Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1894, Image 7

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    CAIIIIH (1,11'I'INOH.
A NIItlit('iillnKrittliin NrlcliiHirliooil Notet
A llntiaNay.
Chiii, July 'I lirro waa KniHrnl turn
lug mil nf njili (rum Ihiii vli'lully tit tu
Joy Die cplrlirnllnii uf I lie (jlnrluiix Knurlli
Ml Ori'Koii City, Kverylmily "had a tilni.
illil IIiik" In one way or nunt her.
Tho irll nt liiitriivi'iiiint In ever pres.
(lit. J, K, (irnliuni ri ri'iilly i'iniiliiil tlix
ri'Hl.i'flHK mill I'hIiiIIhk nf lilt rullri' iliiml
I'llo. Mr, (Irnlmin linn mm of llm iimal nl
trarllva re.lileines In ( 'nrua.
K. ), C(HHr iii hauling liiinlxr fur new
Iiuiiu, In Iik liulll tin rum li.
Nuiulay in whllv ultlliiK at illnner, Hie
(uMilly nl A. O. lnyril waa alarlled liy
Hie nrwa that llm Iiiiu.ii waa Imr iiinvC. A
Koutleiuan rlillim liy saw the II u break
tliruiiKh mi tin rin(. II Id timely warning
mill asslaiiinre, mul tin. lively t'llorlii ut Mr,
llaywaril, lila nun, ami llirea or four otliert
who ram In llii'lr Mill, mtvril tli liiilMIn-.
Tli iUiiink" ae Until, iiiid i liniiilipr, riinf,
U'll, ImoIiIIuk mul furniture lit-iii destroyed,
Tin Urn iiilKlnnli'il (nun Ilia burning uf
antue II r iHiugln llml hml Urn put In tlx
llrrl'lm" liir I he summer. After HkIiIIuk
tlii'iii llm riinf tinirliril lnr h ar of lire ;
lull li as mi Imiir lulrr linlnre lliellre broke
Ilurinii (irul.ani hat K"" east i( Hie
luouiilnliii In lit nuuiiiK friends ami rela
tive". Ili'iiry Hunter has linnc In 1'ilnl liixk,
Kaalern IWrKmi,
Curiii k ( iliiy In Iihk1Ii,k hla m-
Clinilln Miller alan lina a new burn.
Mi'r, liiiiillniT unit l.lnil'ley of Waali
liiKl.in u mi ilinr ny In luruii' In tliU vl
unity, lb'"' Ki'ullriniu lime Kmilil Inml
il Humphrey Jui.i Tin-) c,i-i I in m'I up
a nil mill All'! e-"' I ilwrlllhg lmllea.
Julili li-aia, liu tii rl I'll a trry luul rut
mi the hark uf lni ha ml a lew weeks ao,
liail a timnn ay laal Sunday. He tried In
Imlil lila tram by wrappliiK the lines around
hla liauil', tmt lliry aere polled throiltfli,
rru'rnlnK I In' wound Iii had hux, Mr,
l.rn lni Im vii unalili' In ilu any work aiurr
lila liaml una lit "I liijini"! ami lina ulli'tiil
Inurli "i In Iruiii it. Cai.I.a.
lit. Hllll.ttii In Limbo.
in Junta I'll Ki-v. V. A. Villion, the
1'ri'al'Vti'riHil minister h akipped out
(rum I'urlluinl luat N'pt.'iiilx'r, waa ar
rraled In Jupliii, ,Mo., ami hp ia iiuw
oil lila way tun k III custody of Tliii'l'a
(li'tt'rtivu. I'p In llm llinn nl liia ili'purl
un Wllliaoii una pant r i( i-liurrli in
l'lnlimuil. Thu in ii n not only heart
lnealy dtwrti-d to daiitililura, leaiiiiil
IIiviii ihaolutcly x-iiiiil-, but he Ar
taini'il UrtiC auina ol inonoy iimltT (alae
liiolciiat'i fiom a) iiiiiiiImt v( fll known
ciliavna. It ia ralinmlpil aaya tlit) Tel
rram that Ihoao auina will not fall
hurt of 7(KK). After a lontf clmao I hp
ilitiMliyoa aiii'ni'ili'il in loeatinK t lie
fuuilin', ami ut om Hppri'lii'iiiliHl hi 111
Oltn-er ami primmer woiilj Iimvh arriveil
in 1'ortlaiul at'verul ilaya atto hail it not
Ihm'H for tln prevailing atrikr. They are
due any day.
The revernl hraui'liea of the Masonic
fruternlly Imve Im'i-ii ill pi'Hainn at Tort
lainl (luring thu week. Kcptewntativea
from hero have In en In nttenilunctt aa
follow a : Tu tho iirnml hule A. K. and
A. M., Worfhipful Maater I.. I., l'oiter,
ti. I, 'inty Mini ('apt. J. W. (iunonit
Tit the uranil hxli;e ol the H. A. M., Dr.
W. K. ('mil, J. II. Walker and H. S.
KtrmiKe. I'o ihuCiraml ImIkii of the
KhhIi'iii Star, Mr T. A. Mcllrile, Mra.
II . S, Strange and T. F. Hyn. J. II.
Witlker ia inaHterof the tlrt veil in the
It A. C, iin.l II. S. MraiiKe, U. C. ol II.
The wiirliiiitf of Main alreet when
uptiiikliiiK la not only 'laiii.iiinji the atreet
l.y leiuoviiiK llm mini from the aur'ace
and hetweon tliu hrit k, but it lvavet a
Ucporil In thu aewera which ia likely
to daniHKe them. The. council propone
to atop it.
Rant to Mk a Trotty Taii mm,
A jiretty tHblo cover la mnde of
French jx-nr! Kr"y hrondcloth of good
finality. Draw In each corner n ome
wbat elubonite imttern of flower and
leave, haviiiK it no that it may be cut
out eaaily. Buttonhole the pattern all
around with heavy white silk; then
carefully cut the Inaide out, leaving the
pattern in open work. Have a square
of roae pink autin or ailk, and place it
'nnder the aiinnre of broadcloth. The
edgee tuny buaewed together und trim
med with a hiimlHouio fumy luce or
friiiKiii or tho ede of tho broadcloth
may bo pinked mul a bund of roae col
ored broadcloth bo imido jiiHt wldo
enough to coino below tho pearl Kfy
half inch and he Htitched totlio Bilk lin
ing by two rowM of Btitchit which
will effectively conceal tho raw odKea.
The lining will need to be held in place,
in thin cn ne by tntuf la upon the comers
or butterfly bows placed at iuturvuls
noar tho edge.
How to IUvIvp IlroiiplriK Cut Flowora.
Tio their stems cloaely toKether, cov
er their tops with paper to exclude the
air and plungo the dowers into a deep
pitcher or jar of water nearly up to
thoir tops. Tut in an ice box or the
coolest place to bo found. Blossoms
may thuu bo kept a long time.
How to Htewr l'aranlpa.
Take six good sired paratiips, a tea
spoonful of salt, watdi and scrape the
parsnips, cnt them in halves, throw
them in cold water for u hulf hour. Put
them In a sancepan, cover with boiling
water, add tho salt and boll for one
hour. Take them up on a hot dlnh and
pour over them tho following sauce:
Put a tabU'spoonful of butter in
frying pan with a tablespoonful of
floor, mix until smooth i add a half
pint of the water In which the parsnips
were boiled. Stir and boil for Ave tain
ntcs, add salt and pepper and wrve.
II. w lu Wrliil Out tint Wat Kliinla.
Put them lnalilii a towel and hold the
mmIh In tho hand while wrlngl'iK- A
(iiiiro Ung with a stick run thronxh
each end nod an opening in (he middle
of one aklu la better. lrop the dripping
cloth into the bug, tlmu iino Ihu stick to
turn it by.
How lo far I'nr a Krfrlurratiir.
I'liii u your U'll iK raior in a cool spot,
hut oiiii liuvnig IikU und air, Onco a
wi't k riuiiovi' everything from it, and
tu lie out nil shelves or movable parts.
Wiodi tlii'Hi- wi ll In hot aniipmida, rinae
freely In lolling water. Put them In
the ami or lieforii the riiiigo to dry.
Waali In ihiiRiiuie way the rack on which
llm Ice acta, Imt unit greater care, as this
I generally corrugated or grooved, and
secretions of illit may Im overlooked.
Wanh llm IiibIiIm of (he entire refrigera
tor with suda and boiling water, being
careful to wlw all perfectly dry. Ua
a floxihlo wire for running down the
tnlm where the refuao water runs oft.
Dissolve two tahleaHHinful of washing
soda in a quart of boiling water on the
love. Alter It bolls pour It into tho
leu compart uient, follow It quickly with
a kettle lull ot boiling water und wlie
dry, Leave tho refrigerator open for
an hour and then put back your Ice and
food. Tho heat day In tho week (orchis
work la when the Iceman ia ciwrted.
Attend to it Immediately after breakfant.
Never put warm food in a refrigerator,
aa it will aliMirh llm flavor of other
food, and sloo heat the refrigerator.
Haw to Make I'alilt Milne Wltliout Varnlah.
I'aint intx' d with a liajnid compimttl
of olio gulloii of Unwed oil, two ounce
eni h of burnt uiiilx-r and blin k lead,
ami a ejuarter of a kiuiuI of litlirgn,
boiled togidher. u ill dry uuit kly, with
a hard fiti trait and a ghmeliko vaiuiah.
How to Car I'or a Italhroom.
If you riioiii't km'p your batluooai
sweet by thorough llualiiug every day
and by pouring ln la wisUt dis
solved copH'raa thruiigbtho iipi-nlauit
onco a week, tlmr inuet 1 ome eri
on troubht with the plumbing, and
you should bavn it examined st once.
Sniiietlme Urn plMi in tlm kitchen sink
ia not kept iierfectly fn-o and swtn't, or
tlie cloM't in tho baw-iiient is not prop
erly Himhcd. Try having the piw iu
the kitchen sink flushed twice a week
with strong amln water. It should 1
boiling hot. It will diHHolvu and carry
on all the partlcli a of greaao that iiiny
Ui clinging to the pipe.
IP Fix in - Tile.
,f.af t.' .'-. "4
Tiling in of the ljent ijual
ity nnd Hold at price, to
Yard nnd mill four mili'H east
of Huhliard, Oregon.
Kkiiitkkx 1'iil'Niia uranulnteil aiig-ur,
$1 ; tatilti iluniH,i)yater. and nil kimla of
Vfcel ut dna 3 rnna, '.Tie ; rii-o, adil (H-ah
ami taihiiiH, 4 hhiiiiIh, 2.c; l0 Miimd
aut'k id Kruhaiii flour, com ineul, lioiiiiny,
crurkml wheat, etc., 2'c; 7 iKiitnda
whitn Ih'hiih, 25c, Call ml nee our fiill
woiltlit crt-iimery luitter, 40c inl 45c
roll; choice ilairy, 25c ami ItUc a roll ;
Arlmcklo rolleo, 25c Mr lb. Try our
(iohl Hi'e Tea, l.V. It ia an a any
ti-. If not return ami inotiy rpfiintled.
Ilo'.onii mul I m m aiiUHiitje. 8c A ounil,
or 4 iiiihIk, 2.V; leaf lard, 1(V a xmml.
Try our Irua nnd oonYca. Siiinnona, 348
Washington and 53 I'nion avenue, l'ort
lund ntns Foil wo t.
Notice la lierehy Klven, that the County Court
will rei elve aealed lilda lor tho delivery ut W
corda nl auiiiid laidy II r wood, cut from live
alaudliiK treca: aald wimmI to lie delivered at Ihe
court houae tu Orcitmi City, Oreiion, on or las
lure Ihe IMh day nl Hi'inemlier. XxH. and to lie
flralelaaa In every repect. llldawlll te received
up to noon on ilie Uih day ol Annual, lea-.
Ily order nl Ihe County Court.
OKt r. IIOKTON, County Clerk.
Oregou City, Oreiiuii, July IU, IhH. 41
Notice la hereby given, that the Cnunly Court
will receive aealed hlda from refiilar dlphv
mated phyalclaut In attend all paupera fur the
comity, lucliiilluir the ftirnlahlng of neceaaary
medicine to the tame In all parla of the county
lor the period of one year. Illdt will he received
hy the undcralKiied up tu noon on the Dili day
uf Annual, law. UKO. K. MOKTt.N,
Cnunly Clerk.
By ordei of the ('utility Court.
tUcKoii City. Oregon. July 10, law. 41
Ill the County Couit ol the siaieof Orcgoa lor
the County ol Cluckamaa.
Ill the matter of the catnle til F. W. Campbell,
Nollce la hcrchv Riven, that In puratiance ola
llceiiae and order ol mile duly nuidn and en
tered ol record lu the above entitled Conn on
Ihe llth day nl June. 1H. Ilcenaliia" Ihe anle of
the rcul eatnle hereinafter deacrllicd. I will, on
Monday, Ihe aw.li day ot July, law, at Ihe hour
olone o cliH'k p. in. ol tab! day, at the court
houae In Oreuon ('Ity, Claekamaa county, Ore
ton, aell nl public auction, to Ihe hlnhcal bid
der, the following ib acrlbed real estate, altuated
lu Claekamaa coiinlv. Oregon, to wit: Tho aouth
hall of the iiorlh-weat quarter and the weal hall
of the tiorth-eiiat uniirter of aectlnn alxlecn (HI),
In townahln three aouth, range one eaat of Ihe
Willamette meridian, containing one hundred
and tlxty acrea, more or leaa, to tatlafy the
clalma and ehargea agalnat the taltl eatuto.
Termaolaalo: One-half, or any greater aum
down, and Ihe balance on nr before one year
with Intereat at the rate ol eight per cent per
a it n li in, iccured by a mortgage on ilie premiaet.
5t o the aald estate.
Nollce la hereby given, that the following lltt
ol warranta, which werelsaued inorellianacven
yeara prior lo the tat day ol July, 1W. and
which were taken from the clcrk t orilce, but
atlll remain unpaid, will, If not preaeuted for
payment within alxly dayt from July lat, WW,
ho cancelcil, and payment thereof he rcluaed .
To whom leaned. No Warrant. I'atc laaned. Ain't
W. H. Young 1M4 July 7, IumI ;iiiu
JWCovev Ki-0 July M, " 'JK'
0 r Miller Hi .,1 Aiig.H. " I w
J K Thompaon 47 leo. H, " 2W
Ira Kmllh leo. , " 1 50
W J liilla 6:i7 !'; 1, " 6 00
Ira M.Midy Mil Feb. 10, 11H7 M
J II liroahong II JO Aprl I. Iw7 1 00
21 tiEO. F. IIOKTON, County Clerk.
0( III CouiilyTraaaiirsrolClaekaiiiai County,
ending July J, IMM, ol inriimy rrcnlvad
from what anuri:, aud
To aiiwiiirit on liaml frnin laal rriHirt .
Toaiimiiuu rrt rWrd Irimi U( ol lavl, Ii'falid lHW
To Irlal lira ol Couiitjr (,'lrrk
To flora ami rnala J V. court
To aiiloon llernae
To Irrrv llnuiaa .
To ainoiiiila ruerlvril mlarvllaiieoiil
Tu ainoiml In imira on liaml
To amount linn real ilnn on aims
To amount raarelnl warranla on html
To amount from Ilia Stale
To amount from tli county
Hy amount paid nut on Coinily Warranla
Mr amount iai mil on Hi lmol Hiimrliiti'Udrnt't Vtarrautt
liy lialani ii Krurral inml on hand
liy balance arliool tiiml on liaml
liy aiiioiiul paid alalr Irom roiinly tm
liy amoiiiit paid Indidi-nt aoldlrr fund
My aiiioiiul tioiita on huml
liy amount Intrrrat due on aamt .
Ily cam rllrd warranla on hand
( " i
County of Claekamaa,)
I, H. K CallfT, do hen hy certify Ihnl the foregoing la a true and correct ataleinrul of the !
amounla received, paid out and remaining t-li hand, lu the county ireaa.iry of aald county lor the !
year heglnnliig July lt, aud ending Ihe l of July, l-M. j
Willi."! my hand thla 1 day of July. A. I. I "'4.
Oaguos City, Oregon. June JOth. l"o
lolhe llouorable County Court of Clarkamaa Comity, Oregon: I beg toauhmlt the folllowlog i
my rcpon a Shorlffand Tat Collector for the year 1M3:
To tiuoiinl nu aaaraamrnl roil, aa charKed Ui iherlfT
To amount ta aaaened and collected by iheritT
Tu Coa'.l coll.-rled
Ily douhie aaaeaament and errort
Ily amoiiulrollerted up lo June aoth. H. aud Including re
eelpt No. 47"". ai per Ireaaurer'i receipt!
By amount delinquent
Krtpeclfully tuhmltled
Ily E. C. IU irrr, Deputy.
l.-ve . . 1
Ui county warrunis uruw n uu inu uiauuiu i viavi...o
county for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894.
Roail and bridge
Criminal account Circuit court
Criminal account Jililice court
Court houae and Jail
Sheriff 'I
Bounty on wild tulmalt
School Superintendent
County Judge'!
County Commlailoneri'
Jury tccoual
County Treajuircr'i
Olatrict Attorney'!
Cuurl Kcorter'a
Armory rent
Indigent Holdler .t
Money refunded
Teachera' examination
Urand Jury expert
btreet Aaaeaament
Townahlp Plat!
Iiellmiueul Taxei
Expeuae State Board ot Equalltattoa..
Total amount warrantt drawn from
County of Clackamat,
I, Oeo. F. Horton. County Clerk ol the County ol Clackamas, State of Oregon, hereby
certify that the foregoing It a correct statement of the Warrant! drawu on the County Treasurer
of Clackamat county, Oregon, tnd on what account the tame were allowed trora July 1. MS, to
and Including Juno SO, 1SW, and that the Financial Summary hereto attached Is a true and cor
rect tlatemenl of the Financial Cmidltion ot tald county on June SO, 1KW, tt shown by the
records of my olllce,
Wllnest my hand aud teal tltlxed this d day ot July, A. D 1SW.
By II, . 8TRANUK, Deputy.
Of the Financial Condltlou of the County ot Clackamas, tu the Stat ot Oregon, on the SWh day
ol June, A D. 1W4
To w arranta drawn oil the Couiity Treasurer, and
To estimated amount ol Intereat accrued thereon
Total LlabllHlea
By funds In hands of County Treaaurer applicable to the payment ol county warrants
Hy minis in nanus oi nneriu appncauie iu we
By Dclinotieut Tax List l!3
! " " iwi'2, (estimated)
" ' " la7 IMSU
By cancelled warranta In Treaturer'a handt
By notet
By Interest on same
Indebtedness to balance
Total Resourcet.
Omn. lor tin yaar belnnlii July 1, Mfl, ami
ami paid out, (roin whom revived inl
tin whal aneouut paid out:
I CI, 31.! I
I zcanvto
' j j 14.J4.'.)
1I.1M .... .
1,01" "I I'
ll" 1 ....
l'M,i.i:i XflH k
g B. CAIJFP, County Treaaurer.
IK19.0I2 o
, IS
M.7I Ort IM.7ll 0a
C. W. OANONO. Sheriff tnd Tlx Collector
ol Uackamaa County, Orcf on.
4 1 . Ii-Art r iif nf 11 o r.L-Q nl o c
July 1, W8 to and Includlui June SO, ISM ,63.675)413
GEO. F. HORTON, Clerk.
oulstaudlug aud unpaid
1 141.7s; in
11.11,116 C7
5,153 09
14,640 00
llt.MIO 00
21,S70 74
Z'.lU 49
1.W0 00
pnjmvn. ... n.....,; .... w .v,
69,100 55
1151,146 67
ruan. i re an.
I u.vn'n f an' ia
! jn,w n
I Mil!,
I sum
: :Mntr
1,040 00 ..
i 117 ' .
j ttfM 11 ....
I0.I.-C' 00
j , '..WfVi
' (I0i,fii;i4l H7.J14 ta
I! I.
Slate of OrrKon, County of ClaekatJi.
Nollr-elalirrrhynlvrn, thai In purananrr of
an order ol anle laaurd mil of and umlrr the
aeal ol ihe Clreuli Court ot Hie "tile ol Or-iroii
for the roomy ol Cla.-lounaa, ilnlrd iheVlidav
ol July. I4 and lo me directed and drllrrl,
aaanerllT of tald courily, purauant lo a de'-ree
ol laid court, lu a ult In e.iilty. wherein V. .
IUr.liil.llntlrTand llrnrr Omerand Uura
Oinrtaredelemlania, and roiiirnamllnf me In
make aale accord I m U law of the land and
premlaea herrlnafo-r racrlld, In order lo
make the aum ol one Ihonaaiid al hundred
dollura, i,Kctlirr Willi IliK-real th-n-on at Iha
rale ol ten per rent per annum alnce the ZM ol
April, lti and for the further aum of one hun
dred and filly dollar adornry'a lee and for the
further aurn of A 'A. and that ald aum l:r
Intereai Iroindateol decrre at the rale of ten
per mil per annum until paid, and for eoara
and dlahurwmerita
Now lu order to aatlafy aald amount I will, on
Saturday, the 1Kb day ol Auiriiat, ll, at the
hour ot o'rliH-k p. ro. ol aald day, at the court
houae d'e.l In Oregon City. Clarkamaa county,
laujol Oregon, proceed Ui aril at puhllc auc
tlontoth hiirheat hlildtrlorcaah In nand. the
following deacrlld tract of land altuated In
aald Claxkaran county aute nl Oregon, to wit:
The aouth weat noerter is. W.!,) ot eectlon
twenty-eight co,vownhlp (I veaouih. range one
eaat IT. j H , It I t ol the Willamette meridian,
containing lMiacreajall ol which will lie aild to
aallaly the aumt decreed ta aforeaald with ac
cruing coal. K, C. MAIilKX K.
Slierlffof Clackamta county, Oregon.
By H M Mooiiv, licputy.
Imted al Oregoo City. Ore., July I0.i- I
8herir Nolle of Hale en Foreeloaure,
In th Circuit Conrt of the BUite of Oregon,
for Ihe county of Claekamaa.
J. II llrldgea. t'lalntlrT, el. Cbtrlet Knaber and
Kllae Kualier, de'endantt.
State ol Oregon, County ol Claekamaa, it.
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of en
eteciitli.ii and order of tale leaned out of the
circuit court of the alale of Oregon for the
cuniyof clarkamaa, bearing dale the Wh day
ol July lW,lu a anil wherein J. B. Jirldgee
waa plaintiff and Charlea Knaber and Kline
Knaber were delendauta, commanding me, in
the name ol the State of Oregon, that out of
the real r.tale hereinafter de- ribrd. lo reIie a
aum aulti'-leiit to aallaly the demand! of aaid
.I..,.... ,,, wit - 1; .:wH7. and ihe further mm of
livni ttiorney'i fee, and the further aum ot
!:;( roata, togeihrr nli Intrre-t on the tame
ainreaald d-erre wi entered at ir rent r
aliliiim. and alao the c.ata of an 1 attending
thlaa.le ,
N'nw, (hrrefore. In otlleure to urh decree.
I Hid dul- levy upon, and will, on rtiturdty. the
llth y ol AUtual, I" 4 m rne n.ir oi i o i:u-a
p m ol laid nay. at the lr.,nt d'.nr ol the court
Louaeln aald cunlv. orTrr lor aa!r at pnMIr
aurtlon, and aril to the hieheal and be-l bidder,
lor caah In hand, all the rignt. tilie and intereat
the aald d' fetid mta have In aud to the billow
ing dcarrlhrd real property, to wltt The north
wri quarter ol aertiori townabip tour aouih.
ra ige Bveeaal ol me Willamette meridian, con
taining loo acree. lying aud belug iu Clackamat
cuiuty.atate ol Oreg u.
Paled line Dth day of July. A. D 1U
E. C. MAniOCK,
gherlffof Clargimaarouuly, Hale of Oregon.
hy S. M. Moonr, lieputy. 7 l:S-w
rherlfTi Hotlr of Sale on Execution.
In the Circuit Court ol the Hate ol Oregon for
the county of Claekamaa
8 K lireen. plaintiff. t. M O. Card aud C.
(itrd, hii wife, defen.lauti.
Slate ol Oregon, county ol Clarkamaa, tt.
Notice it hereby given, that by virtue of an
cxerutton aud order ol le laaued out of the
circuit court ol the itale ol Oregon lor the
couniyo! Clarkamaa, hcarlne date the llth day
ol June. 1W, iu a ult win rein K. (ireeu waa
plalntilT ami SJ. O. Oard and C. (.ard hla wile
were di-fendanta, commanding me. iu the name
ol the Stale ol Oregon, that out ol the teal eatate
hereinafter deaenbed. ui reallie a aum tulti
elent to tatiily Ihe demandaol aald decree, to
wit: WIS. and Ihe lurtner turn o, -ai. coau.
tiaieiher with Intereai on the tame lince wld
de-ree waa entered at per cent per annum,
and alto the coati ol and attending thia aaie.
Now, therefore. In otrdienr to auch decree.
I did, on the lh day of July. 1"W, dnly levy
upon, and will, on Saturday, the llth day of
Aumt, laW, at the hnurol t o'clock p. m. of
Hid day, al the Iront door ol the com t houae In
aald county, offer lor aaie at public auction, ami
tell to the hlgheat and beat bidder, lor caah In
Intnl. all ol the rlthttille tnd Imereat the aaid de
ftiHania have In and to the loilowiut dcacritied
r.al property, to wit: Beginning at apolut In the
north bouudarjr line of the Ezra Fuller D. L. C.
No. 44, which bean 8. M deg. E U chaina dli
tant from an angle pnat lu aaid north boundary.
Irom which a dogwood beara aouth M deg E SS
llntailtatani. ami a nemioci oeari touin orj
E. ea liuk diatanl, aud ruuuing thence aouth M
deg. E '.UOchaint along aaid north buiidar,
thence ni'ith fc.achalui to the center of the Ab
eruethv wagon road: thence north 71 Si deg. W.
along the center of aald road M5chalua:ibence
north J 40 chaina to beginning, containing S.41
acre, all belug in T. I i K. i E., being iu Clack
amas county, atate ot Oreeoo.
Haled thia tub day ol July, A. I). It-fit.
Sheriff of Claclamaa county. Mate of Oregon.
By N. M Moody, Deputy. 7-13 -lU
Klieriff't Notice of Mala on Forecloanre.
1 .... Ai.n,.l, ,,pt Ihr Rtflt. nf OrciTitn lor
the county ol Clackamat.
1 B. Bridtet. Dlaiutiff. vt. Hermlnlt Arudt,
; deleudaul.
8ttte ot Oregon, county of Clackamas, at.
Notice ia hereby given that by virtue of an
execution aud order of tale laaued out ol the
circuit court ol the Stale ol Oregon for the
- u..li'UnV.m.. lu.arl.o (tut thl Uih dttV
1 i of Julv, 1S4, in a mlt wherein J B. Bridget wat
) I plaintiff, and Herminla Arndt waa defendant,
) I commanding me, iu the name of the Bute of
S Oregon, that out of the real eetate hereinafter
) described, lo rvallie a turn aiitticient to aatiafy
) the demand of aaid decree, to-wlt: f-W 17 aud
j i the further sum ot $tu altorneya leea, and the
S i further aum ot 114 iMicoat!, b-gethei with ihter-
. . .. .... ,l.u dn,u .l.tra. ant ,l,Mr. waa entered
at 10 per cent, per annum, aud also the Coals of
tud attendini 111 is tale
Now, therefore, iu obedience to tueh decree,
I did, on the dth day ot July. dulv levy up
on, aud will, ou Saturday, the llth day ol
Aiiguat, ISW. at the heur ol 11 o'clock A. M. ol
laid day. at the Iront aoor ol the court house lu
said county, offer lor tale al public auction, aud
aell to the highest and beat bidder lor caah In
nand. '.II ol the right, title aud interest the aald
. ...... ..... I ...! ..K. t..Unu.lt u,lkaJ
oeieuuaoi una iu nu niuriuvBiw,u..iv
real propertv, to-wit: The Northeast guarter ol
Secttou li. Township 4 Soi th ol Kangeft Eaat ol
.1.. 1,-111... U..ri,lla,i M..,,ll,lin lAti artKI
all lying aud being in Clackamat couuiy. Mate
Ol ureaon.
Dated thit 6tn day ol juiy a. i. ivt.
Sheriff of Clackamat county, Oregon.
By N. M. Moody, Deputy. 713:-10
In the Comity Court ol the state of Oregon lor
me couuiy oi lactamas
In the matter of the estate of Sarah E. Pope,
Notice it hereby given, that by order of the
Honorable County Court of the county ot Clack
amas, state ol Oregon, made aud euterod on the
7ihdayof July, laW, by the Hon. U. E. Hayes,
Judge ol said court, the undersigned waa duly
appointed admluislMtor with the will annexed
ol the estate ol Sarah E. Pope, deceased. All
nersons havine claims aitalusl the aald estate
are required to present the tame, with the
proper vouchers, within six months Iroin the
date ol this notice to the undersigned adminis
trator at the otlice ot Pope & Co in Oregon
City, Clackamas county, Oregon.
vilt.l.lA.M ii. rtirr., executor
of the will and estate of Sarah E Pope, dee'd.
Duled this l:h day of July, 1W. 7-l:o-10
Notice It hereby given, that the undersigned
hat been appointed by the County Court ol
Clackamat county, Oregon, executor of the
will ol Charlea B. Kuight, deceased. All per
sons havinit claims agaiust the eatate ol the said
Charlea B Knight, deceased, are hereby noti
fied to present the same, duly vertned, lor pay
ment to Ihe undersigned, or at the office of
Browuell A Dresser, Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from this date.
Cauhy, Oregon. July 2, 1S94.
Brownku. & Dhksskr, Attorney. 7-6:8-8
Notice ta hereby given, that In pursuance of
an order of the Couuty Court of thi county of
Clackamaaand ttate of Oregou, duly mtde and
entered on the 9th day of June, l!l!lt, I will,
from and after Monday. July 16th. llltll, at the
hour ol 10 o'clock ol aaid day, proceed to tell at
private sale on the premises to the highest and
nest bidder, tubject to confirmation ol aaid
County Court, the following described real
estate, to wit:
Lots numbered one (1), two (2), seven (7) and
eight (), In block numbered 106 lu Oregon
Cttv, Clackamat couutv, Oregon.
T'erma of sale: One half cash at time of tale,
and balance note of purchaser lor oue year, se
cured bv mortgage on the premises. Interest at
ten percent per annum, the purchaser to pay
cost ol making deed aud mortgage.
Guardian nf James O. Stuart, minor.
Dated Juu9, liKW. 8-15:7-13
The photographer
Is iircpurcd to make photographs
of all kinds promptly
and in
I5ahieH and Children Tictures
a Hjxcialy.
Call and examine hin work
At the Old New York Gallery
Second door north of Hardingg
Drug Store.
Candy -:- Factory
Manufacturer of
High Grade French and Home
Made Candies, Ice Cream and
Water Ices.
Families, Parties and Sociables
Supplied with Ice Cream in
any quantity; rates reasonable.
Try Our Ice Cream Soda.
Tropical Fruits and Nuts.
Main Street, opp. Commercial bank
II. S. Cram, Manager.
1S00 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and 'Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 96 other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntlev's Dru kStore.
ay O
Portland, - - - Oregon.
is the advocate of the use of elec
tricity as a means of domestic
lighting, cooking and heating; fcr
commercial and domestic power
purposes, for Btreet cars, mining,
canal boats and the running of all
kinds of machinery, both light and
heavy. The probability is that
1S'.)4 will produce
Wonderful Achievements
in the field of electricity, and ewy
intelligent person should
Read Electric Power,
and keep posted; Subscription $2 a
year. Every subscriber is entitled
to a sjecial discount on books pur
chased. Address,
36 Cortlandt St., New York City.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
die horses always on hand at the
1 . , 11 X - J
lowest prices, a corran connecieu
with the burn for loose stock.
Information renardirnt any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
horses Bought and Sold.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a per. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him I
All persons having claims ag.ilnnt the estate
ot James Wise, deoeaseJ, are hereby n titled
that I have been this day appointed by the
County Court ol Claekamaa couulyaud atateol
Or. 'Hon at the administrator ol the estate ot
said James Wise, deceased, and that all per
sons having claims against the an Id estate must
firesent the same, properly verified, to me at ihe.
aw cilice ot C. 1). s D. C. Latuuretle, in Oregon
City, Oregon, within tlx months nl the data
hereol. JOHN Vt ISE, Adm'r.
Dated June 2S, ISM. 6-29:7-2: