SERVICE Al J LE DRESS. IT IS NEAT AND TRIM, PRETTY AND WOMANLY. It Can II Worn Outdoor Id gun.hltia , and In Storm With Kaay Adjustment It lleeomes a Pleasing Housa Dress. A drew made aftr the accompanying description from the New York HornM f a prize business dress for women lx practical and feminine and never f videdly out of fashion. For the street Jhe costume consists of a close fittiutf, round waist, cornfortfiWysnut?, to which is hooked or buttoned a coat skirt. A belt with bas to match conceals the joining. The skirt Is round and short enonxh for ease in walking and isslisihtly draped. The skirt should be carvfuliy shrunk be fore making and firmly stitched and lined at the bottom. The sleeves should lie neither full nor tight, but loose cuongh for comfort in moving and close at the wrist. Under the bodice ia worn pretty waist of silk or cambric, the edirea of the sleeves showing a little as cuffs under the bodice sleeves. This al lows or great vuriety iu costume, as changes can be made, and women love individuality in their drossiug and will not wear a uuiform. For the house the coat skirt may be re moved, the revers turned buck all the way to the belt to give more ease and the belt readjusted. For warm weather and more complete negligee the bodice may be entirely re moved and the silk waist neatlv belted FOR OrTDOOR WEAR. down. There are no buttons to come un fastened, no pocket hole to gape in the back, for the skirt f.utens at the side, in front, and has also two flat pockets iu- fwrted on the hips, with an np ami down opening concealed with a stitched flap. In the silk liuing of the coat skirts are also deep, broad pockets for papers and memoranda, but there is none on the outside to disfi,Tira the smooth lines. Under the lapl is another little pocket, and there are two more inside the bodice on the bust. With a stamp and change pocket in the sleeves, this makes eight or nine in all, and the bug makes auorh- er convenient receptacle, while the belt also has a little pocket made on it tc serve as a purse for small change. The bag will hold the handkerchief, pencils, notebook, silver knife, extra pair of gloves, powder puff, tiny folding comb and bonbonniere. The watch may be worn outside or in a breast pocket, For rainy days a loop and a bntton are arranged in the back of the skirt to lift it gracefully from the muddy streets. The bodice revers fold over each other, and a tiny hook holds them in place to protect the chest from cold. The material of this costume should be of the best unshrinkable wool, such as serge, bopsacking, Scotch tweed orchev iot or tine diagonal. It would be hand some made in black, with revers faced in black moire, a blouse of green silk, dot ted with black, and a green lizard skin belt. A round black hat is suggested. A turban or toque is always in style, and wings are more serviceable than plumes, which come uncurled. An English walk ing hat of felt is good for bard service, but the matter of the choice of a hat 6hould be individual, as its first require- I FOB INDOOR WEAR. nients are becomingness and appro priateness rather than durability. A simple dotted tulle veil looks modest and stylish and keeps the hair in place. Heavy pique gloves in dark red or tan, with stitched backs, are suitable, and washable chamois gloves are convenient. Shoes should be well cut calf for heavy weather or of easy fitting patent leather, which are always ready. Removing Clan Stopper. Sometimes it is very difficult to re move a glass stopper from a bottle. A writer in the New York Tribune says: A cloth wet in hot water sometimes is sufficient; but if this fails, remember the principle is to expand the neck of the bottle by heat and not the stopper. With hot water the latter is often heat ed equally with the neck, and thus the desired effect is not produced. By hold ing the neck of the bottle about half an inch above the flame of a lamp or can-' die, however. in a few seconds the moat , in a iew seconus tne most of obstinate cork will generally come out. Care must be taken to turn the bottle rapidly and not allow the flame to touch the glass, as it might crack it. When the glass is thoroughly heated, a steady pull and twist will almost always bring oat tha atQursar. Ml" H 3$ Ml F J& OS 7 l THE CARE OF BABIES. Two Methmla Ventilated by a Motliar VI ho Tried til Wrong On. The advent of a baby should not be the signal for upsetting all the ordinary ; rules of a house. The baby himself is 1 much happier and much more likely to be healthy if from the beginning he Is brought up by method. During the first month of his little life the youngling of the human flock is often treated with such indiscretion that it is very hard for! him and for bis jxxr mother to get htm the IVluiubiau dairy test. The Jersey into good habit later. j butter scons! lower than either the "1 fully intended." writes a young rihorthorti or the Guernsey butter on matrou in Harper's Hazar, "to bring the point of flavor. This was true right my little Duncan up well from the first iloiig with the same butter maker bun hour of his birth. And I would have tiling the whole and doing it by the had very little trouble if Walter's moth- same treatment. This came like a clap er had not just theu come from Scotland of thunder from a clear sky, a there to visit us. Duncan was her first grand- has Kvu nothing heretofore- from a ered child, and the adoring grandmother had itable source to show any inferiority in no patience with new fangled notions in Jersey milk in point of flavor. On the the nursery. "I rocked my babies to contrary, the difference, if any, was con sloop," she said stoutly. 'I never laid the sidered to be the other way. poor little thingsdown iu their cribsand 1 lint it did not teach, after all (this Co expected them to go to sleep. Yes, and ' luiuhmu test did noO, that Jersey milk I carried them when they cried. Many's makes poorer flavored butter, except the time, Margie, that I've carried your when handled in that way. The treat husband up and down the floor for two' iitt'iit was such wtth all the milk ns to hours without stopping. He was a great ' bring out the flavor lietier with theother heavy fellow too. I would drop down' kiuds than with the Jersey. There was utterly worn out at last. 'still a chance that the Jersey butter "Xurso the baby by the clock? No, ; would rank in ll.ivor with the others If my dear. I believe in nursing a Why , so handled that the flavor would be de when he's hungry little and often is my veloped. way. A baby will never be a baby again. Accordingly, for the last week of the Let himbeloved and petted while lie can.' i 30 day test the Jersey cream was ripen So the grandmother argued, and so, be-ed by John Hoyd, the Jersey man of ing a resolute persou, buxom and strong; Elmhurst and the inventor of the lloyd of hack hs of will, she had her way. Dun-1 ripeuiug system, and, lot it at once went j can became, bless his heart, the tvrant ahead of the other two. This proves I and the despot a baby does wheu he has his own way. We were abject slaves, and Duncan ruled us with a rod of iron. Poor little man! He had the colic per petually. He woke, up a doren times every night. When seemed as if we must hush our Terr breathinir. lest it should disturb him. "My ueighbor, a positive little lady, with no relations to interfere in fond foolishness, brought up her wee Johnnie according to method. She nursed him by the clock. Therefore she could leave the house for a certain length of time, knowing that he would not suffer for food while she was gone. He was the sweetest baby never sour or disagree able from repletiou. She never allowed him to be wakened that visitors might look at him, and she didn't let people kiss him if she could help It As for carrying the baby, that was absolutely forbidden. He was put into his cradle widw awake, warm and comfortable, and was left in a darkened room to go to sleep. "There is no telling how the boys will turn out when they are old enough to go to school, bnt Johnnie is far less trou ble than Duncan. Not that I would ex change babies, though!" Coeoanot Pudding. Take a cupful of milk, one-quarter of ; a pint of grated cocoanut, 8 tablespoon- fuls of bread crumbs, 3 tublespoonfuls ! or powdered snar. 2 tablespoonfuls of i melted butter, a cup of stoned raisins. the grated peel of a lemon, well beaten whites of 2 eggs. Beat until well mixed. Butter a cold pudding dish and bake slowly an hour; then turn ont on a flat dish and sift pulverized sugar over it. Serve hot or cold with cream, custard or fruit. Inpippnalr Floor Stain. In the house of an artist living in one of New York's many pretty suburbs on the sound all the floors are stained, with rugs placed here and there. The process of staining is of the simplest and least expensive. Burnt uruber was thinned with turpentine and two coats applied, waiting to give the second until the first was dry. Then one coat of the hard wood finish put up in cans was applied. and the result was a warm, rich tone, the most effective background possible for rugs and one on which every piece of furniture shows to the best advantage, To lotereat Small Children. Bring one of the children's sand beds indoors in a shallow box. Keep it damp. A few toy garden tools, box covers, sticks of one size, tubes, muffin rings, spoons, etc., will keep them busy playing at gardening, mining, building, journeying. They will make mountains, valleys, riv ers, fences, bridges and wells. Peas and flaxseed will sprout in the sand and flourish awhile. Decorative Duster Hag. It is no new idea, that of concealing the useful but very practical dustinif cloth in a decorative bag, but the duster bag described by The Modern Priscilla presents new points in the manner of its BEAtTT AND CTILITY BLENDED, decoration. The bag referred to is made of blue satin and trimmed with a border ZZIT,. Z Z " ' ""'"er cut, iu Boauops t. tnn mn, ,,.,,. A wu Ai... .i at the top and decorated with disks and crescents, painted in bronze colors. The bottom of the chamois is painted in hori zontal lines with the bronze colors and cut in strips to form fringe. The duster hi provided with a large metal rin for, n a n it it rv mmJ. MaWaTiaUAtHal aTaaV i BUTTER FLAVOR. Th Matter with it in the Coinmhiaa Dairy Teat. There is a nice little illustration In that flavor is very materially Influenced ' by the butter maker, llad flavor is real ly always the fault of the butter maker; it is his business to detect and reject spoiled milk and to make up good milk or good cream into good flavored butter, ! with never a break in the record, To go even further. Professor Haeeker ! of Minnesota has actually demonstrated j that he can make butter of excellent ' flavor from stale and badly tainted milk by cultivating the flavor produc- mg germs in pure milk from the station herd and using some of this milk as a starter to develop flavor in the ripening of the cream. I"rofessor Georgeson's re port from Denmark also show the in fluence of "cultures" to produce the re quired flavor, but ordinarily the butter maker can master the situation without recourse to these "cultures." If he ripens as he should, he will have gtsxl flavor, for this is proved every day in many a creamery. If he does not rits-n as he should, he will always have oor flavor, I and this is proved far too often for our i credit. The responsibility lies with the butter maker. He must "cure the right flavor or stand guilty. He need not use a start er if he has no call to do so, but he must attain the desired flavor, for it is attain- ! able, or stand convicted without the ben- etit of the clergy. We write thus plainly because justice to the efficient workmen as well as justice to the consumer do niamls thut this terrible sacrilice of mou- ey shall cease. The demand of the times is that professional butter makers shall be experts and shall do their whole duty and be suitably rewarded for it, Cream- ! ery Journal. Marketing Milk and lluttar. There are several methods of disposing of the products of larger dairies. Where there is a good creamery, it is liest to send milk to it. In a large eastern dairy town farmers have tho market reports and so can form a gtsid idea of what they ought to get. The prices are grad ed according to quality of product and style of package. The butter tub of va rious Bizes is the principal form of pack age used, but the live pound lox is com ing to be used by those who make an extra quality of butter. It is made in vari ous shapes, but the round box is mostly J - ... 1 !. l. l l. useu. Duuer pacKeu in ineso nrings irom 4 io 4 cents more than t tint pacKed in tubs, but it must bo gtxd butter. Taking all things into consideration, the making and selling of first class butter should be a very profitable business, and the farmers should so manage as to se cure money at once for their product. Field and Farm. !alry and C'reumery. It is recommended that in winter, when it is impossible for creameries in some localities to get a sufficient supply of milk to churn everyday, that the man agers try pasteurizing the cream. Then it will do to mix with fresh cream a cou ple of days later, so that tho churn will not have to run every day. After the cream is separated, heat it to from l.rsOto 100 degrees F. and then cool it at once down to 00 degrees. Hipen the pasteur ized cream with a starter either of sour cream or fresh buttermilk. Experiment cautiously at first. Ointment for caked udder: Take a cup of vaseline nnd thoroughly stir in equal parts of Kpirits or turpentine and spirits of camphor, or saturated camphor, as called by some; beat np thoroughly and rub udder, or apply to any wound. A winter dairyman who won first prize for the best paying herd of 10 cows in New Jersey aims to have two-thirds of his cows fresh from Aug. 20 to Christ mas. He says a cow will produce 20 per cent more milk for her feed when she comes in fresh at this time. Then in the spring when slio is inclined to fall off the grass comes and keeps np the flow. Do you want to start a dairy herd on small means? Get a few common cows that are noted as rich and heavy milkers. Then spend your money in buying a thoroughbred bull of a dairy breed. Get the breed that suits best for your purjKjse, according as yon want milk or butter. The Holstein-Friesians give a great qnantity of milk, but you want to mix it with that of the Jersey or Guernsey to give the most satisfaction to your customers who buy milk. Breed your common cows to the dairy bull. Breed the heifer calves of this product, to the same sire again. Thus in about three years you will have your herd finely started. But do not use the sun, hail witb more tnitI1 tliree g,m,ratiou, ol the same blood. SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. A recent discovery U tlitit hcntloclio, (tUnlneM, dull new, contusion, of the, mind He., am duo to Ueruiijtemenl of tlm nerve editors thh'U fiipiilje t ho brain Willi nerve fmvei Unit Uin, ilysswlii, iimiraltfla, wind In atoiiiin-li. etc., arise from lliinlerniiiie meiii ot tUv norvo couteinimmilylhii these, or Kmi' with nerve llttlil or forvti. Till-. I likewise, true uf many dlsoiisos of lint heart mill hum. Tho nerve system In like a tclmniiili system, n will 1k seen lijr Ihu ui'voiiipinij ing i Hi. I in1 mm' v. Iilie Hill's are Hie nerve willed riinvey the iim-vii 1 r from I he :iOi' e center to cvei-y nun of Ihu h-slv, fiitt n the el.v rloeiirreut I ('oiive)i'tl uloinr I h e lelcr-oili win. to ever y tat Ion, 1urs:e or i.-ill. Dnlitiiiry tlt V-l.-llklls full to icmiM thl fit' tj lti-.ic.ul of Ircut Inj I ht lierve.'eti ler for theemiM o f I he ill-mrtlera lirUliof therefrom they treat Ihu nrt ulte It'll r'r.inkllu Mile. l. I, I.I, II , the hlutily eelehr.ited ii" I a I lt ami n elrin of nervo is disease. nml Slither oi in. my ii.iIihI t remises on the liilicrsiihj.-.i, l-i-U kIiii'u reii,', he I rill ll of the llrsl h. iieiiieni, ami his Keslormlve Nervine l pn'ii.ireil mi thm prlii. Iile. Its aw-i's la en run nil illseiiM' arlslnii from uVruiiiio- 111 'III of the Impious hVKlem Is Wiimleis. I ful. us l he thoiisiiiiil of unsolicited lestlmo . HI lis In novoii of the i-omiinny umitufuo i luriiii the remedy ainily prove. Pr. Mlli-s' lii'siiirnllvn Nervine Is a rellnlihi ! remedy for all nervoti discuses, sueh u h'Mihi'-he. nervous ih-hllllv, irMlriilloii, : le.'iiha'.iie'.a, iIImIiiomi hysteria, aesuul ih I'llllv. M, Mills (liinetl, 'lh'y. HI.', ll I ohl by all ilriiKiilsts on a isKlilve giiiirnnlin, nrseut tlms'l hy the I ir. Miles .Metlkal I'm, 1 Kikhnrt, Iml., on ns'olpl of prli'ii. II 'r Uil I tie. sin Isitlles for . express prepilhl. Kestonitlvn Nervine rsHlilvuly toulalns OO oplali's or ilungerou Uruna. I For nalo !y Churiimn it Co I Sunday Services. dr. I'AI'I.'S (TIITtl ll- r., iial- Ki'v. J. A. Krkslortu l'alnr. rlervleea al lln ehs-k a In and ! 7 Iu. I'rayr aervlc ivery evpuitiK. Klltsr COMiUKtiATUiNAI. (11111111 - Itev, J. W Cns.n I'astnr. Servlera at 10 .w a. m. and s ou r. a. Sunday slier m,,niii,r I aervit-e. I'taypr nipeitn Wednesday pvpiiiik al I I S IWo.eliM'k I'rayer lueplltx ul Vi.iiii, i'e,,,Ir.t ' Svpn'i'na a! 7 i,,t.V.mi-.k",lr",'r vpiiiik at 7 pr.mpl. I riKXT KAHIST lilt Kfll -IUV. liliaaa , I oiu Paa'.nr Mnriilui Servlrp al II sumlsy Seh.uil mi 1.' Fieultiic Sprvlep S .aj. KeKiilar prayer iiieeiiiK pvpnlim. Monthly Covenant Mepilnii pvery Wpdueaday evening preeeuiux no. nr. I suiuiay lu the muiilti. A Cornlal Invilatlnu to all. ST. IOIIN 8('linu'II.CATIIOl.l(-l'v. A iliM.KHa.txh, I'a.'.ur. Ou Sunday ins., at s and 10 . a. a Every appoint and fourth Sin, da iientisn .eriiiun alter the a uplink ins.. At nil other inas.ea Kutfll.h aeriunn.. Sunday rlehnnl at t :l f. a Veipera. al,l,,t!lU-l uhjects. ii, Hcutillcllnu at 7 IK) t. at. MKTIIciDlST KrirtCOi'.W. Cllt'Krll.-Klv G. Svkks, I'a.tur. MornltK aprvlee al II Sunday riehiKd at 10 uo, i U.. uieeilut after mnrnliif servile. Kvetilua aervlrn at 7.JU. Kpwi.rth Leatuc mpetint Sunday evpiiltif al 6 ), I'rayer Meeting; Thursday evening al :J atrangpra pnrdlsllv Invited FIKST HKKSIIYTKKIAN CIII'RCII.-Kay. G. W. Oibonsv. Pa.lnr. Service, at II a. at and 7 TO r. M. Hal.l.alh School at 10 a. M. Yntilig People's SisMety of Christian Kudeavor meeia every Sunday evening al :) Wednesday evening prayer meeting al 7 30. Heala tree. KVAN()t.lLAI.tTII'HCII-(iKUMAN - B f. Mykhs, pastor. Prearhtng aervlepa evpry Holiday at 11 A. M ami 7 ;ki P. M Sahhath evrrv Hundav al 10 A. M (Dev. IP. Ilntt. Hum.) Weekly Prayer Meelliig every Wednesday evening L'NITKIi III1KTIIHK.N IN CM HtMT.-Prpaeh ln every aee I and fourth Sunday id pacta mouth, at II UO a m. and 7 .an p. m. W II, an -I.ais. Pastor Hnmlay aehisd at IU a. ai. at iireunn ( Hy First .itndiy al Matnanii aehmil house. Mi'Ulla; Third Humlay, Muiintsln II, una 11 a. in.: 'Ilmher lirove, A p. m.-Ml.a Delia lireen. Siiperlnietidpiit Sunuay aehisd. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Postollicc-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, Oil. FAMILY-:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries aie Fresh and of tlio Ix'Ht quality. In Prices meet Portland ComjH'tition. Gary & Wissinger. Let us have a trial order JOHN YOUNGER, IJ IS W IS LER, Opp. Huntlcy'H Drue Htoro, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IX Great liritain and America. Give me atrial. Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STI "TOLEDO -:- TRIPS. Down Leave Dayton 5 A. M.. Oregon City 9:30, arriving in Portland 10:30 A. M. Up Leave Portland 2:30 P, M., Oregon City 4 P. M. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast time made. For freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. 1 L Socioty Directory. OltKiitiN CITV 1 1 0 A 111 OK THAI'K, HiM'Hsl I'l.lllt Ilium,, ell Hel'iitnl In cm h in. mill, Vlalieia weleumu, . K. ImNAI.IiHtiN, tlKO, C. IIIU1WNKI.I. Heervlarjr, I'reshletit. OA VKI. I.OIHIK, Nil. ,V, A O, t'. H Mi-i.ii..i',iii, nml (utirih Msiniilsy iviiIiiiii at K n Ik In .1 hall. Canity. Visiting hrnlhvri insilv i fit-nine, K K I'iSI-ToN, Iti'eoriler. K V. M stiiMM a, M saler Workman K. OK I'. SI All I Cli'iK Ml. W, J f. ItUley ('. (',; 'Hi, .ins. .Nell. .,11, K l II il l M. Mi-els nery We. In ilsy I'venlnv st s e ,-i.H-k In I's.lli' lisll, I, Htnlliiirs Ir.uii other K nl I . II. t I , 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 (C loilltel 1 1 v 111" I tiSW KUO 1-lUHiK Nil. HM, A. Y, A A M Mim'I Ihe eemiil ami feiirih Mninnli y nf eseh nieiiih nl 1 All Ma.i.iii III iimni stsmling nte I 111 Iteil In sllehil. i. It. IUks. w. m K. J. Ili'ssm I., Meo'y OSW Kill) l.nitK No, hi, I II. ll, T. Mi'elmver) Krhls) iivenliiii In llmnex hall III HI, I lewn J li, IUisK", I'. T. John Kni'tK, Hee y, M II I, A M K I I V. IIKIIKK All PKi HI.K I.OIHIK, Ml, Mi-i-ls lhi leennil nml fourth Memliiy In iliu liienlh t 7 ;i" I' M , In I. O ti r llvll M. U i iuiis.s, X. M. I Miss is heerelsry. N (I. I. A a, nK K. H IIAKI It t'AMI'. H UK V Mi'l'la In K. I' IUII nil llolai' ul sh.l l.iurtti Men, Is) evvnlutts ul pseli mmiilt. Mh W r: JiiiissiiN. I'oil MliiNnaaA t.'ai.irr. H'y. MHI'I.KI'OK I.OIMIK Nil '.n, l, OK II. Mens nery TtienUy evritli.. Ma III, ki.,n. c. o f niRi livna. Iltw. MI NIilsK I.UIMIK. Nu U. A. U V W i Meets itvprv see.unl an, I (mirth Sslut.lsjr of rarh in. .tilh si W llsniivlllit, urrumi M. V.u -mi, M. W. Jolts Tvi.a, TUI lltK.N l.ulitiK No. I.Si At "tV, W '. Men. pverv Thursday vieuln at odd Ki-lhovi hall, OiMi'ttii. Vlilllni always ol ei'in I. Wi. Min is, Kani Mtaa, Keeordrr W w Ml II. A I.I. A t.nln.K No 0. A O. I'. V4 Mreia llr. i slid ihlnt Himdsy In aeh nuuith al at'lnsil li.iu-e Vlainni tnrinU-r. msdn cl eenip T. B. sru r, il W j. vi. i iiiiMta, nee. r. l.lJt l ll'Y l..,ln,Kt,K A.o I' W. Mrpla pvery Hsiurday pvpiiIiik of as.-li mmith In A. (I V. hall 7th m All aulnuruini brvliiri'ii PiinlUtly luvllrd n altpud. 1. K. OA ITT, M. W. (im ( Aiirr. Heror.ler. Kol'NI AlN IIohKi ii. Nu I. Mrflllar lllpellui apeuud W rdtip.dav In oa.'l, - month at Plutllin li..,i.e, past aldp Main allrvt, ! tietwreti Seventh and Kltfhth J. W,HtKr. See. II HTaaiuHT. r'rm M . ui-isx. KorPttian. Mill. Al. I. A UKANliK, NO. 0. I' of II i """.r h"". Wr"" " ""'' arepud Hatunlay of r.eli is iutli at lu a m ! rrlluw niemlM-ra madp wrhum I Jaa.Nr.i snK Ms.ter ( K II Cisipua Hpp. W' A II N K It (ill ANiiK No IU. p of 11 Meet fniirth s iturdsr of earti mnnth al theli nan iu New r.ra. I'a. .Mptuhur. Ms.ter Mrs. Mav Waldo It. Sep ) MKADK I'OST. No X ll A It.. IiKPAUI MKNT nr iiiihiiti.N Meets nr.t Mull. lay ol each month, al K nl P. Hall. Oregeu City. Vl.ltlng rnnirade. made weirome. DAVID MpAKTIII'K, Ciiinmander, Ma. Williams, Adjuiaul iit.S. TlooK POST. No, '..' (1. A. U , D an nieut of Oreiroii. Meela In aphisd hou.p al .Needy nu ti rat Hat nr.lay In rach ninnlh al 'i o e,s k p nt. All coiursups made welcome I f llli i.lsna. II. Tiinarsns, Adjt. Comiuauder HONS or VETKIIANS. K. P Ilsker l amp, No, Is. meet, every first a nil mini Thursday evening ul each lu. mill, at a., oi r. nan. w . f. Jehmon. Captain: 11 H llelotny. Hppre setllstlve IMv Micampmeul; (I, O. Wish), 1st Lieutenant: Amino Hl. kli.m, :d l.lruleiistit i.. A iierinaii, Isl Sergeant. CLACKAMAS I.olKiK, No. ft7, A O. V W Meela nr.l and third Monday In each immtti, at Htralnht a Hall Vlallltig hrethern wplcmne v.. a. rini u. Ilouoaa. Kee. M. W, COM'MMU HOOK AMI I.AHHKK CO. Hceta nrst rrotsy ol tsch month at romiiaiti piikiiip limine, liias. Atiikv. I'r.., C. II I'ii.miw, Heo'y. cn Iiithih. r rm CATAMACT IIOSK CO. No 1 Meets wciii. I Tnpsilay ol ps.-ll month at Cat arnci cukiiip nott.p. n n. now at i.i. I'rc. U. II. liasTiiw, Mpc'y, J. w o cossm.L. r'rn MEAUK HKI.IKK COKI'M. No. IX. HKI'AKT MKHT OF OKKUON. Mrs. M. H I'll.hiiry . . . I'ri-sMrnl Mra. . I.. l.iM'hraiia, - . Trcasiirpr. Mrs. j. ll nar.lliiK. - Hmrtar Meela on Ural ami third Tno.taya ol psch month In K ol V. Mall. Mcmhera nl corp. iiwoi .i'iiiru, eiiroiatiy welcomed. tj....i.h... ."T. .. . r. .. ". r coilfflp i , rilim ur.tti m r-.s. r. II. ti. (I. Armnry, Thin) ami Main. Itcunlnr al r 11 liluM, Monilsy. lobular hit.inesa nieelliiiia, Aral nontiay oi eacn inontn. orricKKs, J. IV . (ouiontf. ... Caalalli f.H Kelly. - - Klrstl.l eiiaiu I.. I., rickeni, - - Rec Lieutenant ill'TTK CHKKK OIIANliK, No. Hi, I', nl ll Meet at Ihclr hull In Msr.iusni. aenoml Hal ur.Uv In each month at ill a. in. Visltini mi'in ocrs ni way a wtticonie. J. K JACK, J. . WIIITK, Hecretary Mn.tcr. KAI.I.H KNCAMI'MKNT. No. ,1.0 O.K. Mocia first ami llilr.l I iiesilaysof each in. .Mill at Oihl Ki'llnw. hnll. M.-iiiln-rs nml vlali-in tsu inri-ns, riiroisiiy IIIVHCO to Htll'lHI. J A. HTKWAKT, W. II .IOWKI.I.. Mcrlhe. chlcl I'Htrlarch W AC II KNO 1 ll I (IB, No" l:i. Mncta TiniMliiy evenltiK at A, O. I'. W. Ilail. Via lung metnhura Invito 1. J, II. HowaKii, rlacliein. ( HAa. Kki.I.Y, (',. of K. CAN11V l,OIIK NO, Ml , I. O. O. T. Meets Drat and third Saturday evening ol eacn 111. Mini ai iwilKltt a lisll, 1,'iinhy. VIMUllK iniMooers always made weicotnu K1.I.A K nkiiit, rice (Iko. W, Kniiiiit. W,0 WO0HMEN OK TIIK WOUU). Willamette Kalla Camp No. M, mouta 2d and llh Tuesday lilulus In each month In K. nl I'. halt. Vlsltlnt( nelKhhora uiiide wpIcoiiih. K. K. Maktin, Clurk. K. M. Mack.C. (1. OHVVKOO OKANOK NO. 175 I', of II. Meets till' sec. mil Hnturdav of each month at 10a. 111. O. Katon Master. J, Q. Uauic Hee'y. HAM AHCI'8 OKANOK P. OK II. NO. 2i7 Mneta on Ihe first Haturilay In each month at 10 o'clock a. ni. al the Imimh.cii. school houao. 8 YOUNU, Muster. T. II. Kxathrrs, Secretary. HT. JOHN'S IIKANCII, NO. 7, C. K. of A. Meets every Tuesday evenlne at their hall corner Muln and Tenth Streets, (Iri-irnii city. N. C. MK.'HKI.a.Hoc'y. T. W. Htll.uvAN, Hrei. MULTNOMAH I)I)Olt, NO. 1, A. F A A. M. Ilolda Its ri'iriilar cominiinlcatlona on flr.i and third Saturdays ol each month nt 7:!K) p. m. nreuiren iiikoiiu atautiinu are Invited to attend. L. L. I'OKTKH, W. M, T. K. KYAN, Hecretary. CLACKAMAS CIIAFTKK. Clncknmai Chanter Nn. 1 It A M itnnt.. Ciuivucutloii third Monday ol the inoiith nl 7:8'l i ai. J. II. W'AI.KEIt, II. P M flciitapitu, Sec'y. OKKUON LODIIK, No. 3, T.(). O. K. Meets every Thursdny at 7:W) o'clock M. In the Odd felh.uf.' llll ...... Memhern of the Order are Invited to attend. OBO. C. KLY, N. o. ThnaRynn, Secretary. ohwkuo 1.01-0E, no wTi.'o. 6. r. Meets at Odd Kellow'a hnll, Oaweirn, every Monday evening. Vlaltlnu hrethien made welcome. W. J. PIIINAZKK, N, O. J. r. KliLIY, 8eo. EAST AND SOUTH TIIKSIIASn ROUTE or tim SOUillHKN l'ACIIIC COMTANY. Kx.iess Traliis leave I'mlland Dally, I 1 lii'nii. ti i.'i r m . 1 lllf M. Ill ."'I H. I.y l.v Ar I'liitlsiid Ar orsvuii'lty l.v M I laliel.i'il I.V a .ti , D, 7 lu a. at, 7 in r m, lilNINll ('Alls ON niil'KN llol'IK Pullmnn Duffut Sleepers. A II Soconcl-Clast! Sloo)ln Car Allsi lii'd In all thrnunh Iralm IKiHl.lil'llil MAIL Hallyl l.v l.v Ar I'.. n, in, I Ar tiri'imii'liy l.v II hunt tv .i p. M .1 ."J r h 7 ii. M e :ii m li ;si p n Weal Side 1 1 v la.1 tin. IIKTWKK.N riilllT.ANU A Nl I'OllVAI.I.IH. Mull Train. Hally (Kieppt Sun, lav I 7 .in i I-r l.v Ar mtlalid nrvsllta Ar l.v I in r it At All, any and "nrvallla pmnipct with Irallia id ore-nu and I'seine haltrnad Kit.ri'sa Train liallv iKierld Nmiilay) : era. 7 j.'ir. a l.v Ar I'mlland Ar Mi MIiiuvIIIp l.v s .'1 a I U Mi. THROUCH TICKETS TO Aid. I'OINIS IX TIIK KAHTKIlN SI'AIKS. CANADA AND Kt'ltlil'R Call ho nhtalurd at Inap.l rate. Imui I, II M'sir. Aneut, Ori'intt Clly, K I' KililMIS. A. I II K. and I'a.a. Ainiil. Through TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, ANO ALL Kasteni Cities. Q 1 DAYS TO )2 CHICAGO tln(uifkt toChicngo and tho hast. (uiiki'r to Omaha and Knnsax Oitv. Pt'I.LMAN A TOURIST SLKKI'. KKS, FKKK KKCLININd Chair Cars, Dining Cars. S. H. II. Clark. ) (Jlivi-r V. Mink, Iticcivers. K. Kllt ry AiiiKthoii, j For rales ami general informa tion cull on or lulilri'MH, W. II. IILMtMtl'ItT, Asst. (lenl. Puss. Agt., 2 I Wanliington St., cor. Third, I'ortlaiul. Or. -tiii:- Oregon Pacific Railroad CHAS. CLARK, Ucccivcr. DirtH't Lino Quick disimtch Low freight rato Utw i Wil- lainctlo Valley points ami San Francisco. OCKANHTKAM Kit SAILINGS. Steamship " IIOMBK.0 Leaves San Francisco March 11 ami 'J-l. Leaves Viutiiua March !), l'.laml 2il This Company reserves tho right to change sailing tlato with- out notice. For freight and piiHsonucr rates apply to any agent. CI I AS CLARK. Receiver. Chas. J. Ilendrys, Son it Co., '.. n u ir 1 . rt. r, s hum. n, oiarKCt M,, !S. Y . For Km iii.n"."l'f n2 ",n ""V""' "Minion, write to .Ji,?i.vl, lVi'l'!h:' """'X ' yara' fiinnatlon eonci.rnlnii I'nlenl. anil how In "i lain tli.oo ant free. Also a of macliaul leal and aoumtlno hooka i.nt free. latonta Ukun throiiah Mutin It Co. reoelsa fpanial notice in tha Hrlenilile AiiTerpn?anS out post tn the Inspiitor, This anlcmllil J sstu-U weeki, ;, eliwantlytlluatra"" hMoyraJV. lannat Plrnulallon of any aelentlllo work lu ha world. " I a year, hiiiiii.lo eo,t, fj lu" ilulldlua Billtlon. n.,.iil l,l, ti u7. .1..'":. ennina, 'if oonta. kveri iniii,l,.,r n.,.,,..'?.1' tlful platna. In colors, ami nliotoxrai.ha of "tmm .....n..., . , ,,.niIH, uiiHiiioig i,iii ira to show th '.'."!' "Z'ty"' ""I """" tsintract a. A lUr . aniisnai o, nsw yona, aU lli.oauwAH IXhIiIUIkmI 1MI.T. PICiNTPP Transfer1 and Ex;pre$, Freight and parcels deliverod to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. II KnKIII.KIt, Matiaarr. mm Tickets YAQUINAROUTE S COPYRIGHTf?.-s 1:. I. ran.