Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 03, 1894, Image 6

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Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Boots and S
! Only Exclusive Dry Goods House in the City. ?
Having bought the Boston Store stock and some other goods at 25 per cent, on the dollar, consequently
will sell you goods cheaper than ever known before.1 H. S. MOODY.
Oregon City Enterprise.
Rnwrler. -Cl
iel nl Pollc
CI y Alhrtnr.
8t"M l'minUvtnner.
Buo'r. of tt air r Works,
CI. I Ktiitiueer.
Cewtimen C. O. Alr(til. Jr.
fl. iimnman. J J
lltram strsichl
L. 1. t'tirirr
Ckaa. K. Hn rr.
K s l alifl
R. I. IMman
E. K. lri
f. Hals-nck. Jr
W. H. Howi-ll
l. Kinnainl
H. L Krllv. t
Cuke. B F. Jnemt, II.
HIE (IIVS At'l'llKS.
Regular Meeting f the City Dads ,o
Mrcet ( ar Krnnclil.sf.
The city council met in regular session
Wednesday evening, and the following
business whs transacted :
The rtreiiien'. Tournament.
Handsome Colored I'OstlTH IlllVO been
issued from the K.vnKi'MMe ullice an
nouncing the meeting uiul tournament
Very Sail Affiilr,
Notice of t no death of Mrs. A.J. Chase
llpls-all'd ill hist Week's Lsmil'IIISK.
From tin- Colfax liuitetio the follow inn
of the Oi egon Male Volunteer Fiifincn's i sad particulars are cleaned:
Association in this city on the :id and-tth
of September. Aumrg the attractions
C. U-vn, ;o, Brouhtnu, M. llowvll
v emii-il metf llrst We.lueIr of each month
la -iiy h.ll.
Legal AilvertiMiiir.
Uereaf'er no legal advertisement will
be inserted in the Estkririsk unless
payment frr the same is made at the
time the affidavit of publication U ren
dered. This rule will be imperative and
desd-heat litigants, who make it a prac
tice of working the courts, lawyers) and
ncwsitapers will have to look to some
other paixTtoeet their notice published.
Liiiuor license of Hilt A Cole extended i J are the follow inn: '
for one year At 10 oYloi k on the ;d w ill occur the
Application of I. I.vons for pavmciit 1 l,ar',,,,, il m "I1"'' ''
of lj.7S on account of loss in discounting I bolU ,elvo ,,'M"' l"r,'''l'ie.
warrants referred to finance coiniiiittee. Al lA oVlo k ,,,,,l' l "
Application of tiro companies lor UH) i KivTVKl xm visiting inemeii. mis win tie
to aid in holding firemen' nieoti ng 1 Kven t Pope's hall,
and tournament granted. I At two o'clock llm most exciting of
Contract to do the city printing aw -anied con,e8W vvvr iv,'n ttt urnaments,
I. LeMahicu at same rates as last vear. ,1U,) aml llllb rM' wi" om,r ,ir9t l,rie
iO, second prize f...
I At 7:30 in the evening the second an
nual niceling of the association will
At 10 o'clock on the morning of the
1 10th, the hose contest wet teat will
I "rices tle lwet Ked Front Stores
focoa-Crffeo is a yrent winner. Try
it E, E. Willi im., Tii? (inx er.
Instruction in swimming to ladies
and childtcn free at Capt. Bundy's bath
house, foot Eleventh street.
We carry the lost line of confection
ery, fiuits uid ni ts in the city.
E E. Wii.Li.ois, The Grccer.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
II other blanks at the Enterpkisk of
fice. I'oiti.tnd prices.
Burniciiter & Andresen keep a fine
assortment of st'ings for the banjo, vio
lin, guitar ami mandolin.
For this month only Bellomy A Bunch
wi!I fill jd!y glasses with heavy tin
- covers fo: U5 cents per dozen.
For goo,l sa;;sa;e of all kinds call at
the City View market, foot of Seventh i
street. Fuss A Schtltz.
The lest and only sure w ay to i-re-
serve fru':!s is with Antifermentine.
For sale by E. E. Williams The Grocer.
Refresh yni self these hot days with a
dish of ice creutu soda at the Novelty Ice
Cream p;nlors, second door to Burmeis
ier & Ar.'!re.en.
3in. A W. Sch wan and children ac
companied by Miss Sophia Smith of
Vancouver have gone to the coast for a
few weeks' ouiing.
The evangelist Robert Cfcirr.es dosed
an interesting, well-attended and profit
able revival meeting at Gladstone Park
on Sundav evening.
Kimball organs are admitted to be the
eweetebt ton-d and most durable organ
made. See Burmeister & Andresen
about prices and terms.
When preserving fruits Bivo labor,
fruit and suar, and have perfect re
sults. Use Antifermentine. For sale
by E. E. Williams The Grocer.
E. E. Cbarman lias received word
from E. R. Charman, who is sojourning
at Newport, that since bis arrival there
be lias gained five pounds. Make it
forty, Ross.
The solon-ts of the Vienna Prater Or
chestra are artists of European reputa
tion, having closed a successful engage
ment at the Midwinter fair, and are en
route to Europe.
Mrs. C. N Greenman, Mrs. Lily Shep
herd, Fred Greenman, G. Armstrong and
Bert Greenman left Wednesday prepared
for a months outing on the beach in
Tillamook county.
W. L. Snidow who came up from Os
wego last winter to this city concluded
that this was the better location so
moved bis familv up this week. They
are living over II. E, Cross' law olllce.
The crop of carp and catfish is fine at
present and lots of them are strolling
from their native element in response to
a hook persuader enticingly presented
to them by the youth of the community.
F. H. Charman says that their camp
at Alderlea is very nicely fitted up this
eeaflon and that they are enjoying out of
door life immensely. Quite a good
many callers visited the camp on Sun-1
day, Oregen City and Portland both be
ing represented,
II. C. Stevens whose face has long been
familiar at the railroad gate ticket office
at the state fair and who is a most effi
cient vender will be on duty again this
year and will be assisted by J. G. Pils
bury, J. S. Purdoin has been appointed
one of the gatekeepers at the same gate.
Upon report of the city engineer show
ing work done a warrant ordered drawn
upon the g noral fund for k7J.7 in
favor of Dan Lvons for work done on
Fifth street.
F'.ngineer's estimate on Main street
work tiled and warrant ordered in favor! occur ,or l,ril of ttml ,v)-
of llamshaw A Bvhru for fcSGUGo. At tw0 oVllH'k 'n" 0r'K"" vham-
Claim of II. C. Salixhun- f.r : pion hose race will come otr tor a prize
damages for the killing of a horse by
falling over the Fifili and Jackson otrceis
bluff referred lo committee on heallli
and police.
The reiHrt of
to whom was referred
IV old was teceived early Wednesday i
morning in Collax of a very sml incident !
at the residence of Mrs. Andrew Chase, I
eleven miles up he North 1'aloiiso river, j
At different times during the past year
Mrs, phase's mind has been allccVil,
caused by sickness and worry over her
husband's death, w hich occured over a
year ago She has tieen continually
watched and taken care of by her chil
dren, who have U-en cea-ielesa in her
vigilance. On Tuesday Mrs. C huso be
came delirious and it was uecesiary to
watch with the lady until aliout 4 o'clock
Wednesday morning, when she went to
sleep and appeared to rest easy, her soii
in law, Andrew Courier and his wife,
who went to sleep, thinking that all
would le well, but upon awakening
alsiut a half hour later Mr. Courier dis-1
covered that Mrs. Chase was nut in her
bed and the members of the household
were aroused and a search instituted.
She was not found in the house ami tiHn
llofciri' eniitriietiiiK
your crop it will In
to your interest to
I.IIIimiiIhI .1 I ii , ami lirj Kmiit Nlrui l, San
l.illriitliiil liroa.H ioi. I 10 W.lrr hi. Npw Yurk.
((I 'J Herullllh HlKli SI., Iilnlull
the Serpent's
111 all lia alai:KiMiiiiilaiiilir
OI nnn nnipntl rrailhalnl li 8. . 8. (l
DLUUU rUldUll .tliiaio .it. nn, uU-vn.il
7 l
vlolil lu Ha hrallnir
I - .1 . . . . . .i. i .... i . i
iv rv in. a win Hii.oiiand nil una uti llMi.y.niiiii
A iimiI.. liall. wnll di .n.l
naiitil n,
I III u.lainr
the matter of
granting a franchise for a street railway
10 J. W. Gaut.T. P Uanduil and tiej.
Ely recomiuei.ded certain changes.
Tlieir report was adapted but as l he (ieti
of 1T) and l.'iO.
In the evening of the second day there
will be tiiven a yrand ball to which all
vi-iting fireman will be granted free ad-' going outside almost the llrst object that
met the giizii of the searchers was the
Ixxly of .Mis. Clni-e hanging from a plum
swift si-r.riric to.. Atim,c..
Traet.nl t'l.ACK M KIII'IT I ANILS,
IiimmI hniiMi ti.rti, i-lo. Aim
J. K iilluiiM I'ark fl.ef. Orrf ui.
the special committee 1 "M!lon-
i Snecia rates have tHMn olilained from
the Southern Pacific audit is expected
that the boat lines will mske special re
ductions. The commit ee on reception consists
tioners sated that they could not accept of CI'U,f r:''K'ifr J- W. O'Connell, Ex-
the franchise as reported, it was not or
dered published.
General liceuse ordinance pas-ed.
Street committee directed to prepare
an ordinance regulating the clearing of
the ftreets
Street commissioner directed to see
county court about repairing Aberuethy
bridge, and in the eyent of their refusal
to repair the same he was directed to
fence it up.
Question of removing alt obstructions
upon Main street from Moss street to
basin referred to committee on lire and
Bills were audited and ordered paid as
follows :
Portland Gen. Elec Co,, June $170 4o
" " July .... 17-' 45
E L Shaw 00 00
C E Burus 60 00
Mrs. G W Church 10 00
N F Zimmerman 0 00
Chas. Babeock 147 10
L L Porter 35 00
CN Greenman 00
D W Kinnard 120 00
O C T Co 35
E E Taylor 15 00
Maple St Rav 6 40
Chiefs Col W. I.. White, U. A. Harding,
S. K. Green, Chas. Alhey, A. F. Asinus,
G. Pilsbury, W. E. Pratt, T F. Ryan,
F. It. Cbarman, C. O. Albright, J. R.
Trembatb, M. II. Flannagan, W. T.
Whitlock, M. J. Broderick and Fred
Miller. Judges and time-keepers to 13
selected on the day of the races.
The Salem Sunk.
The steamer Salem, which has been
moored in midstream, near the foot of
Roes Island, for several months past,
sunk Wenesday morning, and now rests
with only her pilot house, smokestack
and part of the forward cabin out of
water. The bout has been out of ser
vice for about two years, and probably
went down through sheer decay.
The Satem was built in 18H0, by Capt.
E. W. Spencer, who traded her to Copt.
Taylor. The boat was for several years
on the Portland and Dayton route, hut
was never considered vry profitable.
She is 100 feet Ionic, 20 feet beam and
4 feet deep. Two years ago last spring
the Salem was run onto the Third
street dock and sunk. Much dilli
culty was experienced in getting her off
and soon after the inspectors condemned
A Huntley 2 75 ' 'ier' an( B'ie 'ias R'nte laid up
at i
Geo Reed 40 00 1
CB Welch 31 50
W T Welch 7 50
Dr. E A. Somers is hack from camp
at High Bridge on the Clackamas w here
he reports having had a most enjoyable
time. He describes it as one of the
most delightful places to camp and the
party saved trouble by stopping with II.
S. Nephus who has a fine place there.
Besides Dr. Somers the party consisted
of Misses Lambert, Welch, Niece, Robb
and Josephi and Mrs. Dr. Wood;
Messis. Humison, Warren, Woodward,
Newkirk, Kilemn and Robb.
For a long lime the Chinese gardeners
have had things iheir own way till it
had come to be thought bv many tnat
no one else could run a market garden.
Believing that it could be done O. E. A.
Freytag prepared last winter for this sea
son by preparing the ground, and this
spring he planted a fine assortment of
seeds. He has had the best of success
and has of late been obliged to bring up
a big doubla wagon load twice Ja day to
supply his customers.
Willamette Falls camp of Woodmen of
the World will have an anniversary en
tertainment on Tuesday, August 14th,
at which time the head camp will be in
sesiou in Portland and will visit the
camp here thatevening. An interesting
time may be expected.
The Oregon City Sash A Door factory
have just completed and shipped a hand
some pulpit to the Methodist church at
is the time for preserving
Use Antifermentine. hold by
Williams The Grocer,
various points along the river.
E. E
Receipt, note and order books at the
Entkbpkish office.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot lie
cured by Hall's CaUrrh Cure.
F. J. CIIEXKY A CO. Props. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligation made by tlieir
West A Tbuax, Wholeisale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
Waldino, Kinsas A Makvis, Wholesale
Dru;git8, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75c. per bottle. Hold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
tree with her feet touching the ground.
Her forehead was yet warm and she was
removed to the house ami restoratives
applied, but to no avail her spirit bad
lied. She had Used a bedsheet to bang
herself with and died either from stran
gulation or suffocation. The horrible
act Mr. Courier thinks was committed
about 4::i(l a. in., and thinks the un
fortunate woman was not asleep when
she appeared to lie.
The deceased leaves nine children,
among them being Mrs. Chas. McU and
Mrs. J. 8. Iteall, of Coital, Mrs. E. P
Mesick, of Ellierton. Mrs. A. Courier, of
Lincoln, and four other daughters and a
son James Chase living at St. John.
Mrs. Chase was born in Saline county,
Mo., March 1, 1811, and crossed the
plains in I8.'2 with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hughes and settled in the Wil
lamette valley near Oregon City, ami
after a residence there of ssveral years
moved to the Palouse country in 1H7U.
and Hecurvd a home at Lincoln where
she has since resided.
The funeral services were held at the
residence of the deceased at 11 a. in.
Thursday, living conducted by Rev. T.
W. Walters. Interment was made at
Collax cemetery. The funeral was
largely attended.
The circumstance is a very deplor
able one, and the relatives and friends
of deceased have the sympathy of the
entire community.
Two Stale Cases.
Esq. Dixon has been buv the past week.
The first case of importance was that of
The State vs. Chas. Reynolds for assault
and battery. He was tried by jury, con
victed and lined the costs and -) w hich
he paid.
The case of The State vs. Herbert John
son for assault and battery upon Jaa.
Bee was tried the second time the first
of the week, the jury having failed to
agree at the first trial. He was con
victed and fined f 10 and costs. As we
writ of habeas
R. Alpin,ofSt. Paul, Marion county,
while out hunting Wednesday was ac
cidentally killed. He was trying to
prevent his dog from going over a fence
into a field where he supposed grouse
In Oregon City Evuiy Saturday, Leave
orders at Enterprise allic.
4 IS K. Market M., PoMluiul, Or.
W'AN IKIv I'liahliiit i'aiivair of ihI Ail
It tire., l.ltioral .alary alut t-M-tir. ii.nl
wi'.ly; I'urmaiirui (mnlim liliuM.N Kilos,
t o., .Niir.t-ryim'ti. rnrllainl, oregini.
I'ullStock of Guns Ammunition.
Itriair(iu all kinds of smalt tnacliliiaa
promptly ihkIs. Iliiplliale key. lo
any lock manufacture.!, .shop on
Main Mrei't. nrU to
NnShlt'a Hulilea.
On the Road
la nlwnyri at the front in races and rinmlri, as
well us tivu iiwants at the Worlil'rt Fair. I'mnoimcvtl
by nil tinirt'juiticetl Hitler, Ih iilerx ntnl Mii-luinics to
bo the lightest, strongest, Hwiftcxt, liunilsomest anil
best Piioyclo on earth. Semi for eatolnRiie, circulars,
etc., etc.
.'!27 Washington stri ct, 1'ortliitnl, Oregon.
Nor'.wsst repmcatatlres. Lire Agents wanted ererrw&ert
"Teaching is the nohlest art, but the Morrii'Ht tmtle."
Thirteenth Annual Session
A Training School for teachers, theory ami jiraotico coinhined.
Strong professional course ami well iMiiipM'il model school,
Thorough Preparatory and Academic cmirsi-H.
Normal, Advanced Normal, lluni hchb, Music and Art departments'.
Light ex p'iiHi'H hoard and lotlging,bookn mid tuition not almve ifl.'iO
per year.
The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and healthful location in the
very heart of the Willamette Valley, twelve miles southwest of tho
State Capitol. It lias no Saloons.
in two Statu without kihtiiku kxamination. Graduates command
good positions.
EXl'KNSKS Tuition per term of ten weeks, Normal, M 2"; Sub
Normal, f") 0); Commercial, $( 2").
liOAHI) and LODGING Hoard at Normal Dining Hall, $1 75 (Kr
week; furnished rooms, with fire and light, from ifl 50 to 1 2.J imt
to press this case is being tried on a week; unfurnished rooms 50 cents per week; Isiard and lodging in
Corpus Iieiore Jllllge pnvuu; lliuiiucn uutll TO ww lo TO mi IST WCCK.
Vitality and growth have always characterized tho work of tho
1 mi ... .......
;ormai. tne coming year promises to iw one ot the best in its
history. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address1
1. L. CAM .'HELL, President, or
W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty.
in the ritv tliri lust nf the week visirinir 1
j - - m
wore. Anil cthva llin rlnff a linncli wit.li thfl
Mrs. S.J. Henderson of Portland wasj, mUof ,,,, wlien the hammeri.it
the fence discharging the gun. The load
struck Alpin in the forehead, completely
blowing the top of his head off. His AnOttlOr StriKO !
brother was with him and witnessed the
the family of Clinton Latourette. While
in town she had a monument erected
over the grave of her husband who is
buried in the cemetery on the hill.
High Prices Overthrown!
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard,
C. A YARD. Elegnnt dialling, indigo hluo mints, dress
Linings, colored huntings, .'10-inch muslin.
... ... linn in 1 jriwuB TlWWj l.)C. IflWflS lUC. ZOC,
wool challies for lGJc; light figured satteens cut to 10c; 25c. cashmeres
cut to 15c; a fine assortment of dry goods received just ahead of the
strike; ladies' trimmed hats cut to ipl; all wool clothing going rapidly
it suits; another big lot milk crocks, jars, jugs, etc1; 10c. a gal.; 18
lbs. dry gran, sngar 1; castor machino oil 40c. a gallon; binding twine.
Hamilton Bros.,
Oregon City and Park Place, Or.