Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 20, 1894, Image 3

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    Oregon City fcntcr prise.
Cluckumns Co. Directory
Jiit, . ,
iUvili ill Courts,
M'mrllT, .
II "Kclur, a
'1 rvttKiirnr, .
A.tu.imr, m
M Imk.I Hiiiirluuui!ti,
C itiuillniira,
Gordon T.. Itavt
Goo. t. Iliirlnii
r, C. Maililork
M M lunmliy
M l Monrv
J, C!, Ilrlliy
I', w kliinalnl
i II I. ii, .,,.,,
I Itli'linnl Hi'nii
f frank Jaguar
To Jl.i t tlm
Tim KiilHi'rltnii rin for llm Kktkii-
i'mihk IiIm ri'ilui'iMl tu .r,ii r v,,,r;
"6 f'Hl (nr m iiiiitiiliM. ('mnIi In ml
nun. KiilrtiTlliirn piiyiiiu l llii' mill of
inn ytr will mil Im ctit ii l- J in UiIm ri
durtiuii, Tim Inw lirlrti In inmli' to K''t
1ln lUl on n i'iihIi IiiikIh mil) IihIuck all
Hillmi'rilii'tH In pity lip, uinl ipiriiilly In
ri'Vi'iit ilrinl li'ul front Inking tin
i r Hint mil tiiiylng (.ir ll l.y unimm of
tlii'ir U'iiiK luw ir'Hif. INmIihv.I prlcn
will only I'niiiini-iii'K wltli iliiliii(riniwnl.
iliis innki'H llii KntkmI'I'Ibk llm rlinti
"l niiir In Clin kiiinni' I'niitilv I'lulii
iii(.''M ull liniiio r 1 1 1 1 unit full ' tif live
IiM ul lirwt
TImmipuii'IimiI ninllu'ra ulvu Umlr rlilM
ron Hlfcilinun'ii HiMtihliig Tuwili'm dur
ing llm ti'i'lliiiiit ihthhI.
If ymir wutdi orcliH'k nwd rei'iilrliig;
tiiko llii'in Id lliirini'lHliT A Alilrimn.
Tlmy kuhihiiU'ii nil llnlr work.
MiM Ji'iiniii I(o w i'ii of ltmvt'i ("reek,
rlimnl m'IhhiI tlm Silli of J mil', him w III
li'm li at ('mily llm romliitf yenr.
W t arry tliti Ih'rI linn of ronfi'ction
cry, ftiiiu mnl unit In the city.
K. K. Wii.uamn, Tim (inx-pr.
A. MuitliU-x of MiMiiiiivlllf, hut
formerly of tliU t'lty u In town fur
hurt time on Tlinifluy on himincHit .
Murrii'il, it llm ri'xitli'iii'n of A.
Wnlki-r liy Jtmllcfl Pixim on July Kith,
Mi tiruiHi M, Wukclli'lil aihI John
Wnlker huth of Uri'uon t'lty.
IVmoini wUhintf II im work in plioto
jMirlritili or views, liilrriorn null pxli'riura
will aavc iimncy hy i n y to I'lillrr'n photo
nilnrH, '.'","i Flint flrrct, I'orl Imxl If
Khaikk'i lltADAiiiK t'Ai'uri.kH arc
morn pleasant mid convenient to take
than NiMili-m, wufrm, elixir, etc. For
lo hy Clm'iiiHii I'o'i , Prutf More.
Hit' ra gri'Kt hkih, hut you tun keep
ll.ein out very rily utd cheaply hy
Inlying tit of M'rwti ilixm mill wIihIowh
( Joiwn A Son ovur llm O. C. Iron
Work.. tf
K. N. Will ! now nily for lnniim
rfwln. riiuto)triiihli tent IikhIciI t
corner of (Vnlor mnl Sniilh NtrcnlH, on
hill, l'imt rU photon 73 rt'iiln pt-r
lon (or thrtw wei'kx only.
Iliiriiu'lmiT A Anilri'iM'n carry In ntix k
Iho Ur.-nt lino of Ito'r'n illirwre in
tlm county niiihrni'liiK npoonii, forkn,
knlvfK, t' win, In-rry dinln', Imtti'r
dinhi-H, pli kcl dlnlu-n, rake Uxktiti and
(iiMxl rclililn aonlii wauled to aril
(iludntoiiK proKrty . LMU' rtinta dire to
Oregon City. I.lliirl rouiniimuon paid.
Hnt mdling property on tlm iimrkcl
Call on or wrltoto II. K. Cnwt, reni
lint (iladntone Hi'iil KhIhIo AHnoiation.
l'atroiiix liomn 1 nut i t u tiona , buy your
gro-prii' of Marr A Kotmrtaon. Kvery
thing In the line of fancy or ample gro
cerlcn. Ordcra called for and delivered.
"Wonderaof the World' Fair" free of
cxpctiHo. Kvery purchaw of $:l.f)0 ae
cure on Hirlfolio. tf.
Si'reen Door. Fliea have already
tiutdo their pKaraneo and to niont
cirrtually protect yonraelf againnt thene,
you ahniild lit your liouan with
atrong acieen dHira which the Oregon
My SuhIi A Door F'actory inukea.
'henp. t'
All ineinherH of Meade pout No 2 are
reiiieted to meet nt my olllce at 8 p. m.
Saturday, July 14th. HiiNiwa of im
portancu will Ihi up for diauiiaaion. A
full attendance ia reUPHted.
W. Ii. IlriiniiAiiiiT, Commandor.
Tlui old veteran, Captain Rundy, luia
tiia new boat Iiouhh all lilted up in rim
ing order and ia now prepared to furniali
at all timet tlm flooat line ofplcamire
boata to he found in the aUto. Pricoa
reaaonahlo and tlm leat of tri'iitinont ac
uirdodall patroim. Foot of lllh atrout.
C. 11. Welch wIioho w ifu died at Wood
land, California a few weeks ago re
turned on Wedneaduv accompanied by
Ida llttlo child and mother. Ho expecta
to remain hero aa he only went to Cali
fornia hoping that his wire's health
would be benefitted by tho change.
Dra. Hickuy A Ilickey, dentlata from
Chli'BKO, who are now permanently lo
cated In Oregon City, come to ua very
highly recommended. Dr. Ilickey
ranka high aa a dentlat in Chicago,
vbore he has for years been a auccesa
f ill practitioner. Mrs Ilickey is also a
vradnte from the dental department of
tho Htate UnivurHity of Iowa.
Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II.
fltanton's Pemoline, the Famous Female
Specific, will cure all those aches and
pains peculiar to you, and will coat you
only 1 (or one month's treatment? I will
send any lady a trial box, free, who will
wind me the names and addresses of ten
ladies who are In delicate health. Agents
wanted everywhere. Write (or (ull par
ticulars to Airs. L. M. Little, manager
wholesale western dopot, Iloulton, Oregon.
On Tuimdiiy evening T. F. H .van's
horno hocamo frightened whllx hi) was
hiving on llm hill at tlm falling of the
iIiimIiIi mnl, and nturlrd to run. In suite
of Mr, Ityan'a cllin in to hol t it the an
imal g it loose and throwing him from
the ca t mii down tho hill and up Main
street at a great rate, Hourly running
ovur a number of people and rign on tint
street. Tom Cowing wan driving down
thoHlnger hill at the time and had to
run li s horse to keep out of the way. He
.was g ad tor.'itcli the tutlnm junt an the
runaway panned him. Henry Cooke
heard the nolxe along the street and ran
out and turned the home into the livery
i...... ...i I, i i . :.!.. -.,... . l
"mil nimio lb in Ktiii. intiiii iiviii li
lrui I hack Mr. Kvun In not tiiui'h
Noting the hu t that there In to I e a
I on i ii u r im- 1 1 1 In Oregon City next month,
llm Dalles Chronicle aaya : " Oregon City
in one of the pretlii-Mt and iiiont lirogrenn
ive pliici'N in the hIiiIji, and it loin out; of
the bent fire depnrtmeiiln too. The Ore
XonClty lioyncuiiieup here lanl veurwiih
a giMnl Irani and a hrunn hund. The Dalles
nhoiilil return the compliment, ami we
hope in a spirit ol generoiin rivalry will
Hcnd dow n a team and, coiui'Cliiig for the
prizes, show our Oregon City friends that
we appreciate their visit."
D O. Front has purchnneil the Intercut
of Win. F.ntec in tho dray and express
liuninenH and the fliin w ill now lie known
an Dully A Front. John Dully needs no
introduction in Oregon City where he is
known aa ready, careful and accommo
dating. Mr. Front will ho found eipially
ready to pleamt their customers. Hoe
their notice. In another column.
I, Ids will ho received Up to 11 o'clock
noon, on Monday, July "'Id at the store
of (ilas ft Smyth where the plans
may now he seen for an addition to the
1'ri-nli) teriuii chinch in Ihla city.
L. C. Can kh,
Siiini.y Smvth,
J. W. DraKir has In hin olllce a sample
of timothy hay taken from a seven acre
Held on his placi, F.cho Vale, four miles
up the Alieruelhy which will measure
over six ('( In height just as it was cut
liy the mower. He says that the field
averaged over five feet and that many of
the heada measured 14 inches in length.
A. W. Hchwan the well known hard
warn man and tinner, has the contract
for laving over 7,000 feet of six and eight
Inch newer ie at Willamette Falls.
Ho has a notice in another column
which will Interest you.
Word has been received from F. J.
fouis who started Fast a mouth ago
that he ia still in California waiting the
outcome of the strike to proceed on his
way rejoicing. Where's your safety
White Iliothers, architects, are en
gaged in preparing the plana for remodel
ing the house of C. W. lianong south of
the city. The plans include bathroom
and ail modern conveniences.
There was a pleasant party at the
home of J. K. (iroom hct Satinday
evening when a number of young friends
of Arthur Wilson gathered to tender him
a birthilay surprise party.
The Junior Fndeavor society and
children of the Presbyterian Sunday
school held a pleasant picnic in one of
the beautiful groves in the eartern art
of the city on Thursday,
The last few days have been very warm
and opprosaive so that the thunder storm
which passed over the city on Wednes
day night and cooled the atmosphere
proved quite a relief.
The W. C. T. U. of Ibis city has placed
water and a faucet in the tree reading
room for the llso of those who gather
l here to read. It is quite a convenience
these warm davs.
T. A, Jluck, J. W. Grout and Sam
Mairs went to tho headwaters of the
Santiam the first of the week to he gone
jor some time on a prospecting trip.
Frank Sherman of Wilhoit accom
panied by .1. O. llleakney and S. N.
Cook was in tlm city the past week mak
ing a homestead proof.
President Tlios. McClelland of Pacific
University was in the city the first of
the week on business for the school.
S. K, Ilillman of Pleasant Hill was
in town the last of tho week on business
and took time to call at this ofllce.
The family of A. B. Graham loft for
the seaside on Thursday intending to be
away some weeks.
Wedding Iiconse was granted the punt
week to Kdna M. Piatt and Maurice
J, McGrath.
Judge W. S. Hurat of Aurora was in
the city on Monday on business.
Kditor Lee of the Pacific F'armer, was
in tho city on Wednesday.
Notice or Annual Institute.
Notice is hereby given to teachers and
friends of eil neat ion that the annual
institute of Clackamas county will be
held in Oregon City beginning July 30th.
closing August 7th. It ia exacted that
every teacher in the county will attond.
Good instructors will be employed, and
lectures will be given during the insti
tute. An effort will be made to make
this the most instructive and successful
normal institute yet held in the county.
County 8upt. of Schools, Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Dated the 18th day of July 1804.
ItKV. W 1 1,1,1 HON II I.I MHO.
A Clii'i kcri'il Career Account of Ills
( rooki-d Transactions.
Some time last fall the ICntchi'Iiisk
mentioned Itev. W, A, Willison's de
parture for llm Fast leaving his family
Institute and his creditors In the lurch.
As he was formerly located In Oregon
City In charge of the M. K. church, tlm
following account taken from the Ore
goniaii, will prove interesting reading
to many here. It says :
"Itev. W. A. Willison, the erring
'reshyterian-Methodint inlninler, whose
iiiestioiiable dealing in real estate and
hcartlesn desertion of his daughters,
created a good deal of a sensution in
Portland last HcplemU-r, was arrested
in Joplin, Mo. on June 20, and is now
hack in this cilv.
While Willison's sudden departure
from Portland caused a sensation at the
time, the full story bus never been told. !
Lust September he was a Presbyterian
minister at Piedmont. Before that he
hail posed as a Methodist minister in
Or.'gon City, and a a Baptist minister
in other parts of the state. When tie
came Ui Portland, he built a house at
iVditiont, in which he and his three
daughters, whose ages ranged from 17
to HI years, lived comfortably. He
preached occasionally in Albina and
Woodstock and also opened tip a real
estate olllce, in which all his crooked
transactions were performed under cover
of the ministry.
One morning the town became too
tropical for him and he remained home
for several days, under the pretense ol
having broken his leg. Callers at the
house were informed that hi conditron
was too critical to iermlt an interview, j
One day he was missed from his home,
and as days passed without his putting
in an appearance, an Investigation was
made bv his creditors and it was dcvtl'
oed that he had fled from the city. Be
fore leaving he had presented his eldu.it
daughter with a deed to his home and
A day or two later, a man with a niort
gane for I'.'iKX) on the cottage, and ;r.
other with a hill of sale of the furniture,
apeured, but as the young ladies were
destitute and one was seriously ill with
consumption, the claimant's left them
in charge of the house. For days the
young women were without the means
of support. In the midst of their predic
ament, an attache of a street-car line
proposed to the youngest of the three
ami waa accepted, and Ins earning
went to support the two others. Finally
llm condition ol toe sick one became so
critical that she was removed to a hospi
tal, where she died soon after. The
others are still in the city.
During all the misery of his family,
Willison was enjoying Chicago with a
Mrs. Cora Lambert, with whom he
eloK-d Iron) Portland. He cut quite a
figure in Chicago. There he met Carl
Young, formerly a music teacher in this
city, who, ignorant of his villany, intro
duced him to the ministry of the White
City. Willison preached in several
of the most prominent Presbyterian
churches there and assisted the pastors
of other churches to conduct their ser
vice. He was registered as a Presby
terian minister of good standing, without
a charge, and this alone enabled him to
accomplish his ends so far as borrowing
money was concerned. Being without
a charge, several ministers readily
loaned him from $5 to 1 150, and Rev. T.
D. Wallace, of 205 Warren avenue. Chi
cago, loaned him several hundred dol
lars. His easy manner and scholarly
speech, made him a prime favorite,
and he was in clover until a Tliiel de
tective began making inquiries for him
when he departed from Chicago as sud
denly as he left Portland.
From Chicago, Willison went to New
York, and thence through the Southern,
states. Detectives were constantly on
his trail, and at Atlanta, Ga., were but
a few hours behind him. At Atlanta,
lie gave the olllcers the slip for the time
being. But another clue was found.
and on June 17, he waa located in Jop
lin. To prevent a possible case of mis
taken identity, a Thiol detective was
sent down from Portland, and recognis
ing Willison, arrested him, and imme
diately started with him to this city, but
waa tied up in the railway blockade.
The total sum of money which Willi
son obtained in Portland by fraudulent
transactions will not fall short of $7000.
He forged the name of J. Robinson,
prosperous farmor living on the South
ern Pacific line, to notes aggregating
J'-'OOO or :I000 and negotiated them at a
local bank. From one RawlinBon, a
poor car-cleaner, employod at the Union
Pacific, be got $1500, all the man had
saved from his earnings of years. To
the following named persons he gave
bonds for deeds to land in Piedmont, to
which he had no title, and obtained
notes for the sums mentioned : William
Studubakor of Castle Rock, $3110; W. L.
Woodstock, Wash., $163; Carl Seifert,
Castle Rock, $165; Lucinda Gibson,
Portland, $400 ; Frank Studobaker, Cas
tle Rock, $330; Cornelius Burns, Castle
Rock, $320; F. L. Gum, Castle Rock,
$165 ; Johathan Humphrey, Oregon City,
$520 ; Henry C. Sehroodor, Portland, $1(X),
Freelin Stoudbuker, Castle Rock, $160.
These notes were deposited by Willi
son in several banks as security for loans
which he obtained. Many installment
payments have since been made on the
notes by the victimized parties.
Morrison Ft
Between li k 3d, Portlacd.
Work I'mli r Way at the Sew Town
Water Works and hewer.
Few who passed along the old Tualatin
road to (he Field's l-ridgo in days gone
by when majestic trees and decaying
stumps covered the ground realized that
they were passing over the site of a fu
ture city where in place of the monarch
of the forest beautiful ami arti-tic cot
tages should stand provided with all
the modern comforts usual in the best
regulated cities. Yet such is destined to
bo the condition of that spot in the near
future. Already the cottages are begin
ning to dot the ground which bus been
cleared ol every obstructing log
stump, leaving the ground fitted
for the planting of garden or lawn. Be
fore llm piazzas of the cottages erected
here will be tpread out a panorama of
mountain, river and valley scenery w hich
ia seldom aurpsssed even in the most
favored spots where the foot of man but
seldom treads.
Nature baa done everything for this
site that she could be exacted to do
and now upon every side the hand ol
man ia seen busily employed doing the
rest, and when iu a few weeks or months
at the most the artificial arrangements
have been completed and made fixtures
of the town there will no more choice
place to reside in or atout the city.
These impioveinenU include water
works, electric lighting, electric cars,
sewers and sidewalks. The water fur
the place is to come from a series of fine
springs flowing strong enough to supply
a city of 10,000 inhabitants. It
fairly boils from the ground in its haste to
reach the surface and as it sparkles in
the flitting sunlight that breaks through
the pleasant grove surrounding the
springs it makes ones month water just
to view Its transparent depths. As to its
taste 7 Well cooler and sweeter water
it would be hard to find go where you
will. It is to be pumped up to the
hill where many cottages are now being
built on lota as fine as one could wish
within a few blocks of the electric line.
Lights, water in the houses and rides
to and from town are to be furnished
those living in Willamette Falls at ex
tremely low rates and that togethei with
the beautilul location accounts Jor the
rush which is being made to locate and
build there even in these dull times.
The best thing for any one to do is
to take the electrio car at the west end
of the suspension bridge and after en
joying the fine vista and the refreshing
rido of ten minutes duration 8end an
hour looking over ibis delightful place.
A shepherd dog In Oregon City on
July 4th. Color is black with yellow
tinge, white stripe on face, white breast
and fore feet, yellow hind legs. Dew
claws on hind legs. Liberal reward
paid for recovery of the dog.
Matt. Athy,
Oregon City.
Parker the barber is reported to have
taken a piece of hoop iron with him to
Mt. Hood for the purpose of shaving the
party on its crest, but that has nothing
to do with your going to his shop every
day and getting a first class shave. N.
B. He left plenty of clean towels in the
Preserve your fruits without cooking
by using Antifermentine. For sale by
E. E. Williams the grocer.
F.locttion. To those who would like
to take a course in elocution, so that
they may acquit themselves with credit
whether it be before an audienoe or in a
social gatheiing, the opiwtunity Is now
offered of taking lessons under one of the
best instructors in the state. Miss
Bessie Evans, of Oswego, will organize
a class in elocution at me napusi
church next Tuesday at 5 :30 p. m. Miss
Bessie Evans has a large class in Port
land and in Oswego. Her skill in teach
ing is not excelled by the best in Port
land. EioiiTKKS Pounds granulated sugar,
$1 ; table plums, oysters, and all kinds of
vegetables. 3 cans, 25c ; rice, split peas
and raisins, 4 pounds, 25c; 10-pound
sack of graham flour, corn meal, hominy,
cracked wheat, etc., 25c; 7 pounds small
white beans, 2oc. Call and see our full
weight creamery butter, 40c and 45c a
roll ; choice dairy, 25c and 30c a roll ;
Arbuckle coffee, 25c per lb. Try our
Gold Bee Tea, 15c. It is as good as any
tea. If not return and money refunded.
Bologna and ham sausage. 8c a pound,
or 4 punds, 25c ; leaf lard, 10c a pound.
Try our teas and coffees. Simmons, 348
Washington and 53 Union avenue, Port
bread mad with
mtbm - WEST
Mmiiilsstured br CLOSSKT A DKVKH8, For
I. ..A I '
Have Heard of Them.
If you fli you
will need Homo of
th5 following arti
cles: Deviled Ham,
Deviled Chicken,
Deviled (lame.
Potted meats and j
game, lunch ton-i
(zuc, chipped beef, I
fresh sardines,,
nurse de Fois Gras j
lobsters, shrimps, I
I'oBton baked,
beans, Kitted bloat- j
ers, bwiHg cheese, ,
paper napkins and ,
paper plates. j
We can sell them
to you. j
The Grocer i
Victor -:- Bicycles.
Cash or Installment.
Largest stock of solid and cushion
tire wheels on the coast from
$10 to $30.
Give us a call before buying
331 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Duffy & Frost
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
We sell as
low as we can
lower than
I ever before.
We have
too many.
We are after
Corner Fifth and
Main St.,
Oregon City, On.
Uncle Hum Will
Deliver Them
A ywhere.
Oregon City Dye Works
Cleaning and Repairing
Gentlemen's Hatu Dyed it Cleaned.
Ladies' Work a Specialty
8hwl, Clonk! ud Pronei given good
an appearauce a Dew.
Feathers, Gloves, Etc.,
Cleaned, and (Iren anr thade deaired.
First Class Work. Lowest Kates.
Foot of Fifth St., Oregon City, Or.
To Horsemen!
The Well Known Pull Blood
Englinh Shire Home,
Will be on his regular route
and at
Noblitfs Livery Stable,
Monday of Each Week.
Full particulars by address
ing Chas. XoVHtt or the
Owner and Manager.
Paris Hair store.
135 Fifth St Portland, Or.
We are epec
UlUtg in mak
ing vitg D1
toupetR for
street wear for
ladies & gents.
Most natural
looking. Come
and see us if
you need any
thing. The beat
tilace in Port-
Febvet & Hanebout,
Mfgs. Human Hair Goods.
mored to Mil Fellowa' temple 3. W. Cor. lat
auil Alder, Purtlaud, Oregvo.
DK. E. CJ3RO TO, ,
GUaaea Filled and Furnliihed. 169 First Streets
Portland, Orefoo
In County Court of Clackamai County, Stat of
Notice la hereby given, that the undersigned
hat been duly appointed by the above entitled
Court administrator of tho eatate of Gitalin
Gaedke, deceased; and all persona having
claims against said estate are hereby null Bed
to prerent them, with the proper affidavit at
tached, to the undersigned at hit ofllce iu Ore
gon City In said county and state within tlx
mouths (mm the date of this notice.
Dated at Oregon City, Oresou. thia 22d day of
Juue, 1SSH, S Hl'ELAT, Adm'r
St of the estate of Gustlue Gaedke.
Cooke's Stables, ,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Successor loU.U T sL Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Riga of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason- -able
Main Street, near Fifth.
A strictly first class resort conduct
ed under American principles.
All the Best Brands of Cigars.
Notice Is hereby given, that I have been ap
pointed by the County Court of Clackamas
county, Oregon, guardian ol the person and es
tate of E. YV. Creaey, a person incapable ol tak
ing care of his own affairs through Imbecility.
All persons are notified to have no dealings
with said K. W. Creasey, as I will not be renpim
sible for any debts be may contract. All money
or obligations owing said E. W.Cressey must b
paid to me. ). C. HunaiBroau, Guanlian.
June'W, 1S94,