Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1894, Image 3

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Oregon City tntcrprisc.
HtlHAY, Jt;i,V 1,1, 18IH.'
- - ,
Clncknmns Co. Directory.
(lontuli K Mny.ti
K. Ilnrtiiii
K. V, M,,.,
H M Knin.liy
M I. M.mte
dark iiMJuurls,
NiierliT, . . .
It ni'iudur,
A ('ir, -
MlllliMil Hll KT I lll'll' n I ,
C oin in lliiiinr,
J. v.. Ilrsillny
It. N Ulli.mi
I). W klnimlr.l
II I. lliillliall
I Kli'liard Hied
I Krmik JsuKor
To Mill Him Tlliiri.
Tim Kiilmrrlili(.ii prim fur the Kymi
I'Iiihk Iiiib liwii ri'iliK'Kil id ( .f,i T vciir;
"ft cell Ih for n!x IiioiHIim, ChnIi In inl
ine", HiiliKi rlirii pitying ill the end of
tm yt'nr nut l,n entitM l UiIh ro
tliiilioii, 'Mm low price I ininln itpt
lln lint on h chhIi l.imi uml In. In nil
iiiiIiwiiImth to (.iiy ui, uml iHM-Ully to
prevent ilimil Ileitis from tuklntc llm
pit per niul nut myiiiK for It ty ri'iiHoii of
their Im.iiik luw proof. I(iiIii-iI prlro
will oiilyioiiiiiii'iii'ii uitli ilnlimf renewnl.
l'lii iiiiiki'H llm '.s rKHl'finK llm rhi'itp
est Miiir In ( 'lurk mini rniiiily ninlil
I'U' tH lioiim print mill full of livv
lotul III-UK
I'mi (Ydnr Camphor for ninths.
TlioiiHitmUof mothers kIvc l lit) 1 r child
ren h'trv'liiniu't HiMitlilim IWler ilur
liill tlin li-i'lliliiK period.
If your wiitfli or dix it l I repairing
luVti llii'in to I!ur iik-IhIit A Amlri-sen.
They giimiinli'ii nil their work.
Tim topic of the sermon it ths Con-
UrcKullniinl clillri'll Ilex' Slllliliiy I'Vl'llllIK
July lo will Im "The Hoyul Sinner, mil
bin Convention,"
Ceilur rmnplior for moths nt 'Hie. cr
l.oiiinl rmi in four time cheier ami M
tr tlinn cmnplior at l.ninj-lvi Iliug"
Co., rortluml.
lVrnonn wixliinx (Inn work In photo
portrait or views, iiilcriorM mid exterior
will va money Iiy iri' lo I'olti-r'n plioto
pin lorn, :;',') Klrnl xtriM't, l'orlluiul tf
Kuai hk' IIkaiiaiiik Cai'sitm re
more pli'uitiiut urn I convenient to take
than mihiIith, wiiIitm, elixirs, etc. For
null) Iiy Climiiiun A Co'g , limit store.
Klies tni great pent, but vnil cm) kfi'
1 1. cm out very chkIIv ami cheaply Iiy
liuyiiikt n set of screen doom mul VYimlows
of Jones A Sun over tlm 0 ('. Iron
Work. tf
IliinnolsiiT A Amlrt'iH-n curry In stink
tlit) lir;int line of Itcvr'a silvery, ire III
the county citihriu-nH' spoons, fork,
knives, tew wlii, lierry dishes, butter
dishes, pii kcl dilick cuktt hnkcU anil
(iiMxl ridiuhln m'"I" wuntcd to sell
(iludxtono iroHrty . 1", ccnU fur to
(Iri'tfon I'ily. I.ilniriil coinmlwnon pitid
ItcKl wiling pro)Mirly on tlm murkct.
('nil on or wriUi to II. K, Cro", prciii
dent (iUclHlnno Hciil KnIiiIo AMocimion.
A H'w dih'IiiI will he kIvcii by the
Kpwoith I.canuH, in I lie M. K. church
next Triduy cvctiinn, July 13. Ice crvuui
and rufrfulimi'iitH will bu nnrvoil.
Kverybody invited, Adinlnhiun free.
l'litroiii.n lioinn inntitutionn, buy your
lrocrlc of Marr A Kolwrtaon. Kvory
thinir In the line of fancy or Htnpli (m
rerloa. Order called for and delivered.
"Wonderiof the World'a Fair" froo of
oxH'iim. F.very purchane of $ll.r0 e
cured one portfolio. tf.
Scren Iloora. Fliea have already
iimdo their appearance and to inoxt
etrectuully protect youradf against thone,
you should fit your Iiouhh with
atrong nereen door which the Oregon
City Sanh A IiMr Factory iiiiikea,
Cheap. tf
All iiK'inheia of Meudu pout No 2 are
rotpicHteil to meet at my olllre at H p. in.
.Saturday, July 14th. IhiHinena of im
portance will ho up for dim'iiKHiun. A
full attendance ia rciicHted.
W. If. Hi iioiiAHtiT, Coiuniander.
The old voterun, ('aptuin lUindy, Iihh
bis new bout hoiiMu nil lilted up In riin
Inn order and la now prepared to furniHh
at all time the flneat lino of plcumire
lioata to be found in the utato. Trices
reaHonahlo and the iM'at of treatinent ac
corded all patroiiH. Foot of lltli Btreet.
Pra. Ilickey A Hickey, dentiata from
ChicuKO, who are now permanently lo
cated In Oregon City, come to n very
highly recommended. Ir. Hickey
riinka high as a (lentint In Chicago,
where he has for years been a success
ful practitioner. Mrs Hickey is also a
Ifrailute from the dental department of
tho Htate University of Iowa.
Ladies, do you know Dr. Mnry II.
Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female
SH)i:illc, will cure all those aches and
1aina peculiar to you, and will cost you
only (1 for one month's treatment? I will
fiend any ludy a trial box, free, who will
xond me the names and addresses of ton
ladies who are in delicate health. Agents
wanted everywhere. Write for full par
ticulars to Airs. L. M. Littlo, manager
wholesale western depot, Iloulton, Ore
"" Free locturo on "Americanism versus
Romanism" will he given at Shiyely's
hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock by Rev.
J. Q. A. Henry of San Francisco. Mr.
Henry has for seventeen consecutive
Sundays been giviag afternoon addresses
on this subject, in one of the largest halls
of San Francisco, before immense
audiences, the interest being so great
that frequently many are turned away
unable to gain admittance. Come early
to secure seats.
fPII M Simi'mir 1vi rum
urn wjuiU l WJUJir.
lIKilMlf AM) kt.wvumt NKM.
niu.m of roi.vn katiikiw.
rirstTeriii r New ('ihiiI liniorliiiit
IIiikIiicns TnuiMicti-il .Home
lllif IlllU.
('ertulii warrants rmiialniiig unpaid
ordered adveilised.
(Merk directed to Ishiib warrant for
7..'iO In lavor of V. If. llnrirlianll, on
iiidigeiit soldier fund, to defray expense
of Mending John (iiiihredo to soldier's
lioinu. Clink also Instructed to Issue a
wurrmit on same fund for 1,500 in favor
of same o defray funeral expense of Con
Imel, an indigent soldier.
("IiiIiii of IIumihIihw A '') hi for (III)
for Improvement of Ahmicthy road al
lowed. Report of Judge J, V. Meldruin rela
tive to minor expendilnres approved and
clerk ordeied lo draw a warrant for
f'.'.'l M7 to reimburse him.
Claim of I). Lyons for widening and
improving county road at head of Fifth
street allowed to the amount of I'.tl.
Rill uf Kiios C'uli i 1 1 for lumber for 1 1 it -provementof
Apperson road allowed.
Clerk ordered to Ismio a warrant for
llm collection of deliniuelit taxes for the
year lwt", Ihhm, Ihmii, 1m;h), lHlU and
Wutrmits oidernd issued in favor of
J. K. Rhisles for $I!K) for completing
loMtiship plats and ileik ordered to
have the same bound.
Rebate of $3 allowed TIiom l'ollock on
Claim of Western Wheel A Hcraer
Co. for I'.'TS allowed.
Cleik iliiiM-ted to issue warrant In
favor of Hen C. Irwin for i.'I.1'7 in full
for all rwonlH furnishsd to (lute
Mileage ami M-r diem allowed as fol
lows: C. Ilslr 3 duys, 2K miles, 11. Ho;
R. Kcott, 4 laya, 1H miles, including
one day extra 1J.H0,
UKOl l.AU Jl l.r TKHM.
Report of virwerson resurvev of Smith
roud filed, appioved and ordereil open
online of survey. KxM-lise account of
I'-'H (Ml allowed.
Report f appruiseia of damages on
Foster and Milwaukee road laid over till
August term. Fxfienso account of (11.20
ordered paid.
Report of appraisers of damsgea on
John Johnson road approved and upon
payment of damages hy ictilioners the
road shall bo opened. Kxpense of 111
I'etition of II. II. Johnson et al
for county road allowed and J. T. Apper
son, J. W. Koota and John Wetilcr, jr.,
pointed viewers to meet at place of
beginning, Thursday, July 1U at 10 a. m.
l'etiticn of Wm. Dresthul for viewers
to cbaiiiie county ruatl laid over till the
August term.
Application of J. T. ApMrson and
Thos. Charman to bereleasetl from bond
of K. C. MadiliM-k granted and new Umd
approved. New bond of M. L. Mooro
also approved.
Tax rebaU of :t 20 ordered in favor of
B. Wade.
Apprnpriatfon of i7 made for Improve
ment of the George road as per applica
tion of J F. Rath et al.
UelsirtofC T. Howard Uion the im
prove of the Howard road approved and
expense account of lflO allowed.
Allowance .'or care of Mrs. Morgan in
creased to (10 per month,
ApiHilnlinent of II. S. Strange as
deputy clerk approved and salary fixed
at fliTi ht month to be paid at the close
of each month without further action.
ApNiintment of N. M. Moody as
deputy sheriff approved ami salary fixed
at per month paid as above.
Appointment of J. M. Lawrence ns
deputy recorder approved and salary
fixed at (52 per month to be paid as
Clerk directed to advertise for adver
tise 60 cords of large live fir timber to be
delivered at court houso by September
l!ith, 1KU4. Bids to be oineil August
lith at 2 p. m,
Application of D. H. Tuttle et al for
county road approved and I). W. Kin-
nulrd appointed surveyor with II. II.
Gregory, Roht. Hughes and J. J.
McCord as viewers to meet at place of
beginning July 17 at 10 a. in.
Proposition for the Improvement of the
Bradley A Richey road referred to Super
visor A . W. Cooke to investigate and
rejKirt at August term of court.
i'etition of F . A . Mclnig for license to
sell liquor in Cascade precinct in quanti
ties less than one quart granted.
Report of W. II. Smith, suiervisor of
wad district No. 2 showing expendi
tures of lirfl.45 for labor, (240.82 for
material and (HI) for supervision ; toUl
(15(1(1.27 approvod.
Report of suiervisor upon commotion
of bridge in Cunoinali precinct on Law
ton road approved and exMvnse account
ordered paid as follows: Labor $134.74;
material (31.10.
Kxpense account for improvement of
Oregon City and Viola road amounting
to (85 ordored paid.
Kxpense account of (201.10 for im
provement of Oregon City and Baker's
Feny road ordered paid.
Trial fee of (12 in case of Tortland
Trust Co. vb Reubon Smith ordered re
funded, as tho circuit court bold the
suit a "mis-trial."
Report of W. II. Smith upon the mat
ter complained of by G. J. Trulllnger
relative to Mtllllio and Meadow Brook
road Improved, referred to Commis
sioner Frank Jnggsr to report at August
I'rotest of Judge Hayes against the
piiymeiit of the hill for (105 55 in the
Tate of the HtiUo vs K. H. Bramhall
entered . The judge held that theie wss
nogronnd for this prosecution except!
malice upon the part of (omplHining wit- j
liens who should have been held for,
. . i
cohismh lie luia protiertv.
Report of K. I'. Carter, stiirvisor of
road district No. 3 showing expenditures
of :i.'il 52 for labor; (Hl.'1.75 for material
and IH for stis-rvision approved.
Report of I i W. I'rosser, supervisor
of road district No. 4 showing expcndl
tore of (:!.). 20 for labor; (II.H2for ma
terial ami ( for supervision, approved.
j Ordered that the supervisor rebuild cer
t it i ii bridges on the Oregon City ami
Stafford roud ami certify the exHrnso to
this court. Kxpense of (l.VJ incurred by
Superintendent I'rosscr in repair of Ore
gon City ami Stull'ord road appraised
and ordeied paid.
Road siicrvtHors instructed to cause
the immudiute rcmoyal of all fences and
other obstructions in the public high
ways in Clackamas county.
Wuriant for (50 ordered issued in favor
of Judge Gordon K. Hayes to lie used
fol small contingent expenses of county
olllces .
Report of A . W. Cooke, siqiervisor of
road district No. 1 show ing expenditures
of (5.U.50 for labor, (5.T.M2 lor material,
(.'il.l5 for bridge work and $75 for super
vision approved.
Supervisor Ctwke instructed to procure
tho tieceasary material and rebuild the
bridge on Milwaukee and Foster road
across Rock Creek.
Kxiens account of (.'57.10 incurred in
improving the Winston and Union sc hool
house road allowed. Kxpciihe account
of (2.'15 65 for improvement of Milwau
kee and Foster wad ordered paid .
Clerk instructed to draw a warrant in
favor ol Thos. Brown for ( SI, it being
one-half of the cost of improving the
Baker Brdge ami Fagalda Mill road, the
other half having been donated by Mr.
Salaries of county cfiicials ordered
paid, warrant lo issued at the close of
each month without further action by
this court.
Relative to the complaint of H. W.
Ross that obstructions exist in the road
east of Feltheimer's F'erry, Snrvisor
Cooke having reported that such was
not the case, tho complaint was dis
missed. The sum of (1(1 er month appropri
ated for the care of J . Bronaghan, a u
ht and Judge Hayes directed to make
permanent arrangements for his care.
County clerk directed to advertise for
a county physician to attend all paupers
and lo furnish the necessary medicine
Bids (o ho oH-ned Aug. 0 al 3 p. m,
I'etition of N, Pavn et al for improve'
ntent of county road from Sandy to
Pleasant Home denied, as petitioners
had not complied with general rule of
court to subscribe a sum equal to the
amount asked of the county.
License granted T. J. McFarlund to
sell liquor in less quantities than one
quart in Oswego precinct.
Walter A. Robinson appointed con
stable for district No. 3.
Annual reports of county officers ap
proved and placed on file.
Ordered that the sum of (200 be trans
ferred from the general fund of the
countvto the indigent soldier fund.
Supervisor Carter auiborixcd to ex
pend the sum ol (25 on the county road
from K. P. Carter's place to Soda
Mileage and jier diem allowed as fol
lows: R. Scott, 4 days, 22 miles; (14.20;
Frank Jat;gar, 4 days, 12 miles, (13.20.
The following bills were considered:
Sidney Smyth, surveyor ( 6 00
C W Ganong, sheriff 11(50 00
J C Bradley, assessor ll2 00
Geo. F. liorton, clerk 7l3 00
Mrs Lin.ie Stricklin, pauper accv 5 00
Bobbins A Son 15 00
John Niebur, court house 3 50
Peter Nehren " ... 6 63
OCIron Works, road acct 4 00
Nobbtl'B stable, " " 3 IK)
A V Stokes, election acct 2 50
Geo Dunlavey, " " .... 3 00
J M Tracey, " " 5 00
Deputy Sheriff" Juno election
claimed (258.35, allowed.... 150 45
Making official count 18 00
Portland Hospital pauper acct 6 00
Geo Randall, J. P.court 2 60
V W Gutter, witness 4 70
R L Holnian, coroner 22 10
OCS & 0 Co, ct house 2 00
J and W White " " 4 75
FjNtkkprisr, stationery 1)2 75
S B Califf, treasurer 0 00
II 8 Gibson, educational nitg.. 7 80
Wm Knight, election account 2 50
W II Cooke, " " 5 00
W A Huntley, supplies 28 15
Portland Rest, meals for insane 2 00
Chas Sweet, et al 15 00
State vs Mary Kmbree, insane 15 IX)
" " Geo and Fred Buckner 7 90
" " Rudolph Kgenter 20 80
" " Kalder 19 90
" " Jack Tucker 3 60
KL Jones 75
" "V Schlappi 49 80
" " W Wilson and II Nass 77 55
" " Jas Robeson 11 70
" 15 15
" "TELlnn 44 00
" " K S Bramhall 98 05
" " C H Schallor 81 GO
" " Jos Drake, 89 45
' " Thos Roots and A Foster 2140
" " John Doo, laid over. ... 5 35
Elmer Plxon et al, drawing jury
list, not allowed 7 00
Courier, printing tax list, laid
over 900 45
Ben C Irwin & Co. records 13 50
Morrison Ft.
Between U & 3d, Portlam!.
(i. ,
Trullinger was in town last
Prof. S. Downs of Oswego was in town
C. Harris of Cberrjville
was in town
last Monday.
II. Hammond of Skamokawa,
was in
town Monday.
J. P. Woodle of Kngle Creek waa in
town last week.
Mr. and Miss Ginther were in town
from Mink last Monday.
L. A. Bleakrtey of Wilboit was in
town the first of the week.
Charles Rutherford of Highland was in
town on business last Monday.
Dr. J. II. Hickman of Clackamas
called at the court houso Mondav.
II. F. Gibson of Kagla Creek was in
Oregon City last Friday and Saturday.
A. B. Little of Columbia county, was
in the city a couple of days the past week.
Sheriff Maddock was in Portland on
Wednesday attending the state associa
tion of sherills.
Judge Joseph Dobyns of Merlin spent
a few days visiting friends in this city
the past week.
Miss Nellie Lambert of Portland is
sending the week with tier sister, Mrs.
A. B. Graham.
Walter Glover of Eagle Creek was in
town last week, the guest of his sister,
Mrs. H. 8. Gibson.
J. II. Pomeroy Stqierintendent of the
iron mines at Oswego was in the city on
business last Fridav.
Mrs. W. J. Caldwell, of this City is
sending a few weeks in that country, at
the residence of Mrs. Dixon.
Sidney Smyth returned Thursday
morning from a trip into Washington to
look after bridge contracts.
Miss Neita Barlow ha gone to Gear-
hart Park to siiend several weeks with
her friend, Miss Watt, of Portland.
E. L. Trullinger and wife of Union
Mills, were in town Sunday visiting Mrs.
Trullinger's sister, Mm. H. S.Gibson.,
Dr. Parker, who formerly practiced
in this city and who still owns property
on the hill was in the city last Friday.
Captain Cowing intends to go to Ya-
qnina with bis wife the last of the week
for a little rest and recreation at the
Rev. W. H. McLain of the
Brethren church has moved with his
family to Clarkes so as to be nearer the
center of his field of labor.
Mm. D. W, Hulburt of Fairhaven,
Washington is in the city visiting her
brother. Captain T. F. Cowing. She
w ill probably remain for some time.
P. F. Morey and party arrived home
from their Alaskan trip on Tuesday even
ing ami Mr. Morey is looking much im
proved in health. He reports a pleasant
Mrs. D. H. Glass and Miss Juliet
Fullerton intend to leave on Friday to
visit friends up the valley after which
they will go for a visit to their parents
at Alsea.
George F. Smith, who has been visit
ing his mother during her late sickness
and who is slowly improving, left this
week for the Sound. His many friends
here wish him prosperity and that he
may return soon to remain .
G. L. Boone and wife of Yaquina
have been in the city the past week
visiting Mrs. Boone's mother, Mrs.
Mary Painter. Mr. Boone was born and
lived most of his life at the ferry up the
Willamette bearing his name, it having
been established by his father in an
early day.
Eloci'tion. To those who would like
to take a course in elocution, so that
they may acquit themselves with credit
whether it be before an audienue or in a
social gatheiing, the opportunity is now-
offered of taking lessons under one of the
best instructors in the state. Miss
Bessie Evans, of Oswego, will organiie
a class in elocution at the Baptist
church next Tuesday at5 :30 p. in. Miss
Bessie Fans has a large class in Port
land and in Oswego. Her skill in teach
ing is not excelled by the best in Port
land. The local land office has been instruc
ted to dispense with two clerks which
leaves but one to assist with the work of
both offices. Four, J. G. Pilsbury, W. L.
Miller, Miss Mina Kelly and Miss Tillie
Ganong have heretofore been employed
Mr. Pilsbury has quit and it is now a
question as to which one of the others i
will remain. It will make it well nigh '
impossible for the register and re
ceiver to get through with the
large amount of work in this office with
so littlo helo.
Hard times Prices.
S. F. Scripture has reduced the price
of horse shoeing to (1.50 per horse until
further notice. All work at bottom
prices. Many years experience insures
first class work.
Have Heard of Them.
( Iniiilnuqna .Vitc.
The Y M. C. A. double quartette, of
Portland, will sing on Young People's
day, July 21. This is the company of
young men that have been singing on the
plaza at Dr. Wallace's lectures to work
ing men
Patriotic Day promises to be the big
gest on the irogatn I.r. Wallace gives
the afternoon address, and Roland Grant
in the evening. Mr. Wallace is a star of
the first magnitude. He has lectured to
magnificent audiences from the Atlantic
to the Pacific and in Europe.
The F;ast Side Railway company have
engaged to put banners on their cars a
week beforehand advertising the Chau
tauqua Assembly at Gladstone Park on
iJuly 24, 25and2.
The Portland Chautauqua circles have
called meetings to endorse this assembly
and will come op in force on Education
Dr. C. E. Locke says: "I congratulate
you on your enterprise. Oregon City is
the natural point for snob an assembly."
Dr. Locke will give his popular lecture
'Give the Girls a Chance," on the after
noon of July 20.
Dr. A. J. Brown of the First Presby
terian church of Portland has consented
to deliver his oration on Abraham Lin
coln and the Civil War on Patriotic day,
July 25.
President Chapman of the State Uui
versitv, will give bis famovs Shake
spearean lecture on '"King Levi," on the
morning of July 2ti.
Prof. Hawley, of Salem, will speak
July 24th.
President Campbell of Monmouth will
assist on edcational day.
A. S. Dresser is training a magnificant
Three bands have promised to play at
the Assembly.
Outside parties are inquiring tor
boarding places during the Assembly.
Lunch counters, refreshment stands,
etc., will reap a harvest on the grounds.
A Genuine Bargain.
40 teres of good land near Macksburg
two new houses, garden, well, etc., 20
acres slashed and seeded to grass.
Daily mail. Good school, etc. Will
sell one house or will sell all. Will trade
for Oregon City property. This will ap
pear but twice. Write immediately.
Address, J. S. Wolkeb,
4t Macksburg, Or.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr.
King's Dis-
covery know its value.
its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it Iree. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Send
your name and address to H. E. Buck
len&Co., Chicago, and get a sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free,
as well as a copy of Guide to Health
and Household Instructor, Free. All
of which is guaranteed to do you good
and cost nothing you G. A. Harding's
drug store.
we sell asi
low as we can
lower than
ever before.
We have
too many.
We are after
Corner Fifth
Main St.,
Oregon City,
It miket a light, live, iweot loaf. Dealers el
It on tht manHfai'turera' guarantee, CLOSSET
DKVfc'RS, Portland, Or.
Brwui mad with
Uncle Horn Will
Deliver Them
, ny where.
Oregon City Dye Works
Cleaning and Repairing
Gentlt rntn's Hat Dyed & Cleaned.
Ladies' Work a Specialty
febAwli, Cloaks iind Drew uiven ai good
aii appearance as uew.
Feathers, Gloves, Etc.,
Clmnti, soil firtn ay Mimt dnircl.
Firnt Clasw Work. Lowent Rates.
Foot of Fifth St., Oregon City, Or.
To Horsemen!
The Well Known Full Hlootl
English Shire Home.
Will le on his regular route
and at
Noblitt's Livery Stable,
Oregon err,
Monday of Each Week.
Full particulars by address
ing Chas. Noblitt or the
Owner and Manager.
Paris Hair store.
13.) Fifth St Portland, Or.
We are spec
ialists in mak
ing wigs and
ton p e t a for
street wear for
ladies & genu.
Most natural
looking. Come
and see us if
vou need any
thing. The best
place in Port-land-
Febvet & Hanebout,
Mfgs. Human Hair Goods.
moved In Odd Fellows' temple 8. W. Cor. lit
aud Alder, PorlUud, Oregeu.
GUues Fitted and Furnished. 169 First Street,
Portluid, Oregon.
In County Court of Clackamas County, State ot
Notice is hereby given, that the underslgDed
has been duly appointed by the above entitled
Court administrator ol tha estate ol Guatlne
Gaedke. deceased; and all persons havlni
claims again! said estate are herebv notified
to prerent them, with the proper affidavit at
tached, to the undersigned al his office in Ore
gon City in said county and state within six
mouths irom the date ol this notice
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 22d day or
June, IStH, 8 Hl'ELAT, Adm'r
St of the estate of Gustine Gaedke.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Successor to U. H. T. A L. Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Kigs of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
Main Street, near Fifth.
A strictly first class resort conduct-
ed under American principles.
All the Best Brands of Cigars.
Notice Is hereby given, that I have been ap
pointed by the County Court of Clackamas
county, Oregon, guardian of the person and es
tate of E. W. Cresney, a person incapable ol tak
ing care of his own s flairs through Imbecility.
All persons are notified to have no dealinga
with said E. W. C reuse y, as I will not be repon
sible for any debts he maycontrar t All money
or obligations owing said E. YV.Cressey must ba.
paid to me. i. C. Uvnorriord, Guaniian.
June 20, ISM. -i:7-a