Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1894)
PERSONAL NOTES. J. K. Klmnr of Clarke wax In thn oily on Tlmrmliiy, Jhn. IHrkcy of Mulullit wit in the city lor n iluy or two tlio punt wcuk. Jcoh Mllny of WIIhoiivIIIo iihmI lliroiiKli tlio city TupatUy on hi way from I'ortlutul, I'Mllor illiitkfonl of tlio CliitHkiiiilit Clili-f was In Orcein City on Muiiiliiy on IjdnI rn-HH. IIInIuii Himlr-y, win of tlm riKnroim fwrniorit ot Wllnorivllln, wn In town Tut ily on litialntum, J'iilKo I). J Kwltimr of Ht. Iiiiltiii who It niHr'y In thl pluro wu In tint city on TliiirmUy. J . C. WulKiiiiKit ami fiimlly of ('unity cmnH ilown on Thnrmliiy to unjoy ituy l (ilmUtoiio Turk. Ml Mum In Cliitrnmn li'ft Momlny for TIiku, wlitirn ho will Ik) a ((iii:it it I tlio (iruliniiicottiiii, I) 'itniiicriiniil, onn of tlia tlioroii(lf Kuiim t-ttlxon of Nctxlv, wiih t'ttllur at thl ofllrtt on Wwliitimliiy. Ai'Nir Urmllry lm inovcd Into tlio Kli'lmnlH' ruUitutt liiur tint corner of Main mikI Twelfth nUimiIm. A. M. Hhililcy of hrliiwulr wna mi Intorostivl uttiitiilunt iimiii tlio cx tirclt at (iUilntoiin on Patriotic day, J. M. I'lllciiK'T, an Alhlua hunker, lm iiii'VimI with hi family ttliltiiiiiiitr cnttuK up tlm Ahornntliy, wlmrtt ho will rt'initln for a rmlu of mont Iih . Mim A ii ii l MiTiill lian luMn ollcri'il uii'l ai'i'titiil a Hiltlm in Ht HvIciih wlirrt) Ik will hn in rlmrytt nf the. pout ulllce ml assist In Mr. Ionian' aloru. H. It. (irmn announced that ho will l axNinteil In tlio w(iilllcn liy a Minn Karri of Kul 1'ortlaiid who Iim hail connideratilu cxH'rienre in HxitoMli' work, I. meii K. Adaiiit, a rising yinm at torney of IlillntKiro, wan in tlm city WedneHdiiy on hi way to Mt. St. Hel en, from which he t'icta, in comiiany with Chu. I-', litinyan, to uu aero the mountain to lUiuler which they jmi -H.m to am end Mln U'ila SwafTonl of Salem who I. ad Ixvn violtiiiK hercoiiHin Nellie in thi city retimicil to H4I1M11 the laatofthe week ami wa ai-companleil liy her Krnmlfitilier K W. SwatTonl who will atop In Kalmn for awhile. Amonjf the InterenUvl atleiidant tiMn thn Chaiitniiiiia inhly thia week wa Mr. (1. A. ItiM'kwooi who for the find time aince h moved to her homo at Willahur alx year ki wa able to leave for thl meeting. Her many filend of thi cltv were very t(ld to meet to note Improved health. F. J. 1-oiii who left here for the, Kant liy wv of California xmie tlvo week Utfo 1 Hated amonn tlio pwaiienKer from Ftim-o by the IumI nteamer. Whether lie found it liiiHiaihl to tear hiinitcll away from Orcein or think thl the shortest way I'ant the aleamer Hat doe not Mate. Frank ran probably explain w hen he get hack. Mr. It. I). Wilson received a lelrtmm from Col fax on Wedneaday evening tat ing that her iter Mr. A. J, Chaae had jnat died there. Mr. Cliane, lormerly .Mary ungiie, 01 prinuwaler, wa a pioneer of thi county and well known before her removal to Colfax. Mr. WiUon wa exMctini to go toCVilfax Tlnirmlay afternoon. IlepRrtinent Commander Ormahy of Hilverton wit in the city on Tneday in attendance upon the exerriae at (ilad ntoiio Turk andmnanlting with member ot the (1. A. It. here relative to the next meeting of the department which I to be held in thi city next apring. He wa on bia wav to Portland to meet (irand Commander Adam whoi ex cted to reaidt that city in a few day, anil lor whom) viait active preparation are making. ClirlxtlHii Worker' Convention. Program have been I waned for a throe day meeting of CliriHtian Worker at (iladatone Park, commencing with the Friday Riuveeding the closing of the As sembly, under the direc tion of Oeorgo ltobert Caima, theevanguliat. The serv ice will begin at 10 o'clock each morning except Sunday morning, when there will bo a (murine prayer by Pastor Oilman Parker. Thi if not a de nominational meeting in any tenauol the word, aa all are invited to participate. Among tlio prominent worker who will bo in attendance may be mentioned Kev eronda A. A. Whitman of Mount Tabor, M. iW. Lewis of Portland, 0. Win. Gib on y of Oregon City, M . L. Ungg of 8a lom.Ceorge H. Cairn of Chicago, J. II. Tenlo of Portlund, Roland D. Grant of Portland, Gilimin Parker of Oregon City, 8. J. Nunn of Portland, W. S. Geo of Portland, Gain iel Syko of Oregon City, J. W. Cowan of Oregon City, J. Sunder land of Oakland, California, and othors. All eaatern mail which wn delayed by the ntrike haa now been received at the ollico and diHtributcd. There is one day's mail delayed from ome eaiiBO the pant week which nua not yet been received. Miaa Kate llaird, who ha been viait ing her aiater, Mr. A. 8. Dreaaer, re turned to Portland the firHt ol the week. PrcHcrve your fruit without cooking by lining Antifermcnlino. For Halo by JO, JO. Williams the grocor. Will Oonf.r ifilo Waiiinuton, July 25. The aenale will accede to the repiet of thn Iioiino for another confluence 011 the tin 1 (T bill and ll conferee will return to the meet ing with tlionoof the hoiiHU unlrainmellod by any Miclflo liiHtruction whaluver, Thl wa the conclimlon of the ihiiuo cratlu leuatorlul c.aucti which ad journed iiin die a few minute after ft o'clock today, after a two day' Hilling, Whlln the caucii did not commit itnelf to any dellnite line of policy In ho many word, the conleree (eol with their dem ocratic colleague that they uiidurNland what the majority of them delre, and they ladleve thl to lie that they Hliall land uhtantially for the aenalublll. Thl I not thn individual preference of many of the democratic aenatori, hut It represent the opinion of mot of them a expreHHcd In caucti aa the only practical coume om to the democrat who think that the p'oaont emigre iiiunI pan a tarlir bill of oiue kind, whether it be what they denlro or not. Brllkin Unto Hail. Clin aoo, July MHr. lKdi, Howard, Keliher and Hogera, of the American Kailway t'ulon, are at liberty MMidliig the hearing of the varlou cane agaliiHt them. They were thl Inorullig rvipiired to give 170X1 bond each, cover ing five new Indictment, in addition to the contempt cane brought by the government and the Alchimin & Toaka railroad. The hearing of the contempt cane waa continued until September I), ml it i the purMiH of the defenilaut' attorney to force a hearing on the in- dictmeul U'fore the conleinpt ciie are again culled. At thi morning' hchhIoii of the United State circuit court the Judge entered a formal ruling, denying the defendant' motion to uanli. He held that the railway union wa commit ting unlawful act in Interfering with in terstate commerce, and proiioac to find out what connection the defendant had with ll. The cane wa pontpotied on ac count of the illnea of the government' attorney. UUit Orlenttl Wr Htw JyOMKjy, July '.'5. The Shanghai corre HHndent of the Central New hbv hum emu rumor of further lighting at Seoul ar current here, nut none can lie con firmed. The Corean continue to men ace the JapancHo of the Seoul gurriitoii. Intelligent native opinion I that there will be an amicable aettlement, Id which Kurotcan w ill have 110 lhara. SiuMiiut, July '2i It la reported that 12.000 Chinese tiooim which left Taku July a) for Corea, conveyed by eight gunlaiat rncorting the trannporta had liiHtruction 10 lire upon the Japaneae if the latter ohatructed the binding of llti army. Bad Firt I Bpoko SeoKANK, July 2ft. Fire early thi morning deatroyed almoHl the entire block owned by All SainU' parinh of tlie K.pi-copal church, including the new rec tory and a number of lenemeiiU. Mr. Ilolman, who conduct a lodging-house juinved through a window, breaking her breaat hone and receiving internal in jurie. Oilier had narrow eacaH. The total Iohm In f:iO,000; iiiHitrnce about IL'O.OOO. A Blrlk et thi Firm. Gomiknoai.k, Waah., July 25. The heading crew in the Goodnox hillR, that wa receiving $1 a day r ipan, atruck hint Saturday for ft 50. The raiao wa granted, a other band tumid not lie pro cured immediately, but the fanner will see that hereafter they are not caught in a iinilar predicament. Will InttMlnU tb Strife Wahiiinuton, July 25. The prvxident ha apjiointed John D. Kernan.ofNuw York, and N'ichola f.. Wortbington, ot Peoria, III., to act with the luborcomini aioner, Carroll I). Wright, in the presi dential commission to investigate the Chicago ntrike. Bocklei Jerry I th Race, Hutchinson,, Kan., July 25. Jerry Simpson wa nominated by acclamation at the populiat congressional convention today. Utttr List. The following la the Hat of letter remain ing in (lie post ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon, July 2il. WW: K.J.llenU'l, MissK.H.Garliet, Mr.llcunl, Mr. K. llulburt, Arthur Marten, Mr. Mary Miller, Ceo. l'errv, Sam Parker, Mrs. Kiunia Stielirltj, P. A. Hpence. If called for please atate when advertised. K. M. HANDS, P. M. ili-eml, lli-catl. Of all things the average housekeeper 1 particular about, it is the quality of bread for her table. Good homo made bread 1 not equaled by the ordinary bakery and to meet thi requirement, Mr. J. of tho Shivoly bakery' ha put on the market hi celebrated homo nittdo bread. This bread is made from the sumo kind of flour that is ground for export and none of the processes are used In itH manufacture that, w bile giv ing tho broad a line appeurunco, ruin its quality. Tlio tit moat cleanliness is ob served in all departments and tho pa trons of the bakery are invited to in fqiect it ut any time, that they may see. for tliemsclves how their bread is pro pared and handled. Receipt, note and order hooks at the F.NTKKI'HISK otllce. The latcHt in visiting curds at the En tkkimiisk Okkiok. Prices to Buit you. 1 l'JiJlllill) WVliUiUll All commiinlcntion, roll of honor, and monthly achool reairt, aliould be ent t Mr, II. H. Glbon, Oregon City. Ml Helen Taylor I engaged to teach a fivu-moiilh term of nchool at Itudland. Mi Matilda Heed will teach thew hool In Tracv' district thl fall. MlsM. I.. Iliiuipton I eiiKaged to teach thu full term at lower I-okuii, The school at upper Log in I euguged hy a genlteiuen whoso name we did not learn, Mia Grace Moran i engaged to leach the fall leach term in the Henrici dis trict. Ml Gertie Forbe will teach at Union again thi fall Mahlon Moran U to teach a four month acliool In district No. 01. Dave May I hired to teach the ch(xd at Mink thl fall. John Gard will teach again near Clarke. Mis liertha Sumner will teach the fall term at l.iun'a. Tbty Vtolaud tha Injnaotloa. Skatti.x, July 21. The aeveli rioter who were arrcated at Spokane July 6, chrgri with contempt in attacking a Northern Pacific train, were found guilty In the United Mate district court today. Of the prisoners, aix were sen tenced to eight month and one to four month impi isonmeiit. Son 1 the time for preserving ('mi Alitiferiiientine Sold t V William The Giocer. fruit. K. F. To Oaptort tha Ooaotry. Ciik'aoo, July 24. The American Labor Union, designed to gather under one lianncr the whole army of toiling masse, ha been launched with W. ('. Walsh a president. It ia said the new union will lie allihaled wild the Ameri can Huilwav Union and controlled by the tame men. SICK-HEADACHE Makes lifo miserable All other ailmcnUj uro aa nothing in com parison. Women sH'ciully know lU Buffering, and few eacapo ita torture, THE RELIEF AND CUR IS Many pooplo tako pilL, which gripe and purgo, wcukening the liouy, Moro Uko Simmons Liver Regulator, liquid or jaowder, be came more pleac ant to take, does not gripe, and ia a mild laxative, that also tones uj) tho system. Tho rolief is quick. It ia Nature's own remedy, purely vegctallo. "I nver found anything to do mo any (ikhI until I UM'd Hliiimniis l.lver ltcgula lor. It has bfHii three yrnr atnee I flrst used It and I have nut had Hick Headache alum. I sent my alsier (who had fromou to two attacks of Kick MeaiUche evrry weekl one-lmllofa imckaiti', and she ha not had It since." C. 8. llOHKia, Urowua vllle, W.Va. -ETERT PACKAGE- Baour T Htamp In f1 on wrapper J. U. XK1UN A CO i'husdclpliu, Vx. NOTICE Or ADMINHTH , TOR'S SALE OF Kh.AL KSIATK. In Ilia County ('mill ol the Htsteof Oregoa lor the I'oiimy ol Clackamas. tn the matter ol the estate ol t. W. Campbell, der'Md. Notice Is hereliv Riven, thai In pursuance of a licence aiel oriler ol sale dnlv mnde and en trred of reeonl III the ahove entitled :oiiri on the llih day nf June, H"4. Ilrensln the sale ol tlie resl Vktsle hereinafter di.sorlt,ed, 1 will, on Monday, the ikitli day ol July. Im. si the hour of one o'clock p. m. of aatd day, at the court house 111 Oregon City, Clackamas county. Ore (011, aril at puhllo aiii'llou, to the hlahesi bid der, the following descrlhed real entate. situated In Claeksmaa routily. (In-aoa, to ll: The ninth half ol Uie north-west quarter and the west half ol Ihe nerlh-essl quarter ol section slxleen (16), In towiiahlo three south, rsiue one east nf the Wlllanielte meridian, oontalnlu one hundred atid sixty arrea. more or less, to aatlsfy the claims and charges sgslnst the said estate. Termaof aale: One-half, or any ireaier aura down, and the halance oil or oefore one year with Interest at the rate of eight per cent per atiuuni, aecured hr a mortgage on the premisra. SAKAII A. CAMI'ltKLL. Ailm'i 6t ol the eald estate. ) 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, rendleton, Albany and OG other towns ia tho two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All tho satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City ofiiee at Huntley's Drug Stove. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. BROWN The phofsogflBpheP Is jircpitred to make diotonrfkidis of all kind promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE IJabieH and Children's I'ictureH a Specialty. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Gallery 8;cond door north of Harding's Drug Store, Oregon City. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT Double and Sinirle Rigs, and sad dle hornes always on hand at tli lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loone stock. Information rearditiif any kind or atock promptly attended to by pernon ol letter. horses Bought and Sold. All kinilo( Truck and Delivery Btiai no promptly attended to. Ilorw Itoardod and Fed on reason 'le term. Night A IVw done of Moore's Revealed Remedy. Will brace you up, put the bloom in your clie-eU and the sparkle in your sye. Strictly non-alcoholic, ita effect upon persona ufTerinK from liquor liatiit is wonderful. Wm. Kosaen. of Portland. Ore,, writes: "Moore's Revealed Kernel y cured me of drunkenness and made new man nf me. All who are cursed with the liquor habit should Uke it." A. B. Caae, of Monterey, Cat., says: "It oniirely deatroyed my uite lor splrltuoo liquors." Try it once. Bold by all druggists, or Stewart Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. Wash. ' SIXTH YEAR. ELECTRIC POWER is the advocate of the use of elec tricity as a means of domestic lighting, cooking and heating; fbr commercial and domestic power purposes, for street cars, mining, canal boats and the running of all kinds of machinery, both light and heavy. The probability is that 181)4 will produce Wonderful Achievements in the field of electricity, and ewy intelligent person should Read Electric Power, and keep posted; Subscription $2 a year. Every subscriber is entitled to a special discount on books pur chased. Address, ELECTRIC POWER, 3G Cortlandt St., New York City. If you are interested Advertising i ' you ought to be a sub- scriber ot Printers' Ink: a journal for advertisers. Printers' Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful suggestions i frnm tVin liemVitouf n-iinild in the advertising busi ness. Printers' Ink costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. ADPRKS8 PRINTERS' INK, 10 Sppus St., - Nui York -jft rft rf iCt-jfi rfi r? cCirC, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the ahove entitled Court administrator of the. estate of GuMitio Gaedke. deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to prereut them, with the proper affidavit at tached, to the undersigned at hla otllce III Ore gou City In said comity and state within six mouths from the date ol this notice. Dated at Oregou City, Oregon, this 22d day ot June, isi"4, S lll'KI.AT, Adm'r At of the estate ol Uustlno Gaedke. Il you are folngtohave puny, be sure to make the cuke with WEJT Baking Powder. ifld Hard HnEKIKW AI.B. Stat of Oregon, euntjr of I lankamaa, as. Notice la hereby given, that In pnraiianrnof an order of sale Issued out of and under the M sl of the Clreult Court of the slate of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, dated the Vli dav of July. IH. and to ine dlrwlcd and delivered, asaherln ol said eciiiuty, pursuant to a de re ol ssld court, In a mill lit e.Ultv, wherein V. O. Harding Is planum and neiirv rnnrg siei m'iis Omcg are defendant, and eomiosudliig me to le aeiuiniloi u, law of the laud and premises hereinafter descrlhed. In order to make the aum of one thousand six hundred dollars, together with Interest thereon at the rat ol ten per eent per annum since the cui of April, IMSi end lor the further sum ol one hun dred and flit) dollars attorney's fee. and lor the furl her sum of U VS. sod tost said soma hear niBi t,l(. jllme of theatste ol Oregon. 1 tint out Interest from date of decree at the rate of ten j tne r eente herelnalier dew-rltn-d. to tr al per cent per annum unlil paid, and for coa'a j r H ,m aulllclent 10 the demanda nf and dlshiirsemenls I said deer je, to wit; I T." 00. and the lunher sura Now In order to aatlsfy said amount I will, on 1 j 114 n rmtn, tiether with Interest on tho Saturday, the Illh day of August. Ml, t the I Bam since said decree was eniered at per nour 01 1 o cioca p m. "i ei i7. bouse diKir In Oregon City, (Tseksmaa county. Isle o( Oregon, proceed to sell at puhlle auc tion to the highest hHder for cash In hand, the following descrlhed tract of land altuated In aid Clackamaa county slate of Oregon, In wit: The eouth west quarter 'H. W. of section twenty-eight (W.uiwnshlpSve south, range on esat IT S , K 1 B. 1 of the Willamette meridian, containing louacrea:all of which will he sold to satisfy the auma decreed a aforesaid with ac cruing cost E. C. MAKIAX K, HherlfTof Clackamaa county, Oregon. By N M. Mmiui, iM-puly. Dated at Oregon City, Or , July 10. DKH. (5t BherlfTi Notice of Hal on Foreclosure. In th Circuit Conn of the State of Oregon, for tha county of Clackamaa. J B. Brldgea, plaintiff, va. Cbarlei Knabcr and Ellsc Knaher, delendaoU. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, as. Notice la hereby given, that by virtu nf an execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the stste of Oregon for the county of Clackamaa. bearing dale the th day of July law, In anil wherein J. B. Bridges j waa planum auq tjnarlea itnaoer aim r.nre Knaher were defendants, commanding me, In I the name of the State of Oregon, that out of i the real estate herelnalierdewrlbed. tnresllie a I sum sutheleiit to satislv the demands of said decree, to wit: f.Tx7, and the farther sum of IU.01 attorney's fee, and the further sum of 'in 110 costs, together lth Interest on the same since said decree waa entered at a per cent per j annum, aud also the costs ol and attenuing this sale. Now, therefore. In obedience to.tich decree. I did duly levy upon, snd will, on Saturday, the lllh day of August, l.' st the hour ol I o'clock p m of aald day. at the front dir oi the court house In said county, offer for sale at public auction, and aell to the highest and best holder, for cash in hand, all the rlgnt. title and interest the said defend nit have iu and to the follow ing deseri bed real property, to wit: The north west quarter ol section township four aouth. ranee five east of the Willamette meridian, con- i Hilling loo acrea. lying and being iu Clackamas county, alate ot oreg n. Dated this th day ol July. A. D E. C. MADDOCK. Sheriffof Clackamas county, state ol Oregon. By N. M. MooDV, Deputy. 13:-10 SherifTf Hot Ice of Sale on Execution. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamaa B K. (ireeti. plaintiff, vs. M 0. Gard and C. Gard. bia wife, defendanta. State of Oregon, county of Clackamas, sa. Notice 1 hereby given, that hy virtue of an eiccution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the state ot Oregon for Ihe county of Clackamaa. bearing date the lllh day of June. 1!4, in a suit wlureln S. K (ireeu waa plaintiff and M. O. Gard and C. Gard hie wife were defendants, commanding me, iu the name of the Stale of Oregon, that out of the real estate hereinafter described, to realise sum surti clcnt to aatialy ihe demands of said decree, to wit: 125, and the lurlher sum o! Is), costs, together with Interest on the same alnce aald decree was entered at per cent per annum, aud also thecoataof and attending this aale. Now, therefore, in obedience, to such decree, I did, on the 9lh day of July, 1K4, duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the 1 1th dayof August, f, at the hour of S o'clock p m. of aald day, at the front door of the couit house In said county, oner lor saie at puouc annum, sua sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand. all ol the rlghUitle and ictereat the said de fendanta baveiu and to the following described real property, to wit: Beginning at a point in the north boundary Hue ol the Kira Fisher D. L. C. No. 44, which bears S. si deg. E 40 chains dis tant Irotn an angle post in said north boundary, from which dogwood bears aouth J4 deg. E 35 Unas distant, and a hemUick bears south to deg. K. tut links distant, and running thence aouth M deg. K 7.11 chains along said north boundary; thence south t.a chains to the center of the Ab ernetby wagon road; thence north 71 deg. W. along the renter ol said rnd Miichaiiis:ihence north 140 chains to beginning, containing 8.41 acre.all being In T. 2 3 K i E., being iu Clack amas county, state of Oregon. Oated lias Vth day ot July. A. P. 1'9I. E. C. MA1UKH K. Sheriffof Clackamas enuuty.atate of Oregon. By N. SI Moody, Deputy. 7-13 -lu Sheriff' Notice of Sale on Foreclosure. In Ihe clicuit court of the Stale of Oregon for the couuty of Clackamas. J B. Bridges, plaintiff, vs. Hermini Arndt, defendant. Bute of Oregon, county of Clackamas, s. Notice is hereby glveu that by virtue of an execution aud order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the Stale of Oregon for the couuty of Clackamaa. bearing date the 6th day of July. 14, in suit wherein J B. Bridges waa plaintiff, aud Herminia Arndt was defendant, commanding me, in the name of the Sute of Oregon, that nut ot the real estate hereinafter described, to real lie a sum sufficient to satisfy the demands of aaid decree, to-wit: (2H7 17 and the lurlher sum ol M0 attorneys fees, and the further sum ot IW Mcosts, tcgethei with Inter est on Ihe aame since aaid decree waa entered at 10 per cent, per annum, aud also the cosu of and attending this aale Now, therefore, in obedience to such decree, 1 did, on the mh day of July, in, duly levy up on, aud will, on Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1WH. at the beur ol 11 o'clock A. M. of aaid day, at the front aoor of the court house iu said couuty, offer tor sale at public aiic;lon.nd aell to the highest and best bidder for cash iu hand, nil ol the right, title aud interest the said detendant has in and tothe followiug described real nnmertv. to-wit: The Northeast Ouarter of Section 25. Township 4 Sol th of Range .S East of the W illamette Meridiau, containing itw aerea, all lying aud being in Clackamas county, stale of Oregon. Dated this 6th day of July A. D. ls4. E C MADDOCK. Shetiffof Clackamas couuty. Oregon. By N. M. Moody. Deputy. 7-i:i:M0 NOTICE OT APPOINTMENT OK EXECITOK. In the County Court of the state of Oregon for the Couuty ot Clackamas In the matter of the estate of Sarah E. Pope, deceased Notice I hereby given, that by order of the Honorable County Court ol the county of Clack amas, slate ol Oregon, made aud euierad on the 7lh dayof July, IM, by the Hon. O. E Hayea, Judge of said court, Ihe undersigned waa duly appointed administrator with the will anuexed ol th estate of Sarah E. Pope, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present Ihe aame. with the S roper vouchers, within six mouths from the ate of this notice to the undersigned adminis trator at the office, of Pope & Co in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregou. WILLIAM II. POPE, Executor of the will and estate ol Sarah E Pope, dee'd. Dated this Wth day ol July, IVJ4. 7-13:8-10 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed by the County court ol clackamaa countv. Oregon, executor ol the Iwiilol Charles B. KuigliU deceased. All per sons having claims agalust the estate of the said Charles B Knight, deceased, are hereby noti fied to preseut the same, duly verified, for pay ment to the undersigned, or at the office of Brnnuell A Dresser, Oregon City, Oregon, withlu six mouths from this date. Cauby, Oregon. July 2. liH. CATHERINE KNIGHT. Executor. Brownkll & Dhksskh, Attorneys. 7-6 S-3 ACHILLES LODGE, NO. 38, K OF P. Meets every Friday nightat the K. of P. hall, Visiting Kuignta invited. R. L. HolMax, C. C. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drug Store, ii rr 1 r lit ,i A K lrWK OT ntP IP IVIIIV.IO JL I UlVlllOi Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YHAKSlAFERIEXCE IX Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Hheiiir Nolle nf Hat on Kierntlon. In the County tonrt of the State nf Oregon, for ihi County of Clackamas. Thorns ( harman and Fred R. Charman, do ing hustoess under the Arm name of Thorr.n ;harman A Hr.n, plaintiffs, reru I) 11 Mugonfl and 'lenrletta (4. Magone his wife. Iieleiidaiita. dtsle ol Oregon, county of Clarkamaa, aa. Notice la herehy given, that h virtue nf an nwuileo and order of aale laaii'ed out ol (I10 eoontv court ot the state of Oregon for the county of '.larkamxa, bearing date the tsih d y of July. l04. In a suit wherein Thomas Chir mn and Fied K ("liar man, doing hiislness under the Arm name of Thomas ChnrmRIl A Hen, were; ilnlntlffs. and 0 I). Msgoneand HcnrletlaO. Ma gone his wile were defendants, eommiiellng- eeul pr annum, ana iso tne cosu 01 and at- tending this sale. Now, therefore, in obedience to such deere. 1 did, on the Jith day of July, 1M. duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the ith dayof Ait gusl. Me), at the hour of 2 o'clock p m. of sai l day, at the front deor of the court house In said county, offer for sale at puhlic auction, aud sell to the highest and beat bidder, for cash In hand, all of the right, title and interest the said de fendants have in and to the following desi-rllie,J real pioperty, or any part of It, to wit: Begin ning at the N. E. corner of Ihe donation land claim of Waters Carman and wife, in township 2 south, range 1 east of v . M ; thence running south along the east tine of said donation iana claim to Ihe division line dlvidiug said eltlia between Watera Carman and wile; thence ruu nlng west alone said division line to point from which a line running north and parallel with the eaat line ol aald donation land claim to the north line of aald donation land elalmj would include 'Mi acres; thence running north from said point and parallel with the eat line I of said donation land claim to the north line of aald donation land claim; thence running eiat along the nonh line of said donation land claim to the place of beginning, containing 30 crea. Also Commencing at the N. W corner of tho I) ll. Tompkins aud wife l 1. In township t H , ranges 1 and 'I K. of V M : thence soui!) 4 deg. 30 mln.. eat Js ; chains; thence east ti-1 7i chain to Willamette river; thenco along ih mexliderlugs uf id river N. :tdeg W chiles; Ibencc N. ld. g W a 7U chains: thence N. v."S chamsio the N. K. corner ol said claim; then W. along the north lineot said claim M lOchslna to U-iti lining, conwiutng l;t7.)o acres, excepting: Ihe following, v'i; Commencing on west bank of Willamette river In the Ii. L. Cot D I). Tompkins snd wife In towmhip i south, ranie 1 east of W M. at the south-esst corner of tho tract of land set off to Koger D. Tompkins in the partition of said D. L C between the heirs of U. D Tompkins in the circuit court ol tho state of Oregou for Multnomah county, to which proceedings refereuce ia hereby had. and run ning thence down stream at low water msrk north 27 deg west 3. so chains; theuee weat sn ) chains to arest Hue of aald donation Und claim; thence aouth 49 deg ifli mln. esat 5 JO chains; thence eat '' chains to beginning, contain ing '22.l acres. Also 0 acres off the aouth half of the Geo W. Walling and wife D. 1. :. In said townships, described as the so acres of the S. t of aid D U C. t hounded on the south by the aouth tine '.f snld D L C , on the west by wt line ut sid D. L C. , on the east by the W illamette river, aud on the north by line drswu piraliel wi-h south boundary ao tfcat the area embraced: within aaid linea shsll contain so acres, except ing from this tract the following: Beginning tt 6 W corner ol O W Walling 11. U (I la township 2. 8 K IE of W M. thence N r deg 4-', mill. E along west boundary of D. L C. t ID chains: thence t parallel to 8 line of D. I. C 2r i:schsin to a point 3a fei-twestof S E. roruer of a tract of land belonging to Theodore Wyganl; thence S. 7 deg. SO nvn W. 4.9chlns; thence S. 27 deg W. 4.chlna to 8. boundary of 1. L. C: thence west along south boundary of I. L. C. 24 M chains to beginning Mtea tnia ma aay oi juiy, E. C MADDOCK, Sheriff nf Clackamaa county, state of Oregon. By N. M. Moody. Deputy 7-27:-J4 Sheriff's Notice of Sale ob Kieentioa. In the Circuit Court of the Stale ol Oregon for the County of Clackamaa. Thomas Charman. plaintiff, vs John Moll in. defendant State of Oregon. County ot C'ackamas, as. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court nl the state of Oregon for tho county of (Uckamas, bearing date the idl day of July, 194. in a sui wherein Thomaa Ch ir man wss plaintIA and John Molzm waadelen l aut, commsndiug me, in the name of the sure of Oregon, that nut of the real estate hereinaOer described, to realize Mini siilticienl to itlfr the demands cf ld decree. Pi wit: f.'ls uo. i.v ruber with Interest on the same since Janu .ry 2oth. lslrt. at 10 percent peranuum. and the fur ther sum of t;.MSJ attorney' fees, ami the fur ther sum of 2I r.costs. togeiher with the cost of and attendlug this sale. Now, therefore, in obedience to such decr?e. I did. duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday 1'ie 25th day ot ugust, 14. at the hour of 1 o clock p. m of said day, at the front door of the court house in said county, offer for sale at pnh'io auction, and sell to the highes and best bidder, f..r cash in hand, all the right, title? ami interest t le said defendant has in and to the following described real property, to wit: The W. ol S. W. of section . township 4 south of range 2 K. of the Willamette meridian, altuated in Clacka mas countv, Oregon Dated this 24lb day of July. A. D. m. E. C MADDOCK. Sheriffof Clackamas couuty, state of Oregon 7-27 -J4 J S.MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF Drain - Tile. "rv mmwmwmm v 1 BRICK & LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner ot Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he statute without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him I BIDS FOR WOOD. Notice Is hereby given, that theConnty Court will receive sealed bids for Ihe delivery of 5 cords of sound body Br wood, cut from live standing trees: said wood to be delivered at ihe courthouse In Oregon City, Oregon, on or be fore the l.Mh day of September. Im4, and to be first class iu every respect Bids will be received up to noon on the 9th day of August, 18D4. By order of the Couuty Court GEO F. HOKTON, County Clerk. Oregon City, Oregon, July 10. 14. 4t NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS. Notice Is hereby given, that the County Cert will receive sealed bids from regular dii 1 mated physicians to attend all pauper for iho countv. including the furnishing of necessity medicine tn the same In all parts of the couuty for the period of one year. Bids will be received by the uuderslgued up to noon on iheythday of August. ltt GEO. F. HOkrtN. County Clerk. By order of the County Court. Oregon City, Oregou. July 10, 1-m. 4t I . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims aguiiiKt the est ite of Jiunes Wise, deceased, are hereby in tlft.d of Jiunes ise. deceased, are lierebv m tiUM I 1 hvr b,,n m' (Uv PPoluled by the ; conitv Court ot t Tackuna couiiiv mid staleof Orrcou n the ftdmiuistrntnr of the estate ot 8Hil J Hint's Wise, lecesetl, Hinl that nil m.ns htiviiiK eliima HirriitiM the ui) esirtte in ut present the stme, pmperly veriftel, tome tit the 1hv otliee ot C. 1. A t. C. Ijirmirette. in Orei: n ("it v, oregou, within six month nf the d ito hereof. JOHN MSK. A.lm'r. Dated Juue iS, lfW. to-2J;7-27