qpHE boston STOfrE A Dry GOOIlSa H SPECIHL SALE THE FIRST Having bought the Boston Store stock and some other goods at 25 will sell you goods cheaper than ever known before. Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1S4. OKE1J0S CI FY OFFICERS ViTor. - - - Hlrsro Straight Ri-corder. LL Porter Cnief of Police - - Ckaa. E. Hum Aemr. - K 8 Calif! Tr jasuror, R I. Holinan Cut Attorney. - K. F. I'ric St tfl l'ommiloiier. C. Hahooek. Jr. Si p'r. of W arer Works. W. H. Howell Ct-T Knitlneer. P. Ktnnaird Ceunoilmen-C. 0. A'.brlcht. Jr.. H. U Kelly, C. X. Greeunuu. J J. Cooke, B F. Jaguar, H. C. Sieven, lien, Broiiitrilon, M. Howell iunril meet. Bret ttednenday of etch Dionih In city bill. Uxul Advertising. Hereaf'er no legal advertisement will be inserted in the Entkkikisk unless payment for the same is made at the time the affidavit of publication is ren- dored. This rule w ill be imperative and j d ad-beat litigants, who make it a prac tii e of working the courts, lawyers and! newspapers will have to look to some ! otiier pettier toget their notice published. I SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Prices the lowest Red Front Stores. S. K. (.ireen wis confirmed as post- master on Mond.iy. tlnlr xv per pound can for Cedar . Camphor. Sold by all druggists. The G. W. Shaver has been leased to run on the Cascade route for the Dalles Transportation company. TnBfpiiftiiMid in aia-i a, ,,(,, tt laHiud I and children free at Capl. Bundy'B bath house, foot Eleventh street. For tliU mouth only Bellorny Sc Busch will sell jelly glasses with heavy tin covers for 35 cents per dozen. For good sauBaie of all kinds call at I the City View market, foot of Seventh 1 street. Fuss & Schiltz. Rtftvsh yuiself these hot days with a dish of ice cream soda at ihe Novelty Ice Cream pailr rs, second door to Burmeis-1 ter & Andresen. Messr-. Berkley & Hanley are at work removing the dirt from the Caufield block under a contract of 10 cents per yard. I has se-1 E. E. Williams, the Grocer, cured the agency for the Vancouver Creamery Butter, and recommends it above all other brands. M. Shaner who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks w as able to resume his work as foreman in the wood pulp mill on Monday. Kimball organs are admitted to be the sweetest toned and most durable organ made. See Burmeister A Andresen about prices and terms. Reports from farmers throughout the county are to the effect that but little damage is being done to wheat by the aphis which is in many cases leaving the fields. Buy your groceries of F. Dresser & Co., 329 Washington St., Portland, and get the "Wonders of the World's Fair" abso lutely free of expense. Every f3.50 pur chase secures one portfolio. Goods delivered at boat and car landings at Oregon City. Did you know that your old hat and needy cloths can be made to look as good as new by the Oregon City Dye works? You can save one-half the price of a new auit by renovating your old. On the 11th day of July Mr. Peter Norlz and Miss Mary Hannes both from Macksburg, Oregon were united in liolv matrimony bv Rev.L.Grey of the Oregon City charge at the residence of Mr. Louis Dicklemann in this city. On Wednesday evening the grounds bout Peter Paqnet'a residence on lower Main istreet were beautifully illumined and fitted up with seats to accommodate the friends of the Eastern Star Chapter of this city who gathered there in large numbers to enjoy a lawn social. A pleasant time was had, ice cream and cake being served to the guests. On Sunday J. S. Birdsall and Chas. Sweet of Cherry ville brought Dr. E. II. Ingrahm in from that place to be tried for insanity. He had been found In the woods after being a wanderer for four days and was quite wild. He was tried by Judge Hayes on Monday and com mitted to the asylum to which he was taken on Monday by Sheriff Maddock and J. S. Birdsall. m -K Notions, Fancy Goods MTV tOl'XML I'KOM'EDIMIS. Important Matter Acted liu Auditcd. Kills Petition from ( U. ami K (. Can field asking (or the two of a part of Main c treet fronting on lot 2. block It. during tho election of a building on a.iid lot, grunted. Petition fiom T. P. Randall and otlieis 8kitii! for a street railway franchise on certain streets in Oregon City read and referred to a special committee of l!vt. A communication from K. P. Klliott and others asking that a street in Mt. Pleasant addition be opened read and referred to the committee on streets and public proerty. Street ordered oixjn. HesiL'tiation of Recorder I,. L. Porter read and accepted to take effect Aug 1st. Treasurer's rejiort for quarter ending June 30 read and referred to the finance committee Recorder's report for June read and ordered tiled. The following hills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn . GKSERAL FfM). I R L Ilolman $ -IS 112 . CE Burns.. L'3 :!5 W S Maple 3 L'3 A V Si hwan 2 I L. L Porter 2"i 001 t - i J Sl.aw 5 00 I John Green 2 50 Mr Lacy 2 50 J V Beach f0 00 C C Babcoek 103 80 E L Shaw 00 00 J V Kelly 5 7") S M Kamsby 1 10 J W O'Connell 2 50 W II Savage 5 00 M Schuli.ius 1 .V) q ("nimbly "50 j R0ll-e C"0 ' M d w Kinn.irj.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'!.'.".' 30 00 Geo Reed "50 MAIS STREET Fl'NO. W T Welch 57 00 1 1) V Kinnaird 80 00 II E Cross 32 88 I C B Welch 18 00 Geo Reed 10 00 On motion and roll call the hill of II. E. Cross was allowed at 232.18 on the Main street fund. J. W. O'Connell was allowed 3 for inspecting root's. The bill of the Portland General Elec- I trie Co. for light amounting to li5.4ii was referred back for correction. Warrant ordered drawn for $5 in favor of E. F. Driggs for attending stock case in recorder's conrt. Hamshaw & P.ehm allowed $12.90 on Main street fund. The street superintendent was ordered . t. - II ' Ll , I 1 I ur open irre uirey in me Dioca neiween the property of Dr. Norris and G. R. II. Miller. Chief of police was instructed to see that parties stopjied the nuisance com mitted bv running sewerage from water closets into the creeks on the hill. The city surveyor was instructed to furnish a statement of all extra grading ! on Main street on application of Ham shaw & He hm. The street superintendent was in structed to clean the culverts on Fifth street. The water commission was instructed to lay no pipe on improved streets ex cept under the supervision of the street superintendent. A special committee waa appointed to draw an ordinance to provide for the cleaning and sprinkling of Main street. The chief of police instructed to in struct the night policeman to report all lights that may be out to the council. The recorder was instructed to notify the P. G. E. Co. to put in the two arc arc lights as per agreement. Stevens, Kelly, Albright, Cooke and Broughton were appointed as a special committee on the Randall street rail way franchise. Cooke, Albright and Howell were elected the special committee on ordi nance for cleaning Main street. T. W. Fouts was elected recorder to take office Aug 1st. A warrant for $549 waa ordered drawn on the general fund in favor of I), Lyons for work on Fifth street. A warrant for $174 was ordered drawn on the general fund in favor of Perham Bros, for work on Fifth street. Communication from D. W. Kin naird on the amount of work done on Fifth and Main streets and estimates WITH A FULL LINE OP (or tho month of Juno read and ordered tiled J. W. Kelly was confirmed us riccial policeman without pay. till TllttM Itiv tli, .soil rui'l fi,p Kit f " II and K. O. Caulield block waa lei to White Hros. of this city who were lowest bidders among seventeen com petitors. Tho price is f HiSO, ihv other bida ranging from (SO higher ut to ."i,l."0 the highest. The building is to be- till feet front by tio feet deep and will be divided into three atoie rooms of 2'J feel each. ! " be but one storv high but will have a solid foundation so that other stories can lie added if necessary. Work will begin as soon as the excavating for the foundation is done. Last Friday a 11-year old son of a Mr. Moore of Park Place was out pealing huik and became very much heated, lie took a drink from a stagnant pool and a short time alter he was taken violently ill and in spite of strenuous I efforts on the part of a physician to save him he died the same night. It is thought that his heated condition to gether with poison in the water may have contributed to his death as lie was a strong healthv lad. The last of the week Mort Green and ' S. C. Baker were arrested (or attempted robU-rv and taken In-fore Judge Haines I of Oswego who hound them over to ap- pear before the gtand jury in the sum of I fiiOO. As they failed to give bonds thev were brought np to Oregon City on Saturday ami are now boarding free at the Hotel Maddock. Green was in trouble about a year ago, being charged with stealing tools from a carienter. S. V. Kin,', one of the founders ot the well known firm of Olds A King, of Portland was in the city the last ol the week looking about and noting the im provements. He remarked that he oli served many changes and predicted a great growth for the city as soon as times brightened up. The Herald has changed hands Messrs. Re.lner, Mason and Ioomas ' ... ..... . naving rreen loreed iroin its management ! bv the old publishing company. The psp?r is now tinder the direct super-1 vision of Jas. Shaw ami E. J. Weston for the company. Work is now in progress at the elec tric station with a small force of men who will be engaged for awhile principally in getting ready for a large night and day force which It is the intention to put on as soon as the water subsides so as to make it practicable. A. W. France did not go to the cosst as stated last week, the E.ntkri-kihk lieing misinformed, hut he moved to his new cottage on Tenth street. His cottage on Eleventh street out of which he moved is now occupied by I). II. Glass. J. M. Cummings on Tuesday entered into a contract for carrying the mail from Oregon City to Mulino, and is now regularly in the employ of Uncle Sam as sub-contractor. Harry Moody has purchased the Schiller stock known as the Boston Store where he will continue the business. He starts off right with an ad, in the Entkh CHISK. Head it. J. E. Btoetje, who has one of the finest flower gardens in this section of the country at Oak Grove, was in the city on business the last of the week. On Saturday of thin week at the court house door in this city at 10 o'clouk the annual delinquent tax sale will occur, Water Consumers Must pay their rent to T. L. Charmun, secretary, at his office, Room 5, C'nar inan Bros, block. 2t. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Entikphihb of fice. Portland prices. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the Sndird. ftE-OPEs NEXT SATURDAY. I.uxt week after the Ms i khihimk tind gotto to presK tho alarm of lire wa Hounded for the (.hooting gallery, the roof having caught lire front the laundry I "P''"")' ' '' l-ri-vcntcl j Iuane Elv and Miss Florence Murphy were married in Portland on Sunday at the home of a cousin of the bride, by Rev. J. W. Cowan of this cilv. They have gone to housekeeping in the groom's cottage near the cemetery, F. II Ray, who loft this place al)iit a year ago to find a better location, has at last returned sati-tled that he cannot do as well elsewhere. He has formed a partnership with V. S. Maple to do bhtcksinithing. The Oregon City laundry has again changed hands, Win. Dickinson having purchased Ihe interest ofThos. Howell, the firm now being Shannon it: Dicken son. I hey will continue lo do llrsl class work at all times. On Friday the members of the county court are intending to accompany aiiier visor Cooke out over the Mads in dis trict number one, which comprises all the territory north of the Clackamas. Mrs. Eugene Hedges, who has been very ill ever since her arrival in this city shortly after her marriage, is so fur re i covered as to Ire able to walk about the house and yard. John Conler has ettahlishod a log ging camp on the Willamette opMsite New Era where he will get out a lot of Idling to fill a big contract for Portland parties. On Thursday a delegation of the Ore gou anil Washington l. 11. L. A. was in the city looking over Gladstone Park with a view of making that an outing and annual meeting place. John Beck, the ioiiulur Portlund jeweler has moved Irs establishment from First and Main streets to 270 Morrison 8,r,5,!l w,,oro ,l0 he I''-''! to meet I. (. un.Tu W. C. Green has moved his barber Hhou down to the shop recently vacated by A. Walker w here he will continue to do first class work. Curtis Baird 1 amo down from Albany the last ol the week and 'tit the Sab bath with his daughter, Mrs. A. S Dresser. Miss Cora Harding returned from her visit to California on Tuesday's steamer. She reports the trip tip a rough one. Marriage licenses have been issued to Emma M. Spiller and N. I). Hughes; Herminia Lock and J. J. Bottgor. J. C. Edmonds and Miss Emma Alder man were married lust week at tho home of the bride in Tillamook county. It is stated that the Oswego Cominer cial bank will go out of business about the first of August. CO. T, Williams and wife wont to New berg last Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives. Miss Winnie Williams is visiting friends at Newberg and may Ire away a month. W. B. Lawton is working In G. A. Harding's drug store learning the phar macist's profession. Much correHronilence is omitted this week on account of luck of room. Burmeister & Andresen keep a fine assortment of strings for tho banjo, vio lin, guitar and mandolin. Why Not Use the best butter. "Vancouver Creamery" is the best. Trv it and be convinced. E. E. Wii.i.mms, The Grocer. 5K -X- 5K 35 35 Boots and S THRG6 DHYS. per cent, on tho dollar, consequently H. S. MOODY. Those. Pimples Art ttll-lnle sjtMpfoiiM that pour bhxxl inot rifht full of innmrilirt, ritii.n'ni; a tlufntali iiiiif tinnirfilly coiiiiikriuM, A fie Ixiltlis of S. A'. A', will (Winer all iiiti'oii mill imiMirS rruiffr r, rfridiar tht Wikhi VmriioyMij, tint! girt a clear it rid rosy nirriitxiirii. ( in innsl rjirl uiri, (iMilriidni iiniif.. Itciton, T3 I aurvl Street, Phil., MT! 'l tuve Im1 for e4i.4 humor In my blood whUh ni.ile merited! to tluve. a .111.11001110. timle. would lie cut. Dm. cuin( .h.ylni to w a great .nnoyame. A Iter t akini tttree bottle. my late I. .11 cler and smooth at It .houlil he .(n-ttte .thd. tleeo well and fret like runnln foot no .11 for III ue of S. h. h. Treat I 'eon hkvid jn.l klinneeiniIWfre.. !W1M' M'kCIFIC CO, AlkaU.Ua. HOPS Ih'furi' ciriitriicting your crop it will In to your interest to Ht'' C. J. MITCHELL. Al'KIIMA, OKIfllON. I.llleuili.l A t o , iu and lirj Front Hirer!, Smi vmilrllM'o. I.llleuili.l llr.n.H nd 10 W.ier Ml. New York. hi Horoiiuli llltflr si,, Loudon f."c. streyffeler" Tit ACIIKM ORGAN, PIANO AND VOICE CULTURE. In Oregon City Every Saturday, l eave orders at Enterprise Dice. 418 E. Market M., Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. I Trart.nl ("LACK AMAH KHI IT I.ANHH. OimmI hoime. Iiaru, elo. A lo 21,01 H IN (il.AI'MI'ONK J. K iittowU. I'.rk flare. Oreion. W'ANTKD-I'ii.hlin Cana.er nf inori Ad IV drei. I.llier.l ..Ury and e.pene. (i.ld weekly; I'rrinauent roaiiion lilt) iW N llltnH. CO., Ntirnerymert, I'orlland. Oreou. THE RED FRONT STORES. Another Strike! 5 C. A YARD. Kl(?nnt 'inings, colored huntings, .'ifi-inch muslin. Fino 1'h.'. figured iiiuIIh 12 yards IKK); l.'ro. lawns lOo.;- 25c. wool chnllicH for Kijc; light figured cut to I'm!.; n fine assortment of dry goods received just nlicnd of tho strike; Indies' trimmed hntu cut to $1; nil wool clothing going rapidly it suits; another hig lot milk crocks, jars, jugs, etc., 10c. a gal.; 17 IIjh. dry gran, sugar if 1; castor machine oil -lOc. a gallon; binding twine. TKADE FOR PKODUCK OF ALL KINDS. Hamilton Bros., Oregon City and T''r yl'v..-,';.-.. Unload YourLivcr Three Dohcs of Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Doch your hack ache? Does every Htep Heem a burden? You aoo billions. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For nalo by all drugging. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns $ Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of amall machine, promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Hhop on Main Hlrect, next to Noblitl'. 8Uble. hoes 1 LKAI) Till WOULD 1 1 Cash or Installment, ! Largest stuck of solid ami cushion tiro wheels on tin1 coast from 110 to ". (live iis u cull licfiiro Inlying OVERMAN WHIM. CO., ::!1 Wurliington St., Ptirtliiiul, Or. ;Vitreof Aiii'lot for Saloon l.lrnM, Notice la hereby given, that Ihe under signed will apply lo the city rnuinil of Oregon City, Oregon, al the regular moot ing in July, fur the continuation ol the license (or a sal'srn at the corner ol Main mid Fourth streets III said fit v. Join R, Tmkuiutii. Oregon Cilv, Or., June M. MH. Golden West linking Powder HAS NO St'f'KlttOH II any mrlu olar. HON FY llr'N'MiKll BY any trorer. If M'T HATIsrAlTOKY. ' Mi, is I'oari.ian T Clo'jSctA Devera. At 1111. t.Ks uhiok. mi. , k ur P. Meet, every Friday rilhlal the K. of f.hall. Vl.llln. Knight, uivlted It I. Hoi UiN, (', C. V J. I.ni l. K ol H. and 8 High Prices Overthrown! challieM, in.lip) Iiluo prints!, dress rmttceim cut to 10c; '2"k!. cashmerea Park Place, Or. Mr-W-V-W- If you ore interested in AdvertlHiiiLj you ought to be a Htib Hcriber ot I'kintkkh' Ink: a journal for advertisers, i Printertt' Ink i issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful HuggeHtions i r ii.. i -i . ... i 4 I iroin mo origniCHi nillKlH C in tho advertising biini- P I1CHH. Printers Ink costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will bo sent on receipt of five cents. ADDKKHH l-'HINTKHH' INK, 10 Spcuaa St., - fUui Vock FOR- ABSOLUTELY,. PURE DRUGS 00 TO Q A. HARDING. NONK I1UT OOMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPOVEO Victor liicys. 1 1 Flue Permmerleg and Toilet Articles. Alio a full .look of IF-A-INTS- OILS ETC.