Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 03, 1894, Image 5

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    Oregon City Hntcrprisc.
CM!, T. C'O.'N h I KA M 1:11.
Wuamcr ItAMIINA.
I"' III, 7 HI, ui
V ii . 111. II tula. in.
w p, in. i uu II in.
MI'NIiA y,
!KI . Ill,
I Ml i III,
II im a. in.
n Ml l. 111. U IHJ a. 111.
). I
ml Ir
KiuiiuI i r 1 1 W tieiils,
Tluw eatd iiliiml In fliaiui. Without notice
HoMII Hul Hll,
(allloriila K i,ri' ilhriiiiuh)
Kusuliuru UhuI (way aUlloiis)
7 in III.
I O p. Mi.
sul'TII Mm' Hli.
Itni-I,iir l.,,r-l (wny ulnlliilin)
lull lorn In Ksprtiss (tliiouili)
III . m
7 :li p. ui
1 tin lablo,
l.eaV Leavl
Urwui Illy. WlllmiM'llv Kail.
"AM. HI', A.M.
(l A :sl "
II . " II t "
1 1 I'. M, i n c m,
a i " a ;tu
0 uu 11 !,'( "
SI'HtiaV Tl.
A M. t 1.1 A. M.
lo mi " In in 11
ll " II M "
1 ml'. M. I lM M
1 ,i I .l
j ui i r,
2 Ml " i V "
II im It l.i "
a : a i '
I i ft "
4 ml ' 4 H "
I, ui " ti l'i "
f, ;u ' fi in "
11 mi II "
'. A. Mll.l.tH, Hllpt.
Mslliclo.e KMlni Siitili. 13 in , . in . " III.
Malls i l,.tt. going Hi, nth, V a. in., 0. 6 i. m.
ll.K mute.,
llli'iimi I'llY In l',,rllmi,l liner Kal Hull
War, Ixovr I.' .11 IV M nli-l ft lu I' M'. arrlvra
II ui A. M ami 4 I' M rstrlos t'.iilUn.l,
Kaiivru, tv eatable, Sandy ami llliihlaiid ruiilcs
dreamt I'll y In Kly.C'arua, Milium. Literal ami
U.ilslla leaxrs al I.' ill. and arrltra al W in.
(iti'iimi l llf I" Havrr I rrrk, Mink. Clark.
M,-, Hr.M.k. Colon Mills. au, fuliou. leaves
al lu a hi Monday Wednesday an, I rrl'lay
and mums uu billow Im davs al iti in
lircaoii I'llf I" VI,, i. Ij.iii ami Holland
Irate. tlrroli Illy Holiday Wednesday ami
Krlilit at I iJ I', M i l-ravlnl V tula saluo da),
al ! "I A M.
KKIDAY, Al ca sTII, 1H'H.
Sura Faim A 1 1 it mtionh. At the
recent ineetiliK of the. tlireclora of tint
Oregon State lloard of Agrlcultiiro the
following attractive feature were de
cided uin: Pining four evening of
the week of the. lair Tucduy, Wetlneie
day, Thumday ami Frblay, attractive
prugratiia w ill lie prepart-tl to lieremleretl
in the pavilion. The will connim of
iiiiihIc, adtlrenite, etc The baud will
ptei'tire Hpeclal program Hon. llurvey
Hcotl, eililor ollhe dregonlan, lia ctm
aentctl lo lat prtaetil on editor" tlay
and will deliver an addrtw to lint autli
ence in tlm evriiiim. There will bo lie
atldreHcf by ttri'gtm'a et-ioveriioi,
preaenl nnvi'rnor.aiiil governor-tdti t . It
will be hi) uirntik'ed Ibal the Mletx,
liritnd Itolide and (.'helil.iwa llldiilHH will
take part in one or more of lint evening
program. Hide (ruin tbf part they am to
take in thu ilaily le'e.
lliti Jaw hum:. Tli Sutcmnan note
that Hie jawholie of the gieut Id I-foul
whale wliicii waaciihl upon the la-itt:!. at
Newpoit bint winter are now being
bleached in the Hand, ami are to be naetl
to fin in un archway to the hotel Mont
erey near Flg ( reek. It will be one of
the niiml iiniipie entrance to a boatelry
that wa ever een. Fvorybody who
Hi' to NewM)tt now ha a great curi
ohIiv to eo the bone of the moiiatrr
that wa found them. It will 1 0 remeui
Ired that till animal produced aoino
HjHI galloiih of oil when It wa worked
up, Fatb of the wliulu'a jawbone i
twenty (eet long.
ISHTHTTK I'lHNTKMH. Tilt! lllHtitlltO
convened til nine o'clock Monthly morn
ing with about eighty teacher in atten
dant o, which i the lurget tlrat day'
attendance known lu the county. Pri
mary ur chart reading wa diaciied by
1'rof. J. W. (irout, whicli wa very clear
and logical. Next eaino hiatory under
the iiiMtructionaof I'rof. J. II. Ackeruian,
Many helpful point were brought out
nntl diitciiHHt'tl. After I'omo other nl
ject had been (liwUHHed, Sjiolling was
ably conducted by rrof. II. S. Btrango.
Fahtkiin Ohkiion Styi.b A recent
Ihuo of the l'rinevile New has tho lol
lowing item : One of tlumo big white
cloiitl lying oil" in a Boulbeaterly direc
tion liiHt Mtuitlav, came ilown on Alkali
Hat all in a bunch, tligeingditche where
the road tiHetl to to he, ami varum other
deiicedly provoking break, of which
them) ienky waterttpouta nro capable.
From thi duHcriplion ol tin F.aittern Ore
gon atorni our reader will probably con
clude that Web Foot iniHts are prefer
able. I lor l'lt'KKii Waukh. At a conven
tion ol lion grower recently held at
Jorth Yamhill in Yamhill county, tho
iliioHtioii of reducing the price of picking
wa coimidored and after coiiHiderablo
tlincuHHion it wn decidud to pay eighty
cc-ntB per 100 poiimlH for the coming pick-
inn BeiiHon. Tho wagoa of polepitllerH
was fixed at fl .per tlay and boanl.
This watt unnninimitdv doclaretl a fair
wage, conHidering tho hard time. Pry'
era' wages wero not lixod, it being agreetl
tojmy according to ability.
A YotiNii Ghanih'atiikk. Tlio Print)'
villi! News cluillimge the Htatoof 0i'gon
inbehallof Crook county to produce a
younger grandfather than the News can
iliilato. Its champion in L. C. Clme, of
llttMchtilcH. Ho is34 years of age and
bus one granddaughter.
Foil A Hiri.it Kaniik Now thul
Hi-dkly drill Imvo lwll unnninlt'J fur
(Im miniiiKir Homo uf tint iiidiiliiirN ol
('oiniiiny I1' I in vn In-tin limkiiiK up Hi"
mutter uf iruviiliiK n runii" where) t ly
cun I'ructli'e with tlmlr illle. Aunt-
ttllllpl Will 1)0 llllllllt toloillltl It HtCiluil-
tonti mi Unit llioMt wlm til-Kilo tmiifi It
rim KO iiikI cumit cm Hit) eloetrlii fitrit.
It wit", thought Unit n Hiilliililii ritiiKii
t'tilllil ln IuiiiiiI in H lii"re ni'i:lii'li"l n I i"l
on tlin other aliln of tho river ii towunl
tin Tuiiliitiii but wliini (lit) voiiiinitti't!
foiiml tliiit tlm ( lira do nut run in the
eveniiiK tliey uliit ixluninl tint lilim.
Fou an Kni-ami'Mknt (ii'iieml Comp
noil him JiihI ri'turiied from tour of in
Miectloii of tlm inliitiu coinimlileit of the
atittu Hinl reporU them in excellent con
dition. Ho Muyi thitt Hie Ori'Kon boy
wolil'l obey t'oiiiiiiiiinlH Kiveil by their
miH-rlor iillleerii mul would tint flunk
like, the Culllonilii foinpiiliy. ltelutive
lu u Hummer i-iieiinipuient bit mild : "I
nut JiihI uboitt to leitve (,,r Sulein (or mi
Inleryiew wltlt (iovernor IV nnoycr lo
net lie. Out mutter of tint unmnil eneump-
menu of tliM wveritl relineulii. FiiihIh
are uvulluhle for I he purpoHC, Mid 1 boK)
tliill t'Ui'll li'Kiini'lit limy hold Uu ell
I'ltliipuieiit Tint iNiii aniiorn Mii.i.ku. Tlm miller
wbh'li li-Mii(M tint eH from which
conie the miHty ami ilentriictlvecuterpilhtr
w ' ti it'll denuded ro uiuny orcbunU ol nil
fnllitljii in June, lire very biiy Uii'mc duyM
deMmitlii( her vv.t! Ur next yearV ffnp
of wuriiia Slut lav on the new growth
o( wood, preferrhiK ulroiiR, lieulthy tree".
Tint I'ifii UI" depoHiled in t irclea, then
jjuiniiied over and left. Next HpriliK w bell
li e hiii Hlnrtu they will hit'eh out ai d
the new ciop will Hlart out on a dcHlruct-
Ive pilgrimage. Alter Hutidiiwn of an '
evt'iilitu thee miller can be Heetl in !
aonie liM alitiea 111 aw anil.
Ar Wii,i.Mt:TiK Fa n . Improvement
i the order of tlm day at the new town
of Willamette Fall. A. W. Mi wan ha
jut completed laying over a mile of
eer piat which give the place the
bent kind of drainage. The water main
are being laid and thu pump and dynamo
till till it, i already iii'laco. The elec
tric pole ami wire are now being placed
o that Inaitle ol ti e mon'h thoae living
iu thu town will have all the conven
ience of a modem city Including car
ami tide walks,
ArAn.vl'AMTV.-J utlgeMcltr.de and
family left for Ml. St. lit b n on W etl-
newlity exi't't ting to be gone nix week.
Iteaidc other already apoken o( a bav -
ing gone with the pa'tv, Mia l'.eaie,
i I.. i it i u-..n i.a.
" "
with Ibem. hen Un party
i Fcbo lake, w
,ere pe.maneiit "'"P
I be fHtablUhfd. theie will be a party of
! about fifty , neai ly all of whom are either
1 Mcllridf or relative of the family.
Thk Ni w Tol i-:mi. It ia expected that
the Toledo, width wan crippled a couple
of week t!o, w ill be out o:: ber tun from
1'iiytoii lo Portland, daily liipa, by Fri
day. Mr. tieer hiifl had ber thonmuhly
overbatileil a that ahe w ill now lie aa
launch a river craft aa one could ak
to ride on. Her daily round trips are a
ureal convenience lo the eople living
ahum the iijht river who wirth to vndt
Pottlai.d for a lew lionra on hindupHK.
Johki ii Kckiitkn Hack. The Slatea-
man ol VVetlneittlav aaya tutu joaeiui
Kuerten, wife ami daughter, who have
been reai.le.iU of that city for about two
veara will remove to Ore,-... City during
, , ,. ., .,,,.
the present week where they w.ll nuke
their future homo.
lelt hero tt) rHtahllith a Hoap factory at
Salem. Ho hail pieviuualy been super
iuteiitlent ol tho sonp woiks In this city.
He will asHiime bia old position in the
aoiip works here upon bm return.
Maiikikd By Justice liixon at bis
ollice, Julv 2Stb, L. H. lleckman, of
Miiltnomab county, ami Miss Gertrude
ti. Smith, ot Clackamas county.
McKkkh Kockh, Pa., Feb. !t, l!2.
Nokman I.h'iitv Mkii. Co. Des Moines, la.
(iKSTi.KMKN : Your Krauso's lleiul-
ache CiiDHiiles have laen and still are
the ureatest sellets ami have given the
moat entire satisfaction ot any article we
ever kept in our stoies. We nave sold
t;ross after uross of them in tho past two
years ami not in a sinKl" case have they
failed to cure any ami all kinds ol head
aches in tho moat satisfactory manner.
Youis rcsiH'ct fully,
K. 1. Kramkr,
For sale by Charmaii & Co., City Drun
Store, Oregon City, Or.
Oawt'iro va Orctroii City.
Tlio Oronon City and Oswego ball
clubs playetl at Oswego on Saturday
last, Oawt'iro winning by a score ol 14 to 0.
Following is the score by innings:
1 2 3 4 T It 7 8 9
Oswego 0 4 5 0 2 8 0 0 0-14
Oregon City 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1-0
Hattories Oswego, Smith Bros, and
Atisten. Oregon City Keily, Fonniinore,
and Ely. Tho features of tho game
were Lypes' homo run, Fennimore's
pitching and Keilly's slide on second
base for Oregon City, and fur Oswego
Todd's first bnso work. They are to
play a return gnme at Gladstone, Satur
day to decide, tho championship.
Taken I'p
At mv place three miles below Oregon
City on tho Willametto river, one black
pony, white star on lorebcad, branded
"M. C." on left hip. Owner is asked
to pay expenses and tako tho burro,
J. S. Kisley.
Whirring Halt ami Wlilrllna; l'ullM I
Midair Worlniiii Niiiii of Ilia Odd
T)ilii Dun lir Woman HugaU4
l.unatlo Aajflum t tlia Itaportar.
Without any tpieatlon wliattiver, It in
thi moat tinhpui tw.Uiry In Now York,
When you nnter tint door, tho whir and
bii,of iimeliiiiery dintractii yourtarii.
You ee belm and jinlleyi In rapid mo
tion; you fitd the bent of the uniflne
which keep all the iniichlnery gohnf,
mid you know that you are In place
where wituntliliiK or other UUdnKmanu
fucturvil. It Ih bard, bowtiver, to dincover Junt
what the manufactured product may be,
nd the polite attendant who meet you
at the door ((ive you no clew of It ai be
unherH you into the liolny workahop.
1 vlrtlted thin (MtablifthunMit the other
day at the atiKKciitioii of a friend, who
laid it wa the iiie.-ret plm:e in Uotbam
and bad "never been w ritten up."
The imu'hlncry wm placeil on one aide
of a Ioiik, itiitiny room. On the other
sldoof the room were about a down vel
vet coucheN, on which were reclining
muflled up liKiireit. A 1 entered, a fitf
uro arowt and walked over to one of the
uiachltieii. It wan the IIk'to of a wom
an. Klin drew up a chair, wit down and
placed her bandit on a little horizontal
metal bur. The bar jerked and trembled
mid the lingers gave little Hiiunmodlc
iuniMi in reHi,uie. Thin uueer iierform-
ancu continued for aeveraj minutoa, and
then tho woman changed her joition
iiml placed her feet In a ort of wpntre
atirrup at the Hide of tho machine.
Thentirruu linineliately nhook back
ward and forward, half revolved, spring
ig adj UuJ revolving again with most
aatoninhingeccentricitie. Tlio foot wa
aliakeu Into the Hemldance of iuilf a Una-
! en feet, and tho movement wiut all from
tho anklo joint. What any foot had
ever done to dewrvo Htich tr-ntiuent, or
! what good to tho foot tho treatment wa
upiiowd to do ultimately, wa to me au
inexplicable myftery.
i Ataiioilu-r machinu a necond woman
tat, with lu r arm chuiptd by two rubbt-r
and metal plate wbicli rapidly revolved,
receding and returning, preMnK the
. arm until it looked like a wee flat bund
1 of scarlet riblxjii (the woman wore a red
' gown) and then receding again, whirring
and whirling with wonderful velocity,
i I watt inytitied at firm, but aa tu
i minute flew by I liegan to be a bit
j alarmed. 1 did not ruliau tho idea of bc-
ng in (t lunatic ajtylum, where the pa-
it.iiiljiriin IlliU.hillHry Hml thrut thwr
I jlmU 1lU, llm reVolvmg wheel without
, my nupareut fear or retuton.
1 The uttendanta, however, aeenied to
i ttiko everything aa a matter of course
: and left mo to my own reaourcea. One
. . .1 i ... ...l, ,.n
ui.1,.1. aa ...(ia. U'.. It. Ill XI-11 al IV til if f ,U-i
' aowllwlira UI1, wUhont tt ,u)menf
warning one eud of the couch rose to an
upright position, leaving the young
woman in an attitude which would be
eai.ii 'at diwribrd a ataiidmir on her
abliulilera, her lianda clifped over her
bead. The emu h wa lowered and rai'ed
aK'iim, and thia performiince was reieat
eJ four or five Unit a. Then tho young
woman lay down and went to aleep.
One innciiine waa Worked by bund ap
parently. It consisted of a horizontal
bar, padded with leather, iu frutit of
which wan a movable rod of metal fur
uiahed with a reeiittiutf aprinir. Every
few minute aomo one would brace
KaiiiHt the leather arm and pull the rod
in front. When it pprauu up, it carried
the mibject almtwt into the air, and to
retain the grasp of it the subject was
; obliged to breathe hard, ataud oa her
j toes "d pull with all her wight. A
obaerver asked to RaeM what this
; mac i no manufactured would certainly
,ll'Vi "
Dut the queerest machines of all were
two conches, iu the center of which were
moving wooden, balls. These bulla moved
slowly up and dowu in regular motion.
Just as 1 was getting very much inter
ested lu this apparatus eome one geutly
pushed me aside and placed herself ou
one of tlio couches, lying deliberately ou
top of tho moving balls. Fur from being
disconcerted or annoyed, this iculiar
jiersonago seemed to enjoy her restless
resting place, and after a few minutes'
stay she went to the other couch to test
the effect of the other balls presumably.
All this was very interesting, of course,
Biitl in the intervals of manufacturing
every ono struck attitudes, swung them
selves around by placing their feet firmly
together ou tho floor and grasping irou
rings fur above their heads.
Another unseemly game winch tliey in
.liil,r..,l in win to kneel on a couch With
UUIgetllll was to Kut tt on a iout.ii, wuu
some ono lloldiutr their bands and some
one elae holding their feet, and then fling
themselves forward the eutire length of
their bodies. They were certainly ener
getic, and the expression of dignified
gravity on their faces as tliey performed
J . ' r..
these peculiar gyrations was ludicrous iu
the extreme.
This peculiar factory undertakes to
manufacture have you guessed? health
without medicine rosy cheeks, painless
liodica. mi m. In muscles and sound onruns
and good digestions just by mechanical
Kecruits from the ranks of thu lame,
the halt and the blind uouie here ex
pecting to be cured. Hysteria, tight
lacing, rheumatism, send patieuts here,
aud that is why every day they act, to
the inexperienced, like so many irre
sponsible lunatics. It is simply another
version of the Chicago boast that iu
that western city they have machines iu
one end of which they put a pig which
comes out the other end a plump aud
luscious sausage. You begin at the foot
shaker here and end by being able to
play football so they say. New York
Advertiser. .
There Are Mirny lnatnncea.
"Oh, is there nothing,' exclaimed the
lady iu the fur jacket, "that cau uplift
our servant nirls?"
"The coal oil can," answered the lady
In the yellow buskin. Chicago Tribune.
The Troy Hlcain l-aumlry
Have built up a jiyid trade In Oregon
City on the meritH of their work which
in living general Hiitixfuction. Give
them a trial, They pay exprt.-Hit charge
both wayi and give you I'ortlaud price.
Fi 4. Wad((.t kn, !'. 0. Iliillillng.
laundry left at the office on Tuenlay
will be returned on Saturday.
Truintirer'a Setlee
I have In my hand fund applicable
to the payment of all warrant endorned
prior to June IH, 1802. IntereKt will
ceane from date of ttii notice.
M. L. Mooha Treaaurer.
Ohkcww City, July 13, 1HHI.
For Male, ( heap,
A nood aix-room bouae, I'.'OOcaitb, bal
ance inHtallment. A chance to put your
rent Into a borne. C. II. Dva.
Warrant llouifhl,
Ktate and County warrant of Oregon
and Vanhii,gton bought by Jaine .
lavi & Co., tl Htark atrwt, Portland,
Nave you aeen tboe beautiful Indigo,
oil red and lixht print, outing flannel.
atteen and trimming IhhI received
from Chicago at the Kcrt Front htore
away below anv price quoted inClacka
ma county le(ore.
Wedding atationerv. tlm latent style
id fineat uHHortmeiit ever brought to
Oregon City at the Kntkhi'Kihk otlice.
A child can do as well as you.
We try to tie
Your serve your every
day patronage,
jrood will and con-
We charge you
40 cent for a 40
cent jtrescription
not 75 cents.
We try to Wp
in stock every
thing that can be
fount! in a first
class drug store
Huntley's Drug Store,
Oregon City, Oregon.
You recollect bow on the last
vacation you would have given
twice the price of a paper, inana
zinc or novel for something to
it-ad. We have lots of new
novels, and new edition of old
novels for 2"c. each, and some
old ones for 10c. We w ill Fend
you regularly as issued, without
any extra cost to you
HnnTIej's Book Store
Oregon City.
Would be jileapod to see his friends
and patrons in his new
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, .
Notice U hereby riven, that byrwtono! a
breach ta Ihe conditions ot a certain chattel
mtirtjrR. given by W.I), mine to Frank irif
nilm. and aiined by aid Urillitha to W. E
l arll. I. the nmleriilitncd. have aeiit'd the mort-
Property, to wit: Ona team, conslstlnr
. . . h ,! iiarntss. and
; more particularly described as follows: A pair
ol nay .-..trues, p or years 01 aite. ainiui ia iinuus
man, veitiii lieu ins.; a'4 111 aim neu whkou
one set ilmilile work harness: and on Annual
1Mb. ism, at the hour of 10 o'clock a ni., at No
bllit A Co 's stable, 111 the city ol Oregon City,
t'lsckamas county, Oregon. I will sell the said
1 ;lcill.cl property at public auction to the
, blithest bidder for cash, lo satisfy the said
niortitagechitm ol mo, wllh ltilcrestaua costs.
Dsied July 31st, 1NM
K. C HADDOCK, Sheriff
In tho County Court of the Stale of Oregon tor
the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the estate ol Levi Inland, dee'd.
To whom It mav concern :
Nelli e Is hereby given, that the utdctalgned,
executor of the estate of Uivl 1 elmid, deceased,
lins died his dual report and account as such
executor In the County Court of t'lackamas
cotiniv. stale ol Oregon, and that Tuesday, the
fourth day of September, A D. 1SSM. at lOo cloek
,,.M,imc,i the time and place tor the settle
ment of said dual report and account and the
hearing and iletermliiliu of any and all objec
tions thereto LESTER M l.ELAND,
Executor of the estate of Levi I.eland, tlec'd
ItHowNKix A Pbkssks, Atl'ysfor Ex'r !M:-1
In the Probate Court of the Slate of Orcgou for
Clackamas County
In the matter of tho estate of George Gausner,
Notice Is herebv given, that t have filed my
fliuil report as administrator of said estate iu
the probate court of Clackamas county, state of
Oregon, and that the Court has appointed Ibo
third day of September, 1H, at lt o'clock a to
s a day and time for hearing objections to said
report, 11 any there are. and for a final settle
ment of said estate and dlsehargeof the aduilu
istrnlor from further obligations therein.
K.I.MKK A. CoE. Adm'r.
Dated August 1, MU. 8-:-l
To the
Coast or
Notliing Kots off a women a.-c well as a dienay
cae. Are all the go now and the finest selec
tion in Oregon City can be found at
For 8U miner wear
plete line of
All the latest styles and weights. To be sold
at prices lower than ever offered in this city.
yyiio iave j Unt received a now invoice, aIr"o a full line of the best ladies
, ,,. i P i i t. ,f
fine choeB. We have the finest and beet aHsortment of
idioeB in the city. Prices
Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour o the Day.
All Kinds of Cake Made to Order
Jacob Kober, Proprietor.
directly and indirectly, by people who cann.it do their own figurine, write their own
letter, or keep their own txaiks; and who do not know when tiii-lness and lctral papers
which they taunt handle every d'ty are made out correctly, t"" Ail theo thing, and
much more, we teach thurmujMy.
Hundreds of our graduates are In (rood po-ltlons. and there wilt bo openings for
hundreds more when time Improve. .Yeir Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a
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