka
maa enmity, Ornii
Dated ihla illll day of July, A. H I MM.
K. C MAMiul K
HherlfTnf Claekamai rouiiiy, itate of Ori'von
Notice la herehy irlvcn, that theCoiiuty Court
will receive aealrd lil.la for the delivery ot to)
cor. la of aound lly fir wi.il. cut frnni live I
ataiulltiK treca: aald wnoil to tie delivered at the
court houae In orceiui City, Ori ..n. on or he
lore tne i itn nay nt MepiiMiilier, and In lie
firat rlaaa In every repect. Illda wltl he received
up to noon on the nth day nl AiiKUal, law.
Ily order of the County Court.
liKil K. IIDKTDN. fNitinty Clerk.
OreKim City, Orexoii, July IU, Intl. at
Notice In hereby nlveii. that the Countv Court
will receive aealnj bids from retiular tllnlo-
mated phyaleians In attend all pan tiers for the
rounty. Im lii'lliur the lilrnMiliiK of neceaaary
moil 1 I ne in the same In all tiarta ol the eoiiuly
for the period nf one year. Iilds will lie received
by the underaiifiit'd up to noon on the nth day
Comity Clerk.
Ily order nf the County Court.
Oregon City, Oregou, July 10, 4t
18(KJ miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company,
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
AValla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 90 other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - Oregon.
rtiale nl ori'Hnii, t'liiinty nl I'larkainni, ,
Nnllee In herehy iitven. that In niriMiirp of
an orilei of mile lurl nut n( ami uinler lliti
neiil ol llie iMietlll Court n( (lie auie n( li-tinii
for llie I'nituly of t 'Uiok nttia a. ilaietl llie Mh iluv
of Jnlv lvl ami In llie illleeleil nlnl ill'llveivil,
aNvheillT nl rnlit eoiiuly, niiNuant to a ileeree
of milil' irt, In a Mill In ci n 1 1 y . w herein V, tl.
1 1 ut Jl im u iUlinill ami Menrv tinieit amt l.aura
Oineit ate ilelemUnu, ami eniiintamlliitf me In
make milt aeenhllnit In Imv of the. IhikI ami
pretulKeR heielnafler ilenerllieit. 111 oriler to
niaki tlip mini ol onit IIioiimiiiiiI alt huinlieil
ilolliiia, lotteitiei with tiilereai thereon at the
rule ol leu per eelll pel itnllillit aitiee the ,!M ol
April, 111, ami tor the fnnlier aunt of onehiiii
lire, I and till) ilolhtra itltni nev'a fee. ami Inr lliii
luither hiiiii nl l.'ii n.Y ami llinl aaht auina hi'ar
lliteieal front iltile of tteeree al the rule nf leu
per eeiil per annum iinlll lul.l, ami (nremia
I amt illnlilllnllieula
Now Iu onler to anllaf y ailhl a lllnll III I W III. nil
' S ttiirilny. the llih ilay nt Ainiuat. Isil, al lite
! """r "' J " eloek p in. of aahl il iy, al the cuirl
i hoiiae ,hoi in I iieunn I'lty, t ltekiimtta euiiniy,
I Mt,,(e "I orentt, proreetl in aell at ptihlh' aue
( "n to the hnrheat In.i.ler tor eaati In nam!, the
n't"'oin 'H'"' ni nun , i mi' , o intie'i ill
Hhl I laek aiuaa eniinly ainie nl iireirmi, m w It
l'heanulh weal uuarler (S ,l) ol aei'llnll
I went -e Ik hi ( ;si, tow ttahlp S e aoiilli. iiiiiki' one
enal i S , It. IK )nl llie llliillielle lilerlillnu,
I'nulalulrnt iMI aerea; all of w llleh will he aulil In
aallafy llie autita ileeteetl aa alnre,,l. with ae
eriiuiK I'oat K (' MAhlnii K,
Hlierllt HI t'Uekunita eiiiittly, 1 lre,'ll,
My N M MooiiY. Iiepuiv,
liali'il al lireiioit Illy, ore .July il, 1mi. ;m
MirrllT'i Nnlli'enf Sulr ml r'urri'liwtirii,
In ilia I'lri'itll t mirt of the Htnic ol oriumi,
for thet'oituiy uf t'laek'tuiaa.
I II Hrlilitea. pliilnlirr. v. t'harlea Klml.er ami
hilar k nalier. ile'emtauta.
Hiale uf Oregon, t'omily of t'hi kamaa, aa,
Nottee U tieretiv Itlvett, Dial hv vlililp nt an
rteeilltnn Hint nriler nl aale lawiiei! nut uf Hie
eirrillt eolirt of llie Hale nf llreiii.u lor Hi
I enuulv uf I'laekainaa, tiearlliii ihtle th lull ihtt
: of July 1VM. Ill a ault wlitm-lll J, II, llil.t.ea
w plalninr ami ( harlea Ktiahrr ami Kliae
Kuala-r were ilefemlatiia. eoiiiuiamllnii me, In
ll,e name ol the Hlale ol llln ll,al mil uf
the real palate hereltlallenleaeillwil, to reallln a
. .m allltli lelll to aallafy the ilemamla nl aal l
il,..-r... I., uli' ln.ia? Mn.l n,M l.,rti...r ..i.n ..I
UMii aiiururv'a lee 'ami the turiher .nm i,f
ij ii r,,.i,. t..u, ilirr Willi liuereat mi the 1111111
aluee aalil ileereo w a rnlere.l al per eent per
annum, ami alao Hie eoala of ami atieiulliiti
Ihla aale
Now, therefore. In uheitlencp 1,1 .iielt iteeree,
1 1H1I iluty levy upon, aitil will, on Haturilay, Ilia
Illll ilay uf Annual, 1- 4 al Ihe hour ol I o clin k
ft in of aalil it , al Hid trmil i,,r ul Hip court
louaelll aal,1 coiiulv. otter for aale nt pnliltc
ani'll.n, .ii.l ..II f.i lit. IiI.m.! .,,.1 l.n.1 I.i.i.Im.
I for raah In Itaml. all the riijlit lllleaii.llnmn.it
I Hip aahl il. leml una lime In ami lo the Inllnw
nta ileaerlls-.l real prop. ri).to all l lie north
weal quarter ..I aecitmi tnwitahlp four auitili.
raiiKe ttveaaal ul I
ranae nvrwaal ol llie l lll-ino-tte iiit'rl.lluu I'utt
lalullui mi at'rt'a, It ll ami lit'liiit III liai-aiiuaa
cottltl . atate of llrt-K It.
Iiali'd tlila Hill day ol July. A ll l'l
Hherllt of Clarke maa eotiuly, iialeol iit'-tn.
Ily .. M. M.niUY, lU'puty. 7 l.l a 111
rihrrilTi Nulii-e uf Sale n KiM titlun.
Iu the Clreull Court ol Ihe alale ot ott'(oii for
the couiily of CUi-kaiiiaa
H K llr.'. n. plaintlir. va. M tl Hard ami ('.
tiartl, Ilia wile, tlt'ti'lldauia.
Hlale of Ort'aon.eoiinty of Clat-kaiitaa. aa.
Notice la hrehy lveli.thal hi virtue of an
exii'ulloit ami or.li.r ol aale laaued out of the
eirt'iilt rouit of the attte of iim-kou for ihe.
t'otiuiy of ti'ti kamaa. iM'.irltu d.le the llih day ,
of June. Ifil, in a ault at lo ri'tlt a. K tirt-i-iiaat
plnltitlir ami M ll tiaid ami t . I.ar.l hla wile
ol lilt' SUIeol tli-a.n. 1 tl 41 out f Ihe leal ealale
heietlia'ter .li'arrtlM'd. to realUe a aum audi,
rlrlil luaallaftlhe tleinaii.la ot aald .t','ri'e. to
wll l-'l i. and the InrltM'r aiiui of 'i hi t-o.ta.
tourtln'r w lilt Inten'M on the aatue alut-e aald
dtM-ri'e w aa enUTi'il al a p,-r null ptr auuiiiii.
and alao the roaia of and all.-mllliir Ihla aale
, Now, llu-rt'tore. lit oli'.lirm e lo aiu-h di-i'fre.
'I did, on tne 'th day ol July, lf, duly levy
I upon, and will, oil Salurda). llie llih day nf
I Aiiiiit, l-.i. at the hour of 3 o'clock p m uf
j aahl day. at Ihe trout dmr tif the couii Itotiae Iu
l aald roiiuty. oiler for ale al pul.lle auction, and
i aell to the hltihcat and tat lod.ler. tor ca.lt In
hand allot the r I it lit. t llie and it'lereat the aald de
(endalita have Iu amt lo the following dt-acrlt.ed
real property, to wit l'.'itnilii at a p. ilnl in the
north tHinndary line nf the Kara Kialtcr It 1. C.
No II, which in'ara S al de K li. chalua dla
taut front an aim !e poat iu aald north iMiumlary.
from whlrti a ioi(wihm hearaaouih Ja detf K i'j
Hliaa dlalant.aml a heiiil.x k heara aouth U .le
K. IkI llltka dialalil, and riinillllk thence aouth
K 7 lai chalua aloiitf aald mirth hotimlaw;
thence aouth ...cliallia In llie center ot the Alt
ernethy aanon road, iheuce mirth 71 4 de-. W.
aloiiK tne renter ol aald nad a l.'tchallia. Iheuce
north 1 l.i chalua to bettliiuiiiir, containing S.-ll
acrea. all helm in T. J a II J h.. helug Iu Clack
attiaa connty, atale of nrrKnu.
luted Ihla Uth ilay ol July, A 1 I -HI
K. C. MAIiluit K.
Hhcrlff of clack autaa county, alale uf tiretpui.
Ily S. U M.kWY, IH'puiy. 7 1.11"
Sheriff'! Nolle uf hale uu Korri-lmtlre.
In Ihe rlieull emir' uf the Stale ot Oreguu fur
the county o Clackatuaa.
J II Hi Itlatt-a. plaintiff, vs. Ilermlula Arndl,
Htate of OreKoii. enmity nf Clackamas, as.
Nolle la hereby (Iven that by virtue nf an
executluti and order of aale laaued out of the
circuit court of lite Hiate of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas, bearing dale the nth ilay
of July. 1V4, in a ault wherein J ll. Ilrtdtrea waa
plaltiitlf, ami Ilermlula Arndl waa defendant,
commanding me. iu the name ol the HUle ot
Oregon, that out of the real eatate hereinafter
deacrlbeil, lo n-allie a aum aullleienl to antlafy
Ihe tlelnalida of aald decree, to-wit : .".1 I7and
the turllier aum of $iu attorneys teea, and the
further sum of Its icoata, togelhei with Inter
eal on the same aince said decree waa entered
al IU per cent per annum, aud alao llie coats of
and altc iidlmi this aale
Now, therefore, in nliedlem-e to such decree,
I did, on the llih tlay of July, lull, duly levy up
uu, and will, nu Halurdiy, the llth dny uf
Antiuat, vl, al thehetirof II o clin k A. if. ut
Mill day, at the front uoor ot the court hmue In
said county, otter tor sale al public iiuc.lon.aiid
sell lo the flltrheat and heat bidder (or caah lu
hand, r 11 ol the right, (Ilia- aud lutercat the aald
deleuilanl has in and tothe foilowlugdeacrllied
real properly, lo-wlt; riii'Nortlit-uai lii trl.-rof
Sect I.. u 2't, 1 ownalilp I Houtli uf Italtge .' Ka-t of
the Willamette .Mcridliiu, coulalutng illil aerea,
all lying and being in Clackamas county, stale
of Oii-gnii.
Hated this nil, day of July A. I IS'il,
Kherllf of clackittnasoottuly, Oregon.
Ily N. M MisiliY, lit'piiiy. 7 l.l:H iu
In the County Court of the slate nf Oregon fur
tne county ot iiacKainiia
In thn matter ol the estate ol Surah K. I'lipn,
Notice Is hereby given, that by order ot Ihe
Honorable County Cuurt of the county of Clack
amas, slate of Oregon, made slid euterml on the
"ill day of July. ie, by the Mull, 11. Ii. Hayes.
Judge of said court, the undersigned waatfuly
appointed administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Hanih K. Fupe. deceased. All
persons having claims agaluat the ssld estate
are required lo proem the same, with the
proper vouchers, within six inmitha frmn the
date ol this notice tu the undersigned adminis
trator at the olllee of Pope A Co lu Oregon
Clly, Clackamas county, Oregon.
WIIXIAM II. f-OI'K, Kxecotnr
nf the will and estate of Sarah K 1'iii.e, dee'd.
I)ated this blilMlay of July, )siH, 7-ia a-IU
Notice Is hereby given, that tho undersigned
has been appointed by tho County Court ul
Clackamas county, Oregon, executor of the
will of Charles II. Knight, deceased. All per
sons having claims agalualthe estatenf the said
Charles II Knight, deceased, are hereby null
fled lo present the same, duly verified, fur pay
ment to the undersigned, or at Ihe oftlce uf
llrowuell A Dresser, Oregon City, Oregou,
within six months from this date.
Cauby, Oregou. July '1, Ihim
CATIIKKINK KNIflllT, Executor.
Hhownki.i, A Dkksbkh, Attorneys. 7-:M
In County Court of Clackamni County, Slate ot
Notice Is horehy given, that tho undersigned
has been duly appointed by the above entitled
Court administrator of lha estate of (iuallno
(iaedke, deceased; and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby notified
to pretcut them, with the proper affidavit at
tached, tu the undersigned athisnllloeln Ore
gon City In said comity aud state within six
mouths from the date of this notice.
Haled at Oregon Clly, Oregon, this 22d day of
Juno, iwh, S HIIKI.AT, Adm'r
fit of tho estate of (iusiine Oacdko.
Meets every Friday night at tho K. of P, hall,
Visiting Knights invited.
It. U HolMan, C. C.
Society Directory.
'lltKuHN IITV 1K A It tl OK TIIAI'K,
Meela al ('mill llnlia,' nil Sel'nmt Mmtilay In
rai'll llinlilh. lallma it eleoine
K. h HiiNAI.IiHiiN, (ll'.il, t:, lllll) NKI.I,
Si'i'ielaiy. freahlmil,
(lAVI'.t. I.OlMIK. Nl. .VI. A 0. t'.
Meelaaeeoml mi l fiilirlh Hatunlav eve II I nm at
K li lu lit t hall. Cauhy. Vlalllnii Innllien nimla
W elenltiti.
I'. i'4Mi.riM, V I lliniiiii k,
Reeorih'r. Mmter tVnrktniiil
K. Or l: HI A II UH'iK NO. Wfi.
K. Itlaley (', I'.; 'I hollllia Nellaou, K nf It
ml H, Mieia et erv eiln iaiav ereuliiit at a
n clock In l aaile hall, I. o, o K. ImihlUi,.
Ilrolhera Iroui oilier K ol I'. loilk'ea Invllcl
OHM K(H l.olniK .No, lim, A. r A A. M.
Meela Ihe aeeoml ami folirlh Kiitllriti yauf eaell
Ittoiilli at 7 p. In All Mttaoiia Iu (fuml atallillng
are Invlteil in alleiul,
ll. II. liaa.. W. M. K. J, 111 aari.l., Miii'jr.
OHWKl.tl .oi(IK NO, M, . o 11. T,
Meeta every Krlilay evening In Hie new hall III
Olil I. otil
J (.'. lUiNKa, ('. T, John Km ak, Hee'y.
ll.l.AMKI I K lit- HI K A II i:t ItKK I.oImIK,
Meela the aeentnt ami fourth Mnmtay 111 th
m,. iiih ai 7 :m I' ,M , In . u, o K H ill
M (I. Cli inu in. M, M, ('Maim .
heerelary. N 0,
I. A H. OK K. ll. IIAKKH ('AMI1, H. OKV,
Meela In K I. Hall mi Hie aeeoml ami (ninth
Momlay pi eiiHwa of each immtli
Maa W K J0IINH0N, I'real
Mlaa.NoKHA Cai.irr, ticu'y.
Mini I.K loK I.11IMIK NO. Ji, H OK II.
Meela etery 'I'ueailav eveullot
M av Hu KtnHii, l . nl II t i.unA l'V. Ilee,
HI'NIHHK. I.OIHiK, NO. U A, 0. I' W ,
Meeta avpry aeeoml ami fourth Halunlar oleach
tnoiiih al Wllaotivlllp, Orfon
M. I.'. Vol sti, M. W.
JnllN Tvium, lleeonler,
Till IKON I.OtiliK NO. ;I5, A. 0, t'. W,
Meela pterv I liura.lav vvptiluir at O1I1I Kelluwa
hall, Oaweifii, ViallHK lneUl'-ll alwaya wel-
i c"'n
. Mai Mill an,
Kami Minn, Iteixinler
M W.
Mill. All. A I nlH.K No tl. AO. IV W.
Meela Dial ami till nt Haiurday In each mouth
at achiail houae Matting inemlH'ra made wel
come T. . stirr, M. W
J. W. Tiinma. Iteo.
rAI.ISCITY l.'ilu.K UT A ti V. W
Meeta every Hatutday evrnlun uf each month
III A. 11 I' hall Till hi. All aojnurillll(
brethren rtuillally Invited .. attend
T. K. laAl l.T, M. W,
llo Ctl.irr, Iteconler.
ItrKUlar lllcellua Mwoml Wedneadar In each
mouth al eimlne lioti.e, eaal aide Mala atl.t-t,
hetween Seielith and hlkhtll
J. W.Stnaaar. Sec II Htraiiiiit, F'rm
M I . giiNN, K.neinall
Mill. Al l. A UltANiiK. Nil. 0, I', uf II.
Meeta al their hall atWrluM'a HrldK on Ilia
aecettd Saturday ol each ta.uilh al Iu a. lu
K'llow luclithera made welcottie.
Jaa Nai.aoN, Waaler,
K II I'lKirtn. Nee.
WAIINKII l.lllNiiK Nu 111 l of II
Meet I., .itili Hiiuidav of each month, at Ihelr
ball Hi .Seta Kra. Havld M.-Arllnir. Mailer
Mrs Xay vtaidn u. nc'y
M KAHK I'OH r, No I tl A K.. liKI'Ak't'MKNT
nK tiltKtiiiN
Meela drat Monday nt each mouth, al K of
I Hall, tiregoii l ily. Vlaiting couiradea mad
HAVIti MeAltTIICH, Cumuiaiidrr.
Ma Wii.t.uua. A. I). Haul
dKN. CltotiK I'liHT, No, tt I). A. It , Im r7
incut nt t ire gnu.
Meeta In school houae al Needy nil first Sat
urday In each month at J o'clock p in. All
Cntnradea iiiade walcoine t f Illl l. IN. iS,
II. I ii'iati-aon, Adjt. Commander.
K.I) llaker lamp, No. la, meela very fl rat
and litlrd Vhuraday evening ul each uioulb, at
K.olH. ball.
VV K Johnson. Captain: It H llelomr. Itepre
aeulalite IMv Knraiiii.nieiit. tl. II. WihI, lal
l.letllenaul; Aloiiao Mirk ham, li Uetlteuanl:
C. A Herman, I at rti-rgeaul.
CI-ACKAMArt I.iiIHiK. No. 67, A O. U W
Meets first and third Monday In each month,
at ntrala-hl's Hall Vialtitig brethern welrume.
C. k I'gaag n. Il.iuiiai.
Keo. K. w.
(.'ol.l'MlllA HOOK AND I.AHDKH CO.
Meets Aral Krldsy of each month al
Fountain eiiglue linuae. Cllti Atiist, I'rea,
C. II I'lLtuw, H,.o y. citas lUTisa. f rm
CATA K ACT H(mK Nn. "l
Meeta aecoiid I ueaday nl each iiionth at Cat
aract Kuaitie houae. W II. Hoa an. I'rea
0. II. ltTiiw, Hee'y. J. W O't usasi.u, Km
MKAUK HKI.IKP Cdltl'S. No. It, liKI'AUT-
Mrs. M. H I'llstniry - - . I'realdciiL
aira r , l. t .K lirano, - . Treaaurer.
Mrs. J. It Harding, . - Mecrelarr.
Meeta on first and third Tueadsys uf each
month In K. of I'. Hall. Memiiers ul corps
from abroad, cordially welcomed.
" K Co M I-A N V Vi It if It K.t , I NI K N T, ( 1. N ,'7
Artnnry. Ihlrd and Main lingular drill nluhl,
Monday. Itegular business meetings, first
Monday of each in. null.
orru sua.
J. W. (Isuoiig, ... Oataln
K-H Kelly, . . First Lieutenant
l.''l''k"""' 1 " Second Lieutenant
HCTTK CltrlKK (IKANHK. No. si, V. of 11.
Meets at their hall in Msruuam, second Hal
ur.Uv lu each month at lo a. ni. Vlalllug
oi ,-, . i, nn , a welcome.
J. K
FALLS KNCAMI'MKNT. No. , , o t). f.
Meets Itral and Hilrd Tueadayaof each month,
at llild Kellotva liall. Members and vlalllug
patriarchs, cordially Invited to attend a
Scribe. Chief I'alrlarch.
Meets Tuesday overling at A. O. t'. W. Hall, V.
lung in em her a Invite I. J, II. Hiiwahii,
. . Sachem,
( mas. Ksi.l.v, C. of K.
CANS Y LOHOK NO, Ml , I. O, 0. T.
Meeta first and Ihlrd Saturday evening of
each month al Knight's hall. Cauby. Visiting
members always ntsde welcome
Ki.i.a Kmuiit.Hco. Ogo. W, Kxiiiiit. W,C.
Willamette Falls Camp No. 1H, meets 2d and ,
4th Tuesday itlvhia In each month In K. nl I's-.'
halt. Vlalllug uelghlHirs not. In welcome.
K. K, Maiitin, Clerk. E. M. Mat K,C. C.
OSWF.OO ORANtiK NO. 1711 P, ol II.
Meets tho second Salurdav nl each month at
10a. m. O, Katom Maater. J.Q. Gang Secy.
Meets on tho first Saturday In each mnnth at
IU o'clnck a. m. at the Damascus schnul houae
8 YOUNli, Miisier.
T. II. FgATtlsms, Secretary.
HT, JOHN'S IIKANCII, NO. (17, C. K.of A.
Meets every Tuesday evening at their hall
at their I
Iregon City
corner Main and Tenth Streets,
Ireets, Oregon City.
T. W. Sullivan, Hroa.
N. c. Mlt.'IIKi.s.Soo y
Holds its regular communications on first
nd third Saturday! of each mouth at 7;!t0 r. si.
brethren iu good standing are Invited to attend
L. L. POHTKIt, W, M.
T. F, KY AN, Secretary,
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, It. A. M. Itegular
Convocation ihlrd Monday ol tho nth al 7;'l
J. II. WALKEIl, H, P. ,
Ri iiiiLPitis, Sec'v.
T ii n ir
Meets every 1 hiirsdsy oven. or at 7 :() o'clock
r. M. In the Odd Kelluwi' Hull Muln street.
Members nf the Order are Invited to atteini,
OKO. C. ELY, N. O.
. Thna Ryan, Secretary.
OSWE'lo" LOLl'lK", NO u:t, I(To F
Minus at Odd Follow'! hall, Oswego, every
Monday evening. Vlsltliur hr.ti,r ....ii
W3 7.Ti.,..v Cll. NIXON. K.O.;