Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 03, 1894, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
I'KIIA Y, AUt.tW .'1, 1WH.
dnckrimas Co. Directory.
(Jor.loll K, llyn
(iimi. K. Ilnrtoii
K I'. MmMiH'k
H M tnfiiliy
M. I.. MiMirw
.1, C. Ilrniliy
II. H lilli.nii
I). V Kliiiinlnl
It. I,. Iliidnnu
I Itli'lmr.l Himiii
I F mil k Junior
i ul ('nulla.
I roiiriT,
A mini. r, -
n iIhmiI Huiirliili'iii1iiil,
To Jlri't tlm Tin
Tlx aiiliwrllli)ii prlrn for tlm Kntkh
I'Iiidk liuitlii'i'ii reduced tu II. Till pur year;
'Ol'I'llU Inr HIX llllllllllM. CmkIi In ml-
uii'k. 8ubcrlbt.ra paying ut tin cikI of
nit your will not Im tuitM l- to thin re
ilili'lion, Tint low prlco la inadn to pt
tlm lint mi a i'iihIi IiiihIn mid Induct! all
HiilmcribcrN to puy ii, mid nxjici'liillv o
pri'ViMit ili'inl Ix'itla Irimi Ukiutf tint'
uinr ami nut pnyliiK Inr It by renami of
their Mug luw j ro if . linduci'd prlco
will only cniniinMicK wllli tt if rnwul.
1 liia uiukcH tint KNrKHI'lMHic Hut i lu'iiH
cat paper In 'luck iiitiuta enmity elulit
I'liK'fx ull lion itt print und (nil ul live
local in-ma
IVai-li plum ant rit,
Arn vnil K"liif tu tint count?
liny liarvcat ia about oiidi'd.
Warm ami anioky thrai iluya
Circuit In Portland thia week,
llavo you Ini'l your vacation?
t ixxl tlinu to Ki't your Inter' wood
Toachcm examination next Vulnca
ly. (ir.'oii City la KPttlng to t "bike"
KHAt'HK'a lltADu iiK (,'Afai'i.KH War
ranted. Harvest linn Im'iimi an. I prumUca a
Mr yield.
Tito river la gradually dropping to
low water mark .
It la now lawful to kill doer, providing
you can II nil them,
Pheasant and urniiau aru ripe accord
In tu tlm atulule.
What liua become of tint Oregon City
Sanity mail rowc?
Flab atorira arn allowable providing
tlicy aro not Uai big.
Not rvcry otic that puckaa gun through
tint moiilllniliM Ki'ta gamo,
Now alnirwuy at Hit Fn ti:uiiiihk of.
II re. Clinic up ami try It.
Tint aouml of thu tint thresher will
a. Mill lo heard in the land
TlxtMt arn day tlint Hi amall Itoy
lika to tiaak In tlm placid Willainfllii.
Ikm'tfail to Intnr tint Vienna Prater
orchestra, Siimlay cvt) at 1'opu'a liall.
Mr. J.G. Muckle of St. Helena aiwnt
lanl Friday In tlila city visiting friend.
Frank Pusch rejoice in tlia a.lvent of
ten-pound Iniy nt his lionie on Sunday
Tint Ixtat Institute ever liehl In the
county ia now in cession at lint Hurclay
Tho Howell brother are erecting a
cottage Uon their lota on Van lluren
Teething hahlea anil fevoriah children
nee.l Htrfdman'a Soothing 1'owdera.
Try thorn.
Send tlie Fntkhi'Mihk away tu your
frienda ao tliey will know tho news of
tlila locality
Farmer liavo latin rurryiiiK binding
twlno away from town at a lively rato
tho imat week,
Thia i a good tlino to !o cautioua
about fo'ent firoi both about the furin
and tlm moiintaina.
Ihhuo Furr ia IiiivIiik new hoiiae
erect t'd up. in one of hia lota in the auuth
ern pat t of the city.
K. A. Smith It the only Oregon City-
ite rucordeil aa ucreH(ul in climhintr
Mt. I IimxI with lint Mar.umaa.
If your watch or clock need repiiirinK
hike tlicin to Iturmehtter Andruiten.
They Kimriinli'tt all their work.
Tako your fuco to A. F. Parker for a
clean hIihvh. He will do the rent and
uae a Mt. Hood anow-white towel.
It the F.NTKiiriiiHK know when you
lio to tho count or iiiountaina, where you
are going and who ia in the party.
We carry the beat lino of confection
ery, fruita and uuta in the city.
K. K. Williams, Tho (Jrocor.
Wild blackberry and raapborry pick
ing hereulioutH ia done for this yenr and
tunny tliounand gallon have been suved.
You will soon wlah to repaKtr your
Iiouho or several of the rooiua. R. L.
Holnian has jimt put in a fine osHortnient
of new etylcs.
The "Merry Tramps" are not sojourn
ing at the Morey ranch this aciiHon but
several fumilloa are pleuHuntly en
camped there.
A. W. Howard returned on Saturday
from a trip up to the Suntium country
w here lie was purchamng cotton wood for
the oxuulHior plant.
E. N. Will is now ready for businosa
again. Photographic tent located at
corner of Center and Hniith Btreots, on
hill. First cUbs photos 75 cents por
dozen for three weeks only.
BurmeiHterA Andresun carry in stock
tho largoHt line of Hogur's silverware in
the county embracing spoons, forks,
knives, tea seln, berry dUdies, butter
dishes, picked dishes, cuke baskets and
CIiinc of mi li.feieallug Keacliili Pinna
l i r I'ei iiiiuii'iit Oruiiiil.itluii.
The ailemliinre iihmi llio grouiula dur
ing the lust day's pcnalon of the oHCiubly
on Thiirniluy lust wns not as lurge dur
ing the day an on thu previous day until
evening when there wua nil immeiiae
crowd upon the grounds, The day wua
I'diiculloiiiil day and tunny teachers were
preaent who bud not pritvloiiHly been III
alteudaiice. The III at lecluieof tlie ilav
was upon thu Nlcnruguiiii cauul by Prof,
lliiwh-yof Kahtm. HI talk was com
prehensive, exhaustive and Interesting.
In the nfleinoon I'r. IM'ke 'poke on tlm
subject "(iivo Hie (ilrla u Cluiniy." Hia
lecture was able and enjoyuble. In the
evening Mrs. Iiiinlwny spoke Umiii the
labor ipiestion, her subject lielng, "lie
move the cause of strikes." The F.uri ka
colored concert roinpuiiy which wus uu
noiitired to sing the last evening started
from Portland In time- to have reached
the grounds so as to uppcar, but the
' electric cars on Hut other end of the line
I were prevented fioiu miming by lack of
power, so they did Hot leach tlm park ut
all, much In the diHnppoiutuieiit of tlie
crowd. The musical features of the
evening were the aoloa rendered by Mrs
W. P. HawlfV and Misa Addie Pusey.
liolll have strong, sweet ami well truined
voices to which It Is a greut pleasure to
Plana fur the iermaiieiit orgunir.ation
of an assembly were consilient! and a
atari In that direction made by the
selection of a committee constituted as
follows :
j Three from each cliiin h In harmony
I with the chnutauipia idea, and who are
j w illing to assist in the foruuitinu of the
I Willamt.id Valley Chuutnoipia Arsocla
Hon ; one to represent the ministry, one
'lint church and one the cause of denom
inational education, together with the
J twelve at large, composed of five gentle
j men and seven hullea, to represent edu
li'Stlonal ami Other Interests nut directly
I connected with the churches. The
following ktsoiis were elttcted as inciii-
Is'rs of said couimillee:
lliiitist church Ministry Kit v. Oilman
Parker; lay, II, K Cross; educiilioii,
Kev. T, (i. Ilrownson,
Chrlstiiin I jiv, I . (i. I'aviilson ; edu
cation. Prof. P. I.. Campbell.
Congregational Ministry, Kev. J. W.
Cowan; In v, (ieo. II. Mimes; education,
Pmf. II. I.. l!at.'S
Cumberland Presbyterian Hhv. (i.A.
Y plscopal Ministry, Kev. T. L. Cdo;
lav, II. 1.. Kellv; education, J. W. Hill,
M. I).
Friends' Ministry, Kev. I.ida Homick
Portland ; lay, K. II. Woodward, New-tx-rg;
eilticatiou, Uev. Thomua Newlin,
Meiholist Ministry, Kev. (. W. Gue,
Portland; lay, President Willis C.
Ilawley, Salem ; education, Kev. Thomas
Van Ncoy, Portland.
Presbyterian Ministry. Kev. U. W.
Ulboncy, Oregon City; ly, J. Tliorbnrn
toss, Portland; education, President K.
N. Condit, Allianv.
I'nltod I'restiyterian Ministry, Kev.
(S. F.. Ilawes, Portland; lay, 8. F..
Young, Albany; education, Mrs Hen
rietta llrown.
Committee at large Ladies Mrs.
Margaret V. Allen, Portland ; Mrs. C. II.
IHv, Oregon City ; Miss Caroline Strong,
Portland; Miss Helen Hihhard, Salem ;
Mrs. Kohcrt A. Miller. Oigon City;
Mrs L. A. Nash, Corvallis; Mrs. I). M .
French, The Ihilles. lieiitlenien Presi
J. M. Itlws, Corvalis; W. I) Hare, Hills
Iniro; President C. II, Chapman, F.ugcne
SuH'rinteudent J. II. Ackermun, Port
land ; Robert A . Miller, On-gon City.
Itobert A . Miller was appointed to act
aa provisional president and Mrs. C. II.
Iye as provisional secretary to call to
gether the above named committee 'or
Htrmunent organization at a date not
later than October 1, ItttM, twelve
to constitute a quorum.
I). It. Kees A Coniinny, of Oswego, it
is saiil are contemplating moving their
flue stock of general merchandise from
Oswego to this city us there seems to be
hut little piospoct of the initio and fur
nace being oHtrated.
Joe Myers took Mrs. N. W. Kandull
and her daughters, Mrs. G. W. Church
and Mrs. Win, Aldridgeout to Mt. Hood
the first of the week, together with a
load of fruit jura, which it is their inten
tion to fill before they return .
F. K. Donaldson and family returned
trom their mountain climbing expedi
tion and outing trip the lust of the
week, After leaving Mt. Hood they
came back to Sandy then turned off to
fish (or awhile in Kagle Creek.
Allan It. blausen writes from Wash
ington that Ryrom R. Scrambling of
Macksburg lias been granted an original
pension and that . C. Andrus of liar
low has had his pension restored.
The Valley Transport says that tho
hop men of Polk county appear to be
agreeing Uxm 40 cents por box as the
price to be paid pickers for the coming
hop harvest.
Rolton, one of the delightful suburbs
of this city, which will interest you if
you are thinking of building, is adver
tised in this issue.
Readers of tho Kntkhckisk will find
one of those Interesting ads which the
Farmers and Mechanics send out in an
other column.
VV. C. Flliolt who has a government
contract to survey several townships in
Hie eastern part of this county wus in
the city on Tuesday after supplies ac
compan cd by Steve lliiiignte who is one
of the surveying paity Mr. Klliott re
igns satisfactory progress with the sur
vey but says that the country Is very
much broken.
Tho old Pacific dock, on the river
front ul Portland between Salmon and
Main streets, Is again a mass of black
ened ruins, this being the third time in
Its history that the procrly bus been
destroyed by fire since its ronstuction
nearly twenty-five years ago. Tho fire
occured at 10 A. M. Wednesday and en
tailed a loss of about ')0,(Hi().
The spring just this side of Peter Pa-ipu-t's
house has Ixteu noted for the flue
quality of lis waters ever since the set
tlement of Oregon City, but it has never
been fixed up any except by excava
ting. Mr. Piepiet is now having brick
hauled and will brick it up so as to put
it in heller shape for keeping out all ex
traneous substances.
K H. Fuller and K. A. Suggs have
started the (j. P. chop house in the small
building near the corner of Third and
Main streets. They expect to move
right away to the old IAejoy stand at
the corner where they will serve the
Is-st of tneuls.
Adolph Aschoir of Marmot was in Hie
city on Moiidiv looking after some bus
iness Interests. He bus a lame hand re
sulting from a kirk of a horse Just after
he hud tome down from the summit of
Mt, I food with the Ma.amaa and is un
able to work.
Prof. It.ti. Young, superintendent of
the Helena schools, called at this
olllce while in the city. Mr. Young
was for years one of the most prominent
sclnsd men in Iowa where the writer
knew him.
The services at tho Congregational
church next Sunday evening will be
under the auspice of the Sunday Even
ing Service Club. Topic, "Christian
Song." The services will le largely
G. W. Scramliu who bus just com
pleted a large store and hull i.'Kx40 at
Mucksburg was in tow n the first of the
week arranging for a dedicatory dunce to
be given in the ball on the evening of
the IXth.
The A. 0. I.'. W. have a right to feel
that they oiler a tnun's family encap
protection aa with the single assessment
for August they have had but ten assess
ment in eight months.
A. Tiliwr whe now occupies a pl.ee
U-hiud the prescription case at Huntley'
drug store, came from Tacotua here1,
and w iil bo found a must pleasant gen
tleman to meet.
R. F. Raker bus purchased the Frank
Camplx-ll place on the west side of Hie
river opposite New Era and may possi
bly move back to this county again.
The Sunday Statesman says Police
man W T. I.ntourette will go to Oregon
City this morning where be will join his
family who are visiting there.
Married, at the residence of II. F.
Metcalf, on Main street, by Justice
Dixon, on August 1st, George Strifmnn
and Miss Muble Metcalf.
The people of Currinsville aro plan
ning for a harvest home picnic on the
11th of the month at which they expect
to have a big time.
The Randon Record notes that the
woolen mills at that place will soon he
ready to st trt, and suguests August as the
probable time.
Hurry Sloper, Willie Logos, Tom
Smith and others are up the Molulla en
joying a fish.
It is said that the stores in the
Cuufiield Rrothers' new building are all
Louis P. Krel and Rertba R. Smith
have taken out a license to wed.
All jersoin having claims against
Hamshaw A llcbm for the improvement
of Main street, Oregon City, are hereby
notified to present the same by 12 o'clock
noon, Monday, Augnst U, 1804, to the
Undersigned, at room 10, Electric Hotel,
Oregon City. Hamshaw A Rkh.m.
August 2. 18m.
Before going to the coast you should
call at the Rower of Reauty Massage
parlors, room 7, Electric hotel and ex
amine the tino lot of toilet goods, also
electric steamers for salve at reasonable
prices. No family can afford to be with
out one of these valuable articles.
Your physician indorses them. All
hospitals and sanitarians use them.
Attention, Company F!
Next Monday night, August 5, is the
regular monthly business meeting. All
members are requested to be present.
By order of Capt. J. W. Ganono.
Alleghany, Pa., March 16, 1801.
Ma. Norman Liciity, Des Moines, Ia.
Dkak Sir: I find Krause's Headache
Capsules a ready seller, and can say from
personal experience that they are a good
thing, as the other night they cured me
of a bad attack of neuralgia in about one
hour, when usually it lusts a day or so.
C. W. Smart,
For sale by Charmnn A Co's. City
Drug Store, Oregon City, Or.
'i n k ( or.vrv IXSTIUTK.
firi'iitest .Uleiirtiiui'i' Ker Obtained In
( hickuiniM Cuiiuly.
The tcHfhciV Institute is coining to be
recognlz"d as a potent factor in educa
tional work in this stale. From a small
beginning and against much opposition
the annual institute has grown and won
favor in the eyes of tint public and ol the
teachers lill it is now rcroKni.cil not
onlyiiaa part of a teacheis' m-rcs-nry
(ruining hut ns a duly which curb
teacher owes to his profession and to
his school to attend, It is not out of
reason to expect Hint the institute will
continue to grow in favor and scope of
woik as it has in many of the Eastern
states till it will here, as there become
a regular summer sclniol for tcacht r.
Teachers every where you go. Never
Is-foru were xt.lagi gues ns numerous in
Oregon City (or so long a time as at
present, and the best of it is they are not
playing but are doing some right good
solid work, the sessions bt.ing similar to
those of a regular school. The instruc
tors arn recognized as among the good
worker ol the atale, there Is-ing J. II.
Arkeriiiiiii, I). A. Grout and II. S.
Strunge w ho aie assisting Superintendent
Gibson in uiukiug it a lirat-clusa institute.
Following is a list of those enrolled
up to Wednesday evening together with
the locality from which they come.
Oregon City, Hello F. vans, Rachel Rey
nolds, Ada (iurd, V. E. Ronton, Chus.
Kirov, Amos Gard. Myrtle Taylo', Annie
.Mumpower, Mary Ztek, Nellie Younger,
Matie Godfrey, Mollie llunkins, Kute I.
Porter, Fannie (i. Porter, Kdnetta Chase,
Ala Hughes, Minnie Joehnke, Ger
trude Findley, J, W. Gray, Lewis
Thomas, W. H. Powell, C. K. Rarney,
J. II. Imel, Louisa Khinuird, Gertrude
Nefsgcr, Annie Dolun, Kate Oolan, Sade
Chase, Maud Salisbury, May Kelly,
Mamie Aldrich, Jennie Noble, Maty
'.ihormley, Inn Thomas, Ollie Thomas,
Hattie Cochrane, Rertba Sumner, Hattie
WilloiiKhby, Hattie Case, Y.. I-awrence,
Henrietta llolcomb, Helen Taylor; Park
Place, Mis. Anna Keed; Aurora, Rertie
Gribble; Molalla, Victor Dickey, H. A.
Ilovis, L Stipp, Chus. Crittenden; Glad
stone, Madgd Hill, Sidna Hill ; Ely, W.
(i. Reatiie, I-ottie Ely, Jess Waldron,
Grace Moiuii, Muhloii Moran, Mrs. Aggie
Schuebel; Gcrvuis, L. L. Moore; Elwood
Hert Henderson; Highland, Chus. Ruth
erford ; Reaver Creek, Robert Ginther,
Hattie Ginther; Clackamas, Emma
Sturchler, Mary Talliert, Alex Thomp
son, Geoigia Ruth, Mrs. A. 11. Welle,
T. 11. Glass; Milwaukee, Olive dwell
ing, Ora McLaughlin, Add Mclaughlin,
T.J. Gary; Wilsonville, Katie Miley,
Bertha Doering; Caubr, Libbie Rates,
KHz Stevens; Redland, Annie Hicin
hothem, Theresa Orr; Currinsville, I). F.
Warner, E. F. Surface; Woodburn,
Katie Storts, Mrs. Emma Storts; Os
weito, Norma Fox, Mary Rickner; Sun
nyside, Ernest D.irliinr; Springwater, C.
L. Gray, Richard Hargieaves; Eagle
Creek, E. M. Ward, Jas. Freeman, J. S.
Welch ; Greshain, Clura Anderson ; New
berg, M. Reese ; Chirkes, A. D. K. Elmer,
Sandy, Anna Donahue; Needy, Mrs.
Rebecca Yoder; Mc.Minnville, Julia
Mark ; Logan, Matilda Keed ; Sherwood,
L. Jones; New Era, Aletha Phelts, Ada
Randall, Lizzie Engle, G. T. McArthur;
Viola, Minnie Walker; Portland, Eu
genia Gersue ; Unaville, Hattie L. Sweet;
Silverlon, J A. Jennings; Rutteville,
Sarah M. Graham; Hubbard, Phema
McDonald, Lizzie I Hie, Pearl Kiliin.
The specially attractive feature of the
institute thus far was the lecture upou
Education on Wednesday eqemng by
Prof. R. G. Young, suierintendeut of
tlie Helena, Montana, schools The
lecture was thoughtful, practical and
deep, and was a treat (or all interested
in educational woik. The band was up
and played several peaces. Vocal music
helped to make the evening a pleasant
Tlie first complete O: K. A N. train to
leave Portland since the track between
Bonneville and Arlington was washed
out by tho flood left the union depot
at 1 ::!0 Wednesday afternoon. No trains
will got through before Saturday, but
tho one leaving Wednesday will go
further than any before it. It will run
to tho break at Mosier, where a bridge
is out, and there the passengers, mails
and baggage will be transferred to a
train waiting on the other side, which
will run through to the East. The west
hound passengers will be transferred to
the train from Portlund which will then
C. G. Miller, wtio went to Seaview (or
his health writes up that be thinks that
the change and rest are going to help
him out in great shape. He may re
main down there the rest of the season.
Otto F. Olson is looking after the electric
light collections during his absence.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The County Board of Equalization will
meet at the ofllce of the county assessor
at the court house in Oregon City, Clack
amas county, Or., Monday August 27,
1S04, and continue in session from day
to day (oi one week. J. C. Braulky.
County Assessor.
Oregon City, Or., August 1, 1804.
It yoa art
going to bare
a parly, b
iar to make
Baking Powder.
202, 204. 200, 208,
First Street.
Close Bayers,
"Miu-U fancy worsted, per yd
;; incli checks, plaids ami stris-s,
s:r yd
You will pay 40c to 50c per pair for
this clam of gorxls in other stores.
:;H inch ull wod Indies' cloth, full line
of colors, per yd
.Witch colored Henrietta, per yd...
40-im.h diagonal Herge, per yd
40-inch French Henrietta, per yd. . .
black and colors.
4(i-incli French Henrietta, per yd. . .
Black and colors. -
In these last tw o Henrietta cloths we
carry over fifty s iad-s Tliey are
of the flncfct twill, dye, and finish,
and come from the Great Frencli
manufacturers. The4'rin. Frencli
Henrietta is sold by other houses
for 11. 25 per yd.
04 inch all wool striked ladies cloth,
Ir yd
.HMnch black iroods, per yd '
J-arcy eaves.
50-inch black broadcloth, desirable
for capes, per yd 1 25 J
Glove Finish cambric, er yd 4 j
Selisia, heavy twill, pervd..... 10
Sclisia, extra heavy, per yd ... 12!
Canvas, black and gray, per yd 14 I
e carry a full line ot dress furnish
ings such as binding ribbon, dress
stays, dress shields, whalebone,
hooks and eyes, buttons and dress
Write for prices on calicos, ginghams
shirtings, flannels, sheetings, mus
lins, crash, towels and table linens.
Write for prices on lace curtains,
window shades, curtain poles, com
forts, blankets, bed spreads and
house furnishing goods.
W,e will furnish samples of any thing
in the piece goods line from gingham up.
We do the millinery business of Port
land and have the correct styles as we
import direct.
Dry Goods,Clothing
Prager Brothers, Proprietors.
WANT A ...
We sell as
low as we can
lower than
ever before.
We have
too many.
We are after
Corner Fifth and !
Main St.,
Oregon City, Or.
Notice of Removal.
Mrs. N. Watts-Sladen
la now doing business in her
new building opposite the
old stand on Main
street where she
intends keeping
the latest and
Assortment of Millinery Goods
At Reasonable Prices. Sum
mer goods will be sold
At Cost for the Next 30 Days
DK. E.
Glasses Fitted and Furnlnhed. 169 First Street,
Portland, Oregon.
6 and 8
Taylor Street
Ladies' fast black hose, per pair. ... 9
Ladies' fast black hose, seamless, all
size, per pair KJ
Ladies' imported fast black hose.
full finish, per pair 25
Ladies' fast black silk plaited hose,
per pair 39
This hose is sold in most places for
75c per pair, -They are a great
bargain at our price.
Children's fast black hose, sizes 5 to
prices tor, 14c, 10c, 2nc, 25c,
' according to finality.
Our 25c fast back double knee,
. double heel and toe hose, for boys,
is the best 25c hose made, sizes 5
Ladies'sleeveless vests .Jersey ribbed
prices 10c. 15c, 25c, each.
Corset The W. R. stvle 410, U tho
best $1 corset in the world.
Black and drub, long waist, sizes IS
to 30, highest award and gold med
al at the worlds fair, Chicago. We
will mail you a piir on receipt of
fl and 12c extra (or postage.
Kid gloves, silk gloves,
Laces, embroideries.
Veilings, handkerchiefs,
Ladies' ties and scat(s,
Ladies' and children's
Cotton or wool underwear, ribbed or
Ladies' muslin underwear,
Ladies' black satteen skirts.
Ladies' wool and twilled tkirts,
Ladies' corsets, leading styles.
Ladies' blouse and shirt waist,
Roy's waists,
Infant's robes, dresses and aprons.
Our lines of jackets, cloaks, capes,
suits, wrappers, etc., are unex
celled; prices always lowest; our
garments are tailor made and per
fect in fit and workmanship.
Mention thia Paper when Ordering
Goods or Samples.
If you do youj
will need some o-i
the following artif:
Deviled Ham,
Deviled Chicken,
Deviled Game.
Potted meats & name,
Lunch tongue,
Chipped beef,
French sardines,
Puree de Foia Uras
Boston baked beans,
Potted bloaters,
Swiss cheese,
Paper napkins,
Paper plates.
We can sell them
to you.
The Grocer
University of Oregon.
Next Session begins the 17th of
September, 1894.
Tuition, Free. Board, 12.50 a
Five Courses: Classical, Scien
tific, Literary, English and Busi
The Boarding Hall for young
ladies and the Boarding Hall for
young gentlemen will be under the
personal supervision of Mrs. Munra,
a lady of refinement and large ex
perience. For catalogues, address,
J. J. Walton, Secy. Regents.
Duffy & Frost
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
mnved to Odd Fellows' temple S. W. Cor. 1st
aud Alder, Portland, Oregsn.