Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1894)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. KKIDAY, JULY 17, IHHI. t ; .... Clncknmos Co. Directory. COUNTY OKKK'KHH, Julia, Ci.irk u CiiiirH, HlmrllT, . It.M'uriliir, I runniirnr, Asror, - HjI I Hiiirliiliiiiiliil, H'trfnyur. dniuilMloiinrs, (llirilull V.. 1 1 y an (Imi. r. Iliirllill V; ('. Mmlilnc. K. M. Ilnttmliy M, I.. Miii.r J, (', llimlli'ir II. H i 1 1 I), W KIiiiinImI M, ti. Hiilinmi I Klihnril f Krmik .luKlinr TO Ml-I'l llltl 'I'l IIM'H. I'li.i Mill luxrt til li ill l.rtiu fur lli.. Ii'wririi. ihi.k Iuih reduced to (i M -r your j ''OcciiiN lor hi x iiioiiIIin, (. iihIi In Mil- tlii'it. hiilirrlM'm ittylHK ill tlm t'lnl or mi yxitr will not Imi miIIiM to tlilx rt tlilrllon, Tim low irlcii In Hindu to K"t tint lint oil i'iimIi IhinIb iiiuI linlui'it nil HiiUrriliciN to .iiy up, mill tH'clully to inivint iIkihI ) milt h (nun luklnx tlm inii'r hiiiI nut pnyliiK lor It ty rruwin of tln'ir Ih-iiiu law iroof. Kuilunul prlt'tt Will only I'oiniiii'iii'K Willi 1I11I110I ri'tii'wul. fill" inuki'H llm In ric ii I f.iH k Dm rln'it om iuiit III ('liickmiiiiii I'ounly iiilit tinu'H nil liuiiiti print itml full of live lixul iir CHAT "ABOUT TOWN. Tim wimiIi'ii mill In ititi-inlinic to iiliut down on hutunluy for rouilio( wukg or to on m'coiint of dull liuii'H If your wnti li ori liK-k iiimhI riiirlng tnka ilium to Hiiriiittliiler A AimImwh. Tlu'V Kimrnnlvn nil tlinir work. W t-Brry llm Ix-Nt lino of conmetlon ry, fiuliN mill nui In tli city. K. K. Wii.uam, Tho (inx'tr. Tlia iiii'rry-K'rouml until U fuMml lilt ti'iil, nrkiil hi tmN mil uIIih out (or ollmr mul rlrln'r aturf wlioro lilcklim rIhhiihI ilor. A ilipt li from Vpiiiii:toii HlutoN tlmt tlm Mlnllliii nt 1oii Imi Iwen ilirn'onlliiui'il mul tlmt until lnt'inli'l for tnora will litri'(lir no to ('urriimvilln. rwmoiiN winliinK Una work in plioto jMjrtritil or viw, lmriorH mul exterior will inoimy liy kIhk to I'ultor ' photo imlorN, t:'b Flml utrit-t, I'urlluiul tf Khaiiis' IIkahai'mk Cai-ni ire inurti plfitNiint mul ronvriiU'iil to Uke tttptn MtwilirN, ufi-tH, clixlrn, rlc. Kr laliy Omnium ft (Vt , lruu utortot. Flii rtt grriil pchlN, lint you cn ki'i'p tl.tun out very umily mid clicMply by luiyiiiii net of m ri-cn ilnor mid windowM of June A Son ovtir tlm ('. Iron Work. If Tlie lormi-r potroiiN of llm Mink pout ollli (wd tlm liifonvtiiili'nc very much of if'liiK to ltdtvxr C'rvt'k for llmir until nd in tukinu U to try mid ve it iveatnliliHliKd. K. N. Will it now nrndy for bimliu'M Kin, riiotoKmpliln tent Iim'hIi'iI t cornur of CVntnr mid Hmith utrimlii, on liill. FirNt clan plioloa "5 cnU per tloien for llirtw wprka only. IliiriiiuUii-r A Andrcwn carry In tock tho laritt'Ht liim of Konr'a lltrware in Hie county cmbrucInK Bpooni, forkii, kni von, ti'it wt, U'rry dinlirn, lull If r dinlii'11, plrktd dinlit'N, cako lMiki'li and 'ntorH. Mk-km. C. 1'. Tliore and C. A. Millt-r who were watching for the lire on Ml. Hood on Monday fvnuinu itat that they haw a brilliant fire apparrntly on the miiiimlt of the niounlnln at exactly 10: 1") whlcli lNttl about 30 n-coinl. Good reliable amenta wanted to sell Hailstone proKirty . 2'j cent fare to Oregon City. Liberal commission paid. Heat selling proKrty on the market. Call on or write to II. E. Cross, presi dent Gladstone Keal Estate Association. The Sunday Statesman note that Mrs. W. T. I.ttouretto and children, Eva and Greta, went to Oregon City yesterday. They were accompanied by Miss Emma Norris, who has been visiting with them lor about six weeks. Alexander McNeil who escaed from the insane asylum the last of the week waa apprehended on Tnesduy by Chief of Police Hums and returnod to the asylum. Ho was formerly from Wasco county and was evidently on his way back when taken, Tho Altona having been drawn ofT of the upier river on account of low water, F. A. Kluight, who has been acting ns agent at Salem has returned to bis farm near Canby, where be will remain until the boat starts on her next season's run. Drs. Ilickey & Hickey, dentists from Chicago, who are now permanently lo cated in Oregon City, come to us very highly recommended. Dr. Ilickey Tanks high a a dentist in Chicago, 'where he has for years been a success ful practitioner. Mrs Ilickey is also a gradiile Iroin the dental department of the State University of Iowa. The Eugene Gnnrd. of which Ira Campbell is editor, says: "The State Press Association will bold its annual mooting probably during the month of September." As Ml. Campbell is presi dent of the association, this may he taken us authoritative. Hev. liwynn of Wilhoit wns in tho city Tuesday on his way home from an extended prenching tour in the Neha leni valley during which time ho went tho entire length of the settled part of tho valley preaching in most of tho centers. 1 114 elliorts were rewarded with a num ber of conversions. GLADSTONE PARK Wlt.MNmK VAM.KV (IIAITAU. (Jl'A AhSKSilH.Y. Tim tlircf HiijVKrimliui I'rovca lnlirvn llnif mil AMnictm 'Hi LxitcIhih. An Important iiiliii'itlliiniil iiii'i'tliiK irujiM'lci a fnw week" alni'ii ami itrruimi'il fur In tlm Inlnrlti WH Hlurtttil In Ilia luniulifiil Krovn ! (ilmliiliiiio I'ttrk m-iir thin cily on Tni'itility iiioniIiik. At 10 o,d(M'k I'nmlili'iit (iilmuii I'nrker cullnd I th" Anhmi.IiI.v In ord.-r mid nftir Invoca- lion ami mimic iiiiriiuinn it. j. b. Ninith, of Anliland, lupi-rlulaindi'iit of llm I'iii-IIIc Coit it t'liiiilluuiuaa, who npiike at li'liKlh of tlm imIiiciiiIoiuiI liaturi-N and advuiitiiucii of a con r mi of lildy and IccturcN ilirrcli'd bv tlm UiHUlniiiia AnHctiilillci and clrclca wlilch walk linnd In hand. lr, Smith wim well received arid Ilia addrexa eini nenlly appropriate to the oieiiii of the ttieetiiiK'- Ho embodied aulmlittlully the follow Iiik fiicia In hla talk : Chaulaiiipia In a ureal iiniycrHily w hone Imleiita are acaitered In liomeN, on funiiH, In liopn ami fuclorleN, in towiiN and iniuiiiK rmiipa, In can and HhlpN, wherever a human hi ml varrlea (he love of learnliiK. Then once I year they dm k to the ureal axKeinlily to uludy under romietenl prufeintora, to round up tlm yrr' work, to receive iliploinaa, to form new cIuhwh, and to ko hack to life'i iluliea refreshed and iliHplred. It In the Ideal puoplu'a collvite. The (irn-ka com IK'tnd for rank in art, in noiik, In oratory, in alhletlcN, ao do the Cliautitiiipiana and added to all thia In an aluiont Ideal "tun dardof ('hri"tUn teachitiK. Aa Clirixt taiiiiht by the Heu"idu mul on the Mount ao do hla modern ili'iili'H teach and tiidy the acripture leaom. The Hull In the Grove hat become a temple of phi loHoiihy. Wine inatriicton iliiH'iMa ecu noiulca and aoclul acience, the lMtanint diwtei lt the timer", the cliemUt coin potiiida bia knhun, the clan ill drawinx follnwN the atrnke of a matter pencil, the clioriiN pulNiiN and throb at the Imton Rtroku of the great linoiclun, Such an aHteuihly it a Inmui to any community. The (Tuiitampia coiirHe of atudyem hracei four year of review of the hla tory and liteiature of ( ireece,liouie,Kii(. laud and America. Hooks of acience are Immed eveiy year of the lateat and bent rcnearc hea, art and philoaopliy are treated by the nioet popular aulhora, and Htiidy la diveHted of the dry detail that toiiietimei render acliool life irk aome. No effort la apaicd to make atudy attractive bv preHenllng the dif ferent aubjecta in the frvnliciit and iiionI popular dreaa. The poet bei(ina to iie beauty In acience that once he apurncd, and the tcienllnt la beguiled into a atudy of tutiK and Ix'llu letter. The time and money required mav be auinined up aa an hour a day. aeven dollara a year for book, Inclil linif the l'hautau(uan and an enrollinent fee of fifty venta year. That thene liook are the latent and freahfHt miiy 1 ahown by the fact that colletro uradiiatea find them full of facta they never heard of. They are up with the timet and lateat diacoverif. The addreaa of rrofcuiwr W. G. Ilawley prenident of the Willamette Univeaalty upon the "roHnlhilitie of Youlli," waa a bright and able preKenta tion o! an intereMinx aubjtvl. I'rofeaaor Ilawley charmed hia aitdiunce and af forded much food (or thought in the practical presentation of hi tubject. The day had been advertiited aa child ren's day and moxt of the speakers cither addrcnned their words to the Voiinuer portion ol the audience or apoke of iniillindH of inNtruction in which the older ones were iiiterented. Among the Heakeri o( tho day were; Mrs. K. W, Alien, o( Portland ; Hev. J. U. Wilnon, P. I),,principnl of the l'ortland achdemy; Hev. W. T. Miller, I). I), atnto prenidont of the Y. P. 8. C. E i T. S. McDanielH, preaident of the Kpworth I.eaKiie: Hev. J. W. Cowan, ol Ort'ijon City ifuvo a hiHtorical talk on "At Montreal a Year B?o."Hev. (, Win. Gihoney ptve an olMiaiul talk on "Our Young1 People." Othor BtlrrinK addrettHoa were tilled in by W. II. Morrow, atute Bccretitry of the Y.P, 8. C. E; Key. Henry Gilt, of KuKeiie; Hev. .1. J. Stuub, of Hunnvahle, and liev. Murk Nohle, ofNewhenj. Tho "I.lttlo Citizen" waa the topic selected by Hev. G. E. Hawesof Port hind for a live talk. It wits liijjly coin mended by all who heard it aa wan altto tho tulk of Noel II. Jacks secretary of (ho Htiito Y. M. C. A. Altogether it was a day full of uood and thoughtful atldiesses Interspersed with nuieic and mH'ial viaiU during tho IntermiHsions. One of the special features of the enter tainment waa the band concert in the evening by tho First Hegiment band of Portland. It is estimated that there wore a thousand people on the ground to liHtcnJto the concert. Another feature of the day waa the solo rendered by Miss KoHHio Hilns of Portluhd in a clear, full and very sweet voice, It was deemed appropriate that the Assembly should notify tho parent Hociety at Chautauqua, New York of its existenco and the following teleirrain was sent. Oiifhon City, Oh., July '.'4, 1804. "Your youngest child, the Willamette Valley ('liuutamnia Assembly, born to day, sends greeting. "Phill. 3:111-14. I As anticipated, I he grand chorus of the hundred voices organized and drilled by A. S. Dresser, proved a most attractive feature and added in no small degree to the pleasure, not only of the first Uuyi sessions but of thoee of the following days. The effect as the chorus swelled forth filling the wood with iniisle grand wa most Imnressive and thrilling. Mr. Dresser I entitled l much credit lor the painstaking care which ha devoted to that part ol the program. In spile of the showers Wednesday morning, which continued at intervals during the day, the crowd begun to uitlher at the Chitutauipia grounds and by the 0K'iiing hour there was a good altendance. The drum and the fife ap IH'ulod to the heart of the old soldier who were about the grounds in great imiiihdi enjoying both the social visit which the meeting alforded them 0- (Kirtuuity fur and the stirring patriotic siHiochc which were a feutiire of the day. Hepresentstlves of all the G. A. H. so cietles of this city were present as well as many from similar organizations in Portland. During the duy the chorus of 1(H) voices, or as many of them as could he present, sang patriotic ait which much to llll the hearts of those present with old patriotic sentiment. Mr. A. S. Dresser has been most successful in hi elforts to huve the music for the occasion a success and the magnificent singing of Wednesday fully paid for all the labor. The morning invcs ation was offered by Dr. Wallace of Portland afler which martial music was played. Dr. Smith, himself an old soldier stepied to the plutform and in a felicitous manner introduced Dr. Arthur J. Ilruwn of Port land who delivered bis magnificent addres upon, "Abraham Lincoln ami the Civil War." In spite of the inter rupting shower which compelled the raising of umbrellas the audience In sisted on his priM'i eding, ao Interested had they become. He wa frequently interrupted by cheer and when bia mugnillcient voice rose in eulogy of the Martyr President the heart of his large audience rescinded a one man to the touching tribute. All felt that it waa one of those supreme moment w hich come but few timet in a lifetime. Following the morning address the choir tang the "Star Spangled Banner" after the following telegram was read amid great applasue: Pai iric Uhovk, Cai,., July 1!4, 1WI4. Willamette Valley Chautauqua: The Pioneer Assembly sends cordial gieetings to the youngest in sisterhood of coast assemblies. Tiios Fii.iikn, Mgr. The alternoon exercise began with the singing of America after which live minute speeches were made by Hon. M. C. George, Dr. II. K. Hines and Geo. C. Hrownell. The subject for the afternoon address waa Wen del Phillips which was handled by Dr. Geo. H.Wallace in a masterful manner. A the noted orator w hoee uame and life formed the subject for the address had thrilled his thousands so the tribute to hit life and work as told by Dr. Wallace stirred the large audience and for more than two hour they listened to hi glowing word? w ith rapt attention. This waa followed by "Marching Through Georgia" in which everybody joined while tho air was white with fluttering handkerchiefs. A eciul feature of the day's program waa the Eureka Colored Concert Com pany which appeared at this hour and electrified the audience with their thrill ing melodies. Time and again were they encored amid the wildest applause. On account of the great favor which they were received the management has ar ranged for them to appear on Thursday evening when an immense throng may he exiected to hear them. The last Ave minute speech of the day was made by Department Commander Oruishy of the Grand Army and was a glowing tribute to the old commanders as well as to the women of the relief corps of whom about UK) occupied the platform. Tho address of the evening was deliv ered by Hev. Holand I). Grant, his sub ject being Patriotism. Much was ex pected of Dr. Grant, and long before the conclusion of his interesting and stirring address all felt that they had not been disupiKiiiited. After its conclusion short speeches were made by Hev. W. II . Dorwurd and Dr. W. E. Carll, and a pat riotic recitation was delivered by Mrs. A. II. Wolls. The concert by the Oregon City band in the evening was much enjoyed and proved an attractive feature. The i rngruin for Thursday is substan tially as printed in the News with the addition of the jubilee singers in the evening which will prove a drawing card. The success of the present meetings in spite of the bhort time allowed for preparations has encouraged the promo ters to hope and expect to be able to carry out tho original thought which was to make these meetings the start ot a permanent Assembly to have its home at Gladstone Turk. Plans for this have been talked of but no detailed arrangement has been made. It has been suggested that a stock company be formed with direct ors representing all the Willamette and lower Columbia valley, who will have clmrgo ol all property and arrangements. Lund will be donated at Gladstone Park If a suitable organization is purlected and it is hoped that a puvillion may bo provided for another year. Tho fol lowing mimed persons were appointed a committeo to consider permanent organ ization: C. 11. Dye, H. A. Miller, Mrs. Hathaway, Geo. II. Hiiiies, Prof. Van Scoy, J. W. Cowan, G. Win, Gihoney, II. E. Cross and Chns. Meservo. Thursday morning opened bright nnd pleasant and being Educational Day many not teen on the former dayt were attracted to the grounds and the attend ance was good, especially in the after noon and evening. The subject for the morning address wa the Nicaraugan canal which was handled by Professor Ilawley In an able and exhaustive man ner, It wut observed that what he said was listened to with close attention not rrnly by the teachers and older eople pieseut but by the children as well, of the day were Dr. Is:ke' "(iive the Girls a Chance" and Mrs. Dutiiway's "Kemovs the Cause of Strike " Tuesday, the os-ning duy for the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Assembly's Hrst meeting was auspicious, the weather being as pleasant a could have been de sired. The beautiful grove two mill; below this cily which constitutes Glad stone Park had been fully fitted up for tho occasion and presented an attract ive apts-arni:e as the guests entered from the end of the car line. 11. C. Stevens whs on hand at an early hour in charge of the ticket department which has been well managed throughout. ISefoin the hour of oS'iung it became ev ident that in the short time that the meetings hid been advertised, a goodly degree of interest had ten aroused and the attendance on the first day was all that was expected by conservative mem bers of the committee. Upon the gently rising knoll near the lake, a Urge grand stand had been erected which was beautifully decorated and drut'd with flags, Between it and the entrance are the eating and lunch tents and a number of smaller tents of parlies who are camping out during the session. Altogether it it an attractive and lively scene which i pre sented to the visitor at intermissions. HesolillieiiK of Hespect. II Al l, or Mrl TNOKAII 1MXIIt, No. 1, A. F. A A M.,OiiK(ios City, July 21 , '4f To the Master, Wardens and Brethren of Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. A A. M.: We, your committee appointed to draft resolution on the death of Brother C. M. Kester, submit the following: Wiikhkas, Multnomah Lodge, No. 1 has lv the hand of death been called to purt with Brother C. M. Keeter, one of the oldest members of the Lodge, therefore tie it Iiesoived, That in the death of Brother CM. Kester, we find that the lodge has lost a faithful, earnest and consci entious member, and one who was con spicuous for a life long devotion to the cause of Masonry, and we will t cherish his memory. Hesolved, That we extend our heart- felt sympathy to the relative of our de ceased Brother. Hesolved. That as a mark of resnert to the memory of our deceased Brother, these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge and a copy be fur nished the Entkkckisk and Courier of this city for publication. J G. PlLLSRl'BV, Pktkb I'Aqi'Er, C. W. Gasono, Com. To Trade. A good farm of 80 acres near Molalla Partially improved buildings, orchard, etc. Level bottom land Will trade for Oregon City property Address TiiaykrA Ai.pkn, Oregon City. Multuoinah Lodge No. 1, A. F. St A. 31. Special communication on Friday eve ning, July 27th, at 8 o'clock sharp. All members requested to bo present All Master Masons in good standing cordially Invited. Work in W, M. degree. T. r. Kyas, Sec. L. L- Poktkr, W. M. Patronize home institutions, buy your groceries of Marr A Kobertson. Every thing in the limt of fancy or staple gro ceries. Urders called lor anil delivered. "Wonders of the World' Fair" free of expense, tvery purchase ol f3.w se cures one portfolio. tf. Hard times Prices. S. F. Scripture has reduced the price a horse shoeing to $1.50 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many years experience insure first class work. Notice of Annual Institute. Notice is hereby given to teachers and friends of education tlmt the annual institute of Clackamas county will be held in Oregon City beginning July 30th. closing August "th. It is expected that everv teacner in the county will attend. Good instructors will be employed, and lectures will 1m- given during the insti tute. An effort will be made to make this the moat instructive and successful normal institute vet held in the county. ' II S.GIBSON, County Supt. of Schools, Clackamas Countv. Oregon. Dated the 18th day of Julv 18U4. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary H. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Secific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to you, and will cost you only fl for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial box, free, who will send me the names and addresses ol ten ladies who are in delicate health. Acents wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, lloulton, Ore gon. The old voteran, Captain Bundy, has his new boat house all fitted up in rim ing order and is now prepared to furnish at all times the finest line of pleasure boats to be found in tho state. Prices reasonable and the best of treatment ac cordod all patrons. Foot of 11th street. Screen Doors. Flies have already made their appearance and to most etr-'cttittlly protect yourself against these, you should fit your house with strong screen doors which the Oregon City Sash A Door Factory makes. Cheap. tf Notice of Removal. Mrs. N. Watts-Sladen In now doing bttninens in her new building opposite, the old stand on Main street where he intends keeping the latent and bent Assortment of Millinery Goods At Reasonable Prices. Sum mer goodn will be Hold At Cost for the Next 30 Days If you d. you will need Dome o the following artif clen: WILL YOU TAKE AN OUTING This SUMMER IVviled Ham, Deviled Chicken, Deviled Game. Potted meats A name, Lunch tongue, Chipped beef, French sardines, Pure de Fois Gras Ixj haters, ' (Shrimps. Boston baked beans, Potted bloaters, Swiss cheese, Paper napkins, Paper plates. We can Kell them to you. E.E. WILIAMS, The Grocer University of Oregon. EUGENE. Next Session begins the 17th of September, 1894. Tuition, Free. Board, $2.50 a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scien tific, Literary, English and Busi ness. DOKMITOKY. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall lor young gentlemen will be under the personal supervision of Mrs. Munra, a lady of refinement and large ex perience. For catalogues, address, J. J. Walton, Secy. Regents. Duffy & Frost EXPRESS and TRANSFERING. Special care in moving Household Goods and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S. yANT A.... HAT! We sell as low as we can lower than ' ever before, j We have jtoo many. We are after ! Cash. GLASS & SMYTH, ! Comer Fifth and Main St., Orkgon City, Ob. tzfifi, KVFRY OCCASION, U c bread mad wlib mum wmh M iiuf.taiureti by CLOSSET A DKYKKS. fort Und, Oregon. WEST Victor :- Bicycles, LEAD THE WOULD Cash or Installment. LargeHt stock of solid and cushion tire wheels on the coast from $10 to $::o. Give us a call before buying, OVERMAN WHEEL CO., 331 Wathington St., Portland, Or. A. W. SCHWAN, Manufacturer of all kinds of Tin, Seeet Iron and Copper Ware, Metal Hoofing, Spouting, Fur nace Work, Plumbing & General Jobbing. Shop near Southern Pacific Depot. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LI VERY STABLE of the City. Rigs of any description furnished on short notice. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PORE DRUGS G A. HARDING. none bi;t OOMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED FUe Perfoerlej an! Toilet Articles. Alto t full (lock of PAINTS- OILS ETC. NOVELTY Candy -:- Factory NOW OPEN. Manufacturer of High Grade French and Home Made Candies, Ice Cream and. Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables. Supplied with Ice Cream in any quantity; rates reasonable. Try Our Ice Cream Soda Tropical Fruits and Nuts. Main Street, opp. Commercial bank II. S. Cram, Manager. Oregon City Dye Works DYEING, Cleaning and Repairing Gentlemen's Hats Dyed &, Cleaned. Ladies' Work a Specialty Shawls, Cloaki and Dresses given aa good an appearauoe aa new. Feathers, Gloves, Etc., Cleaned, and given any shade desired. First Class Work. Lowest Rates. WILSON, WELSH & CO., Foot of Fifth St., Oregon City, Or. THE BON TON. Main Street, near Fifth. A 6trictly first class resort conduct ed under American principles. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. All the Best Bran Js of Cigars. DK. E. CJIROAVN, EYE AND EAR SURGEON Glasses Fitted and FnrnUlie.1. 109 First Street, roruauu, urt'gon. DR D. S. STHYKKR, DENTIST, HAS RE moved MOiM Fellows' temnleS. W.Cnr l.t and Alder, PurtUud, Uregwii. I